[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 24/96 on Transporter: should it work?

2007-01-07 Thread mswlogo

DVD-A is already dead for one.

16bit sounds good/44.1 when you get to 20bit/48hz they do sound much
much better. Beyond that no system or ears can hear the difference.

I finally found tools to extract 24/96 off my DVD's (DVD-V side of
DVD-A's and DVD's) and I won't keep it secret like some folks.


Follow the readme exactly.

You can get a faster/easer workflow using DVD Audio Extractor (although
it rips very slow) and extract straight to raw PCM and then use lpcm24
on it to reorder the bytes and slap a wav header on it.

Also the -48 switch on LPCM24 does not work but the 24/96 wav plays
fine on the SQ3. When using it file size didn't reduce and audacity
played it funky when using the switch. I think all did was change the
header without changing the data.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: power supply upgrade redux

2007-01-07 Thread tyler_durden

Try here:




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: USB to S/PDIF (and AES/EBU) Converters

2007-01-07 Thread NewBuyer

Like wr420 and Adam each suggested, I think you would find that
ethernet-over-powerline solutions would work perfectly for you. It
works great for me.

If you ever wish to try the HagUSB item you mentioned, that is an
excellent USB-to-SPDIF converter with no jitter issues at all. Very
classy product and great designer too. You might find it an upgrade
from the integrated digital-out you are currently using from your


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Headphone amp for Transporter XLR connector ?

2007-01-07 Thread muski

I recently purchased the Serious Audiophile Package from HeadRoom,
which, for $2000, includes their 'Max'ed out' Desktop Amp, Desktop
Power Supply and a pair of the recently introduced AKG 701s.  It is
connected to my Transporter and sounds absolutely wonderful.  Because
this headphone amp also has its own excellent oversampling DAC, I can
connect it to both the Transporter's digital and RCA analog outputs,
and flip between them when I feel like doing some critical listening. 
(A very, very close call, but I'd give the nod to the Transporter DAC
for a smoother, less grainy high-end.  I do much prefer the Headroom
Max DAC to the SB3 DAC, though)

The AKG 701s are a huge improvement over my Sennheiser HD 650s. I was
surprised at how audible the difference was.

Note that this is not a balanced amp, and so cannot be connected to the
Transporter's XLR balanced outputs.  Headroom does make some balanced
amps, but they are even pricier.  Also, if you do buy a balanced
headphone amp, you will need to recable your HD 600s.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread Nikhil

Howie;167681 Wrote: 
> Is anyone using the SB3 with a Cyrus DAC X? 
> Thx.
> h.

I used a Cyrus DAC-X with an SB2 for over a year with absolutely no
issues. Sounded wonderful. 

I am currently using a TacT S2150 XDM digital amp with room correction
in place of the DAC-X/Integrated 8 Amp combo - this is mainly for the
room correction abilities, and does not reflect negatively on the Cyrus
gear. I might get a new SB3 to go with it  in another room, or connect
my Sonos to it.




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] power supply upgrade redux

2007-01-07 Thread MichaelJennings

I've read the various posts on upgrading the SB3 power supply (here and
on audio circle) and can't seem to find any of the recommended,
relatively inexpensive (say up to $60) units in stock anywhere. Does
anyone have an recent experience and advice?




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Burwen Bobcat

2007-01-07 Thread Digital Audiophile

Phil Meyer;167961 Wrote: 
> It enhances sound... 

"Enhances" usually means it messed with the sound and it's no longer
pure.  Also, Media Player is not esoteric enough for us audiophile...

Digital Audiophile

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, after one month

2007-01-07 Thread Digital Audiophile

opaqueice;168123 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure what's the implication for this discussion, except that
> it's totally impossible to trust your impressions of break-in - that's
> just a fact, period.  As cliveb says, any change is far more likely due
> to something in your head than in the electronics.  Writing it down and
> coming back later...  well, see above.

Good story, but I'm not sure it's "a fact".  I don't understand why you
cannot trust your impressions of break-in (hopefully not because you
were swayed by that story).  Two of the most rudimentary steps to
drawing conclusions or defining theories is to observe and document. 
You can't draw a conclusion by allowing you mind to get 'used' to

Okay, so let me tell you how we did it at University.  I'm dumbing this
down for brevity, not because I think we're simple - so humor me.

