Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread HerculePirate

Not at all..
I love the clarity and high frequency crispness and Detail that the
speakers provide.
That was one of the main reasons I bought a electrostat cause I loved
lots of detail and The drummer who colours his music with a lot of
cymbal work is my Favourite...RUSH drummer Neil Peart.
The speaker stays ... everything else is expendable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread harmonic

If i where you i would diffently check out Sonus faber speakers  .
the also work very good with krell amps.

Based apone what you are writing it really dossent sound like you like
eletrostate speakers, because what you are describing is have all the
electrostatic speakers sound like to me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread opaqueice

schatzy;218746 Wrote: 
> Hello again,
> I am not one to normal name names but in this case Opaqueice, it is
> attitudes like yours that prompted me to write in the first 
> place.
> Omega could have 100 or even 1000 or more people listen to his system
> and have the same experience that he has had. Then I or anyone else on
> this forum could find another 100 or 1000 or more people that do not
> hear it when listening to Omegas system. 
> You can not and do not have the right to tell these people that do not
> hear it that they are wrong. They just do not have the ear that can
> hear it. If we gave them all hearing tests we may find out why they do
> not hear it but in that case no one can tell them they are wrong
> because they just do not hear it. 

For someone that claims to have read this thread you don't seem to have
followed it very well.  I didn't say anywhere that omega is wrong,
whatever that means.  I certainly never questioned whether or not he
was hearing something - on the contrary, I defended him against some
posts suggesting he was trolling.  I simply suggested a simple and
effective test which would help isolate where the effect is coming

The issue here, which seems to have escaped you entirely, was whether
(as omega claimed) there is a problem with the SB or with SS or whether
it's placebo.  It's not very difficult to answer that, and until it's
answered it's a waste of time speculating about what might be wrong
with the SB.  Most of this thread has been spent trying (and failing)
to get omega or one of his friends to do a proper test to determine


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread schatzy

Hello again,

I am not one to normal name names but in this case Opaqueice, it is
attitudes like yours that prompted me to write in the first 

Omega could have 100 or even 1000 or more people listen to his system
and have the same experience that he has had. Then I or anyone else on
this forum could find another 100 or 1000 or more people that do not
hear it when listening to Omegas system. 

You can not and do not have the right to tell these people that do not
hear it that they are wrong. They just do not have the ear that can
hear it. If we gave them all hearing tests we may find out why they do
not hear it but in that case no one can tell them they are wrong
because they just do not hear it. 

He's not saying "I hear this, isn't that nice, let's all be

Also Opaqueice, no where in my last post did i say that Omega should
just "be happy". I in fact think that he should be posting here to say
"I hear a problem". 

I believe that Omega does hear a difference. I have not noticed and
have connected my computer and SB3 to a friends system. This system
consists of mostly Mark Levinson equipment. Now you will  probably say
that Mark Levinson equipment is trash, but there are a lot of people
out there that would argue with you. I will not because you have your
opinion and i have mine. Neither of us is wrong as far as i am

What should be happening here is trying to figure out a way to solve
the problem and not all the bickering from people like you saying he is
wrong. No one is wrong here. Some people may hear it and others may not.
That does not mean they are wrong.

Omega, Have you tried a plain old fashion isolation transformer, not
any of the so called power conditioners to try and eliminate any mains

Also mentioned here is a mystery surrounding the phase of the mains and
why it seems to sound better if all of the equipment is connected in the
same phase. Yes here in the US we can not normally change the phase of
the mains for each piece of equipment as one side of the power is
always connected to ground.
In Europe ground is separate from both the voltage lines. 

Question to sean adams, has all the audio (hi-fi) equipment in your
testing lab been connected to 220-240 volts with a truly independent
ground (i.e. maybe no ground at all connected), is there a difference
of the kind that Omega is stating he hears. Can you reverse the plug on
the SB3 (changing the phase) and then is there a difference. How about
if the amplifier mains phase is reversed. 

I do not remember reading if this has been tried. If it has great if it
has not can it be tried so that just one more possible cause can be

I ask the above question because when i worked for Cello Ltd. (search
the web if you have not heard of them) we had problems with some
transformers not preforming well on mains power that was not grounded
(neutral) on one side. This ended up being a problem with one small lot
of transformer and the way they were wound. 

Unfortunately Cello Ltd no longer exists but many of us that worked
there very much enjoyed the experience and the quality of the sound
reproduction that it produced.

