Re: [arch-general] battery charges only 49%

2012-04-23 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista
> Hello,
> I have a notebook lenovo G470 recently realized that the battery only
> charges up to 49% searched the wiki and found that there is a software
> called ts_mapi, he is not installed, but my computer is behaving as if
> estivese with the software installed. There was some-changing or
> updating the kernel that could have enabled this feature of the
> battery?
> Could someone help me?

Try checking the laptop with a some other linux distro or even
Windows. See what happens.

[arch-general] unable to update system, pacman acting up (again!)

2012-04-11 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am unable to update my system. I guess this problem has occurred to me before
but unfortunately I forgot how to get around it.

[papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo pacman -Su
:: The following packages should be upgraded first :
:: Do you want to cancel the current operation
:: and upgrade these packages now? [Y/n] y

resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: gcc-libs and gcc-libs-multilib are in conflict. Remove
gcc-libs-multilib? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: gcc-multilib: requires gcc-libs-multilib=4.7.0-3

Madhurya Kakati

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Re: [arch-general] Cannot upgrade.

2012-02-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Feb 15, 2012 11:35 PM, "jwbirdsong" 
> > Dude, what are these extra repos for? Can you tell me how to include
them in my
> > pacman.conf?
> > Thanks.
> One REALLY has to wonder about the wisdom of a statment like that.. What
> are those repos for... i want them.. REALLY??  why would you want
> them/need to know how to include them if you have  no idea what they are
> for.
> Just my 2 cents

Sorry for my bad English. I can't express myself properly in English.
I didn't mean I wanted to include all of those repos. I just wanted to know
how many such unofficial repos exist and how to add them to my system. I
also wanted to know what other applications could I find there that aren't
available in the official repo and AUR.

Re: [arch-general] Cannot upgrade.

2012-02-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 02/14/12 at 11:49pm, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> The pacman upgrade didn't cause trouble here. When I run pacman -Syu the
> first time, only pacman was shown. Directly after installing it I run
> pacman -Syu again and there where 5 targets.
> # ntpdate
> 14 Feb 23:34:30
> # pacman -Syu
> :: Synchronizing package databases...
>  core
>  extra
>  community
>  multilib
>  archaudio-production is up to date
>  archaudio-preview is up to date
>  kxstudio-free
>  kxstudio-free is up to date
>  kxstudio-non-fre
>  kxstudio-non-free is up to date
>  arch-fonts is up to date
>  archaudio-nightly is up to date
>  archaudio-experimental is up to date
Dude, what are these extra repos for? Can you tell me how to include them in my
Madhurya Kakati

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
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Description: PGP signature

[arch-general] Cannot upgrade.

2012-02-14 Thread Madhurya Kakati
The command pacman -Su fails(I ran -Sy separately before this). I last updated 
the system day before yesterday.

$ sudo pacman -Su
:: The following packages should be upgraded first :
:: Do you want to cancel the current operation
:: and upgrade these packages now? [Y/n] 
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: gcc-libs and gcc-libs-multilib are in conflict. Remove
gcc-libs-multilib? [y/N] N
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: gcc-libs and gcc-libs-multilib are in conflict

Do I have to remove gcc-libs-multilib?
Madhurya Kakati

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
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Re: [arch-general] Join my network on LinkedIn

2012-02-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 02/13/12 at 12:04pm, Calvin Morrison wrote:
> I never thought abut it like that. WE COULD ALL BE REALLY LINKED IN.
> All we have to do is start spamming the mailing lists to get linked
> in. think about it - great idea!
> Keep up the good work Erwin Jose Lopez Pulgarin!
> Calvin Morrison

Not sure if sarcasm or for real. :P
Madhurya Kakati

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Re: [arch-general] problem installing custom kernel

2012-02-01 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 02/01/12 at 01:13pm, Alexandre Ferrando wrote:
> provides=('kernel26')
>  conflicts=('kernel26')
>  replaces=('kernel26')
> That's you problem in the PKGBUILD. Your custom kernel doesn't need to
> provide, conflict nor replace kernel26, as that is what causes it to
> conflict with the Arch one

OK. I read the wiki page once more and found out my mistake. Since my kernel
has already been compiled can I create the package without compiling it again?
Madhurya Kakati

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
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[arch-general] problem installing custom kernel

2012-02-01 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I tried compiling and installing the linux kernel from ABS. I modified the
PKGBUILD file as mentioned in the wiki. The kernel compiles fine and the pkg
gets built with the name linux-custom as specified in the PKGBUILD. But when I
try to install it I get the following error:

$ sudo pacman -Uv linux-custom-3.2.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz 
Root  : /
Conf File : /etc/pacman.conf
DB Path   : /var/lib/pacman/
Cache Dirs: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/  
Lock File : /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Log File  : /var/log/pacman.log
GPG Dir   : /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
Targets   : linux-custom-3.2.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: linux-custom and linux are in conflict (kernel26). Remove linux? [y/N] N
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: linux-custom and linux are in conflict

I have attached the PKGBUILD.
Madhurya Kakati

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
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# $Id: PKGBUILD 130991 2011-07-09 12:23:51Z thomas $
# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski 
# Maintainer: Thomas Baechler 

#pkgname=('linux' 'linux-headers' 'linux-docs') # Build stock -ARCH kernel
pkgname=linux-custom   # Build kernel with a different name
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
makedepends=('xmlto' 'docbook-xsl')
# the main kernel config files
'config' 'config.x86_64'
# standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk

build() {
  cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"

  # add upstream patch
  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/patch-${pkgver}"

  # add latest fixes from stable queue, if needed

  # fix FS#27883
  # drm/i915: Only clear the GPU domains upon a successful finish
  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/i915-gpu-finish.patch"

  # Some chips detect a ghost TV output
  # mailing list discussion:
  # Arch Linux bug report: FS#19234
  # It is unclear why this patch wasn't merged upstream, it was accepted,
  # then dropped because the reasoning was unclear. However, it is clearly
  # needed.
  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/i915-fix-ghost-tv-output.patch"

  # set DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL to 4 (same value as the 'quiet' kernel param)
  # remove this when a Kconfig knob is made available by upstream
  # (relevant patch sent upstream:
  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/change-default-console-loglevel.patch"

  if [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ]; then
cat "${srcdir}/config.x86_64" > ./.config
cat "${srcdir}/config" > ./.config

  if [ "${_kernelname}" != "" ]; then
sed -i "s|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=.*|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=\"${_kernelname}\"|g" 

  # set extraversion to pkgrel
  sed -ri "s|^(EXTRAVERSION =).*|\1 -${pkgrel}|" Makefile

  # get kernel version
  make prepare

  # load configuration
  # Configure the kernel. Replace the line below with one of your choice.
  #make menuconfig # CLI menu for configuration
  make nconfig # new CLI menu for configuration
  #make xconfig # X-based configuration
  #make oldconfig # using old config from previous kernel version
  # ... or manually edit .config

  # stop here
  # this is useful to configure the kernel
  #msg "Stopping build"
  #return 1

  yes "" | make config

  # build!
  make -j8 bzImage modules

package_linux-custom() {
  pkgdesc="The Linux Kernel and modules"
  depends=('coreutils' 'linux-firmware' 'module-init-tools>=3.16' 

Re: [arch-general] python problems while compiling Android 4.0

2012-01-29 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Jan 29, 2012 4:13 PM, "Thanasis Georgiou"  wrote:
>>Look at the command carefully. I used python2. That means it is running
> > 2.7.2. Right now I am downloading python2.6 from AUR. Hope that helps.
> > --
> > Madhurya Kakati
> Yes but check, for example, line 23 in the repo script. It clearly
> runs 'python' and not 'python2' or 'python3' and since 'python' stands
> for 'python3' in Archlinux so I think that's the problem.
> --
> Thanasis Georgiou

Hmm.. Didn't read the repo script properly. Will try doing that.
Thanks. :-)

P.S: Why isn't python 3 backwards compatible?

Re: [arch-general] python problems while compiling Android 4.0

2012-01-29 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 01/29/12 at 12:28pm, Thanasis Georgiou wrote:
> I remember doing this, it was a problem with python. I think it wanted
> python2 but it found python3, something like that. I couldn't really
> understand the script, it was python inside bash so instead of
> spending years trying to fix it I moved /usr/bin/python to
> /usr/bin/python.bak and copied /usr/bin/python2 to /usr/bin/python.
> This is a (really) -bad- solution, if you try it remember to restore
> the files or something will surely go wrong.
> -- 
> Thanasis Georgiou

Look at the command carefully. I used python2. That means it is running python
2.7.2. Right now I am downloading python2.6 from AUR. Hope that helps.
Madhurya Kakati

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
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Description: PGP signature

[arch-general] python problems while compiling Android 4.0

2012-01-29 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am trying to compile android 4.0 with the help of an article I found 
online[1]. When I execute a command I get the following error:

$ python2 ~/bin/repo init -u -b ics-x86
  File "/home/papul/android-x86/.repo/repo/", line 149
  except DownloadError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I think the problem is with python2.

Madhurya Kakati

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Re: [arch-general] security problem in X with screen saver

2012-01-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 01/19/12 at 09:57am, Magnus Therning wrote:
> Yes indeed, that works.  What the hell was that other article doing
> mentioning all those Fn-keys then?
> -- 
> Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4

Just confirming that it works. I hope arch adds the patch to the repos soon.
Madhurya Kakati

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
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Re: [arch-general] Email via mutt+offlineimap+msmtp

2012-01-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 01/13/12 at 08:55am, Alfredo Palhares wrote:
> Excerpts from Madhurya Kakati's message of Fri Jan 13 07:23:43 +0100 2012:
> > Mailed just to say that all of my problems have been resolved. It was a 
> > weird
> > bug with mutt.
> Yeah like, adding "Re:" on every fucking message and not using In-reply-to or 
> References tag, and break my fucking threads. No offense :)
> --
> With the best regards,
> Alfredo Palhares
Sorry for that. How do I configure mutt to use In-reply-to instead of adding
Re: to the subject?(if it is possible to do so.)

Re: [arch-general] Email via mutt+offlineimap+msmtp

2012-01-12 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Mailed just to say that all of my problems have been resolved. It was a weird
bug with mutt.

[arch-general] Email via mutt+offlineimap+msmtp

2012-01-07 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am trying to send and receive emaisl using mutt. I am using
offlineimap to download and store all my emails from two of my gmail
accounts. I have followed the following two guides [1] [2] to setup my
configuration. My problem is that when I try to compose an email, mutt
automatically chooses my second email account to send mails from
whereas I want my first account to be the one from which mails are
sent by default.
In my config files I have named my first email account for both imap
and smtp as well as for my local mail dir "mkakati" and my second one
"papul". So mutt chooses papul account to send mails from everytime i
compose an email. Basically what I want is that I want the mkakati
account to be the one from which emails are sent. Also I would like to
be able to choose from which email account I wantr to send mails. I
have folder-hooks setup so that it changes to from field according to
the folder (i.e account) I am in. But that doesn't seem to be working

 have provided links to my offlineimaprc, muttrc, msmtprc and some
other files below.



