Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry Blue

2007-05-18 Thread 325xi

Mr. Lavry kindly answered my question on his forum. I hope my
understanding is correct - Blue's CrystalLock uses DSP, and not ASRC
chip, which makes me thinking that Blue employs the "original"

I guess I'll give to my DAC quest some more time, but one of
configurations I'm now strongly considering would be
SB3 => Behringer DEQ2496 => Lavry Blue 2ch DA

Now, asking myself - why bother about CrystalLock implementation? I
don't really expect any severe improvement over DA10. The real reason -
I like the idea behind that design. I also like BMW approach to building
cars, and so I'm their fan, although I do realize I don't need BMW to
get from point A to point B. This is all about fun.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread egd

Georgie;202859 Wrote: 
> I'm playing with buying a transporter and have read all the threads
> comparing it with a modded sqeezebox. By chance I changed my server
> hard- and software and was astonished that different server sources
> sound so different.

I think you'd benefit from a lifetime subscription to What Hi-Fi.


Transporter >> SCA2 >> SCM100SLAT via balanced XLR
Linux and loving IT!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Lanctot

scoughlan;203061 Wrote: 
> I notice that if AccurateRip verifies the rip on the first pass, the
> software forgoes the second and third pass.  Am I safe to rely on this
> feature?  Or, would I be better off disabling AccurateRip and forcing
> multiple passes with Secure Rip?

AccurateRip compares the checksum of your rip with other people.  If it
says it's accurate, it's saying each and every bit of your rip is
identical to a group of other people.  The odds of everyone having
errors in the exact same bits in the exact same spots are astronomical
- there are 10 584 000 bytes per minute of CD, the odds of a random
error being at the same exact bytes for two people are just
non-existent.  So *if* you have AccurateRip data, it's safe to rely on

Note the big *if*.  From what I understand, it's a majority-rule
database.  If you have a disc pressing (i.e. Australian pressing in
your case) that differs from the pressing most of the world has
(American pressing) then AccurateRip will report an inaccurate rip, but
you will be able to tell when every single track is inaccurate - the
odds of that are very low even on severely damaged discs.  You will
also find a lot of discs that aren't in the database or that have an
extra track or two at the end which indicate "Track not present in

BTW I'm basing my comments on the EAC version of AccurateRip.  I
understand dBpowerAMP's verbiage is slightly different but it's pulling
from the same database.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-18 Thread scoughlan

I found a tool in Nero that reports there is no support for C2 error
reporting on my HP drive.  Oh well, I suppose I have time, and I can
always listen to my MP3's until I get around to re-ripping everything
to FLAC.

With dBpoweramp Reference, I currently have AccurateRip and Secure Rip
on, with Ultra Secure checked.  I notice that if AccurateRip verifies
the rip on the first pass, the software forgoes the second and third
pass.  Am I safe to rely on this feature?  Or, would I be better off
disabling AccurateRip and forcing multiple passes with Secure Rip?

I'm sorry to ask this here, but I'v seen conflicting opinions on the
dBpoweramp forums; and if I'm going to spend hours re-ripping
everything I'd like to get it right this time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What Hi-Fi - audiophiles or audiofools?

2007-05-18 Thread DCtoDaylight

seanadams;202839 Wrote: 
> I think you are still under the misconception that 96KHz is supposed to
> work on SB3.

No, I understand fully that the SB3 doesn't support 96K, and I
understood if fully when I bought my two Transporters that do...
I've put together a whole house system, with 3 SB3's and 2
Transporters, all fed from a dedicated server in the basement.  With my
setup, I've had problems with 96K flac files on both the SB3's and the
Transporter, and am currently using uncompressed .wav's of the hi res
files because of this.  The uncompressed files  play fine on both.  

I admit my choice of examples was a poor one, sorry if I've caused any



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help: speakers and kid's safety

2007-05-18 Thread tyler_durden

You could probably design some sort of wide spaced base using PVC pipe
in about 10 minutes.  The pipe could then be filled with concrete,
gravel, sand, lead shot, water, whatever you want to add some weight. 
A pair of stands might cost all of $20 to build and take all of an hour
to measure, cut, and glue the pipe.  Use schedule 40 PVC water pipe and
there will be no worries about the strength of the structure- I built
my son's loft bed from 2" schedule 40 about 5 years ago and he still
uses it.  See it here:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread snarlydwarf

tomjtx;203032 Wrote: 
> I WAS sleeping with the she
> USING me?

Now there is a business model.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread tomjtx

ErikM;203028 Wrote: 
> Why is there an audiophile forum?? Since almost anytime anyone who posts
> a question that has to do with sound quality is flamed. I get the
> feeling that if this was a automotive forum those that can't afford the
> Porsche would also try to belittle those that can afford one.. Sad

Oh come on , Eric, that is a complete misrepresentation of this forum.

Please don't confuse a sense of humor with flaming.

Everyone here is concerned with SQ and value.

BTW, since my system retails in excess of 50,000 I guess I am in the
Porsche category and I still like to poke fun at audiofools.

