Re: Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue

2009-01-22 Thread Russ Grant

I've experienced the same problem. Typically with Firefox and not Safari. I do 
not have a good answer as on how to resolve the issue but I have had limited 
success by cleaning up the form (removing the old Web type views, removing 
unnecessary views) with very limited success.

One other suggesting is to use Safari in developer mode and select IE 6.x.

Good luck and please respond back if you find a resolution. Typically one 
browser or the other has worked for me.


Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:33:27 -0500
Subject: Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG


Hi List,


We have a Mac user who, upon visiting a link to an entry in a
form via web browser, gets presented with a blank page. The same link will load
without problem on Windows machines, but it seems that it won’t load on a
Mac. We’ve tried Safari and Firefox on a Mac in the office with the same
result. I checked the compatibility matrix and see that Firefox is supported on
Mac OS 10.1+ so I wanted to see if you had any thoughts.


ARS & ITSM 7.0.1 p003, MS SQL, Windows Server 2003.





Matthew C.

Application Developer & Remedy Administrator

University of North Carolina Wilmington 

(910) 962-7177


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Re: Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue

2009-01-22 Thread Gidd
Our XtremeAIR interface to ESS supports any browser, is hardware independent
resides on the user's desktop (no url's to remember and NO MID TIER
Have you taken a look at what we offer?  

In case you are interested:

Download & Installation Instructions

 Step 1:   Adobe AIR:Here is the link to install the Air software:


 Step 2:   XtremeAIR:   Here is the link to install the Xtreme Air software:
Use the Open option to select installation.  
Repeat this process to check for updates in the future.
 Step 3:   Login(s) and test:
Once installed, Login/Password is:mmcdonald/mmcdonald
Once installed, Login/Password is: jmcdonald/jmcdonald 
Once installed, Login/Password is: pmcdonald/pmcdonald
Contact me off list if you would like to schedule a live demonstration.  


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Gayford, Matthew C.
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:33 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue


Hi List,


We have a Mac user who, upon visiting a link to an entry in a form via web
browser, gets presented with a blank page. The same link will load without
problem on Windows machines, but it seems that it won't load on a Mac. We've
tried Safari and Firefox on a Mac in the office with the same result. I
checked the compatibility matrix and see that Firefox is supported on Mac OS
10.1+ so I wanted to see if you had any thoughts.


ARS & ITSM 7.0.1 p003, MS SQL, Windows Server 2003.





Matthew C. Gayford
Application Developer & Remedy Administrator
University of North Carolina Wilmington 
(910) 962-7177


__Platinum Sponsor: RMI Solutions ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" html___ 

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Platinum Sponsor: RMI Solutions ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue

2009-01-22 Thread strauss
We saw this a lot a couple of years ago when testing 7.0.x ... one of the 
reasons we waited for 7.1.  Since even 7.1 did not properly support Firefox and 
Safari on Macs until, I'm guessing that you need to be on a higher 
patch level of 7.0.01 on your mid-tier than 003 in order to see Mac web 
browsers working correctly - something released in at least the spring of 2008.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[] On Behalf Of Gayford, Matthew C.
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:33 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue

Hi List,

We have a Mac user who, upon visiting a link to an entry in a form via web 
browser, gets presented with a blank page. The same link will load without 
problem on Windows machines, but it seems that it won't load on a Mac. We've 
tried Safari and Firefox on a Mac in the office with the same result. I checked 
the compatibility matrix and see that Firefox is supported on Mac OS 10.1+ so I 
wanted to see if you had any thoughts.

ARS & ITSM 7.0.1 p003, MS SQL, Windows Server 2003.



Matthew C. Gayford
Application Developer & Remedy Administrator
University of North Carolina Wilmington
(910) 962-7177

__Platinum Sponsor: RMI Solutions ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" html___

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Platinum Sponsor: RMI Solutions ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Mid-Tier Browser & Mac issue

2009-01-22 Thread Gayford, Matthew C.
Hi List,

We have a Mac user who, upon visiting a link to an entry in a form via web 
browser, gets presented with a blank page. The same link will load without 
problem on Windows machines, but it seems that it won't load on a Mac. We've 
tried Safari and Firefox on a Mac in the office with the same result. I checked 
the compatibility matrix and see that Firefox is supported on Mac OS 10.1+ so I 
wanted to see if you had any thoughts.

ARS & ITSM 7.0.1 p003, MS SQL, Windows Server 2003.



Matthew C. Gayford
Application Developer & Remedy Administrator
University of North Carolina Wilmington
(910) 962-7177

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
Platinum Sponsor: RMI Solutions ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"