Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

> 9/11 absolutely was an inside job, no possible doubt

I am curious - Is this a joke or do you really believe it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SqueezeBox + computer + QUAD 12L Active + DAC

2007-05-10 Thread slimkid


If I'm getting this right, then you have confused the concepts of
computer soundcard and Squeezebox. 

Generally, you use either one or another. If you use SB, then the
quality of the sound coming from it has nothing to do with your
computer soundcard. You can also connect the soundcard directly to your
amp/active speakers, completely bypassing the SB. In either case, it
would be going from the analog output of SB or soundcard into analog
input of the amp/active speakers.

For the detailed instructions and thorough clarification of the concept
of SB, check out Wiki and other numerous posts in beginner and general

If you throw the DAC into the combination, it would be to replace
either SB's or soundcard's internal DAC with (hopefully) better one.
SB3 and most of better soundcards have digital outputs (optical or
coaxial) that will go into the external DAC. From there, it's directly
into the analog input of the amp or active speakers.

But just wait a little. Once you hear SB, you'll know whether you
want/need better DAC. Same, but even stronger, can be said for the
upgrades to SB. Wait until you get familiar with the SB (and looks like
you have a lot to learn and play with) and then see for yourself if you
need to upgrade it.


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread muski

tyler_durden;201148 Wrote: 
> Nobody answered my question!
> TD

Have your dentist coat the fillings with C37 laquer. (NB. Sound will
not settle without the requisite two weeks of chew-in)


SB3->Bryston BP25DA->Bryston 4B-SST->Watt Puppy 7s
Transporter->Headrom Max Balanced Amp->Balanced AKG701s

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SqueezeBox + computer + QUAD 12L Active + DAC

2007-05-10 Thread eiret

I have a few questions, but i am not 
an audiophile high -  end user or expert. So the questions maybe appear

stupid. Anyway, i will be wery pleased if you take your time and

I am considering a purschase of Quad 12L Active studio monitors When they
to dealer in Norway. I know, they are primary ment for use in music - 
recording not audiophile lissening. I will listen to them connected to
computer first. The setup will be computer - Squeezebox - 12L`s ative -

possibly with an external DAC in the future in this line of setup.
Computer – Squeezebox – 12L`s active.

Where shoud the external DAC be placed ? I think computer - Squeezebox
(here)DAC - 12L`s active. If i`m wrong, make it rihgt for me please.

In this case of set up, will the computer soundcards quatilty and DAC`s
an impact of the sound ? Will the computers soundcard just be a
of audio bits. Soundcard is M - audio revolution 7.1 with only mini
but have digital out SP/DIF (or is it coaxil out ?). Will a
like M - audiphile 24/192 give better result in a audophile matter ?

Is digital out the same as SP/DIF ? If so, when using this SP/DIF 
connection, do i bypass the soundcards DAC`s ? Maybe thats the point,
if my 
goal is to acheive best possible stereo audio with use of extarnal
DAC`s and 
Squeezebox with this equipment? Try to correct me if i`m wrong. How do
connect this gear ?

Then, if SP/DIF bypasses DAC`s, do i have to use analog outs from the 
external DAC`s connected directelly to the 12L`s active ?

Is it DAC`s in amplifiers ? If it is, can i use the DAC`s on the 12L`s

active amplifier instead of an external DAC ? Will an external DAC give
better audio resolution ?

Is it possible to get use of several DAC`s for example 2 - 3 ?

Can you help us providing a guide on how to connect computer - 
Squeezebox - 
extarnal DAC - 12L active`s ? What kind of cables form soundcard - 
Squeezebox - external DAC - 12L active`s. What kind of cable  from what
of output/input. Do only need a guide on how to connect this gear.
and drivers i will install quite well, i think.

What kind of mods to Squeezebox 3 do you suggest, with 
this gear ? After maybe just reading spesifications of this gear do you

think it will be better audo resolutions, after modding SB3 and with
use of 
external DAC ? What kind of external DAC do you suggest ? Can I use
MHdt Labs Paradisea + when I don’t have tube amplifier ? Do I have to
go for MHT Labs Constantine ?

First I have to purschase the 12L active and the Squeezebox. Then I
have to save some money 3 – 4 mounts before I purschase a DAC. And some
money saving again so i can afford a mod on the Squeezebox.

I am living alone with my 15 years old son and sometimes some of his
in the same 25 squaremeter room. So we both need a decent sound since
have to listen to each others music taste either we will or not. But we
the same music pretty often. If the sound is okay we both will have a
time. Me and my son will be wery pleased for answers to these

Best regards

Terje and Daniel


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread totoro

willyhoops;200953 Wrote: 
> I saw the article by Janis Ian. I can't see the bit where he got to 2%
> but it looks like a complete junk article. For example:
> Even the copyright abolish fans here are surley not arging that file
> sharing has had no financial hard on anyone. 
> There is no quality control on the internet. If you search around you
> will find that September the 11th was a US / Israeli plot as well. And
> Dianna was murdered by the MI6. And that they never landed on the
> moon... Do you believe these things as well?

Sure, file sharing might have had an effect. But so might the
availability of other forms of entertainment, an overall lousy product,
or any number of other factors. This has been analyzed quite a bit by
numerous people, and it really isn't all that clear that the troubles
of the big music companies are all caused by file sharing. 