BTW2 I was an idiot to spend that, wait, I got
everything new at 30% off ..only 35,000.00 WOW.what a
So I am an idiot - 30%

I was sleeping with the she


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread ErikM

Why is there an audiophile forum?? Since almost anytime anyone who posts
a question that has to do with sound quality is flamed. I get the
feeling that if this was a automotive forum those that can't afford the
Porsche would also try to belittle those that can afford one.. Sad


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread ceejay

AFAIK audio kit only hums when it doesn't know the words?

(slinking into the corner)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread tomjtx

amcluesent;202991 Wrote: 
> >I would be happy to get your oppinions to this topic<
> I wouldn't overlook the effect of changing the wi-fi channel used by
> your router when connecting the Transporter. I found that the
> even-numbered 802.11g channels narrowed the sound-stage quite
> considerably. After careful listening, even my wife(!) agreed that when
> connecting on 802.11g channel 9 a 'veil was lifted' on the music. I'm
> thinking that even numbered wi-fi channels can generate constructive
> harmonics with the DAC oscillator, increasing the jitter and 'glare' in
> the music.

OMG, OMG  I have found the same thing. Odd numbers ALWAYS sound

BTW I am selling audiophile grade routers that only have odd number
channels and come with custom power supply  10,000.00.  A bargain, as 
any rational person would agree.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread mswlogo

The most common source of Hum is from Cable/SAT connected somewhere in
the setup. You need an isolation transformer to fix this. If that's not
the case can you hook up teh SB3 with the optical connection? That might
do the trick.

Forget power conditioners. They don't "fix" ground loops. But if you
move enough stuff around sometimes you "accidently" fix the hum but
adding the power conditioner.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread Patrick Dixon

Naim don't connect signal ground to mains earth in their amplifiers.  In
the good old days, this connection was made at the turntable, and Naim
now do it only in their CDPs.

Ideally you should have one single mains earth to signal ground
connection in your system - none and you can get hum, more than one and
you can get ground loop issues (which can also include hum).

So I reckon Clive is on the correct track.

Oh, and BTW, the case of the Naim Amp should be earthed, so connecting
between it and the -ve pin on a spare input socket should also work.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread Ned Ludd

Thanks much.

I am not certain of much when it comes to electrical equipment, but I
do know which is the ground prong on the end of the Nait power cord.  I
am in the U.S.  The ground prong is very distinctive.

I'll give it a shot and let you know what happens.

Ned Ludd

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread amcluesent

>I would be happy to get your oppinions to this topic<

I wouldn't overlook the effect of changing the wi-fi channel used by
your router when connecting the Transporter. I found that the
even-numbered 802.11g channels narrowed the sound-stage quite
considerably. After careful listening, even my wife agreed that when
connecting on 802.11g channel 9 a 'veil was lifted' on the music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread mswlogo

Georgie;202859 Wrote: 
> At start, I loaded always the client sw in the squeezebox and played the
> Densen Demagnetizer Track to ensure the same base for comparing.
> Georg

This says it all right above. It's unbelievable the snake oil people
fall for. You'll never be satisfied, relax and enjoy the music until
you stop believing in crap like this. High end audio parlor sales
persons have wet dreams over customers that buy this stuff.

It's too funny. I can't wait to show this CD to a few friends.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread cliveb

Ned Ludd;202954 Wrote: 
> I hate to sound stupid, but I have no choice: How do you connect the
> "ground plane" (I don't know what that is) to the mains ground (I'm
> assuming that is the third prong on the end of the Nait power cord)?
The "ground plane" is where all the screens are connected. The simplest
way to access it is the outer ring of any RCA socket. For example, if
you're not using the COAX digital output on the Squeezebox, connect its
outer ring (NOT the centre pin) to the mains ground.

And the mains ground is indeed the third prong of the mains plug. Just
make sure you know exactly which prong is the ground. The easiest way
to tell is to compare it to a two-pin mains plug: the extra one that
isn't on the two-pin plug is the ground.

Given that you're using a Nait, are you in the UK? If you are, then
what we're talking about is what's called the "earth" here in the UK.
The earth pin is the longest one of the three - the one that is in a
different orientation to the other two and which goes into the top hole
of the mains socket.

So: get a mains plug and connect a wire to its ground/earth pin. Don't
connect anything up to the live and neutral pins. Plug it into a mains
socket (ideally on the same outlet as the Nait), and then touch the
other end of the wire to the outer ring of the Squeezebox's COAX
digital socket. Does the hum go away? If it does, you have the answer:
you have a floating ground.

And finally: please be careful! Make absolutely sure you're connecting
to the ground/earth, and not the live pin! Mains electricity fed to the
wrong place can kill (and even worse, can blow up Squeezeboxes and Naits


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-05-18 Thread SoftwireEngineer

Well..I read the first posts in this thread. But I dont see anything
about how the music was chosen and how familiar the listeners were with
the music. (Did I miss it ?) Maybe PhilNYC went into this experiment
with too much confidence, that he can pick out the SB3 easily.
Maybe the other parts of the system were too good, so you cannot tell
the difference that much. Surprising thing is PhilNYC says differences
in digital components is not that much, when the Dodson he sells costs
thousands of dollars.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs DAC (EMM Labs)

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Lanctot

ehkming;202980 Wrote: 
> Hi, I looking for a new DAC for my music (CD & server music store)
> playback. I would like to know why there is many member using
> transporter and dac as the same time ?  (cd/music server -> transporter
> -> dac -> pre-amp -> pwr amp ...)

