Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-01 Thread occam

EvilTed;218371 Wrote: 
> Have you ever heard an InnerSound setup?
> Stereophile class A all the way and the best hybrid electrostatic setup
> I've ever heard...

Here's my friend's (Innersound's former marketing director) Kaya system
with the panels driven by the never released Innersound Itube 150wpc
tube amp. The Kaya's (and your's) crossover/bass amp provides stunning
bass authority and clarity. Its among the very best systems I've ever
heard. He is primarily a vinyl guy; the Redpoint has been upgraded
since the picture. The pre is a CAT,

|Filename: innersound.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cracking between tracks

2007-08-01 Thread seanadams

Hmm. Well, again, there is nothing special about track transitions as
far as the s/pdif is concerned. No information about a track change is
transmitted, nor is there any interruption of the signal or change in
the out-of-band data. (I am only speaking of SB3/TP here - a CD player
will at least change the Q-subcode data)

The only "special" thing that might be more likely to happen during a
track transition than elsewhere is that the signal could be composed of
digital silence (all zeroes), depending on the CD. This causes the
s/pdif signal to have the fewest possible number of transitions in each
frame, as opposed to any other audio signal which will have a random and
roughly equal distribution. A buggy s/pdif receiver may have trouble
locking on to the signal, but even if that were the case, I wouldn't
expect it to cause crackling. Rather, it would cause significant
dropouts which might sound like the beginning of the next track being
cut off. I have never actually heard of that happening, but it's

The other thing that can happen in the presence of digital silence is
that a DAC could conceivably trigger a hardware muting circuit. Some
DAC chips even have dedicated output pins to signal all zeroes, for
this purpose. However IMHO that would be a rather stupid thing to do
for a valid, all zeroes signal. You would only want to do that if the
signal were no carrier at all.

So really I don't know what's going on in your system. If you get it
into a state again where you can reproduce the problem, you might try
concatenating two tracks together into a single file and playing that.
If you still get the crackling between the tracks then it could be a
data sensitive issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread mister pig

Skunk;218368 Wrote: 
> That doesn't really tell us much, because two different sources can both
> pass DTS (e.g. Sb3 and Transporter), yet still sound different. 
> But it brings up another point I didn't see mentioned by Mr. Pig,
> whether the volume is set to max (digital outputs fixed), and whether
> replay gain is being used/not. Those oversights WILL keep DTS from
> being passed, as well as affecting the SNR*. It should make more of a
> difference than the stream format used, and has been shown on a scope,
> whereas tests of stream format didn't produce major differences in
> measured jitter**. 
> In practice I don't notice the effects of the volume control and use
> them for convenience, but if you're comparing it to a cd player you
> should at least do the things proven to increase performance.
> *
> **


Volume is set at MAX. I ddi nt change replay gain, so whatever the
default setting is where it currently is at. Should I be looking at
this setting? At this point the SB comes close to the perfomrance of
the transport. There is some loss of ambient detail, and just a bit of
energy in the treble as a whole. This is alot closer and hopefully I
can get it dialed in a 100%.

Mister Pig

mister pig

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cracking between tracks

2007-08-01 Thread Jitterbug

I tried a bunch of tests, with unmodified SB3, with a different DAC,
with the clock off on the DAC and could not reproduce the problem.
Unfortunately (fortunately?), I have been unable to reproduce it with
my orignal setup either. It was not as dependable as I thought. I guess
I'm out of options for narrowing down the problem for now.

However, I'll include a comment for the designer of the RAKK DAC :
> We have seen crackling in the gaps before. It is somehow related to what
> the transport is doing as it switches tracks. This doesn't happen with
> all transports and for those it does, it is different from one model to
> the next. Since the circuitry on the RAKK dac doesn't mute between
> tracks there is nothing we can do to eliminate the crackling. That is,
> nothing short of going to an ASRC, which we did with the RAKK dac Mark
> II. The Mark II does not exhibit the crackling or (since it doesn't
> have a Tent Clock) the power on tone.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Parametric Equalizer?

