[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Introductions: Please Make This a Sticky!

2006-12-03 Thread gusi

I started with hifi in the 70s as a teenager with hand me down tube
radios. I wish I still had those old beast but since have moved on to a
Naim/Linn system. 

In my 9-5 life I work in industrial automation and have been a UNIX fan
since first exposed to it in the mid 80s. 

The combination led to an instant attraction to the Squeezebox and its
open source software.

In making hifi decisions I prefer AB dems vs measurements. While you
can measure all sorts of things like SNR, jitter, and harmonic
distortion you can't measure if something will sound good.

Having said that it is often not possible to dem all the items you'd
like and I have bought quite a few things blind.

My background in electronics is purely academic, I am useless with a
soldering iron and my 41Hz kits remain unassembled.

Current system SB3/DAC1, CDX, LP12/P75 into a 52/250/briks.


gusi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3801
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-03 Thread chinablues

jonheal;159444 Wrote: 
> Cable burn-in sounds like a classic case of audiophile voodoo to me, but
> I would submit that running electricity through a wire does change it
> over time. I've been doing a lot of electrical fixes in our 40-year-old
> house. The copper in the romex is very brittle. I can snap off bits of
> it with the pliers pretty easily. Now it may be that the copper is
> oxidized, although that seems unlikely to me as it's jacketed.
> And of course, a 120V @ 15 amps gusher of electrons is a little
> different than the trickle passing between your SB and amp, or between
> the amp and speakers, for that matter.
> But then our telephone wiring is brittle, too.
> Maybe it's just the impurities in the copper taking their toll over
> time.

It's not electricity running through the wire that changes the copper,
but contamination from mostly ppm level (parts per million) of H2S or
SO2 over many years.  We see this in cables in my business
(instrumentation) where we have millions of miles of the stuff.  SO2 or
H2S can come from many sources, mostly by burning something (cigarettes,
coal, hydrocarbons, gasoline etc).  We take care of this problem in
large termination rooms by pressurizing with clean air (also to keep
out flammable hydrocarbons).  In households there is no such
protection, so after 40 years you are likely seeing long term corrosion
due to atmospheric sulfur.  Over time too, the gas can migrate along the
wires inside the insulation.  There is also the issue of traces of salts
deposited on the ends of the cable by the original installer (sweat etc)
which set up a very slow acidic attack on the copper.  Of course in the
houses of serious audiophiles, there is the gas from those damned
farting mosquitos that always seem to be just at the limits of hearing.
Anyway, lots of things that can degrade copper over time, but I don't
believe its the actual flowing electricity that does it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread lanierb

My view: the MP3 format was a good temporary solution to a lack of cheap
storage, but its days are numbered and you should definitely rip
everything to FLAC:

1) Hard disks and flash memory continue to rapidly drop in price. 
Already the average music fan could store their entire collection in
FLAC on a hard drive costing around $300.  Three years from now that
will be $150 and you'll have your whole 1000 CD collection in FLAC on
your $300 ipod.

2) MP3 has some minor shortcomings -- hard to play it gapless, no
widely accepted replaygain standard, differing quality of decoders,

3) When it does finally die, MP3 isn't that great a source for
transcoding.  If you have FLAC files, when and if something better
comes along transcoding will be easy and perfect.  When you transcode
your MP3 you'll likely get something that either takes much more
storage than the source MP3 and sounds no better, or takes the same
amount of storage and sounds worse.  

Bottom line: it's affordable to use FLAC now, so you may as well do it
right once, know you're getting the best quality,  and save yourself
the future hassles.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker terminal contact cleaner

2006-12-03 Thread azinck3

jan van mourik;159509 Wrote: 
> Model railroading, cool! One of those hobbies I always wanted to get
> into,
> but stopped myself because it would be yet another money pit! That
> said, I
> love the N and Z scale railroads. In the Netherlands they would sell
> these
> cool starter kits (like this:
> http://www.trix.nl/nieuws/producten.html). I
> don't see those here in the US. Well, luckily I guess!
> jan

I'm into model railroading, too.  Fun to find some fellow modelers (HO
scale for me).

Oh, and jmourik, your links inside of parentheses always break!  Gotta
leave a space man!--I'm lazy and don't want to cut and paste...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Watt's the best AC recepticle below $100?

