Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Headless music server

2007-07-20 Thread jdbaker

Thanks Jim,

Computer B now appears to be scanning my music. Man that is so F**ked
UP, how is someone supposed to know that, I would have never figured
that one out. Thanks again, you guys are the best.



SB3/Parasound C2/A51/PSB CHS60's/CHS40/Triad Gold Dipole Inwall
Surrounds/Triad Inwall Silver Sub.
SB3/Conrad Johnson D/A 2-B Tubed DAC/Arcam FMJ A32/Monitor Audio Silver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New User - Please help with 96K playback

2007-07-20 Thread dudeymon

I moved my 96K file to a new folder & got it to show up in slimserver. 
But when I try to play the file, it never starts - the browser window
just resets over & over trying to play it.  Again, the file plays fine
in Windows.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Headless music server

2007-07-20 Thread JJZolx

jdbaker;216031 Wrote: 
> Finally got around to putting this together, got SS running on the old
> box and everything seemed cool until I tried to direct SS to the
> networked drives where the music and playlists are contained. To
> refresh, I have an old XP that I have hard wired into my network, we
> will call that computer B, my music is connected via external HD to
> computer A, my Itunes XML file is located on computer A. When I run SS
> on computer B and in the SS settings for Itunes direct it to the
> network drive I get this "oops F:\Itunes\Itunes Music doesn't seem to
> be a valid directory". I called SD support and the guy really did not
> listen to me, just said you need a UNC path and would email me the
> directions to create one. Ok,\\doug\3RDHD(F)\ITUNES\ITUNES MUSIC
> produces the exact same error message. Directing computer A to this
> directory works perfectly and I can access this directory on computer B
> through My Computer. Anyone have any ideas? I have come so far, I just
> need to access my music.

Is SlimServer running as a Windows service or as a user process ("run
at logon" or somesuch wording in SlimTray)?

If it's running as a service, then you may have to run the service
under a Windows user account instead of the built-in SYSTEM account. 
Create an account specifically for SlimServer and modify the service
startup to use this account.  Then try again to enter the UNC path to
the library.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New User - Please help with 96K playback

2007-07-20 Thread dudeymon

Hi All - 

Just got my transporter today and starting to use.

I have a question about playing 96K/24b WAV files.  I have a few
resampled files done by Goldwave that play fine using Windows media
player and are clearly 96K/24b in the file properties, but I can't get
Slimserver to recognize the file for me to play on the Transporter.

Does anybody have any sample WAV 96K/24b files they could send me or
point me to that do work that I can test with?

My guess is that I am doing something wrong or the file is not properly
formated by Goldwave.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Headless music server

2007-07-20 Thread jdbaker

Finally got around to putting this together, got SS running on the old
box and everything seemed cool until I tried to direct SS to the
networked drives where the music and playlists are contained. To
refresh, I have an old XP that I have hard wired into my network, we
will call that computer B, my music is connected via external HD to
computer A, my Itunes XML file is located on computer A. When I run SS
on computer B and in the SS settings for Itunes direct it to the
network drive I get this "oops F:\Itunes\Itunes Music doesn't seem to
be a valid directory". I called SD support and the guy really did not
listen to me, just said you need a UNC path and would email me the
directions to create one. Ok,\\doug\3RDHD(F)\ITUNES\ITUNES MUSIC
produces the exact same error message. Directing computer A to this
directory works perfectly and I can access this directory on computer B
through My Computer. Anyone have any ideas? I have come so far, I just
need to access my music.



SB3/Parasound C2/A51/PSB CHS60's/CHS40/Triad Gold Dipole Inwall
Surrounds/Triad Inwall Silver Sub.
SB3/Conrad Johnson D/A 2-B Tubed DAC/Arcam FMJ A32/Monitor Audio Silver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-20 Thread seanadams

snarlydwarf;216019 Wrote: 
> Throw enough RAM at the problem and it's trivial.