2007-08-01 Thread miklorsmith

Hugh at Inguz was kind enough to program in a quasi-parametric EQ
function.  It seems to me this idea should be included in the core
software.  Almost everyone has some frequency characteristic they'd
like to address and using the parametric is a piece of cake - no
special equipment needed.  Test tones and an SPL meter - voila!  It is
fully possible to get near-flat response in less than an hour.  Or,
dial in a hump or dip to taste.

Can this be added to future releases?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-08-01 Thread bephillips

Like I said a few pages earlier, this "problem" has been "fixed" by the
plugins SongScanner/Looper and the clickable progress bar in the
Fishbone skin. Hooray for the plugin programmers, and hooray for Sean
for having the wisdom and foresight to make this an open source
platform! And Sean seems to be exceptionally in tune with the end users
of his product. The system just keeps getting better and better, and I
expect this will continue. 

Of course with such a dynamically developing system, any printed manual
is destined to be out of date before it's even printed. I expect that
the Wiki and online documentation will mature and take care of most of
this, but the fact that the system is currently pretty geeky and the
development decentralized, it's going to be hard to find all the
information one might need in one place and clearly organized. I'm sure
Logitech will be struggling with this as they go forward in trying to
make this appeal more to the typical non-geeky consumer. It will be
interesting to see what Slim v7 and Jive will bring us.


More than 35611 songs on 2849 albums by 2050 artists. 

Mostly flac, some mp3.

SlimServer Version: 6.5.3 - 12361
Mac OS X 10.4.10 (8R218) - EN - utf8
Perl Version: 5.8.6 darwin-thread-multi-2level
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-standard 

On a 1.2GHz G4 Mac iBook with 768MB RAM

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

No, it does make sense as the new laptop mains was not charging the
battery - loose lead - hence it tripped out because the battery was
Hopefully this is the end.
What a superb piece of equipment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

IvanSlade;218323 Wrote: 
> Sean, 
> Thank you for your comments, they are kind. I am not sure how to answer
> with the forum system hence I will cut and paste.
> 1) Does it happen at the same point in the track every time? The reason
> when need to know this is to determine whether the problem is due to the
> Squeezebox being unable to decode a specific portion of the file (as
> opposed to an intermittent failure). At first you said it was at the
> same point in the file every time, but then you said you suspected some
> RF or noise phenomenon, which would be inconsistent with that.
> ANSWER: This goes back to our earlier discussion. Last night, for
> example, it (transporter and SB3) I played one CD and it was fine then
> I started to play another CD (from the 'server')and the problems
> started again. It seems that when the problems start then it can
> 'stick' on the same track or carry on at random. It is most curious.
> 2) Does this happen with all file formats, or just one? This would help
> identify whether it is a software or hardware issue, and may also help
> us understand if it's a problem specific to some of the files you are
> playing. 
> ANSWER:I only use flac.
> 3) Does it happen on Squeezenetwork as well as Slimserver? This helps
> identify whether there is something funny going on at your server.
> ANSWER~: I will check this soon, that is before you get out of bed in
> the US. 
> 4) Does it happen on both wired and wireless? I didn't ask this earlier
> because your description was not consistent with buffer underrun
> behavior. However, in light of all the confusion it would be a very
> good thing to test. 
> ANSWER: This was, as wrote before, the first thing that I did. I used a
> crossover RJ45 same problem.
> 5) Does it happen with all the outputs? If the problem happens on a
> digital output but not the RCAs then that rules out software issue and
> point to a problem with player, the cabling, or the receiver.
> 6) does it happen with different amp/speakers. At first it stopped
> happening when you changed amplifiers, but now it is persistent across
> several players. This really needs to be tested more carefully.
> ANSWER: Two amps same speaker, no tell a lie I had the same with other
> speakers. I think that the stopping was intermitent. How do you want me
> to test? As I wrote last night I will use another laptop as a server and
> see if it goes away for it could be the RF from the notebook. I have a
> frequencey counter next to the dipole and that drifts around the band
> albeit not very much and when I get the interference then nothing
> changes with the frequency of the wireless output.
> I can email you cds that would be easier. But 1 Cd is OK then a few
> days or listening time later it is not OK.
> As I wrote I will change laptops later and see. Are my answers 'firm'
> enough or is there anything I have missed.
> Best wishes
> Ivan
I think and this not yet set in stone that it is the laptop. What the
darn thing is radiating I do not know - Fujitsu Siemens. I changed to
an HP laptop this afternoon and all was fine. At the same time whilst
typing this reply I turned the Siemens back on, and more or less
immediately the signaL dropped when I pressed the enter (return) key.
That does not really make sense because info should have been stored to
buffer in the trans...
I will turn this off (the siemens) and see if it works again, which
hopefully it will.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

