[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound proof box for hard drive

2007-09-24 Thread emilioforte

Does anyone know of a vendor for sound proof boxes for hard drives? 
I've never seen such a thing (and don't have the time or experience to
make one) but I assume it exists.  The way I'm setting things up, my
hard drive will be connected to an Airport Extreme sitting on top of an
Apple TV.  It is a one terabyte Lacie and fairly quiet...but not silent.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-09-24 Thread muski

nuhi;229419 Wrote: 
> Please do this when you get the equipment:
> use the new preamp with the ecm8000 in the same spot as the m30 and
> post a flat correction graphs of both of them for us to see and then I
> can check for the differences.

Yes, I was already planning on doing this.  I even want to see how the
two mics perform against using a Radio Shack SPL straight into my
MacBook (the first thing I ever tried).  Time & family permitting, I
also want to test the two audio interfaces against each other with the

I have a mic stand, so I can keep the mics in the same place.  I think
the trickiest part will be to get them all to record at the same

I know I can use the Octave scripts to generate the graphs of the
frequency and phase response measurements before mic calibration files
are applied.

But, I am trying to figure out how to graph the freq response with the
mic calibration file applied.  I'm pretty sure that
Impulse_Repsonse_Measured.wav doesn't apply the mic cal file -- only
the Test_Convolutions of the resulting filters do.  I tried using the
settings in REQW to add in a mic cal file, but it looks like it only
applies it to sweeps recorded in REQW, not imported Impulse

Anyone have an idea of an easy way to do this? (I have Audacity, REQW,
DRC + Octave, but could download something else.)



SB3->Bryston BP25DA->Bryston 4B SST->Wilson Watt Puppy 7
Transporter via XLR->Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp->Balanced
AKG701s & HD650s

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter MODS - Part II

2007-09-24 Thread tomjtx

harmonic;229412 Wrote: 
> You know tom (the forums owen littel evolution and progress killer ) 
> ice power is a danish  product that have been around for many many
> years a and i have heard and tested just about every modul and
> incarnation of amplifire  the make ,infact i have a amp sitting here
> with 1000 asp moduls and oversized powersupplyes  if this is what  you
> use as a reference sorry then you dont have a clue what hifi is .
> You also use Wilson speakers  right ?  most overpriced overrated
> speakers in the universe.

Thank you for enlightening me , harmonic.  If I am understanded you

write. your don like me amplifire and teh spekr I litsen wit.

I an tinking to zell all, baseded on top to you advize.

BTW, I have many european friends who have read your posts and think
your bad english is a put on. I agree, why don't you drop the act.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

Ok, I think I understand now. I brought up jitter, because isn't jitter
the only variable between different transports, if the signal is being
sent to an external DAC? If you are not concerned with jitter generated
by the transport, then why do you want a Squeezebox with word clock,
etc? What other transport issues are there that one should care about
other than jitter (assuming bits are transmitted without errors in the
first place, of course)? It seems to me that only timing is the issue,
and the way to quantify differences in timing is really the definition
of jitter. So, I'm sorry if I lead you down a path you didn't want to
go, but then I'm equally puzzled. What exactly are we trying to correct
with word clock?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want a Transporter!!

2007-09-24 Thread Bizarroterl

Or maybe upgrade those speakers to a Bose setup.  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

Phil Leigh;229542 Wrote: 
> Even then, it's not a audio quality degradation so much as the fact that
> the clock recovery CAN get flaky.

That would go under what I called "all else being equal" before: few
CD-transports I've auditioned over the years offered WC inputs at all,
so who can say if what goes wrong (if indeed anything goes wrong) is
due to the format, the cables or, as you essentially appear to be
alluding to, the DAC's PLL? But then, whatever "bothers" a DAC's PLL
cannot be entirely the PLL's fault, right?

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

acousticsguru;229637 Wrote: 
> But then, before I surrender and go to sleep, if that conclusion could
> be reached, what does that tell us on the sonic difference between
> modern audiophile CD-transports, all of which (I hope, at least the
> ones I know and have tried in recent years) are (said to be by the
> manufacturers and/or reviewing magazines publishing their own
> measurements) below 100 ns? Nothing - in other words, you proved my
> point: jitter alone won't explain sonic differences. Ball's back in
> your yard.

