Fwd: Last Call: draft-nottingham-atompub-feed-history (Feed Paging and Archiving) to Proposed Standard

2007-01-19 Thread Lisa Dusseault


Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 19, 2007 1:07:21 PM PST
To: IETF-Announce 
Subject: Last Call: draft-nottingham-atompub-feed-history (Feed  
Paging  and Archiving) to Proposed Standard

Reply-To: ietf@ietf.org

The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to  

the following document:

- 'Feed Paging and Archiving '
as a Proposed  

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
final comments on this action.  In particular, the IESG would like  
to know

of planned implementations and considerations of appropriateness for
Standards Track.

Please send substantive comments to the
ietf@ietf.org mailing lists by 2007-02-16. Exceptionally,
comments may be sent to iesg@ietf.org instead. In either case, please
retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.

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IETF-Announce mailing list

Re: AD Evaluation of draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-11

2006-12-15 Thread Lisa Dusseault

I guess I'm assuming that one would want clients to be able to extend  
Atom unilaterally.  The choices that I highlighted as problematic  
make it harder for clients to reliably add extensions to Atom  
documents.  (It remains easy for servers to add extensions to Atom  
feeds and entries using prescribed mechanisms like adding new  
elements in custom namespaces.  )

Since clients post Atom entries and other clients retrieve them, it  
seemed reasonable to want to extend Atom client-to-client.  If I used  
"AtomFu" client that was able to annotate my entries automatically  
with what music I was listening to (track name, album and artist in  
XML elements) while I wrote a blog posting, I thought AtomFu should  
just store that as XML markup in the entry.  Other users running  
"AtomFu" will see that information and nobody else needs to upgrade  
-- not servers, not other clients.  Eventually if other clients see  
this as a useful feature they'll make the additional markup visible.   
Servers probably would never need to upgrade to use or touch that  

A model where servers aren't required to keep such information won't,  
in practice, allow that kind of extension. If clients can't rely on  
their markup getting stored, then clients can't extend Atom  
unilaterally using XML markup.

But implementors of client software are innovative, too.  You can't  
stop them from putting cool information in entries -- they'll just  
put it in a place where the server decides it's just natural-language  
or some other component that it does allow the client to create  
unmodified.  So maybe instead of seeing track name, album and artist  
in XML elements, we'll see them in square brackets or some other  
format in the blog entry "text".  This will hurt interoperability to  
a certain extent, as there is no standard way of extending the  
machine-parsable information within the *text* of an entry.

We won't see this today -- with new protocols, servers typically lead  
adoption, implementing the protocol before many clients emerge.  But  
in the long run, server deployments get old and yet as long as  
they're still running, admins avoid changing software or even  
upgrading.  Yet people who've gotten used to the new functionality  
start expecting more from it and seek out clients that do cool new  
things and still interoperate with their servers.  Bare bones clients  
are the first generation of a new technology, and innovative  
(whatever the barriers) clients come much later.

It may be that I'm just having trouble accepting that the WG fully  
understands this and has still come to consensus that this is a great  
way to proceed.  Is that the case?


On Dec 15, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Tim Bray wrote:

The current WG consensus, way better than "rough", is that this  
level of interoperation is useful.  That consensus seems to be  
supported by implementation experience.

Lisa, perhaps the problem is that I'm reacting to a fairly general  
statement of concern.  Do you have some specific suggestions as to  
how server behavior could be limited or formally described?

Re: Atom Entry Documents

2006-12-15 Thread Lisa Dusseault

I don't feel that changing parts of RFC4287 is appropriate for an  
individual draft, particularly when the WG that did RFC4287 exists.   
Certainly in order to update RFC4287 it would *have* to be Proposed  
Standard.  What constitutes an update or change (rather than an  
optional extension) might be open to some debate.

Echoing Tim, I agree there's no problem with James doing an  
individual draft for now so that everybody can evaluate a specific  
proposal and suggest what should be done with it.


On Dec 11, 2006, at 11:39 PM, James M Snell wrote:

*If* the document proceeds to Proposed Standard, the new RFC would
update RFC4287 either by adding a new type param or by deprecating the
use of application/atom+xml for atom entry documents in favor of a new
media type.  No other part of RFC4287 would be affected.

Ideally, I would much rather this be a WG draft.  I pinged Tim  
about it

the other day and he suggested that I go ahead with a I-D for now and
that we can explore whether or not to move forward with it as a WG  


- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

What would the relationship of that document be to RFC4287?


On 2006/12/11, at 7:32 PM, James M Snell wrote:

The I-D would be an individual draft, not a WG draft.

Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/

Re: AD Evaluation of draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-11

2006-12-14 Thread Lisa Dusseault
Thanks for responding to my review.  I look forward to seeing a  
revised draft.  Below I've excerpted the stuff that is still giving  
me serious problems.

On Dec 7, 2006, at 8:36 AM, Joe Gregorio wrote:

Can a client modify an entry to contain a link relation element in  

following cases:
 - To point to a resource on a different server entirely?

There is no reason to believe that any of these resource are on
the same machine to begin with. I could POST to media to machine A
and have the MLE could be created on machine B and the editable media
resource itself created on machine C.

This requirement has to be stated explicitly, at least as a SHOULD.   
This is the kind of thing that clients come to completely rely on,  
and then you find some special-purpose server that decides this  
doesn't fit in its model.  "Well, the spec doesn't require me to  
accept link relations which point to other servers."   Finger- 
pointing rather than interoperability.

If that's completely unacceptable, the only alternative that would  
allow good interoperability is to have an error code or  feature  
advertisement that allows the client to detect that the server won't  
allow this.  A generic "Forbidden" error (or other choice that could  
be made by the server) is not enough to know what is disallowed and  
whether it is always disallowed.  "What did I do wrong?" the client  
plaintively asks.

Can a server ever ignore part of an edit and successfully process  
the rest?

Yes. Think of a client that throws in a slew of random link  
elements with
relations my server implementation doesn't understand. Same with  

markup. The server is in charge.

I completely disagree with this.  It is way too unpredictable for  
clients to deal with.  Clients are left with the illusion of  
flexibility -- it *seems* you can use Atom syntax extensions and do  
creative things that other extended clients can understand -- but in  
fact the server can alter this at will leaving the client without any  
control over what it's really publishing.  In many cases, the client  
won't even want the server to store some stripped version of what it  
POSTed, because it can really change the meaning of some entry to  
have the server strip some of the content and markup.  Imagine  
removing the start time and location when I'm trying to publish an  
event entry to what I believe ought to be a calendar feed.

Some server changes to submitted documents is of course going to be  
allowable (edit dates, server-provided IDs, changes which are  
effectively XML canonicalization) but I believe these need to be  
limited.  The general case, which is how servers deal with  
unrecognized elements, needs to be severely limited so that the  
server can either reject the whole request or store as provided.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-01 Thread Lisa Dusseault

Supporting data or ideas: Some interesting links, semantically  
speaking, don't even have a fixed MIME type (or not just one,  
anyhow).  If we wanted to add link relations for photo shares on  
WebDAV repositories, or personal calendars on CalDAV repositories,  
you'd want to point to the URL to the appropriate WebDAV collection,  
which could return results in HTML (response to GET without any  
special stuff), XML (response to PROPFIND), or iCalendar (in the  
CalDAV case).  Not sure how to fully convey all of that, but at least  
not overloading MIME type with semantic meaning helps the situation.


On Dec 1, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Kyle Marvin wrote:

I'm still listening to the debate, but Mark's argument resonates  
with me.  It seems like 'content-type' is more about the expected  
syntax of the resource at the other end of the wire, not it's  
semantic meaning.  I don't see Atom feeds and entries as  
syntactically different enough to warrant unique media types,  
there's lots of existing parsers that seem able to navigate this  
split just fine already.

I expect that if you associated a 'rel' value with links that point  
to "application/atom+xml", whether it is expected to be a feed or  
an entry would probably be part of the 'rel' description and thus  
not ambiguous at all.   I think the discussion started because of  
the aforementioned issues with the HTML5 link semantics, which is  
what should probably be fixed.

On top of that, the procedural and back compat issues associated  
with splitting the mime type now just don't seem to make it a win  
to me.

Crazy busy and largely silent, but not completely awol,

-- Kyle 

On 12/1/06, Mark Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Urgh, sorry for my tardiness; I'm falling behind on my reading.

On 11/30/06, Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd prefer basing autodiscovery on the media types and not at all on
> the relationships.

All a media type tells you (non-authoritatively too) is the spec you
need to interpret the document at the other end of the link.  That has
very little to do with the reasons that you might want to follow the
link, subscribe to it, etc..  Which is why you need a mechanism
independent from the media type.  Like link types.

Consider hAtom.  If you went by media types alone, you'd be  
confronted with;

Not particularly useful for subscription (or anything else for that
matter) is it?  This would be better;

Autodiscovery should ideally be based primarily on link types, and
only secondarily - as an optimization - on media types.  Even this
should work;


Re: In San Francisco/Bay Area

2006-12-01 Thread Lisa Dusseault

Thanks for setting this up Henry, I can be there Dec 6.  7pm is much  
easier to make than 6pm if anybody's coming far, even just from SF.