I don't think there is...Squeezebox (SB3) and external DAC sure.

> Is it because the dac inside the transport is not that good ?

The Transporter DAC, and the fact that it can be used as an external
DAC, is one of its main selling points.  It's generally considered as
good as most external DACs and it has a lower noise floor than most of
them.  Not too many users bypass it by using their own DAC.  (I'm sure
this thread will now get flooded by Transporter users who say they use
it with an external DAC, but I bet a far higher proportion of SB3 users
use an external DAC than Transporter users.)

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread Deaf Cat

adamslim;202858 Wrote: 
> I am impressed that, at $140, it's cheaper in the US than in the UK -
> -despite being British-!!!  You gotta love this country :)
> Adam

Or is it ?

Oh, use the cancle button a good few times, if so wished.

Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs DAC (EMM Labs)

2007-05-18 Thread ehkming

Hi, I looking for a new DAC for my music (CD & server music store)
playback. I would like to know why there is many member using
transporter and dac as the same time ?  (cd/music server -> transporter
-> dac -> pre-amp -> pwr amp ...)

Is it because the dac inside the transport is not that good ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread dem

opaqueice;202922 Wrote: 
> You claim that an
> (X) audible
> ( ) measurable
> ( ) hypothetical
I think this is my favorite post of all time in this forum.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III, Stello DA100, ...

2007-05-18 Thread jt25741

BigEars;202958 Wrote: 
> There seems to be a deathly silence from DAC designers about why they
> work (they only do if implemented properly), and that is probably
> because the story is not the sort of thing audiophiles really want to
> hear. So... "all DACs suffer from distortion due to non-linearities,
> and this is particularly so at high volumes, and it is particularly
> noticeable to human ears due to it's artifical nature. One way to
> reduce it is to feed the DAC with an upsampled signal so full of
> ultrasonic noise that the non-linearities added by the DAC have less
> effect on the baseband audio signal...". Doesn't sound like good
> marketing copy does it!
> Seems to be more effective than straight dithering because it is
> signal-dependent (the ultrasonic images are higher level when the music
> is louder), so it doesn't affect S/N as much for a given amount of
> dither.
> There is nothing magic about it, it is just another bodge to improve
> the perceived accuracy of a flawed recording/playback technology. The
> same happened with Vinyl until it really did sound uncannily real, and
> I guess digital will continue to go through the same evolution.

Maybe if I had some picture/graphs of what you are describing it would
make more sense to me.   It definately has enough techno-jargon for
good marketing copy though ;)


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR ->
Sim Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> Cardas
Golden Reference Hi-Mid,PS Audio Xstream Plus Low-> Magnepan 3.6R

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III, Stello DA100, ...

2007-05-18 Thread BigEars

jt25741;202916 Wrote: 
> Although I don't have the Stello, my impressions on upsampling sound are
> similar to yours.   Almost without exception, upsampling sounds better
> -- smoother, more detailed, better soundstaging etc.. As to all the
> technical reasons why, your explanations sound reasonsable to me -- but
> I am unsure.

There seems to be a deathly silence from DAC designers about why they
work (they only do if implemented properly), and that is probably
because the story is not the sort of thing audiophiles really want to
hear. So... "all DACs suffer from distortion due to non-linearities,
and this is particularly so at high volumes, and it is particularly
noticeable to human ears due to it's artifical nature. One way to
reduce it is to feed the DAC with an upsampled signal so full of
ultrasonic noise that the non-linearities added by the DAC have less
effect on the baseband audio signal...". Doesn't sound like good
marketing copy does it!

Seems to be more effective than straight dithering because it is
signal-dependent (the ultrasonic images are higher level when the music
is louder), so it doesn't affect S/N as much for a given amount of

There is nothing magic about it, it is just another bodge to improve
the perceived accuracy of a flawed recording/playback technology. The
same happened with Vinyl until it really did sound uncannily real, and
I guess digital will continue to go through the same evolution.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread Ned Ludd

Thanks.  I was actually wondering whether the ground loop isolator would
affect the sound quality.

I hate to sound stupid, but I have no choice: How do you connect the
"ground plane" (I don't know what that is) to the mains ground (I'm
assuming that is the third prong on the end of the Nait power cord)?

Ned Ludd

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread cliveb

Ned Ludd;202941 Wrote: 
> Tried the experiment.  Unfortunately, the hum was unaffected.
> I inserted the paperclip into the center channel (labeled -ve) of one
> of the unused DIN inputs on the Nait.  I took a wire with alligator
> clips on each end and attached one to the paper clip.  I then touched
> the other alligator clip to the metal portion of the RCA jack which
> attaches to the Squeezebox.  No luck -- very frustrating.
That pretty much matches what I was expecting. That particular
experiment is checking that the screen connection between Squeezebox
and Nait is OK. That fact that it made no difference shows that it is.

Given that the hum is low level, I still think it sounds as if the
whole setup has a floating ground. What you said next tends to
reinforce that view:
Ned Ludd;202941 Wrote: 
> So far the only thing which has any effect at all is touching (with my
> fingers) the metal part of the connector going into the Nait which
> connects the Squeezebox.  There is a slight muting of the hum by doing
> this.
When you do this, your body is providing a partial route to ground,
hence the slight reduction in hum.

