[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: I want a SB2, but...

2005-07-21 Thread WSLam

Hi kbelinski
I am in similar situation. I have maybe 10% of music in Chinese.
But let me tell you, get the SB2 now. 1) you can control your music via
a computer UI (notebook, tablet pc) using SlimServer web UI, all chinese
will display there. 2) the SB2 is already ready, so it's a matter of
font library via firmware upgrade? it's a matter of time. and you can
easily listen to the 70% of music you have now.



SB2 | Linn CD12 | Unidisk 1.1 | TacT RCS2.0s | EMM Labs DCC2 | Mark
Levinson No.33H | Revel Ultima Salon
'Photo of my Setup' (http://photos.lam.ws/thumbnails.php?album=62)
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Vinnie R .

Yannzola Wrote: 
> Sean,
> Did you try powering the SB with batteries? A la Vinnie Rossie? I'd be
> curious to know how this compares jitter-wise to Andy's super regs PSU
> mod.
> y.

Yes, I am using a 12V SLA battery.  A LT1086CT-5 5V regulator is used
for the 5V that feeds the SB2's main voltage input.  I am also feeding
the 12V off the battery directly into the SB2, as a replacement for the
14V internal switching supply that feeds the critical 5V and 3.3V
internal regs that power the DAC, SPDIF, etc.  I have plenty to post
about all of this soon, but for now let me say that the improvement is
amazing!  I have modded the analog output stage as well, and the
results are telling me that an external dac is not needed now! :-)

Slim Devices certainly has a nice product here (at an affordable
price), but it can be taken to a whole new level of performance with
mods, which I am planning to offer soon.  Now, back to listening for

Vinnie R.

Vinnie Rossi
Red Wine Audio, Inc.
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Yannzola

Did you try powering the SB with batteries? A la Vinnie Rossie? I'd be
curious to know how this compares jitter-wise to Andy's super regs PSU


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread Triode

The theory being that the microprocessor executes sufficiently different
instructions between decompressing flac and wav to impact the psu in a
way that impacts the rest of the player?  I believe the processor uses
a 1.6V rail and the oscillator impacting jitter is 3.3V so there is
little chance of this [even if we believed the first assersion] 

Now if this thread had been about the visualizer or scrolling text
impacting the sound quality then it would be more interesting 
[withdrawing quietly to see if this sparks some more comparison

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread Yannzola

from styx's ass Wrote: 
> The only plausible reason I can imagine for any audible difference is
> that increased stress to the PSU affects the voltage or noise to the
> clocks, which in turn produces jitter. Then again, I'm no electrical
> engineer, and might be talking out of my ass.

To me this sounds like a good challenge to all the 'lectrical engineers
out there. Are there any =measurable= differences in PSU voltage, clock
noise, etc, when the SB decodes a FLAC onboard vs. PCM streamed from
the server?

Get out your oscilloscopes, boys.


(definitely talking out of my ass... which, BTW is =not= a good way to
break the ice at parties)

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Michel Fombellida

Hi all,

My tweaked SB2 is on its way back to me from the tweaker.

He added an external linear PS, as far as I know at the moment (but
I'll know more as soon as I get it) this PS made with high quality
components generates a new 5V to replace the orginal one, plus another
5V and a 9V all generated and regulated independantly. They feed
directly some different components inside the SB2 (they have been
decoupled from the original source). 

Then he also added a transformer on the S/PDIF output (Lundhal
transformer) and 2 word clock inputs (one at 11.2896Mhz and one at
12.288Mhz) to be fed from an external clock. They replace completely
the internal crystals.

More info when I have it back. As I have a second SB2 I should be able
to compare the two.


Michel Fombellida
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread seanadams

I tried a whole bunch of things including

- disabling 12.2880 osc (yes it's okay to do this - 32/48Khz will just
not work)
- reclocking s/pdif with a discrete flip-flop
- dedicating a linear regulator to the oscillator
- moving the s/pdif signal off of the 74hcu04
- using external 5v linear supply

Will have more detailed measurements later, but basically the easiest
tweak (changing PS) seems to account for the vast majority of the
improvement. below 1ns we are approaching the lower bound of what I can
measure - SB2's output actually measures lower jitter than the reference
signal generated by the analyzer.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread Triode


Interesting - I take this as official sanction to discuss SB2 mods on
this forum...

I'm most interested in spdif output mods and would be interested in
what you have been considering.  Experience moding my CD transport has
lead me to the conclusion that jitter does matter and the psu for at
least the clock is critical...  [at least into a DAC with minimal
jitter reduction]

Quick question: other than not playing 48K sampled stuff, would
removing the 12MHz clock cause any issues [does any logic rely on it

On my CD transport I also found benefit reclocking the spdif line with
a flipflop just before the output buffer.  Is the output of your Xilinx
clocked anyway to avoid any benefit of this?