2006-12-03 Thread SuperQ

jmourik;159511 Wrote: 
> Has anybody compared these or read tests about these:
> Oyaide: http://www.tweekgeek.com/product.asp?pf_id=OyaideACReceptacle
> Furutech: http://www.vhaudio.com/acreceptacles.html
> PowerPort: http://www.psaudio.com/products/powerport.asp
> Thoughts, suggestions?
> Cool thing about the powerport is you can connect *two* separate lines
> to one recepticle. Nice to split analog from digital or something like
> that!
> What advice can you guys give on dedicated power lines?
> jan

Waste of money, use an isolation transformer or on-line UPS if you're
that paranoid about power.

check out something like tripplite or liebert.



Both of these units are true on-line.  They drop the power to DC
battery and re-make the AC power with a true sinewave.  The only way to
get full isolation from the power company.

Things like APC SmartUPS are "Line Interactive" they don't do a full DC


SuperQ's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2139
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Watt's the best AC recepticle below $100?

2006-12-03 Thread jmourik

Has anybody compared these or read tests about these:

Oyaide: http://www.tweekgeek.com/product.asp?pf_id=OyaideACReceptacle
Furutech: http://www.vhaudio.com/acreceptacles.html
PowerPort: http://www.psaudio.com/products/powerport.asp

Thoughts, suggestions?

Cool thing about the powerport is you can connect *two* separate lines
to one recepticle. Nice to split analog from digital or something like

What advice can you guys give on dedicated power lines?



jmourik's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7123
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker terminal contact cleaner

2006-12-03 Thread jan van mourik

Model railroading, cool! One of those hobbies I always wanted to get into,
but stopped myself because it would be yet another money pit! That said, I
love the N and Z scale railroads. In the Netherlands they would sell these
cool starter kits (like this: http://www.trix.nl/nieuws/producten.html). I
don't see those here in the US. Well, luckily I guess!

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-03 Thread Sleestack

totoro;159490 Wrote: 
> I'm actually using the inguz drc right now. 
> I don't have a lot of knowledge, but I got the behavior to change a lot
> by reading the drc docs and fiddling the config files, and the sound
> right now is _way_ better than without it.
> I've been wondering whether or not to learn how to use acourate instead
> of using the inguz impulseprep utility, but, as I said, the learning
> curve for acourate looks a little steep to me.
> I agree with you: drc is pretty amazing.

If you are happy with that solution, no reason to make things more
complicated right now.  I think it is great that the Inguz solution is
available to the community.  Every audio lover deserves the technology.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Inguz DRC - I must be doing something wrong...

2006-12-03 Thread totoro

opaqueice;159494 Wrote: 
> Add the file you want to process to the playlist.  Rightclick on it and
> select Convert->Convert To...
> In the box that opens make sure covolver is checked, you can check its
> options etc., and then when you click OK it will ask you where you want
> to save the output file.

Thanks. Just did that. My sweeps look sane after that (if disturbingly
lumpy). It's too late for me to measure the room today, but I'm pretty
sure I would have noticed if my results were as crazy as ob_kook's.

I saved the convolved sweep both with the new normal.rc file I'm using
(attached above in the thread), as well as the one that inguz has been
passing around (both with -4 db on them in foobar). I've attached a
picture of them, just so people can see how radically different the two
look (the one on top has the filter based on the distributed normal.drc,
while the one on the bottom was generated by mine).

|Filename: sweeps.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2088|


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker terminal contact cleaner

2006-12-03 Thread Mark Lanctot

All this discussion has made me think of a product often used in model

'Rail-Zip' (http://zap.supergluecorp.com/pt23.html)

You can get it in a hobby shop that sells train stuff.

It does work pretty well for cleaning metal and keeping it clean (well,
not visibly clean, but conductive at least).

Many people have advanced theories about it, and of course the company
isn't saying anything.  It's a reddish oil.  It's designed to leave a
film and most theories say that this film is conductive.  How an oil
can be conductive I'm not sure!  But I will say the track does seem to
get dirty, with a black oily residue, but conductivity is still

Incidentally Wahl hair clipper oil is also recommended and seems to
work the same.

'Course the difference here is that you have a MOVING contact with some
weight behind it - it can push a thin enough film out of the way.

That said I'm personally going with a "scorched Earth" policy, leaving
NOTHING on my rails - I clean it with 99% isopropyl alcohol for regular
cleaning, lacquer thinner or acetone for heavy cleaning, then I leave it
bare.  I do not want a sticky film to gather dust and dirt.