On Dec 1, 2006, at 12:08 PM, Henry Story wrote:

Ok I suggest trying December 6th.
Onion or no Onion rings at Tied House.

What is dinner time in the bay? 6pm? 7pm?


On 28 Nov 2006, at 21:31, John Panzer wrote:

Any of those would be good for me.  Be careful of the deep fried  
onion rings at Tied House, though.

Henry Story wrote:

It has been suggested that a good meeting location might be Tied   
House in Mountain View [1]. It has a back room that's like a  
patio  but covered and heated for dinner on either

Wednesday 6th Dec
Friday 8th Dec
Monday 11th Dec
Wednesday 13th Dec

Any preferences?

Henry Story

[1] http://www.tiedhouse.com/

On 16 Nov 2006, at 18:23, Henry Story wrote:


I am in the San Francisco/Bay Area region for the coming month.   
Would anyone in the area be up for a group meeting?


Re: AD Evaluation of draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-11

2006-11-02 Thread Lisa Dusseault
On Oct 18, 2006, at 1:04 AM, Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote: My assumption: a client cannot create a media resource without also creating a media link entry.  When I POST a media resource to a collection, a media link entry is *always* created.  Same here. Lisa what do you mean by creating a media resource manually? If you do not use an APP service to create a media resource then it does not fall into APP to tell how this resource will be accessible. To me it's like it's not even part of the collection. I was assuming the opposite of what James assumed, so under my personal world-view "create a media resource manually" meant to create a media resource without also creating the media link entry at the same time.To illustrate my disconnect more, I'll borrow James Snell's concrete example and show what I thought would obtain instead:On 2006/10/17, at 4:40 PM, James M Snell wrote:My assumption: The relationship between a media link entry and a mediaresource is always 1-to-1.  If I want an entry to point to multiplemedia resources, then I would create one media link entry for each mediaresource, then create a separate entry that points to each of theindividually created media resources.e.g.,   entry1 --> pic1   entry2 --> pic2   entry3 --> pic3   entry4 --> pic1          --> pic2          --> pic3Entries 1, 2 and 3 will always point to their respective media resources(using atom:content/@src).My idea was that if I want to create an entry to point to multiple media resources, I might first create the entry as I edit text about my fabulous trip to Lisbon,    entries:	entry1Then when I add pictures to the entry I'm editing, my client would "manually" create the media resources by posting to the media collection, such that no media link entry was created for each of them.  At the same time, the client would probably PUT to the entry each time to update and add the link to the pictures.    entries:	entry1 --> pic1		 --> pic2	        --> pic3   media resources:	pic1	pic2	pic3Of course this can be done in fewer steps if the client is implemented to do editing offline and only upload the whole kaboodle when I'm done.  In that scenario, entry2 with images pic4 and pic5 would be created with a minimum of POSTs and no PUTs, step 1 is POSTing the images:    entries: 	entry1 --> pic1, pic2, pic3    media resources:	pic1, pic2, pic3	NEW pic4	NEW pic5Step 2 is POSTing the entry with the links obtained from creating the images:    entries: 	entry1 --> pic1, pic2, pic3	NEW entry2 --> pic4, pic5    media resources:	pic1, pic2, pic3	pic4	pic5I may be wrong about this model and James is likely to be right as having followed the discussion more carefully, but I don't believe the draft clearly leads the reader to James' model.  Lisa 

How to do RESTful SEARCH (was Re: Adding POST capability to atom:link)

2006-11-02 Thread Lisa Dusseault
On Oct 26, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Jan Algermissen wrote:If you aim to provide a REST interface, do not mimick a query interface (at least not a complex one). Think of your 'asset space' in terms of pre-defined, useful collections that you expose as resources (feeds) and provide light weight query interfaces to them that fit with GET requests.Think in terms of browsing and drilling-down; REST interfaces guide the client into the content instead of assuming the knowledge to constructa query does reside in the client.This is an interesting assertion about REST.  I don't yet agree with it as stated though I might after further discussion and elaboration.  To provide a possible counter-example, I always found the HTTP SEARCH proposal  to be RESTful because	- The results of a search are returned as a set of resource identifiers	- It doesn't necessarily break for dynamic resources as long as the server can handle that	- It doesn't break the layering of representations, or use of connectors, or caching of resources	- It's general -- can be used for WebDAV resources but also for any HTTP server, CalDAV resources or probably (with some thought) Atom resourcesA server that instead provides light-weight query interfaces as you describe, or guides the client into the content, does not work with a client that doesn't do HTML (a CalDAV, WebDAV or possibly Atom authoring client); correct?Lisa