We analyzed (electrical quantities, wave patterns, etc) of four
different components - audio processor, interconnects, amps and finally
speaker cables.  We observed input vs. output differences over the
period of 6 weeks.  The results showed significant changes in
capacitance, impedance and frequency response.  I'm not going to
mention results but will say there were changes of 15-20% in some

Want to try something more scientific and measurable?  Try measuring
the capacitance of a pair of speaker cables new and after a couple
hundred hours.  It will be significantly different.  Can you hear a
difference??  I don't know… Because according to you we wouldn't
remember what we heard the first time.

So the idea is this:  If you don't like what you hear the first time
you listen to something, go away for awhile.  Upon returning you might
have forgot it sounded bad and just might like it now!

Digital Audiophile

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, after one month

2007-01-07 Thread opaqueice

Digital Audiophile;168118 Wrote: 
> Try listening to something out of the box for a few minutes over two or
> three sessions and record your observations with copious notes.  Next,
> burn it in for 100 hours and then listen to the exact same material for
> a few minutes at a time, again over a few sessions.  See if you notice
> anything different.  That's how I was taught by a couple well-known
> audiophile editors.  Convinced me!

That reminds me of a cognitive psych study done a while ago.  Take a
bunch of people and give them a list of sentences.  Some are true, some
are false.  Ask them to rate the truth value of each sentence, where -10
means they think it's definitely false, +!0 def. true, 0 don't know.

Now send them away for a month, have them come back, give them a
randomized and different list of sentences (but some are the same as
before).  At this point most people have forgotten which they've seen
before (but of course the experimenters know); even so, on average they
rate the ones they've seen before something like 4 points higher than
those they haven't (that's an enormous effect).  The implication being
that even when you see information in a scenerio you know is totally
unreliable, you still internalize it as likely to be true.  That why
advertising works and George Bush got elected, I suppose.

I'm not sure what's the implication for this discussion, except that
it's totally impossible to trust your impressions of break-in - that's
just a fact, period.  As cliveb says, any change is far more likely due
to something in your head than in the electronics.  Writing it down and
coming back later...  well, see above.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Pre-pro, Intel Mac mini and external DAC help

2007-01-07 Thread Digital Audiophile

PhilNYC;160121 Wrote: 
> Not sure I understood this...are you saying that the Anthem converts an
> analog signal from an external source (eg a DAC) to a digital signal,
> and then back to an analog signal?
> If you get a DAC, the main purpose would be to get one that has a
> better digital-to-analog conversion perfomance than the one in your
> pre-pro.  The analog signal from the DAC would ideally go to your
> pre-pro and remain "unprocessed" in the analog domain from that point
> on.

Exactly Phil.  

It only converts if the Anthem is set to Analog DSP.  If set to Analog
Direct, it goes in and out.  I know the inside of the Anthem and
Statement processors.  The Analog direct path is the cleanest and
simplest path I've ever encountered in a pre-pro and electronically
speaking can't get much more direct.

Digital Audiophile

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter - Analog vs Digital

2007-01-07 Thread Digital Audiophile

yooper;168030 Wrote: 
> The Anthem AVM 50 pre-amp, when in analog mode, and in direct 2 channel
> mode, bypasses the pre-amp with an exception to the digital volume
> control (Anthem).  
> Considering this, do you still recommend I give it a try?
> Thanks guys,
> Mark

The AVM 50 has analog volume control and is an amazing pre-amp,
especially when run in 2-channel direct mode.  If you don't already
have a great pair of balanced IC's, go get a pair.  In fact get two
pairs - on for the TP to the AVM 50 and another for the AVM 50 to the

I've demo'd the TP on the AVM 30 (same guts minus the video processor)
with a Statement amp and think it bests my Arcam player and my
Benchmark DAC-1.  All were running through the analog-direct inputs on
the AVM.

Digital Audiophile

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, after one month

2007-01-07 Thread Digital Audiophile

cliveb;167864 Wrote: 
> I'm fairly firmly in the camp that believes "break-in" of electronic
> components is largely a myth. Adaptation of the listener seems far more
> likely. That said, of course it is *possible* that the TP has changed
> slightly, but there is no way to tell, and I very much doubt it.