And regarding speaker cables, I'm with Sean and use tinned ends, no
banana clips or spades.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Inguz DRC - I must be doing something wrong...

2006-12-03 Thread opaqueice

totoro;159493 Wrote: 
> Stupid question. I installed foobar and the convolver plugin, and
> configured the plugin to use one of my impulse files. How do I save the
> convolved file?

Add the file you want to process to the playlist.  Rightclick on it and
select Convert->Convert To...
In the box that opens make sure covolver is checked, you can check its
options etc., and then when you click OK it will ask you where you want
to save the output file.


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Inguz DRC - I must be doing something wrong...

2006-12-03 Thread totoro

opaqueice;159489 Wrote: 
> ob_kook, 
> one thing you can try for debugging is to take your filter and convolve
> a music file with it using a program other than the inguz plugin.  An
> example is foobar with the convolver plugin, which takes as inputs a
> WAV music (or in this case, maybe sweep) file and a filter file, and
> outputs a new, processed file.  Then you can look at that file with
> audacity, or play it through the SB (with inguz off) and record the
> response.  If it's different from the inguz result then there's
> something wrong with inguz.  If it's the same as above then there's
> something wrong with the filter.

Stupid question. I installed foobar and the convolver plugin, and
configured the plugin to use one of my impulse files. How do I save the
convolved file?


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

totoro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5935
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-03 Thread totoro

Sleestack;159486 Wrote: 
> But well worth it...in the end you will learn much about your system and
> room and what really matters when it comes to getting good sound.  Most
> importantly, you will have aural bliss.
> You can wait years until advanced room correction becomes the norm and
> completely automated, but I encourage you to do your ears and brain a
> favor and go through the pains of learning now, whatever your solution
> may be.

I'm actually using the inguz drc right now. 

I don't have a lot of knowledge, but I got the behavior to change a lot
by reading the drc docs and fiddling the config files, and the sound
right now is _way_ better than without it.

I've been wondering whether or not to learn how to use acourate instead
of using the inguz impulseprep utility, but, as I said, the learning
curve for acourate looks a little steep to me.

I agree with you: drc is pretty amazing.


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

totoro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5935
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Inguz DRC - I must be doing something wrong...

2006-12-03 Thread opaqueice


one thing you can try for debugging is to take your filter and convolve
a music file with it using a program other than the inguz plugin.  An
example is foobar with the convolver plugin, which takes as inputs a
WAV music (or in this case, maybe sweep) file and a filter file, and
outputs a new, processed file.  Then you can look at that file with
audacity, or play it through the SB (with inguz off) and record the
response.  If it's different from the inguz result then there's
something wrong with inguz.  If it's the same as above then there's
something wrong with the filter.


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-03 Thread Sleestack

totoro;159484 Wrote: 
> I've thought about it, but the learning curve seems like it might be a
> little steep.

But well worth it...in the end you will learn much about your system
and room and what really matters when it comes to getting good sound. 
Most importantly, you will have aural bliss.

You can wait years until advanced room correction becomes the norm and
completely automated, but I encourage you to do your ears and brain a
favor and go through the pains of learning now, whatever your solution
may be.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30255

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-03 Thread totoro

highdudgeon;159297 Wrote: 
> Uli, the developer, is a nice guy and will respond to your emails -- he
> can address the technicalities in a more satisfactory way.  But, yes,
> the idea is to address time domain adjustments, etc.  He was a Tact
> user and went on from there.  I am not a Tact user and won't comment on
> the relative merits...but drop him a line!
> The Inguz developer is on this forum and has been a stand-up guy when
> it comes to answering questions, etc.  It would be a good idea to meld
> minds with both of them...
> Personally, I have every intention of taking advantage of both
> applications.
> Still, I wish SD would get on with the business of allowing the use of
> DSP device in a digital loop.  Firmware update...?

Are you going to start using acourate? If so,  and you don't mind, it
would be great if you could post about your experiences, including
pitfalls, pointers, etc.

I've thought about it, but the learning curve seems like it might be a
little steep.


