[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto Dac2 + SB3

2006-05-27 Thread PhilNYC

Ben Diss Wrote: 
> Phil-  Looks like we're neighbors.  Didn't even know about you guys. 
> I'll have to come visit you next week sometime.
> Do we know anything yet about DAC3?
> -Ben

Ben...sounds great!  

I don't have much info on the DAC3 yet asides from the fact that it
will have more inputs than the DAC2, including a USB input.


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-27 Thread fredrickj

My SB3 is stock, not even a power supply upgrade, which I considered
until I could hear no difference with the stock unit. My files are
apple lossless and AIF.  

My amps are tubed mono OTL's.  Extremely fast and detailed.  DAC's are
Sonic Frontiers (remember them?), the new Bel Canto everyone raves
about and a number of others laying around, including a ridiculously
expensive Audio Note. 

I have yet to find someone who can tell the difference between the SB3
and the original CD source.

While an audiophile nut, you won't find me spending $500 or
interconnects or power cords.  Those who claim to hear the difference
in the PS upgrades must either have very crappie wiring in their homes
or lots of imagination.  

Ever wonder why audiophile "reviews" never, and I repeat NEVER, use
double blind testing?  Because if they did they couldn't tell
difference between most of the stuff they rave about and advertise.

On the other hand the SB3 makes a big difference where it counts
(getting rid of stacks of cd's while making it inifinitly easier  to
find any cd or song in your colletion) and no difference where it
should. (sounding exactly like the origingal CD source)

The SB3 is a very big deal for the audiophile.  Something that really
does what is say's it does. 

I will definitely demo it at the next user group I attend for speaker

The Scientific Audiophile


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Welborne Labs linear power supply

2006-05-27 Thread Mike2

rajacat Wrote: 
> Has anybody used this power supply?
> http://www.welbornelabs.com/psreg.htm

I have been using one with excellent results for a couple months now. I
used a 50VA transfomer with the outputs paralled for double the current.
It sounds alot better than the off the shelf supplies I have tried. Hope
this helps.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread kanoot

I have been a headphone junkie for most of my life and the Sennheiser
650s are by-far the best sounding pair I have ever owned. And, yes, I
have owned a few Grados.

Just thought someone should "lean toward" the Sennheisers.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread King Saul

Great time to buy a s/h pair of RS-1s as the new GS-1000s are now out.

Check out head-fi.org and ebay.

King Saul

::*Home : 
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread jonathan . penrose

I use a pair of Grado SR80s when I travel. I started with a similarly
priced pair from Seinheiser and didn't care for them at all, but I have
not made a direct comparison of the higher priced units.

The Grado can be a bit uncomfortable for long listening sessions, but I
haven't had any problem with the newer/softer earpads that they switched
to some time ago...

Good luck!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread JJZolx

TCM Wrote: 
> 1. Where do you think I would get the biggest improvement for the least
> money?
> 2. If the money wasn't a big concern, what would be the forst thing to
> change?
> Maybe what I need is just to move the speakers... (but then I'll have
> to fight the luftWAFfe... ;-D)
1. Speaker placement.  Get them off of the ground and out of the
corners.  A stand of about 8-12" (200-300mm) tall would probably work
best - get the tweaters to approximately ear level at the listening
position.  Move them at least 2-3 feet out away from both the front
wall and side walls.  Play with position and toe in of the speakers
until they sound best within your room.

Secondly, room treatment may be in order.  You have what appears to be
a very hard room with plaster walls and hardwood floors, wood

2. I'm not familiar with the spekers, but the receiver would be the
first thing I'd upgrade.  Better amplification will improve the sound
from even the most inexpensive speaker.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread opaqueice

nelamvr6 Wrote: 
> I understand that I will not really know unless I try them, but it's
> getting to be nearly impossible to find places to audition headphones.
> Right now I'm leaning toward the Grado's.

I have a much lower end pair of Grados (SR80s).  They sound great, and
I love 'em for it, but they really aren't the most comfortable phones
for long listening sessions.  I haven't tried the Senns.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread nelamvr6

I understand that I will not really know unless I try them, but it's
getting to be nearly impossible to find places to audition headphones.

Right now I'm leaning toward the Grado's.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread nelamvr6

opaqueice Wrote: 
> IMHO, speaker cables don't make the slightest difference, unless you're
> upgrading from chicken wire.  They are the least important part of the
> audio chain, followed by digital cables and then interconnects.  On the
> other hand room placement is critical...  I second the recommendation to
> move your speaker out of the corner.  If there's a WAF issue, maybe your
> money is best spend buying a pair of speakers she would tolerate out in
> the open?  There are some very stylish speakers out there.

I agree with you that room placement is critical, but you and I will
have to agree to disagree with respect to speaker cables.

Besides which, in this case, TCM may just be using chicken wire.
Information such as this could very well help us to help him.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread opaqueice

nelamvr6 Wrote: 
> TCM, you don't say much about the speaker cables you're using. Could
> you elaborate please?

IMHO, speaker cables don't make the slightest difference, unless you're
upgrading from chicken wire.  They are the least important part of the
audio chain, followed by digital cables and then interconnects.  On the
other hand room placement is critical...  I second the recommendation to
move your speaker out of the corner.  If there's a WAF issue, maybe your
money is best spend buying a pair of speakers she would tolerate out in
the open?  There are some very stylish speakers out there.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-27 Thread opaqueice

95bcwh Wrote: 
> I have already had my SB3 fully modded (analog + digital + battery power
> supply) by RedWineAudio, too late to change for now. But I plan to buy
> another unit when SB4 comes out...I will then ask Wayne to mod it for
> me.

What do you think of the Red Wine Audio mods?  

