[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread mkozlows

Patrick Dixon;162604 Wrote: 
> I think you should definitely put that at the top of every post where
> you say that there is no (or an insignificant) difference between
> transports and DACs!
> It just goes to show how differently people listen to and hear music,
> and how unwise it is (IMO) to take advice from people re sound quality
> on internet fora.

Out of curiosity, have you done a blind test between lossless and
good-quality lossy music?  I'd've sworn that I could tell 192kbps MP3
from FLAC, but using the ABX Comparator in Foobar (with MP3s encoded
with LAME v2, which is about 190kbps), I was guessing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread highdudgeon


1. That's just plain weird, but I know you don't like me, that you
resentment for whatever silly reason, and that you find that it makes
you feel good to flame me from time to time.  I have over 300gb in
Apple Lossless.  Apple Lossless is not a bad thing.  It is, well,
lossless.  It is -- really -- as good as anything else.  However, I am
sure that, with fairy dust and a few incantations, you can make far
superior scans.  I'm also sure you've taken great measures to correct
you room and system.  

2. No one has to take my advice on a damned thing and I'm certainly to
last to insist on it. If you don't like what I have to say (which
includes the obversation that the Transporter looks a lot better than
your gadget) then bloody well ignore it.  Get it?  Ignore it.  I know
some people find that hard to do...but it is worth a try.  Certainly
more worthwhile than turning a sort-of interesting advice and
recommendation thread and turning it into a mudslinging zone.  You're
just a great chap.

Patrick Dixon;162604 Wrote: 
> I think you should definitely put that at the top of every post where
> you say that there is no (or an insignificant) difference between
> transports and DACs!
> It just goes to show how differently people listen to and hear music,
> and how unwise it is (IMO) to take advice from people re sound quality
> on internet fora.


Relax.  It's about the music.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Portable hi-fi

2006-12-15 Thread DanT

Limited to only my experience
I'm using the iAudio5 XL with Ety ER4S playing FLAC using the iAudio
software. The sound is excellent for a portable setup. I also have the
Rio Karma and it too is a very good device if you can find one on ebay.
My next things to try are rockbox and a headphone amp.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise Floor on SqueezeBox 3 - Normal?

2006-12-15 Thread richidoo

Hi artsrc,
Here's my 02, no guarantees though! 

The SB stock power supply is a switching PS. Supplies of this type can
put out RF and other noise which can be picked up and amplified by
other components. Others have commented on the noise the SB supply
emits, even when not connected to SB. Unplug the PS from the wall while
listening to the noise if possible to see if this is what you're
hearing. If so, try a linear power supply. You can find a thread about
it around here somewhere ;)

The analog output section of SB is not bad, but you might like to try
SB > DAC > headphone amp or even the built in headphone amp in a good
DAC if you're looking for perfection.

The SB analog line outs are affected by noise from the flourescent
display, especially the right channel, so the headphone out might be
affected by that too. Try dimming the display to "off" while listening
to eliminate it as the source of your noise. Playing SB with volume at
max like you're already doing makes it hard to hear the display noise
so that's probably not the problem. Maybe it's louder on headphone

Is your external volume control powered? Could it be a ground loop
somewhere? Good luck.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise Floor on SqueezeBox 3 - Normal?

2006-12-15 Thread jonheal

tomjtx;162751 Wrote: 
> Some people think the sock wall wart generates a lot of noise. Plug it
> into a power conditioner and you should reduce the noise and inprove
> the sound.
> For more improvement buy a linear regulated power supply, perhaps
> modded by Bolder Cable if your in the U.S.

I added one of those ferrite thingies to the stock power supply cord.
Not sure if it does anything, and it may be along the lines of wearing
an aluminum foil pyramid on my head.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise Floor on SqueezeBox 3 - Normal?

2006-12-15 Thread seanadams

For serious listening an external headphone amp is recommended. The RCA
outputs are very good, but the internal headphone amplifier chip which
feeds the 1/8" jack is not well suited for sensitive phones - you will
hear its noise floor.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Portable hi-fi

2006-12-15 Thread tomjtx

Evanus;162735 Wrote: 
> Hi. I'm curious, do any of you know of any portable (pocket) stereo
> player that can yield really precise and good sound? I'm thinking of a
> device that supports FLAC and can make the most out of a studio-class
> headset. I like my Zen Sleek and Shure e2c(these are not the ones I
> have in mind, mind you), but listening to Mozart's Requiem on it makes
> me a bit sad.

