Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread CPC

Here's a link where you can download 16/44.1 & 24/96 versions
of the same high quality track:

Have fun.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread andy74

tyler_durden;227474 Wrote: 
> How often does that display refresh?  I ask because you may be missing
> much bigger momentary peaks in the current drain that may be occurring.
> Ignorance really IS bliss!
> TD

Hey TD,

It is very hard to estimate the refresh rate by just looking at it:) I
need to look it up on the internet I am away from it right now (the HP
PS I mean). But it might be that the peaks are bigger.

And the other thought. I tried the ethernet connection. And the current
seems a bit more stable. (I lied in my previous post it was not a 1mA
straight it is 2mA but very seldom, But in the ethernet case it IS
stable 1mA, honest). But I do not like how ethernet sounds. it probably
produces other kinds of noise, which I don't like. The cause may be that
ethernet have a wired connection to the PC hence grounding not



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

I'm not sure I follow you.  The question was whether FLAC decodes
properly on the SB.  For that all you need is to record the digital out
of the SB - the S/PDIF output.  No ADC necessary.  This has been tried,
you can do it with most consumer soundcards, and it works perfectly
with zero errors.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Margules Audio Magenta ADE-24

2007-09-16 Thread USAudio

So what's inside the thing?  A vacuum tube wrapped up in a tortilla? 

Seriously, it sounds interesting.  Has anyone looked inside to see
what's actually in there doing the magic?


SB3 -> Behringer DEQ2496 -> PS Audio Trio C-100 -> Revel Concerta F12's
/ SVS SB12-Plus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread Pat Farrell
opaqueice wrote:
> The simplest method is to record the S/PDIF output of the SB using
> (say) a computer soundcard, and then compare the resulting WAV file
> with the FLAC file decoded to WAV on the server, or with the original
> WAV file the FLAC was encoded from. 

This is actually not a very simple thing to implement properly.

First, you need to record on a better ADC than you are using to feed it, 
or you can't tell which is causing any errors. With good cables 
(Grinning, ducking and running)

Second, it is unlikely that you will have the gain on the input ADC 
exactly match the gain of the sampled DAC. If the gain is off by a small 
fraction, you will find that every byte is different, so it will appear 
to be 100% different.

It is trivial to verify that FLAC will decompress a file to exactly the 
same data as the source.

If I was going to prove that the bits -> DAC to ADC to bits chain was 
identical, I'd probably use a variation of a zero knowledge proof.
Make up a sequence of pure tones, say a second long at 20hz, 30hz, 40hz, 
60hz, etc. play it and record it, run each section through an FFT and 
make sure that the frequencies are exact, and that the amplitudes are 
"highly correlated". Once that works, try some simple mixed samples, say 
a 40 hz + 300 hZ + 700 hz

But this is getting pretty serious, and most reviews are not close to 
this serious.

I'm also not sure I agree with a comment up thread that if it wasn't 
right, it would sound like random noise. I could easily imagine a 
hardware or software bug that caused all frequencies to be, say 1% low, 
so A 440 would be 435 hz. I would bet that most folks won't not even 
hear that it was off.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

quietdragon;227448 Wrote: 
> I'd be interested in reading about the methodology.
> Do you have a reference to the thread or post?

There've been quite a few - try searching the forum.

The simplest method is to record the S/PDIF output of the SB using
(say) a computer soundcard, and then compare the resulting WAV file
with the FLAC file decoded to WAV on the server, or with the original
WAV file the FLAC was encoded from.  I have not tried this, but several
on this forum have, as of course has SD during development and testing.

