Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread opaqueice

jhm731;204538 Wrote: 
> Usually I don't judge people on the forums by their usernames, but I
> wouldn't believe anything posted someone who calls himself Skunk, and
> makes negative comments about someone's products/services without any
> firsthand experience.

On the other hand it does make sense to judge people by what they've
posted in the past, and on that basis I will continue to ignore your
posts and read Skunk's.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-25 Thread adamslim

It seems unlikely that there is a huge difference between 44.1 and 48 -
I would have thought you just need to stick with what you've got. 
Transsampling (?) between the two would surely cause more artefacts
than any sound quality difference.

So if you have 96, go to 48, while 88.2 goes to 44.1.  Would be another
good test though - does 88.2 sound better at 44.1 or 48?

Combine this with a transdepthing (?) test, and you can check what
sounds best: 24/88.2 (native, use SB to convert), 24/48, 24/44.1,
16/88.2, 16/48, 16/44.1.

Me, I'm just going to use 24/44.1 and enjoy the music :)



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-25 Thread jt25741

jt25741;204645 Wrote: 
> Hi Ron.  I think that 24 bit files sound better than 16 bit for more
> reasons that broad dyanmic range expansion. Yes, there are benefits
> to the extra bits to allow recording engineers more headroom  -- on very
> dynamic classical music in particular.  However, considering that there
> are 256 more more amplitude levels in a 24 bit file each and every
> single amplitude level in a 16 bit file.   256 times more gradations in
> level --- To my ears what I preceive is a fluidity and naturalness in
> the presentation.   The subtle inflections of a flute, or clarinet for
> instance are captured with more distinct realism -- as there are more
> bits to encode their dymaic envelope with.   Yes sampling rate
> definately helps too -- especially in the higher frequenciesbut
> 24bit does quite a bit in creating a better recording -- considing a
> good recording to begin with(16 or 24 bit).   
> My few 24/48K FLAC files are among the most analog sounding and fluid I
> have.  I enjoy most of them  through SB front-end. I'm interesting in
> others perceptions and understanding on 24 bit vs 16 bit depth --
> independant of sampling rate.

One more point.  The above is somewhat of a guess on "why" these files
sound better to me.What I have not done is take a 96Khz file down
to 44.1 and compare 16/24 at 44.1 directly.  Maybe I will run some
tests when I find the time.  It could possibly be the benefits I am
hearing are more related to the extra 4Khz sampling rate with 48Khz vs
44.1...but I find it hard to believe that would make that much
difference. This is another reason I am interested in the experts
thoughts here-- especially recording engineers that do this for a
living ;)


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR ->
Sim Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> Cardas
Golden Reference Hi-Mid,PS Audio Xstream Plus Low-> Magnepan 3.6R

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-25 Thread jt25741

Ron F.;204551 Wrote: 
> I have wondered about the jump from 16-bit to 24-bit, and how sonically
> significant that is. I have done a few tests for myself using digital
> test files and have concluded that when I am situated in my normal
> listening position, with my system's volume control at it's normal
> listening position - I cannot hear anything below -90 dBFS to save my
> life. Nothing. We can reach -90 dBFS with 16 bits of course.
> I can hear -100dBFS if I crank the volume to something that is well
> above normal, and I can perceive -110 dBFS if the volume is further
> cranked to an insane point. If the SB3 glitched in that test, I think
> my speaker cones would have been accelerated right through the grills
> and killed me. -120 dBFS is detectable with even more insanity applied
> to the volume knob, but at that point the test tones are dropping down
> into my system's noise floor.
> I have a hard time justifying the need for 24 bit resolution. I don't
> feel a need for that unless I want to play my system at a level
> equivalent to a jet engine, and then have it drop to total silence
> between tracks:) At -120 dbFS, with my volume cranked all the way, the
> grinding of the plastic gears in a clock somewhere in my place is
> louder, the blood now beginning to roar in my ears is louder, etc. 
> I have done comparisons between 48kHz-24bit versus 44.1kHz-16bit music
> and I think I could not pass an ABX test for anything, regardless of
> the quality of the recording. However - there is a caveat here: I have
> listened to both for extended periods of time, and I find that CDs,
> even well recorded ones, are often fatiguing to me and I eventually
> want to turn the volume down. With the same content at 48kHz-24bit (NOT
> upconverted from a CD of course:) - it is not fatiguing and I can enjoy
> the music indefinitely at the original volume setting.
> So - I am thinking that 48 kHz is definitely preferable over 44.1 kHz
> even though the difference is small.
> -Ron

