Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
not just me, pretty sure the whole board yelled at you during those days.  i 
posted i was done with the topic, beasue it was getting out of hand! it seemed 
like every message was saying the same thing, and dragging something i said 
into it.  felt the need to reply.   sorry about that.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"It was first announced on this board after the fact; and what would 
you suggest we'd have done to stop it? You think they'd listen to us?"
  i think i was the first to mention the mulch being installed on here, but 
could be wrong.  the fact that it was going to be done was mentioned weeks 
before.  who knows, it wouldnt have hurt to try.  if you dont try, you 100 
percent wont get it.  i was mostly talking about the posts on here.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"Must have missed the announcement prior to the installation"
  after the MM "signing" everyone spoke of th things theyd be doing.  cleaning 
up, mulching the open spaces, renovationg the ground flooor of hojo, new store 
front windows.  it was posted a bunch on here, thats why im puzzled here.   
ahhh, no more mulch threads!!! haha

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
wow, sarcastic??  what exactly is wrong with you.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"Mulch doesn't break down in water. If it clogs the sewers, it needs 
to be removed. Furthermore, regardless of who paid for it, the point 
is the pattern of inneptitude on the part of the developers. If they 
make fundamental mistakes, guess what ?'
  agreeded.  im sure if something happened down the road, the city would end up 
having to fix it somehow.well, im done with the mulch threads, haha.  i 
think im saying the same thing over.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
" I am amazed how complacent people will be to just accept things 
> without question instead of wanting the best."
  me too.  if i had such high water concerned like some people on here do, then 
i would have posted my thoughts on it, or talked to someone for a possiable 
change (with good reason to back it up).  not wait till its done, then start my 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"totally agree with werner and hinge, their observations in my 
opinon are 100% correct, it shouldnt of been done, their concerns are 
legit, not negative, the attitude dont worry about it til it is to 
late is how we got in this mess, anything is better than nothing 
attitude is unaccepatable in any town except asbury, lets paint 
murals, no lets stop fooling ourselves and get on track, thank 
you' "
  ahh!!   i agree too, it shouldnt have been done.  but how do you expalin the 
fact that everyones talking about it now??  AFTER ITS DONE.  "it shounldnt have 
been done"  where were all the posts saying LETS NOT DO IT!?. ...becasue  etc.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"Many artists understand the value of anticipating problems before 
they happen..."
  your right.  i see things before they happen sometimes, haha.  i should have 
a tv show.  thats the part about all this mulch business i dont get!  how come 
its all coming out now? after its done?  if someone really had water issues, 
and it was at the top of their minds like this, shouldnt they have spoken up 
before the mucl was layed?  or at least questioned it?  and if anyone did, 
sorry in advance.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"Charlie has stated that he's an artist.

  all right?  i dont follow.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
  "For example - thinking that the boardwalk will be a year-round venue
for retail business. Most of the year the Weather is pretty raw at the
oceanfront. - Hello ??"
  i hope that never happens.  however, if the boardwalk pavillions are made 
more ocean ave facing, or open to, anything can suceed i think.  the 
establishments that use to line waterfront made it.  the rainbow room, stone 
pony still, jimmys, netlanes.  it has nothing do with being year round retail 
or year round bars and other facilities.  listed above are not retail, yet 
people cleary attend (attended) them all year. if theres going to be any 
form of stores, its going to have to be in the casino.  leave the boardwalk 
alone.  we dont want "stores" on the boardwalk.  not the high end type im 
picturing like in long branch at least.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"Speaking of art, there is a really cool piece of it on the side of the Stone 
Pony Annex building. 
It's a guy in a gas mask. Somebody really went to a bit of trouble to glue that 
thing up there. I 
respect that."
  that is pretty neat.  look for more in the future.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"There You Go Again - labeling constructive critcism as "something bad"."
   constructive   talking about something after its done???  thats like 
painting a car blue, having it leave the factory, then deciding you dont want 
it blue!  constructive critcism is where you take something bad, point out its 
cons, and then somehow try and make it better!!the idea that grass would 
have been better was good, thats the right idea.  not a constant picking apart 
of what is bad, with no atempts to make it better.  where did anyone express 
their concerns that this might be a problem?  no where! 
 (this is a pretty basic example) remember when the plans for north beach 
were re designed, taking away some of the more complex features?  it didnt fly, 
people talked about it, and made it stay the way it was orignaly designed.  
there was a negative problem, people talked, and it was changed.  things dont 
alwasy work out that way, but an effort was made.  not waiting till the 
building was built, then kicking and screaming saying it wasnt built right!
anyway, no hard feelings to anyone!  i agree grass would have been better 
for a number of reasons!  but i guess the mulch doesnt need any upkeep.  less 
work to maintain.  if a problem happens indeed, MM will fix it, and realize 
their mistake.  that was the only point i was making.  i in no way ment it like 
you may have thought, or implyed. saying thats the reason asbury is the way it 
is.  asbury is full of people who dont care, those are the ones that dont 
belong here.  the city will never change as long as people
 walk around not caring. 
  (on a side note, i agree, grass would have been better.  looks better, and 
probably more usefull then the mulch for a number of reasons.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"Oh, your not joking. Why am I not surprised. Your attitude reflects the many 
reasons why AP 
is in such a mess right now. Don't worry about it right now. If it makes a 
mess, they will clean 
it up. Right. I'm sorry, but planting something that would hold up to the 
elements like 
planting grass would've been a much better idea. Nobody is going to want to 
walk on mulch. 
I agree the mulch looks nice, but it also renders the area it's in off limits."
  all right, and your attitude also represents why asbury park has the problems 
it does.  that can go both ways.  picking apart everything in sight.  of course 
grass would have been better, it would have looked better too.  i dont think 
the mucl looks good at all, it doesnt look like it belongs at the beach.  i 
didnt mean my comment in the way your taking it, but im sure you know that.  if 
something makes a mess, you clean it up.  its simple.  MM probably didnt think 
of the posisable flooding that would shift the mulch around.  that is their 
fualt, they didnt know.  if the mulch system prooves to be a mess, they will 
most likely reconsider their ideas.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"No offense, but that really is pretty weak reasoning. There may 
NEVER be a problem with it, but to say go ahead and do something and 
only worry about it if it causes a problem down the road doesn't make 
much sense."
  of course it was weak.  its also weak to think people are now thinking of 
this, after the fact.  no one mentioned this concern once before!  i guess they 
just thougth of it.  if it was such a seroous thing, people should have spoken 
up about it.  and if it was a big enough deal to post on this board, how come 
no one posted about it before the trucsk rolled in?  you know, before, when 
there was a time frame to qeustion it, maybe stop it.   ah, i dont know.  the 
concerns are good.   i just think its funny how people wait till things are 
done to speak up sometimes.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
it was a little of both.  i have a 5 foot wide puddle at the base of my 
driveway too.  your not the only one with water problems.  most areas tend to 
back up when it rains.  it happsn everywhere.  the mulch is a waste if it goes 
away, yes.  the labor spent to put it ther is a waste, yes.  however, that has 
nothing to do with it.  you didnt spend your hours to apply it, and you didnt 
make it.  i dont see those two comments fitting in well with all this.  anyway, 
your points are clear, and valid.   i think its funny how no one brought this 
up before.  before it was acutally done.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"I am amazed how complacent people will be to just accept things 
without question instead of wanting the best."
  i didnt hear anyone once question or question the use of mulch when the idea 
was first announced.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
i knew someone would come up with something bad, over a potential good thing.  
(not that your reasoning isnt good. it is.  but i wouldnt worry about it right 
now.  if it makes a mess, they wil clean it up.)