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super regulator measurements

2005-07-21 Thread seanadams

I have been testing a modified Squeezebox2 using Andrew's super
regulators - there is a definite improvement at the RCA outputs when a
super reg is used to power the DAC chip:


Also trying some hacks to the oscillator and s/pdif circuitry - I've
been fiddling around with some jitter measurements and will have more
data on that soon. Replacing the external PS with a linear supply,
although it doesn't appear to have much impact on the DAC, *does*
reduce jitter measuably (from about 3.5ns to 1ns pk-pk). This simple
THD+N test is not expected to reveal any effects of jitter at the DAC
output though.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread m1abrams

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> I understood that there were a number of tracks in the playlist, each in
> WAV/FLAC, and then randomly shuffled.  Seems 'blind' to me.

But then how would he quickly switch between the 2 same songs that have
one as flac and one as wav quickly without looking at the display? 
Unless he had more than just 1 of each of the same track, that might
work.  Have like 5 copies of the wav song and 5 copies of the flac
song, shuffle them, then play them through and vote on each one.  The
go back and compare results, however it may be tricky keeping track of
which song you voted on, this is why having a second person easier
cause then you can label the songs 1,2,3,4,5,etc and then give the
tester a sheet labeled accordingly.
This can not be done by the tester because he/she will know that 1 is
FLAC, etc.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread Patrick Dixon

> Also when he loads up the playlist, how does he not know which track is
> which? If he only has two tracks I guess he could select shuffle, but
> you always will know which track you started with, and with just 2
> tracks not hard to figure which is which.I understood that there were a 
> number of tracks in the playlist, each in
WAV/FLAC, and then randomly shuffled.  Seems 'blind' to me.

Patrick Dixon

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread Pat Farrell
On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 08:14 -0700, m1abrams wrote:
>  But it is generally consider not a true ABX test if done solo.

Good science usually requires a double blind test, where both the
person doing the test and person administering the test do
not know what is real and what is a placebo.

It would be possible, with enough effort, to make a machine
that could make the randomizing switches, record it, but
it wouldn't be trivial.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread m1abrams

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> Indeed.  All you need to do is to figure out exactly what measurements
> are required, and then what instruments and techniques you'll need to
> make them with.  As it happens, when it comes to equipment designed to
> reproduce music, I always reckon your ears are are pretty good
> substitute.
> It sounded pretty good to me.  Why do you think it wasn't blind then?

My only real concern is he did not say wether he used the same wav rip
for both the wav sample and the flac sample.  Also when he loads up the
playlist, how does he not know which track is which?  If he only has two
tracks I guess he could select shuffle, but you always will know which
track you started with, and with just 2 tracks not hard to figure which
is which.  Not saying he did not truly know.  But it is generally
consider not a true ABX test if done solo.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread Patrick Dixon

> Yes measurements are ALL that is needed,Indeed.  All you need to do is to 
> figure out exactly what measurements
are required, and then what instruments and techniques you'll need to
make them with.  As it happens, when it comes to equipment designed to
reproduce music, I always reckon your ears are are pretty good

> However just a point of reference it is pretty much impossible to do a
> true blind test without assistance, yours is close but not truly blind.It 
> sounded pretty good to me.  Why do you think it wasn't blind then?

Patrick Dixon

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread styx

Please read his reply again!

m1abrams Wrote: 
> My complaint is your argument that by decoding FLAC to PCM (on any
> correctly working decoder) there is some how a change in the quality of
> the data.  Which it is just that DATA, and it is been proved over and
> over that it is the EXACT same data.  I do not care what the format
> original was in, if the data is exactly the same going into the DAC it
> will produce the same audio out of the DAC.  Any difference you can
> hear is placebo.

Timbo Wrote: 
> No, no, no - please, the bits are fine, the noise from the digital
> source (not the rest of the equipment) would effect the analogue
> circuitry (in the rest of the equipment). - doh!
The only plausible reason I can imagine for any audible difference is
that increased stress to the PSU affects the voltage or noise to the
clocks, which in turn produces jitter. Then again, I'm no electrical
engineer, and might be talking out of my ass.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread m1abrams

> Please guys don’t try to ridicule me for wasting space - it’s my space
> and it is cheap and who knows what compression format will be with us
> in five years time - I am happy uncompressed WAV - you choose FLAC I
> will choose WAV - no problem.

This is my exact reason for using FLAC, because I can easily transcode
my entire collection to the next best codec (actually I already
transcode to mp3 for use on portables), yes you can do this with WAV
but as you have seen tagging WAV is not exactly easy and for my
collection having good tags is a requirement which i would assume would
be for anyone with a decent collection.

Sorry if I got a little ruffled.  You may have found a problem with the
SB2 FLAC decoder, however I can not test that because I only have a SQ1.
Work with the dev team about resolving the problem, they have been very
good at handling such items.  However just a point of reference it is
pretty much impossible to do a true blind test without assistance,
yours is close but not truly blind.  Also your tracks used, you had a
FLAC and WAV of each track right?