I hear ya Clive, I too didn't buy into it much - even given my science

Try listening to something out of the box for a few minutes over two or
three sessions and record your observations with copious notes.  Next,
burn it in for 100 hours and then listen to the exact same material for
a few minutes at a time, again over a few sessions.  See if you notice
anything different.  That's how I was taught by a couple well-known
audiophile editors.  Convinced me!

Digital Audiophile

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, after one month

2007-01-07 Thread Konig

cliveb;167864 Wrote: 
> I'm fairly firmly in the camp that believes "break-in" of electronic
> components is largely a myth. Adaptation of the listener seems far more
> likely. That said, of course it is *possible* that the TP has changed
> slightly, but there is no way to tell, and I very much doubt it.

However, i noticed a drastic diff breaking in tube amp. how do I know?
the first listening session sounds harsh and less than impressive. I
went to sch and returned after a week WOW!!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Transporter vs decent(ish) CD Player setup

2007-01-07 Thread GaryB

95bcwh;168111 Wrote: 
> You're not the only one that's "disappointed" with the transporter. 

Let me add to the chorus saying that the Transporter is good but not
great.  I bought one in December and an initial listen compared to a
highly tweaked SB3 showed the following:

--- The digital output is good but just a notch below the digital
output of the modded SB3.

--- The analog output is a bigger step back from the modified SB3.  A
quick inspection of the analog output circuitry shows lots of
potentional for modifying the Transporter.

Here are a few links to how the SB3 has been modified and some ideas on
what might be an interesting direction for the Transporter.

SB3 modification thread:

Transporter comments in the DIY forum:



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Transporter vs decent(ish) CD Player setup

2007-01-07 Thread 95bcwh

ziggy;161551 Wrote: 
> "A little disappointed" compared to my regular CD player, in my 'music'
> setup. 

You're not the only one that's "disappointed" with the transporter. So
there's no need to feel any guilty about it. :)

Audio is a subjective matter. What sound best to someone has little to
do with you ears.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grace M902 DAC headphone amp

2007-01-07 Thread jhenderson010759

I simply made a cable that connects the front-panel headphone outputs to
the K1000.  Both negative leads from the K1000 are attached to common on
the 901 jack.  Works like a champ.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC signal levels

2007-01-07 Thread pi . r

OK. That finaly sets it. I thought it was just me that coulden't get
it... I vas just about to give up and use Foobar for replay gain
anyway. I guess one could use foobar for encoding and tagging as well.
It still needs to be done in several steps though.

The errors i talked about is only because the frontend ignores the
individual file path when "Treat input files as one album" is selected.
It simply assumes all files to be in the same directory. When not
selected, it works just like you says.

Thanks A LOT for your time... 

Ripping is already done, and I thought I would be satisfied with wav
files. But then I heard about replay gain and realized the benefits of
tagging my classical albums. So now my pc will have some work to do...


~ pi.r ~

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread adamslim

Howie;168052 Wrote: 
> I can get a DAC X to try, so that's OK. I have been using slimp3 and
> SB1/1G/2/3 through my old Cyrus 3 for years (forgeot how long), and the
> sound is pretty good I have to say. It's just that listening to the
> Cyrus 8 with the CD6 source was (erm) awesome.

Yeah I have liked Cyrus stuff a lot in the past.  I've never been a
huge fan of the Mission speakers (especially in combo with their
electronics, oddly enough), but with good system balancing, their
electronics are excellent.  I strongly suspect that the SB3 will sound
great with a Cyrus DAC and amp :)

Mudlark: I can understand your grumpiness after using a nice Sugden on
FM, but you can spend on CDs what I have to spend on walking holidays



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DTS/Stereo switching

2007-01-07 Thread Harani

I have a problem with my amp switching modes after playing DTS stuff.

If i have a number of tracks queued up with a DTS one in there
somewhere, it will play the stereo tracks fine, then switch to DTS and
play the multitrack stuff fine, but then when it goes back to stereo
tracks the Amp remains in DTS mode and I get no sound. 

If I switch the Squeezebox off and back on the amp clicks back into
stereo mode. The same thing happens if I move the amp to another input
and back to the squeezebox. It's like the amp is expecting some kind of
reset on the digital input that it's not getting 

The thing is, it used to do this and I got used to just playing DTS
stuff seperately and excluding DTS tracks from random mixes. But a few
weeks ago I discovered that it was working ok, presumably something
must have changed during an upgrade in the past.