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
goood point.

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Re: [AsburyPark] A thought about the mulch by the boardwalk.

2007-04-04 Thread charlie leonard
"The mulch definitely makes the boardwalk area look better, but I wonder what's 
going to 
happen if we get hit with a huge hurricane style storm. That stuff is all gonna 
float away and 
make a huge mess."
  ...  well, if it happens, worry about it then.  not now.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States Returns to Asbury Park

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
"who said it wont be open this summer?"
  good point.  i guess there is no reason why it cant be re opened.  unless 
that part of the building is now not safe to walk through.  not sure how the 
back half and the hall were connected.  is the hall effected? if not, sure it 
could be opened, if they choose to.  theres no way to get to the eastern 
demolished section, or western construction zone from walking through it.  we 
will see what happens. 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States Returns to Asbury Park

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
i dont think any developers or partys wanted to get invovled with the palace 
becasue there were too many things going on around it.  unsure of what was 
going on, things changing.  it may have been to big of a risk for most.  no 
matter what kind of history or potential it had.  the plan didnt call for 
anything like the palace, or any palace like settings in the area around it.  
the idea of the palace sitting in the mist of a residential setting may not 
have been something that sat high with potential investors.  dont know.   

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Re: [AsburyPark] what ever happened to

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
no idea.  there were posts from her, and about it.  but dont remember the 
outcomet though.   she doesnt post on here anymore either?

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: So how do we call Wesley Grove on their BS?

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
yes werner, ive noticed all these things before.  i dont alwasy post on them, 
but i have alwasy seen them.  i'm an artist, i notice everything! if it 
stays emtpy for too long, maybe it will catch on fire!  isnt that what happeend 
to the finsihed condos that were there in 80s?  they burned right after 
construction was finished?   anyone have any pictures of what they looked like? 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States Returns to Asbury Park

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
the opening of the boardwalk through to ocean grove last summer didnt exactly 
do much for foot traffic either.  and at this point, it doesnt matter if theirs 
foot traffic or no foot traffic.  i guess if you enjoy seeing people, thats one 
thing.  but the people walking around arnt going to do anything for business 
etc.  theres nothing there.  i think this summer the hojo pavillion will have 
things going on though.  i do think there will be something in the ground floor 
of that space, along with a few other stores on the boardwalk (in the same hojo 
building).  MM said there would be, and there has been hard work non stop over 
there everyday. their working for a goal or some sort, thats certain.  the 
berkely hotel is privately owned, and has been for sometime now.  you cant 
blame the buildings problems on the city.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: So how do we call Wesley Grove on their BS?