Hi Ron.  I think that 24 bit files sound better than 16 bit for more
reasons that broad dyanmic range expansion. Yes, there are benefits
to the extra bits to allow recording engineers more headroom  -- on very
dynamic classical music in particular.  However, considering that there
are 256 more more amplitude levels in a 24 bit file each and every
single amplitude level in a 16 bit file.   256 times more gradations in
level --- To my ears what I preceive is a fluidity and naturalness in
the presentation.   The subtle inflections of a flute, or clarinet for
instance are captured with more distinct realism -- as there are more
bits to encode their dymaic envelope with.   Yes sampling rate
definately helps too -- especially in the higher frequenciesbut
24bit does quite a bit in creating a better recording -- considing a
good recording to begin with(16 or 24 bit).   

My few 24/48K FLAC files are among the most analog sounding and fluid I
have.  I enjoy most of them  through SB front-end. I'm interesting in
others perceptions and understanding on 24 bit vs 16 bit depth --
independant of sampling rate.


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR ->
Sim Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> Cardas
Golden Reference Hi-Mid,PS Audio Xstream Plus Low-> Magnepan 3.6R

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SuperCooled SqueezeBox

2007-05-25 Thread tyler_durden

Heat increases thermal noise.  Thermal noise is audible as hissing in
analog circuits.  It also contributes to jitter in digital circuits. 
It also decreases the life of electronic components.  

The reason radio astronomers use cryogenically cooled amplifiers in
their antenna systems is to minimize the thermal noise to effectively
improve the S/N ratio of their receivers.  The circuits they use use
semiconductors that are designed and built to work at cryogenic
temperatures.  If you cool a "normal" transistor to cryogenic
temperatures it will probably stop working until it warms up again
(assuming it doesn't get destroyed by the cooling/rewarming processes).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SuperCooled SqueezeBox

2007-05-25 Thread JohnSwenson

All my experience shows that almost all digital audio devices sound
better as they warm up. Its actually temperature not time they have
been turned on. 

I've put temperature probes on various chips and tracked the sound with
temperature for various CDPs and DACs and they all sound better the
hotter the chips get. For each piece of gear there is usually one chip
that is the most sensitive to temperature, and its not always the same
one. In one DVD player the sensitive chip generated very little heat so
it took a long time to warm up, I could accelerate this process
dramatically by putting a thermally conductive material between it and
the chip next to it which generated much more heat. 

As a matter of fact I've found that a lot of the tweaking some people
do adding "damping material" to their DVD players etc has a far bigger
effect because of the thermal insullation increasing the operating
temperature than from the vibration damping. 

Of course this can go too far, at some point things stop working when
the temperature gets too high, you want to stay below that point!

The SB3 is actually quite good in this regard, it generates a fair
amount of heat and has a plastic package which helps keep the
temperature up inside. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 'dirt cheap' music pc

2007-05-25 Thread ChrisOwens

You could always rip on a faster PC and still use your old laptop as a
server.  You've got a home network already, I assume.  :)


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x3717

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Patrick Dixon;204552 Wrote: 
> Very glad you're enjoying it - that's the aim!
> Strangely, most SB+ owners seem to pretty much retire from forum
> postings after their purchase.  I wonder where we're going wrong 
Uuumm... you haven't got any forums.


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Skunk

jhm731;204538 Wrote: 
> Usually I don't judge people on the forums by their usernames, but I
> wouldn't believe anything posted someone who calls himself Skunk, and
> makes negative comments about someone's products/services without any
> firsthand experience.

You're right, I forgot the catch 22 of modifications rule: One must
audition the product before questioning its worth. I'll start saving


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Patrick Dixon

adamslim;204532 Wrote: 
> Yeah I still haven't posted any real review of my SB+, as I'm just
> enjoying listening to it!  It sounds great - much better even than my
> CD player.  Good enough that I basically consider the source question
> solved for many years to come.
Very glad you're enjoying it - that's the aim!

Strangely, most SB+ owners seem to pretty much retire from forum
postings after their purchase.  I wonder where we're going wrong 

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Records now doing FLAC

2007-05-25 Thread Ron F .

Pale Blue Ego;204197 Wrote: 
> I agree that the best way to play these on a SB2 or SB3 is to decode to
> wav, downsample to 24/48, then encode to FLAC with compression setting
> 0.  That generally solves all the CPU problems.  I also think that the
> jump from 16-bit to 24-bit is more sonically significant than the jump
> from 44.1kHz to 96kHz.
> Side note: I believe it's possible to make a Video DVD containing those
> 24/96 files in full resolution.  It might be interesting to do a
> listening test of the SB3 using 24/48 vs a DVD player serving the same
> music at 24/96 to the same DAC.