Early versions of the firmware did have a bug - they inverted polarity
in the output.  That was caught and fixed a long time ago.  And as Phil
keeps pointing out, it's hard to imagine a bug in FLAC decoding that
would produce a sound anywhere close to the original.  FLAC is a highly
compressed format, which means if you modify it slightly the decoded
file will be changed a lot.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread gdg

I forgot that many people here don't actually follow the debate and take
posts out of context. For anyone who is offended, if you actually had
followed the full discussion,  you'd know I was responding to the
statement that anything better than 16/44 is inaudible. 
When I stumble on an "audiophile" forum where this question is actually
taken seriously I'm done.
And to tell me that the same people who are debating this issue
"probably" have better sound systems and/or ears than I do makes me
even less apologetic than before. I've blocked this thread and only
come back when I feel like being entertained by an idiotic  debate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread inguz

Latest ImpulsePrep also adds some subsonic filtering.  So if you re-run
against your sweep measurements, you should be able to see better
long-reverb graphs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread tonyptony

inguz;227475 Wrote: 
> Were these measured with the microphone in the exact same position?

Mic was in the exact same spot the whole time.

inguz;227475 Wrote: 
> To measure the in-room overall frequency response with both channels
> (rather than a single speaker), you're best to use "uncorrelated"
> (stereo) pink noise.  I just updated the  software to give that as one
> of the "test signals" options.
> Here's a chart of two 25-second pink noise recordings (graphed with
> RMAA - I don't have a copy of TrueRTA).  The green line is "mono" pink
> noise (with EQ);  white line is "stereo" pink noise (with EQ). 
> Recorded within a couple minutes of each other, without moving the
> microphone.  The difference at 5k and 15k is pretty dramatic, and is
> all due to comb-filtering.

Thanks Hugh! I'll get the latest version and give this a try.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread inguz

Were these measured with the microphone in the exact same position?

Even with a very small offset from the original measurement position,
you'll notice comb-filtering effects at high frequencies.  You can hear
this really clearly if you move your head a few inches while playing
mono pink noise - the effect is pretty similar whether with
room-correction or not.

To measure the in-room overall frequency response with both channels
(rather than a single speaker), you're best to use "uncorrelated"
(stereo) pink noise.  I just updated the  software to give that as one
of the "test signals" options.

Here's a chart of two 25-second pink noise recordings (graphed with
RMAA - I don't have a copy of TrueRTA).  The green line is "mono" pink
noise (with EQ);  white line is "stereo" pink noise (with EQ). 
Recorded within a couple minutes of each other, without moving the
microphone.  The difference at 5k and 15k is pretty dramatic, and is
all due to comb-filtering.

There are some visible effects at lower frequencies too.  Especially
where you have a deep "null" in the response, this tends to be very

|Filename: PinkNoise.jpg|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread tyler_durden

andy74;227466 Wrote: 
> I use HP power supply to feed the SB3 which shows 3 digits after the
> point for current value.
> When I stream Flac the current value changes in range 0.930-940 A
> But when I stream WAV it changes in range  0.925-0.926A no more.

How often does that display refresh?  I ask because you may be missing
much bigger momentary peaks in the current drain that may be occurring.

Ignorance really IS bliss!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread fred7

andy74;227466 Wrote: 
> Hi there,
> I am one of those "looney" audio reviewers. 
> If you don't hear the difference FLAC streaming vs WAV steaming, It
> does not mean that there isn't one. Ignorance is bliss!
> I use HP power supply to feed the SB3 which shows 3 digits after the
> point for current value.
> When I stream Flac the current value changes in range 0.930-940 A
> But when I stream WAV it changes in range  0.925-0.926A no more.
> So there is the diference between 10mA and 1mA. Why in the world
> wouldn't I able to hear it in the end.
> Andrey

I am assuming that you are saying that your Squeezebox is drawing
slightly (very slightly) more current when streaming FLAC. I would
imagine that this is very possible since the SB has to work a little
harder because it has to decode the FLAC. I think that this has been
brought up before, that since the SB has to decode the FLAC it may
change the sound because it is working harder. Personally I think that
the difference would be extremely slight if there was any at all so for
me I will continue to stream FLAC (it works better than WAV over
marginal wireless networks). The good news is that your files can still
be stored as FLAC, and have Slimserver decode to WAV that is sent to the
SB. That way the files are smaller and can accomodate tags. My main
gripe with all of the FLAC vs WAV debate is that many people don't
understand what lossless compression is. They see the word compression
and in just about everything that they experience in life it means some
sort of compromise. They can't grasp how data can be stored in a
compressed format that can be decoded to the EXACT bit for bit copy of
the original. Maybe they are just skeptical. As a computer programmer
it is kind of frustrating for me that people just don't seem to
understand that it it is truly lossless.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 and Headphones

2007-09-16 Thread maggior

I find that I use my headphones with one of my squeezeboxes quite a bit.
Yes, the headphone out leaves a bit to be desired.  I have a set of
$100 Sony around-the-ear headphones - nothing really special, but I
like the way they sound and feel on my head.

