[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: *CROSS-POST* ReadyNAS 600/X6 & SB2

2006-01-01 Thread jhenderson010759

teanau Wrote: 
> yeah the new one defaults to stats off.
> im comparing speed and usability to an itunes/ winamp experience.
> its lightyears better than changing cds, but there is always room for
> improvement.
> I guess i should mention that my nas is not just a music server, so
> some of the lag could be attributed to other traffic and its inherent
> processor demands.
> jhenderson010759, did you notice a distinct increase im performance
> with the gb of ram? if so i will have to look into that, i think the
> latest release of slimserver for the nas is the only one to make use of
> the extra ram? what do you have your Database Cache "page" limit set
> to?
> _sam

My DataBase Cache is 20.  Using RAM as temporary storage (faster). 
Look for Artwork and Statistics both disabled.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

2006-01-01 Thread Andrew L . Weekes

> Interesting. What is the equations that describe this?
> If it is too long to post, got an URL?


Immediately it should be clear that the fIN factor gives result
dependant upon the sampled frequency, using the figures mentioned,
20,000ps gives, assuming no other system errors, 98dB dynamic range
(non-dithered CD spec) at 20Hz, but only 51dB at 20kHz.

100pS would meet the 20kHz non-dithered spec, but what about dithered
input signals?

Factor in a 15dB additional dynamic range from a properly dithered
input signal, or a 24bit system (or worse still, a wide-bandwidth
system) and you can see things rapidly becoming much harder.

It's one reason why the newer, hi-res formats fail to live up to my
expectations, they make the engineering, which is already bloody
difficult, MUCH harder.

It really isn't as easy as many so called 'experts' make out, jitter
isn't that easy to measure (to the man in the street) and even when one
can, it's not as simple as a headline figure.

The recent volume rounding error problem of the Squeezebox gave rise to
an error at the 16bit of the audio data - so many experts would tell you
this is inaudible, yet people here (without knowledge of any change)
found it wasn't.

The human ear / brain interface is a really astonishingly complex
thing, that can at one and the same time be both amazingly sensitive,
yet easily fooled. What it isn't is measurable, in any quantitative
manner. No-one, anywhere, with any experiment or test, can 'prove' the
absolute audibility or inaudibility of anything when it comes to music.
Realising that is crucial to avoiding the often prolonged debates that
happen around these subject areas. Whilst the maths above, for example,
explains a mechanism for audibility, it tells you nothing at all about
an individual's ability to hear the effects, there are few absolutes of


Andrew L. Weekes

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2006-01-01 Thread radish

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> 2) I have done clear and rescan several times now.  Of course, the
> bloody software isn't smart enough to indicate when it's actually done
> scanning, so I have to take a guess.  I've tried 30 minutes, I've tried
> 1 hour, I've tried letting it go overnight.  Really incredibly, I think,
> that they neglected to include some kind of progress or completion
> interface.

Two things to tell you the scan is complete. (1) The text at the top of
the main page of the web interface changes from "Slimserver is scanning
your library..." to "You have x songs in y albums by z artists" and (2)
the hard drive light on your computer goes out.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wav Versus Flac

2006-01-01 Thread Listener

tyler_durden Wrote: 
> may I recommend some reading that will help everyone on all sides of the
> issue understand everyone on all the other sides?
> Try this:
> http://www.phule.net/mirrors/unskilled-and-unaware.html
> TD

Thanks for the reference.  I enjoyed reading it and I think it will
provide a way of looking at similar situations in the future.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wav Versus Flac

2006-01-01 Thread Listener

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> That's because it's his *opinion*, dolt. He doesn't need to
> substantiate
> it. He's reporting what he hears.
> Everybody's hearing is different. Two people can listen to the same
> thing at the same time and have a different opinion about it.
> Music and audio is not yet an exact science so your comments are
> rather
> ill-judged.
> R.

I think you are calling the wrong person a dolt.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2006-01-01 Thread highdudgeon

1) no, i wasn't using browse folder

2) I have done clear and rescan several times now.  Of course, the
bloody software isn't smart enough to indicate when it's actually done
scanning, so I have to take a guess.  I've tried 30 minutes, I've tried
1 hour, I've tried letting it go overnight.  Really incredibly, I think,
that they neglected to include some kind of progress or completion

3) Just to be save, I confirmed that everything was there, that all
files were properly tagged, and then I deleted and rebuilt the iTunes
library AND reset the iTunes file path.

Basically, I'm not doing anything wrong and this is looking like a pain
in the ass bug.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wav Versus Flac

2006-01-01 Thread Deaf Cat

Intresting stuff,

I did have all my cd's playing through wmp9 as lossless wma files,
tried wma against FLAC, through SS and SB2 to hopefully save

- can't remember exactly but I think I found the FLAC had tighter bass
and a little more detail up top, hence reripping EAC/FLAC - can't say I
have tried wav against flac as I have only come across posts saying they
are the same...
May be tempted to go for the test if the taging folder location thingy
worked somehow.