So I know my amp can do it. But now i find it won't work again so I'm
guessing that I've accidentally changed some setting or another update
has changed something again.

Anyone experienced this and can suggest a fix ?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread mudlark


Sorry to be grumpy in my last post. 

I used to live in greater manchester where my sugden r51 pulled in
great FM. Here I have great hills, coast, but at the far reaches of the
Manchester signal and between the local transmitters with trees and a
hill. I get cochannel nastiness reflections and weak signal. My dab
comes via a TEAC tuner which doesn't sound too bad for dab. The best
dab i get is via a Humax duovisio set top box with the digital output
running to my Cyrus AV8 and then to a PreXvs and avondale audio power

Best  regards,


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread adamslim

mikeruss;168045 Wrote: 
> You sound like my missus! ;-)

LOL well I bought a Derek Shek DAC 'unseen' (unheard I guess) and am
very happy - but I was not satisfied with the SB3.

If you like the sound, go for it.  If you want to agonise for hours and
still buy it anyway, why not?  If you want to defy the nonsense that we
might put here, do it!  Half the fun is finding something that works,
especially if that puts you in a small minority :)

Just make sure it's cool enough for a few years' gloating and you'll be
sorted :D



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread Howie

Thx ...

I can get a DAC X to try, so that's OK. I have been using slimp3 and
SB1/1G/2/3 through my old Cyrus 3 for years (forgeot how long), and the
sound is pretty good I have to say. It's just that listening to the
Cyrus 8 with the CD6 source was (erm) awesome.

Can't get the Benchmark or Transporter to try so easily, which makes
life a little more difficult. Lively (DAC1) sounds good though - I
listen to lots of beats and basslines.

Strategy will be to try the SB3 first of course, and maybe try the DAC
X. Which I am pretty sure I'll then want to buy :).

Appreciate the input.




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread adamslim

mudlark;168040 Wrote: 
> I don't think that radio 3 from the web is any good I just mentioned the
> fact that the thing was working. Alien BBC is very good for missed
> programmes which don't play too well on a dab or via FM.
> As far as radio goes my best signal comes from my TV tuner as the 3 FM
> radio 3 signals where I live are none too sparkling. On the whole I
> feel that i prefer the hills where i live to the joys of the south east
> of the UK.

Yeah Radio 3 is stunning live but suffers as much as anything else when
played through the 'listen again' system.  Still, better to have it that
way than miss it altogether, especially as I'm always out for Mixing

Do you have a PC TV tuner?  The radio via my PC-TV digital tuner is
much better than DAB, which is bonkers but there it is.  The bitrate is
higher, and it's easy to record.  Since they are promoting DAB so much,
it just makes no sense.

I think that spending £100 on an aerial makes sense.  You can get
really good tuners for £20 on ebay (e.g. a NAD 402).  However, if
you're that far into the beautiful scenery...

But Radio 3 on a decent aerial, it offsets much of the nightmare of the
South East.  We all need: black skies, decent FM, a place with land,
nice neighbours, a decent village pub, a school that actually works,
easy commute.  Probably not in that order ;)



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] tuner/preamp

2007-01-07 Thread chiefersone

Should I run SB directly into my HTD 1235 6 zone amp unhooking my
currently used Adcom tuner/preamp GTP 600? Each of my zones have their
own seperate volume controls.  And if so what volume should I set my SB
at to control each zone from that zon effectively?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread mikeruss

adamslim;168041 Wrote: 
> While these Far East DACs are cheap as chips (nice analogy!), make sure
> you are buying something that you actually want.  What is it that you
> would like to improve about the stock SB3?  If you struggle to answer
> this, live with it another 3-6 months, then you'll have more cash for
> any upgrade!
> Adam

You sound like my missus! ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread mudlark

Dear Adam slim,

I don't think that radio 3 from the web is any good I just mentioned
the fact that the thing was working. Alien BBC is very good for missed
programmes which don't play too well on a dab or via FM.

As far as radio goes my best signal comes from my TV tuner as the 3 FM
radio 3 signals where I live are none too sparkling. On the whole I
feel that i prefer the hills where i live to the joys of the south east
of the UK.

It's all very well for folks to be smug if they have a good FM signal.