You need to try the other experiment I suggested: connect the ground
plane of either the Squeezebox or Nait to the mains ground.

Ned Ludd;202941 Wrote: 
> I am wondering whether inserting a ground loop isolator between the
> Squeezebox and Nait would be worth trying, or whether you have any
> other ideas.
Ground loop isolators use transformers, and good audio transformers are
expensive (like $50 per channel). Cheap ground loop isolators are likely
to degrade the sound quality, so you should only consider these as a
last resort.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum?

2007-05-18 Thread Ned Ludd

Cliveb --

Tried the experiment.  Unfortunately, the hum was unaffected.

I inserted the paperclip into the center channel (labeled -ve) of one
of the unused DIN inputs on the Nait.  I took a wire with alligator
clips on each end and attached one to the paper clip.  I then touched
the other alligator clip to the metal portion of the RCA jack which
attaches to the Squeezebox.  No luck -- very frustrating.

So far the only thing which has any effect at all is touching (with my
fingers) the metal part of the connector going into the Nait which
connects the Squeezebox.  There is a slight muting of the hum by doing

I am wondering whether inserting a ground loop isolator between the
Squeezebox and Nait would be worth trying, or whether you have any
other ideas.

Ned Ludd

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry Blue

2007-05-18 Thread Ben Diss

I think your summary of the issue is certainly what one side is arguing,
but is far from having be proven in any discussion.  The only thing
shown beyond any doubt is that the manual was wrong.

Does your DA10 now sound differently?


Ben Diss

'SB3' ( -> 'Lavry DA10'
( -> 'BAT
VK-31SE' ( ->
'Halo A21' ( -> 'B&W 803D'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help: speakers and kid's safety

2007-05-18 Thread 325xi

JJZolx;202826 Wrote: 
> Wouldn't necessarily even need to be heavy bases.  I'll bet that if you
> bolted the stands to large 2ft x 2ft bases (plywood, mdf or maybe even
> concrete walk pavers) then they'd be nearly impossible to tip over.

I thought about that, but considering that speakers are not just home
decor items :), but also a part of the audio system, I'm concerned that
DIY wide wooden base may introduce resonance problems - unless I put it
on spikes, but then the base has to be strong enough to keep that
enormous weight... not sure it's doable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread 325xi

Try to replace your internal SATA cables with the silver ones made by
Cargas. It will lower internal jitter, which is certainly the reason
for the differences you hear.

!gniddik tsuJ


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread AndyC_772

Lol :D

I think you've just given me a business idea... ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry Blue

2007-05-18 Thread 325xi

Ben Diss;202878 Wrote: 
> The "lately discovered issue with CrystalLock mode" has to do with how
> the manual was printed.  It hasn't changed the sound of my DAC in any
> way.  That being the case, how would the Blue sound better?
> -Ben

Sorry to disappoint you, the issue is not about manual. There was quite
common impression that CristalLock doesn't resample, and particularly
works without ASRC. Those guys found the opposite. They also found some
discrepancies between earlier descriptions of CrystalLock principles,
and DA10 implementation. The outcome was that CrystalLock in DA10 was
either severity watered down, or redesigned to the point of
elimination. Generally speaking end user shouldn't be bothered by this,
but I was concerned that Dan refused to provide any reasonable technical
explanation - given that usually he seems to like discussing technical

There's some uncertainty on the differences between Blue and Black, and
it seems noone is clear in that. Lavry marketing keeps telling they are
sonically equal, which, considering that designs are different, and
also how subjective human perception is, doesn't make much sense to me.
They might sound very similar though.

Based on the talks and rumors I'm getting an impression that
CrystalLock in Blue works as originally advertised. If I ever find any
confirmation, and considering how high Blue praised among the PROs...
that may be a decisive factor for me... if its look doesn't conflicts
with WAF...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-05-18 Thread opaqueice

Skunk;202906 Wrote: 
> If this went to court, you wouldn't be allowed on the jury :-)
> I.e. couldn't the expectation to hear no difference mask actual
> differences? I believe you also brainwashed PhilNYC!

I'd be an an expert witness for the prosecution :-).

An expectation bias is possible in my case, although I tried really
hard to hear something.  And I wasn't at all sure what to expect - if I
had been I wouldn't have gone to all the trouble to do this.  And Phil
*certainly* wasn't expecting this result - just the contrary - and our
third listener was ambivalent to begin with.  

There's probably a better way to do this kind of test, which is to
determine a threshold rather than a yes or no.  For example if you
could take the signal coming from the TP and the one coming from the
SB, take their difference, and use that to create a signal where the
difference was magnified many times, you could then gradually reduce
the difference back towards the actual level and see at what point it
ceased to be audible.  While purists could always argue that this
process introduced garbage that made the result meaningless, if the
answer was that the difference needed to be magnified many times over
it would still be pretty convincing (to non-fanatics at least).

Actually that's maybe not such a bad idea - after all, whatever garbage
is introduced can only make it easier to distinguish between the
original and the new signal.  So take two signals, say SB and TP. 
Compare pure SB to SB + g(TP-SB), starting with g>>1.  Now gradually
reduce g, and see at what g you can no longer distinguish.  If it's at,
say, g=10, that's pretty compelling.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread Dave Dewey
Quoting ceejay ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> IMHO the most likely explanation for any difference between different
> server installations would be if some configuration difference had
> accidentally crept in while installing - perhaps different volume or
> preamp settings, or file format transcodiing options.
> If all of those variables have indeed been eliminated, then I think
> you've just done an excellent demonstration of the power of the placebo
> effect.