Right, precisely my point. Jitter is not the important factor. I guess
we're in agreement then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

Phil Leigh;229542 Wrote: 
> Interestingly, AES3id (75ohm BNC+unbalanced coax) is arguably the best
> connection from a technical standpoint but is rarely discussed on this
> forum.

Heard so and have no reason not to believe it. I'm still miffed DSD
can't be had in dual-BNC plus WC outside of a studio, entirely for (it
appears) copy protection reasons...

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

ezkcdude;229635 Wrote: 
> David, I read the dCS paper, actually a long time ago.

Same here. Before it was made available on that web page and turned
into "public relations" - seriously, I'm surprised anyone who's read it
would call it that, its presence there alone proving what in particular?

ezkcdude;229635 Wrote: 
> If you get time,


ezkcdude;229635 Wrote: 
> So, I gave you some evidence that jitter must be in the ns range to be
> audible. We know that jitter in most consumer devices is well below the
> ns level these days. If you have some evidence that jitter in the
> picosecond range (three orders of magnitude lower) is audible, please
> let us know. Take your time, and get a good night's sleep.

Oh great, so you do know! Turns out that was a rethorical question from
your point of view, then, eh? Precisely what I need at this time of

But then, before I surrender and go to sleep, if that conclusion could
be reached, what does that tell us on the sonic difference between
modern audiophile CD-transports, all of which (I hope, at least the
ones I know and have tried in recent years) are (said to be by the
manufacturers) below 100 ns? Nothing - in other words, you proved my
point: jitter alone won't explain sonic differences. Ball's back in
your yard.

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

David, I read the dCS paper, actually a long time ago. If you get time,
here is a paper by Ashihara et al. (in AES, 2005) that shows *random
jitter is not detected unless greater than several hundred nanoseconds


So, I gave you some evidence that jitter must be in the ns range to be
audible. We know that jitter in most consumer devices is well below the
ns level these days. If you have some evidence that jitter in the
picosecond range (three orders of magnitude lower) is audible, please
let us know. Take your time, and get a good night's sleep.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread Chinanico

I don't resist to post my new set of measurements. This time I centered
well the mike, and I didn't move it between measures. I went far into
the night to lower the background noise: Shanghai, where I live, is a
bustling city and that comes with its audiophile burdens...

The first graph (1/6 smoothing) shows my right channel, the red curve
is the uncorrected measure, the orange the "extreme" filter (bk 3
spline)theoretical target, and the blue one the "extreme" corrected
real measure. Globally I am very impressed that the actual measure is
so close to the targeted curve. 

I have a problem in the treble, though, which I believe is coming from
the fact that on the right side of my listening (living) room, there is
a very large floor to ceiling window, plus on the right side is also a
large table covered with glass (I can see the reflection of the speaker
on the table from the listening position). All those reflections are
most probably the cause of this comb shaped curve above 10kHz. As you
can see room correction doesn't solve this.

Now next graph is the same right channel, uncorrected, but this time I
also did a measure (uncorrected) with the curtains on the large window
closed, and a few cushions put on the glass table: you can see this
does a better job than the room correction at reducing this comb effect
(I shall still do a measure with correction + curtains).

Last graph is my left channel, with doesn't suffer from this treble
effect (I also don't have such a bump at 40Hz, probably because the
left wall is far away from the speaker). I still got a dip at 100Hz
that is not much corrected, though. 

Lesson is, to quote Hugh, "In the end, digital room correction works
best when it has the least to do...". Or in other words, RC brings
great effects, but there are certainly many other parameters that can
be tuned in the room (room treatments, speaker position, etc...) to
make its job easier and more efficient.

My next step: experiment measures and filters with Audiolense.

|Filename: left channel.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3396|


CEC TL51X / SB3 > Audiomat Maestro > Jeff Rowland Concentra 2 > System
Audio SA2K

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

ezkcdude;229630 Wrote: 
> David, you said jitter has been "proven to be detrimental".

1) That paper, although made available on dCS's web page, is actually
not public relations. Have you read it at all?