Re: [arch-general] Happy new 2012 year!

2012-01-01 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. Let's hope that the new
year means larger user base and popularity for arch and its derivatives.
Keep up with your good work developers.
Also it was rather sad Japan had to face an earthquake on the very first
day. :(

Re: [arch-general] How do I uncomment a locale?

2011-12-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
> On 15/12/2011, at 8:32 PM, Frédéric Perrin wrote:
> > On 14.12.2011 01:02, Sébastien Leblanc wrote:
> >>In your case it would be the Australian English locale (en_AU, I
> >> think).
> >
> > What is the difference between en_GB, en_US and en_AU ? Is the motd
> > updated to tell you "Good morning, Sir", "Hi guy" or "Good day, mate"?
> >
> > --
> > Fred
> >
> Grant McDuling
> Writer
On Dec 16, 2011 4:12 AM, "Grant McDuling"  wrote:
> Thanks everyone for your help. I have Arch (Gnome) up and running
beautifully and I am now a convert. But when I boot up, I don't have an
Arch logo on the boot up screen as I see some do on You Tube. Any way I can
fix this?
> Grant

You can have a boot splash. Check plymouth, fbsplash etc. on the arch wiki.

Re: [arch-general] Top Posting Revisited

2011-12-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Dec 16, 2011 9:06 AM, "Kazuo Teramoto"  wrote:
> On 2011-12-16T01:21:22, Calvin Morrison wrote:
> >Yeah lets all just spam fuck gmail devs because they won't add a
> >bottom posting feature.
> >
> I don't think this is a solution.
> Part of the whole 'bottom posting' thing is about *reading* and
> *thinking* about the reply and not *automatic* replying to a message.

I did top posting sometimes because on my low end phone's opera
mini browser didn't allow me to reply inline. All this has changed now
since I got an Android smartphone.

Re: [arch-general] Mounting drives via nautilus stopped working after update.

2011-12-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Dec 5, 2011 4:48 PM, "Tom Gundersen"  wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Madhurya Kakati 
> > Is there no way other than installing gdm. It installs pulseaudio and
> > messes everything on my system. Happened the last time. Don't want to go
> > through it again.
> "pacman -S gdm"
> play around
> "pacman -Rsc gdm"
> Should get you back where you started. There might be another way to
> figure out what's wrong, but I don't know what to suggest.
> -t

Will kdm do? It doesn't install pulseaudio I guess. You want to check if
policykit starts up or not, right?

Re: [arch-general] Mounting drives via nautilus stopped working after update.

2011-12-04 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Nov 29, 2011 8:11 PM, "Tom Gundersen"  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> > Sorry to break the flow here, but how do I solve my problem.
> You did not (as far as I could see) answer my initial question:
> "Are you able to reproduce the problem if you use GDM in stead of slim
> and start it using the rc-script rather than inittab?"
> Cheers,
> Tom

Is there no way other than installing gdm. It installs pulseaudio and that
messes everything on my system. Happened the last time. Don't want to go
through it again.

Re: [arch-general] Mounting drives via nautilus stopped working after update.

2011-11-29 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Sorry to break the flow here, but how do I solve my problem.

Re: [arch-general] Mounting drives via nautilus stopped working after update.

2011-11-28 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Saturday, November 26, 2011, Clive Cooper wrote:

> On 25 November 2011 15:12, Madhurya Kakati 
> >
> wrote:
> > Well what I said is true. When I first started using arch I didn't mind
> > when stuff broke. But now after setting up the OS according to my tastes
> I
> > want it to stay as it is. So I want it to be stable. But I also don't
> want
> > to sacrifice the freedom if using arch.
> > And I made this my primary work OS and it really is hurting productivity
> as
> > I tend to work on a lot of removal drives.
> > On Nov 25, 2011 6:00 PM, "Tom Gundersen" >
> wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >> 
> >
> >> wrote:
> >> > After a recent update, I am unable to mount any drives by clicking
> their
> >> > names in nautilus side panel like I used to do before. I use awesome
> wm
> >> and
> >> > start it via slim which itself is started via the inittab method.
> >>
> >> Are you able to reproduce the problem if you use GDM in stead of slim
> >> and start it using the rc-script rather than inittab?
> >>
> >> > I have dbus installed and it starts up automatically at boot. Also in
> my
> >> > .xinitrc file I have ck-launch-session and dbus-launch before awesome.
> >>
> >> This sounds like it should work, but I don't use your precise setup so
> >> cannot confirm it. I seem to remember other people having similar
> >> problems and replacing SLIM with something else fixed it (but I don't
> >> remember the details so I might be wrong).
> >>
> >> > Everything used to work fine like this before the update. Now when I
> try
> >> to
> >> > mount a drive I get the error not authorized. I am also in the group
> >> > storage.
> >>
> >> ConsoleKit, UDisks and PolicyKit should be responsible for this
> >> working and you should not need to be in any particular group.
> >>
> >> > I really like arch Linux but these stuff breaking on updates is what
> >> pisses
> >> > me off.
> >> > Please help me as this is affecting my productivity on my machine.
> >>
> >> Pro tip: You'd be more likely to get help if you skipped these kind of
> >> comments...
> >>
> >> -t
> >>
> >
> I had this happen once quite some time ago now.What I found was that a
> library file went missing.
> Try this...ldd /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitorSee if it tells
> you that a file is missing and if so then just install the required
> package.
> Outside of that installing devmon from AUR could solve the problem.
> Clive--
> Infinity: A concept for those who cannot comprehend the big picture.
> () Arch Linux - For movers and shakers. ()

Here is the output for the command
ldd /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor =>  (0x7fff73fff000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479ed9b000) => /lib/ (0x7f479eb91000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479e979000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479e735000) => /lib/ (0x7f479e518000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479e1d8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479df88000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479dd83000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479da8e000) => /lib/ (0x7f479d707000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479d503000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479d2dc000) => /lib/ (0x7f479d0d4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479ceb2000) => /lib/ (0x7f479cca4000) => /lib/ (0x7f479caa1000)
/lib/ (0x7f479efd6000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479c899000) => /lib/ (0x7f479c695000) => /lib/ (0x7f479c43a000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f479c221000) => /lib/ (0x7f479c00a000) => /lib/ (0x7f479bd8d000) => /lib/ (0x7f479bb8a000)

I don't see any files that might be missing.

Re: [arch-general] Mounting drives via nautilus stopped working after update.

2011-11-25 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Well what I said is true. When I first started using arch I didn't mind
when stuff broke. But now after setting up the OS according to my tastes I
want it to stay as it is. So I want it to be stable. But I also don't want
to sacrifice the freedom if using arch.
And I made this my primary work OS and it really is hurting productivity as
I tend to work on a lot of removal drives.
On Nov 25, 2011 6:00 PM, "Tom Gundersen"  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> wrote:
> > After a recent update, I am unable to mount any drives by clicking their
> > names in nautilus side panel like I used to do before. I use awesome wm
> and
> > start it via slim which itself is started via the inittab method.
> Are you able to reproduce the problem if you use GDM in stead of slim
> and start it using the rc-script rather than inittab?
> > I have dbus installed and it starts up automatically at boot. Also in my
> > .xinitrc file I have ck-launch-session and dbus-launch before awesome.
> This sounds like it should work, but I don't use your precise setup so
> cannot confirm it. I seem to remember other people having similar
> problems and replacing SLIM with something else fixed it (but I don't
> remember the details so I might be wrong).
> > Everything used to work fine like this before the update. Now when I try
> to
> > mount a drive I get the error not authorized. I am also in the group
> > storage.
> ConsoleKit, UDisks and PolicyKit should be responsible for this
> working and you should not need to be in any particular group.
> > I really like arch Linux but these stuff breaking on updates is what
> pisses
> > me off.
> > Please help me as this is affecting my productivity on my machine.
> Pro tip: You'd be more likely to get help if you skipped these kind of
> comments...
> -t

[arch-general] Mounting drives via nautilus stopped working after update.

2011-11-25 Thread Madhurya Kakati
After a recent update, I am unable to mount any drives by clicking their
names in nautilus side panel like I used to do before. I use awesome wm and
start it via slim which itself is started via the inittab method.
I have dbus installed and it starts up automatically at boot. Also in my
.xinitrc file I have ck-launch-session and dbus-launch before awesome.
Everything used to work fine like this before the update. Now when I try to
mount a drive I get the error not authorized. I am also in the group
I really like arch Linux but these stuff breaking on updates is what pisses
me off.
Please help me as this is affecting my productivity on my machine.

Re: [arch-general] problem with qingy - broken after logout

2011-10-22 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Saturday, October 22, 2011, J. Bakshi wrote:

> Dear list,
> I have come from the debian world. I am a debian user and stick to the
> light-weight applications since
> beginning. I have found arch wiki/tutorial etc... are extremely knowledge
> based.. hence I have joined
> the list to gain my knowledge and experience and also to get help on some
> critical issues.
> I am using quingy as a framebuffer login manager. It runs well. But when I
> logout from the console;
> the qingy comes back with a complete broken look.. where no input is
> possible. qingy has some resolution
> issue which I have fixed by editing /etc/directfbrc with the following
> ``
> mode=1024x768-76
> depth=32
> ``
> But still suffering with this broken qingy after logout.
> Has anyone have any clue to fix it ?
> Thanks

Better luck trying out debian forums/mailing lists. This list is only for
archlinux users.

Re: [arch-general] VirtualBox not running properly

2011-10-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
My virtualbox still ain't working and I haven't got a satisfactory solution
till now. :(

Re: [arch-general] VirtualBox not running properly

2011-10-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Richard Schütz wrote:

> Am 13.10.2011 19:48, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Even kvm doesn't seem to work. I loaded the kvm-amd module and added
>> myself
>> to the kvm group. When I try to run qemu with kvm I get this error:
>> Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
>> failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
>> No accelerator found!
> Did you relogin after adding your user to the group?
> --
> Regards,
> Richard Schütz

oops. OK kvm is working but VirtualBox still isn't.