snarlydwarf;218158 Wrote: 
> What, you didn't understand that?  See, you tune into 802.11g networks
> just like a UHF channel... doesn't your router have a fine-tuning
> adjustment dial?
> And it is MUCH easier to have random crappola sounds in the normal
> radio spectrum that confuses amps.  Gads, remember the days when CB
> radio was cool, and there was a pretty good chance that once a month or
> so some PA system in some venue would interrupt their quiet muzak with
> "breaker, good buddy" at full blast...
> Agreed.
> Or adjust the fine tuning dial on your router.
> (It is right next to the Bandwidth Throttle on most.  I put a brick on
> my throttle so I get max speed.)

I use a Cisco router and there is no fine tuning I put a portable
frequency counter next to the transport and it oscillates (sic) around
210 to the 240 ish. cannot clamp it but a brick is an idea. Afeter
trying all channels I have the router set on channel 1 which is around
the 212 mark, I assume resonant frequency but it will pick up either
side of the spectrum so it seems.
Thank you 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cracking between tracks

2007-08-01 Thread seanadams

alZmtbr;218387 Wrote: 
> When I was using the optical out connection into my ROTEL pre/pro there
> was a 'crack' or a 'pop' between tracks. Using this connection had a
> better sound than the analog out of the SB, but not as good as the DAC
> in the ADCOM CD player (HDCD!), so I didn't pursue it, and no longer
> use the optical out. I knew' it was a synch problem - and had no idea
> as to how to correct it.
> So -- I would agree with Sean -- it looses synch for some reason.
> For me it was at least consistent - it happened between every track,
> for you only between certain ones. A puzzle.

Actually, what you're describing does not sound at all like what I'm
suggesting is happening here.

To be clear, I am not talking about "losing sync" as in the s/pdif
receiver is not getting a valid stream. I am talking about data being
clocked at the wrong rate into the dac, causing bit errors in the PCM
data. The reason I am suggesting that is because the specific mods that
Jitterbug made to his hardware would be _expected_ to behave like that
if the sync connection were not working. It's basically the same as if
you had a DAC in word clock mode, but the source component was in
regular (master) mode. You get two different clocks. However they will
be close enough in frequency that most of the data gets through, but
you get some occasional cracking.

Now, maybe this has nothing at all to do with that, in which case it
may in fact be the same problem that you experienced.  The fact that
this happens only at track transitions is (at first glance)
INconsistent with the clock-out-of-sync explanation. That's why I'm not
entirely confident that's what's happening.

The thing is, there is nothing special that happens on our s/pdif
output at a track transition. It just pumps data all the time and
simply has no notion of tracks changing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-08-01 Thread TiredLegs

slimkid;218394 Wrote: 
> And again. What is the purpose of the manual if it isn't accurate?