2) I could have a look for more research papers, as you could yourself
if you're really interested in the matter itself (given the rate at
which you flicked through the above-mentioned one, I can't say I'm
tempted - it's past 4 a.m. over here).

3) But could you please consider the most simple and obvious of all: if
a 1 (there) gets misinterpreted for a 0 (not there) because of an error
in timing, would the absence of something that should be there count
for you as measurable and in its extrapolation at some point audible
effect/defect (again, the threshold value may or may not still have to
be determined), and even more so, vice versa?

Have a good night now!

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Lockup

2007-09-24 Thread haunyack

CraigStevenson;229628 Wrote: 
> My system is running wired directly to a gigabit ethernet switch, so it
> isn't a wireless issue.

Anything else on the switch?



Transporter -> B&K R200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) -> Rotel RB1070 -> B&W Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare -> Mirror Pond pale ale -> easy chair w/remote -> irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

David, you said jitter has been "proven to be detrimental". This claim
comes up quite a bit here and on other audiophile forums, but there is
rarely any concrete evidence to back this statement up. That paper from
dCS (a commercial audio company) is little more than public relations.
The burden of proof lies with those who say jitter is audible to show
us. So, I ask again, in as nice a way as I know how, can you show me
some evidence?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

ezkcdude;229575 Wrote: 
> If not, if you cannot give me an actual source, then *your assertion is
> just a weak assumption, not a statement of fact*.

Excuse me, but are you always arguing with this kind of aggressivity?
Note I'm from a cultural background where we're not used to attacking
others for no apparent reason. Easy now: would that article have to be
in English? There's certainly lots of them in German. But you might
have a look at this for a start, quite an easy-to-grasp introduction:


ezkcdude;229575 Wrote: 
> So, what type of jitter, and in what amount has it been proven has
> detrimental affects? AFAIK, the level of jitter from the SB3 should not
> be audible.

Are you stating this as fact? If a specific threshold value below which
jitter will not lead to an audible change of sound is known, I haven't
heard or read about it - this is entirely your claim. If you know of
such a threshold value, then I'm afraid I'm missing your point
completely. As to whether jitter can affect sound quality, timing has a
direct correlation to bits/values being correctly or incorrectly
interpreted/converted by the DAC - any aspiring electrical engineer
will tell you that.

Let us get one aspect out of the way right now or I'll discontinue
discussing this with you any further: is there a particular reason for
you to try and get this discussion off the track? Please read my
initial post: I neither claim to be a specialist in digital, much less
an expert on jitter or jitter-bug technology, *nor expressed any wish
to discuss it, let alone get attacked* for stating the obvious!

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Lockup

2007-09-24 Thread CraigStevenson

My system is running wired directly to a gigabit ethernet switch, so it
isn't a wireless issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Lockup

2007-09-24 Thread SuperQ

I've had no firmware or lockup problems on my Transporter.  I started
with 6.5.0 and upgraded every minor release, and am running 7.0 testing
now.  Sometimes I have had what I thought was Transporter trouble, but
it turned out to be my access point being locked up.

It could be a new firmware interaction with your wireless.. if you're
using wireless.

Try running the network test plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 16/44 vs. 24/96 Format Comparison

2007-09-24 Thread DCtoDaylight

earthbased;229498 Wrote: 
> Most humans can't hear a sound over 20Khz.  So 44 Khz sampling is plenty
> from a physics standpoint.  Your dog might like 96Khz though.

I'm surprised that this mis-conception continues to be voiced...

The point of the higher sampling rate IS NOT any belief that humans can
hear beyond 20kHz, and I know for a fact that I can't even hear that
high (16.5kHz left, 17.2kHz right when last measured).  The point is
that designing an anti-aliasing filter that is perfectly flat
(amplitude and phase) to 20kHz, and is 96 db down by 22 kHz is pretty
much impossible.  As a result, many anti-aliasing filter designs have
measureable affects inside the audible passband (ie below 20 kHz). 
Shifting the sampling rate up, moves the whole filter response problems
up as well, into an area where theres no chance of them being audible. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Lockup

2007-09-24 Thread 04dgmsilv

Sounds just like the issues I had when my system was unplugged.