Re: [arch-general] VirtualBox not running properly

2011-10-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Ionut Biru wrote:

> On 10/13/2011 08:28 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I installed Virtual/box from the official repos. However when I try to run
>> a
>> Virtual OS it gives me the following error.
>>  I
>> followed all the instructions after installing it.
> do ls -l /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0
> --
> Ionuț

[papul@archlinux ~]$ ls -l /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 727939 Oct 10 23:37 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0

On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Ionut Biru wrote:

> On 10/13/2011 08:47 PM, Ionut Biru wrote:
>> On 10/13/2011 08:28 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I installed Virtual/box from the official repos. However when I try to
>>> run a
>>> Virtual OS it gives me the following error.
>>> I
>>> followed all the instructions after installing it.
>> do ls -l /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0
> and really,  STOP USING SUDO
> --
> Ionuț


Re: [arch-general] VirtualBox not running properly

2011-10-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Victor Silva wrote:

> Yeah. I meant rc.d sorry I lsed here to check the place of thefile but
> forgot in running ubuntu at work.
> 2011/10/13 Richard Schütz >
> > Am 13.10.2011 19:31, schrieb Victor Silva:
> >
> >  Have you tried to run?
> >> /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
> >> Again?
> >>
> >
> > I think you mean rc.d here, but there is no init script anymore. To build
> > the modules /usr/bin/vboxbuild must be used now.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Richard Schütz
> >

Even kvm doesn't seem to work. I loaded the kvm-amd module and added myself
to the kvm group. When I try to run qemu with kvm I get this error:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
No accelerator found!

[arch-general] VirtualBox not running properly

2011-10-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I installed Virtual/box from the official repos. However when I try to run a
Virtual OS it gives me the following error. I
followed all the instructions after installing it.

Re: [arch-general] no sound coming from speakers after update

2011-10-10 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Monday, October 10, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:

> 2011/10/10 Roman V.Leon. >:
> >> On Monday, October 10, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Madhurya Kakati
> >>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> >> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> >>> >>  >
> >>> >> wrote:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > The last entry in mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help.
> >>> >> However
> >>> >> > when I try to start mpd I get this error, [papul@archlinux ~]$
> >>> >> > sudo rc.d start mpd
> >>> >> > :: Starting Music Player Daemon
> >>> >> > [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 9910 Aborted
> >>> /usr/bin/mpd
> >>> >> > /etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null
> >>> >> >
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Usually I put in hashes ('#') into the /etc/rc.d/mpd script to
> >>> >> check what output there is destroyed. Could be useful.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> cheers!
> >>> >> mar77i
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> > After adding '#' in /etc/rc.d/mpd here's what I get when I try to
> >>> > start
> >>> it,
> >>> > [papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
> >>> > :: Starting Music Player Daemon
> >>> > [BUSY] listen: bind to '' failed: Address already in
> >>> > use (continuing anyway, because binding to '[::]:6600' succeeded)
> >>> > output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
> >>> > output: Attempt to detect audio output device
> >>> > output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device ALSA lib
> >>> > pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect:
> >>> > Connection refused
> >>> >
> >>> > alsa: Error opening default ALSA device: Connection refused
> >>> > output: Attempting to detect a oss audio device
> >>> > oss: Error opening OSS device "/dev/dsp": No such file or directory
> >>> > oss: Error opening OSS device "/dev/sound/dsp": No such file or
> >>> > directory
> >>> > output: Attempting to detect a pulse audio device
> >>> > mpd: src/output/pulse_output_plugin.c:400:
> pulse_output_wait_connection:
> >>> > Assertion `po->mainloop != ((void *)0)' failed.
> >>> > /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 27833 Aborted /usr/bin/mpd
> >>> > /etc/mpd.conf
> >>> >
> >>> > [FAIL]
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> wow that fails for several reasons. you should:
> >>> 1. configure alsa in mpd.conf, then mpd will be mixed over dmix (which
> >>> won't fix the actual problem) 2. make sure the user which runs mpd to
> >>> the audio group and figure out why both alsa and pulse would refuse
> >>> the connection.
> >>> who (uid/gid) runs those, what other security mechanisms could stick
> >>> in between, like a too restrictively configured firewall etc.
> >>>
> >>> oh and you should figure out if mpd is already running, or if this
> >>> config option is plain wrong that makes mpd try to "bind to
> >>> '' failed: Address already in use" ... sometimes mpd hangs
> >>> up and you have to kill it with SIGABRT / 6.
> >>>
> >>> I'm just at a very similar issue a friend of mine is having with mpd
> >>> and jack. you should get those permissions right in the first place...
> >>> :) I'll go there and adjust /etc/group until it works, I guess.
> >>>
> >>> cheers!
> >>> mar77i
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Forget about mpd. Why doesn't audio play on vlc and in browsers? I
> > regularly visit sites like grooveshark,com. Also I do have my username
> > in audio group.
> >> Everything was fine until I ran pacman -Syu. :(
> >
> > Hello Martti.
> > Please show 'ls -l /dev/snd/' output and try to launch alsamixer(under
> > root and unprivileged user) copy all error messages. Be sure that you
> have
> > alsa-utils installed and alsa daemon is running.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Roman.
> >
> >
> > __
> > Рhey Roman,
> I was trying to help here, funny enough running into the exact same
> problem today. :D
> however the original question was asked by madhurya kataki.
> I have a lot of root:audio files in there.
> cheers
> mar77i

So I uninstalled gdm and pulseaudio and am now using xdm with archlinux
theme, which frankly, I don't like. Still hoping someone would tell me how
to use gdm and not let pulseaudio takeover alsa.

Re: [arch-general] no sound coming from speakers after update

2011-10-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Monday, October 10, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >
> wrote:
> > On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >> 
> >
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > The last entry in  mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help.
> >> However
> >> > when I try to start mpd I get this error,
> >> > [papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
> >> > :: Starting Music Player Daemon
> >> >  [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6:  9910 Aborted
> /usr/bin/mpd
> >> > /etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null
> >> >
> >>
> >> Usually I put in hashes ('#') into the /etc/rc.d/mpd script to check
> >> what output there is destroyed. Could be useful.
> >>
> >> cheers!
> >> mar77i
> >>
> >
> > After adding '#' in /etc/rc.d/mpd here's what I get when I try to start
> it,
> > [papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
> > :: Starting Music Player Daemon
> >  [BUSY] listen: bind to '' failed: Address already in use
> > (continuing anyway, because binding to '[::]:6600' succeeded)
> > output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
> > output: Attempt to detect audio output device
> > output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device
> > ALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect:
> > Connection refused
> >
> > alsa: Error opening default ALSA device: Connection refused
> > output: Attempting to detect a oss audio device
> > oss: Error opening OSS device "/dev/dsp": No such file or directory
> > oss: Error opening OSS device "/dev/sound/dsp": No such file or directory
> > output: Attempting to detect a pulse audio device
> > mpd: src/output/pulse_output_plugin.c:400: pulse_output_wait_connection:
> > Assertion `po->mainloop != ((void *)0)' failed.
> > /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 27833 Aborted /usr/bin/mpd
> > /etc/mpd.conf
> >
> >  [FAIL]
> >
> wow that fails for several reasons. you should:
> 1. configure alsa in mpd.conf, then mpd will be mixed over dmix (which
> won't fix the actual problem)
> 2. make sure the user which runs mpd to the audio group
> and figure out why both alsa and pulse would refuse the connection.
> who (uid/gid) runs those, what other security mechanisms could stick
> in between, like a too restrictively configured firewall etc.
> oh and you should figure out if mpd is already running, or if this
> config option is plain wrong that makes mpd try to "bind to
> '' failed: Address already in use" ... sometimes mpd hangs
> up and you have to kill it with SIGABRT / 6.
> I'm just at a very similar issue a friend of mine is having with mpd
> and jack. you should get those permissions right in the first place...
> :) I'll go there and adjust /etc/group until it works, I guess.
> cheers!
> mar77i

Forget about mpd. Why doesn't audio play on vlc and in browsers? I regularly
visit sites like grooveshark,com. Also I do have my username in audio group.
Everything was fine until I ran pacman -Syu. :(

Re: [arch-general] no sound coming from speakers after update

2011-10-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > The last entry in  mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help.
> However
> > when I try to start mpd I get this error,
> > [papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
> > :: Starting Music Player Daemon
> >  [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6:  9910 Aborted /usr/bin/mpd
> > /etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null
> >
> Usually I put in hashes ('#') into the /etc/rc.d/mpd script to check
> what output there is destroyed. Could be useful.
> cheers!
> mar77i

After adding '#' in /etc/rc.d/mpd here's what I get when I try to start it,
[papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
:: Starting Music Player Daemon
 [BUSY] listen: bind to '' failed: Address already in use
(continuing anyway, because binding to '[::]:6600' succeeded)
output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
output: Attempt to detect audio output device
output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device
ALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect:
Connection refused

alsa: Error opening default ALSA device: Connection refused
output: Attempting to detect a oss audio device
oss: Error opening OSS device "/dev/dsp": No such file or directory
oss: Error opening OSS device "/dev/sound/dsp": No such file or directory
output: Attempting to detect a pulse audio device
mpd: src/output/pulse_output_plugin.c:400: pulse_output_wait_connection:
Assertion `po->mainloop != ((void *)0)' failed.
/etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 27833 Aborted /usr/bin/mpd


Re: [arch-general] no sound coming from speakers after update

2011-10-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > The last entry in  mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help.
> However
> > when I try to start mpd I get this error,
> > [papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
> > :: Starting Music Player Daemon
> >  [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6:  9910 Aborted /usr/bin/mpd
> > /etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null
> >
> Usually I put in hashes ('#') into the /etc/rc.d/mpd script to check
> what output there is destroyed. Could be useful.
> cheers!
> mar77i

Where do I put the '#' in the /etc/rc.d/mpd script? In the beginning or in a
specific line?

Re: [arch-general] no sound coming from speakers after update

2011-10-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I ran pacman -Syu just now after a gap of almost 3 weeks. After the
> update I
> > restarted my system and now I can't play audio. Even mpd doesn't start
> up.
> > alsamixer shows Card: PulseAudio and Chip:PulseAudio. Please help me as I
> > can't do work on my computer with listening to music. :( I have
> pulseaudio
> > installed just because gdm needs it. Other than that I use alsa.
> >
> What does your mpd log in /var/log/mpd/mpd.log say?

The last entry in  mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help. However
when I try to start mpd I get this error,
[papul@archlinux ~]$ sudo rc.d start mpd
:: Starting Music Player Daemon
 [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6:  9910 Aborted /usr/bin/mpd
/etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null

[arch-general] no sound coming from speakers after update

2011-10-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I ran pacman -Syu just now after a gap of almost 3 weeks. After the update I
restarted my system and now I can't play audio. Even mpd doesn't start up.
alsamixer shows Card: PulseAudio and Chip:PulseAudio. Please help me as I
can't do work on my computer with listening to music. :( I have pulseaudio
installed just because gdm needs it. Other than that I use alsa.

Re: [arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-06 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Friday, October 7, 2011, Ángel Velásquez wrote:

> 2011/10/6 Aurélien Chabot >:
> > Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
> my
> > taste. Hope you like it.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Aurélien Chabot
> >
> Though you shouldn't remove the credits of the original Author it's a
> Creative Common License.. :S
> --
> Angel Velásquez
> angvp @
> Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
> Linux Counter: #359909

I edited it a bit. Removed the fill color in the boxes for anyone who would
want that.