Maybe it's the file system latency introduced by differing paths to
the music storage.

dd 'joking, but I am positive someone is going to mess with this


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread opaqueice

You claim that an
(X) audible
( ) measurable
( ) hypothetical

improvement in sound quality can be attained by:
( ) upsampling
( ) non-oversampling
( ) increasing word size
( ) vibration dampening
( ) bi-wiring
( ) replacing the external power supply
(X) using a different lossless format
( ) decompressing on the server
( ) removing bits of metal from skull
( ) using ethernet instead of wireless
( ) inverting phase
( ) reversing “polarity” of resistors
( ) ultra fast recovery rectifiers
( ) installing bigger connectors
( ) installing Black Gate caps
( ) installing ByBee filters
( ) installing hospital-grade AC jacks
( ) defragmenting the hard disk
( ) running older firmware
( ) using exotic materials in cabinet
( ) bronze heatsinks
( ) violin lacquer
( ) $500 power cords
(X) altering your server's hardware/OS

Your idea will not work. Specifically, it fails to account for:
(X) the placebo effect
(X) your ears honestly aren't that good
( ) your idea has already been thoroughly disproved
( ) modern DACs upsample anyway
( ) those products are pure snake oil
(X) lossless formats, by definition, are lossless
(X) those measurements are bogus
( ) sound travels much slower than you think
( ) electric signals travel much faster than you think
( ) that's not how binary arithmetic works
(X) that's not how TCP/IP works
( ) the Nyquist theorem
( ) the can't polish a turd theorem
(X) bits are bits

You will try to defend you idea by:
( ) claiming that your ears are “trained”
( ) claiming immunity to psychological/physiological factors that
affect everyone else
( ) name-calling
( ) criticizing spelling/grammar
(X) acting miffed

Your subsequent arguments will probably appeal in desperation to such
esoterica as:
( ) jitter
( ) EMI
( ) thermal noise
( ) quantum mechanical effects
( ) resonance
( ) existentialism
( ) nihilism
( ) communism
(X) cosmic rays

And you will then change the subject to:
( ) theories are not the same as facts
(X) measurements don't tell everything
( ) not everyone is subject to the placebo effect
( ) blind testing is dumb
(X) you can't prove what I can't hear
( ) science isn't everything

Rather than engage in this tired discussion, I suggest exploring the
following factors which are more likely to improve sound quality in
your situation:
( ) room acoustics
( ) source material
( ) type of speakers
( ) speaker placement
( ) crossover points
( ) equalization
(X) Q-tips
( ) psychoanalysis
( ) trepanation


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread soupdragon

cyrus dax or daxp would sound logic except expense

i was thinking of a punt on the moon dice dac - which is a nos i think
- anyone tried one of these fellas ?



SB3 + Cyrus CD6 + JVC QL A75 DD TT -> Cyrus PreX -> Eclipse TD 502 ->
Eclipse 512 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread mudlark


why not try  a Cyrus DACX.

I would love to hear what your opinions are.




SB3>CyrusDACX>PreXvs>260A>KEFiQ7 cable Avondale
server Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, linkstation for storage.
DIY SB3 3A linear power supply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III, Stello DA100, ...

2007-05-18 Thread jt25741

BigEars;202871 Wrote: 
> Thought I would try a bit harder to identify the difference (if any
> audible in my system); all I knew previously was that I was keen to
> switch back from bypass to upsampling, but not so keen to go back to
> bypass - upsampling seemed easier on the ear and more natural.
> I chose a couple of songs with a good mix of low-level detail and
> louder passages - Bonnie Rait's 'Thing Called Love' and 'Love Letter'
> from Nick of Time (FLAC), and switched back and forth multiple times
> listening to different aspects each time.
> Very subtle, but definite; on complex sections upsampling mode held the
> picture together better, whereas it could get a tiny bit more confused
> and difficut to pick out subtleties on bypass. Loud vocal was more
> likely to sound very slightly harsh on bypass, less so with upsampling,
> which generally made it easier to hear low-level background detail
> throughout.
> Most surprising was a more solid punch to both snare and bass, with
> more information about the sound of both instruments - I guess this
> comes again from better resolution of small details, especially on loud
> sections.
> All this is in broad agreemenet with most theories about why upsampling
> can sound better - it seems to be less distortion of the baseband due to
> differential non-linearities in the DAC process, as a result of
> signal-dependent ultrasonic dither resulting from the very gentle
> roll-off filter allowing signal up to the Nyquist point of the 192KHz
> signal to enter the DAC. Some would claim that the necessity of
> re-clocking close to the DAC due to 192KHz being asynchronous with the
> input clock also helps by reducing jitter, but I don't have enough
> details about Simon Lee's implementation to know if this a factor
> here.
> Anyway it sounds easier on the ear AND more revealing - so it works for
> me; these are tiny differences that seem to make a noticeable difference
> on enjoyment of the music. Anybody else got experiences on this to
> share?
> Paul

Although I don't have the Stello, my impressions on upsampling sound
are similar to yours.   Almost without exception, upsampling sounds
better -- smoother, more detailed, better soundstaging etc.. As to all
the technical reasons why, your explanations sound reasonsable to me --
but I am unsure.