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
well, its not going anywhere.  thats for sure.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States Returns to Asbury Park

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
"The sad part is that it could have been true if the Palace had not 
been destroyed.

  probably.  i dont think it would have ever been used though.  wasnt it noted 
that the steel most likely wouldnt be strong enough to use again?  as a 
operational wheel?  i use to follow the sitar farris wheel chronicals website.  
it was interesting.  if MM were serious when they said rides on the open spaces 
on the boardwalk, then the wheel could be put together on a site, just for 
looks.  maybe attached to a building somehow.  its in pretty bad shape over at 
the golf course though, so who knows.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: So how do we call Wesley Grove on their BS?

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
i never saw so many pure white air vents on the front face of the building in 
my life.  if they have to be there, thats fine, but why would you make them 
white if the building is not.  isnt the idea to have them blend in?  if its 
one, have it white.  but when theres literlay about 300.  dont get it.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States Returns to Asbury Park

2007-04-02 Thread charlie leonard
ha ha

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-04-01 Thread charlie leonard
"It already happened, people came in '05, saw it wasn't ready (and 
won't be for some time), and stayed away in '06. I was there, I 
witnessed the decrease in foot traffic on the boards. Don't be 
surprised if there is a lack of publicity, because there is a lack of 
viable business. In the name of consistency, the developers will 
still not do it right; but are probably already to taking this season 
on the chin. Let's hope it's in the interest of rehabilitating things 
to make the '08 season viable."
  excatly.  all the talk, then everyone came running.  yet, nothing was there.  
it was too early.  you can promoate the rise of asbury parks boardwalk, when 
nothing has risen.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-04-01 Thread charlie leonard
"MM's deal in CH is not the same as the rest of the BW. Partners is 
still involved there."
  yes, i know.  AP will probably alwasy been invovled there.  but if MM comes 
in, even a little.  i think things will change.  youd think MM would want to be 
invovled, if they are truely going to be doing the other entertainment stuff.  
it could proove to be a usefull building for their future plans.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: So how do we call Wesley Grove on their BS?

2007-04-01 Thread charlie leonard
the sidewalks on the western side are almost done.  all the lights are in, 
benches, and trees should be coming soon.  theres not going to much more "bussy 
work" left!  we will see what happens.  it will soon be more obvious that 
nothing is going on.  there wont be any need for workes to be walking around 
outside, if theres nothing to do.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-04-01 Thread charlie leonard
"Ture.  Wires could have had to re run.  Unless Werner was there, I don't see 
how he can insist he is right."
  he could very well be right.  but unless he was there, then theres no way he 
knows for sure what happened!  i doubt he was there, being he wasnt clear on 
what lights we were talking about at the begining of this thread.  if he had 
been there during the "turning of the switch", then this topic should have been 
up front in his head.   oh well, no offence anywhere.  werners knowledge about 
the city is very good, and he knows a lot.  its clear the city doenst want his 
imput too much, becasue they know the plan changes things, and he would be 
there protesting things if he were too connected.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Yes Werner -Thank You.

2007-03-31 Thread charlie leonard
werner, you do  have a lot of smarts.  your usally right.  sometimes people 
dont see what you see, or maybe its just that they dont want to.  its obvious 
that the beachfront isnt going by the "rules" of how asbury was built and 
formed.  things have changed.  the flared avenues brought back the classic 
looking asbury park.  although, i liked the big open roads full of blacktop.  i 
could do without the grassy traingles in the middle.  just my opinion though.  
it felt more open with the bigger roads.   the closing of lake is the worst 
part so far.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-03-31 Thread charlie leonard
"What about the general lack of publicity about this upcoming summer in general.
I'd like to think that some kind've PR would be appropriate about everything 
that is 
"happening" in AP."
  i think its too soon to do any form of marketing.  someone else said this 
awhile back too, but not sure who.  market what?  theres nothing there.  you 
want to attrack people to teh beachfront, for what?  people know there are 
things being built, and changes in effect.  they read about it in the pappers, 
or online, so they come to check things out.  this message group alone gives 
people a reason to come see whats going on.  you need to market developers, and 
other partys about asbury park.  give them ideas on what can be built, or what 
could be done.  you dont really want people coming here in the way i think you 
mean.  theyd come here, walk the boardwalk, and leave!  the things that do 
exist on the beachfront people already know about.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-03-31 Thread charlie leonard
"I thought I clarified that - No-one DID anything other than flip a switch.

  do you know that for a fact?  if you do, perhaps im wrong, and sorry in 
advance.  becasue the last times these lights were turned on, they were missing 
bulbs and not all were working right.  this was a few years ago.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-03-31 Thread charlie leonard
  I appreciate your optimism for the work of MM and hope that you are right in 
thinking that Asbury Park is on the right path because they're now in the 
picture.  Just curious though... aren't you a little disappointed or upset that 
there really hasn't been much made of an official announcement between MM and 
Asbury Partners or MM and Asbury Park?  If they really are running things now, 
why haven't they told people flat out?