Not at all. You still have to _get_ all that data to the player. And
you still have to be able to generate some audible rendition of it as
you scan through the compressed stream.  And you still have several of
the other issues I originally mentioned, such as supporting the myriad
of formats. So only if you had unlimited RAM, CPU, and bandwidth, and
only one format to support would it be "trivial". And as long as you're
having all that, why not a pony too? :)

Anyway if you could only change one of those things, I'd say the best
one would be the bandwidth. If you're guaranteed the throughput, low
latency, and zero packet loss of 100Mbps ethernet (as in the DVR
example) then the problem becomes a LOT more manageable. More RAM is
nice but certainly wouldn't solve the problem per se.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-20 Thread Pat Farrell
thomsens wrote:
> Pat Farrell;216023 Wrote: 
>> A modern PC has a gigabyte of RAM, which can hold a complete CD, 
>> uncompressed, in memory. Serious PCs for either Vista or development 
>> have two or three gig.

> If it's really a matter of inadequate hw, then my original assertion
> that initial architectural decisions (i.e., hw specs) were the problem
> is true.  Sean says that is not the case.

Er, I wasn't talking about the SqueezeBox. The question was why can a 
Windoze Media Center handle it properly, and the reason is that it is a 
powerful generalized system.

I don't quite get how you jump from Sean's initial post in this thread 
to your conclusion.

The SqueezeBox and the Transporter are embedded systems. That is a 
totally different design space for software than generalized PCs/Mac, etc.

What you seem to be asking for is that the price to everyone be 
increased to meet your needs for FF/RW. I never use it, never tried. 
Never tried it on the CD players I've had over the decades.

I used to do all sorts of stuff when I was a radio station DJ when there 
were vinyl disks on turntables, but that was long ago and far away.

What Sean said was that it is not easy. He decided not to do it.
What changes because you want it anyway? I am sure that if a strong 
majority or even a significant minority wanted it, a future version 
might. But so far, I don't see more than a few people wanting it. Not to 
say that the few don't want it a lot, but there is no groundswell of 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-20 Thread thomsens

snarlydwarf;216019 Wrote: 
> The typical PC has substantially more RAM to devote to buffering decoded
> frames than a Squeezebox.
> Throw enough RAM at the problem and it's trivial.

My understanding was that the problem was technical implementation, not
architectural decisions made on the hw.  And, for $2K, the transporter
should come with adequate RAM for the task.  Even FLAC files are < 50Mb


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-20 Thread Pat Farrell
snarlydwarf wrote:
> The typical PC has substantially more RAM to devote to buffering
> decoded frames than a Squeezebox.

A modern PC has a gigabyte of RAM, which can hold a complete CD, 
uncompressed, in memory. Serious PCs for either Vista or development 
have two or three gig.

Any modern PC also has a vastly more powerful CPU than a SqueezeBox.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-20 Thread snarlydwarf

thomsens;216015 Wrote: 
> I'd still be interested as to why MCE seems to be able to handle what
> appears on the surface to be a much more challenging, but similar task.

The typical PC has substantially more RAM to devote to buffering
decoded frames than a Squeezebox.

Throw enough RAM at the problem and it's trivial.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter together with Nuforce amp?

2007-07-20 Thread mik63

Interesting coincidence, I use:

Parasound Halo Preamp
NuForce reference 9SE V2
Vienna Acoustics Mahler

Very happy with this, besides some of the quirks of the SB or Slim
Server (sometimes it just "skips" in the middle of a music piece.
I cannot understand how this can happen as the SB3 using an IP protocol
should guarantee that all the packets arrive in order and there should
be no way that a digital music stream would skip.
I can understand stutters if you have a bad connection and the buffer
is not full, but plain skips is beyond my understanding...