I have wondered about the jump from 16-bit to 24-bit, and how sonically
significant that is. I have done a few tests for myself using digital
test files and have concluded that when I am situated in my normal
listening position, with my system's volume control at it's normal
listening position - I cannot hear anything below -90 dBFS to save my
life. Nothing. We can reach -90 dBFS with 16 bits of course.

I can hear -100dBFS if I crank the volume to something that is well
above normal, and I can perceive -110 dBFS if the volume is further
cranked to an insane point. If the SB3 glitched in that test, I think
my speaker cones would have been accelerated right through the grills
and killed me. -120 dBFS is detectable with even more insanity applied
to the volume knob, but at that point the test tones are dropping down
into my system's noise floor.

I have a hard time justifying the need for 24 bit resolution. I don't
feel a need for that unless I want to play my system at a level
equivalent to a jet engine, and then have it drop to total silence
between tracks:) At -120 dbFS, with my volume cranked all the way, the
grinding of the plastic gears in a clock somewhere in my place is
louder, the blood now beginning to roar in my ears is louder, etc. 

I have done comparisons between 48kHz-24bit versus 44.1kHz-16bit music
and I think I could not pass an ABX test for anything, regardless of
the quality of the recording. However - there is a caveat here: I have
listened to both for extended periods of time, and I find that CDs,
even well recorded ones, are often fatiguing to me and I eventually
want to turn the volume down. With the same content at 48kHz-24bit (NOT
upconverted from a CD of course:) - it is not fatiguing and I can enjoy
the music indefinitely at the original volume setting.

So - I am thinking that 48 kHz is definitely preferable over 44.1 kHz
even though the difference is small.


Ron F.

*Squeezebox setup:* wireless SB3 -> CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU
*Main rig:* NAD 7600 + NAD 2600A -> Phase Tech PC-6.5 speakers
*Headphone rig:* Headroom Max -> Sennheiser 650s
*Other stuff:* NAD C542 CDP, NAD 6300 Tape, Monster 5100 Power
conditioner, Outlaw Audio cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Heuer

Oh dear this looks like developing into a new 'Flame Wars (was Power
Supply upgrade)' thread and will inevitably be locked!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread jhm731

Skunk;203969 Wrote: 
> I can't believe anyone would buy something from a guy with a Web site
> like that. There used to be an animation of a dancing club girl at the
> bottom, but now there is a pool and spa ad. Let me guess, he also runs
> a pool and spa company? With a site like that it makes me think he
> wouldn't be above posting rave reviews of his own mods to forums, under
> a pseudonym. 
> Usually I don't judge people on the forums by their grammar mistakes,
> because there are a lot of people here from other countries, but he is
> from Las Vegas! One in particular that bugged me was 'quite'.
> "According to Olive they made the OPUS air tight to make them quite".
> Quite What??? I wouldn't let anyone modify a 2k transport, but if I had
> money coming out my ears I'd at least pick the guy who can spell quiet.

Usually I don't judge people on the forums by their usernames, but I
wouldn't believe anything posted someone who calls himself Skunk, and
makes negative comments about someone's products/services without any
firsthand experience.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread adamslim

tomjtx;204500 Wrote: 
> I would hasten to add, Patrick, that your advertising and marketing has
> ,IMO, always been  on the up and up and I would far rather audition an
> SB+ than those reference audio guys. :-)

Yeah I still haven't posted any real review of my SB+, as I'm just
enjoying listening to it!  It sounds great - much better even than my
CD player.  Good enough that I basically consider the source question
solved for many years to come.

I'm always a bit sceptical of modders where they just put in more
expensive components (like the basic Ref Audio mods).  The TP doesn't
have cheap parts inside, and replacing a £1 op-amp with a £2 one is
surely something that SD tried and rejected.

Where they change things more dramatically - their advanced TP mods
totally take out the analogue stage - I'm kinda happier, but wonder why
they start with a TP - you may as well start with a SB3, as all you're
using it for is the system of getting your sound files across, plus the
screen(s).  Using the TP as a base strikes me as an expensive extra
screen and knob!