Go to headphone.com 

I have an Ipod running into the  Total Airhead  portable headphone amp

into etymotic4's using apple lossless files (ALAC) and the sound is
very, very good.
The Ety's are canal phones and give 25db of isolation so they are GREAT
on a plane.
The ety's at 300.00 or so are better to my ear than the 500.00 shure's

Headphone.com also makes a carrying case for this rig.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise Floor on SqueezeBox 3 - Normal?

2006-12-15 Thread tomjtx

artsrc;162747 Wrote: 
> Is a high noise floor typical for an SB3 or is there something wrong
> with my particular one?
> I have a SqueezeBox3.
> With efficient headphones, I have Shure e4c's, there is quite a bit of
> noise.
> With less efficient headphones (some kind of sony's), this is much
> reduced.
> So to listen with my Shures I have a separate volume control I connect
> in series with the phones, which I turn down, to reduce the noise, then
> I turn the SB up.
> The  noise is there even if I turn the device off with the power
> button, but it is absent if I disconnect the SB from the wall.
> Has anyone else noticed, or not noticed the same thing?
> Thanks

Some people think the sock wall wart generates a lot of noise. Plug it
into a power conditioner and you should reduce the noise and inprove
the sound.
For more improvement buy a linear regulated power supply, perhaps
modded by Bolder Cable if your in the U.S.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Portable hi-fi

2006-12-15 Thread radish

The (now discontinued, but still available on ebay) Rio Karma plays
flac, is gapless, and is widely considered to have excellent sound
quality. IMHO it's the most audiophile-centric DAP out there.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Noise Floor on SqueezeBox 3 - Normal?

2006-12-15 Thread artsrc

Is a high noise floor typical for an SB3 or is there something wrong
with my particular one?

I have a SqueezeBox3.

With efficient headphones Shure e4c's there is quite a bit of noise.
With less efficient big headphones this is much reduced.

So to listen with my Shures I have a separate volume control I connect
in series with the phones, which I turn down, to reduce the noise, then
I turn the SB up.

The  noise is there even if I turn the device off with the power
button, but it is absent if I disconnect the SB from the wall.

Has anyone else noticed, or not noticed the same thing?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Portable hi-fi

2006-12-15 Thread CatBus



But we could help you find the best thing possible with that
limitation.  Please preface everything below with "my personal
opinion/experience is..."

- FLAC support limits you to iAudio and Rockbox'ed devices.
- No device offers good enough sound quality to make FLAC support
relevant (unless you want FLAC support to avoid the trouble of
- iAudio X5, some iRiver models, and (no, not kidding) the original
iPod shuffle reputedly have very good sound quality compared to their
peers.  I cannot verify this because I only have an X5
- The iAudio X5 and iRiver models seem to be favorites of the Rockbox
- I would recommend using RockBox--it won't improve sound quality, but
it does add things like wider format support and gapless playback
(which is a must-have for classical fans)
- Make sure that your studio-class headset really is all it claims to

Good luck!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Portable hi-fi

2006-12-15 Thread Evanus

Hi. I'm curious, do any of you know of any portable (pocket) stereo
player that can yield really precise and good sound? I'm thinking of a
device that supports FLAC and can make the most out of a studio-class
headset. I like my Zen Sleek and Shure e2c(these are not the ones I
have in mind, mind you), but listening to Mozart's Requiem on it makes
me a bit sad.


Evanus's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8548
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread opaqueice

Bob Bressler;162706 Wrote: 
> Tom,
> Isn't the issue reflections at different frequencies? Or, is that
> something else that modern cables do better?

I'm not sure what's meant by "modern" cables - a wire is a wire.  For
interconnects the shielding can be important, but speaker cables are
really robust to interference because the currents involved are quite
high.  There's an article out on the web somewhere where someone tested
a bunch of high-end speaker cables, and found that the more expensive
ones in many cases measured far worse (in the sense of having larger
inductance, capacitance, etc.) than basic wire.  If they're bad enough,
they might actually sound different, which could explain why people hear
changes when they swap them out.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter wireless at 24/96

2006-12-15 Thread Mark Lanctot


It works fine, provided:

- you downmix 6-channel streams to 2-channel

- you don't use ReplayGain with the spectrum analyzer

Mark Lanctot

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter wireless at 24/96

2006-12-15 Thread Wayne1



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter wireless at 24/96

2006-12-15 Thread audioengr

Has anyone successfully played 24/96 files or files upsampled to 24/96
using the Transporter?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread jmourik

highdudgeon;162526 Wrote: 
> At some point I would like to back up my entire CD collection, in Apple
> Lossless or AIFF, to DVDs.
Exactly what I did after I got through all my CDs, even though that's
only 300some. Burned them to dvd, and the dvds are now in a fire proof
fault :-) First things first!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread Bob Bressler

tomsi42;162618 Wrote: 
> The reason for bi-wiring is (was?) that you could use different cables
> for treble and bass. For 10-20 years ago, the cables weren't as well
> designed as today, so you could get some cables that excelled on female
> voices etc and others that gave you that "punch-in-the-stomach" bass you
> wanted - with bi-wiring you got both.

Isn't the issue reflections at different frequencies? Or, is that
something else that modern cables do better?

Bob Bressler

Audio Note CDT-Two->Audio Note DAC5 + Slim Transporter->Spectral
DMC-20->Kassai amp->Audio Note AN Es

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter with dCS

2006-12-15 Thread fred1322

I own a dCS DAC (dCS 955 + 972 upsampler + wordclock).

I planned to changed my transport and was naturally intersted in the
dCS Verdi.

The Transporter could be an interesting alternative but is it
worthwhile facing a Verdi.

Has anyone tested the Transporter with a dCS DAC?

Any opinion?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread Robin Bowes
Patrick Dixon wrote:
> highdudgeon;162496 Wrote: 
>> The majority of my collection is in Apple Lossless, not AAC -- I've just
>> been doing that lately, for the heck of it.  Honestly, I can't tell any
>> difference.
> I think you should definitely put that at the top of every post where
> you say that there is no (or an insignificant) difference between
> transports and DACs!
> It just goes to show how differently people listen to and hear music,
> and how unwise it is (IMO) to take advice from people re sound quality
> on internet fora.


The very same thought went through my mind as I choked on my tea as I
read that.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-15 Thread jhm731

Dealer's cost on the TP is $1200., so you should be able to negotiate a

crooner;162539 Wrote: 
> You are right!
> However, I think I'll wait until used or discounted units start showing
> up. Hopefully a year from now!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;162523 Wrote: 
> Unless the Rotel has two separate amps inside it, one connected to the A
> outs and one to the B, biwiring won't make the slightest bit of
> difference.  If (as is usually the case) A and B are connected inside
> the amp, all you're doing is running two wires instead of one from the
> same amp.  You might reduce the resistance by some tiny amount, and
> you'll change the inductance since the wiring arrangement is different,
> but that's it.  You'll make a bigger difference by precisely how you
> arrange a given speaker wire (coiled versus snaked for example), or by
> changing its length or type, then by bi-wiring.You'll also be changing the 
> capacitance (doubling it), and you'll be
increasing the surface area of the cable which is relevent to the skin
effect - you may not think the skin effect is relevent at audio
frequencies though.

Patrick Dixon


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread Impeller

Hmm, very interesting. Thanks opaqueice.


SqueezeBox 3 Wireless | Rotel RA-06 amplifier | Epos M12.2 speakers |
Partington Super Dreadnought stands

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC, amplifier or speakers?

2006-12-15 Thread jmourik

bludragon;162599 Wrote: 
> My experience with DAC's are that the effect is subtle
I guess you're talking about classy DACs then? I played with a Dac-Ah
recently and the sound was very different from the SB2 or Denon. Very
warm. Didn't care for it too much...



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread opaqueice

Impeller;162587 Wrote: 
> So I've been hoodwinked by popular media?

I don't know if hoodwinked is the right word.  If you read this forum
much, or any audiophile discussion, you'll find disagreement on nearly
everything.  I think everyone is sincere, but people honestly disagree.
Some people trust their perceptions, in non-blind tests, more than the
results of centuries of scientific experimentation and progress.  Given
that we know that human perception is notoriously unreliable and subject
to every imagninable kind of suggestion and influence, I find that a
little hard to understand...  but that's me.

What I told you is what any electrical engineer or physicist (I'm a
physicist) would tell you.  What they say about biwiring in that
article (at least in the first link, I didn't look at the other) is not
consistent with anything I know about the way electrical signals conduct
through cables.  That said, you can choose to believe whatever you like,
but it may be useful to know what the prevailing scientific view is.  