this started after 6.1...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-07-20 Thread thomsens

thomsens;215317 Wrote: 
> MCE2005.  So if I understand correctly, DVR-MS is just MPEG2 with a
> metadata wrapper.  So, I assume it's an MPEG-2 file.
> Just to be sure, I just went and tested an SD and an HD recorded file
> accessed from my Infrant NV across the network to the MCE.  Both work
> fine in both jump ahead/jump back mode.  I have it setup to skip 7 sec
> back (missed what just happened) and skip 30 sec forward (skip
> commercial) - both work somewhat instantaneously and for multiple
> clicks.  It also works fine for both formats for fast forward or rewind
> in multiple levels of speed.  It can get into trouble if you leave it
> too long in those modes, but it falls very squarely into the acceptable
> implementation range for all practical uses.  Obviously the audio is
> silent during the video jumps, but it does come back instantly when
> playback resumes.  There's no reason to think this is anything more
> than user experience issue since it's really the video you are
> searching anyway and the chipmunk sound would just be annoying anyway. 
> It may be technically challenging too, but it strikes me that the
> buffering challenges would be much greater in the HD video scenario
> than the audio only scenario.
> For grins, I also checked the music portion of the MCE.  For reference,
> MCE's music capabilities are laughable and in my opinion, the PM for
> that portion of the product should find alternative employment. 
> However, the FF function works well for MP3.  There apparently isn't an
> option for RW since it does nothing when you press that button.  So for
> MP3, the MCE has proven that a workable and CD-like verion of FF is
> possible.  I can't say the lack RW function is technical since the
> overall implementation for music in MCE is so bad, I'd assume poor
> product management first.

I'd still be interested as to why MCE seems to be able to handle what
appears on the surface to be a much more challenging, but similar task.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Part Number of DAC

2007-07-20 Thread Pat Farrell
Skunk wrote:
> PCM1748, but I read some white ones at one time came with the
> PCM1748KE, which has slightly better specs for twenty cents more
> (guessing on price). Upgrading to the KE version is pretty standard for
> modders doing analog upgrades.

Today on Digikey, its 23 cents each.

>  Something to consider is the standard part performs better than
> it's specs in this application, according to the designer of the
> squeezebox. 

On a lot of components, the expensive version has no better prefprmance 
than the standard, in practice. The difference is that the higher spec 
unit is guaranteed to meet the higher specs. Which is not at all the 
same as saying that the high-spec part is better. OR that the average 
hi-spec part is better than the average standard part.

The PC CPU makers have been doing this for ages. They make a bunch of 
CPUs, and all of the parts make at least the spec frequency. The ones 
that they bother to test, and pass, get stamped with higher frequencies 
and the price is higher. The CPU may, or may not, be actually faster.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Part Number of DAC

2007-07-20 Thread Skunk

audio53;216003 Wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Does anybody know the Burr-Brown part number for the DAC in the SB3? I
> would like to download the datasheet to see the specs. It's an Engineer
> thing :-))
> Thanks.
> Bob

PCM1748, but I read some white ones at one time came with the
PCM1748KE, which has slightly better specs for twenty cents more
(guessing on price). Upgrading to the KE version is pretty standard for
modders doing analog upgrades.

So in your engineering opinion, would the twenty cent increase be worth
the added expense to the bill of materials, if you were designing the
Sb3? Something to consider is the standard part performs better than
it's specs in this application, according to the designer of the

Anyway, have a blast:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Part Number of DAC

2007-07-20 Thread audio53

Hi all,

Does anybody know the Burr-Brown part number for the DAC in the SB3? I
would like to download the datasheet to see the specs. It's an Engineer
thing :-))




EAC (Secure Mode & AccurateRip)->FLAC (ReplayGain)->SB3->Yamaha
RX-595->Cambridge Soundworks Ensemble

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upgrading the Power Supply

2007-07-20 Thread mtan002

Ashy72;215827 Wrote: 
> I recieved my farnell CPC (PW00187) today i am very impressed with the
> upgrade in sound quality particularly a more rounded bass, more mellow
> sound less harsh than before. Even the top end sounds better with the
> lyrics. I cant wait till next week if there is more improvement with
> use! I cut off the interchangeable connection and soldered a proper
> 2.5mm/5.5 connector on the end so as not to have any mishaps with
> reverse polarity if the plug ends get removed. Although when i received
> it i realised this probably wouldnt happen as the connector fits quite
> tightly. All in all this was money well spent.

I received my Farnell (the 230V equivalent) yesterday. I have problem
determining which side of the output socket is +/-. The two output
wires are coded black and black/white. Can somebody help. Thanks.

