[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Getting the best from PC audio

2005-07-23 Thread Triode

Re 2 - I doubt you will think SB2 internal dac is better than the RME -
I think you will be looking at an external dac to get a significant
improvement.  SB2 would clearly be an option for this, but the RME also
has a good output [it should at the price - you could get a wired and a
wireless SB2 for the RME price]

I rather like my RME as it gives me quality sound from my work room,
but do serious listening from an external dac connected to SB2 or CD
tranport, but only as the RME is in a different room.

You may want to try the foobar secret rabit resampling stuff with the
RME mentioned on AA's computer audio asylum [but I see you posted there


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-23 Thread NealG

Hm big :)

Sean have you listened subjectivley yet?  What do you hear?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Getting the best from PC audio

2005-07-23 Thread ceejay

Chris OH Wrote: 
> Hello folks,
> Its Saturday, it looks like we will get stuffed in the cricket, SWMBO
> is off in France on a weeks holiday and my thoughts have turned to what
> to "invest" in next
> 1.  given hard wiring is not an option, is wireless going to work?
> 2.  Having said i dont think i need a squeezebox for my main system, is
> there any benefit in terms of sound quality over the DAC in the RME
> (using EAC and .ape files currently)

(0) cricket - yes, unless we all do a raindance

(1) wireless - probably, depending on how much concrete the signal has
to go through! Many people here successfully using wireless
squeezeboxes, I have two and they work very well (better at picking up
the wireless signal than my laptop or handheld)

(2) lots of debate in this forum on that one ... nearest thing to a
consensus (if such a thing is possible amongst audiophiles) is that the
SB2's DAC is pretty good for the money, but if you want to spend lots of
dosh it is possible to improve on it.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: nOOb DAC advice

2005-07-23 Thread Jetlag

I ended up finding a great deal on a used Benchamrk DAC1 that was
purchasd new in April of this year.  The seller guaranteed me that it
is in "new" condition.

It arrives on Wednesday.

I'll let you know the results once it is in my system.

I will be running:

server side decoding of my FLAC files >> gigabit ethernet >> SB2 >>
single ended digital coax (a very nice one) >> DAC1 >> amp >> speakers

Can't wait!

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Super regulator measurements

2005-07-23 Thread Andrew L . Weekes

Out of curiosity, where is the jitter measurement being made, is it
demodulated at the analogue output?

Just based on my quick calc's, in a 20k bandwidth, 3.5ns would equate
with only 67dB dynamic range, which I'm sure isn't the case, 1nS would
only be around 78dB.

I wonder if the analyser's jitter is also wrapped up in that
measurement somehow?

Are you having fun learning the new toy anyway :-)


Andrew L. Weekes
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Getting the best from PC audio

2005-07-23 Thread Chris OH

Hello folks,

Its Saturday, it looks like we will get stuffed in the cricket, SWMBO
is off in France on a weeks holiday and my thoughts have turned to what
to "invest" in next

I am a confirmed audiofool and have only in the last year or so turned
my attention to digital music for my main system.  For years i resisted
the tide and kept myself happy with a constant stream of second hand and
new vinyl.

Anyway for one reason or another i am now plunging into the 21st
century and want to make the right choices in what seems to be a
proverbial mindfield!

I have an HTPC with 750GB of disk space, all the processing power i
need for DVD and PC audio and an RME soundcard (9632).  This is 3 feet
away from my preamp and as such i suppose i do not need a Squeezebox
for my main system.

However, i am thinking of buying one for my second system which is two
floors down so a couple of questions if i may

1.  given hard wiring is not an option, is wireless going to work?

2.  Having said i dont think i need a squeezebox for my main system, is
there any benefit in terms of sound quality over the DAC in the RME
(using EAC and .ape files currently)

All the best


Chris OH
audiophiles mailing list