As with all purchases, try before you buy.



mudlark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7151
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread adamslim

While these Far East DACs are cheap as chips (nice analogy!), make sure
you are buying something that you actually want.  What is it that you
would like to improve about the stock SB3?  If you struggle to answer
this, live with it another 3-6 months, then you'll have more cash for
any upgrade!



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter - Analog vs Digital

2007-01-07 Thread yooper

The Anthem AVM 50 pre-amp, when in analog mode, and in direct 2 channel
mode, bypasses the pre-amp with an exception to the digital volume
control (Anthem).  

Considering this, do you still recommend I give it a try?

Thanks guys,



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread mikeruss

Doh - found it http://www.diykits.com.hk/dac.html


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread adamslim

mudlark;168015 Wrote: 
> I'm listening to radio 3 at this very moment.

It sounds far better with a decent FM radio - IMHO the best source
around :)

But anyway, I would try the SB3 with its internal DAC, and upgrade as
required.  The SB3 is a good digital source, so run with it and decide
for yourself if it's worth spending £££s.

I would recommend getting used to the SB3 before committing a lot of
dough - I think the SB3/Benchmark might be a little lively, although
you might like that - your money, your call.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread adamslim

The SB3 is a good digital source, so worthy of effort.  Mods, PSUs or a
NOS DAC are probably worthwhile, although only you can decide which.  I
recognise that this is not that helpful - all I can say is that it is
worth spending money trying to improve things, but it's up to you (and
your system) as to how!



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cyrus DAC X

2007-01-07 Thread mudlark

I'm listening to radio 3 at this very moment.

The SB3 is connected through a digital coax to the DAC. I have an ARCAM
cd93  which goes the same way.

I think the SB3 with FLAC sounds better than the ARCAM.

The DACX also has a digital out which enables me to record stuff to my
Pioneer PDR.

I don't think you would regret the Cyrus.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC signal levels

2007-01-07 Thread tyler_durden

pi.r;167914 Wrote: 
> Indeed a nice trick to add all the files in one go. But still no
> cigar... - I just get error from flac because lack of file path.

I just tried it and it works fine for me. I do a windows search for
*.wav.  Select the files I want to flac from the list (all of them in
this case), then drag them to the flac frontend file list box.

I am now using the latest version of flac but my library was set up
using the previous version.  Maybe there is some issue with your flac
installation.  Also check the flac "tag conf." string - make sure it
uses "\". not "/"

I am also seeing that the album and track replaygain tags are being set
the same in each track.  The "treat files as one album" box is
unchecked.  Hm.  I must have used foobar to set replaygain.

OK, here's the whole process (I just verified that it works):

1) RIP in EAC with EAC set to store .wav files in desired library
structure.  For example, D:\MUSIC\genre\artist\year - ablum title\track
no. - track title
This can be set up by using the EAC Options menu (F9).  Select the
"directories" tab.  Click "use this directory" and enter "D:\MUSIC". 
Now select the "Filename" tab.  Fill the "naming scheme" box with this
string: "%B\%A\%Y - %C\%N - %T".  Now you are ready to rip.

This is the painful part: each time you insert a fresh disc, correct
errors in the FreeDB/CDDB data before you start the actual rip.  Go
ahead and rip a big pile of CDs.  

2) Compress and tag: do a windows search for *.wav on the HDD where you
have stored all the .wav files.  Start the windows flac front-end and
drag the .wav files found in the search to the file box in flac.  Click
the "verify", "add tags", and "delete input files" buttons.

Tell flac to populate the tags from the file structure: click "Tag
Conf." button, then select "custom" and fill it with the appropriate
string- from the example above, use "G\A\Y - L\N - T".

DON'T add replay gain tags.  Use foobar for that after all the files
have been flac'd.

3) Add replaygain tags: do a windows search for *.flac files that you
just made.  Start foobar and drag the .flac files from the search onto
the foobar window.  Select all (ctrl-A), right click, select
"replaygain", then "scan selection as albums (by tags)".

Now point Slimserver at D:\MUSIC and it will find everything and set up
its database so you can browse/search by artist, album, song, year,
genre, etc.

That will do it.  Each operation- ripping, flacing, and replaygain
tagging can be done as a batch operation on as many CDs as you care to
rip.  Ripping takes the longest and is the biggest PITA because you
have to sit there and change discs every few minutes and correct all
the freedb errors (if you care to).  I had two computers with 2 CDROM
drives in each doing the ripping and it took me about a week to rip 600

Multiple artist and classical discs are a PITA, and you'll have to work
out your own preferred scheme for handling those.  