Re: AD Evaluation -- extensions

2006-10-17 Thread Lisa Dusseault

Yes, absolutely, a way to distinguish extensions-to-the-entry from  
extensions-for-the-feed would be great, even if there's a possibility  
that the server would reject one or both.  I hadn't even considered  
that, must have missed that discussion.  Client-to-client extensions  
(metadata or markup that the server can safely ignore and pass  
through from author to feed consumer) seem very likely and useful in  
Atom, even more so than in other applications I've compared to  
(calendaring, file sharing, email).

I guess I can turn the flexibility argument around: imagine if Web  
servers in 1995 rejected, just refused to store, anything that wasn't  
defined in HTML 3.0; the Web never would have been as flexible as it  
is today.  Of course we can't require Web servers or Atom servers to  
absolutely accept all content, but we can make it clear what the  
expectation is and perhaps even offer safe ways of violating the  


On Oct 17, 2006, at 4:31 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 18/10/06 8:07 AM, "Lisa Dusseault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


When the client puts extension elements in a MER, MUST the server  
store those
unrecognized extension elements?  I think the answer to this is  
actually that
servers often do not and should not be required to do so.  That  
makes it hard
for clients to extend AtomPub's syntax in ways that other clients  
understand but servers don't care about.  Consider the  
consequences: when some
enterprising client developer decides to do something cool and  
useful and
encounters servers that don't store their metadata in the obvious  
place, the
client developer is going to quickly work around that by storing  
in some
unobvious place.  For example in HTML comments in the atom entry  
content, or

microformats, etc.  Is that all cool?

This issue also has implications on what extensions are passed  
through to
the published feed ... a client might insert some extension  
metadata they

want published (eg. geo-coordinates), and a client might insert some
extension metadata they only want visible within the collection  
feed (eg.
editor workflow comments) ... with the understanding also that if  
the server
actually understands a particular extension it might result in  

being added/modified outside of the bucket (eg.  resulting in lots of  elements being added)

We did at one time discuss providing a bucket container  
specifically for the
latter, with the assumption that extensions outside the bucket are  
elements meant for publication. Having a bucket container would  
make life
simpler for server implementations -- just store everything as an  
xml blob,

the same as they do for atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lisa, would that help?


Re: Atom Syndication Format To Draft Standard?

2006-10-02 Thread Lisa Dusseault
The Draft Standard requirement for demonstrated interoperability for all features is documented in RFC2026.  It's that requirement which leads to the popular conclusion that in many cases, adding a new feature is incompatible with moving to Draft Standard at the same time -- that popular conclusion is part of the folklore, not part of the requirements, which is appropriate. You could draw a different conclusion and argue for that conclusion and might meet with some success, because determining sufficient "demonstrated  interoperability" is sometimes going to be a judgement call anyway.LisaOn Oct 2, 2006, at 11:23 AM, Robert Sayre wrote: That's unfortunate. A documented process is a requirement for open standards development, in the opinion of many   

Re: versioning extension?

2006-09-13 Thread Lisa Dusseault
On Sep 11, 2006, at 5:20 PM, Tim Bray wrote:Versioning is an issue in almost *every* application.  What is so bad about it?  In my experience, the semantics of "versioning" are so tightly bound to particular applications that it's really hard to find common threads.  You saw that happen here when we were arguing about atom:updated, Asbjørn had a particular vision of versions that seemed obvious to him and unreasonable to others.  When a textbook publisher and a medical-instrument embedded-software maker and a wiki implementor use the word "version", I guarantee you they mean entirely different and wildly incompatible things.  Good luck; you'll need it. -Tim  I concur with the word of warning (which shouldn't be construed as anything more than an individual offering up their experience for what that's worth).  Check out RFC3253, DeltaV -- in order to get anything published, it had to have a ton of optional features which makes it difficult to write general DeltaV clients that interoperate against multiple servers.  I haven't heard of any such clients yet!Lisa

Fwd: Last Call: 'Atom License Extension' to Experimental RFC (draft-snell-atompub-feed-license)