Of course a manual should be accurate (and as far as I know, every one
I have written was at the time it was issued). The critical point you
are missing is that the purpose of a manual is to instruct users how to
operate a product. It is not for the purpose of enticing purchase.
That's what advertising is for. Manufacturers are legally required to
deliver what they advertise, but the same legal standard does not apply
to user manuals, and never has.

Regarding the specific issue of the FF/REW description in the manual,
presumably either: a) the manual's author mistakenly assumed that it
would function a certain way (often the manual needs to be written
before the finished product is ready for testing); or b) the product
was originally intended to function the way it is described in the
manual, but the engineers were unable to comply, because it turned out
to be too difficult, or it would have delayed the release of the
product, or other features and functions were deemed to be higher
priority, or there's a bug in the firmware, etc. That's why
"specifications are subject to change without notice." In either case,
the manual should be revised to reflect actual operations.

Whether the product should be revised is a business decision of the
product management team at the manufacturer, and has nothing to do with
what happens to be stated in the user manual. Sean's post that started
this thread explained in great detail why the company has not
implemented FF/REW the way you and some others would like it to work.
Frankly, I'm amazed that the CEO of the company would expend the time
and effort to make such a post. I have no doubt that he has other
important things he could be doing. But at least it's a sign that he
cares enough about his users to explain the situation, even if he can't
necessarily please everyone.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-08-01 Thread seanadams

slimkid;218394 Wrote: 
> The sentence was taken out of context for shortness and clarity. It is
> marked with '...' for the purpose of pointing that fact out. Taking it
> out of context didn't change the meaning and the point of the original
> text. If you disagree, please, quote the original post and show my
> malicious intentions.

Clearly you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. What was the
point of this discussion again?

> @ Mark:
> I didn't say it is illegal. I was asking for the list of manufactures
> who adhere to those practices, so that I can avoid them. 
> And again. What is the purpose of the manual if it isn't accurate?

Again, nobody is saying that manuals shouldn't be accurate.

I'm tired of this thread. You win. Bye.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-08-01 Thread slimkid

seanadams;218214 Wrote: 
> Wow - talk about taking a quote out of context! I think it was pretty
> clear that TireLegs was referring to the difference between a user's
> manual and an advertisement (the subject at hand), not saying that a
> manual shouldn't be accurate.

The sentence was taken out of context for shortness and clarity. It is
marked with '...' for the purpose of pointing that fact out. Taking it
out of context didn't change the meaning and the point of the original
text. If you disagree, please, quote the original post and show my
malicious intentions.

@ Mark:
I didn't say it is illegal. I was asking for the list of manufactures
who adhere to those practices, so that I can avoid them. 

And again. What is the purpose of the manual if it isn't accurate?


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cracking between tracks

2007-08-01 Thread alZmtbr

When I was using the optical out connection into my ROTEL pre/pro there
was a 'crack' or a 'pop' between tracks. Using this connection had a
better sound than the analog out of the SB, but not as good as the DAC
in the ADCOM CD player (HDCD!), so I didn't pursue it, and no longer
use the optical out. I knew' it was a synch problem - and had no idea
as to how to correct it.

So -- I would agree with Sean -- it looses synch for some reason.

For me it was at least consistent - it happened between every track,
for you only between certain ones. A puzzle.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-08-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

slimkid;218199 Wrote: 
> Anyhow, would you care to share for which products/manufacturers you
> have worked so far - I mean, I could use some avoidance references.

Many manuals have the legal disclaimer at the front that the
specifications are subject to change at any time without notice. 
IANAL, but they are not subject to legal restrictions unlike
advertising - this notice makes it extra clear.

Lighten up.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-01 Thread EvilTed

oh yeah and my really bad taste includes the following analog front

Michel Orbe MK2 + mods
Koetsu Rosewood Signature
EAR phono stage

I happen to like Audioquest cable for a couple of important reasons.
It is a high quality solid core, screened interconnect.
I made the switch to solid core cable in my audio rigs in 1983 and will
never use anything stranded.
AudioQuest cable is available on Ebay for 1/3 of it's sale price.
My XLR interconnects were $79 for a meter pair, brand new.