So, I broke down and ordered a headphone amp from Practical Devices. 
Hopefully my XM4 will arrive early this week.

It's a little more expensive than the Total Airhead suggested by
another poster, but it includes an option for having a lithium battery,
includes a charging circuit for nicad or nmh recharchables.  Bass boost
and variable crossfeed are other features.  And if you are so inclined,
you can switch out op-amps since it is socketed.

The analog line-outs of the Squeezebox sound good to me, so I'm sure
they will sound great with the XM4 headphone amp.  Yes, it would be
nice to have a headphone amp with a digital input, but that brings you
into an enitre new class of headphone amp - I'm not prepared to make
that kind of an investment :-).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread andy74

Hi there,

I am one of those "looney" audio reviewers. 
If you don't hear the difference FLAC streaming vs WAV steaming, It
does not mean that there isn't one. Ignorance is bliss!

I use HP power supply to feed the SB3 which shows 3 digits after the
point for current value.
When I stream Flac the current value changes in range 0.930-940 A
But when I stream WAV it changes in range  0.925-0.926A no more.

So there is the diference between 10mA and 1mA. Why in the world
wouldn't I able to hear it in the end.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDCD vs 20/16 bit downsampling

2007-09-16 Thread Manelus

c. Decode to 20 bit and play using SB3 onboard 24 bit DAC
e. Decode to 20 bit and play using Transporter onboard 24 bit DAC
(Highest quality)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC stored on server vs streamed ?

2007-09-16 Thread andy74

Hey Rio,

Did you try it? Did you see the difference?

It is Andrey Y.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread Phil Leigh

quietdragon;227448 Wrote: 
> I'd be interested in reading about the methodology.
> Do you have a reference to the thread or post?

Read this carefully:

If the FLAC decoder algorithm in the SB was anything less than 100%
perfect then what would come out would be total garbage.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread quietdragon

opaqueice;227319 Wrote: 
> It's trivial to verify that the SB3 decodes FLAC perfectly and it's been
> done many times (both by SD and others).

I'd be interested in reading about the methodology.

Do you have a reference to the thread or post?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-16 Thread tonyptony

Hugh, I've been doing quite a bit of measuring, using a number of
different tools. Recently I've been frustrated with the apparent lack
of consistency between TrueRTA and REQW, which I use to look at the
average of the two impulse response channels which I get out of the
measured impulse response from DRC.

I am attaching a pic that has a TrueRTA curve on top, and the avergaed
frequency response from the measured impulse file below it. The RT
trace was taken by playing the Pink Noise w/EQ through my system, and
the impulse was generated by taking left and right channel Sweep w/EQ
and using DRC. The mic cal files for both TrueRTA and DRC are close
enough to not be a factor in explaining why there is such a great
difference in the overall shapes of these curves. What gets me is the
large discrepancy in the 70-160 Hz region between the two, and again
from about 3 KHz on. Which one do I believe?

|Filename: rtavsimp.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] High Frequency tone in the noise floor on SB3 R channel

2007-09-16 Thread tyler_durden

The next version of the SB should be a box with no display and a remote
control with a big display.  Of course, the big display will be a power
hog, so the remote will need to sit in a nice display stand/charging

You could do this yourself now by modifying the heck out of the SB -
get rid of the display and put in an analog supply for the audio stages
that are normally powered by dc-dc converter in the power supply.  Use
N800 type device as the remote control/display.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter MODS - Part II

2007-09-16 Thread pfarrell

ted_b;224931 Wrote: 
> Let the flames continue.