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR ->
Sim Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> Cardas
Golden Reference Hi-Mid,PS Audio Xstream Plus Low-> Magnepan 3.6R

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread cliveb

Is the server in the listening room? If it is, then perhaps the
different operating systems cause different amounts of acoustic noise
to emanate from the servers - eg. varying CPU fan speeds, different
hard disk access behaviour leading to different levels of noise from
the heads, etc. This different acoustic noise could then in turn have
varying interference effects on the reproduced soundfield. This is of
course just speculation.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread adamslim

topa;202879 Wrote: 
> @AdamSlim: I have the same DAC as you, and recently hooked both the SB3
> and the D2 up to a Skynet 8080 SMPS (from the UK). I can only recommend
> doing so!

I thought about that but couldn't find a supplier.  Not sure an open
frame PSU is the best plan for my kitchen, but it might be worth a
play.  Where did you get it?



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-05-18 Thread Skunk

opaqueice;202840 Wrote: 
> I don't see why you find it surprising.  It's certainly in line with
> the results of almost all other controlled tests on digital sources.

If this went to court, you wouldn't be allowed on the jury :-)

I.e. couldn't the expectation to hear no difference mask actual
differences? I believe you also brainwashed PhilNYC!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] D Class

2007-05-18 Thread DynamicalSystem

Thanks for that - I'm in the UK, so mainland Europe isn't a problem for

Do you know of anyone producing amps using the ColdAmp range of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amplifier suggestions on low budget...

2007-05-18 Thread moley6knipe

DennyL;202644 Wrote: 
> Alternatively, here are plenty of old British 'classic' amps that
> perform better than many modern amps and can be bought on Ebay for £60
> or so, such as the A&R A60 or the Creek CAS4040.
> (There's a Creek here:-

I second that.  I picked up an early CAS4040 (wooden box! genius) on
eBay for £40. Belting amp. S'feeding a little pair of Missions (another
£40 bargain from the local music shop!) as my PC speakers.

Shame the postman dropped it on it's corner! Luckily a rear corner


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread ceejay

IMHO the most likely explanation for any difference between different
server installations would be if some configuration difference had
accidentally crept in while installing - perhaps different volume or
preamp settings, or file format transcodiing options.

If all of those variables have indeed been eliminated, then I think
you've just done an excellent demonstration of the power of the placebo

On the other hand, if you do want to go looking for differences, you
will first need to be clear about whether you are streaming the WAV
files directly to the SB, or whether (the default) they are being
transcoded to FLAC before being sent. 

If the former, then you are going to have to think very hard about what
mechanism might be in play to allow the OS that is sending the WAV files
down a heavily buffered IP network to affect the way that the SB is
delivering the bits to a DAC.

If the latter, then we are back in the "FLAC sounds different to WAV"
discussion, which I'd rather stay out of, though I do note that
proponents of this argument usually offer an explanation along the
lines that there is some odd effect of the FLAC-WAV decoding in the SB
which is causing an audible outcome... how that would work when the DAC
is external to the SB I really can't imagine.

Unless of course the servers are generating airborne or mains-borne
interference with the DAC, in which case the SB is irrelevant




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread topa

Still,I'm the number of therapists directly connected
to the number of attractive women? (Buenos Aires)

Back to the subject,
I think you can't go wrong with a NOS Dac. Pretty cheap, and loads of

@AdamSlim: I have the same DAC as you, and recently hooked both the SB3
and the D2 up to a Skynet 8080 SMPS (from the UK). I can only recommend 
doing so!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry Blue

2007-05-18 Thread Ben Diss

The "lately discovered issue with CrystalLock mode" has to do with how
the manual was printed.  It hasn't changed the sound of my DAC in any
way.  That being the case, how would the Blue sound better?


Ben Diss

'SB3' ( -> 'Lavry DA10'
( -> 'BAT
VK-31SE' ( ->
'Halo A21' ( -> 'B&W 803D'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread tomjtx

Try picking the combo you think sounds best and compare it to the worst
in a blind test.

Do you still hear a difference ?

If so, keep your reference and keep eliminating (blind), one by one,
the other setups. 

As long as your not spending money and your having fun no harm is done


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread willyhoops

I would like you to focus...  all your attention... on an area in the
middle of your forehead... so that your whole concentration ... 
becomes completely focused...  on a point... in this area...  and I
would like you to imagine...  this a tiny  white ball of
light... now hovering just in front of your forehead...  just floating
in mid air... right in front of your forehead...  and this tiny white
ball of light...  is in every way... the size and appearance...  of a
tiny distant star... a shimmering glowing star...  shining  brightly in
the night sky...  radiating  energy and  light...  and you may very
soon...  feel a  slight  tingling sensation...  or  feel a warm
comforting glow...  as  you  become aware...  of  the  radiant
vibrations...  coming from  this  tiny white ball of light...  that
shines ever more brightly...  as  it hovers just in front of your

...and NOWwww... 