2006-08-14 Thread Lisa Dusseault
FYIBegin forwarded message:From: The IESG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 14, 2006 6:35:53 PM PDTTo: IETF-Announce Subject: Last Call: 'Atom License Extension' to Experimental RFC  (draft-snell-atompub-feed-license) Reply-To: iesg@ietf.org The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider the following document:- 'Atom License Extension '    as an Experimental RFCThe IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicitsfinal comments on this action.  Please send any comments to theiesg@ietf.org or ietf@ietf.org mailing lists by 2006-09-11.The file can be obtained viahttp://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-snell-atompub-feed-license-06.txt___IETF-Announce mailing listIETF-Announce@ietf.orghttps://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce 

Re: Protocol Action: 'Atom Threading Extensions' to Proposed Standard

2006-07-18 Thread Lisa Dusseault

I can't speak for all of the IESG, how closely they reviewed the  
document and how carefully they considered the appropriateness of the  
namespace.  We don't have rules against such namespace choices.  We  
could argue about whether or not we should have such rules, but the  
results of that argument would most likely affect future specs.

To be clear about Sam's issue, Sam asked about change control for the  
document, and did not suggest changing the namespace or some other  
change.  He said "I want to confirm that we hae sufficient control  
over this specification that we have change control for the future."   
We do, so a simple "Yes" answer was the resolution that addressed  
Sam's concern.

It's too bad if Sam's review raised a point that you would have  
preferred to consider in Last Call.  At this point, it's very rare to  
pull a document or change something like this that would affect  
implementations.  Often the remedy at this stage is to start working  
on the next revision of the RFC and/or to make a note to fix in the  
next revision.  So the IETF change control over this document may  
answer your concern, one way or another, as well.


On Jul 9, 2006, at 9:43 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 7/4/06, Lisa Dusseault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wrote the synopsis, in which I was careful not to state that it was
a WG document.  I believe it was accurate for what it said although
it's very brief.  I discussed explicitly with the IESG during the
IESG tele-conference calls that there was some lengthy debate and
disagreement over certain mechanisms in the draft.

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the clarification. You may have missed another question I
recently asked, so I'll repeat it here. I am concerned that purl.org
lists the document author as the owner of the namespace URI, and I
wonder how the IESG came to the conclusion that the namespace is not a
problem. I see Sam Hartman raised the issue. What was the resolution?
Could the draft advance to Draft- or Full-Standard in that namespace?


Robert Sayre

"I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time."

Re: Protocol Action: 'Atom Threading Extensions' to Proposed Standard

2006-07-04 Thread Lisa Dusseault

I wrote the synopsis, in which I was careful not to state that it was  
a WG document.  I believe it was accurate for what it said although  
it's very brief.  I discussed explicitly with the IESG during the  
IESG tele-conference calls that there was some lengthy debate and  
disagreement over certain mechanisms in the draft.


On Jun 26, 2006, at 7:23 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 6/26/06, Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/26/06, Paul Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your reading might differ from others'.

I've read a lot of these, so I know this synopsis differs others.
Usually they stuff like "WG is OK with this." It's perfectly natural
to question and appropriate things that seem out of the ordinary.

er,  a little steamed here, that's not English.

It's perfectly natural to question whether things that seem out of the
ordinary are appropriate.

Anyway, you don't seem to have accurate answers on the process when it
doesn't match the outcome you're looking for.


Robert Sayre

"I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time."

Re: Feed Thread in Last Call

2006-05-30 Thread Lisa Dusseault

On May 23, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Tim Bray wrote:

On May 18, 2006, at 6:15 AM, David Powell wrote:

What I see as a problem is that reasonable implementations will not
preserve Atom documents bit-for-bit, so they will need to explicitly
support this draft if they don't want to corrupt data by dropping the
thr:count attributes. By the letter of RFC4287 there is no problem
with the draft, but practically there is something like a layering
concern if an extension requires existing conformant implementations
to be changed.

At the end of the day, the marketplace will work within the  
constraints of what 4287 allows; my feeling is that there are going  
to be a ton of extensions that will attach unforeseen metadata at  
arbitrary points with Atom documents, and implementations that fail  
to store these and make them retrievable will quickly be seen as  
broken.  -Tim

I find this to be a pretty compelling argument.  Unless RFC4287 were  
rewritten (with a time machine, perhaps) to forbid extensions in  
attributes, extension writers will occasionally put data in  
attributes, and the libraries will have to deal with this, regardless  
of how the Thread proposal works.


Re: Atompub WG meeting at the Montreal IETF

2006-05-30 Thread Lisa Dusseault

The deadline for requesting an official BOF is Monday.  The IAB and  
IESG are having a bit of discussion of upcoming BOFs this Thursday,  
even before the Monday deadline, so it would be good to have an  
indication of a possible request ASAP :)  If an official BOF does not  
come together, there's always Bar BOFs, or even a mini-BOF (pseudo- 
BOF?) in the Apps Area meeting which is typically the Monday morning  
of IETF week.