Re: [arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, Ángel Velásquez wrote:

> 2011/10/5 David J. Haines >:
> > On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Merijn >
> wrote:
> >> Of this version ( the
> blue
> >> arrows are still a bit off, we will fix that right? And perhaps even
> change
> >> */etc/rc.d/daemon* *start/stop/restart* to *rc.d start/stop/restart*. If
> the
> >> initscripts is latest it should be usable without any problems. (Which
> is on
> >> the latest image for sure.) That way we can safe some space for another
> >> command. Perhaps add du next to df or something like that?
> >>
> >> 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez >
> >>
> >>> 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez >:
> >>> > 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez >:
> >>> >> 2011/10/5 cantabile >:
> >>> >>> On 10/05/2011 08:38 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> >>> >>>>
> >>> >>>> Hi,
> >>> >>>> I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone has
> created a
> >>> >>>> cheatcube for archlinux but it is in Spanish. I was wondering if
> >>> anyone
> >>> >>>> could translate it into english.
> >>> >>>> Here is the link for the Spanish cheatcube
> >>> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> >>>>
> >>> >>>> Thanks.
> >>> >>>
> >>> >>>
> >>> >>> 
> >>> >>>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> haha..
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Well after I finish you'll have to review my english, though in
> >>> >> spanish i won't use some words as the original author use it, so i
> am
> >>> >> paraphrasing a little bit (and I think i will need some grammar
> >>> >> assistance).
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Now I will sleep some hours (03 am here) I have a couple of hours at
> >>> >> the start of the morning so I hope to finish both versions of the
> cube
> >>> >> and re-post them.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Cheers
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> > First cube done on [1]
> >>> >
> >>> > Start translating, improving, stylish it, i will sleep one hour less,
> >>> > so when I woke up I hope to see advances from you ppl!
> >>> >
> >>> > Stay tuned!
> >>> >
> >>> > [1]
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > --
> >>> > Angel Velásquez
> >>> > angvp @
> >>> > Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
> >>> > Linux Counter: #359909
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>> I've noticed there was untranslated strings ... also as Ionut pointed
> >>> we can change ifconfig commands for ip commands, who's in? :D
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Angel Velásquez
> >>> angvp @
> >>> Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
> >>> Linux Counter: #359909
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> > The line between the logo and the "System and Screen" face should be
> > dashed, not solid.
> >
> Guys, if I make a github repo with the .svg (yes at the end of the day
> is a BIG XML file) everybody can commit/push their ideas? who's in!?
> --
> Angel Velásquez
> angvp @
> Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
> Linux Counter: #359909

That would be very useful. I suggest you create it and post the link here. I
wish I knew how to work with svg files. So far I have had no luck with

Re: [arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, cantabile wrote:

> On 10/05/2011 08:38 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone has created a
>> cheatcube for archlinux but it is in Spanish. I was wondering if anyone
>> could translate it into english.
>> Here is the link for the Spanish cheatcube
>> http://elblogdepicodev.****
>> linux-cheat-cube.html<>
>> Thanks.
> --
> cantabile
> "Jayne is a girl's name." -- River

If only you had used that much of your time & skills to actually translate
the cube. :(

[arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, Ángel Velásquez wrote:

> 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez :
> > 2011/10/5 cantabile :
> >> On 10/05/2011 08:38 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone has created a
> >>> cheatcube for archlinux but it is in Spanish. I was wondering if anyone
> >>> could translate it into english.
> >>> Here is the link for the Spanish cheatcube
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks.
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >
> > haha..
> >
> > Well after I finish you'll have to review my english, though in
> > spanish i won't use some words as the original author use it, so i am
> > paraphrasing a little bit (and I think i will need some grammar
> > assistance).
> >
> > Now I will sleep some hours (03 am here) I have a couple of hours at
> > the start of the morning so I hope to finish both versions of the cube
> > and re-post them.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> First cube done on [1]
> Start translating, improving, stylish it, i will sleep one hour less,
> so when I woke up I hope to see advances from you ppl!
> Stay tuned!
> [1]
> --
> Angel Velásquez
> angvp @
> Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
> Linux Counter: #359909

I have a monochrome laser printer.  So i'll have remove any big patches of
solid colors. Don't want to waste too much toner. :)

[arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-04 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone has created a
cheatcube for archlinux but it is in Spanish. I was wondering if anyone
could translate it into english.
Here is the link for the Spanish cheatcube


Re: [arch-general] Unable to run java applets in browser. Using openjdk

2011-09-26 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Monday, September 26, 2011, Andrew Wong wrote:

> Installed icedtea-web?
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Madhurya Kakati 
> >wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am unable to run the java applet on the site any other
> > video downloading site for that matter). I tried both firefox and
> chromium.
> > I have openjdk6 6.b22_1.10.3-1 installed.
> > Thanks.
> >

Thanks! That helped. :)

[arch-general] Unable to run java applets in browser. Using openjdk

2011-09-25 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am unable to run the java applet on the site any other
video downloading site for that matter). I tried both firefox and chromium.
I have openjdk6 6.b22_1.10.3-1 installed.

Re: [arch-general] ConvertXToDVD alternative for Linux.

2011-09-22 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Madhurya Kakati wrote:

> On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Joshua Stiefer wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 11:53 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> > On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
>> >
>> > > On 22/09/11 06:02, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
>> > >>
>> > >>  On 22/09/11 04:58, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> > >>>
>> > >>>  Hi,
>> > >>>> One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that
>> I
>> > >>>> don't
>> > >>>> know how to convert media files from one format to another in
>> Linux. On
>> > >>>> windows I use 2 very easy to use softwares namely FormatFactory and
>> > >>>> ConvertXToDVD for my needs. Can you guys tell me about any Linux
>> > >>>> alternative
>> > >>>> to that? I tried installing ConvertXtoDVD using wine. The main
>> program
>> > >>>> installs fine but the DVD menu templates, though installed, aren't
>> > >>>> detected
>> > >>>> by the program and hence I cant use the DVD menus.
>> > >>>> Thanks.
>> > >>>>
>> > >>>>  # pacman -Ss devede
>> > >>>>
>> > >>> community/devede 3.17.0-2 [1.93 MB] [installed]
>> > >>>A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs
>> > >>>
>> > >>> I use devede to put video on to dvds, I haven't found anything yet
>> it
>> > >>> can't
>> > >>> convert (mencoder backend).
>> > >>>
>> > >>>  Ok but how do I create the menus?
>> > >>
>> > >>  Click menu options and have a play. It has enough functions for
>> myself
>> > > but I only really put single titles on a disc and have them auto play.
>> > > Also clicking on a titles properties can set a title to loop, play
>> next,
>> > > play last or stop ... etc
>> > >
>> > > Regards
>> > > Marshall
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> > OK. I have installed devede but when I start it, it says that it needs
>> > spumux to run. I can't seem to find it in the repos and AUR.
>> That is provided by the package dvdauthor. I used pkgfile from pkgtools
>> to find that out, by the way. There's also nosr in the AUR. Just
>> something to keep in mind.
> I did install dvdauthor along with devede. Do I have to install something
> else? Trying to install devede-git from AUR. Hope that works.
 Nopes. It didn't work. Showing the same spumux not present error. :(

Re: [arch-general] ConvertXToDVD alternative for Linux.

2011-09-22 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Joshua Stiefer wrote:

> On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 11:53 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> > On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
> >
> > > On 22/09/11 06:02, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> > >
> > >> On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
> > >>
> > >>  On 22/09/11 04:58, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>  Hi,
> > >>>> One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that I
> > >>>> don't
> > >>>> know how to convert media files from one format to another in Linux.
> On
> > >>>> windows I use 2 very easy to use softwares namely FormatFactory and
> > >>>> ConvertXToDVD for my needs. Can you guys tell me about any Linux
> > >>>> alternative
> > >>>> to that? I tried installing ConvertXtoDVD using wine. The main
> program
> > >>>> installs fine but the DVD menu templates, though installed, aren't
> > >>>> detected
> > >>>> by the program and hence I cant use the DVD menus.
> > >>>> Thanks.
> > >>>>
> > >>>>  # pacman -Ss devede
> > >>>>
> > >>> community/devede 3.17.0-2 [1.93 MB] [installed]
> > >>>A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs
> > >>>
> > >>> I use devede to put video on to dvds, I haven't found anything yet it
> > >>> can't
> > >>> convert (mencoder backend).
> > >>>
> > >>>  Ok but how do I create the menus?
> > >>
> > >>  Click menu options and have a play. It has enough functions for
> myself
> > > but I only really put single titles on a disc and have them auto play.
> > > Also clicking on a titles properties can set a title to loop, play
> next,
> > > play last or stop ... etc
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Marshall
> > >
> >
> >
> > OK. I have installed devede but when I start it, it says that it needs
> > spumux to run. I can't seem to find it in the repos and AUR.
> That is provided by the package dvdauthor. I used pkgfile from pkgtools
> to find that out, by the way. There's also nosr in the AUR. Just
> something to keep in mind.

I did install dvdauthor along with devede. Do I have to install something
else? Trying to install devede-git from AUR. Hope that works.

Re: [arch-general] ConvertXToDVD alternative for Linux.

2011-09-21 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:

> On 22/09/11 06:02, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
>>  On 22/09/11 04:58, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>> One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that I
>>>> don't
>>>> know how to convert media files from one format to another in Linux. On
>>>> windows I use 2 very easy to use softwares namely FormatFactory and
>>>> ConvertXToDVD for my needs. Can you guys tell me about any Linux
>>>> alternative
>>>> to that? I tried installing ConvertXtoDVD using wine. The main program
>>>> installs fine but the DVD menu templates, though installed, aren't
>>>> detected
>>>> by the program and hence I cant use the DVD menus.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>  # pacman -Ss devede
>>> community/devede 3.17.0-2 [1.93 MB] [installed]
>>>A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs
>>> I use devede to put video on to dvds, I haven't found anything yet it
>>> can't
>>> convert (mencoder backend).
>>>  Ok but how do I create the menus?
>>  Click menu options and have a play. It has enough functions for myself
> but I only really put single titles on a disc and have them auto play.
> Also clicking on a titles properties can set a title to loop, play next,
> play last or stop ... etc
> Regards
> Marshall

OK. I have installed devede but when I start it, it says that it needs
spumux to run. I can't seem to find it in the repos and AUR.

Re: [arch-general] ConvertXToDVD alternative for Linux.

2011-09-21 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:

> On 22/09/11 04:58, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that I don't
>> know how to convert media files from one format to another in Linux. On
>> windows I use 2 very easy to use softwares namely FormatFactory and
>> ConvertXToDVD for my needs. Can you guys tell me about any Linux
>> alternative
>> to that? I tried installing ConvertXtoDVD using wine. The main program
>> installs fine but the DVD menu templates, though installed, aren't
>> detected
>> by the program and hence I cant use the DVD menus.
>> Thanks.
>>  # pacman -Ss devede
> community/devede 3.17.0-2 [1.93 MB] [installed]
>A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs
> I use devede to put video on to dvds, I haven't found anything yet it can't
> convert (mencoder backend).