I surely hope that through good and non combative discussion that this
problem can be solved. Even if it take 124 pages of posts to this

Lastly i apologize in advance if i have offended anyone.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread HerculePirate

Thanks very much for the feed
I have a marble floor but with a small bit of carpet laid out.
I will look into the feet of the speaker thing.
I use Synergistic Research Alpha Quad speaker cables..
Also its not just AIC...but most of the music that I love that sounds
awesome on a mid fi set up sounds bad...
To give and example...the guitar sound i love to be crunchy which is
what I get from my mid fi setup but with the Krell and Cadence Amaya
the guitar crunch is way back in the sound...u know..that rock guitar
just doesnt show.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread konut

Why should you replace ANY of your equipment because of a bad recording?
Just get a good recording of Alice in Chains. Does one exist?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread ErikM

Electrostats love TUBES!  If you look on the Cadence web site they
mention what they used to demo their speakers at a recent audio show,
tubes. I believe that the Krell, which is a nice amp, just isn't a good
match. Also you don't mention what cables you're using or what cd
player. Getting a good sounding system is all about synergy between


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry Da10

2007-08-02 Thread fezco

I made up some FPS cables and floted the pin. This unit sounds awesome.
I am also very impressed with the headphone stage. I have an
antique-sound-labs MG-Head 12ax7 head amp, and the Lavry sounds as


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread HerculePirate

Do you think that a room correcting device would make sense in that
Like the Behringer or the TacT 2.2


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread dolce24


What kind of floor do you have in your listening room?

If your floor is made of wood, i would highly recommend buying damping
feets for your speakers from this company

It's a very cheap tweak, but can lift your equipment very much.
The damping feets are available in standard and pro models .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread darrenyeats

I have a Krell KAV-300i and it can sound cold with the wrong set up.

You just need the right speakers, and then the right "liveness" in the
room. I have found my room needs to be quite dead (a lot of damping
material to stop first reflections) to tame the treble area.

Otherwise the frequency response is too bright and harsh. This
translates into annoyance and lack of enjoyment. At one point I was
avoiding my main system, which shows the scale of the problem I had!

For me, the right damping helped everything make sense, and my main
system became my preferred system - just as it should be.

PS: Also I have other problems due to being on an upper floor (bass
response) but these can be mitigated too...indirectly, the damping can
be part of the solution...another subject.

PPS: PM me if you need more information.


Monarchy CLD-M401 transport or SB3 -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell
KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1 (home-made room treatments and supports)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-02 Thread occam

Johann - It was. The difficultly of the internet is that we often
misinterpret other's posts, at least I occasionally do so.

Regardless of the fact that Ted is evil, occasionally misinterprets
posts, he still has good taste in audio components.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound of Fixed vs Variable Digital Volume

2007-08-02 Thread johann

>From what I understand they only tested for codecs using some sort of
data reducing compressions such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MP3 and DTS.

I would think that it could then apply for MP3 and other formats with
data redcuing compressions but not for lossless formats and certainly
not for WAV.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-02 Thread johann

occam;218701 Wrote: 
> OK, I'm sorry (on so many levels...)

I thought it was clear that was intended for EvilTed but I'm sorry for
not pointing that out clearer than just quoting him. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound of Fixed vs Variable Digital Volume

2007-08-02 Thread Skunk

krochat;218688 Wrote: 
> I think my SB3 sounds better at 95% volume than 100% (or fixed) - see
> the following paper for a possible reason why:

Seems valid for recent popular releases, but I'd be pretty embarrassed
to own any of the titles that sum out to 3 or 4 in their Table 1. 

Using their classification of mastering loudness*, A number zero should
sound better at 100/100 since you're not losing any extra SNR, but I
also prefer numbers 1 and 2 at full volume. That said, I'd probably
fail a blind test.