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Transporter vs decent(ish) CD Player setup

2007-01-07 Thread ted_b

I thought I'd throw my $.02 in here.  I have just installed the TP this
week in my system.  I am looking to replace the redbook capability of
my modded tubed Modwright Denon 3910 (likely keep it for hirez, though)
with something that gives me all the obvious advantages of hd-based
playback (convenience, clutter-reduction, etc.).  However, it is
imperative that this step is a step forward, sonically.  I am eval'ing
the TP becaue I know that, in my system, the accompanying SB3 stock
will not cut it in the sonically-equivalent department, but might be a
candidate for Boulder or RedWine's soldering gun and upgraded PS's if
the TP doesn't come through for me.

My system is very highly resolving, but with a tendency to get to
strident if I don't watch out.  My Krell KSA-100 is the original (read:
highly-regarded, not the later cold, analytical ones) version of that
Class A beast and is, IMO, difficult to fault in some favorite areas
(iron-gripped bass control, dynamics, quietness).  But it's tendency
toward midrange ice requires me to feed it vacuum tubes.  My front end
is a tubed universal and analog vinyl fed into a Modwright tubed SWL
9.0 SE linestage.  As an aside, when I recently eval'd the vaunted
Moscode 401HR it's warmth and midrange bloom was too much for my
front-end, so I'm happy with the balance right now.  My main speakers
are RSA's new Sason mega-monitors, and the lowest registers are
augmented by a Paradigm Servo 15 room EQ'd by the Velodyne SMS-1.  The
Sason's are electron microscopes into the soundstage, and I like that. 
Enter the TP.  I'm using FLAC album sized files with cue sheets, and
sending FLAC across the wireless network.  No dropouts yet, although
I'm completely open to going wired if needed.

To paraphrase the latest 6 Moons review about computer audio, the
insertion of the TP was one of remarkable clarity, unsurpassed levels
of information, powerful bass, reference level dynamic performance and
excellent transparency. This TP does very many things very very well!!
Most of this is likely due to the superiority of the AKM dacs and the
supposed superiority of the lower jitter due to hard-disc playback. 
The main criticism I have is there is some major stridency in the upper
midrange and treble, and that on lesser recordings it's quite
problematic.  I'm not sure how much of this will "break-out" of the
system as it breaks-in (I am a firm believer in break-in of components,
although I've read very little discussion about the evolution of the TP
break-in process here or anywhere).  My modded 3910 is no slouch, and
to compare it's near-SOTA vacuum-based midrange buttery smoothness
(even though it's not a tube rec'd power supply yet) to the TP is
looking/listening in only one aspect of the solution...but an important

I am going to do a few things over the next few weeks (during my 30 day
eval period).  I am going to let the TP break-in, I am going to do more
a/b with the Modwright, and I'm also going to set up my to-be-sold ATC
active 150's and run balanced outs from the TP direct into the 150's
(ala CliveB).  Dunno why I'm doing that, cuz I'm sold on the Sasons,
but while I have such a tremendous opportunity to do
TP-direct-to-active ATC's why not??

Here are my long-term options:  
a) stock TP once it breaks-in and shows me good midrange bloom
b) Anthony modded TP to "install" sonics such as better midrange
c) mod the SB3 digitally (with good linear PS) and go outboard DAC,
such as APLHiFi's upcoming tubed NWO DAC
d) stay computer-based but go the USB/I2S route with tube-based DACs
such as Wavelength, etc.
e) stay disc-based and get Dans's new tubed-rectified PS for the 3910. 
This is least favorite in that I'm hooked on the convenience and power
of computer-based audio.

In any regard I am going to go with Dan''s new LS36.5 linestage which
is tube-rectified and slightly warmer than his current linestage.  I'll
ping back in when things change.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread Skunk

Me too. There was a show about it on PBS that had me thinking of
audiophiles the whole time. 

I got lucky and found that the Zhaolu 1.3 Chinese DAC sounded great in
my system, so I never spent more to find out how much better it might
get going that route. 