They've certainly claimed this, but correlation isn't causation, as you
well know (or should anyway), and they certainly have offered nothing in
the way of solid arguments for this claim.

Most of the music I buy (I've bought ~300 cds in the last year) is on
small specialist jazz labels, which seem to be resurgent, so, again,
I'd really want to see some better evidence in order to accept that
there's an overall crisis in music making. 

As to your "argument" about the janis ian thing: all you've done is
spout ad hominems. Tell us something specific that's wrong with her
claims. Regarding your arguments by authority, they're plainly
laughable. The Guardian is certainly not immune to publishing nonsense
when it comes to technology, so I wouldn't exactly take them as the
final arbiter of anything.

As far as quality control on the internet goes: this seems to be
another of your unintentionally self-referential statements :)


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-05-10 Thread Badwater

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

My system consists of the following:

SB3 > CIAudio DAC VDA-2 with VAC-1 Power supply > Dynaco PAS-3 preamp >
Dynaco ST-70 both with Curcio Audio Engineering premium mods. Speakers
are DIY Fostex FE166ES-R in factory recommended backloaded horn with
Fostex T90 supertweeters.  The subwoofer is a DIY ported design using a
Seas L26.

|Filename: IMGP3075.JPG |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Pale Blue Ego

willyhoops;200953 Wrote: 
> There is no quality control on the internet. If you search around you
> will find that September the 11th was a US / Israeli plot as well. And
> Dianna was murdered by the MI6. And that they never landed on the
> moon... Do you believe these things as well?

9/11 absolutely was an inside job, no possible doubt.  Diana I have not
researched except to note that Charles specifically threatened her with
that exact outcome should she continue to date the Arab.

The moon landing was real, however.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Skunk

willyhoops;201044 Wrote: 
> how about this?

It's nice, but if you are the artist don't you want to add a copyright
blurb, so that I don't steal it for my Web site/clip art cd project?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone with a Bryston amp/dac and SB/Transporter - How does the Bryston dac sound ?

2007-05-10 Thread ErikM

Kinda of like comparing good analog to digital... If you listen to
digital only long enough, and then listen to good vinyl :-) ahh music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bryston B100 Integrated with DAC

2007-05-10 Thread ErikM

I suggest that you decide on speakers first, then match an amp to
them... Usually better system synergy this way..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread opaqueice


I hope it isn't copyrighted :-).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread tyler_durden

Nobody answered my question!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread haunyack

seanadams;200910 Wrote: 
> You claim that an 
> (X) hypothetical 
> improvement in sound quality can be attained by:
> (X) removing bits of metal from skull
> Your idea will not work. Specifically, it fails to account for:
> (X) the placebo effect
> (X) your ears honestly aren't that good
> (X) that's not how TCP/IP works
> (X) bits are bits
> Your subsequent arguments will probably appeal in desperation to such
> esoterica as:
> (X) jitter
> (X) EMI
> (X) existentialism
> And you will then change the subject to:
> (X) you can't prove what I can't hear
> (X) science isn't everything
> Rather than engage in this tired discussion, I suggest exploring the
> following factors which are more likely to improve sound quality in
> your situation:
> (X) Q-tips




Transporter -> B&K Reference 200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.
Fridgidare -> Mirror Pond pale ale -> easy chair w/remote -> irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread SteveEast

And thanks to TD for setting it up.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread snarlydwarf

SteveEast;201140 Wrote: 
> And thanks to TD for setting it up.

I wonder how long Sean has had that form lying around waiting for such
a nicely delivered straight line setup.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread Mark Lanctot


Sean originated the company and was the chief designer of the
Squeezebox and the Transporter...  He has now also invented the
automated forum response checklist.

It must have taken some preparation, but it should now be seen as the
gold standard when addressing more esoteric and off-the wall

Probably the funniest thing I have ever read on this forum!

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bryston B100 Integrated with DAC

2007-05-10 Thread Anne

Yes, nice to read that review


Squeezebox 3 > Stereovox XV2 > Bryston B100-DA SST > Martin Logan Aeon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bryston B100 Integrated with DAC

2007-05-10 Thread mglaudiolabs

If SB3 connectivity is important, you might want to look at our Symphony
integrated amplifier as well. It will deliver clean DC to your
Squeezebox as well (+DAC module)



MGL Audio Laboratories, Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bryston B100 Integrated with DAC

2007-05-10 Thread Gibson78

Hey everyone. I'm circling around getting a real hi-fi system and I just
read this review

of Bryston's new integrated with an onboard dac. What's appealing about
the idea of getting it is that I'd really be done: get a good pair of
speakers and plug in my Squeezebox.  The other route I'm thinking is
getting a PrimaLuna Dialouge Integrated or Monoblocks and hooking up a
transporter to that. In the end, I'd save $ by going the Bryston route.
Anyone have thoughts on the Bryston, so-called "neutral" sound, and how
it would interact with the SB?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Robin Bowes
willyhoops wrote:

> but come on - have you ever had an intelligent rational debate with a
> folk singing lesbian? :-)

You know Willy, I had you down as many things; learning that you're a 
female folkie surprises me. ;)


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread Phil Leigh

If you have a decent AV-capable pre all this hassle can be avoided. If
you are going to have a system in one room that can "do it all" then
you really need to get to grips with the idea that a you do not need 2
pre-amps. I realise that "decent" means expensive but then - this is
the Audiophile forum.
Peronally, I want 2.1 for stereo (from DAC analogue out) and 5.1 for AV
(from DVD player DTS/Dolby Digital digital out) from a single Pre-amp
with NO switching except from my remote. There are plenty of systems
that can do this - Linn, Naim. Meridian etc.