Ok but how do I create the menus?

[arch-general] ConvertXToDVD alternative for Linux.

2011-09-21 Thread Madhurya Kakati
One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that I don't
know how to convert media files from one format to another in Linux. On
windows I use 2 very easy to use softwares namely FormatFactory and
ConvertXToDVD for my needs. Can you guys tell me about any Linux alternative
to that? I tried installing ConvertXtoDVD using wine. The main program
installs fine but the DVD menu templates, though installed, aren't detected
by the program and hence I cant use the DVD menus.

Re: [arch-general] wvdial and ppp configuration

2011-09-10 Thread Madhurya Kakati
you could try MAC spoofing. :P It would work if your neighbor has
blocked your MAC address.

Re: [arch-general] system slowing down when copying files.

2011-08-26 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 6:49 AM, Loui Chang  wrote:
> On Sat 27 Aug 2011 09:12 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My system tends to slow down a lot when I copy files to and from a pen
>> drive or even from one hard disk to another. Even my mouse cursor
>> slows down. The system becomes almost unusable. I more than enough RAM
>> and I am using a tiling window manager. So I am not even using a lot
>> of RAM. Why is this happening? I can't work on my system if I run any
>> large file copy/move operation. Please help.
>> Thanks.
> Your hard drive might be dying. Back up your files now.

Seriously? This doesn't happen in Windows 7. Also when I copy files
from my new HDD to a pendrive my system still slows down. The new HDD
is less than a month old.

[arch-general] system slowing down when copying files.

2011-08-26 Thread Madhurya Kakati
My system tends to slow down a lot when I copy files to and from a pen
drive or even from one hard disk to another. Even my mouse cursor
slows down. The system becomes almost unusable. I more than enough RAM
and I am using a tiling window manager. So I am not even using a lot
of RAM. Why is this happening? I can't work on my system if I run any
large file copy/move operation. Please help.

Re: [arch-general] Unable to use tape drive

2011-08-24 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Vitor Garcia
> Good morning.
> I have been trying to my Dell LTO-120 SCSI Tape Drive on Arch without
> success.
> I have tried to run $ modprobe st, but still, I have no /dev/st0 and
> neither /dev/nst0. dmesg | grep -i tape shows nothing too.
> Is there anything I'm missing here? Dell's user manual says that the
> drive should work out of the box on linux.
> Best regards,
> Vitor

Offtopic: How much does one tape store? How many MBs?

Re: [arch-general] Canon MP280 turboprint

2011-08-13 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Martti Kühne  wrote:
> R7h0re4 said it works on Debian 32. As I understand it, it should be
> possible to clone the config on other distributions. If you can't
> clone it, ask the debian devs what they did there.
> Another hacky suggestion, although not very nice to resources, but may
> spare config-diving: run a virtual machine with an os which works with
> the canon printer, and use it as a print server. You can make snapshot
> with some virtual machines, which would speed up starting and stopping
> the server, which just could be automated in a script.
> mar77i

Just wanted to ask something off-topic. What do you guys think about
refilling laser printer toner? Is it good? The original toner
cartridges are very expensive.

Re: [arch-general] Writing my mother tongue in LibreOffice.

2011-08-12 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Ray Rashif  wrote:
> On 10 August 2011 19:44, Madhurya Kakati  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was quite surprised to see a language pack for LibreOffice for my
>> mother tongue in the extra repo(libreoffice-as). I was wondering as to
>> how to write it? Do I need to buy a special keyboard or will this
>> qwerty keyboard work?
>> Thanks
> I'm not quite sure about the differences but you can:
> 1. Change your keyboard layout to your language (in KDE/GNOME settings
> or other tools)
> 2. Use ibus-m17n (ibus is a new input system)
> 3. Use scim-m17n (scim is sort of an older input system)
> I've personally set up ibus for Hindi, Bengali and Mandarin for
> friends and family on Ubuntu. This was a two-step process, first
> adding languages to the system, and then adding layouts to ibus using
> the gtk tool. CTRL+SPACE changed between layouts or ON/OFF. There was
> an option to change the entire OS to your language, so even your
> folders are renamed.
> However, ibus/scim offers the flexibility to use an English keyboard
> and a primary English computing environment, but toggling the input
> system for say when you have an editor running would allow you to
> switch between multiple languages and keyboard types of those
> languages. There is also phonetic support in some of those, where you
> type in English the way your word is pronounced and it will
> auto-transliterate. On the other hand, I think, (1) is a bilingual
> approach only.
> --

So basically I can use my english qwerty keyboard to enter assamese
characters? That's great. So I just have to install ibus and then I
can write in Assamese in libreoffice writer?

[arch-general] Writing my mother tongue in LibreOffice.

2011-08-10 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I was quite surprised to see a language pack for LibreOffice for my
mother tongue in the extra repo(libreoffice-as). I was wondering as to
how to write it? Do I need to buy a special keyboard or will this
qwerty keyboard work?

Re: [arch-general] Weird behaviour A/C vs battery

2011-08-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Manolo Martínez
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to ask you for help with a weird piece of behaviour of my arch
> box (now 3.0, but it was the same with older kernels):
> * Shutdown works OK when on A/C, but, when on battery, the computer ends up
> with fans on and the On button light on. In this state it is totally
> unresponsive -- it looks much as it does when it fails to suspend.
> * But, on battery (and A/C too), it reboots perfectly well. So I've resorted
> to rebooting when I want to shutdown on battery, and then plugging it off
> once it gets to the bios screen.
> I'm sure these will be tell-tale symptoms to more enlightened arch users.
> For my part, I am totally clueless. I would have suspected an acpid problem,
> but I have no shutdown event or action enabled. I don't see anything
> interesting in the logs either.
> Any piece of advise will be very welcome.
> Cheers,
> Manolo

Have you tried to see if this occurs with any other linux distro? Try
something like Linux Mint or ubuntu. If you can, then see if this
problem occurs in Windows too.

Re: [arch-general] Canon MP280 turboprint

2011-08-06 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 7:41 AM, R7h0re4  wrote:
> Madhurya Kakati  writes:
>> Canon has terrible linux support. I have a canon LBP2900B laser
>> printer and haven't been able to print using there official CAPT
>> driver. Its something related to pstocapt files. CUPS is unable to
>> communicate properly with the CAPT daemon which sends commands to the
>> printer.
> That would make sense It does work under Debian 32 so I could always
> plug in my netbook if I needed something to print.  As it stands I am
> using a print server which hooks to a windows gaming machine.  I might
> print like once or twice a month that might be maybe two pages so I am
> in fear of having the ink dry out more than not working as advertised.
> I used to like Epson but the price was right on the Canon and wanting a
> cheap 30-40 dollar printer to work in all environments is a little
> wishful.
> Anyway thanks for the information I will keep my eye on the list, as
> well as openprinting and see if anything changes.
> R7h0re4

Same here. I too print less than 10 pages a month and thats why I
opted for B&W laser printer. Toner doesn't dry. :P

Re: [arch-general] Canon MP280 turboprint

2011-08-06 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Martti Kühne  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 4:11 AM, R7h0re4  wrote:
>> That would make sense It does work under Debian 32 so I could always
>> plug in my netbook if I needed something to print.  As it stands I am
>> using a print server which hooks to a windows gaming machine.  I might
>> print like once or twice a month that might be maybe two pages so I am
>> in fear of having the ink dry out more than not working as advertised.
> umm, just to give my two cents, but what if you just added the ppd
> file from the debian machine to your archlinux box? cups config isn't
> that much of a hurdle for people who want to look deeper into stuff
> like that.
> Even sharing printers wouuld be possible, so that you could just hook
> up the debian box as your intermediate printing instance, because cups
> has proven pretty reliable on this kinda stuff. (I share my oki
> printer to a variety of OSes in my home config)
> mar77i

Trust me, I used a crazy number of ppd files but they still don't
work. AFAIK the the document to be printed is converted to postscript
(ps) files and sent to the printer. Canon printer can't print directly
from ps files so they need to convert to a suitable format. I think
thats what the pstocapt file does. And thats the only thing messing
up. CUPS sends everything right but the ps files don't get converted.
I tried printing from a Linux Mint live DVD too using official drivers
but it just won't print. I should have bought a HP laser. :(

Re: [arch-general] Arch dumping more info than before during boot after updating.

2011-08-06 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Karol Blazewicz
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Madhurya Kakati  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I ran pacman -Syu and now I am seeing more info than shown before
>> during boot. VERBOSE is set to 3 in rc.conf. Whats happening? Any
>> changes to boot process?
>> Thanks
> When you upgraded you got
> [code]
> [2011-07-31 18:35] warning: /etc/rc.conf installed as /etc/rc.conf.pacnew
> [2011-07-31 18:35] VERBOSE= in rc.conf no longer has any effect.
> [2011-07-31 18:35] Please append 'quiet' to your kernel command line.
> [/code]
> in your pacman output, right?

hmm removed VERBOSE from rc.conf. Will setting quiet kernel
parameter stop displaying which daemons are starting as well? the
output during boot that starts with [] are kernel outputs right?

[arch-general] Arch dumping more info than before during boot after updating.

2011-08-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I ran pacman -Syu and now I am seeing more info than shown before
during boot. VERBOSE is set to 3 in rc.conf. Whats happening? Any
changes to boot process?

Re: [arch-general] Canon MP280 turboprint

2011-08-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:24 AM, R7h0re4  wrote:
> I have a canon MP280 printer and am unable to print using turboprint, as
> well as a regular cups using gutenprint drivers or Turboprint drivers or
> the .ppd files downloaded from Canon's site.
> When I check the aur most of the packaged drivers are outdated and when
> I check the bug reports it seems that I am not alone in this respect. A
> few of the bug reports list something about 64 bit issues, I am also
> unable to compile some of the files from the Canon tar balls you can get
> from Canons site.
> When I check the cups error log file it gives me back end failures and
> list a few files, when I link the file nothing prints.  This also
> applies to Turbo-print but does not give error messages in that program.
> Just wanted to know what other options I may need to pursue, the printer
> works with Debian 32 bit on a net-book, and of course Windows but it
> would be nice to get it working under Arch.
> R7h0re4

Canon has terrible linux support. I have a canon LBP2900B laser
printer and haven't been able to print using there official CAPT
driver. Its something related to pstocapt files. CUPS is unable to
communicate properly with the CAPT daemon which sends commands to the

[arch-general] how to compile and run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit os?

2011-07-20 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I want to install the bluediving application from AUR but it is only
for 32 bit arch. How can I compile and run it in my 64 bit arch?