I'm also trying to put together some topics of general interest for  
the Apps Area open meeting, and there's the HTTP Authentication or  
anti-Phishing BOF which has already been requested and should be of  
interest to Atom people.

I personally have had a lot of people tell me of interest in Atom  
extensions but it's hard to tell if there's a real possibility of the  
work items gelling into a charter.


On May 23, 2006, at 2:31 PM, James M Snell wrote:

This sounds good so long as we can get the extensions BOF scheduled  
 on the same day as the WG meeting.  Also, it would be great if we  

get together for some face-to-face interop testing before and/or after
the WG meeting.

- James

Paul Hoffman wrote:

Greetings again. The Atompub WG will have our first (and maybe last!)
face-to-face meeting at the upcoming IETF meeting in Montreal at the
beginning of July.

The timing of us having our first WG meeting may seem odd, given the
fact that we completed the Atom format document long ago, and are  

good progress on the publishing protocol. However, there are reasons
other than "moving documents forwards" for WGs to meet. Lisa  
our Area Director, asked us to have a meeting so that people  
active in
the Atompub WG can have more interaction with the IETF, and vice  

There is interest in the Atom format from other WGs, and there may be
interest in the Atom publishing protocol as well.

I propose the following agenda, which should fit well into a one- 
hour slot:

- Intro: 10 mins
- Brief overview of protocol status: 10 mins
- Use of Atom format in other WGs: 30 mins
  - draft-saintandre-atompub-notify
  - Overlap with calendar formats
  - Overlap with mail

Note that we are explicitly *not* going to discuss extensions to the
Atom format at this WG meeting because they are not part of the WG
charter. Lisa has said that she may help arrange a BoF session on
creating a new Working Group for Atom extensions, and having at  
least a

higher-level discussion of what extensions are out there would be
appropriate in that BoF. But, to use asterisks again, such  
discussion is

*not* part of the Atompub WG meeting.

See <http://www.ietf.org/meetings/IETF-66.html> for details about the
IETF meeting. I will let the WG know when there are preliminary and
near-permanent agendas for the meeting. It would be good to meet  
some of

you there!

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Informational vs. standards-track for Atom Threading Extensions

2006-05-18 Thread Lisa Dusseault

On May 17, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 5/18/06, Lisa Dusseault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 17, 2006, at 10:02 AM, Robert Sayre wrote:
> Well, you clearly don't think they're important. But then you felt
> compelled to change them back and got an instant stamp of approval
> from our AD. What happened there?

My question has yet to be answered.

I answered your question as fully as I could from the information I  
know, as I reviewed one revision of the draft before agreeing to  
shepherd the document.  I can't tell you why James made any  
particular change from one draft to another but I don't find that  
question very relevant to the quality of the final document.

I could still recommend Experimental instead of Standards Track if I
learned of some possible harm to security/privacy or Internet health,
or some deep barrier to interoperability, but I have not yet learned
of a high enough risk+severity of such concerns to change my mind  

I think this is an excellent standard. If another individual, such as
myself, were to submit an individually authored document, it would
have to meet the same standard, right?

Yes, along with the other considerations I mentioned earlier in that  
email, about usefulness, adoption and review.

I hope that makes the situation clearer!

Sure does!

Good :)


Re: Feed Thread in Last Call

2006-05-18 Thread Lisa Dusseault

On May 18, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Robert Sayre wrote:

Look at that giant email. Seems to me that it's a debate taking place
for no discernable reason. There's no technical reason for the
placement of the attributes, and management has made it clear that any
objections are "irrelevant."

I realize that the placement of the attributes is one choice among  
many.  Sometimes you just have to make a choice and there's no reason  
beyond "it needs to go somewhere".  I've been trying to understand if  
there's a technical problem with the draft's chosen placement of the  
attributes and the best case I've seen is that "that location is  
technically disallowed by RFC4287", an assertion which is disputed  
(alas, natural language meanings are often disputed).

Am I missing something in the case against the choice of location for  
the metadata?