I changed to 6.5.4 and the latest firmware and have had less problems,
although I never unplug my unit (which for whatever reason seems to be
related to my problem).

Post back if you figure out what went wrong.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread haunyack

harmonic;229591 Wrote: 
> So instead of arguingcan it be improved  ?   why not  have it can
> be improved  ?.

Harmonic, I'm thinking about putting a tube stage in my toaster/oven.
I need your opinion as to whether this "mod" will make my toast sound
better as I bite into it?

Cheers and happy modding you oddball (stated affectionately).



Transporter -> B&K R200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) -> Rotel RB1070 -> B&W Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare -> Mirror Pond pale ale -> easy chair w/remote -> irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread jaysung

I am perfectly open to the possibility that one can mod the transporter
to suite one's taste and perhaps (yes even quite likely) improve it's
sound mesurably. If it wasn't so we'd be at the end of sound devices
developement. So what?
The only thing I can't understand why don't you keep your ears open and
mouth and eyes closed enjoying delightly what you hear. It's not that I
want to attack you but why do you keep kicking this can all over this
place? Is this some sort of moddy religous quest? Do you have to
convince others to be sure about what you hear? Do you draw contentment
only out off comparison?
I encountered a buddhist monk one day and I was up to the task of
disprooving what ever believes he had. Only trouble with this was he
wasn't about to selling me any truth. He just kept saying well _I_
think ... I practice ... and what do you do? After some time I realised
that he was immovable in his views simply because he had no need for
discussion simply sitting confirmed in the bliss of his meditation or
what ever. I had been the one unsure asking myself wanting to find out.
And I guess if you are REALLY serious about improving sound quality
you'll eventually find your wayof achieving that. Good luck. What do
you expect from a community build arround a device "that even surpasses
the most exotic cd players in sound quality"? ;) Get the ironic note
here. It is marketing talk all through the text you quote. But anyway
are you actually experiencing contentment when you sit infront of a
hifi that costs about as much a reasonable car or more listening to
peaces of music that the brightest artists have put their skill and
heart into? Bent your knie and head infront of the genious of Bach or
Mozart or whome ever you listen too. If the most exotic cd player
doesn't link you to the tradition of pationed musicians but only is an
object of audiophile comparison and perhaps self definition you've got
a problem so grave that I wouldn't like to walk in your shoes.
Enjoy listening
PS.: the TP has some REALLY NASTY bugs but it is the ONLY device out
there that enables a blind men to choose from his music what ever he is
in the mood for. No cd player whatsoever will make my cd covers readable
to me. And in this way the transporter made a blind man see. I think
Jesus couldn't have done much better than that. Thanks. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread harmonic

seanadams;229606 Wrote: 
> Reviewers can be highly biased towards their older, favored
> technologies. However, while their own listening preferences may
> disagree, the claim is well supported by any objective data you care to
> consider:
> - Transporter supports higher quality digital formats, ie up to 24/96.
> - Transporter is not susceptible to media errors which can easily cause
> clicks and skips in CD players.
> - CD player development is essentially dead and to my knowledge, no new
> high-end models have come out which incorporate current DAC
> technologies.
> - Transporter incorporates IMHO the best power/DAC/clock/analog design
> that money can buy, even including standalone DACs. This is supported
> by unsurpassed SNR, THD, etc.
> I'd suggest not worrying too much about what reviewers' listening tests
> have to say, and try listening for yourself. If you really think your
> old CD player sounds better then you are entitled to your opinion, but
> I believe that in an unbiased/blind test Transporter would easily
> outperform it.

I love the sound of  my transporter , it has elevated my music
plasure  and  it really makes eny amplifire i put it through sound

I llove it so much that i would like  to make it even better, not
because it dossnet sound good enourgh because you can.


harmonic's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6879
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread seanadams

Reviewers can be highly biased towards their older, favored
technologies. However, while their own listening preferences may
disagree, the claim is well supported by any objective data you care to

- Transporter supports higher quality digital formats, ie up to 24/96.

- Transporter is not susceptible to media errors which can easily cause
clicks and skips in CD players.