  That's the thing that disturbs me."
  yes, that is a bit shady.  not sure what to make of it.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall - (was lights)

2007-03-31 Thread charlie leonard
all your points are clear, and true.  i think convention hall will be changing 
in the near future though.  how near?  i dont know.  i think MM will want to be 
invovled with the building more.  everything being done these last few weeks 
are done with the hands of MM.  not a big deal, but the idea that what MM said 
they'd do, they did.  covering the fences for privacy, mulch in the open spaces 
on the boardwalk, hojo work (tempt, yes.  but its making good for the failed 
job asbury partners did.). i suspect the paramount stairs were the work of MM 
too.  i dont picture asbury partners doing it out of no where.  i think the 
convention hall "crown lights" being operational were the work of MM too. 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Paramount Entrance

2007-03-30 Thread charlie leonard
a ha!  yes, i noticed you didnt leave your views on it.  interesting points, 
and true.  they probably chose to work on it, so that whole courtyard area will 
be new looking.  they said that whole area would be done with the same time 
that that hojo ground floor would be done.  i guess they figured thats a 
straight view out of the hojo downstairs windows.  makes sence kind of.  i see 
your points though.  the windows are on their way, arnt they?  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Entrance to Paramount Theater Demolished

2007-03-29 Thread charlie leonard
the new entrance will probably be larger.  i think it will give the paramount a 
more noticable entrance.  for such a big important place, the previous set up 
didnt do much for it.  who knows, we will see what happens.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Entrance to Paramount Theater Demolished

2007-03-27 Thread charlie leonard
was that the orignal entrace to the paramount?  whoever is behind it, probably 
MM, maybe they have better plans.  i doubt asbury parnters did this on their 
own.  it seems like more and more things are being worked on now that MM is 
invovled.   ill check it out tomorrow.

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Re: [AsburyPark] convention hall lights

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
  the blinding modern lights you were talking about on conention hall.  were 
you talking about the ones on the front, under the arches?  that is the work of 
asbury partners though.  maybe MM will replace them in time?

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Re: [AsburyPark] An observation about negative vs. postive posting on this board

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
"Why is it that posts about positive things happening in AP rarely
become a thread compared to things like posts about the Convention
Hall lights?
Of course, I started a thread about some successful music events etc
but nobody has anything to add. Even though AP still has many things
to deal with going forward, shouldn't we at least acknowledge that
it's not all bad? "
  thats pretty much the exact same thing i said a few weeks ago.  about how 
only negative things are mentioned, and rarley the postive.  and the posts 
about the negative only seem to make the bad worse.  i think it just depends on 
the topic, and the people reading it at the time.  some things are of more 
interest then others.  just depends what people are interested in at the time i 

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Re: [AsburyPark] convention hall lights

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
"The lights on Convention Hall have been on in the past. They were on about 5 
years ago during the summer all of them. I also remember when they were on all 
the time in the summer growing up as a kid. During the boat shows back in the 
80's they were on all the time."
  i dont know about the 80s, but i remember 5 years ago when  a few were on.  i 
posted on here about it i think.  back then, a few on the front facade of the 
building were on.  now all are on, around the whole building.  even the side 
facing the ocean.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall lights

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
"Naaa, just flip a switch on some new lights that have been there for years and 
get everyone all excited."
  the lights your talking about have been there for years, corrent.  and their 
always on.  nothing new.   dont jump to conclusions next time.  :-)

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall lights

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
"MM is serious about doing the restoration. They are hiring a plaster 
restoration mason for the Paramount."
  oh really?  whered you hear this from?  that sounds good.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Asbury was rock city this weekend

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
someone had to have noticed.  hopefully.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall lights

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
"The lights have been there for years !! Someone just flipped a switch."
  im not trying to debate you here, or argue, but if someone just flipped a 
switch, how come the ones on the front werent turned on too?  im thinking 
becasue they didnt work right, just like 5 years ago in a sad attempt they 
tryed to turn the siwtch and only had 2 come on (barley).  either way, they 
look good.  reffering to the "crown shapped lights" on the points of the 
building.  that was the first wording choice i chose to discribe them as.  
crowned, meaning a topping.  everyone seemed to get what i was talking about.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall lights

2007-03-26 Thread charlie leonard
werner, stop jumping to conclusions!  were not talking about the same thing 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: convention hall lights

2007-03-25 Thread charlie leonard
"Garden State Film Festival and MM."
  im leaning more towards MM.  they probably said enough, things need to get 
done!  wasnt the garden state film festival in asbury last year too?  they 
didnt get the lights running for that year, so i pretty sure it was all MM.  
maybe MM did it for the GSFF though.  who knows.   it looks great either way.   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: charms building

2007-03-25 Thread charlie leonard
"Another example of how the WRP WAS VIOLATED. The plan held that there 
must be at least two variations of a facade along a single block. Look 
at Wesley Grove. No variation/ One monolithic facade."
  exactly.  i think the building looks all right, westly grove.  however, i 
would have liked to see it looking more like seperate buildings.  i hope future 
buildings, like the phase two project accross the street, and the site just 
west will be different.  i doubt it.  but we will see.  it cant cost hat much 
more to divide the front up to resemble different buildings..   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-25 Thread charlie leonard
yes, what you said is accurate.  however, it makes more sence when you read the 
whole thing at once, and not leave off follow up sentences.  the point was, 
asbury parnters arnt doing what they said they would.  everyone knows that.   
if your sitting around waiting, or wondering why their not doing anything, my 
wording answers that (in my oppinoin).  asbury parnters dont want to, they 
probably want nothing to do with it.  their just waiting around untill the 
right people come along to take ove whatever land of accents they give them.
  "your right... there not. they own the land and sell it off to developers to 
develope. its 
clear now, and has been for a few yeares that asbury partners dont really plan 
on "doing 
anything" thats fine. as long as they sell of the land to developers who will. 
anyone whos 
still talking about asbury parnters arnt doing anything need to get with it.., 
of course their 
not. that wasnt part of their plan. look around. now we have MM doing things 
they said 
they would. whoever they pass the land off to, will take part in something 
asbury partners 
didnt do? "

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-25 Thread charlie leonard
"Charlie, How can you in good conscience post opinions like this?