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

totoro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5935
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-03 Thread Sleestack

Uli's program should be great.  I've considered picking it up just to be
able to compare it with my TACT setups. I don't think I could deal with
a PC based solution, but I'm definitely interested in trying the
software.  The TACT setups have been great for me.   A few minutes of
work can yield huge improvements.  This needs to be teaked more, but
you get the idea:

|Filename: TACT1r.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2080|


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, classe sacd2, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4,teac esoteric p-03/d-03, epiphany 12-12s (waiting
for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30255

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-03 Thread jmourik

tyler_durden;159429 Wrote: 
> What is the difference between a good and bad signal for burn-in and how
> do you know if what you're using is one or the other?Well, obviously I use 
> the *perfect* burn-in signal: a playlist with
Steely Dan, Andrea Bocelli, Mozart, some Dutch music. I play it on
shuffle and repeat. This guarantees a happy cable, and happy cables
sound best!



jmourik's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7123
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Inguz DRC - I must be doing something wrong...

2006-12-03 Thread totoro

OK. I haven't done a measurement yet, but the normal generated from this
file had a _lot_ more bass, and I haven't heard any clipping.

You might want to try playing with it.

|Filename: normal.zip   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2072|


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

totoro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5935
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Inguz DRC - I must be doing something wrong...

2006-12-03 Thread totoro

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about this stuff to help you. But
I've been poking around in the drc docs, and found this config file:

I renamed it to normal, regenerated the filters, and got sound I
generally liked better. I _did_ get some clipping at high frequencies,
so I'm now messing around with a couplr config values (I set PSNormType
to S, which it is in the default file, and PLStart to .5-- we'll see how
it goes).

The documentation for drc is at 


You might want to give this a try (or maybe look at optimized.drc)


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

totoro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5935
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30225

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeeze Box in "People" magazine: top product for guys!

2006-12-03 Thread highdudgeon

That is simply inappropriate behavior.  Granted, even during a c-section
(my wife has had two) anesthesia is quite boring.  It is far easier than
during a typical surgery because, after all the patient is not under. 
You start the epidural (most common) or spinal (emergency), flow the
drugs, and that's about it.  

However, yammering on the phone in the presence of a patient who is
awake and under distress is unprofessional.  Quite often, somebody
would write up a practioner who behaved like that -- people get slapped
on the wrist for less.
On the other hand, brief calls during a quiet period of a surgery in
which the patient is completely under is another matter.

I am very sorry you had that experience.  Our first child was born via
emergency C-section, after 48 hours of insanely painful labor.  She was
turned the wrong way and, in the end, compressed her cord.  I was in the
room with the monitors started going down and they flew in to whisk my
wife to the OR.  I was already in scrubs, because a C-section was in
the works, anyway, so I stood at her head during the procedure.  At one
point, my daughter's monitor nearly flat-lined...and came back up.  My
wife's anesthesia was so abrupt that she was numb up to her lips. 
Anyway, it was an awful and stressful situation.  We were lucky,
though: everyone was a colleague and all were incredibly professional
and kind.  

Again, I am very sorry for your experience. I don't think I could have
contained myself in your situation.

jonheal;159447 Wrote: 
> This is not, I repeat, NOT a remark directed at highdudgeon's wife. It
> is a comment on a PERSONAL experience.
> Our first son was born under distress and had to be yanked out via
> c-section seven weeks early. My wife and I were under great stress
> before, during and after because we didn't know if he was going to live
> or die. But what I remember most about the birth process was the
> anesthesiologist yammering away on his cell phone through the whole
> thing. I was on the verge of decking his ass right there in the
> operating room. The OB-GYN didn't seem to care, so I assume he was
> taking care of her, but come on! HAVE A LITTLE CONSIDERATION FOR THE
> Now, I think I'll go have some Junior Mints and calm down.


Relax.  It's about the music.

highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeeze Box in "People" magazine: top product for guys!

2006-12-03 Thread jonheal

This is not, I repeat, NOT a remark directed at highdudgeon's wife. It
is a comment on a PERSONAL experience.

Our first son was born under distress and had to be yanked out via
c-section seven weeks early. My wife and I were under great stress
before, during and after because we didn't know if he was going to live
or die. But what I remember most about the birth process was the
anesthesiologist yammering away on his cell phone through the whole
thing. I was on the verge of decking his ass right there in the
operating room. The OB-GYN didn't seem to care, so I assume he was
taking care of her, but come on! HAVE A LITTLE CONSIDERATION FOR THE

Now, I think I'll go have some Junior Mints and calm down.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

jonheal's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2133
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-03 Thread jonheal

Cable burn-in sounds like a classic case of audiophile voodoo to me, but
I would submit that running electricity through a wire does change it
over time. I've been doing a lot of electrical fixes in our 40-year-old
house. The copper in the romex is very brittle. I can snap off bits of
it with the pliers pretty easily. Now it may be that the copper is
oxidized, although that seems unlikely to me as it's jacketed.