The power supply brigade will tell you upgrade that first, but the
change in DAC might make a bigger difference. Oh, someone from team
room treatment should be here to tell you that should be first and

IMHO, those cheap DAC's really remind you of what a bargain the SB3 is.
A worthy alternative is to have the SB3 modded, or upgrade to the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter - Analog vs Digital

2007-01-07 Thread empty99

yooper;167926 Wrote: 
> I'm lifting my post from another forum in hopes of understanding the
> Transporters audio capabilities.
> I have an Anthem AVM50 pre-amp and Anthem MCA 50 Amp.
> Currently, I have the Transporter connected to the pre-amp using
> balanced XLR cables.
> It appears some people recommend using digital out via AES/EBU or BNC
> This is where I become somewhat confused. Perhaps, my newness to this
> technology is causing my thinking to become flawed.
> If one of the most important feature of the Transporter is it's dac,
> doesn't using a digital out render this feature useless since the
> Anthems's dac would be used instead? I thought using the analog
> balanced out to the pre-amp was the only way to take advantage of the
> Transporter's dac. Maybe there is more going on within the Transporter
> than I am aware?
> Please advice as I want to be sure I am taking full advantage of what
> the Transporter offers.
> On another note, It appears BNC S/PDIF is not available on my AVM 50,
> I've never used such a connection, but don't see anything that
> resembles a connection matching the Transporter, I assume both ends
> match? Would the AES/EBU option available to me provide an adequate
> alternative if BNC S/PDIF is not an option?
> Thanks,
> Mark
Bypass the Anthem Preamp altogether and goes straight into the amp,
just make sure you read up on how to control the TP analog outs
digitally (either RCA or XLR). Unless you have some outrageously great
preamp, it's hard to beat this simplified connection.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Burwen Bobcat

2007-01-07 Thread Phil Leigh

this seems like the voice of sanity!

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Burwen Bobcat

2007-01-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Well as you say - there is a lot of effusive hype on there...

Pity you can't do a limited download to try it. 

Why are there no before/after samples on their website? - this is
simply crazy - do they actually want to sell this thing?

Given that it works on the whole mix, I can only imagine its something
like a software version of the SPL Vitaliser, Francinstein or BBE Sonic
Maxmiser... although all of those can make a flat recording sound more
"alive" they don't really do much for something that sounds tiring and
harsh in the first plac (IMHO).

although...maybe not?


Sounds like a load of twaddle to me - has anybody actually heard this?
I don't think (personally) that adding clever reverb and EQ is going to
remove the "digital sound" (whatever the hell that is - presumably they
mean the lack of euphonic colouration you get with vinyl and to a
lesser extent tape). 
Personally I haven't heard that harsh digital glare too often since
about 1988 when people started making decent CD players and (more
importantly) decently tracked and mastered digital recordings.

Headgear ready to be consumed...

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Burwen Bobcat

2007-01-07 Thread mikeruss

Spend the 199 for the cost of the software on a SB3 ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burwen Bobcat

2007-01-07 Thread Phil Meyer
Someone just pointed me to www.burwenbobcat.com.

BURWEN BOBCAT RE plugs into the Windows Media Player, taking
advantage of its music and video library.  It enhances sound when
listening,  ripping or burning CDs, and high-speed converts files to
MP3s that give your iPod or musical cell phone sound in good
headphones comparable with a $100,000 hi-fi system.  It runs on PCs
having Pentium power or better.

I've read all the hype on the front page, and don't believe a word of it.  
However, my friend was interested.  Has anyone got any experiences of it?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread mikeruss

Skunk;167955 Wrote: 
> Are you unhappy with the sound of your system or do you just have status
> anxiety?

LOL. Definitely "status anxiety"!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread Skunk

Are you unhappy with the sound of your system or do you just have status


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I or buy one or not...?

2007-01-07 Thread mikeruss

Hi all

I am deliberating over buying a DAC, a MoodLAb Concept of maybe a
second hand  DPA Enlightenment for example. But I have read about SB3
and DAC jitter issues? (I don't understand Jitter ;-))

I don't want to fork out the cash only to find it sounds cack.

Any thoughts???

My Amp etc. is a Roksan Kandy and Dynaudio 52 speakers.