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Pat Farrell
Robin Bowes wrote:
> Pat Farrell wrote:
>> Normal RCA/phono audio connectors have two signal paths, one down the 
>> center of the wired, and the other down the shielding. Phono plugs have 
>> a center connector and a outer shield.
> To be rather pedantic, normal RCA/phono audio connectors have two signal
> paths. *Sometimes* (perhaps even often) the shield is used as a signal
> path, i.e. the cable is single core.

Did you mean connectors? or wires? Of course, all signal conductors have 
two paths, even if one is the Earth.

I have never seen an RCA plug that didn't use the center for one, and 
the outer connector for signal ground. Even the mega dollar WBT really 
use the outer 'shield' for the signal path.

> A fairly common wiring layout for home-built cables is to use dual-core
> cable for the signal and to connect the shield to ground at one end only.

OK, I'll accept that as a reasonable exception that proves the rule.

It is probably safe to say that 99% of all RCA/phono equipped cables in 
the world have one center conductor and use the shield for the other.

Clearly some home built and mega dollar cables can have different 


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Robin Bowes
Pat Farrell wrote:
> Normal RCA/phono audio connectors have two signal paths, one down the 
> center of the wired, and the other down the shielding. Phono plugs have 
> a center connector and a outer shield.

To be rather pedantic, normal RCA/phono audio connectors have two signal
paths. *Sometimes* (perhaps even often) the shield is used as a signal
path, i.e. the cable is single core.

A fairly common wiring layout for home-built cables is to use dual-core
cable for the signal and to connect the shield to ground at one end only.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] is ASIO still advantageous through squeezebox?

2007-05-25 Thread opaqueice

needanamp;204069 Wrote: 
> so in a word, there is 'absoloutely NO POINT' in getting digital mods if
> using external DAC via coaxial?
> only power supply mods may be helpful, no?

Originally you asked about Windows, so I guess your question referred
to the server.  Are you now asking about mods to the SB?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] is ASIO still advantageous through squeezebox?

2007-05-25 Thread tomjtx

Thank you Pat,

I've long suspected I might be smart, talented and good looking and I
am gratified to have you confirm it :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread tomjtx

Patrick Dixon;204472 Wrote: 
> Maybe they had a pre-shipping peek?

But how long could they have had it? A few weeks? Hardly enough to
establish their claim. These guys,IMO, are snake oil crooks of the
worst sort. They are the ones that promote the 400.00 wooden volume
control knob with "special" laquer that "improves" the sound.

I would rather flush my money down the toilet than give it to low life
crooks like those guys.

The other modder had a TP for a while, tried different mods, is still
experimenting etc.

He doesn't make claims for things he hasn't yet tried.
That would be enough reason for me to prefer him over those  lying

Sorry to come on so strong, but dishonesty really bugs me.

I would hasten to add, Patrick, that your advertising and marketing has
,IMO, always been  on the up and up and I would far rather audition an
SB+ than those reference audio guys.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Pat Farrell
tricka wrote:
> Without meaning to hijack and, in a display of complete audio ignorance,
> may I ask what you mean by "balanced out's"? Presumably a balanced L/R
> analogue signal out?
> And how does one go about achieving that with a transporter.

Balanced audio is not about stereo.
It is about one channel. To do stereo, you need two balanced 

Normal RCA/phono audio connectors have two signal paths, one down the 
center of the wired, and the other down the shielding. Phono plugs have 
a center connector and a outer shield.

Balanced cables have three wires, one ground, one signal out, one signal 
in. The connectors are usually XLR which are big. The analogue signal 
goes out one wire, in the other at the same time. All relative to the 

Balanced cables are vastly more immune to noise, as most noise will flow 
down both the in and out wires and be canceled out.

The balanced circuitry on each end is more complicated and thus more 

All professional recording studio wiring is balanced.
Very little consumer/audiophile wiring is balanced.

Smart, talented and good looking audiophiles run balanced connectors 
from their Transporters to their amps. They do this by plugging a 
balanced wire into the provided jacks. Simple, n'est pas?


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Patrick Dixon

tomjtx;204450 Wrote: 
> There was one problem: they posted that info BEFORE the TP had started
> shipping. In other words, they made it all up.
> Maybe they had a pre-shipping peek?

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;204450 Wrote: 
> Harmonic, it's not a matter of right or wrong. Everyone has different
> expriences.
> I am sure you will be pleased with the mods.
> I would think  twice before jumping to reference audio mods. They
> advertised 3 levels of mods for TP . They described in great detail
> what each mod would do.
> There was one problem: they posted that info BEFORE the TP had started
> shipping. In other words, they made it all up.
> Your modder has a long history of good work and as a loyal following,
> stick with him.