There was a thread (over at audiocircle maybe?) a while back comparing
Bolder SB mods to RWA which concluded that the RWA mod sounded
(slightly) better than the Bolder.  Personally I would hesitate to buy
a product from someone that markets such things as Bybee "quantum
purifiers", as Bolder does, but hey...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread drs

I prefer the rs-1's, but as the other person said, they are so different
that you really will need to hear them both.  Importantly, both need
amps to sound their best (and different amps at that -- grado's want
current while senn's want voltage).  Without an amp, you are throwing
away you money.  If budget is set, try moving down the line a bit and
adding an amp.  Also, ask this at head-fi.org as you'll get more
answers there.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread EricBergan

nelamvr6 Wrote: 
> Please help me decide.
> I know there's a price difference, but let's pretend for the purpose of
> discussion that money doesn't matter. Which should I get:
> The 'Grado RS 1'
> (http://www.headphone.com/products/headphones/all-headphones/grado-rs-1.php)
> Or
> The 'Sennheiser HD 650' (http://tinyurl.com/e3h8n)
> Both would be used in a home system. Neither would have the use of a
> dedicated headphone amp, at least not for a little while.
> I welcome any and all opinions (concerning this question that is! ;)
> ).
> Thanks in advance.

I think you're going to have to try them out. I have the Grado SR325
and really like it, but some complain that it is uncomfortable on their
ears, and some feel it is a little harsh. (Or perhaps too accurate?)

For me, the Sennheiser (probably the previous generation) was a little

But this is clearly a case where your mileage may vary.

If you haven't found it already, I found this site www.goodcans.com to
have some intelligent reviews.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Grado or Sennheiser

2006-05-27 Thread nelamvr6

Please help me decide.

I know there's a price difference, but let's pretend for the purpose of
discussion that money doesn't matter. Which should I get:

The 'Grado RS 1'


The 'Sennheiser HD 650' (http://tinyurl.com/e3h8n)

Both would be used in a home system. Neither would have the use of a
dedicated headphone amp, at least not for a little while.

I welcome any and all opinions (concerning this question that is! ;)

Thanks in advance.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto Dac2 + SB3

2006-05-27 Thread bullethead

Lyonesse Wrote: 
> Anyone using the Bel Canto Dac2 with the Squeezebox?

I am too using the Bel Canto Dac2 with the Squeezebox 3.  Using the
optical output from the SB3 to the Dac2.  It sounds warm and fluid
like.  I like it, but I am not the type to constantly change things and
compare to anything else.  Once I setup the system I keep it that way,
so I can't make any comparisons.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread Phil Leigh

the speaker grilles probably aren't helping...

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread nelamvr6

davidcotton Wrote: 
> Stands for speakers that size aren't really necessary imho.  A lot of
> the people on some of the other hifi forums reccomend getting a pair of
> slabs (they can be nice ones)and put them under the speaker.

Well my point was get them off the floor and out from that cubby hole.
So essentially we are in agreement.

TCM, you don't mention what speaker cables you're using. Could you
elaborate please?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread davidcotton

Stands for speakers that size aren't really necessary imho.  A lot of
the people on some of the other hifi forums reccomend getting a pair of
slabs (they can be nice ones)and put them under the speaker.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread nelamvr6

Here's another vote for moving your speakers. A nice set of stands will
do wonders and will prolly not set you back much.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread PhilNYC

Agree with Ben if you can move the furniture around.  But if you can't,
try at least moving the speaker forward so that the front plane of the
speaker is a couple of inches in front of the furniture...and put some
absorbing material (pillow, fiberglass, etc) behind the speaker to
reduce the corner loading...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto Dac2 + SB3

2006-05-27 Thread PhilNYC

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> I hope you put some pics up when you get a hold of one. Let us know what
> it sounds like. Of course, I'm sure you were already planning to...

I can definitely put some pics up when I get it.  But I do try to
refrain from making comments on how stuff sounds...obviously, being a
dealer makes me biased and an easy flame target, no matter how
objective I try to be...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread Skunk

When I used a Sony receiver, I got the best sound by setting the tone
controls to flat, and turning off digital signal processing/ bass boost
etc. A further extension of that idea would be to ditch the Sony and go
with a SB-->Power Amp setup. 

If I were you, room re-arrangement would be at the top of my list :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread Ben Diss

If you can, move the furniture that your equipment is on away from the
corner.  Pull the speak out of the corner and put it on top of
something.  When you're able, buy a nice stand for them.  This is all
free, and will make an immediate improvement to your sound.


Ben Diss

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto Dac2 + SB3

2006-05-27 Thread Ben Diss

Phil-  Looks like we're neighbors.  Didn't even know about you guys. 
I'll have to come visit you next week sometime.

Do we know anything yet about DAC3?


Ben Diss

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Where to start

2006-05-27 Thread TCM

I'm really happy with my SB3, but sometimes the sound isn't really clear
and sharp. So I'm dreaming of upgrading the hifi-part of my squeezebox
system - amp/dac/speakers/cables...

Currently I mostly play flacs ripped with EAC, but I also have som old

Slimserver -> wired network -> SB3 -> Sony STR-DE315 -> Genexxa GP 200

Sony STR-DE315:

Genexxa GP 200

The cables are nothing special and I use the standard power supply.

Since I recently bulit a new house my "toy"-budget isn't that big at
the moment so it's going to be a step by step upgrade, not a total
change of system.

1. Where do you think I would get the biggest improvement for the least

2. If the money wasn't a big concern, what would be the forst thing to

Maybe what I need is just to move the speakers... (but then I'll have
to fight the luftWAFfe... ;-D)

|Filename: sb.jpg   |
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