M Tan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread tomjtx

tyler_durden;215959 Wrote: 
> I like "as bittersweet as bittersweet can be" from Cameo.  They were
> talking about a woman, but woman, amplifier, what's the difference?
> TD

You can unplug an amplifier


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread tyler_durden

Pat Farrell;215942 Wrote: 
> > "It's a quiet, unassuming little amp, with a cinnamony finish and
> > raspberry overtones- never offensive, and sometimes a bit too
> polite".
> > [not HIS quote, mine]...
> This is good, as are the "too much chocolate"
> But the best is his "more yin than yang"
> I can almost imagine what ice cream with too much chocolate would taste
> like, but I have no idea which is the yin and which is the yang.
> -- 
> Pat

I like "as bittersweet as bittersweet can be" from Cameo.  They were
talking about a woman, but woman, amplifier, what's the difference?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread Pat Farrell
tomjtx wrote:
> Wasn't yin and yang (in audio) 1st coined by Harry Pearson.

Oh, it could be.

> But, hot air is hot air :-)

I tend to lump pompous, arrogant together.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread tomjtx

Wasn't yin and yang (in audio) 1st coined by Harry Pearson.

HP is one of the most pompous, arrogant creatures one is likely to run

He thinks an obtuse , convoluted writing style makes him sound more

But, hot air is hot air :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread seanadams

omega;215934 Wrote: 
> I Think there's something wrong with the recording process, I end up
> with the same using SB3 Or CD player.

Unfortunately if the laptop _only_ accepts MIC in, and there is no
option to change it to line in, then you are going to get extremely bad
distortion from overdriving the input.

This is a decent product that you can use to get line in to a laptop:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread omega


Thanks for the tip & Web Link.

I will talk to "Hammer" he also have a "laptop" and "Desktop"
We can try his computers and see how things sounds.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread Pat Farrell
tyler_durden wrote:
> Robert Harley was the marketing "genius" who came up with the idea of
> applying the same BS, anthropomorphic terms used to describe/market
> wine to audio equipment.  He singlehandedly invented the audio
> snake-oil industry.

But never a measurement in his magazine.

> "It's a quiet, unassuming little amp, with a cinnamony finish and
> raspberry overtones- never offensive, and sometimes a bit too polite".
> [not HIS quote, mine]...

This is good, as are the "too much chocolate"

But the best is his "more yin than yang"
I can almost imagine what ice cream with too much chocolate would taste 
like, but I have no idea which is the yin and which is the yang.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-07-20 Thread Toby Dickenson
tingtong5 wrote:

> The amount of deviation from the ecm8000 response claimed by Behringer
> is so high that if this is really true this means this mic is totally
> useless without calibration.

The graph posted above is not too dissimilar to another ecm8000 calibration
posted here:

> Another conclusion would be the using the drc ecm8000.txt is useless
> as well.. 

The drc curve does seem to be inconsistent here. It is considerably flatter
than any of these other calibrations up to 10kHz, and is even flatter than
the ecm8000 data sheet at

Also the drc curve drops off above 10kHz, and is 3db down at 18kHz. You dont
see that in any of the other graphs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread clickhand

wow...reading through this thread makes me glad I'm not an "audiophile"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread tyler_durden

tingtong5;215905 Wrote: 
> I can recommend it as well (got a copy myself).

Robert Harley was the marketing "genius" who came up with the idea of
applying the same BS, anthropomorphic terms used to describe/market
wine to audio equipment.  He singlehandedly invented the audio
snake-oil industry.

"It's a quiet, unassuming little amp, with a cinnamony finish and
raspberry overtones- never offensive, and sometimes a bit too polite".
[not HIS quote, mine]...

Yeah, sure, you betcha!  That's the guy I want telling me what to think
about audio!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread omega


Hi Again!

"You might try the laptop - even if it's mono you can just record one

Not good i have only "mic in" the signal gets distroted how matter i
set signal level.

"Also just as a test, try taking the difference of two identical files
(like two copies of the same recording) and make sure you get

Works ok :-) "silence" ! so audiodiffmaker is working ok!

