[algogeeks] Re: Code4Bill Stage 2

2006-02-15 Thread raja

I did not write the algo.
No idea how many got through. I myself am tryign to find out. Got
interview call at Gurgaon on 19th. If I knew how many are called ...
By the way, I am trying my best to change the date to 25th on
Bangalore. Need some preparation :)

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[algogeeks] Re: Cormen Problem

2006-02-15 Thread Gene

This is the idea my code used, though I kept track of the start of the
array with a pointer and the end with an integer length.

You seem to imply that the median of an array is always a single
element (at n1 or n2).  Care is necessary when the lengths of the
arrays are even.  In this case the median is the average of the middle
two elements.  When you recompute p1,p1,p2,q2, you must account for
this.  That's where my original code makes a small error.  It's not
hard to fix, but it needs to be fixed.

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[algogeeks] Re: audio streaming,ftp,chating between linux server and windows client in a local network

2006-02-15 Thread Terry

laky wrote:
> i am doing a final semester project on this topics ,so help on this
> geeks

FTP client  is done using TCP protocol.
just open port 21 and send in commands USER username and PASS password.
see the RFC or sniffer log traces for more info or it is on the web.
Chat client can be done using TCP or UDP. Same thing listening to a
port and replying or parsing the data.

For Audio stream you use RTSP realtime streaming protocol or can write
your own format/protocol .Better done using UDP or if latency is very
little then TCP

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2006-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recently I print out several papers about sorting algorithms. The
following 3 papers are worth of reading about recent advances in
sorting algorithm.

"Sorting In Linear Time?" by A. Andersson, T. Hagerup, S. Nilsson, and
R. Raman (Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of
Computing, 1995

S Nilsson - DOCTOR DOBBS JOURNAL, 2000 - ddj.com
... DDJ > Dr. Dobb's Articles > Dr. Dobb's Journal, 2000 > 0004. The
Fastest Sorting
Algorithm? ... Sorting n integers in time proportional to n log log n.
Cited by 4 - Web Search - BL Direct

Deterministic sorting in O (n log log n) time and linear space - group
of 5 ยป
Y Han - Conference Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory
..., 2002 - portal.acm.org
Deterministic Sorting in ... This also improves previous best
deterministic sorting
algorithm[3, 11] which sorts in O(n log log n) time but uses O(m )
space. ...
Cited by 14 - Web Search - BL Direct

Last year I bought Knuth's 3rd volume "Sorting and Searching" publised
in 1998, second version, but I don't understand why it doesn't mention
the paper written by A. Andersson in 1995. If you look at the book, it
still claims O(N*logN) timing.

I haven't read these paper very carefull, just browse their titles.

Basically, the new algorithm combines two original algorithms mentioned
well in Knuth's book: radix sorting and merge sorting.

Any comments are welcome.


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[algogeeks] Re: new friend

2006-02-15 Thread Kevin

The best part of BBS or Web is:
you can ask whatever you want.
if someone knows it, he may reply.
if no one knows it or too lazy to reply, then it doesn't hurt either.

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[algogeeks] Re: Interview question: can this be done?

2006-02-15 Thread Kevin

I get what Terry means now. But it still uses 625/800 = 78% of the
naive method in terms of diskspace (or memory, whatever), so I think
the save is not big enough (the job interview is R&D targeted, which I
assume they want to hear one with "large" saving).

Prateek's idea is to reduce the time of whole set read in (suppose they
are saved to disk since there are many of them). It should work if the
give k does not show up frequently. For each k, on average, I think we
only need to read in 200/5000 = 4% percent of the whole sets, on 96%
times we only need to check the begining and ending index. But I am
kind of worry for the step 4), which will vary the value of k for many

beelzebub mentioned "co-prime", interesting. I will think a little bit
more of it.

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[algogeeks] Re: new friend

2006-02-15 Thread beelzebub

Please go ahead and ask your question.

[algogeeks] Re: Interview question: can this be done?

2006-02-15 Thread beelzebub

I like Terry's idea.
Let's say the 5000 numbers are: {1,2,...,5000}

For every 200 numbers you choose, create a 5000 bit string .. which
corresponds to 625 bytes
which is infact less than the 800 bytes you would require to store the
200 numbers as ints.
You don't store the 200 numbers explicitly, only these 5000bit

To analyze a particular subset, read in its bitstring. To check k,
calculate it's offset in the bitstring
and check if its 0 or 1. This is constant time operation.

I actually liked Kevin's original idea of using prime numbers and
coming up with a single hash value. But yeah, there are practical
limitations with that. You don't really need them all to be prime, u
just need them to be co-prime.

[algogeeks] new friend

2006-02-15 Thread amani

Hi I'm new student and I try to foun some one can help me to know more
about  Algorithm. Do you minde if I ask some Q to help me andestand?

[algogeeks] Re: Cormen Problem

2006-02-15 Thread rohit

Hello all, thanks for providing some solutions, this is the solution to
the problem that I had given earlier although a informal one

let the two arrays be A1 and A2 with p1, q1  he start and end of the
first array and p2, q2 be the start and end of the second array.
let n1 be the median of the first array and let n2 be the median of the
second array.
Now compare n1 and n2 if n1 == n2 then theis is the median otherwise
if n1 < n2 then the median lies between A1(elements from n1 to q1 i.e
elements to the right of n1) and A2(elements from p2 to n2 i.e elements
to the left of n2) and vice versa otherwise i.e if n1>n2. we will go on
like this until n1 is not equal to n2 or a very small number of
elements is reached from which  we can find the median
As we are splitting both the arrays in half in each step this algo will
work in O(lg n) time which was the required solution

[algogeeks] Re: Code4Bill Stage 2

2006-02-15 Thread aditya

congg first. i mean you got two Q's in the last stage, i mean were you
supposed to write the algo also. any idea how many got thru the
raja wrote:
> May be you did not qualify because the score calculation for the top
> 10% was cumulative. My performance in the last stage was also terrible.
> I solved the last question, but the algo of my solution to question 2
> is running on exponential time complexity :) Probably I got promoted
> because of my good performance in 2nd round.