Anthoney  has alwasy deliverd exactly what he claimded he would.

Of all the manufactors and products i have tried  i have almost never
experinces what the clamid i would  especialy from  nuforce.

On a personal level he has also been honest and help me one time with
an amplifire when no body else would encluding the manufactor.

I think that modders are given much less kredit then the deserve
every one is questianing there work all the time and the manufators are
normaly pissed of because the make them look bad.

I cant speak of what other modders do but anthony removed all the
digital glar and whit nois and improved the dynamics and detajl
extraction in both the transporter and the tact millennium 
Thos who have experinces full mod tact amps know what im talking about
its really somthing.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread GaryG

tomjtx;204450 Wrote: 
> I would think  twice before jumping to reference audio mods. They
> advertised 3 levels of mods for TP . They described in great detail
> what each mod would do.
> There was one problem: they posted that info BEFORE the TP had started
> shipping. In other words, they made it all up.

Interesting, whatever they made up enabled my Transporter to outperform
my $13000 GNSC 'Statement' Wadia 861se CD player. Perhaps they know a
little more than you give them credit for?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread tomjtx

harmonic;204424 Wrote: 
> Its funny you are the first person that have ever not heard an
> improvment with anthonys mods.
> Not that i dont beleive you 
> and yes the transporter driving power amps is ridiculously good
> but the aberdeen transporter as a digital source was CLEARLY better not
> just different but much more smoth ,no glare , no brightness ,and even
> more detajled.
> But when it returns and if it dossent sound eny better il be  upset 
> and then i would proberly send it to reference audio mods and deal with
> them in the future.
> Hope you are wrong

Harmonic, it's not a matter of right or wrong. Everyone has different

I am sure you will be pleased with the mods.

I would think  twice before jumping to reference audio mods. They
advertised 3 levels of mods for TP . They described in great detail
what each mod would do.
There was one problem: they posted that info BEFORE the TP had started
shipping. In other words, they made it all up.

Your modder has a long history of good work and as a loyal following,
stick with him.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anybody heard the TP with word clock output into a external Rubidium clock generator?

2007-05-25 Thread Timothy Stockman

I can see one advantage to using an external, GPS-referenced external
word clock: it would allow multiple units listening to the same
Internet audio broadcast at diverse locations to stay exactly in sync
without dropping or duplicating samples, assuming the sender was also
using a GPS-referenced clock.  Any extremely high accuracy clock source
would probably allow precise synchronization over reasonably long
intervals, even if not locked to a common source such as GPS.

XM radio uses GPS to generate a house clock signal so the remote
studios, New York, Nashville, Toronto, etc, are locked in sync with
Washington.  Interestingly enough, this master clock DOES NOT get
carried through to the DAC in XM receivers.  I once took two XM
receivers, tuned to the same channel, and viewed the WCLK signals on a
dual trace scope.  They tended to hunt back-and-forth relative to each
other, obviously steered by the master clock from Washington, but not
tightly locked to it.

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] is ASIO still advantageous through squeezebox?

2007-05-25 Thread jeffmeh

needanamp;204069 Wrote: 
> so in a word, there is 'absoloutely NO POINT' in getting digital mods if
> using external DAC via coaxial?

I believe that "digital mods" normally refer to modifications to the
digital output stage, so the intent of digital mods is to improve the
SB when using an external DAC.  The intent of analog mods is to improve
the SB when using its internal (perhaps modified or swapped out) DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Mark visits Bryston

2007-05-25 Thread Anne

Error, sorry, that cannot be the B100 on that photo. Looked again and it
doesnt add up with the back panel, and the capacitors are mounted on the
back of the front panel on a B100.
Must be some preamp that on the photo


Squeezebox 3 > Stereovox XV2 > Bryston B100-DA SST > Martin Logan Aeon I
> Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread Toby Dickenson
tricka wrote:

> Balanced XLR out's are

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] modding digital of squeezebox (boldercables)

2007-05-25 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;204348 Wrote: 
> Your results may well be different. System synergy and all that.
> But, IME. the stock , balanced TP is so good it's hard to make
> significant improvement.

Its funny you are the first person that have ever not heard an
improvment with anthonys mods.

Not that i dont beleive you 
and yes the transporter driving power amps is ridiculously good

but the aberdeen transporter as a digital source was CLEARLY better not
just different but much more smoth ,no glare , no brightness ,and even
more detajled.

But when it returns and if it dossent sound eny better il be  upset 
and then i would proberly send it to reference audio mods and deal with
them in the future.

Hope you are wrong


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