I was going to try using my SB3 with an Audio Horizons tube DAC, but
the sound of the Transporter is so good, I'm just going to get one for



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-01 Thread EvilTed

Have you ever heard an InnerSound setup?

Stereophile class A all the way and the best hybrid electrostatic setup
I've ever heard...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread Skunk

snarlydwarf;218360 Wrote: 
> If that were so, then DTS etc would not pass through.

That doesn't really tell us much, because two different sources can
both pass DTS (e.g. Sb3 and Transporter), yet still sound different. 

But it brings up another point I didn't see mentioned by Mr. Pig,
whether the volume is set to max (digital outputs fixed), and whether
replay gain is being used/not. Those oversights WILL keep DTS from
being passed, as well as affecting the SNR*. It should make more of a
difference than the stream format used, and has been shown on a scope,
whereas tests of stream format didn't produce major differences in
measured jitter**. 

In practice I don't notice the effects of the volume control and use
them for convenience, but if you're comparing it to a cd player you
should at least do the things proven to increase performance.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC?

2007-08-01 Thread 325xi

Videodrome;218195 Wrote: 
> I own one, so I admit I may be a bit biased, but in fairness to the
> Behringer, it was originally a $500 unit that has since gone down in
> price via competition from online retailers. I understand it uses the
> same Crystal upsampling device that's in several of the
> upscale/expensive DACs.  Regarding the "serious intrinsic jitter,"
> that's a new one on me.  I recall a head-to-head where the Behringer
> performed as well as a Monarchy DIP.  
> Lastly, the unit has a loyal following among jaded audiophiles
> --especially when used in conjuction with the DEQ2496 -- who typically
> would not blink an eye spending gobs of money on gear.  Is it dirt
> cheap?  Yes.  Does it look cheap?  Definitely.  But I don't think I
> would go so far as to say it's "low quality."

Well, most of Behringer stuff has consistently bad reviews reporting
numerous failures, and its analog stage is said to be just of cheap
design and bad parts quality.
Now, if you look at specs it mention jitter between 2ns to 20ns, which
is HUGE from any standpoint. I'm considering getting DEQ, but I'm
seriously concerned with so high jitter - to handle it I'd need very
well jitter handling DAC.


simaudio nova cdp >> simaudio moon i-5 >> revel performa m20 on skylan
stands via acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori

sb3 >> audioengine 5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-01 Thread ceejay

Patrick Dixon;218286 Wrote: 
> Good post.
> However, I think that identifying the source/method is an unnecessary
> and overcomplicated step.  You simply need to repeatedly be able to
> detect a difference when there is one, and no difference when there
> isn't.
> Identifying which is which is not required to prove that the two cases
> are different, and trying to do it introduces a whole new set of
> perceptive errors into the experiment.
> Once you have established a difference, you can then set about trying
> to identify what that difference is, and whether one case is an
> improvement on the other.

Well, I guess what this means in practice is that if OP did a proper
blind test and wrongly identified the source 80-90% of the time, that
would demonstrate an audible difference: though it would beg an
interesting additional question as to why he preferred option A while
sighted and option B while blind...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread snarlydwarf

jeffmeh;218346 Wrote: 
> Not exactly  The files can be bit perfect but the act of
> decompressing on the SB could change the sound.  I do not think it
> likely, but it is certainly possible.  As an extreme (and silly)
> example, what if when the SB chip natively decoded the FLAC it
> indavertently created an audible pink-noise tone on the analog out?  As
> a more plausible example, what if it created some EMF that affected the
> jitter on the digital path?  Again, I am skeptical, but I must concede
> the possibility.