What is true is that different cables have slightly different
properties, and some of those scale with the length, others with the
gauge, etc.  So in biwiring you're doing something, for sure - but it's
a very small and subtle effect, and it must be remembered that there are
hundreds of other effects around that are just as important.  One
example is re-routing the cables (which will change the inductance),
and other is plugging in another electrical component, walking near the
stereo, the weather, static electricity, etc. etc. So the science can
tell you that the effects of biwiring are likely to be extremely small,
and furthermore that there are other effects which are not controlled
and likely to be as or more important, but that's as far as it goes.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread Impeller

Thanks tomis42. I'm not feeling ripped off or anything anyway - it
sounds awesome to me and we haven't even put the spikes or Atabites
"high density filler material" in the stands yet. I'm hoping this will
give the music a fuller, heavier sound (particularly with regards to
bass) which I'm informed it definitely will.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread tomsi42

Impeller;162592 Wrote: 
> Yes, I was under the impression biamping makes more of a difference
> which seemed logical. And a friend seems sure he's heard a difference
> in biwiring his (cheaper) equipment.

The reason for bi-wiring is (was?) that you could use different cables
for treble and bass. For 10-20 years ago, the cables weren't as well
designed as today, so you could get some cables that excelled on female
voices etc and others that gave you that "punch-in-the-stomach" bass you
wanted - with bi-wiring you got both.

This isn't so much an issue these days, I quit using bi-wiring three
years ago. 

This may sound that you have been tricked into buying a cable you don't
need. Do not feel that way, because you have a larger wire gauge than a
single set, and that is normally good.



SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter inputs

2006-12-15 Thread gobikey

JJZolx;161594 Wrote: 
> This weekend I was playing with running my CDP's digital out into the
> Transporter and was messing around with switching between inputs.  When
> I switched from a SlimServer stream back to the RCA digital input (while
> the disc was spinning in the CDP) I got no sound.  Is anyone else seeing
> something similar?
> Also, not long after, the whole thing locked up and could only be
> recovered by that uniquely convenient Slim Devices method of unplugging
> the unit.

I have had this issue several times and also could not recover except
by unplugging the TP.  Let's open a bug report.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Another SB 3 review

2006-12-15 Thread Wombat

from this review:
"On material such as the new self titled release by Rodrigo y Gabriela,
the sound of their fingers on the guitar strings was perfectly
integrated with the sound from the guitar body instead of being a
distracting discombobulated noise."
I have this recording and to be honest it is awfully mastered as the
guitars are machine guns exactly what prejudice say about
overcompression. So when this recording should suddenly sound awesome
it makes me wonder what parts of the sound were left out.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC, amplifier or speakers?

2006-12-15 Thread adamslim

bludragon;162599 Wrote: 
> err, which contacts?  Plugs that are plated shouldn't need cleaning,
> bare speaker wire will oxidise over time, but rather than clean it, you
> can cut the end off and re-strip it.  

The plating is never perfect and should normally be cleaned.  In
another thread recently, what to do with wire was discussed; your
approach is fine, but a soldered contact (or just tin the wires) gives
long-term protection, and you don't run out of cable!

bludragon;162599 Wrote: 
> To me, adding a linear psu made no difference, although adding a DAC
> (albeit one quite a bit more expensive than the one you're looking at)
> made a nice improvement.  My experience with DAC's are that the effect
> is subtle, unlike an amp, or speakers, but over a relaxed listening
> session, the improvement is very worthwhile.  i.e. it is hard to notice
> a difference with quick AB's, but if you listen to an album with one
> dac, and then switch to another, the difference becomes much more
> apparent.

I think the quality of the mains affects the PSU benefit - maybe your
mains is good.  Strongly agree with your comments on AB vs long-term
listening; even when the differences are obvious (e.g. speakers), I
still like to have a long time to decide which I *really* prefer.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread Patrick Dixon

highdudgeon;162496 Wrote: 
> The majority of my collection is in Apple Lossless, not AAC -- I've just
> been doing that lately, for the heck of it.  Honestly, I can't tell any
> difference.I think you should definitely put that at the top of every post 
> where
you say that there is no (or an insignificant) difference between
transports and DACs!

It just goes to show how differently people listen to and hear music,
and how unwise it is (IMO) to take advice from people re sound quality
on internet fora.

Patrick Dixon


Patrick Dixon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=90
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC, amplifier or speakers?