Its fine they haven't been doing anything?
Critics need to get with it?"
  read more carefully werner. i never said it was ok to do so, i simply stated 
that is whats going on.  didnt say it was ok.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-25 Thread charlie leonard
im sure MM will have a plan to follow.   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-24 Thread charlie leonard
yeah, ignore that comment. i checked, its not listed.  i could have sworn 
something was planned there.  oh well.  it lists a ground floor lounge area 
with fireplace.  thats probably what i read before, but it was worded 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-24 Thread charlie leonard
"I ask you this. Have you ever dealt with them? Have you ever spoken 
directly with ANYONE who has? Anyone on that long list of disgruntled 
former associates? Nothing they do should surprise anyone."
  i know a few people that work there.  what problems are you talking about?

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-24 Thread charlie leonard
"Too bad they aren't developers."
  your right... there not.  they own the land and sell it off to developers to 
develope.  its clear now, and has been for a few yeares that asbury partners 
dont really plan on "doing anything"  thats fine.  as long as they sell of the 
land to developers who will.  anyone whos still talking about asbury parnters 
arnt doing anything need to get with it..,  of course their not.  that wasnt 
part of their plan.  look around.   now we have MM doing things they said they 
would.  whoever they pass the land off to, will take part in something asbury 
partners didnt do?   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-24 Thread charlie leonard
the wont tear down the stone pony. im almost 100 percent sure of it.  they 
claimed they never would.  all the recent radio promotions claim "the pony is 
here to stay, were not going anywhere".  aside from that, if something should 
ever happen, the most theyd do is move the building (in my mind).  the 
"enterainment area" should be ocean ave, and at least over to the stone pony 
block.  is ocean ave still designated as ground floor stores, etc??  north 
beach, and c8 site both do.  but from the outside, youd never guess it.  they 
have a bar and restarnate in the ground floors.  the architects needs to make 
the ground floods look more like "something else" i think.  not one building, 
where youd never guess something was downstairs for visotors.  not just 
housing.  do you really think their will be a sign outside showing the bar 
inside north beach?  i doubt it.   ocean ave will not have the feeling i 
thought it would.  the ground flood, or whatevers inside the groudn floor of
 these housing units needs to be more visiable in future designs!  theres only 
1 or 2 blocks more left for ocean ave.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-23 Thread charlie leonard
"tick tock goes the pony clock

  ha!!  no way.  even asbury parnters are not that stupid.  thats one thing 
good they have going for them, and they are aware of it im sure.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Chuck, why'd you dodge my question last night?

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
  i tryed emialing you, your email doesnt work.  it bounced back. if you 
can get it through to me, feel free to.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Level the Pavillions, Start Over, Build Fewer and Open Up the Views from O

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
the hojo renovation is moving pretty fast.  they started hanging drywall today. 
 no idea whats going on though.  they appeared to have put up a wall blocking 
off the boardwalk entrance.  yet they installed new doors there.  it leands 
into a small room, with no where to go!  maybe they didnt cut the door out yet.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Charlie, Where is you positive spin on the 4 prior posts?

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"Maybe I used my supreme negative powers of telepathy to incite these 
people; just to prove you wrong? For those of you not following the 
thread from last night, Chuck can't understand the focus on the 
negative in Asbury Park with so many positive things going on here. Now 
I don't want to be the negative one here, just sharing what I saw in 
the news IN THE LAST 24 HOURS. "
  yeah, your one of those people.  i figured.   i dont know what your talknig 
about.  do not mention my name, and assume you know what i do and what i dont 
understand.  thet topic was redevelopment, not violence related.  the point 
was, people tend to focus on the bad side of things, just for the sake of 
making bad worse.  not for the cause of making the bad better.  period. 
 no need to go back and forth, if you want to talk to me, email me.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Chuck, why'd you dodge my question last night?

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
  whats your question?

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: steinbach building

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"on a different brick topic. the pavillions on the boardwalk. 
i understand the theory behind painting the pavillions, to show 

Wrong Chuck, to save money."
  im talking about the first paint job, soon, or a year after asbury parnters 
took over.  wasnt that to show that they were here, and to give a visiable sign 
of difference?  there were no temp renovatioins done at this point.  i dont 
even think anything was operating down there then.   i dont know.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: steinbach building

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"Charlie, without repeating your post I think you are missing the point 
about care of brick. Its not about "looks". There are technical 
reasons why painting brick is a bad idea.