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread GaryG

As the Transporter is a digital preamp an option would be to take the
front L/R channel outputs into an analogue-to-digital converter  and
feed the digital signal into the Transporter. For HT you switch to the
digital inputs on the Transporter otherwise you use the Transporter as
normal. I used to use a M-Audio Flying Cow in this manner but with a
DAC rather than the Transporter, on HT the A/D conversion isn't



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Heuer

I am not seeing a problem with 24/96 FLAC on my SB3 but then I do not
use the screensavers - just artist name and the small graphic analyser.
I will try playing a file with the VU meters on and see what happens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Ron F .

It looks like bugs # 4886 and 4562 are relevant.

I am going to try the flac - flac transcoding to level 0 that was
mentioned and see if that fixes the problem for my SB3.


Ron F.

*Squeezebox setup:* wireless SB3 -> CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU
*Main rig:* NAD 7600 + NAD 2600A -> Phase Tech PC-6.5 speakers
*Headphone rig:* Headroom Max -> Sennheiser 650s
*Other stuff:* NAD C542 CDP, NAD 6300 Tape, Monster 5100 Power
conditioner, Outlaw Audio cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread Skunk

discocarp;201012 Wrote: 
> So the original poster wants to use a different amp in HT from 2ch? Is
> that the piece of the puzzle I was missing? 

Yes, but that would require switching speaker cables.

I did some more looking at the link I posted earlier, and I believe
this is what you can do:

The RCA and Balanced output the same thing, but you'll need a way to
set the levels properly as one is 6dB louder. 

Since the Moscode will be sitting there anyway, you may as well use it
for the mains while using surround sound as well:

Transporter balanced out->Pre/Pro Balanced Analog Input...

AVM50 Balanced output to Rear L/R and Center Balanced Input on
MCA50>3.1 speakers.
AVM50 Unbalanced output to Moscode amp>Front L/R speakers.

You should then be able to set the balanced analog input to direct
bypass, and the HDMI input to 5.1, while using the same front speakers.

The RCA analog output from the Transporter could also be ran directly
to the input of the moscode, if you felt like switching the RCA's
occasionally for critical listening. You can use the analog attenuation
built into the Transporter to match levels there. And then there's the
digital output of the Transporter you could send to the AVM50 to
compare the sound...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Rangdo

willyhoops;201036 Wrote: 
> actually from a major national uk newspaper!

Oh well, if it's in a UK newspaper it must be true then, the papers
never tell porkies do they ;)



SB 2 [Stereovox XV2] > Benchmark DAC1 [NVA Soundpipe] > Cyrus Pre Xvs
[NVA Soundpipe] > Cyrus X-Power [Chord Rumour 4] > MA GR20

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Heuer

Bugger! A TP it will have to be then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread schiegl

Heuer;201051 Wrote: 
> Interesting as the only reason I am contemplating buying a Transporter
> is for the 24/96 capability (I use an external DAC). Maybe SD are
> deliberately clamping down the resoultion to avoid impacting TP sales.
> Wonder if there is a work around?

There's a difference in processor speed (325Mhz vs. 250Mhz according to
their website) between TP and SB. Under special circumstances - see bug
database - even 325Mhz are not enough, hence not possible for the
"slower" SB.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Ron F .

This is what is happening with the SB3 as well, but it never does get a
grip unless you turn off the complex screensaver. With the SB3,
decimating the 96kHz stream to 48kHz is also an additional workload.

I also find that the noise floor present while streaming a Linn Records
96kHz flac to the SB3 is significantly higher than streaming a 48kHz
version of the same thing created by Audacity.


Ron F.

*Squeezebox setup:* wireless SB3 -> CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU
*Main rig:* NAD 7600 + NAD 2600A -> Phase Tech PC-6.5 speakers
*Headphone rig:* Headroom Max -> Sennheiser 650s
*Other stuff:* NAD C542 CDP, NAD 6300 Tape, Monster 5100 Power
conditioner, Outlaw Audio cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread schiegl

one of the best postings i read the last time. substance and humor:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread nicketynick

Oooh my, that's a keeper! A perfect template response for some of the
sillier stuff that happens here.. ho we!


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread davep

Timothy Stockman;200581 Wrote: 
> What's at the beginning of the file? (Track 2 - "Forget Me")  Nothing
> out-of-the-ordinary that I can see.  First view is the beginning of the
> file, showing intertrack "silence", then the cymbal hit followed by the
> first piano note.  In the second, the vertical scale is blown up so you
> can see the silence is very low level noise.  Then, just before .43
> seconds, you can see track noise appear, followed by the cymbal hit at
> .48 seconds.  Nothing fishy that should produce any audible effects.