* Explanation of Sums in Table 1:
  0: Low level. Not full use of CD dynamic
  range, no problems besides from reduced
  S/N ratio during reproduction.
  1: Well aligned level. Fully used CD dynamic
  range, no problems to be expected during
  2: Level to the hot side. Probably no reproduction
  3: Hot level. Distortion through codecs, SRC
  and DA converters to be expected.
  4: Very hot level. Obvious distortion
  through codecs, SRC and DA converters
  to be expected


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread SoftwireEngineer

truckfighters;218686 Wrote: 
> hi there,
> ...
> a whole wile ago I was posting a similar issue I had with the SB3.
> that was exactly the same thing omega is hearing. the sound is changing
> and is not "high-end" anymore. it sounds like digitally distorted.
> I don't know when and whay it happened, but it really did. Also this
> came up when friends were here visiting my place and my seriously
> listened to music.
> since I can remember how things should sound, I quite fast heard the
> change.
> so what I always did to bring everything back to normal was simply to
> unplug the power source of the SB3 and replug it.
> then the sound was restored to "high-end".
> ...
This happened to me a few times atleast. I had to reboot the SB3 to
take care of a really 'muddy' sound. 
Also, I upgraded to a dual-core CPU on the PC running Slimserver and
reripped most of my collection. Now the sound seems better. (Actually,
I did not expect any change at all. I was just bored/upset that I had
to rerip because of a crash) Not sure, because of the reripping with
different EAC settings or because of a better wi-fi connection with the
new faster CPU.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice to improve Sound.

2007-08-02 Thread HerculePirate

hello Slimers
I have had a bad realisation with my equipment.
The other day I managed to get a CD of one of my favourite
bands...Alice in Chains - LIVE
And I played it on my secondary system (Computer Winamp - Grundig Amp
and Cadence Diva speakers) and I was rocking to glory...
The moment I go the CD into my main setup..the Krell 400xi and
Cadence Amaya Hybrid Electrostat speakers..the truth was out there to
be was extremely bad recording..u know what i mean.. I
couldnt listen to the CD after 3 tracks
I was disgusted and proud..but mostly disgusted..after having spent
more than $4000 on an amp and speakeri could enjoy some of my
favourite music...
One of the great drawback of a neutral setup...
What can you suggest me for me...
Also having an outboard Equalizer..does that solve my problem?
How can i get around this problem?
I also noticed that Enjoy The Muisc has reviewed the Behringer
Ultracurve 2486Does this solve my issues...
Because of this I have been wondering if I should go for a Squeezebox
or Transporter
PLease Help

Alwyn Pinto


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-02 Thread occam

johann;218695 Wrote: 
> How about a simple "I'm sorry"? ;)

OK, I'm sorry (on so many levels...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread omega

Hi truckfighters 

"I could believe it has something to that we phase, neutral and ground
here in germany (may be in sweden also)?"
"we can plug our devices like we want into the wall sockets. and I also
claim that there are sonical diffences by replugging mains 180° of
transporter and my amp. but this is not an unknown fact here in
germany. a lot of people are aware of the issue and there are even
devices out there to detect the correct phase of the mains plug."

Yes it´s same here in Sweden regarding this, I Know about this and all
my Gear is in "right Phase". 

Strange that this thing works! 
First when i heard about it a didnt believe it, But then i tried

I don´t know about US but UK can´t do the 180°

I will try to replugging power to my SB3 and see.

Thanks for the Tips !

Best Regards!

/Mats :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-02 Thread johann

EvilTed;218644 Wrote: 
> I thought you were saying I didn't have good taste in audio components
> ;)
> When I re - read it, I guess it can be interpreted either way.

How about a simple "I'm sorry"? ;)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Know anything about the Micromega Duo.pro2 ?

2007-08-02 Thread vidarm

I have been offered one for about 1/10 of the original asking price ($
3000 here in Norway around 1996). Something to go for?

Amplifier: Marantz PM7200 Class A mode
Speakers: Klipsch RF-52
Source: Pioneer DVD-575A


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound of Fixed vs Variable Digital Volume

2007-08-02 Thread krochat

GregoryGoh;218650 Wrote: 
> I was just wondering if anybody had a view on the relative sound quality
> of the Transporter between the "Digital output level is fixed" and the
> "Volume controls adjust digital volume" settings, when it is driving an
> external DAC

I think my SB3 sounds better at 95% volume than 100% (or fixed) - see
the following paper for a possible reason why:

Try it and see what you think,



SB3 (+linear) -> Big Ben -> TacT RCS 2.2X -> 2xS2150 -> Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread truckfighters

hi there,

just found this thread, read almost the 10 first pages and came to the
2 last - the issue still not solved.

a whole wile ago I was posting a similar issue I had with the SB3.

that was exactly the same thing omega is hearing. the sound is changing
and is not "high-end" anymore. it sounds like digitally distorted.