Re: [arch-general] testing splitted LibreOffice 3.4.2rc1

2011-07-20 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Is there any way we can get all the document templates in one package?

On 7/20/11, Andreas Radke  wrote:
> Am Wed, 20 Jul 2011 07:27:11 +0530
> schrieb Madhurya Kakati :
>> What about templates?
> What do you mean?

Sent from my mobile device

Re: [arch-general] testing splitted LibreOffice 3.4.2rc1

2011-07-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Andreas Radke  wrote:
> Am Tue, 19 Jul 2011 21:17:19 +0530
> schrieb Madhurya Kakati :
>> Is is possible to get many libreoffice plugins in a single group?
> All provided extensions have this included ;)
>  groups=('libreoffice-extensions')
> [root@workstation64 andyrtr]# LANG=C pacman -S libreoffice-extensions
> :: There are 18 members in group libreoffice-extensions:
> :: Repository testing
>   1) libreoffice-extension-ct2n  2) libreoffice-extension-diagram  3) 
> libreoffice-extension-google-docs  4) libreoffice-extension-hunart  5) 
> libreoffice-extension-nlpsolver  6) libreoffice-extension-numbertext  7) 
> libreoffice-extension-oooblogger  8) libreoffice-extension-pdfimport
>   9) libreoffice-extension-presentation-minimizer  10) 
> libreoffice-extension-presenter-screen  11) 
> libreoffice-extension-report-builder  12) 
> libreoffice-extension-scripting-beanshell  13) 
> libreoffice-extension-scripting-javascript  14) 
> libreoffice-extension-scripting-python  15) libreoffice-extension-typo
>   16) libreoffice-extension-validator  17) libreoffice-extension-watch-window 
>  18) libreoffice-extension-wiki-publisher
> Enter a selection (default=all):
> -Andy

What about templates?

Re: [arch-general] testing splitted LibreOffice 3.4.2rc1

2011-07-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Andreas Radke  wrote:
> It's done. LibreOffice has been split into libreoffice-common
> and application packages -writer,base,calc,...
> For better look'n feel you should also install libreoffice-gnome for
> use in any gtk desktop and libreoffice-kde4 if you want.
> The en-US language is no more included in the -common pkg. So everyone
> will have to install at least one language pack,e.g. libreoffice-en-US.
> I hope I've covered the deps all well. Please test fresh installations
> and also upgrading from last 3.4.1 release. The new 3.4.2rc1 should be
> already safe for daily usage.
> Recommended way for new installations should be to either install
> libreoffice-common the should ask for a langpack or directly install
> the langpack of your choice that will pull in the -common pkg. Then you
> install the application packages you want.
> It's also possible to install the "libreoffice" group package.
> If you upgrade you should get libreoffice-common installed showing the
> needed infos.
> So get it from the testing repo and report bugs.
> -Andy

Is is possible to get many libreoffice plugins in a single group?

Re: [arch-general] Archlinux is for everyone

2011-07-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Same case here in India. We buy, suppose a lenovo laptop(standard 
config - core i3, 15" LCD, 2GB RAM, 160 GB HDD), for 35,000 INR. 
However the price of the lowest apple laptop is about 65,000 INR (with 
student discounts). So the number of Apple laptops used is very low. 
Also I have never touched an android,ios or blackbery device till date. 
Its because they are so costly that none of my close relatives and 
friends can afford these(forget about me. I am very poor. :P). Most 
OEMS now provide genuine windows 7 with their machines, which I believe 
is a pretty good OS. So the number of pirated windows users who bought 
a new laptop since about november last year are very low. But almost 
all of my friends have Linux Mint installed. And I am trying hard to 
get it installed on as many computers as possible. Some of my friends 
have even started using ArchLinux.

Re: [arch-general] fbsplash fails to start after pacman -Syu

2011-07-06 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed 06 Jul 2011 09:08:10 PM IST, Yaro Kasear wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 05, 2011 09:31:56 PM Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After a recent system upgrade fbsplash fails to run during boot. However
>> while shutting down i can see the splash. Its only during the start up
>> that I can't see it.
>> This is the /var/log/boot some days before the upgrade
>> and this is the log after the upgrade
>> Please notice the
>> "/etc/rc.d/functions.d/ line 780:
>> /lib/splash/cache/steps_sysinit: No such file or directory"
>> and
>> "/etc/rc.d/functions.d/ line 795:
>> /lib/splash/cache/steps_sysinit: No such file or directory"
>> and
>> "/etc/rc.d/functions.d/ line 796:
>> /lib/splash/cache/steps_bootup: No such file or directory"
>> errors that occur during boot(after upgrade). These didn't occur before.
>> Also after booting i did ls in the /lib/splash/cache dir and found that
>> the files are already there in the dir.
>> Thanks.
> When is the last time, as root, you ran mkinitcpio on your kernel?

the second log that i pasted(after the upgrade), I ran mkinitpcio and 
rebooted before posting it.

[arch-general] fbsplash fails to start after pacman -Syu

2011-07-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
After a recent system upgrade fbsplash fails to run during boot. However
while shutting down i can see the splash. Its only during the start up
that I can't see it.
This is the /var/log/boot some days before the upgrade
and this is the log after the upgrade

Please notice the
"/etc/rc.d/functions.d/ line 780:
/lib/splash/cache/steps_sysinit: No such file or directory"
"/etc/rc.d/functions.d/ line 795:
/lib/splash/cache/steps_sysinit: No such file or directory"
"/etc/rc.d/functions.d/ line 796:
/lib/splash/cache/steps_bootup: No such file or directory"
errors that occur during boot(after upgrade). These didn't occur before.
Also after booting i did ls in the /lib/splash/cache dir and found that
the files are already there in the dir.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] weird problem

2011-06-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/19/2011 10:13 PM, Mauro Santos wrote:
> Really silly questions:
> - Are you using any repos other than [core], [extra], [community] and
> [multilib]?
> - Are you using any pacman wrappers?
> I'm asking because pacman can't find anything to do with catalyst here
> and I'm using all the above mentioned repos so I don't see how using the
> official repos could cause that. If you are using other repos (or pacman
> wrappers, that as far as I know are not supported) you should know what
> you are doing so you how know how to deal with these kind of conflicts
> and possible breakage that might happen.

Yes I am using catalyst repo.
I use yaourt but thats not a pacman wrapper I guess.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] weird problem

2011-06-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Guess what solved the problem? I disabled [catalyst] in pacman.conf.
Thanks for helping everyone But if anyone can help me removing that
message I get everytime I try to upgrade with catalyst repo enabled,
please reply.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] weird problem

2011-06-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/19/2011 06:12 PM, Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Sun, 19 Jun 2011 12:16:36 +0530
> schrieb Madhurya Kakati :
>> I am having this weird problem. Whenever I run pacman -Syu or pacman
>> -Su it asks me to replace lib32-libgl with lib32-catalyst-utils.
>> [papul@papuldesktop chromium]$ sudo pacman -Su
>> :: Starting full system upgrade...
>> :: Replace lib32-libgl with catalyst/lib32-catalyst-utils? [Y/n] y
>> resolving dependencies...
>> looking for inter-conflicts...
>> :: catalyst-utils and libgl are in conflict. Remove libgl? [y/N] y
>> error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
>> :: ati-dri: requires libgl=7.10.3
>> However I don't want lib32-catalyst. What do I have to do to make this
>> disappear?
> To answer this question seriously...
> Do you want to use the open source driver xf86-video-ati or the closed
> source driver catalyst?
> Do you have 32 bit software installed on your x86_64 system? I guess
> yes, considering that you have lib32-libgl installed.
> Regarding the first question: You can't have installed both
> xf86-video-ati and catalyst at the same time.
> If you're using xf86-video-ati you need libgl and lib32-libgl for 32 bit
> software. Then you need to uninstall catalyst-utils and
> lib32-catalyst-utils.
> If you're using catalyst then you need to uninstall libgl and
> lib32-libgl and to install catalyst-utils and lib32-catalyst-utils,
> because catalyst-utils provides libgl.
> So you most likely are asked for replacing lib32-libgl with
> lib32-catalyst-utils, because you're using catalyst. So you definitely
> need to say yes to this question.
> Only say no to it if you want to use xf86-video-ati. But then I would
> suggest to uninstall every video driver and related package
> (xf86-video-ati, libgl, ati-dri, mesa, lib32-libgl, catalyst,
> catalyst-utils and lib32-catalyst-utils) and to freshly install the
> video driver of your choice (either xf86-video-ati or catalyst).
> Heiko

OK, I am answering your question in this way:
I want to keep using the opensource ati drivers. Also I want to use
lib32-libgl for all the 32-bit packages. So as you told me I tried to
uninstall catalyst-utils and lib32-catalyst-utils. But I can't uninstall
these as they aren't installed. So why the hell am I asked to replace
lib32-libgl with lib32-catalyst-utils everytime I upgrade? It is some
sort of a bug? What is causing this problem?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] weird problem

2011-06-19 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/19/2011 01:34 PM, jesse jaara wrote:
> yaourt -Rdd ati-dri libgl
> yaourt -S catalyst catalyst-utils.
> You should also change the lib32gl package to
> catalyst-utils as if you don't 32bit apps won't work :(

I don't want to install catalyst because Gnome3 doesn't work with
catalyst. That was what I was using earlier but I removed catalyst and
installed opensource ATI driver to try Gnome3.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] weird problem

2011-06-18 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am having this weird problem. Whenever I run pacman -Syu or pacman -Su
it asks me to replace lib32-libgl with lib32-catalyst-utils.
[papul@papuldesktop chromium]$ sudo pacman -Su
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace lib32-libgl with catalyst/lib32-catalyst-utils? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: catalyst-utils and libgl are in conflict. Remove libgl? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: ati-dri: requires libgl=7.10.3

However I don't want lib32-catalyst. What do I have to do to make this

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] linux 3.0 kernel testing

2011-06-16 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/16/2011 11:21 PM, cantabile wrote:
> On 06/16/2011 08:44 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> On 06/16/2011 10:57 AM, Christian Hesse wrote:
>>> Madhurya Kakati  on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:38:35
>>> +0530:
>>>> I want to test the linux3.0 kerne. Whats the most easiest way to test
>>>> it? Is there a AUR package? I couldn't find it.
>>> kernel26-mainline 3.0rc3-1
>> Why is it named kernel26? Also i was checking out the PKGBUILD. Do i
>> have to compile and install the kernel headers and kernel docs? Also the
>> pkgname is kernel26-mainline. But the the line 69 is
>> package_kernel26() { but shouldn't it be renamed
>> package_kernel26-mainline() { ?
>> I don't want to mess up my existing kernel by installing it. I want to
>> install it as package named kernel26-mainline.
>> Also is there anyway to check what files a package will add or remove
>> from my system when I install it without actually installing it?
>> Thanks
> You don't have to install it after makepkg is done. `tar tf
> kernel26-mainline-blah.pkg.tar.xz` will list the contents. pacman can
> do that as well (for specifics, see the manual).
> The package was first uploaded on 17 Aug 2010, at that time there was
> no linux 3.0.
> You can tell makepkg to only build the packages you want from a split
> pkgbuild (again, see the manual).
Yes I know how build specific packages in PKGBUILD. I want to know that
do i have to compile and install the kernel header and kernel docs
package or should I install only the kernel package?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] linux 3.0 kernel testing

2011-06-16 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/16/2011 10:57 AM, Christian Hesse wrote:
> Madhurya Kakati  on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:38:35
> +0530:
>> I want to test the linux3.0 kerne. Whats the most easiest way to test
>> it? Is there a AUR package? I couldn't find it.
> kernel26-mainline 3.0rc3-1

Why is it named kernel26? Also i was checking out the PKGBUILD. Do i
have to compile and install the kernel headers and kernel docs? Also the
pkgname is kernel26-mainline. But the the line 69 is
package_kernel26() { but shouldn't it be renamed
package_kernel26-mainline() { ?
I don't want to mess up my existing kernel by installing it. I want to
install it as package named kernel26-mainline.