My complaint is your argument that by decoding FLAC to PCM (on any
correctly working decoder) there is some how a change in the quality of
the data.  Which it is just that DATA, and it is been proved over and
over that it is the EXACT same data.  I do not care what the format
original was in, if the data is exactly the same going into the DAC it
will produce the same audio out of the DAC.  Any difference you can
hear is placebo.

> What you mean there isn’t a measurable difference when you take two
> dissimilar metals (or whatever conductor you like) and join them (as in
> cable to connector via solder to circuit), no impedance change? No
> reverse electrons zooming back up the wire colliding with those coming
> down - in that case obviously there is also no advantage from a better
> or easy conductive load and no need to play with cable structure and
> build (as in Kimber cables excellent RFI dumping weave) or materials
> (as in carbon fibre mix or silver for vdh). Good luck with your
> speakers - try a bit of wet string to connect them to the amp
A marketing persons dream here.  Yes measurements are ALL that is
needed, their is no voodoo magic in audio or electronics.

My speakers actually are quite good, hooked them up with nice 14ga 2
conductor power cord, used bananna plugs just to make connecting easier
since I swap speakers out alot.  I have pics of the first set I built,
which are based on a design by another fellow.  These do not go very
low ~80 Hz (small drivers), however the are very precise in the vocal
range and highs.  Which is good since I made these for my Home Theatre
and use a subwoofer to cver the areas below what these speakers can
drive.  I had to use small drivers because I am married and the wife
has final word what can go in the living room, and she does not value
function of form as much as I do.  My next project will be a pair of
nice 2-way bookshelf speakers for the "listening" room.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC onboard decoding v. server side in SB2

2005-07-21 Thread Timbo

Oh dear well - I think it’s best if I leave this particular topic alone
as it seems my audiophile type ‘discussion’ has riled a few folk here
and I can really do without that and I know everyone else can as well.
I am very happy with my choice of formats (for me) and I was only
contributing to what I thought was a interesting thread and offering up
my personal findings. So final post...

>there's little to talk about here without a blind comparison being
>Do a true blind test and post the results
>As of your last post, I don't recall a true blind test having been
conducted. Have you had the chance to do that yet?

OK - playlist of comparison tracks - various formats (not just FLAC and
WAV) all with same title, sorted into track order (not format). Sit on
sofa with SB display turned off, listen to tracks, ‘zapp’ to zapped
playlist tracks I feel don’t make the grade (when switching backwards
and forwards doing typical comparison as I would do with new piece of
equipment or whatever). What’s left was WAV - 100%. This was with
built-in decoding. I can ‘barely’ hear any difference (and perhaps
there isn’t any difference) when doing this with PC side decoding - but
can’t do that blind as need another pair of hands which I don’t have.

>store it as FLAC and stream it as PCM (server side decoding).

That’s actually a very good idea - I did try it and like I said in an
earlier post I ‘thought’ I could still tell a difference but wasn’t
sure - probably placebo - but space is cheap and honestly, really I
don’t mind using the extra space. 

> It is just plain silly and wasteful to use WAV when a solution like
FLAC is available regardless of how much money you can spend on gear

Please guys don’t try to ridicule me for wasting space - it’s my space
and it is cheap and who knows what compression format will be with us
in five years time - I am happy uncompressed WAV - you choose FLAC I
will choose WAV - no problem.

>Bits are Bits, either they make it or they don’t. You would have to
have some serious amount of noise coming from that expensive equipment
of yours to cause the bits to be scambled

No, no, no - please, the bits are fine, the noise from the digital
source (not the rest of the equipment) would effect the analogue
circuitry (in the rest of the equipment). - doh!  

> And my favorite you mention exotic cable, LMAO. Sorry its the
engineer in me. Not that this means anything on the Big internet, but I
have a degree in Electrical Engineering, currently a software developer,
and build my own speakers, and speakers for friends. I build my own
speakers not because I am cheap, but because I can

What you mean there isn’t a measurable difference when you take two
dissimilar metals (or whatever conductor you like) and join them (as in
cable to connector via solder to circuit), no impedance change? No
reverse electrons zooming back up the wire colliding with those coming
down - in that case obviously there is also no advantage from a better
or easy conductive load and no need to play with cable structure and
build (as in Kimber cables excellent RFI dumping weave) or materials
(as in carbon fibre mix or silver for vdh). Good luck with your
speakers - try a bit of wet string to connect them to the amp

> The reason I can't hear any difference between FLAC->WAV and WAV is
that there IS no difference, it's nothing to do with how much my
speakers cost. Mathematics trumps placebo every time.

Rubbish! Math is a tool used to prove a theory - all you have proved is
the theory that a WAV file is bit identical to a decoded FLAC file. Now
use math to prove that a WAV file decoded on the PC ‘sounds’ exactly
the same as one decoded on the SB2. You might have to think out of the
box here.

Ok - I'm outa here...:-) 

(PS thanks to those who saw I wasn't trying to rock any boats - just
stating my findings... :-)

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