I don't know when and whay it happened, but it really did. Also this
came up when friends were here visiting my place and my seriously
listened to music.

since I can remember how things should sound, I quite fast heard the

so what I always did to bring everything back to normal was simply to
unplug the power source of the SB3 and replug it.

then the sound was restored to "high-end".

I postet this in the end of 2006 and also sean adams replied to it. but
we found no solution.

I have a transporter now and no issue here.

I could believe it has something to that we phase, neutral and ground
here in germany (may be in sweden also)?

we can plug our devices like we want into the wall sockets. and I also
claim that there are sonical diffences by replugging mains 180° of
transporter and my amp. but this is not an unknown fact here in
germany. a lot of people are aware of the issue and there are even
devices out there to detect the correct phase of the mains plug.



| Transporter | REDGUM RGASil OCC Silver Interconnects | REDGUM
RGi120ENR AMP | REDGUM LS Cable | B&W Nautilus 802 D |
>>> Live musicians at the end of my room! <<<

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread opaqueice

schatzy;218599 Wrote: 
> We should all rethink sometimes before we speak or type. If Omega
> thinks there is a difference between the first track played and the
> second played and that it makes a difference turning if off and then
> back on that is his opinion and no one should or has the right to tell
> him he is wrong. That is how his ears hear it. Maybe mine do not but
> that does not make omega wrong.

Did you read his original post?

omega Wrote: 
> I have found a big problem with SB3 / slimerver Audio!
> We both have very good "Hi End" Gear / revealing speakers etc. external
> It´s easier to hear on my system because i have a "A universally
> applicable omnidirectional tweeter"

He's not saying "I hear this, isn't that nice, let's all be happy." 
He's saying "I hear this because I have a good system and it means
there is a major flaw in the SB or SS."  

If you're going to make a claim like that, you'd better be prepared for
considerable skepticism and questioning.  And no, it's simply not true
that no one has the "right" to tell him he's right or wrong.  Of course
they do... and in fact he's the one telling everyone else there's a
problem, and that if they don't hear it it's probably because their
system isn't good enough.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound of Fixed vs Variable Digital Volume

2007-08-02 Thread GregoryGoh

Hi everyone

I was just wondering if anybody had a view on the relative sound
quality of the Transporter between the "Digital output level is fixed"
and the "Volume controls adjust digital volume" settings, when it is
driving an external DAC

Any feedback is much appreciated



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB setup great but I lost my CD player MoJo.

2007-08-02 Thread BigTony

I second the Beresford DAC and SB3, i am very happy with combo.
i find saturday morning is the best time for mojo ! while shes out



We're Only In It For The Music!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-02 Thread EvilTed

I thought you were saying I didn't have good taste in audio components

When I re - read it, I guess it can be interpreted either way.

Yes, InnerSound make some really, really good gear.

The tube amp I knew about (I know Gary) but I have other things I'd
rather spend my money on nowadays, you know, like a BMW or something




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter listening test

2007-08-02 Thread EvilTed

So your point about my bad taste was what exactly?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread Mark Lanctot

schatzy - that's a very good post and yes, it all comes down to personal

But what should be filtered out is the placebo effect.  I'm starting to
notice that no one on this forum will admit to being affected by the
placebo effect.  This can't be possible, that's how our brains
fundamentally work - expectations can skew results and reinforce
themselves.  If you believe something is better, your brain will
subconsciously change your perception of it until you actually perceive
it is better.  And it can be passed on to others too - once omega
suggested this to his friends they were looking for a difference and
they found it (if you're looking for a difference you'll always find
one even if there isn't a difference).  Subsequent listening tests
reinforced this belief.  (This is how Q-Ray bracelets are sold.)

omega has also admitted that he finds WAV sounds better than FLAC and
that wired sounds better than wireless.  Both of these assertions have
very weak physical explanations but very strong psychological
explanations based on expactation (we expect WAV must be better than
FLAC because FLAC is 'compressed' and wired must be better than
wireless because it's solid, it's physical, we can touch it and has
better bandwidth.)  This is not to say that omega is crazy or that he
isn't hearing this, he is, but his expectations might be overriding
reality.  This isn't necessarily negative, we're all individuals and
some inherently and subconsciously place more emphasis on expectation. 
Expectation is so real and some of us can be so dramatically affected by
it that seemingly non-sensical devices to improve sound (stones, exotic
woods, raising cables off the floor, special lacquers, even foil strips
or dots) can really alter the -perceived- sound for certain individuals,
and the only physical explanation for it is that it alters their
expectations.  If it does alter the perceived sound, then it's money
well-spent for those people.  Who are we to judge?  However, if those
individuals insisted that others would hear the same effects they would
have to prove it in a way that would ensure their expectations aren't
skewing the results.