Also is there anyway to check what files a package will add or remove
from my system when I install it without actually installing it?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] linux 3.0 kernel testing

2011-06-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I want to test the linux3.0 kerne. Whats the most easiest way to test
it? Is there a AUR package? I couldn't find it.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] mpd fails to start

2011-06-10 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/10/2011 10:29 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> On 06/10/2011 10:21 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
>> Am 10.06.2011 18:47, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>>> Hello,
>>> Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
>>> run "rc.d start mpd" I get this error /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 24502
>>> Aborted /usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf&>/dev/null.
>>> I am using gnome3(if thats somehow causing the problem.) I believe its
>>> due to some ALSA pulseaudio mixup but I am not sure.
>>> However if I run "sudo mpd" I get this output:
>>> [papul@papuldesktop ~]$ sudo mpd
>>> output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
>>> output: Attempt to detect audio output device
>>> output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device
>>> output: Successfully detected a alsa audio device
>>> and after that if I run "mpc play" I get this:
>>> [papul@papuldesktop ~]$ mpc play
>>> Metallica - The Unforgiven II
>>> [paused]  #4/8   0:00/6:36 (0%)
>>> volume: n/a   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
>>> ERROR: problems opening audio device
>>> Please help coz I haven't been able to listen to music for quite
>>> sometime now. :(
>> Did you try to configure MPD to use PulseAudio then? (see [1])
>> [1]
> how do I check if I am using pulseaudio or alsa or whatever else there is?
Uncommenting ALSA audio output section in /etc/mpd.conf solved the problem.
Thanks for the help.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] mpd fails to start

2011-06-10 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/10/2011 10:21 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
> Am 10.06.2011 18:47, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Hello,
>> Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
>> run "rc.d start mpd" I get this error /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 24502
>> Aborted /usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf&>/dev/null.
>> I am using gnome3(if thats somehow causing the problem.) I believe its
>> due to some ALSA pulseaudio mixup but I am not sure.
>> However if I run "sudo mpd" I get this output:
>> [papul@papuldesktop ~]$ sudo mpd
>> output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
>> output: Attempt to detect audio output device
>> output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device
>> output: Successfully detected a alsa audio device
>> and after that if I run "mpc play" I get this:
>> [papul@papuldesktop ~]$ mpc play
>> Metallica - The Unforgiven II
>> [paused]  #4/8   0:00/6:36 (0%)
>> volume: n/a   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
>> ERROR: problems opening audio device
>> Please help coz I haven't been able to listen to music for quite
>> sometime now. :(
> Did you try to configure MPD to use PulseAudio then? (see [1])
> [1]
how do I check if I am using pulseaudio or alsa or whatever else there is?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[arch-general] mpd fails to start

2011-06-10 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
run "rc.d start mpd" I get this error /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 24502
Aborted /usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null.
I am using gnome3(if thats somehow causing the problem.) I believe its
due to some ALSA pulseaudio mixup but I am not sure.
However if I run "sudo mpd" I get this output:
[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ sudo mpd
output: No "audio_output" defined in config file
output: Attempt to detect audio output device
output: Attempting to detect a alsa audio device
output: Successfully detected a alsa audio device

and after that if I run "mpc play" I get this:
[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ mpc play
Metallica - The Unforgiven II
[paused]  #4/8   0:00/6:36 (0%)
volume: n/a   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
ERROR: problems opening audio device

Please help coz I haven't been able to listen to music for quite
sometime now. :(

Re: [arch-general] network error empathy

2011-06-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On 06/09/2011 07:25 AM, Carlos Alberto Ospina wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I have trouble connecting to msn through empathy, the other protocols work
> fine (msn irc facebook), when trying to connect " network error". If someone
> could help me, thanx from Colombia
May be the msn servers are unreachable. With Microsoft, you never know. :P

[arch-general] Unable to change file and folder icon theme to Human

2011-05-28 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am using archlinux with gnome 3.
I am trying hard to change my icon theme to human but it just doesnt
change. ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.gtkrc.mine
I tried lxappearance too. After I click on apply and close it gnome
kinda restarts and when i open nautilus it shows no change. I had tango
icon theme so i deleted that dir from /usr/share/icons. Now it has
switched to the default gnome icon theme. How do i change it to Human
icon theme?
also when i run pcmanfm i get the following output in terminal
** (pcmanfm:3532): DEBUG: unable to load icon . GThemedIcon
application-x-bittorrent gnome-mime-application-x-bittorrent
** (pcmanfm:3532): DEBUG: unable to load icon . GThemedIcon
application-x-xpinstall gnome-mime-application-x-xpinstall

Re: [arch-general] Some gtk apps not starting up

2011-04-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Ionuț Bîru  wrote:
> On 04/15/2011 10:04 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently installed and then uninstalled gnome 3
>> (gnome-unstable/gnome gnome-unstable/gnome-extra). Now whenever I try
>> to start some gtk app I get some error regaring python.
>> Here are 2 examples:
> report them on the tracker on separate reports
> --
> Ionuț

Bug tracker?

[arch-general] Some gtk apps not starting up

2011-04-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I recently installed and then uninstalled gnome 3
(gnome-unstable/gnome gnome-unstable/gnome-extra). Now whenever I try
to start some gtk app I get some error regaring python.
Here are 2 examples:


[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ blueman-applet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/blueman-applet", line 26, in 
import pynotify
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/pynotify/",
line 19, in 
import gtk
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/",
line 40, in 
from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/
undefined symbol: gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column


[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ sonata
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/sonata", line 126, in 
import gtk
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/",
line 40, in 
from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/
undefined symbol: gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column

Please tell me whats wrong and how do i solve this problem?

[arch-general] Some gtk apps not starting up

2011-04-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I recently installed and then uninstalled gnome 3
(gnome-unstable/gnome gnome-unstable/gnome-extra). Now whenever I try
to start some gtk app I get some error regaring python.
Here are 2 examples:


[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ blueman-applet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/blueman-applet", line 26, in 
import pynotify
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/pynotify/",
line 19, in 
import gtk
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/",
line 40, in 
from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/
undefined symbol: gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column


[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ sonata
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/sonata", line 126, in 
import gtk
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/",
line 40, in 
from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/
undefined symbol: gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column

Please tell me whats wrong and how do i solve this problem?

[arch-general] Can't run gnome 3

2011-04-09 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I installed gnome 3 from the testing repo. I haven't been able to
start. Noe from KDE if I try to run gedit I get this error.

[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ gedit
gedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:

Please help.

Re: [arch-general] What happened to Powerpill?

2011-04-05 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Please, someone restart powerpill development. It was awesome. I had
to remove it in order to upgrade to pacman 3.5 but now I can't find it

On 3/28/11, Corrado Primier  wrote:
> 2011/3/28 Nicolas Bigaouette :
>> I guess it would make sense if your own bandwidth is bigger then the
>> mirror's...
> It happens with my ISP that the single connection bandwidth looks to
> be capped. I have 8Mbit but a single transfer rarely exceeds 2Mbit,
> unless it is very late night or Sunday morning :) Powerpill allowed me
> to fully use my bandwidth. I recognize it's a bad traffic shaping
> problem (and powerpill had its shortcomings too), but it solved it for
> me.
> Corrado

Sent from my mobile device

Re: [arch-general] Where is the boot log?

2011-03-18 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Richard Schütz  wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 04:55, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Hi,
>> I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
>> errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
>> someone please tell me where can I find the log file?
>> Thanks.
> That is likely a problem with the dump of the ALSA state. Remove the file
> "/var/lib/alsa/asound.state" and run "/etc/rc.d/alsa stop" after that. Then
> the current state is dumped into a fresh file and the error should be gone.
> --
> Regards,
> Richard Schütz

This solved my ALSA problem. Thanks.

Re: [arch-general] [signoff] kernel26-2.6.38-1

2011-03-17 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Richard Schütz  wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 20:27, schrieb Tobias Powalowski:
>> Hi guys,
>> please signoff 2.6.38 series for both arches.
>> Upstream
>> changes:
>> Features included:
>> - kernel image is now xz compressed
>> - NUMA is enabled on x86_64
>> - AUTOSCHED (aka the wonder patch) is enabled
>> - aufs2.1 latest snapshot
>> greetings
>> tpowa
> No signoff. There are graphic glitches on my netbook that have not been
> there in latest 2.6.37. I found an upstream bug report which seems to deal
> exactly with my problem:
> --
> Regards,
> Richard Schütz

Sorry off-topic. I have kernel version 2.6.37-ARCH. Do i have the wonder patch?

Re: [arch-general] Web sites down?

2011-03-17 Thread Madhurya Kakati
2011/3/17 Cédric Girard :
> 2011/3/17 Cédric Girard 
>> I cannot access (timeout) any archlinux web site except AUR
> Well, seems back. Sorry for the noise.
> --
> Cédric Girard

Next time please wait for sometime before reporting on mailing list. :)

Re: [arch-general] Where is the boot log?

2011-03-17 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Hector Martinez-Seara  wrote:
> Hi,
> I had similar problem some time ago. My problem was with the general
> alsa settings file that after an update had some problems. Maybe there
> were some problems between versions. I solved this in two diferent
> computers just reestaring the deamon:
> $sudo /etc/rc.d/alsa restart
> No errors when starting the PC anymore. By the way I was never able to
> find any place where to look to the exact error and its appearance in
> the screen was to quick. I think was something about alsactl command.
> Hector
> On 16 March 2011 05:55, Madhurya Kakati  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
>> errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
>> someone please tell me where can I find the log file?
>> Thanks.
> --
> Hector Martínez-Seara Monné
> mail:
> Tel: +34656271145
> Tel: +358442709253

The error is actually something about HDA-intel not found and some
control nos like #13, #14, #15 etc cant be found or adjusted.
Something like that. I am not sure.