After further unstructured experiment (i.e playing some tracks) I am
pretty sure this "burbling" effect is the TP getting up to speed with
the 24/96 data stream which I suspect is close to the limits of what
the processing power of the unit can handle.  It feels to me like it is
filling some kind of internal buffer or pipeline before it "gets a grip"
and then plays OK.  However at some later stage it can fall behind again
if it has to do much else, such as running a more complex screen saver,
and the effect reappears. 

My experience is that once you go through the initial disturbance, and
assuming you are not taxing the processing power with much else, you
can play through the whole album with no re-occurance, but if you stop
and restart you get the effect again for a short period.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread nicketynick

willyhoops;201036 Wrote: 
> Provide some evidence for it???!!!
> Not to mention the logical arguments... HAVE YOU READ THE TWO ARTICLES
> Not from a folk singing lesbian... actually from a major national uk
> newspaper! oh yea, and if you are not from the uk... the newspaper is
> the best here after the Financial Times and has a left wing slant...

I'm sorry I don't really recall anything in those articles that
particularly supported your arguments! There was this though from an
independent artist getting free publicity that very specifically flies
in the face of your arguments!:

"By all means pirate the latest corporate spew from major label
central. But don't pretend it's the same thing as copying this, because
one day, when we're all gone and all that's left is two or three giant
multinational conglomerates putting out lowest-common-denominator
bollocks, you'll wish you hadn't."

Clearly, this is a band that prefers a distribution system that
involves hundreds or thousands of operating companies, who obviously
are not going to be able to implement any sort of DRM system that
relies on every single company/artist/label agreeing to a hardware
standard that limits fair use!
If the big labels want to go ahead and try to implement a hypothetical
DRM that requires everybody to buy new hardware, let them go ahead and
try! I think they'll quickly find that they're losing all their
business to the competition that provides non-DRM music. And then
they'll start to lose their artists too..


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Heuer

Interesting as the only reason I am contemplating buying a Transporter
is for the 24/96 capability (I use an external DAC). Maybe SD are
deliberately clamping down the resoultion to avoid impacting TP sales.

Wonder if there is a work around?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Patrick Dixon

Heuer;201015 Wrote: 
> The SB3 will only do 24/48 regardless of f/w - I have 81 installed. My
> 24/96 FLAC files play at 24/48. The Transporter does do 24/96 according
> to the specs.

IIRC the SB3 DAC IC is capable of 24/96, so any restriction must be
either down to processing power, or firmware, or both.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread tomjtx

Very good likeness


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

how about this?

|Filename: pic.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread tomjtx

Yes, but what about a picture of Sillyhoops?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

provide some evidence for it! 
not to mention the logical arguments...
Not from a folk singing lesbian... actually from a major national uk
newspaper! oh yea, and if you are not from the uk... the newspaper is
the best here after the Financial Times and has a left wing slant...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread nicketynick

willyhoops;200958 Wrote: 
> Thats a nice story and its keeping sales alive at the moment. But when
> the consumer looses all interest in physical CDs, why would he download
> a free lossless CD and then like it and then buy exactly the same thing
> again. RIAA reports sales by value including both CDs and Digital
> downaloads as down 6.5% in 2006 and year on year falls in several
> previous years as well. But in a future without DRM the numbers are
> expected to get much worse. When you buy from or file
> share artists and record companies get nothing. Hence the move away
> from selling music to making money off live tv and events being tested
> by the major lables. This is disasterous for smaller artists.

Would you please stop saying this? Especially the bit about
"disasterous for smaller artists", unless you can really provide some
backup for it!

I've pointed out before that falling revenues for the major labels are
an empty argument.  If music-buying dollars are being more heavily
distributed to independent labels and artists directly (ie.
is good evidence), that is a good thing for smaller artists! If you
mean smaller artists trying to make it big via the major labels, maybe
they just need to take another look at their approach - there are other
options out there!


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

ah here is willyhoops the troll...

|Filename: 14.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread snarlydwarf

willyhoops;200958 Wrote: 
> Hence the move away from selling music to making money off live tv and
> events being tested by the major lables. This is disasterous for
> smaller artists.


Record Labels don't make moneey off live shows and events.

That is how artists make money: and how they have made money for the
last 30 years.

It is hardly disasterous for smalller artists: smaller artists make
virtually all of their money from live shows.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

Here is the troll...




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread tomjtx

Trolls are particularly nasty creatures.
Their maloderous emissions(both olfactory and verbal) are particularly

They are lonely, ugly, misshapen creatures whose bad breath is only
exceeded by their bad temperment.

Due to their inordinate lack of social graces they are unable to engage
in civil discourse even though their greatest desire is acceptance by
the very people they annoy.

I would post pictures of Sillyhoops but the sight of such an ugly
creature would likely cause mass illness of forum members and result in
the closing of slimdevices itself.

BTW:  :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread andyg

BigTony;200989 Wrote: 
> I think this is a reference to that well know 'myth' of Joan Rivers
> picking up radio signals in her mouth when driving around hollywood in
> the 1940's. Speculation was that the amalgam in her mouth picked up
> radio waves etc... or she was a drunk old bat ... seems that science
> went for the '.. drunk old bat' solution.
> BT

Heh it was actually Lucille Ball, the MythBusters did a segment on this
a while back. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Heuer

The SB3 will only do 24/48 regardless of f/w - I have 81 installed. My
24/96 FLAC files play at 24/48. The Transporter does do 24/96 according
to the specs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread discocarp

Mark Lanctot;201006 Wrote: 
> All the preouts presently go to the OP's multichannel amp though, unless
> there was a secondary set, which would then eliminate the need for the
> 2-channel preamp (just go directly to the 2-channel amp and put the
> Transporter on one of the pre/pro's inputs.)