The SB designer himself cannot see a physical explanation for what
omega is hearing.  omega is surely hearing it, and in fact his brain is
reinforcing this each time he hears it - the SB will probably never
sound quite right to him now.

In order to fix it though, Sean Adams must find what is wrong, and he
can't find an electronic explanation for it.  So it won't/can't be
fixed because nothing has been discovered to be inherently wrong with
every Squeezebox out there.  Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary
proof and the burden of proof is on omega.

Sean and many people here have an immense interest in making the SB
sound as good as it can and if a physical defect were to be be found
they would be right on it.  But a physical defect hasn't been found

I'm pleased and slightly surprised that omega is taking this very well
and still being civil, but it's also apparent that omega can't admit
that maybe it could be placebo.  His problem would be fixed if he could
prove that it was not.  It's great that he's still interested in proving
this, because this is the only way to get others to fix it - to show
that his expectations are not influencing his reality and that the
problem can be readily and repeatedly perceived by anyone.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-02 Thread haunyack

omega;218604 Wrote: 
> Anyway have you read "my" thread ? "Design miss in SB3 digital output?
> or Slimserver problem ?"




Transporter -> B&K Reference 200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A Signature.
RWA (Analog) SB3 -> Rotel RB 1070 -> B&W Matrix 805.
Fridgidare -> Mirror Pond pale ale -> easy chair w/remote -> irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Parametric Equalizer?

2007-08-02 Thread miklorsmith

Well yes, there are other issues as well.  I'm not suggesting adding a
complete room correction suite like Inguz or Acourate though - that
would be a tremendous undertaking.

Every room has anomalies.  EQ can shave humps (port frequencies or room
nodes for example) or to some degree fill in nulls.  The SPL meter is a
useful tool to cross-check where the oddities are.  

For instance, in my room I have a null from about 100 hz to 200 hz. 
Boosting that area helps smooth out acoustic bass.  Without the test
tone/meter I wouldn't know exactly where to boost.

The problem with EQ is that it's either another analog machine and all
the related circuitry/wires, or a DSP machine like TacT that heavily
processes the bits.  The beauty of doing this with the SB is that any
processing is done at the rawest level.  The Inguz version seems quite

All I'm saying is that it seems to be a very simple function that would
greatly improve the utility of the platform, without outboard
programming and dependency thereon.

Inguz is at the next level.  It is nowhere near plug'n'play but does a
LOT more than parametric.  This would in no way duplicate the efforts
nor results of Inguz.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New User - Please help with 96K playback

2007-08-02 Thread ermine

amcluesent;216839 Wrote: 
> 96/24 is confusing! As the GBP:USD rate is so good, I d/l Symphonie
> Fantastique as a FLAC from (Meta tags were
> non-existant BTW).

Thank you for the tip to this place! I've never seen the point of
paying to d/l crappy compressed music before. Now at least I can see a
reason to pa yto d/l, I'll give this place a go. Must be a moral in
there for the record companies in there somewhere!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread brjann

You are of course right, if Mats perceives a difference, he does infact
perceive a difference. 

But the title of the thread is "Design miss in SB3 digital output?", so
there is a claim that others should also be able to hear the difference,
and that it might even be a result of some technical error. To make this
claim you will have to be able to prove that there is infact a physical
difference in frequency and amplitude of soundwaves travelling from the
speakers, which could be easily done with a blind-test.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-02 Thread omega


- mister pig 

I Also think Streaming "Flac as WaVe" sounds better than Stream "FLAC
as FLAC".

And i think "Wired connection" sounds better than "Wireless
Strange but maybe this have something with emi interference ?

Anyway have you read "my" thread ? "Design miss in SB3 digital output?
or Slimserver problem ?"



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-02 Thread schatzy

Let me start by saying that I am new to the forums here. I have found
lots of very helpful people post to these forums in all categories, and
have made my purchase of two SB3 much more pleasant and easy to deal
with. And thanks to all of you.

There is one thing that disturbs me though, and that is the negative
attitude of some of the posts in this thread. (And I have read all of
them). I will not name names but i think most of you will recognize who
you are.