- CD player development is essentially dead and to my knowledge, no new
high-end models have come out which incorporate current DAC

- Transporter incorporates IMHO the best power/DAC/clock/analog design
that money can buy, even including standalone DACs. This is supported
by unsurpassed SNR, THD, etc.

I'd suggest not worrying too much about what reviewers' listening tests
have to say, and try listening for yourself. If you really think your CD
player sounds better then you are entitled to your opinion, but I
believe that in an unbiased/blind test Transporter would easily
outperform it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want a Transporter!!

2007-09-24 Thread haunyack

[EMAIL PROTECTED];229601 Wrote: 
> I have a top of the line system as follows:
> Akai reciever bought from K-mart
> Rca 2 way speakers bought from wal mart?
> Lawry's prime rib dac from the DOllar store.
> Should I get the transporter?

eh...there's a Slim Devices faceplate for sale mentioned somewhere in
these forum.
At that rate...might as well go for the Slim clothe as well.



Transporter -> B&K R200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) -> Rotel RB1070 -> B&W Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare -> Mirror Pond pale ale -> easy chair w/remote -> irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want a Transporter!!

2007-09-24 Thread egd



Thecus N5200PRO >> Transporter >> ATC SCA2 >> ATC SCM100SLAT

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread harmonic

opaqueice;229595 Wrote: 
> Reviews of digital transport sound quality based on unsighted
> comparisons are utterly meaningless.
> The TP is measurably and quantifiably superior to many - perhaps all -
> other digital sources.  That's what the statement means.

Well the reviews im refering to is  well estabilsed magasins  that used
it as a player  and compared it to different normal cd players.

Exactly thats my point  but then why come the results from  well
renowed reviewers are so consisten .
It dos not suppas the sound of eather of the players the test it up
against, infact i dont beleive reading one review that stats it was
ahead of the reviewers owen player.

This clearly showes one thing above all the transporter have huge
potential but its not really  fully exploided .


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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread harmonic

Pat Farrell;229596 Wrote: 
> harmonic wrote:
> > This is not to bash the Transporter in eny way , i just think i would
> be
> > fair asking what exactly it is that makes the transporter sound
> better
> > then eny other cd based device made.?
> I don't believe anyone has made that claim. If someone has, its the
> personal opinion of a few folks.
> > Why is it so hard for people to understand that  you can IMPROVE the
> > sound  of the transporter ?.
> No one has said that. At least not in my memory. What folks have said
> is
> that most of the proposed mods defy engineering and normal science.
> Its
> not that it can't be improved, but adding a tube to the output doesn't
> improve anything that can be measured, if can make the sound appeal to
> folks who love tube sounds. And if you like that, be my guest.
> I don't believe that any solid state amp sounds better as a guitar amp
> than good tube amps, and that includes the 60s vintage Fender Champ,
> which was a cheap amp at the time. It sounds great when it distorts.

Well   its stated clearly in the transporter descrision.

I have played  guitar for 2 decades and i have alwasy been in to using 
sepcial amps  cabinets and pickups
I actually havea mesa boogie mk2c+   and have had  several of
different marshall plexies.

The mesa boogie mk 2c+ is the best amp i have ever heard period yet its
from 1984.

The way i see it   its not so much the kvality of the parts  its have
the act when put together, maybe its why the transporter issent 
transending the industri   yet.

I agree and I also dont beleive that tubes will make the
transporter better, its the if you cant fix it the add to it method
giving it some coloration that will mask over the flaws so to speak 
giving it a more smoth sound maybe.

What i mean  is stribing  away noise and audioble glare and  get closer
and closer to the recording itsself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread slimpy

I'm tired of seeing this dead horse being beaten again and again, so I
Yes, Harmonic is right, the sound of the transporter can be improved.
And I'm glad someone finally found a CD player for the same price as
the transporter that actually sounds better.
Rega Saturn - two thousand dollars.
Slimdevice Transporter - two thousand dollars.
Never change a CD again - priceless!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread opaqueice

Reviews of digital transport sound quality based on unsighted
comparisons are utterly meaningless.