So the original poster wants to use a different amp in HT from 2ch? Is
that the piece of the puzzle I was missing? 

And if it were me I'd still rather have a separate 2ch preamp to put
the transporter into rather than the ht processor, even in direct mode.
But I suppose that is for each person to decide for themselves. :) If
the transporter had ht bypass this wouldn't even be a discussion hehe!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread Pat Farrell
seanadams wrote:

Nice for letter.
You forgot a couple...

> Rather than engage in this tired discussion, I suggest exploring the
> following factors which are more likely to improve sound quality in
> your situation:
> ( ) room acoustics

( ) single malt scotch
( ) aged Kentucky bourbon
( ) 1974 Château d'Yquem
( ) Cuban cigar

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread adamslim

tomjtx;200975 Wrote: 
> Starve the troll, save the world

Ah Heroes, there should be another to download soon.  Who cares about
music copyright when TV shows are whizzing around the ether within
minutes of ending?  It's an outrage...


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

"To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the
whole Arab world against us ... condemning [young soldiers] to fight in
what would be an un-winnable urban guerrilla war. It could only plunge
that part of the world into even greater instability" - George Bush
Snr, 1998

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread Mark Lanctot

discocarp;201003 Wrote: 
> HT processor--(preouts)-->2 ch preamp-->2 ch power amp-->speakers

All the preouts presently go to the OP's multichannel amp though,
unless there was a secondary set, which would then eliminate the need
for the 2-channel preamp (just go directly to the 2-channel amp and put
the Transporter on one of the pre/pro's inputs.)

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread discocarp

Skunk;200999 Wrote: 
> His preamp can do that. The problem is having speaker wire going to the
> moscode when he wants to watch movies.
> My latest thought was to leave the moscode connected to the mains at
> all times, and send only the front 2 channels from the pre processor to
> it even in theater mode, while the other channels go to the theater amp.
> Not sure if that's an option though.

I must be misunderstanding the problem. 

The hookup I was suggesting is along these lines:

HT processor--(preouts)-->2 ch preamp-->2 ch power amp-->speakers

with the transporter also plugged into the 2ch preamp (as a non ht
bypass input).  How is his setup different that would make this not


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread Mark Lanctot

Skunk;200999 Wrote: 
> My latest thought was to leave the moscode connected to the mains at all
> times, and send only the front 2 channels from the pre processor to it
> even in theater mode, while the other channels go to the theater amp.

This is really the only way to do it at this point.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread Skunk

discocarp;200994 Wrote: 
>  Completely skip the processor when listening to 2ch.

His preamp can do that. The problem is having speaker wire going to the
moscode when he wants to watch movies.

My latest thought was to leave the moscode connected to the mains at
all times, and send only the front 2 channels from the pre processor to
it even in theater mode, while the other channels go to the theater amp.
Not sure if that's an option though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread alZmtbr

Sean: Well crafted, thought out answer... but I would recommend an
acoustically transparent fermi cage for the OP's head, or maybe just
dental floss - farmed in Montanna of course. 

Best chuckle in  a long time!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread discocarp

That's what a home theater bypass does. It lets one input pass through
from the processor to the amp without any volume control applied (so
the processor controls the volume on that input). This feature would
have been godly on the transporter, its a shame its not there.

You can put the processor in direct mode as someone said above. Doing
this you're basically just treating the transporter like any other 2ch
input. However, IMO a 2ch preamp with HT bypass is the best solution.
Completely skip the processor when listening to 2ch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

well i knew it would annoy a little... but come on - have you ever had
an intelligent rational debate with a folk singing lesbian? :-)

willy the 'troll'


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread BigTony

I think this is a reference to that well know 'myth' of Joan Rivers
picking up radio signals in her mouth when driving around hollywood in
the 1940's. Speculation was that the amalgam in her mouth picked up
radio waves etc... or she was a drunk old bat ... seems that science
went for the '.. drunk old bat' solution.



We're Only In It For The Music!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using Transporter as a pre amp has me puzzled.

2007-05-10 Thread Deaf Cat

I have been reading about modified equipment, now just a thought, would
it be possible for one of these specialist companies to put an analogue
input on to the transporter, which would run to the existing analogue
outputs - switchable from transporter to analogue in? 

Allowing pre-outs for example from an AV amp, to output everyting
pluged into the av amp, to pass via the transporter to the power amp
for the front speakers.


Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread Skunk

AndyC_772;200939 Wrote: 
> "I'm bored and have way too much free time now that we're part of a big
> company. I want to go off and do another start-up..."

Well if there is a no-compete agreement I say Sean should just run for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread discocarp

totoro;200983 Wrote: 
> Her sexuality is relevant to the discussion in what way? So far, most of
> what I've seen from you in this debate is ad hominems, blanket
> assertions, and strawmen. But this particular ad hominem is just too
> much.
> You are a boor, a jackass, and an idiot.