"You do have the option in audiodiffmaker checked that time-aligns the
recordings before taking the difference, right?"

I run with "Default" time-aligns settings.

"Difference Extraction"
Time Aligment

Delay Capacity = 15 %
Delay resolution = 20n [SEC]

GAIN all settings Default..

Is there some other settings? 

I Think there's something wrong with the recording process, I end up
with the same using SB3 Or CD player.
Both can´t be broken.

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread opaqueice

omega;215919 Wrote: 
> But i always get a audible "difference wave" (A-B) how matter i do.

Hmmm...  I tried this with three different recording techniques - into
my laptop's line-in, into my windows desktop's line-in, and using a
Tascam USB microphone interface I have.  None of those recordings
exhibited the problem you're having - in all cases there was some noise
in the difference file, but it was quiet, had a pretty white spectrum,
and just sounded like static (except for the Tascam which was
introducing some high-frequency crap for some reason).

You might try the laptop - even if it's mono you can just record one
channel.  Not ideal, but might be quieter (for me the laptop made the
least noisy recording).

You do have the option in audiodiffmaker checked that time-aligns the
recordings before taking the difference, right?  Also just as a test,
try taking the difference of two identical files (like two copies of
the same recording) and make sure you get silence.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread opaqueice

ezkcdude;215922 Wrote: 
> Omega (Mats), I would not start with music. Instead, I suggest using a
> standard 1 kHz wav file (either from the CD player or Squeezebox).
> Using this "fixed" frequency, you may be able to hear some pattern
> (harmonics, etc) in the diff file. With music, I'm afraid the signal is
> too complicated to hear a real difference.

Why not use music?

If I understood his post, he IS hearing a difference even when both
files are recordings of the same track from his CD player.  So there's
something wrong with either audiodiffmaker, the recording process, or
his CD player.  That has to get sorted out first.

The selection I used in my recordings was music - it was a piano and
cello concerto - and the difference file was just very low level white


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread ezkcdude

omega;215919 Wrote: 
> -opaqueice
> Hi!
> I have installed Audacity & audiodiffmaker today and started some
> testing.
> My Laptop only have a Mono-Mic in, so a tested on my "Slimserver PC" 
> I wanted to learn & Test Audacity and audiodiffmaker before i began
> testing on the SB3 & DAC.
> I connected my NAD CD player to the line in on the Soundcard.
> Started testing with a Music Audio CD.
> But i always get a audible "difference wave" (A-B) how matter i do.
> I have tripple checked all settings Line in levels etc, and i start
> recording as careful i can be.
> (Same start point pressing "rec" in the programs and "Play" on the CD
> player.
> But i end up with the "same" diff file how matter i do.
> I tried to record both from audiodiffmaker and Audacity but the same
> result.
> The diff file is almost quiet but i can hear the track/song very very
> very weak. 
> (I can follow & recognize the song easy)
> And i pickup "much" interference from the PC, Fan noise etc. 
> I tried the SB3 analog output for a test run but there is the same
> "strange" diff file there to.
> I think i need som better soundcard that is 100% quiet and have a
> S/PDIF in for this test?
> But why this diff file ? i shall be quiet? i don´t change anything
> during the A and B recordings.
> And this test must be quiet "during tuning", otherwise it´s useless to
> go on with this. 
> Do you have some tips regarding this?
> Best Regards!
> /Mats :-)

Omega (Mats), I would not start with music. Instead, I suggest using a
standard 1 kHz wav file (either from the CD player or Squeezebox).
Using this "fixed" frequency, you may be able to hear some pattern
(harmonics, etc) in the diff file. With music, I'm afraid the signal is
too complicated to hear a real difference.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-20 Thread omega



I have installed Audacity & audiodiffmaker today and started some

My Laptop only have a Mono-Mic in, so a tested on my "Slimserver PC" 

I wanted to learn & Test Audacity and audiodiffmaker before i began
testing on the SB3 & DAC.

I connected my NAD CD player to the line in on the Soundcard.
Started testing with a Music Audio CD.

But i always get a audible "difference wave" (A-B) how matter i do.