Now let me put in my 10 cents here. (ok maybe 25 cents with the length
of this post)

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Function: noun: 
a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

high fidelity
Function: noun
the reproduction of an effect (as sound or an image) that is very
faithful to the original

With the above stated I do not know of any test that can be
administered to any one or multiple individuals that will prove if they
are an audiophile or not an audiophile.

All of the individuals that have contributed to this thread are
correct. At least in their own mind an that is the only thing that

Being and audiophile can only be self proclaimed. Two of my neighbors
are self proclaimed audiophiles as I am myself. One of my neighbors has
over $300,000.00 (three hundred thousand dollars) worth of equipment in
his home. The other has about $1000.00. I personally have about
$4500.00 worth of equipment. Can I hear the difference between the
three systems? I will answer that with a resounding YES. Can both my
neighbors hear the difference? Again a resounding YES.

The only requirement with being a self proclaimed audiophile is that
you “LOVE” music. 

All the tests in the world that use electronics equipment to judge the
“True Sound” of a audio system are there for the unknowing individual.
I mean that an amplifier can boast about it’s low THD or its Power
Output, or a test can show there is no difference in the digital
signals, but the reality of the matter is that every one of us that
listen to it will hear it differently.

I have worked for some of the best known audio equipment manufacturers.
I have been in some of the best recording studios in the United States.
All of them great experiences.

The real test of an audio system is for it to sound as close to the
original source material as it can. If that means the recording was
done on The Esplinade in Boston, MA, USA, then I had better hear some
of the crowd and street noise in the recording. If it was done in the
studio then it had better sound just as it did when I was actually
there listening to it being recorded. 

I know of know system that is perfect in reproducing that sound
exactly. But I can say this. I have listened to a recording from a time
when I was present for the recording on my system and both my neighbors
systems. None of them sound truly like standing there in the studio. 
You may ask which one sounds best? It may be obvious that it sounds
closer to the original on the very expensive system. But what really
matters is that we all enjoyed the music, the conversation about that
time in my life and had a great time listening to music.

My neighbors and my self can afford what we have. Yes, two of us are a
little envious of the one with the very expensive equipment, but if I
had that kind of money I probably would spend it on other things any

We should all rethink sometimes before we speak or type. If Omega
thinks there is a difference between the first track played and the
second played and that it makes a difference turning if off and then
back on that is his opinion and no one should or has the right to tell
him he is wrong. That is how his ears hear it. Maybe mine do not but
that does not make omega wrong.

One more comment before I go. With the advent of the iPod and other
portable music players we have a generation of new music lovers that
may never know what it is like to listen to music on a system with
“Audiophile Quality”. And I know most of them will never know what it
is like to stand in the studio with the likes of Buddy Guy, Mariah
Carey , Sting, Muddy Waters, or many others. But my feeling is if they
enjoy what they are listening to great for them. We should all be glad
that music is a part of our lives because there are parts of this world
we live in where humans do not get to listen to music only the cries of
the poor and starving.

Best wishes to all and 




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Parametric Equalizer?

2007-08-02 Thread Andyoz

Yes, but what about the "time response".

Getting a ruler flat Freq Response is only part of the picture and
often does weird things to the time response, i.e. transient response
on percussion, etc.  Proceed with caution and trust your ears much more
than any sound level meter information.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Softone Model 2 DAC

2007-08-02 Thread soupdragon

anyone heard one of these ? and care to comment ?

looking at an external DAC for SB3 and maybe CD player  - my wife likes
the look of the Moodlab dice/concept - though this softone seems to have
a good spec 



SB3 + Cyrus CD6 + JVC QL A75 DD TT -> Cyrus PreX -> Eclipse TD 502 ->
Eclipse 512 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cracking between tracks

2007-08-02 Thread Patrick Dixon

seanadams;218517 Wrote: 
> Hmm. Well, again, there is nothing special about track transitions as
> far as the s/pdif is concerned. No information about a track change is
> transmitted, nor is there any interruption of the signal or change in
> the out-of-band data. (I am only speaking of SB3/TP here - a CD player
> will at least change the Q-subcode data)
What about clock switching?  If one track is 44.1KHz and the next is
48KHz the clocks and S/PDIF will get disrupted as they switch.  Is
there a conceivable mechanism where this might happen even when the two
tracks are 'on' the same clock?

It's just a thought, although I haven't come across this issue myself.

Patrick Dixon

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