You forgot troll. :) 

I've been following this discussion. Its amazing to me that its
actually been a pretty good discussion despite being started and fueled
by a troll.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread totoro

willyhoops;200964 Wrote: 
> ah i checked on wiki... she is an uneducated lesbian folk singer and
> outspoken critic of the RIAA who has herself sold a lot of records.
> well she must be smart then...
> share price of majors has been beaten down and now there in interest in
> them. maybe you have seen, for example, the private equity bid stories
> on emi. only the little companies are trash. personally i would love to
> invest in a drm that will put the world to rights and make the entire
> sector a massive buy but nothing yet...

Her sexuality is relevant to the discussion in what way? So far, most
of what I've seen from you in this debate is ad hominems, blanket
assertions, and strawmen. But this particular ad hominem is just too

You are a boor, a jackass, and an idiot.


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread PNCD

It is not a static playing field - I agree.
Is the issue chipsets?  The TP DAC is very advanced and could support
all of the formats mentioned.  The TP implementation does not support
88.2 for some reason other than a chip.
It is not the server side since this is streaming data bits and does
not depend on chips to do what it needs to do so that it can run on
many platforms.
There are network issues, especially wireless, which will create issues
with these large files.  I had posted earlier in this Forum about the TP
and its lack of support for Draft-n. People do not seem to understand
that the actual data throughput of b and g are much lower than
published bit rates, especially in a network that also has teenagers
using it 
All this aside, I am still curious if anyone actually knows the answer
to the questions on supported formats.  Anyone?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-10 Thread Balthazar_B

PNCD;200915 Wrote: 
> It also seems to me that this is a vulnerability in SD's master plan - I
> am better off using a configurable PC and NAS as my system because at
> least I can control the technical parameters explicitly, though I loose
> convenience and elegance.  With SD what I see is not always what I
> get.

Remember that this is not a static playing field, and that when the
chipsets come down enough in price, you're likely to see end-devices
like SB capable of handling higher-frequency stuff (whether or not you
will actually be able to hear the difference).  And of course SS is
constantly evolving.  The value of SB/SS has more to do with its
elegant distribution capabilities, pretty hard to duplicate with PC
solutions except perhaps at unreasonable cost.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

I will be here tonight dressed in a smoking jacket so feel free to
contine the debate in person if you live in London...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread tomjtx

Starve the troll, save the world


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread ncpl

Love it !!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread servies

The way you describe her, tells us enough about you...
And you still never countered any arguments given here against DRM...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

ah i checked on wiki... she is an uneducated lesbian folk singer and
outspoken critic of the RIAA. well she must be smart then...

i am looking to invest but nothing yet...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Rangdo

willyhoops;200958 Wrote: 
> Thats a nice story and its keeping sales alive at the moment. But when
> the consumer looses all interest in physical CDs, why would he download
> a free lossless CD and then like it and then buy exactly the same thing
> again.

Well as I already had the download, there was actually little point in
buying the CD other than to show my support by buying it - I haven't
bothered to rip it again as I'm sure I couldn't do a better job and
after reading the liner the CD is now in storage.  No suggestion I
wouldn't do the same with downloads.  

I don't care about statistics saying sales are down - stats can be made
to tell any story they want.

When someone can give me a full analysis of how income has changed vs
the various products that can be bought with said income,
cross-referenced with the size of the record companies catalogue and
mapped against *accurate* downloading figures then I won't believe what
the stats tell me.

I know I don't have the money to buy *all* the games I want, and see
*all* the movies I want, and buy *all* the CDs I want - something has
to give somewhere.  It's probably not too great a leap of faith to
assume some of the money that used to be spent on music now disappears
on video games, or DVDs.

The companies need to stop bleating and blaming illicit downloading for
their own ineptitude.  Get some quality artists on book and support
them, fan loyalty would go a long way to increasing revenue for them. 
Most young people I know only buy 'Now That's What I Call Music 199'
compilation albums as they're only interested, generally, in 1 track by
any particular artist.  Most of them are here today, gone tomorrow,
manufactured pap - it's a stretch to call them artists (well, maybe
p155 artists!!).



SB 2 [Stereovox XV2] > Benchmark DAC1 [NVA Soundpipe] > Cyrus Pre Xvs
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread servies

willyhoops;200953 Wrote: 
> I saw the article by Janis Ian. I can't see the bit where he got to 2%
> but it looks like a complete junk article. For example:
> Even the copyright abolish fans here are surley not arging that file
> sharing has had no financial hard on anyone. 
> There is no quality control on the internet. If you search around you
> will find that September the 11th was a US / Israeli plot as well. And
> Dianna was murdered by the MI6. And that they never landed on the
> moon... Do you believe these things as well?
Do you at all know who Janis Ian is? If you call that article a junk
article it's obvious who you are. So tell me, how much did your company
invest in a DRM company or how much did you get paid by the RIAA and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

Thats a nice story and its keeping sales alive at the moment. But when
the consumer looses all interest in physical CDs, why would he download
a free lossless CD and then like it and then buy exactly the same thing
again. RIAA reports sales by value including both CDs and Digital
downaloads as down 6.5% in 2006 and year on year falls in several
previous years as well. But in a future without DRM the numbers are
expected to get much worse. When you buy from or file
share artists and record companies get nothing. Hence the move away
from selling music to making money off live tv and events being tested
by the major lables. This is disasterous for smaller artists.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Rangdo

Well, one small example for you - take it how you will.