2006-12-15 Thread bludragon

err, which contacts?  Plugs that are plated shouldn't need cleaning,
bare speaker wire will oxidise over time, but rather than clean it, you
can cut the end off and re-strip it.  To me, adding a linear psu made no
difference, although adding a DAC (albeit one quite a bit more expensive
than the one you're looking at) made a nice improvement.  My experience
with DAC's are that the effect is subtle, unlike an amp, or speakers,
but over a relaxed listening session, the improvement is very
worthwhile.  i.e. it is hard to notice a difference with quick AB's,
but if you listen to an album with one dac, and then switch to another,
the difference becomes much more apparent.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread Impeller

Yes, I was under the impression biamping makes more of a difference
which seemed logical. And a friend seems sure he's heard a difference
in biwiring his (cheaper) equipment.


Impeller's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8396
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC, amplifier or speakers?

2006-12-15 Thread tomjtx

adamslim;162583 Wrote: 
> Or if you want to be able to find it with an online search, you could go
> for Caig Deoxit ;)
> They have a 'Technicians' survival kit', as I remember, which has all
> you need for about £20.
> Adam

I know, I really should learn how to spell :=)


tomjtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7449
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread ceejay

Impeller;162587 Wrote: 
> So I've been hoodwinked by popular media?
> Still, at least at least it shouldn't adversely affect anything. I'm
> just about to go and have a listen at more normal volume levels now
> that the family isn't in bed.

No, you've not been hoodwinked.  Just be clear about the difference
between bi-amping (two separate amps driving) and bi-wiring.

Bi-wiring gets you certain benefits precisely because our conductors
are not perfect.  Whether they make an audible difference is up to you.
The cost is usually moderate.

Bi-amping gets you those benefits plus some more besides, at higher

You pays your money..



ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: HiFi System needed to show difference: SB3, TP

2006-12-15 Thread Impeller

I see - your explanation makes sense to me (the separate signals going
straight back into the same circuit in the amp).

What Hi-Fi doesn't seem to agree that it takes two amp circuits to



> Biwiring involves the use of two runs of cable between an amp and a
> suitable pair of speakers, and works because the return feeds between
> the speakers and amplifier aren't carrying full-range signal, but only
> that relevant to the appropriate part of the speaker.
> So the treble and mid/bass are kept apart right from the speaker
> outputs of the amp to the speakers, the result usually being a sound
> with greater bass control and punch, and a crisper, cleaner treble. All
> this is heard as a greater focus of the sound, and better presence and
> detail.
> ...
> With the possible exception of amps with springclip terminals, which
> have trouble accommodating even single cables, any amp can be used for
> biwiring. Some provide twin sets of speaker terminals specifically
> designed for biwiring, while others have A and B speaker outlets you
> can use to the same effect. If the latter's the case, you need both
> sets of terminals turned on all the time. 

So I've been hoodwinked by popular media?

Still, at least at least it shouldn't adversely affect anything. I'm
just about to go and have a listen at more normal volume levels now
that the family isn't in bed.


Impeller's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8396
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-15 Thread geraint smith

highdudgeon;162526 Wrote: 
> I know, it is awful.
> Thankfully, I keep my collection in nice boxes, alphabetized by genre. 
> I've be rescanning some stuff and it hit me that I can actually zero in
> on some thing faster with my eyes and fingers than with a remote
> control.  Go figure.
> At some point I would like to back up my entire CD collection, in Apple
> Lossless or AIFF, to DVDs.  Every last CD (not FLAC because I am an
> Macintosh user).

Yes, as another one, I'd gathered. My discs are in ring binders, (less
space) and in chronological order either by date of birth of composer
or by date of release of first album, depending on genre, which makes
life more interesting. "Now, was Tallis born before Byrd or after? And
where's Praetorius gone? Bother. I was sure he was round here
somewhere." It's a sort of DIY musicology course every time I fumble
for a disc. After all, for Machaut next to Meatloaf, Wizzard mixed up
with Warlock, and the Beach Boys jostling with Beethoven, there's
always the remote - and yes, I agree about the remote. It is painfully

Have you solved your drop out problem?

geraint smith

geraint smith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=625
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC, amplifier or speakers?

2006-12-15 Thread adamslim

tomjtx;162486 Wrote: 
> Craig D Oxit  followed by Craig Pro-Gold. You can buy it at Fry's
> Electroncs (cheapest prices) or online @ MusicDirect

Or if you want to be able to find it with an online search, you could
go for Caig Deoxit ;)

They have a 'Technicians' survival kit', as I remember, which has all
you need for about £20.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

adamslim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7355
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