Interesting datapoint, I checked all the postings since Ted wrote this,
and there are zero flames.

Please Ted, when you get it, let us know how you like it, and the red
wine versus single malt question



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] WMA Lossless vs. FLAC

2007-09-16 Thread Deaf Cat

I found ripping much easier with wmp.

When ABing wma lossless and flac, I seem to remember flac being ever so
slightly clearer, wma seemed to have a very slight boom to the bass in
comparison :o  IME with, my brain :) kit and ears :) 

Have a very carefull listen, if you can't hear a slight difference, as
technically I read there is no difference, choose on the other factors


Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

Phil Leigh;227354 Wrote: 
> Ignoring the whole DBT debate for a second, I've found that both
> upsampling and downsampling make no real difference to me (and I can
> test them easily in my system using my remote). However, when faced
> with a 16/44.1 and 24/88.2 copy of (allegedly) the same master - e.g.
> the Linn masters I have downloaded - I have an overwhelming preference
> for the high resolution versions. This doesn't change when I downsample
> the high-res version.
> IF the studio is simply downsampling the 2-track master at their end
> this makes no sense to me. IF they are remastering from multitrack to
> 16-bit, then maybe I could see why.

Here's a further quote from that article:

> Virtually all of the SACD and DVD-A recordings sounded better than most
> CDs — sometimes much better... Partly because these recordings have not
> captured a large portion of the consumer market for music, engineers
> and producers are being given the freedom to produce recordings that
> sound as good as they can make them, without having to compress or
> equalize the signal to suit lesser systems and casual listening
> conditions... Our test results indicate that all of these recordings
> could be released on conventional CDs with no audible difference. They
> would not, however, find such a reliable conduit to the homes of those
> with the systems and listening habits to appreciate them. The secret,
> for two-channel recordings at least, seems to lie not in the high-bit
> recording but in the high-bit market.

So in other words it's got nothing to do with the increased resolution,
but simply that they're aiming higher in the mastering.

However that doesn't explain your preference if in fact both are from
the same master.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread Pat Farrell
Phil Leigh wrote:
> 1) high resolution audio in the domestic replay chain appears to be a
> dead duck. DVD-A and SACD have both failed

Sadly, I agree. The home theater folks have never cared about fidelity. 
Effects subs are often unusable for music.

> Clearly domestic audio replay technology has reached the "good
> enough that I don't care" tipping point for most people.

Audiophiles (today's name for hi-fi fans) have always been a tiny 
portions of the music listening, gear buying public.

> Using 24/88.2 or higher in the recording chain has benefits that
> persist through to the final product even if the product is
> downsampled...but only if the mastering stages are  done well.

Right, its easier to keep the signal 'true' for all the processing, and 
99.99% of all music is highly processed, at high wide.

Even the dithering process to hack off the bits to make the final result 
16 bits is important.

> 3) Even ignoring the resolution aspects of the trial quoted, it would
> appear that the additional path length made no discernable difference
> (ignoring the noise floor uplift which was apparently inaudible at
> normal listening levels).

While one can think that all changes in noise floor are important, once 
you get 70dB down, its essentially impossible to hear. Most serious 
recording folks try to 100db. Just to have 30db of safety.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

gdg;227346 Wrote: 
> What are we... back to the CD gives perfect sound bullshit?

No one said that.  The question is how to improve it, and personally I
don't think increasing the sampling rate or the bit depth is going to
do that in any significant way (although there's also no reason NOT to
do it if the opportunity arises).

> 1) How much time have you spent around live unamplified instruments so
> that you have some kind of reference. I spent years playing jazz in
> unamplified settings and the sound of real instrument is utterly
> imprinted on my subconcious. 

I'm an amateur musician and I go listen to live music often.

> 2) How much technical training do you actually have  to help sort out
> the BS from the hard science? 

I'm a professor of physics.

> 3) How many reference quality systems have you ever heard. 

More than I can count, including my own. 

> F this, I'm wasting my time here. This is clearly  a forum for the
> typical Joe Blow who thinks high art is the WWF.

Bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] WMA Lossless vs. FLAC

2007-09-16 Thread amcluesent

>On top of that, it is non-proprietary<

And that's what swings it for me. We've seen with the iPhone, Touch and
Classic that Apple is now getting 'corporate' with all manner of DRM,
digital signatures and embedded chips to control the use of their
products. I wouldn't used ALAC and risk the lock-in to Apple (same as
WMA with M$FT)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] WMA Lossless vs. FLAC

2007-09-16 Thread darrenyeats

I agree that FLAC compresses to 50% of WAV, is easy to encode/decode and
has good tagging facilities like other lossless formats.

On top of that, it is non-proprietary (,
has support on all major OS platforms and is supported by many devices


SB3 with Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
(home-made room treatments and supports)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread funkstar

gdg;227315 Wrote: 
> As for bandwidth I believe HDMI is a necessity  in order to accommodate
> both video and audio data, not something implemented because coax can't
> handle the audio side of it. The first players that are hitting the
> market all have the usual coax digital outputs as well as HDMI and
> will, in all likelihood continue to do so (though some don't yet have
> fully implemented audio capabilities).
Yeah, thats right. But you will also find that the regular coax and
optical outputs have degraded output compaired to HDMI for a couple of
reasons. The first is because they can't cope with the bandwidth of the
high resolution audio streams (7.1 lossless 24/96 audio for example).
The other reason the output is degraded is because there is no way to
impliment a secure digital chain over the coax or optical standards.
HDMI can be crippled with HDCP when using high definition audio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] High Frequency tone in the noise floor on SB3 R channel

2007-09-16 Thread Phil Leigh

Very good - well done.
So basically you've physically inserted a grounded screen between the
VFD and the main circuit board...and the noise is gone or greatly
reduced. I agree that SD/Logitech should improve the screening of the
VFD in future hardware.
Hopefully they will notice this - they may already be aware of it.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] High Frequency tone in the noise floor on SB3 R channel

2007-09-16 Thread *Isaac*

If this doesn't bother you, or you have an external DAC, great. 

I like to see a circuit perform as well as it can be made to; for me
the problem is that this noise limits the s/n ratio of the whole
system, at it's worst it is 27dB above the thermal noise floor.
The fact that it only affects one channel led me to believe that the
issue was one of board layout, and close inspection seems to confirm

As you can see, the inverting input node, which is usually the node
most sensitive to interference (dotted yellow) of the left channel is
much smaller than the Rch one. Further, the right channel trace is
directly behind the end of the neon display, where much energy is
radiated. It also changes layers in this area (between the pink dots),
possibly increasing susceptibility.
It is genrally good design practice to minimise the length of the
inverting input node to minimise stray capacitances, and to reduce the
scope for parasitic oscillation and instability. 
In this case the noise is probably being coupled through the RCH
inverting node, and to a lesser extent through the trace from the DAC.

To try and reduce this I made a quick and dirty shield from aluminium
foil, insulated with mylar tape. I fitted this between the back of the
neon display and the PCB, then soldered a wire to the incoming power
Here is a noise floor measurement done after the mod, of the worst case
situation (brighteness max -1) encountered before the mod: 
as you you can see, the noise is virtually gone. This mod may cause
problems with the wifi reception though (because there is now a shield
over most of the front). Also don't do this unless you're happy voiding
the warranty, maybe destroying your SB, and also probably violating some
FCC rules ;)

Anyway, something can and should be done to fix this problem in the
next hardware revision.

|Filename: modded-brightness-max--1.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-16 Thread funkstar

quietdragon;227313 Wrote: 
> I am merely saying that there are many reasons why showing that
> wav->flac->wav on Windows is -not- sufficient to prove (100%) anything
> about the outcome on the SB3. It does increase the probability that the
> SB3 is also doing the -expected- thing.
The SB2/3 hardware has been on sale for 2 1/2 years now and has had
dozens of fimware updates (currently as rev 81). Don't you think that
if there had been a decoding problem that it would have been corrected
by now?

If you are still in doubt, do the test.


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