If that were so, then DTS etc would not pass through.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread jeffmeh

egd;218345 Wrote: 
> interesting observation seeing as the flac is decoded to the bit perfect
> original pcm wav and then passed through the same dac as any wav file
> would.  it's like arguing that a document stored in a zip archive and
> then unzipped is not a bit perfect copy of the original.

Not exactly  The files can be bit perfect but the act of
decompressing on the SB could change the sound.  I do not think it
likely, but it is certainly possible.  As an extreme (and silly)
example, what if when the SB chip natively decoded the FLAC it
indavertently created an audible pink-noise tone on the analog out?  As
a more plausible example, what if it created some EMF that affected the
jitter on the digital path?  Again, I am skeptical, but I must concede
the possibility.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread egd

mister pig;218154 Wrote: 
> How does it sound? In my opinion its a significant improvement to wav to
> flac conversion.

interesting observation seeing as the flac is decoded to the bit
perfect original pcm wav and then passed through the same dac as any
wav file would.  it's like arguing that a document stored in a zip
archive and then unzipped is not a bit perfect copy of the original.

egd >> >> >> >>

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread jeffmeh

mister pig;218154 Wrote: 
> Thaks everyone for their insights. Between reading posts, and a couple
> of directed questions to tech support at Slimservers, I think I have
> this properly configuired. 
> i-tunes is music is ripped into wav files. I disabled the wav to flac
> setting on the slimserver program, so it wav to wav. I have no skipping
> or lock up issues. 
> How does it sound? In my opinion its a significant improvement to wav
> to flac conversion. It is within spitting distance to the cd transport
> I am using. There still seems to be a bit of a loss of high frequency
> energy. The top end is just not quite as open sounding and detailed as
> the CD player. I will explore this more, but from what I can see the SB
> is now properly configuired. 
> Regards
> Mister Pig

It would be very interesting to find out if you really can hear a
difference between streaming WAV and FLAC.  This has been discussed
before.  While it is certainly possible that the act of the SB
decompressing the FLAC could change the sound, the bits are the same as
WAV once it is decompressed.  It seems unlikely that there would be
audible differences.  Of course, if someone were to consistently
identify the difference in a proper blind test, I would have to concede
the point. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-01 Thread brjann

Yes, I guess that telling if this method differs from the previous one
or not is better. We're really getting into depth of signal detection
here, I guess you should even have a calibration run...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

seanadams;218242 Wrote: 
> Ivan,
> I'm sorry we have not been able to provide a solution for you yet.
> I don't personally do tech support by private email, but I do comment
> on the forums where I think I might be of assistance. Our support team
> can give you one-on-one assistance, either by phone or email. While I
> do know a lot about our products, they are often better at diagnosing
> this kind of problem, because they deal with them more often.
> However, in order for them to help you, you need to be patient and be
> prepared to work through the troubleshooting process. The information
> that you have provided so far has been kind of vague and contradictory.
> I understand that it is an intermittent issue and that makes it hard to
> pin down the behavior, but since we haven't yet identified the problem
> we will need your help.
> We have to get firm answers to the kind of questions I was asking
> earlier, such as:
> 1) Does it happen at the same point in the track every time? The reason
> when need to know this is to determine whether the problem is due to the
> Squeezebox being unable to decode a specific portion of the file (as
> opposed to an intermittent failure). At first you said it was at the
> same point in the file every time, but then you said you suspected some
> RF or noise phenomenon, which would be inconsistent with that.
> 2) Does this happen with all file formats, or just one? This would help
> identify whether it is a software or hardware issue, and may also help
> us understand if it's a problem specific to some of the files you are
> playing. 
> 3) Does it happen on Squeezenetwork as well as Slimserver? This helps
> identify whether there is something funny going on at your server.
> 4) Does it happen on both wired and wireless? I didn't ask this earlier
> because your description was not consistent with buffer underrun
> behavior. However, in light of all the confusion it would be a very
> good thing to test. 
> 5) Does it happen with all the outputs? If the problem happens on a
> digital output but not the RCAs then that rules out software issue and
> point to a problem with player, the cabling, or the receiver.
> 6) does it happen with different amp/speakers. At first it stopped
> happening when you changed amplifiers, but now it is persistent across
> several players. This really needs to be tested more carefully.
> If you can answer any of the above with certainty then there will be
> other questions we can ask to narrow it down further. I'm confident
> that we can solve this problem for you.
> One more thing: if the behavior is not consistent enough to be able to
> answer any of the questions above, one thing that could be helpful is
> if you can make a good quality recording of the sound - perhaps your
> laptop has line in that can do it. There are a lot of issues that we
> can diagnose by ear.
> Sean