I have tripple checked all settings Line in levels etc, and i start
recording as careful i can be.
(Same start point pressing "rec" in the programs and "Play" on the CD

But i end up with the "same" diff file how matter i do.

I tried to record both from audiodiffmaker and Audacity but the same

The diff file is almost quiet but i can hear the track/song very very
very weak. 
(I can follow & recognize the song easy)

And i pickup "much" interference from the PC, Fan noise etc. 

I tried the SB3 analog output for a test run but there is the same
"strange" diff file there to.

I think i need som better soundcard that is 100% quiet and have a
S/PDIF in for this test?

But why this diff file ? i shall be quiet? i don´t change anything
during the A and B recordings.

And this test must be quiet "during tuning", otherwise it´s useless to
go on with this. 

Do you have some tips regarding this?

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread tingtong5

PhilNYC;215410 Wrote: 
> "The Complete Guide To High End Audio" by Robert Harley is considered by
> many to be the best book on high end audio

I can recommend it as well (got a copy myself).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread alZmtbr

"crystal" with the also ridiculously fat light blue jacket.

reviews -

I was fairly content with the sound, but hated the appearance, and the
weight and stiffness of the cables often caused the bananas to pull out
of the poweramp.

Similar, if not the same dimensions -


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The reason for the dirty fight???!

2007-07-20 Thread jaysung

@ Tom : Isalon is not too far away... How will you be getting there.
Will you rent a car? Because it is not easyly reached by trains. Well,
it is not out of the world thogh.
Bring a transporter with you! I'll pay the extra if they charge you on
the plain for bagage. :) Thank you for the hint in Isalon. You are
working at Slimdevices or why are you such a pationate defender of
their products? ;))
@ Harmonic : Thanks again. That enlightens a lot. You say the signal is
only made into analogue if passed to the speakers. Doesn't it just swap
the problem? Well, it shortens the analogue chain and therefore the
potential source for induction of electrical noise I guess.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-07-20 Thread Pat Farrell
tingtong5 wrote:
> Maybe a little off-topic but I measured the frequency response (from
> 10-20KHz) of my two mic pre-amps:
> - Behringer Tube Ultra Gain Mic 100
> - Behringer UB802

Looks like proof to me that tubes act as tone controls.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread Videodrome

alZmtbr;215823 Wrote: 
> ...put the old garden hose audioquest back in. Gonna cut the kimber in
> half, re-terminate. Then bi-wire, bi-amp - just for 'fun'.
> Cheers!
> Allan

Was it by chance, the ridiculously fat "Audio Quest Clear" with the
navy blue jackets?

I've got a pair of that stuff.  I think you could moor an aircraft
carrier with it ;-)


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-07-20 Thread tingtong5

Maybe a little off-topic but I measured the frequency response (from
10-20KHz) of my two mic pre-amps:
- Behringer Tube Ultra Gain Mic 100
- Behringer UB802

|Filename: mic100-vs-ub802.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upgrading the Power Supply

2007-07-20 Thread Ashy72

Heuer;86577 Wrote: 
> Good to hear you have found a plug 'n play linear PSU that delivers the
> desired results. I wholeheartedly echo your comments regarding the
> change in sound for the better a linear supply makes. I even found it
> improved further as the first week's use went on.

I recieved my farnell CPC (PW00187) today i am very impressed with the
upgrade in sound quality particularly a more rounded bass, more mellow
sound less harsh than before. Even the top end sounds better with the
lyrics. I cant wait till next week if there is more improvement with
use! I cut off the interchangeable connection and soldered a proper
2.5mm/5.5 connector on the end so as not to have any mishaps with
reverse polarity if the plug ends get removed. Although when i received
it i realised this probably wouldnt happen as the connector fits quite


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile wanna-be

2007-07-20 Thread alZmtbr

tyler_durden edited his original post from "crank" to "meth"

With 5 functioning bicycles and 2 non-rideable, and with wifey's 2
cycles, I can say we are "crank" addicts, but not too 'pedantic' about
it. The velo-habit also competes with the winter season ski-habit (3
pairs of downhill skis and 'many' XC ski's). So when at home I mainly
just listen to the music, not tweak the gear.