I recently saw an album available for download in lossless format -
obviously not an official source ;)  This is how I like to try out new
stuff, after all if I want a new car I can test drive it first, I can
try on new clothes prior to purchase, etc, etc.  I see no reason why I
should gamble my hard-earned on a CD when maybe the 1 track played on
the radio is the only decent thing on there.

I liked it, I ordered it online - while waiting for it to arrive I told
one of my mates about it, forwarded him a track.  He also liked it and
received his CD yesterday.

2 sales from an illegal download - someone's benefitted there, artist,
record company, Amazon, etc.



SB 2 [Stereovox XV2] > Benchmark DAC1 [NVA Soundpipe] > Cyrus Pre Xvs
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

I saw the article by Janis Ian. I can't see the bit where he got to 2%
but it looks like a complete junk article. For example:

> There is zero evidence that material available for free online
> downloading is financially harming anyone. In fact, most of the hard
> evidence is to the contrary.

Even the copyright abolish fans here are surley not arging that file
shaming has had no financial hard on anyone. 

There is no quality control on the internet. If you search around you
will find that September the 11th was a US / Israeli plot as well. And
that they never landed on the moon... Do you believe these things as


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread Rangdo

willyhoops;200946 Wrote: 
> So you think that 2% of the CD sale price does to the artist if they are
> lucky. 

I think you've mis-interpreted, the point being made is only a fraction
of the CD cost actually goes to the artist - NOT that servies thinks the
artist should only get 2%.



SB 2 [Stereovox XV2] > Benchmark DAC1 [NVA Soundpipe] > Cyrus Pre Xvs
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread smst

willyhoops;200923 Wrote: 
> The obvious way to distrubute the money is based on survey of pirate
> content although this is hard to measure for real small artists... Eg
> iPod survey information shows today that under 5% of the music on an
> iPod is purchased through the iTunes store.

You seem to be implying that the other 95% is made of illegal
downloads.  But of course it also includes legal downloads from stores
other than iTMS (presumably only stores without DRM), and songs ripped
from one's own CD collection (fair use in many countries).

willyhoops;200928 Wrote: 
> So how does this all relate to our DRM debate? The iTunes & Microsoft
> Play4Sure DRMs were cracked becuase like the HD DVD DRM they relied on
> software ticks not heavy duty hardware to protect them. The next
> generation of DRM will not do this and will be secure. Sometimes I get
> annoyed that not everyone here understands this becuase unless someone
> does debating with them is utterly pointless.

Hardware is more secure than software, but is not guaranteed to be
secure.  But crucially it requires consumer buy-in -- I'd have to be
convinced to spend extra money on a dedicated device, or component of
my PC, in order to support the DRM they want to sell me.  How am I
going to be convinced that this is worth spending money on? It seems
that the new hardware will restrict what I can do with the music I've
paid for, and only offer richer tags and ultra-high quality.  Richer
tags, artwork etc would be nice, of course, but not nice enough to
justify the expense since I can enter the data myself (and be more sure
that it's accurate and in a format to my liking).  And the thing to
remember about higher quality is this: most people won't care about it,
because they can't hear it.  I can't tell the difference between lossy
and lossless encoding, so increasing the bit-depth and sample rate
doesn't interest me.  Most people, happy with clipped CDs and FM radio,
will settle for even less.

willyhoops;200946 Wrote: 
> So you think that 2% of the CD sale price does to the artist if they are
> lucky. Common sense should tell you that this is junk. No one can make a
> living from that. I was guessing around 10% (same as a book) or 15%+ for
> very established artists. Even 10% sounds low but you have to remember
> there is a lot to promoting books and cds. You can self publish but
> most people go the 10% route unless no one likes their work.
> A quick check at a harvard law web site gave me this:> > > In Great Britain 
> [typically] 17% goes to a combination of the composer,
> > the music publisher, and the recording artist.> > 
The music publisher is the record company.  We don't know how much of
that 17% they take.  And (assuming the artist wrote their songs, which
is not always the case) the remainder is offset by paying back an
advance to the record company.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread servies

willyhoops;200946 Wrote: 
> So you think that 2% of the CD sale price does to the artist if they are
> lucky. Common sense should tell you that this is junk. No one can make a
> living from that. I was guessing around 10% (same as a book) or 15%+ for
> very established artists. Even 10% sounds low but you have to remember
> there is a lot of cuts taken from the sale price of a cd and promotion
> is costy.
> A quick check at a harvard law web site gave me this:
You didn't read the article by Janis Ian didn't you...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops

> from 10 euro cd artist gets maybe some 20 cents if they're lucky

So you think that 2% of the CD sale price does to the artist if they
are luyky. Common sense should tell you that is junk. I was guessing
arount 10% same as a book but more for very established artists.