And of course, a 120V @ 15 amps gusher of electrons is a little
different than the trickle passing between your SB and amp, or between
the amp and speakers, for that matter.

But then our telephone wiring is brittle, too.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

jonheal's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2133
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-03 Thread tyler_durden

tyler_durden;159119 Wrote: 
> When "burning-in" a cable, how do you decide how long is enough?TD

What is the difference between a good and bad signal for burn-in and
how do you know if what you're using is one or the other?



tyler_durden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2701
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeeze Box in "People" magazine: top product for guys!

2006-12-03 Thread tyler_durden

highdudgeon;159181 Wrote: 
> Absolutely no worries -- it was a long day and I snapped too quickly;
> your joke was funny and indeed and, well, it has grown...

I think both you guys better just have some Junior Mints and relax a



tyler_durden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2701
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Introductions: Please Make This a Sticky!

2006-12-03 Thread probedb

Right where to start :) I love music, that's pretty much where it stops.
I like music such that if I went deaf or couldn't hear music again I may
as well shoot myself. I listen for at least 2 hrs a day, usually much
more. The Squeezebox brought me here. Basically I wanted something to
stream my music around the house (which I don't have yet ;) ) and the
SB3 proved the best thing for my budget. I originally had a HTPC but
that proved too much hassle to do nicely.

My current setup is hardly what most people would call hi-fi but it's
fine for me and that's what counts. I'm currently crammed in a bedroom
but have a Denon AVR-2805 as the amp with KEF Coda 9 speakers, Cable
Talk cable and Straightwire Chrorus interconnects. One day I'll have a
dedicated hi-fi amp but for now doing things like buying a house and
rebuilding my car's engine take priority. I actually listen to most of
my music on the go from my iPod nano. This has rockbox installed and
the MP3s are ripped with LAME and connected to a pair of Westone UM-2s
and I love it.

What do I believe? Not in audiophiles that's for sure. I'm from the
hydrogenaudio.org school of thought. If you can't hear a difference
between something that costs £20 and something that costs £20k then why
are you paying £20k just because someone said it's better and they're an
'audiophile'? Doesn't make sense in any way to me. The only reason my
server has everything ripped as FLAC is because I have the disc space
and it makes converting to any lossy formats much easier as there's no
need to rerip. I also don't have the time to care about subtle
differences between components if I'm not going to hear them in general
use, I have better things to do with my time :)

I came to the forum because I bought a SB3. I like helping people out
where possible and discussing music/audio related matters. One day I'll
have a really good setup for stereo listening but only if it's worth it
and I can tell the difference.

Other stuff, I go to gigs quite a lot (nothing quite like live music)
and the last one was Tool/Mastodon at Nottingham Arena on Friday night.
I also play bass guitar too. Mostly into metal and current favourite is
Opeth. You can see what I listen to by clicking my last.fm link in my



'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)
'myspace.com' (http://www.myspace.com/l328nud)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-03 Thread jan van mourik

Be careful, you might cut through some of the cameras and/or microphones
hidden in your walls! The Powers that Be won't appreciate that!

On 12/3/06, chinablues <

I am currently drilling a hole in the apartment wall here & installing a
forced draft fan and some clever directional ducting.  This to maximise
benefit of the Siberian winds that are due to hit Beijing any time
soon.  The cats won't like it, my wife won't like it, but who cares,
the cables will be in seventh heaven!!  Around -200 C or so, they
become superconductors, with current flowing with no voltage.  Does
this mean that that Carpernters CD I cut to FLAC could still be
circulating in a ground loop somewhere?


chinablues's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7955
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audiophiles mailing list

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-03 Thread chinablues

I am currently drilling a hole in the apartment wall here & installing a
forced draft fan and some clever directional ducting.  This to maximise
benefit of the Siberian winds that are due to hit Beijing any time
soon.  The cats won't like it, my wife won't like it, but who cares,
the cables will be in seventh heaven!!  Around -200 C or so, they
become superconductors, with current flowing with no voltage.  Does
this mean that that Carpernters CD I cut to FLAC could still be
circulating in a ground loop somewhere?


chinablues's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7955
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30223

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread chinablues

peejay;159341 Wrote: 
> Rip everything to a lossless format. Chances are if you are
> participating on an audiophile thread, hard disk space financial
> considerations won't be a problem, given that the lossless format is
> significantly hungrier for hard disk sectors than compressed formats.
> With a lossless library, you can easily convert to lossy (MP3,AAC etc)
> for portable requirements, at whichever bit rate is desired, yet have
> the full lossless library ready for the SB3/Transporter to pacify your
> ears.

