Heute (28.12.2005/13:07 Uhr) schrieb MJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),

> Hi,
> I am running postfix 2.2.4 on Solaris 8 with amavisd-new.2.3.2,
> SpamAssassin 3.1.0 and Clamav as an AV/AS gateway to my main
> email system. Since we are any ISP and we received thousands of SPAM
> messages I want to report these messages to spamcop. I have gone through
> the faq's on spamcop site and some docs on spamassassin site but still I
> didn't get a clear idea how to configure this. Can any one guide me on
> this.

> Second question is that am using postfix to check the rbls, is it OK

it`s the only (the best IMHO) way or maybe turn on the RBL checks of SA.

>  or I need to check this in amavisd?

amavis can`t do this.

> Thanks,
> MJ

Viele Grüße, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
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