A quick check at a harvard law web site gave me this:

> * Currently, when a CD is sold [in the United States], 35 percent of
> the retail price goes to the store, 27 percent to the record company,
> 16 percent to the artist, 13 percent to the manufacturer and 9 percent
> to the distributor." See Strauss, "Pennies That Add Up to $16.98: Why
> CD's Cost So Much," New York Times, July 5, 1995, Section C, page 11,
> column 1. 
> * In Great Britain, a typical popular-music compact disc costs aprx.
> $17 (U.S.).  Of that amount, 17% goes to the retail store, 50% goes to
> record company, 17% goes to taxes, and 17% goes to a combination of the
> composer, the music publisher, and the recording artist.  New recording
> artists typically get only 7% of retail price, while established
> artists get as much as 15%.  However, both are commonly responsible for
> studio charges and other expenses.  The net result, under current
> regime, is that new artists often end up with nothing. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread servies

willyhoops;200923 Wrote: 
> There is a famous and obvious solution to this... Microsoft pays a % of
> the sale price on every Zune to the record companies to compensate for
> piracy. Apple was asked to do the same but refused. 
Hmmm, indirectly you will pay for that taxation. and what if I would
use my Zune only to listen to music I made myself? In short: it's not
the solution. IMHO Apple did the right thing.
The same Dutch foundation that I mentioned earlier wanted to do the
same, but not only for Zune/iPod like gadgets. They wanted to  tax
every datacarrier you can imagine. Luckily the Dutch government
sanctioned this, partly because the foundation still can't tell how
they spend/distribute the money they received.

willyhoops;200923 Wrote: 
> If the goal is to pay artists for their work (unlike the many here who
> claim music should be free of copyright) then building a decent DRM is
> obviously the way forward. In this 21st centuary such a thing is very
> possible despite all the knuckle headed denials.
If the goal is to pay artists for their work then artists should get a
fairer slice of the pie. Not the promille they're now getting as a
>From every 10 euros an album costs you maybe some 20 cents (if they're
lucky) goes to the artist (minus the costs the record company made in
recording the album etc.).
If you search a bit you can find enough of these horrorstories how
recordcompanies really treat their artists...
read par
example... If you're thinking the same about DRM after that, then I'm
sure that you're working for the RIAA or alike...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 interference due to titanium dental implant?

2007-05-10 Thread AndyC_772

Lol :D Brilliant!

Am I right in thinking that what you really mean, is:

"I'm bored now that we're part of a big company. I want to go off and
do another start-up..."

... and can I have a job? ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread willyhoops


> I would like to see more discussion around the trust relationships and
> their security enforcement mechanisms...

If you mean you would like to learn about DRM and hacking etc then i
can give this quick tutorial:

Today we can use encryption to completely protect data from any hackers
and even government agencies – read wiki about encryption. So why
did they crack HD DVD recently?

Because the consumer needs to be able to play DVDs his computer had to
be able to decrypt them. So Microsoft put the secret key for unlocking
the DVD inside Windows Media Player. Then some smart bloke in Russia
looked inside the WMP memory while the DVD was playing and found the
key. Another approach taken by another hacker was to invade the
operating system with a special device driver it did not notice that
read the video stream out of memory after the DVD has been decrypted.
It’s real hard / impossible to do DRM without hardware. Microsoft
tried with all sorts of stuff but really they are fighting a loosing
battle until Intel & AMD come up with a new generation of DRM secure
chips. Even then it will be hard.

However if you have a ‘smart card’ credit card with your
pin number is stored on it, you will never get the information off
because you have no key to unlock it and they never give you any
software with the key inside for you to deprogram. Everything that
happens with that card takes place in hardware they control. Even if
you get out some volt meters and hacksaws etc the hardware is tamper
resistant so you can not get inside with destroying it. Read about
smart cards on wiki. This is in contrast to HD DVD running on Windows
or XBOX where the hacker can write programs and control the in side of
these computers.

Of course another form of hacking is to get into someone’s
computer. There are lots of way of doing this including guessing a
password. Because computers are hugely complex things designed to do
many things they contain many faults / weaknesses. For example,
Microsoft one day realised it was possible to create a specially
crafted “.jpg” file which internet explorer would get so
confused reading (buffer overrun attacks) that you could cause it to
run code that would take over your computer! Of course they fixed it as
soon as they could after finding the problem, but when the published the
fix the world learnt about it - and today anyone who has not applied the
fix is now in danger from hackers using this technique. All Operating
Systems contain numerous faults like this but Windows get the most
flack because it’s the most popular one to attack, it runs on
peoples home computers, and it is a vast operating system with vast
amount of legacy code designed to support applications written years
ago. Their latest OS, Vista, addressed many security issues but as a
result broke a good percentage of the worlds existing software.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-10 Thread AndyC_772

> such a thing is very possible despite all the knuckle headed denials.

Please: if you want to carry on a discussion, stop throwing insults at
us and actually address some of the points that have been made. Just
because many of us disagree with you doesn't mean we're thick.

willyhoops;200923 Wrote: 
> There is a famous and obvious solution to this... Microsoft pays a % of
> the sale price on every Zune to the record companies to compensate for
> piracy. Apple was asked to do the same but refused. Indeed it's a tall
> order for manufactureres to do it voluntarily and quite an effort to
> enforce across the world via taxation.

Too right they refused. If there's any money changing hands here, it
should be FROM the record companies TO the manufacturers of such
devices, to compensate them for the very real, measurable expense they
incur building DRM technology into each and every player, regardless of
whether the end user actually wants, needs or uses it.


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