Can't play anything at mo as something has gone wrong somewhere...So
enjoy what ever you are listening to!

Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 Analog output vs digital via Arcam AVR250

2006-01-01 Thread Deaf Cat

I like the SB Digi out into my AVR200 better than the SB RCA's but hay
see what you like best.

Oh, when you do try it see if your stereo shop will lend you some
decent cables, if you have not got some already, I found they make a
lot of difference.

Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] need a dac+dvd+fm combo

2006-01-01 Thread sgraphics

I'm building a system for living room. I plan on getting the SB3 for all
the mp3's I have and I already have the speakers chosen.

Now I need something that would convert D/A, something that would play
DVD's, a radio and maybe something to play SACD's.

Thus far I have found the NAD L70 Receiver, which also has a
programmable remote (that I hope can be programmed to work with the

Any better configuration options out there? Can't go higher in price,
can go lower in price :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2006-01-01 Thread ceejay

Hello again...

(1) you're probably not in the best area for this query, these aren't
really "audiophile" problems

(2) were/are you using Browse Music folder on the SB3 (which might
exaplin the out-of-sequence tracks) ?

(3) I wasn't sure from your description whether the slimserver had time
to finish the scan?   It might be an idea to do the "clear and rescan"
thing again and be sure its finished



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2006-01-01 Thread highdudgeon

I am running Slimserver 6.2.2

I let Slimserver use iTunes, by default, and this has always worked. 
And, yes, the albums in question do have track numbers.

However, it gets more complicated.  Last night, for a second time, I
selected "clear and rescan everything" (whatever it says).  Slimserver
shut off, as expected, and I went to bed.

I checked this morning and, get this...those albums, and some other
recently added albums, are no longer even in the Slimserver library! 
Out of curiosity, I opened the iTunes library (the XML file) and, sure
enough, everything is there, properly numbered, etc.

This smacks of a bug, and a nasty one, at that.  Help?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why not more Squeeezbox reviews in hi-fi magazines?

2006-01-01 Thread ezkcdude

I thought of another reason the hi-fi mags aren't reviewing the SB.  It
competes directly with all the CD players/transports that cost upwards
of $10,000. If a $300 device can make those expensive cd players (or at
least, transports) obsolete, that's a whole product category that
disappears, along with significant advertising revenue. Just my two
cents. Oh, and Happy New Year, everyone!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: I'm impressed

2006-01-01 Thread Skunk

$have experimented with DIY USB->SPDIF 
$solutions and high-end soundcards 

I was lucky enough to buy the SB first. When I asked the forum if
anyone had heard the Wavelength Brick- I got only technical responses,
which were enough to convince me not to experiment. 

$Especially impressed as ISTR that with 
$the I2SE connection from transport to DAC
$(transport slave to DAC clock) jitter < 10ps.)

Is the SB3 a slave to your DAC clock as well, or only through an I2s

I was excited about the low digital out jitter of the SB3 because I
wanted to try a Non Oversampling DAC- which wouldn't be the best choice
for a high jitter source.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: I'm impressed

2006-01-01 Thread Skunk

23 years is a blink in terms of 'forever'. 

In the meantime, I agree that a SB + external DAC alongside a nice
vinyl setup is the best of both worlds.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why not more Squeeezbox reviews in hi-fi magazines?

2006-01-01 Thread Eserim

In addition to few reviews of SB (although Stuff Magazine has had it in
their top ten for ages - currently number 3 but showing the SB2 and at
a higher price than it was when it was phased out) no magazine reviews
I have seen anywhere on digital music players, home or portable, ever
mention the one crucial feature that I require - Gapless Playback - I
have posted to the Stuff forum
(http://www.stuffmagazine.co.uk/fm_topics.asp?FO=3&PD=) about this -
please feel free to add comments or to post to other magazines.  If you
hassle for them to add gapless support to the review criteria, it will
naturally follow that the SB will get good points.



Eserim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1932
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Songs out of order (grrrr!)

2006-01-01 Thread ceejay

First, check your tags.  Can you confirm that the albums you are trouble
with all have track-number tags in each track, running the way you
expect them to?  

Second - are you by any chance browsing the music folder with the SB3?
If so, that ignores tags and will AFAIK only put tracks in the right
order if they are named that way. (This is a good reason for using a
track naming convention along the lines of "01 - song name.flac")

What version of slimserver are you using?




ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

2006-01-01 Thread Triode

FlyFishAndGolf Wrote: 
> The studies published by the Audio Engineering Society demonstrated that
> jitter isn't audible until around 20,000 ps.  I am also of the opinion
> that the entire jitter problem was overhyped by marketers.
Figure 9 of http://www.nanophon.com/audio/jitter92.pdf (also an AES
paper) suggests audibility of jitter goes much lower than 20ns...


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