I have to agree.  I ripped a lot to MP3 and with some music it was OK,
but with other music it seemed to disappoint.  I never knew whether it
was the MP3 format, the equipment or my ears. With hard disks space
being so cheap, it's easy to rip to FLAC.  It just takes a long time. 
You also have to think beyond your own ears.  Who knows maybe one of
these 'audiophile' chaps will come visting & positively vomit when
subjected to MP3 quality.  Also, it's possible that your family will
have better hearing than you!  My wife did say once, "why do you listen
to that MP3 mush".  She has not said that with FLACs to Transporter.  We
all deserve the best, even if you're not sure you can hear the
difference at least going to FLAC eliminates one variable in the

PS.  Like the Burns quote.  I'm from Kilmarnock.


chinablues's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7955
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread peejay

Rip everything to a lossless format. Chances are if you are
participating on an audiophile thread, hard disk space financial
considerations won't be a problem, given that the lossless format is
significantly hungrier for hard disk sectors than compressed formats.
With a lossless library, you can easily convert to lossy (MP3,AAC etc)
for portable requirements, at whichever bit rate is desired, yet have
the full lossless library ready for the SB3/Transporter to pacify your


After Silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible
is music - Aldous Huxley.

peejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7046
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30263

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread fairyliquidizer

Schindler;159330 Wrote: 
> Hello
> I copied nearly all my cds to harddisk as 256 kBits MP3s. Would it be
> possible to really hear a difference if I would use Flac instead of
> MP3?
> Christian
> To listen to music I have the following setup in the living room:
> PC with Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic connected to DNM/Reson 3B Primus
> with Mirage Speakers.

The simple answer is that it is extremely unlikely that you will hear
the difference.  256kbps should be transparent for almost all music and
almost all listeners.  I would go as far as to say you will not hear the
difference.  If you do decide to use MP3 I would strongly recommend
using LAME for encoding as it is superior to all other MP3
implementations and performs at the same level, if not better, than
Apple's excellent AAC implementation.  To learn more on this subject I
would suggest visiting the Hydrogenaudio forums.

I use FLAC for my archiving as disk space is plentiful these days.  MP3
does have the advantage that you don't have to convert it for portable
listening and that it will fit comfortably on portable devices.


"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion."
-Robert Burns-

fairyliquidizer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3678
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread ceejay

Two contradictory ideas from me:

1 - listen for yourself! As Diana says, complex music rather than heavy
rock is most likely to show up the difference. If you can't hear a
difference, there isn't one.

2 - If you can't hear a difference (or not enough of one to justify
re-ripping all your CDs) then consider that this might be because your
current setup is masking the subtleties (this is a polite way of saying
"not good enough"!). And if, some time in the future, you find yourself
with better kit that really does show the difference then you will kick

One compromise strategy is to resolve to rip all new purchases in some
lossless format (it doesn't matter which, you can always transcode
later) and come back to your legacy music later if you need to.



ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread Diana

Schindler >>> I only got into ripping CDs and playing with SB3 recently.
I did like you - ripped everything to MP3.  Seemed good for simple pop
and folk.  But tried the Bach B minor Mass - Arrrhh

So I discovered the hard way that the more complex - soudwise - the
music is, the more you notice the degredation due to MP3 compression.

So I bit the bullet, and did the only thing possible - installed EAC
(follow the instructions in the Wiki - they're good);  ripped the whole
collection - again :( - to FLAC;  installed MP3tag (a must for
classical),  and did yet another round of serious learning about some
complex but very powerful software.

Result - stunning reproduction of the most complex music, from big rock
bands to Bach solo violin sonatas.  FLAC files via slimserver and SB3
now sound pretty much like playing the original CDs.

Go for it!  Best wishes.



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 256 kBits vs. Flac

2006-12-03 Thread Schindler


I copied nearly all my cds to harddisk as 256 kBits MP3s. Would it be
possible to really hear a difference if I would use Flac instead of


To listen to music I have the following setup in the living room:
PC with Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic connected to DNM/Reson 3B Primus
with Mirage Speakers.


Schindler's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8461
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30263

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