I'll catch up on this later."
  no, i understand the care of brick. i get you werner!  i think maybe i was 
just mixing too many thoughts up under one topic.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: steinbach building

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"on a different brick topic. the pavillions on the boardwalk. 
i understand the theory behind painting the pavillions, to show 

Wrong Chuck, to save money."
  im talking about the first paint job, soon, or a year after asbury parnters 
took over.  wasnt that to show that they were here, and to give a visiable sign 
of difference?  there were no temp renovatioins done at this point.  i dont 
even think anything was operating down there then.   i dont know.

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Re: [AsburyPark] The Golddigger - R.I.P.

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"That Honour now rests with the Stone Pony, formerly known as Mrs. 
Jay's Resaurant. Circa 1933."
  now that the stone pony is all thats left on that block, i think its a good 
time to fight for an extended "entertainment zone"  i could be wrong, but wasnt 
the stone pony site technicaly out of the "zone" but settled that it could 
remain where it was.  i think another bar, music place somewhat like the stone 
pony (ironcily, exactly like the golddigger. ha!) should be placed there.  both 
leading out to the outdoor stage area.  could be a good thing.  i went to the 
stone pony all through out highschool and still go.  im 25.  i dont want it to 
ever change or be anything then what it is right now.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: steinbach building

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
werner, ha!  yes, i agree.  not painting brick is good. i like brick.  unless 
the brick is behond repair, and painting is the only option.  some bricks look 
good painted too.  but agreeed, if your trying to restore something, you 
wouldnt want to paint it.   thats like restoring convetion hall and painting it 
in the process!  i took another look at steinbach today, are you sure the 
outside was cleaned already?  it looks pretty dirty and messed up in parts near 
the "front door".
on a different brick topic.  the pavillions on the boardwalk.  i understand 
the theory behind painting the pavillions, to show change.  i would not like to 
see painted brick pavillions on the boardwalk as an end result though!  
however, im pretty sure there are not, or were there ever, any plans to keep 
the pavillions as is.  meaning, the bricks were never ment to be shown in the 
end result?  is that how you see things going?  i picture new bricks, or some 
other surface covering the new pavilloins.   the pavillions now, with the 
exception of the hojo portion really have no interesting or valuable acents.  
do they?  cut off from ocean ave. with the front needing work too.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Note Seasonal Business

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"I heard MM isn't officially signed on yet; just unofficially for 
media reports. Still testing the waters?"
  i wouldnt doubt it if they were.  who knows.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Note Seasonal Business

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"That's because you don't have sources, I do."
  k..   anything you feel like sharing with the group?

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Re: [AsburyPark] steinbach building

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
yes werner!  i know the buildnig is brick.  i take back some of my past 
comments.  i didnt mean to angle it towards painting was the way to go.  i just 
noted the coloring of the brick.  i didnt realize the outside was arleady 
cleaned?  ive been watched it for years. i guess i missed the tiem period when 
it was cleaned.  or it was so fast, i missed it.   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Note Seasonal Business

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"I am hoping for the best, but I think MM is in over its head. I don't 
like what I am hearing. I still want to know - where is the plan? 
Someone has to have a plan to see if it can be approved. I don;t think 
they have one. Why?"
  what have you heard?  i havnt heard anything, just what MM spoke of at the 
city meeting a few weeks ago.  i also over heard a conversation between one of 
the MM speakers and a private person.   using ground floor of casino as a food 
markter.  that was the only outside thing ive herad, other then what was spoke 
of during the meeting.  have you heard things from people?  like what? or from 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Terrible graffitti on the Howard Johnson pavillion

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
no idea what the pigs mean.  i also see a lot of cheese blocks around the 
downtown.  it could be any number of things.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Terrible graffitti on the Howard Johnson pavillion

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"Charlie, Graffitti is not all over the city. Your being too 
negative. Ha! Just joking my friend. "
  rock, did you just join?  it seems your name sprung out of no where.   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Charlie are you going to be nice to Roman for his statements or should I?

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
  what are you talking about?   

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Note Seasonal Business

2007-03-22 Thread charlie leonard
"I agree that piecemeal is not ideal...however regarding HoJo's aren't
they now at the mercy of the timelines imposed by the agreement? My
sense is Partners wasted so much time that now MM has no choice..."
  i think anything asbury parnters had agreeded to do, and hasn, MM will do.  
just because they know it has to be done, and dont want to be connected with 
any wrong doing.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: What the hell happened to this message board?

2007-03-10 Thread charlie leonard
who knows.  read what you want, deleate what you dont.  it seems to work fine.  
the online world is not perfect.  the board was better years ago though, when 
things didnt go so far off topic.  i think it has to do with certain people 
that now post on the list.  if you dont answer them... or reply comments back 
to them.. things will be all right.  you know the type of comments im talking 
about, the ones YOU KNOW will inspire them to say more stupid things.  why say 
it, if you know the outcome?!!?  so you can complain about them later?  after 
you inspired it!  maybe "your" the problem!  ha. (not directed to anyone, just 
general thinkings!)

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Still waiting

2007-03-09 Thread charlie leonard
the colors are the same of the images that have been online for months, even 
before it was built?  i didnt hear anyone talking about colors back then.  it 
was obvious what the colors would be.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Still waiting

2007-03-09 Thread charlie leonard
i thought everyone was satisfyed with the way north beach was looking? or will 
look?  no?  i dont think  it looks cheap in anyway.  its also real stucco, not 
the stucco over foam board.  you can tell the real from the fake, up close or 
far away.  im glad they went with the real.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: My new neighbors?

