
when I first saw the subject line for this, I guess I missed the word
"club"... thought it said AV review... so I was curious to see if
anyone else had a similar opinion to the AV at the main stage as I

which is ...  other than for a few brief moments on Monday, the AV was
rather painfully un-artistic, rough, and didn't show me anything I
would've wanted to see on the stage, like what records they were

Does anyone knows who did the Video Directing?

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Kelly B. Delaney
> Yeah, I didn't think to look at those until just now. Aside from the
> usual, "techno sucks. hawkwind 4 life!" and "doesn't Detroit swallow
> white people whole upon entering the city?" drivel, these comments got
> my gag reflex kicking:
> Death Of The American Industrial City
> by boredlady
> Yinz guys forgot about Pittsburgh.
> Hey AV Club! Pittsburgh can have music festivals too! It's sponsored
> by American Eagle and the headliner is none other than Bob Dylan!!
> Come on guys!
> 4:09 PM Thurs May 29, 2008
>    *
>    RE: Death Of The American Industrial City
>      by caplives?
>      Isn't Girl Talk from Pittsburgh? You guys should have your own
> electronic music festival.
> *retch*
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Matt Kane's Brain
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Geez, there's so many pathetic comments after the article. The Greater
>> Internet F*ckwad effect is taking over the entire tubeweb. Ugh.
>> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Kelly B. Delaney
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Not sure if anyone posted this yet or not, but the AV Club has a
>>> fairly decent article about the festival:
>>> --
>> --
>> matt kane's brain
>> biweekly techno radio at:
> --

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