I  would  like you to...  see this tiny white  ball  of  light... 
slowly  begin to float upwards...  just gently lift up  into  the
air...  higher and higher... until it reaches a point... about a foot 
above your head...  and as it hovers  there...  just  above your
head...  I want you to see it begin to grow in  size...  and as it
begins to expand...  shining more and more brightly...  you become more
aware of the radiant quality...  of this  illustrious object...  see the
purity of its colour... like the pure white of freshly fallen snow...
feel its radiant warmth... like a gentle heat from an open fire...
maybe even hear its faint vibrations ...  as it grows larger and
larger... giving off a more brilliant light all the time... and as it
grows to the size of large ball ...  you instinctively become aware...
of its healing qualities...  sensing  that its radiant energy can heal 
disease...  quell  any discomfort...  revitalise and energise anything
it touches... and as it hovers there...  just above your head... 
glowing even more brilliantly...  you feel yourself drawn to this
healing energy...  more  and you sense its  purity...  and 
its  inherent goodness...   knowing  that  its  healing  qualities... 
have  no limitations...and know no boundaries... when it comes to
seeking out...  and destroying...  any disease or discomfort...  and 
you will  want to immerse yourself...  in this radiant  energy...  to
bask in its purity...  knowing that you can only benefit...  from its
wonderful healing properties...

...and NOWwww...

as  you  think  of this...  a beautiful white squeezebox begins  to 
open in your imagination... a wonderous device that plays celestial
music... whereas in the past this little gadget has annoyed you now you
see that it is a token of your boyfrinds love and devotion... you will
feel NO Jealousy as your boyfrind plays with his device... knowinf as
you do that all his travails with DAC converstion are to open his hear
to you and bring the gift of music to this wonderful relationship of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread tomjtx

get a GF that likes having sex with a squeezeboxhmmm

Now that's an idea for a modding service


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread willyhoops

haha ... you are probably right... but i don't think any girl can put up
with a squeezebox... and sex is more fun than a sqeezebox...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III, Stello DA100, ...

2007-05-18 Thread tomjtx

the only problem with the Stello I know of is if you are on the
waterfront the only thing coming out of your speakers will be:

Stella!!! Stella! then it collapses.

People swear the voice sounds like Marlon Brando.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread tomjtx


I used to think you were a very talented troll.

Sometimes I think you are Sascha Baron Cohen.

But now I think you are just insane :-)

Put the girlfriend in the atic, not the  equipmentcan't
you get anything right ?or better yet, throw her out,

You can get a new GF at the next black tie ball.

Music is music and women are just...women.

PS. London is a big town, surely there are some therapists you can go

Or move to Buenos Aires. There are more therapists per capita there
than any other city in the world.

They also have the best looking women in the world...really.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III, Stello DA100, ...

2007-05-18 Thread BigEars

Thought I would try a bit harder to identify the difference (if any
audible in my system); all I knew previously was that I was keen to
switch back from bypass to upsampling, but not so keen to go back to
bypass - upsampling seemed easier on the ear and more natural.

I chose a couple of songs with a good mix of low-level detail and
louder passages - Bonnie Rait's 'Thing Called Love' and 'Love Letter'
from Nick of Time (FLAC), and switched back and forth multiple times
listening to different aspects each time.

Very subtle, but definite; on complex sections upsampling mode held the
picture together better, whereas it could get a tiny bit more confused
and difficut to pick out subtleties on bypass. Loud vocal was more
likely to sound very slightly harsh on bypass, less so with upsampling,
which generally made it easier to hear low-level background detail

Most surprising was a more solid punch to both snare and bass, with
more information about the sound of both instruments - I guess this
comes again from better resolution of small details, especially on loud

All this is in broad agreemenet with most theories about why upsampling
can sound better - it seems to be less distortion of the baseband due to
differential non-linearities in the DAC process, due to signal-dependent
ultrasonic dither resulting from the very gentle roll-off filter
allowing signal up to the Nyquist point of the 192KHz signal to enter
the DAC. Some would claim that the necessity of re-clocking close to
the DAC due to 192KHz being asynchronous with the input clock also
helps by reducing jitter.

Anyway it sounds easier on the ear AND more revealing - so it works for
me; these are tiny differences that seem to make a noticeable difference
on enjoyment of the music. Anybody else got experiences on this to



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] "Super Squeezebox" Project

2007-05-18 Thread Vincent

Some very nice enclosures can be find here:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread willyhoops

Christ I said I wouldn't post again am already I am doing it. I really
didn't get a chance to test it all properly, and now I am not allowed
to! Very Sorry. Still you can rely on others - I hear many squeezebox
users have bought this product and if you get it and hear no difference
from the SB3 then just return it - unlike buying old stuff on ebay. But
still i would say if you hook your £200 CD player to CD IN and your
squeezebox to AUX1 IN and in a blind test can not tell the difference
between the two then forget about the whole thing.