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
also, there are a lot of people on here.   they come and go.  if you go back a 
year ago, different people were typing over the majority of the ones that are 
typing now.  and go back to 99, well, they dont exist anymore!  dont know where 
they went.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] My new neighbors?

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
welcome to the board jim.  the board has its ups and downs.  its mainly used to 
show different peoples views and ideas regarding different topics.  its been up 
since 99'  people come and go.  just post your comments, yull be sure to get 
feed back.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"Good idea about calling. I'll do it tomorrow on my lunch break and
report my findings here."
  ill stop into the office in person.  we can compare our stories and see if we 
get the same one

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"do you have a job hingy? you need a new hobby...this board is 
consuming you..."
  its comments like that, that make me wonder about the world.  what the hell 
happened.  get a life.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
" It just seems strange to methat it's still not finished, and there is hardly 
any activity going on there at all."
  oh ok.  i thought you were talkng about nyc, sorry.  yes, it is strange that 
its not done.  i strongly suspect their waiting on something.  so now their 
working on outside things, the planters, sidewalks, lights, trees, benches, 
etc.   they need to be done anyway, so its not useless work.   and you dont 
need many workers for that, given why you dont see many.  the inside hasnt been 
touched in a long time though.  no drywall on any floors.  thats the hold up!

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
i dont know.   maybe its an asbury park thing maybe.  now that i think about 
it, the new mariot (sp) hotel that went up near me.  off route 66, near the 
home depot in neptune.  that seemed to have gone up pretty fast.  not sure how 
it was built, or maybe there werent as many underground tactics used.  i dont 
remeber seeing any pileings drilled, or anything like that.  so maybe its 
different circumstances.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"Why doesn't someone stop in the sales center and ask or call."
  a ha!  good idea.  istead of everyone spectulating whats going on, what isnt. 
 i'll stop in tomororw, if i get a chance.  i think its too late to call now. 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"I absolutely have a place to say that. Prior to moving to AP, I lived
in Edgewater, which is up north on the Hudson, directly across from
NYC. I saw many many projects, most bigger, completed in much less
time. I can't help but observe Weasley Grove. It's right outside my
  so your coparing asbury park to projects you watched go up in nyc?  i somehow 
think projects in nyc go up faster, just because of where their located. along 
with other factors.  but, i could be wrong.  i picture a standard project in 
the suburbs being a lot different then a large project in the city.   things 
take time in general.  look how long its taken the c8 site to get going?   im 
acutally surprised people didnt start complaining about how long its taking. 
its been months.  maybe they learned their lesson once, from what happened with 
the north beach project.  the groudn stages take time.  its not something thats 
as visiable as other aspects of the projects.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"Hey, i'm just calling it like I see it. I've lived in AP in direct view of 
Weasley Grove for a year 
now. That project should've been completed by now. Every morning when I walk my 
near there, I see maybe a handful of workers, mostly doing nothing. For a 
project like that 
to take more then a year to be completed is pretty sad."
  you sound like an observer.  do you really have a place to stand and say 
"that should have been done a year ago?"  people said teh same thing about 
north beach. just a month or two ago.  drastic changes come, and they come 
fast.  north beach went from looking no where near being done, a month later, 
totally almost being completed.  its understandable people want things done, 
and they want them done.  but thats not how things work.  ANYWHERE.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"Dan reports that there is a rumor they are looking to bail.  Lets not forget 
how worng his sources are."
  oh ok, thats the answer to the question i just asked in my last post.  i 
think its clear their waiting on a certain company to do the drywall and 
interior work.  EVERYTHING else possiable is being done.   meaing, everything 
else that can be done is being done.  INSTEAD of waiting around doing nothing.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"I think that the tiny amount of work being done is just a smokescreen. Busy 
work being 
done to give the impression that something is going on"
  interesting idea, but im not sure thats the case.  new developer taking over, 
or the same one, i think the work is going as fast as it can.  the whole thing 
is pretty much done, isnt it?  drywall, lights and floors?thats pretty much 
it.  i think their waiting on something.  (waiting for someone else to take 
over, or for a certain company to have time to do it.  who knows!)  i dont 
think the work being done is a smoke screen, to keep busy work.  thats work 
that needs to be done, and this is the time when it should be done.  the 
project seems to be going in order.   very slow though.   who ever it was that 
said a posisable new developer is taking over.  whered you get that possiable 
information from?  just wondering.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
if its true that a new owner of operation is coming into the picture.  it would 
be good to start over, haha.  at lest the ocean grove side.  but we all know 
that will never happen.  no developer in their right mind would tear down 
something brand new like that.  and i doubt theyd edit it any.  theres not much 
you can do really.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"So let's say they do unload it. What happens? Does somebody else take over 
construction? Or do they just bulldoze the monstrosity and begin again?"
  is that a joke? im guessing it is.  clearly, the allegded buyer would 
continute the project.  just like the c8 "buyers" started off with plans to 
reuse what they aquired.  that still is a mystery to me.  even after it was 
said that c8 couldnt be saved.  they STILL used the plans for the current 
project that was based off the existing c8!  if c8 was never there to begin 
with, i dont think it would have been designed the way we see it today.  