Thank you for your comments, they are kind. I am not sure how to answer
with the forum system hence I will cut and paste.
1) Does it happen at the same point in the track every time? The reason
when need to know this is to determine whether the problem is due to the
Squeezebox being unable to decode a specific portion of the file (as
opposed to an intermittent failure). At first you said it was at the
same point in the file every time, but then you said you suspected some
RF or noise phenomenon, which would be inconsistent with that.
ANSWER: This goes back to our earlier discussion. Last night, for
example, it (transporter and SB3) I played one CD and it was fine then
I started to play another CD (from the 'server')and the problems
started again. It seems that when the problems start then it can
'stick' on the same track or carry on at random. It is most curious.
2) Does this happen with all file formats, or just one? This would help
identify whether it is a software or hardware issue, and may also help
us understand if it's a problem specific to some of the files you are
ANSWER:I only use flac.
3) Does it happen on Squeezenetwork as well as Slimserver? This helps
identify whether there is something funny going on at your server.
ANSWER~: I will check this soon, that is before you get out of bed in
the US. 
4) Does it happen on both wired and wireless? I didn't ask this earlier
because your description was not consistent with buffer underrun
behavior. However, in light of all the confusion it would be a very
good thing to test. 
ANSWER: This was, as wrote before, the first thing that I did. I used a
crossover RJ45 same problem.
5) Does it happen with all the outputs? If the problem happens on a
digital output but not the RCAs then that rules out software issue and
point to a problem with player, the cabling, or the receiver.
6) does it happen with different amp/speakers. At first it stopped
happening when you changed amplifiers, but 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cracking between tracks

2007-08-01 Thread Skunk

Just guesses, but maybe you could try toggling the 'digital output
always on' setting in Player Settings>Audio, or transcoding one of the
offending files to FLAC for comparison.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-01 Thread Patrick Dixon

brjann;217713 Wrote: 
> To test if Mats experience is a result of selective processing or not,
> no fancy testing equipment is required. As has been pointed out, he
> simply has to prove in a blind test that he can more often than chance
> will accurately say what method of pausing was used.
Good post.

However, I think that identifying the source/method is an unnecessary
and overcomplicated step.  You simply need to repeatedly be able to
detect a difference when there is one, and no difference when there

Identifying which is which is not required to prove that the two cases
are different, and trying to do it introduces a whole new set of
perceptive errors into the experiment.

Once you have established a difference, you can then set about trying
to identify what that difference is, and whether one case is an
improvement on the other.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC?

2007-08-01 Thread jwcurtin

zanash;218279 Wrote: 
> of course.
> snip..
> theres more but I can't remember off the top of my head

Many thanks,

I think the SRC is going on my list as interesting projects to do over
the next couple of months.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DACs: The big question of synergy

2007-08-01 Thread zanash

so .

the amps pretty good ...klipsch have a good rep , though I've not heard
that model. The dac's pretty good ...what cables are you using ?

these will make a surprising difference to the final sound...

You can build a very good [and I mean excellent] cheap ic that should
cost no more than $35-$40  pm me if your interested.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread zanash

I had the opportunity to listen to cd's ripped to itunes and the same to
flac the itunes sounded "soft" where as the flac sounded detailed
and lively 

don't ask why as I have no idea.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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