Fwd: Protocol Action: 'The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings' to Proposed Standard

2006-05-18 Thread Lisa Dusseault
This announcement is for a document that will obsolete RFC3548, which is referenced by a couple APPS area RFCs:  XMPP (RFC3920) and Atom Syntax (RFC4287).There are also a few drafts that reference RFC3548 that caught my eye: - draft-ietf-nntpext-base, which is in RFC ED queue -  draft-josefsson-sasl-gs2-00 - draft-otis-dkim-options-00 - draft-snell-atompub-author-extensions-00 thanks,LisaBegin forwarded message:From: The IESG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: May 18, 2006 7:51:48 AM PDTTo: IETF-Announce Cc: Internet Architecture Board , RFC Editor Subject: Protocol Action: 'The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data  Encodings' to Proposed Standard  The IESG has approved the following document:- 'The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings '    as a Proposed StandardThis document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of anIETF Working Group. The IESG contact person is Ted Hardie.A URL of this Internet-Draft is:http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-josefsson-rfc3548bis-04.txtTechnical Summary  This document describes the commonly used base 64, base 32, and base   16 encoding schemes.  It also discusses the use of line-feeds in   encoded data, use of padding in encoded data, use of non-alphabet   characters in encoded data, and use of different encoding alphabets.   It obsoletes the descriptions in RFC 3548.Working Group Summary This work is the product of an individual submitter.  There were significant IETF Last Call comments, and the draft was updated to respond to them.Protocol Quality This document was reviewed for the IESG by Ted Hardie.___IETF-Announce mailing listIETF-Announce@ietf.orghttps://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce 

Re: Atom Rank Extensions: Feedback on r:value and r:range elements wanted (long)

2006-05-17 Thread Lisa Dusseault

For related work, you could look at the email spam filtering stuff  
from SIEVE: 

The similar problem is that many spam libraries already produce some  
kind of linear or similar scale of severity/likelihood rating for  
emails, much like existing services already provide their own scale  
of post rankings.  The approach SIEVE took, very roughly, was simply  
to tell implementors to find some way to map their implementation's  
ranking scheme to a canonical range of numerical values.  A SIEVE  
implementation might have one algorithm for converting SpamAssassin  
rankings to the canonical scale, and a different algorithm for some  
different library.

Since spam rankings are intended more for automated filters than for  
user display (though clearly the user is sometimes involved in  
evaluating the rankings, as when the user creates/edits a mail filter  
rule like  "file all email with a spam rating > 5 to spam folder"),  
the considerations of course could be different from the case of Atom  
post rankings.


On May 5, 2006, at 7:48 AM, Andreas Sewe wrote:

Having ended up as co-author of the Atom Rank Extensions draft

I would like to encourage some more discussion on the extension's
features.  I would especially like to know whether they are flexible
enough to cope with all the major use cases while being at the same  

reasonably simple to implement.

The extension should, e.g., be able to cope with most grading  
schemes in
use; it needs to be able to describe the set of permissible rank  

(grades).  So we are talking (totally) ordered sets here.

Now the order part is easy; that is what @significance
(="ascending"/"descending") is for.  The hard part is to describe the
underlying set of numbers.

Now the current draft defines two elements, r:value and r:range, for
this purpose.  Those two elements can be, however, be collapsed into a
single one, and, with cleverly chosen defaults, defining sets using  
new r:values element is IMHO as simple, if not simpler, as with the  

approach.  Others might have different opinions, though, which I would
really like to hear about.

At any rate, the proposed change looks basically as follows (Note,
however, that the issue of rounding rank values has intentionally been
left out, since this would only distract from the design issue at  

The r:scheme Element

Ranking Schemes are defined using the r:scheme element.  Each scheme
defines the set of rank values permissible for all r:rank elements  

the associated scheme.


The set of rank values defined by an r:scheme element is the union of
the sets of rank values defined by each of its r:values elements.   

that those sets may overlap.

The r:values Element

The r:values elements defines a set of rank values, each of which  
has to
conform to the XML Schema decimal data type [W3C.REC- 

  values = element r:values {
attribute minimum { xsd:decimal | "unbounded" }?,
attribute maximum { xsd:decimal | "unbounded" }?,
attribute steps   { xsd:decimal | "continuous" }?,
attribute origin  { xsd:decimal }?,

The "minimum" attribute specifies an inclusive lower bound on the  
set of
rank values defined by the r:values element.  Here, the special  
value of

"unbounded" denotes negative infinity.  If not specified, the value of
the "minimum" attribute is considered to be "unbounded".

The "maximum" attribute specifies an inclusive upper bound on the  
set of
rank values defined by the r:values element.  Here, the special  
value of

"unbounded" denotes positive infinity.  If not specified, the value of
the "minimum" attribute is considered to be "unbounded".

The "steps" attribute specifies either an increment or has the special
value "continuous".  If not specified, the value of the "steps"
attribute is considered to be 0.