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Re: [AsburyPark] Wesley Grove definitely at a standstill

2007-03-07 Thread charlie leonard
"I also noticed that the same broken windows I noticed on the ground floor 
weeks ago are still broken.  "
  i agree, something is clearly causing the delay. it seems like most of the 
work is being focused on the outside though.  there for sure is work being done 
on the western side.  new planters, the western side of the buildings sidewalks 
are also being worked on.  work in the courtyards and "driveway" courtyards 
also.  nothing is drywalled on the inside.  maybe their wiating for the drywall 
to be delivered?   the broken window could be on order also, who knows.  i had 
a problem with one of my newly installed windows and it took 3 weeks for that 
one window to get here.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
bjc223   -  good points.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
just debating the facts with my other posts.  trying not to lean one 
way or another.  i think the benches are new and different.  if they had 
backs on them id be happier though.  all the lights in front of wesely 
grove seem to fade away into the building when you drive down the 
street.  however, the ones on the avenues flowining onto ocean ave might not 
blend in as nicely, as werneer pointed out, about open views.  the ones 
on ocean ave will also fade away i tihnk, once the pavillions are re 
done, giving your eye something else to graviate toawards.  also when the 
"rides" fill in the empty space areas.  i think all the lights give the 
area a more people friendly atmosphere.  something i think was part of 
the goal.  people level lights, in attempts to make the streets feel 
more welcoming to walkers.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
when the new casino was built, did anyone question why it didnt resemble the 
old one?  or at least build off from it?  the new, current one, looked entirely 
different.  were there no historians back then?  or didnt anyone care. is 
today's historic attributions based more on nostalgics?

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
i do remember your name from all those years ago bjc223.  now that i think 
about it!  i think the "play ground by the sea" when it comes to asbury park 
was lost years ago.  decades.  it lingered on, but i think those were mosty 
memories sparked by what your eyes saw.  what they saw that was left.  i dont 
think any developer would have come in to return it to the exact same way it 
was before.  now that a lot of the big projects have been started, and MM is on 
board.  i think theres a chance that something will happen that might take it 
back to something most remember.  i hope your not implying its unique sence was 
lost by the new lights and street lights!  before it had the most standard 
highway lights of all!

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
just debating the facts with my other posts.  trying not to lean one way or 
another.  i think the benches are new and different.  if they had backs on them 
id be happier though.  all the lights in front of wesely grove seem to fade 
away into the building when you drive down the street.  however, the ones on 
the avenues flowining onto ocean ave might not blend in as nicely, as werneer 
pointed out, about open views.  the ones on ocean ave will also fade away i 
tihnk, once the pavillions are re done, giving your eye something else to 
graviate toawards.  also when the "rides" fill in the empty space areas.  i 
think all the lights give the area a more people friendly atmosphere.  
something i think was part of the goal.  people level lights, in attempts to 
make the streets feel more welcoming to walkers.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
"This is exactly what I mean - It's not about what "I like" or 
what 'you like''.

It should be about Asbury Park. I cant believe that this is such a 
difficult concept to grasp.:
  i dont think anyone missunderstands your thinking.  a lot of people talked 
about it  few weeks ago on here.  so what bench would have been best then?  
pick a style from a past decade, one that held the highest sucsess for asbury 
park?  isnt that kind of like saying, "i like this time period, because."   
things have always changed in asbury park, have they not?   when designs 
changed in the 50s, no one wanted to reclaim, or keep the ones of the 20s did 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
"And just what do you base this conclusion on ?
  not sure.  no hard facts, just thikings.  i think its safe to say when you 
look around the waterfront the general conclusion is "nothing".  sure, the 
emptiness is nice, and their are some good buildings scattered around.  but the 
general feeling is "nothing".  when you add new features like benches or 
lights, they stand out.  they stand out fo the good or bad, but they stand out 
becasue there is nothing of the same quality anywhere near them.  take a look 
at westly grove, the side facing cookman.  it looks like an almost completed 
city block.  clealry it stands out, becasue everything else around is desolate/ 
incomplete or run down and falling apart.  once everything is completed to the 
degree of the wesely grove, the area will feel whole and complete.  your eye 
wont be drawing in on minor things like benches or lights.  of course people 
will stll have their feelings on these things, good or bad.  so it looks like 
your either going to hate asbury park or love it. 
 however, once the whole area has the feeling of being "whole, or complete" i 
dont think the lights (for those that dont like them) will stand out as much as 
they do now once the feeling of complete is acheived (and for those that do 
like them).  and if you like the lights, then they will just add to everything, 
but again, they wont stand out like they do now.  there are quite a few of them 
though, so we will see.   there are a lot on the old cookman too, but i think 
their spacing is greater by a few feet.  still a lot though.  they dont stand 
out though, maybe becasue their old, and adjusted with the eye.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: benches

2007-03-06 Thread charlie leonard
"Do you how many seagulls are going to perch on those damned things and shat 
all over my car!!! "
  flat tops have nothing to do with it.  every lamp post on the jersey shore 
has a seagull sitting on it at some point over the summer.  

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