In fact, I think it's going to be very very tough as I understand it
for this DAC to beat the benchmark or transporter. The trouble is that
the SPDIF sends a square wave with the data on... but this square wave
is not perfectly square but takes time to rise so it's difficult to get
a consistent start point in time for the wave. Add to this the fact that
the SB3 has some jitter anway compared to a very expensive DAC and what
you get is quite a jittery data signal being recieved by the DAC from
the SPDIF. If the DAC just relies on the square wave transistions to
build the output in time it is going to have issues, only by using PLL
or buffers etc can it overcome this. These techniques, although they
could be real cheap becuase chips are cheap, are currently seen as
complicated and only supported by the big boys like the benchmark or
music fidelity. The DAC market is tiny so the mass produced advanced
but cheap technology is not there. If everyone wanted a DAC the big
hifi companies would produce killer units for a fraction of the price
of todays model... but the SPDIF squeezebox etc is new and most people
will be happy anyway I guess so the market is growing but nowhere near


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread Georgie

I assume that you are interested in a better sound. But not always is a
standalone DAC the solution for a better sound for the same money. I
always ask the following questions:
- do I use the DAC with other equipment too, or only for the
If I use it only with my squeezebox, I would rather invest in a modding
kit for the squeezebox, as Boulder or so, to improve the analog output
and the power supply.  
- how much am I willing to spend for additional interconnection cables,
power cord, stands, etc, in other words: what is my over all budget?
The sound is the sum of all details. Without a good digital
interconnection cable I will get a poor sound too - with the world best
DACs! I tested the analog output of the squeezebox with really good
Cinch cables and got surprised by the sound enrichment. 
Old stories and discussions, I know, but check it out and make your
oppinions by your own.



Slimserver 6.5.1 / SSODS 2.12 / DS106X / SB3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] D Class

2007-05-18 Thread Vincent

I own the PA100's. If you want to know my opinion, follow this link:

Price includes 21% VAT, you don't have to pay VAT in the USA so ask
Hexateq about pricing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-18 Thread Georgie

I'm playing with buying a transporter and have read all the threads
comparing it with a modded sqeezebox. By chance I changed my server
hard- and software and was astonished that different server sources
sound so different. Has anybody made the same experiences, and does
anybody know why and what kind of influences are behind?
Here my configurations, all are with the 6.5.2 Slimserver and the 81
client SW:
a) Synology DS106X (256 MB RAM) with a LINUX operating system. serial
ATA Disk.
b) Slim client with Xubuntu 7.04 and timetra crusoe processor (512 MB
RAM), with a via network interface controller. Disk of the DS106X is
mounted with SMB.
c) VIA EPIA CN1000 board (1GB RAM), musik files on the attached 2.5"
Serial ATA Harddisk. Win XP. 
d) VIA EPIA CN1000 board (1GB RAM), musik files on the attached 2.5"
Serial ATA Harddisk. Xubuntu. 
Listening with: modded Squeezebox 3 (linear power supply,
jitter-reducing converter to AES/EBU Output), siltech golden ridge
cable, AQVOX 2.0 D/A-Converter and Stax 007t/Omega2 earspeaker.
Compared with CD on a Phillips PRO 2M drive with the same
jitter-reducing converter to AES/EBU Output and the same listening
At start, I loaded always the client sw in the squeezebox and played
the Densen Demagnetizer Track to ensure the same base for comparing.
All results depend on my personal listening of 10 different WAV files -
no objective measurement.
I found:
a) sound stage: not as deep as with the (excellent) CD drive ,
instrument location good, but not excellent, sound is rich, but in the
very deepest details not as clear as the CD Player. I like this sound.
b) sound stage: compressed, more depth than width, instrument location
floating, sound has  a little bit less dynamic than a) or the CD
c) sound stage better than the CD player, instrument location
excellent, sound with a little bit more contour, not a "soft" sound,
Dynamic OK - this could become the best solution, quality at least as
good as the CD player but sound coloration and reproduction a little
bit different.
d) sound stage better than the CD player, instrument location good,
sound a little bit agressive, tends to shrill - not for listening over
hours, Dynamic not as good as c).

It seems to me that the differences of the servers are bigger than the
differences between a modded Squeeezebox an the transporter and bigger
than the differences between FLAC and WAV.
I would be happy to get your oppinions to this topic.



Slimserver 6.5.1 / SSODS 2.12 / DS106X / SB3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread adamslim

soupdragon;202855 Wrote: 
> hmmm - would be interested to read your judgement of the SB3, vs SB3 +
> Beresford, vs Transporter !

Well according to some of these guys the Beresford is better than the

I am impressed that, at $140, it's cheaper in the US than in the UK -
-despite being British-!!!  You gotta love this country :)



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread soupdragon

hmmm - would be interested to read your judgement of the SB3, vs SB3 +
Beresford, vs Transporter !

maybe your GF


SB3 + Cyrus CD6 + JVC QL A75 DD TT -> Cyrus PreX -> Eclipse TD 502 ->
Eclipse 512 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and external DAC - views

2007-05-18 Thread willyhoops

i bought one last night and was testing when my girlfriend got home. she
flipped out that i had bough yet another gadget and i ended up taking my
transporter, many squeezeboxes, several speakers, hifis, boxes of cd for
ripping, cd covers for scanning, and a baxter robotic arm to the atic.
My days as a squeezebox nutter are over and you will hear no more from
me - at least for a several months. And i think i have the worlds most
expensive attic. here is little pic i managed to steal on the mobile to
remember it all by... from now on i am only allowed one set of speakers
in the house and my old yamaha hard drive player. at least i will get
more done with my life...

|Filename: 18-05-07_0647.jpg|


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