The "origin" element specifies the base from which steps are to be
calculated. If not specified, the value of the "origin" attribute is
considered to be 0.

If the value of the "steps" attribute is "continuous" the set of rank
values defined by the r:values element is

  { x | minimum <= x <= maximum }.

Otherwise the set of rank values defined by the r:values element is

  { x | minimum <= x <= maximum,
x = (origin + i * steps) for some integer i }.

The following examples illustrate how different sets of rank values  

be defined by means of a single r:value element:

That's all.  Also note that this approach allows overlapping r:values
sets.  For example, one is now able to define, in a reasonable concise
way, the following grading scheme common in Germany:


Of course one could alternatively list all 11 values explicitly,  
but the

above is rather more co

Re: Informational vs. standards-track for Atom Threading Extensions

2006-05-17 Thread Lisa Dusseault

On May 17, 2006, at 10:02 AM, Robert Sayre wrote:

Well, you clearly don't think they're important. But then you felt
compelled to change them back and got an instant stamp of approval
from our AD. What happened there?

I read this as implying causality between two events.  Those two  
events happened to be near each other in time but weren't causally  
related.  The changes just before the last revision had no impact on  
my decision to post an IETF Last Call for moving this proposal onto  
the standards track.  It could not have had an impact because I  
wasn't so closely tuned into the revisions of this draft that I  
noticed any particular change -- I just reviewed the version  
presented to me with the shepherding request.

My decision to shepherd this document was because I was asked, read  
the proposal, and felt it was not obviously too harmful and could be  
useful.  It's customary to ask the advising AD for a WG, to shepherd  
a document closely related to that WG.

My decision to recommend Standards Track was because I saw evidence  
of multiple independent implementations and even some  
interoperability testing.

I could still recommend Experimental instead of Standards Track if I  
learned of some possible harm to security/privacy or Internet health,  
or some deep barrier to interoperability, but I have not yet learned  
of a high enough risk+severity of such concerns to change my mind there.

I would be less likely to recommend Informational status for a  
document like this which has been implemented and has normative  
statements intended for implementors (e.g. it's not a requirements  
document or a design overview).  Confusingly, Informational is also  
used sometimes for documents which do not undergo significant  
community review (e.g. RFC-Editor submissions) but the 4-week IETF  
last call, previous postings to this list, and comments of  
implementors, combine to make this document one that is getting  
significant community review.

I hope that makes the situation clearer!


Re: Feed Thread in Last Call

2006-05-16 Thread Lisa Dusseault

On May 16, 2006, at 4:38 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

 You're including attributes in that document
that you know won't be visible to a large number of implementations.

Is there some way that one could write an Atom extension that would  
have new feed/post information that *would* be visible to a large  
number of implementations?

Some assumptions I'm making in reading this, so you can correct me if  
my assumptions are wrong:
 - We're talking about visibility to implementations of the base  
spec only, not implementations of the extension, naturally.  Any new  
information can be visible to implementations of that extension.
 - We're talking about adding machine-parsable data that would be  
invisible to readers of the post content


Re: [Fwd: draft-reschke-http-addmember-00]

2005-02-17 Thread Lisa Dusseault

On Feb 17, 2005, at 4:58 AM, Stefan Eissing wrote:
I think What Would Make The World A Better Place is a mechanism that 
generic clients can discover POST service points where they can 
persist new entities. There is nothing wrong with POST, it is just 
that a client cannot discover if and where a server supports that 

Atom solves this problem by embedding the POST service uri into the 
feed document. That is fine, but
a) has low reusablity for other protocols/applications
b) has no usability from the view of a generic client
Not only that, the Atom approach makes it very difficult for a client 
to synchronize a set of items such as a blog in such a way that the 
blog can be authored offline and synched with both local changes and 
server changes.  It might be possible for a specialized Atom client but 
certainly not for an out-of-the-box WebDAV client.

That's what concerns me for the feature of adding a new resource and 
letting the server choose a location -- it would be nice for a tool 
like Sitecopy to still be able to work.  I'm using that more and more 
to get content to  and from sites like ietf.webav.org.

 I think this is what Julian tries to address with ADDMEMBER, since 
this method will  be visible in an OPTIONS response. Alternatively, an 
OPTIONS reponse could carry an extra Header with the URI of such a 
POST service.
I think ADDMEMBER would be worthwhile if it did have more of an 
extensibility model and provide the ability to support specialized 
applications. For example, some calendar servers need to reject 
non-iCalendar formatted submissions.  ADDMEMBER reminds me a lot of 
MKRESOURCE if it leans in that direction.