Tho last night it was raining, so swapped out the kimber speaker cable
and put the old garden hose audioquest back in. Gonna cut the kimber in
half, re-terminate. Then bi-wire, bi-amp - just for 'fun'.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-07-20 Thread Phil Leigh

Doing RC with an uncalibrated mic is much better than no RC - but not as
good as it should be!
Even rather expensive mics need calibrating for this purpose if you
want the best possible results.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which Interconnect Cable??

2007-07-20 Thread egd

Just go out and buy yourself some Belden 1800F cable, add decent XLR or
RCA connectors and you've got all you need.

egd >> >> >> >>

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-07-20 Thread tingtong5

The amount of deviation from the ecm8000 response claimed by Behringer
is so high that if this is really true this means this mic is totally
useless without calibration. 

Another conclusion would be the using the drc ecm8000.txt is useless as

Actually proper room correction would not be possible with this mic
(without calibration).

I'm not saying that it is not true what you are telling here, but I do
find this whole thing very very weird..

Apart from this calibration story, I was already asking myself if using
ecm8000.txt from drc is a good idea or not.. I suppose someone measured
one ecm8000 mic which does not mean is it valid for all of them..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The reason for the dirty fight???!

2007-07-20 Thread Phil Leigh

harmonic;215724 Wrote: 
> Have you tried i disconnecting  it completly ?

That's exactly what I meant - the system sounds the same with or
without the TACT (in "RC off" mode) physically connected bewteen SB and

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The reason for the dirty fight???!

2007-07-20 Thread harmonic

jaysung;215734 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> Thank you Harmonic for your explanation. Than my tiny little no idea
> about hifi world is secure again I presume. ;) I agree with you. You
> never got answer if the person actually tried the transporter as a
> digital transport only.
> I have two serious questions then:
> 1. What sort of amp is it, that you don't use transporter's analogue
> stage if you actually have nothing to critisize about it's sound? How
> much is such an amp? Or is it just setup determined?
> 2. How can such a difference occur in a digital only setup. Your amp is
> doing the dac work right? Shouldn't a digital signal be a digital
> signal? Or am I just a newb?
> Yes I am! But perhaps you could share some ideas?
> @ Phil : No I do only visit forums if I really want to learn something
> very straight foreward. Time is rare and forums are often very complex
> for speech outputs and braille displays.
> What did you mean with your comment about people hearing what they want
> to hear?
> @ Tommy : I live in Germany and subsequently can not really listen to
> the tp prior to buying one. So I try to get a glimpse of how the
> community thinks about it.
> Cheers
> Jeronimo

Hi Jeronimo

The main amps i use is a tact millennium mk3  there is also lyngdorf
audio wich are basicly the same kind of tech  
this amps are 100% digital amps  the signal stays digital until the
speaker terminals.

You can read about thise fantastic amps on the net .
clememt perry reviewed the tact 2150 in stereotimes that review gives a
good insight in the tech behind thise amps.

When you use thise amps the only uses the 1-0 or the source.

To answer you questian why such differnece namly glare can happen in
the digital domain is a interresting questian.
Even if the signal is bit perfect  all that goes right out the windov
when you intruduse noise.
What aberdeen components exactly have done besides swapping parts and
installing a line conditioner i dont no  but it clearly removed the
high frq glare and smoother sound.

As a transport only the stock one sounds pretty  good  but my experice
with getting things moddified also refelcts the transporter mod and
that is  you here the glare and edgynes  most when its gone.
And when you connect the org player again you are chocked that you had
been listnig to this all along.
Nothing like cables where to me its all most impossible to conclued
somthing is better.

The amp i use my transporter on  besides my tact digital amp where a
icepower amp i borrowed  and nuforce ref 9 se v2  amps , and a NAD 
Here i just used the transporetr as source and preamp   and the sound
was just right.

As a beleiver off the english school meanning that the source is the
most important part in a system  i can wholehardely recormendt the
transporter .
with all thise amps it sounded damm good.

For amp recormendation   i will say ether a full mod tact amp from
aberdeen components  or linn amps.



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