Re: [arch-general] Where is the boot log?

2011-03-17 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Richard Schütz  wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 04:55, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Hi,
>> I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
>> errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
>> someone please tell me where can I find the log file?
>> Thanks.
> That is likely a problem with the dump of the ALSA state. Remove the file
> "/var/lib/alsa/asound.state" and run "/etc/rc.d/alsa stop" after that. Then
> the current state is dumped into a fresh file and the error should be gone.
> --
> Regards,
> Richard Schütz

ok I will backup /var/lib/alsa/asound.state and try it. I guess arch
should have a boot log. It is something every OS should have IMHO.

[arch-general] Where is the boot log?

2011-03-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
someone please tell me where can I find the log file?

Re: [arch-general] Sharing data between Windows 7 and Archlinux

2011-03-11 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Jeremiah Dodds
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> I will be using awesomeWM
> FWIW, that doesn't stop you from using the gnome or kde libs for ... well,
> whatever. You'll likely end up with one, the other, or both on your system
> at some point anyhow.

The laptop will be running for one single purpose- to download. I just
want a minimalistic UI to run transmission and some terminals. Don't
want any of the bloat of gnome or kde.

Re: [arch-general] Sharing data between Windows 7 and Archlinux

2011-03-07 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Karol Babioch  wrote:
> What kind of Desktop Environment are you using? As far as I know GNOME
> offers to ability to share folders, which can be configured through a GUI.
> Otherwise you will have to setup Samba manually, which can be tricky
> sometimes and needs some read up.
> Best regards,
> Karol Babioch

I will be using awesomeWM

[arch-general] Sharing data between Windows 7 and Archlinux

2011-03-07 Thread Madhurya Kakati
Hi all,
Got hold of a cheap laptop. I want to use it as my download rig. It
will be on most of the time downloading torrents.
The laptop actually came with Windows XP installed. I setup the laptop
ip as and my desktop (running Windows 7) ip as After doing that I connected both of them using a lan
wire. I then enable sharing on both of them and I could transfer files
directly from one computer to the other at speeds of upto 75MBps. I
want to know how to do the same with archlinux or Windows 7 running on
my desktop and archlinux running on the desktop. Please tell me how to
do that. I want to be able to tranfer downloaded content directly from
the laptop to the desktop using a lan cable.

Re: [arch-general] Vuze doesn't work after update

2011-01-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Jelle van der Waa  wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 22:28 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> So what will I do now? Any way I can downgrade? I have lots of torrents on 
>> Vuze.
>> On 1/15/11, Thomas Dziedzic  wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Thomas Dziedzic  wrote:
>> >> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Madhurya Kakati 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>> HI,
>> >>> I just updated Vuze bittorrent client to its latest version and now it
>> >>> doesn't run. I am using 64 bit arch and openjdk6. The output when I
>> >>> run vuze on the terminal is:
>> >>>
>> >>> $ vuze
>> >>> Starting Azureus...
>> >>> Suitable java version found [java = 1.6.0_20]
>> >>> Configuring environment...
>> >>> Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...
>> >>> Browser check failed with: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM
>> >>> Auto-scanning for GRE/XULRunner.  You can skip this by appending the
>> >>> GRE path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and setting MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME.
>> >>>  checking /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2 for GRE
>> >>>        Can not use GRE from /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2 because
>> >>> it's missing
>> >>>  checking /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2 for GRE
>> >>> GRE found at /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2.
>> >>> Browser check failed with: Could not initialize class
>> >>> org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
>> >>> Can't create browser.  Will try to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and hope Vuze
>> >>> has better luck.
>> >>> setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2
>> >>> setting MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2
>> >>> Loading Azureus:
>> >>> java -Xmx128m -cp "./Azureus2.jar:./swt.jar"
>> >>> -Djava.library.path="/usr/share/vuze"
>> >>> -Dazureus.install.path="/usr/share/vuze"
>> >>> -Dazureus.script="/usr/bin/vuze" -Dazureus.script.version=2
>> >>> org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main
>> >>> file:/usr/share/vuze/Azureus2.jar ; file:/usr/share/vuze/swt.jar ;
>> >>> file:/usr/share/vuze/
>> >>> changeLocale: *Default Language* != English (United States). Searching
>> >>> without country..
>> >>> changeLocale: Searching for language English in *any* country..
>> >>> changeLocale: no message properties for Locale 'English (United
>> >>> States)' (en_US), using 'English (default)'
>> >>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>> >>>        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>> >>> Method)
>> >>>        at
>> >>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> >>>        at
>> >>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> >>>        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> >>>        at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.(
>> >>>        at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.main(
>> >>>        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>> >>>        at
>> >>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> >>>        at
>> >>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> >>>        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> >>>        at
>> >>> com.aelitis.azureus.launcher.MainExecutor$
>> >>>        at
>> >>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 32-bit SWT
>> >>> libraries on 64-bit JVM
>> >>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
>> >>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
>> >>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.(
>> >>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
>> >>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
>> >>>        at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.(
>> &g

Re: [arch-general] Vuze doesn't work after update

2011-01-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
So what will I do now? Any way I can downgrade? I have lots of torrents on Vuze.

On 1/15/11, Thomas Dziedzic  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Thomas Dziedzic  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Madhurya Kakati 
>> wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> I just updated Vuze bittorrent client to its latest version and now it
>>> doesn't run. I am using 64 bit arch and openjdk6. The output when I
>>> run vuze on the terminal is:
>>> $ vuze
>>> Starting Azureus...
>>> Suitable java version found [java = 1.6.0_20]
>>> Configuring environment...
>>> Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...
>>> Browser check failed with: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM
>>> Auto-scanning for GRE/XULRunner.  You can skip this by appending the
>>> GRE path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and setting MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME.
>>>  checking /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2 for GRE
>>>        Can not use GRE from /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2 because
>>> it's missing
>>>  checking /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2 for GRE
>>> GRE found at /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2.
>>> Browser check failed with: Could not initialize class
>>> org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
>>> Can't create browser.  Will try to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and hope Vuze
>>> has better luck.
>>> setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2
>>> setting MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2
>>> Loading Azureus:
>>> java -Xmx128m -cp "./Azureus2.jar:./swt.jar"
>>> -Djava.library.path="/usr/share/vuze"
>>> -Dazureus.install.path="/usr/share/vuze"
>>> -Dazureus.script="/usr/bin/vuze" -Dazureus.script.version=2
>>> org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main
>>> file:/usr/share/vuze/Azureus2.jar ; file:/usr/share/vuze/swt.jar ;
>>> file:/usr/share/vuze/
>>> changeLocale: *Default Language* != English (United States). Searching
>>> without country..
>>> changeLocale: Searching for language English in *any* country..
>>> changeLocale: no message properties for Locale 'English (United
>>> States)' (en_US), using 'English (default)'
>>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>>        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>> Method)
>>>        at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>>>        at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>>>        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>        at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.(
>>>        at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.main(
>>>        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>        at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>        at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>        at
>>> com.aelitis.azureus.launcher.MainExecutor$
>>>        at
>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 32-bit SWT
>>> libraries on 64-bit JVM
>>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
>>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
>>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.(
>>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
>>>        at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
>>>        at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.(
>>>        at
>>> org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.SWTThread.(
>>>        at
>>> org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.SWTThread.createInstance(
>>>        at
>>> com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.Initializer.(
>>>        ... 12 more
>>> Exit from Azureus complete
>>> No shutdown tasks to do
>>> Azureus TERMINATED.
>> This is a known issue:
>> FS#22432 - [vuze] 4.6 fails to start on x86_64
>> What's interesting is that I can't find a 64bit version of vuze
>> anymore like there was with the older version. and what's more
>> interesting is that I downloaded the file on a 64bit computer and
>> still got the 32bit version. Is this an upstream problem?
> BTW, I would like to continue this discussion on the bug webpage, not
> on the ml please. & thanks.

Sent from my mobile device

Re: [arch-general] sage-mathematics 4.6.1 in [community-testing]

2011-01-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Brad Fanella  wrote:
> Signoff both architectures :-D
> P.S. I apologize if this actually starts a new thread on the mailing
> list. I wasn't subscribed to arch-general when you sent this message.

and it did :)

[arch-general] Vuze doesn't work after update

2011-01-15 Thread Madhurya Kakati
I just updated Vuze bittorrent client to its latest version and now it
doesn't run. I am using 64 bit arch and openjdk6. The output when I
run vuze on the terminal is:

$ vuze
Starting Azureus...
Suitable java version found [java = 1.6.0_20]
Configuring environment...
Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...
Browser check failed with: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM
Auto-scanning for GRE/XULRunner.  You can skip this by appending the
  checking /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2 for GRE
Can not use GRE from /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9.2 because
it's missing
  checking /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2 for GRE
GRE found at /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2.
Browser check failed with: Could not initialize class
Can't create browser.  Will try to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and hope Vuze
has better luck.
setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2
setting MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2
Loading Azureus:
java -Xmx128m -cp "./Azureus2.jar:./swt.jar"
-Dazureus.script="/usr/bin/vuze" -Dazureus.script.version=2
file:/usr/share/vuze/Azureus2.jar ; file:/usr/share/vuze/swt.jar ;
changeLocale: *Default Language* != English (United States). Searching
without country..
changeLocale: Searching for language English in *any* country..
changeLocale: no message properties for Locale 'English (United
States)' (en_US), using 'English (default)'
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.(
at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.aelitis.azureus.launcher.MainExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 32-bit SWT
libraries on 64-bit JVM
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.(
at com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.Initializer.(
... 12 more
Exit from Azureus complete
No shutdown tasks to do

Re: [arch-general] Welcome to Arch

2011-01-11 Thread Madhurya Kakati
2011/1/11 dario 

> > Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 20:24:53 -0300
> > From: Nicol?s Reynolds 
> > To: General Discussion about Arch Linux 
> > Subject: Re: [arch-general] Welcome to Arch
> > Message-ID: <20110109232453.gg5...@ponape>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> > El 09/01/11 08:15, dario dijo:
> > > Acabo de instalarme Arch 2010.05 desde cd y la verdad que me sorprendi?
> > > much?simo su din?mica para instalarlo (no es complicado con un poco de
> > > ayuda a la hora de instalar GNOME) y su velocidad, vengo de cansarme de
> > > Ubuntu (?soy yo solo o hay alguna persona que note algo oscuro en
> > > Ubuntu?) y creo que me quedo con Arch.
> > >
> > > Un saludo a todos y ojal? que seamos m?s
> >
> > buenas! la lista es angloparlante, as? que en unos minutos te van a
> empezar a
> > caer palos :P
> >
> JAJA I'm sorry, was the emotion!
> please post messages on this mailing list in english language only so that
all of us can understand.

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