Cheers in advance


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter - Analog vs Digital

2007-01-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Mark - you don't want to use the DAC in your Anthem unless you think it
sounds better to your ears than the TP DAC! (unlikely IMHO)

Don't worry about the BNC/AES stuff - If you wanted to use an external
DAC, some of them give you a choice (most just use RCA/phono)

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter - Analog vs Digital

2007-01-07 Thread yooper

I'm lifting my post from another forum in hopes of understanding the
Transporters audio capabilities.

I have an Anthem AVM50 pre-amp and Anthem MCA 50 Amp.

Currently, I have the Transporter connected to the pre-amp using
balanced XLR cables.

It appears some people recommend using digital out via AES/EBU or BNC

This is where I become somewhat confused. Perhaps, my newness to this
technology is causing my thinking to become flawed.

If one of the most important feature of the Transporter is it's dac,
doesn't using a digital out render this feature useless since the
Anthems's dac would be used instead? I thought using the analog
balanced out to the pre-amp was the only way to take advantage of the
Transporter's dac. Maybe there is more going on within the Transporter
than I am aware?

Please advice as I want to be sure I am taking full advantage of what
the Transporter offers.

On another note, It appears BNC S/PDIF is not available on my AVM 50,
I've never used such a connection, but don't see anything that
resembles a connection matching the Transporter, I assume both ends
match? Would the AES/EBU option available to me provide an adequate
alternative if BNC S/PDIF is not an option?




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Odd Transporter display problem

2007-01-07 Thread Fifer

I've noticed a minor issue with information displayed in 'extended text'
mode on my Transporter. For a few albums, the album title displays fine
in small text on the RH display, but the artist (large text) is blank.
The tag data seems to be correct. Any ideas?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC signal levels

2007-01-07 Thread pi . r

Indeed a nice trick to add all the files in one go. But still no
cigar... - I just get error from flac because lack of file path.

tyler_durden;167837 Wrote: 
> ...If you tell flac they are multiple albums...

How/where do I do this? 

I have checkboxes for "Verify", "Add tags", "Replay gain" and  "Treat
input files as one album" checked, no others. The last one contradicts
the fact that it is multiple albums. But if I uncheck it, I don't get
error but all files gets encoded individualy with album gain = track
gain. Tagging is no probblem but just fore refereence: My file
structure is "genre\artist\album\track no.-title" and my tag scheme is
set to "G\A\L\N-T".

I begn to wonder if we are using the same Flac Frontend? I found and
tested an older version: 1.7 ( from jan. 2003) but the result was the


~ pi.r ~

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, after one month

2007-01-07 Thread cliveb

Andyoz;167656 Wrote: 
> My system is Bryston 4b SST and JBL 250Ti, so it is more than capable of
> taking the SB3 apart if it wasn't up to scratch.  The SB3 really does
> punch above it's weight.
No argument there. The SB2 sounded great in my system (analogue outputs
directly driving a pair of ATC SCM100A active monitors). I don't think
many people around here would dispute that SCM100As are very revealing
speakers. But the Transporter is just fabulous in comparison.

Andyoz;167656 Wrote: 
> It has a good boogie factor that I am actually worried I may loose a bit
> with the Transporter.  I only listen to pop/rock so 100% resolution
> isn't my aim - I want some grovve!
Don't worry about losing the groove or boogie factor. Once you've
acclimatised to the slightly warmer frequency balance of the TP, the
basic sound characteristic is very similar to the SB, except that
you're constantly amazed at the extra texture that nearly all
instruments have. In audiophile jargon, it really is like having a veil
lifted (several veils, in fact).

Andyoz;167656 Wrote: 
> Unfortunately, I can't demo one near where I live (unless there's
> someone here that lives in N. Ireland).
If you buy one by mail order, distance selling law means that you are
entitled to return it within some period of time (I think it may be 7
or 14 days) if you don't like it. Of course, it has to be returned in
as-new condition, and you'll not get the carriage refunded.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter, after one month

2007-01-07 Thread cliveb

Digital Audiophile;167655 Wrote: 
> As opposed to your brain adapting, do you think it's possible the TP
> simply 'broke in' over the course of the month and as such changed (for
> the better)?  Did you observe break-in differences and if so over after
> how long?
I'm fairly firmly in the camp that believes "break-in" of electronic
components is largely a myth. Adaptation of the listener seems far more
likely. That said, of course it is *possible* that the TP has changed
slightly, but there is no way to tell, and I very much doubt it.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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