Last week on "Invisible Cracker Mom":

MSK> I think poor BT must have gotten it from somewhere else and it then sent
MSK> itself to everyone in his address book.  It came through on my other e-mail
MSK> address which I had used to reply to that topic (techno as the next big
MSK> thing...) off list.

You should be aware that the message probably didn't come from BT.
The latest round of E-mail worms will take two addresses from a host's
machine and use one as the sender, and the other as the receiver.
Whoever's got the bug simply has both BT and the 313 list in their
Outlook address book.

It's similar to the way spammers enjoy spoofing their reply-to paths
to make it look like I'm sending out huge masses of Hungarian incest

I'd like to take an aluminum Easton to the idiot who keeps doing

Brian "balistic" Prince - art and techno
Strokes of Defiance EP . . . soon.

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