The TP is measurably and quantifiably superior to many - perhaps all -
other digital sources.  That's what the statement means.


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread Pat Farrell
harmonic wrote:
> This is not to bash the Transporter in eny way , i just think i would be
> fair asking what exactly it is that makes the transporter sound better
> then eny other cd based device made.?

I don't believe anyone has made that claim. If someone has, its the
personal opinion of a few folks.

> Why is it so hard for people to understand that  you can IMPROVE the
> sound  of the transporter ?.

No one has said that. At least not in my memory. What folks have said is
that most of the proposed mods defy engineering and normal science. Its
not that it can't be improved, but adding a tube to the output doesn't
improve anything that can be measured, if can make the sound appeal to
folks who love tube sounds. And if you like that, be my guest.

I don't believe that any solid state amp sounds better as a guitar amp
than good tube amps, and that includes the 60s vintage Fender Champ,
which was a cheap amp at the time. It sounds great when it distorts.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-24 Thread harmonic

This is not to bash the Transporter in eny way , i just think i would be
fair asking what exactly it is that makes the transporter sound better
then eny other cd based device made.?

So far not one singel review have stated that it sounds better then 
good cd player  .
i just read a norwegin review that normaly rates every thing very higly
say that the transporter sound kval was suppased in every  way by an  
Rega saturn player that costs just about the same as the transporter.

This post is directly aimed at the mod skeptics mob.

Here we have  the transporter its bit perfect ,extremly accurate in
pitch and timing it has world class dacs, great powersupplys yet it
gets beaten by even an moddified sb3.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that  you can IMPROVE the
sound  of the transporter ?.

Because of this  - sound quality that surpasses even the most exotic
compact disc players.

Im pretty sure that slim makes this statment because it dos indeed  
have  all the right  ingredients  so that in theory it  is better  
but yet it just dont really sound better  not even close.

So instead of arguingcan it be improved  ?   why not  have it can
be improved  ?.


harmonic's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6879
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

acousticsguru;229565 Wrote: 
>  Jitter is a measurable phenomenon proven to be detrimental to the sound
> quality, thus its absence assumed to be beneficial. It's basically the
> one factor we know of so far. 

Really, this is proven? Can you show me a scientific article that
proves it to some extent? What level of jitter is audible? What kind of
jitter is audible? You know there are different ways of measuring jitter
and different sources for jitter, right? So, what type of jitter, and in
what amount has it been proven has detrimental affects? AFAIK, the level
of jitter from the SB3 should not be audible. Can you show me a source
that proves it is? If not, if you cannot give me an actual source, then
*your assertion is just a weak assumption, not a statement of fact*. We
should not be able to argue facts. When it comes to jitter, there seem
to be few facts, but many assumptions floating around.


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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

Timothy Stockman;229551 Wrote: 
> Yes, I'd like to know why there might be an audible difference between
> 110 ohm balanced AES/EBU and 75 ohm unbalanced S/PDIF...

Me too, but please read my answer to ezkcdude above. Tests have shown
the difference is audible, the majority of people agree on what's
better (I'm just being cautious - in reality I have yet to meet anyone
who prefers Toslink to coax in S/PDIF or S/PDIF to AES/EBU *all else
being equal* - in other words, if there's some weird ground loop,
statics, incorrect impedance finalization, plugs and/or cabling etc.,
A/B comparison becomes redundant, and it's true, I have been told by
engineers that AES/EBU impedance finalization in consumer electronics
is sometimes so badly executed that it is no more than a gimmick
implemented to promote a product's sales).

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


acousticsguru's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13298
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

ezkcdude;229526 Wrote: 
> It has very little jitter.

Thank you for drawing our attention to that. The Squeezebox's S/PDIF
output measures well, I'll buy that. Unfortunately, this doesn't answer
any of my questions. One is, how much of a difference thus the step up
to using a Transporter's AES/EBU output and word clock

Note I'm an analytical thinker, thus would prefer something audible to
be backed by data. But technical analysis, however sound, can never
prove equipment sounds good. Jitter is a measurable phenomenon proven
to be detrimental to the sound quality, thus its absence assumed to be
beneficial. It's basically the one factor we know so far. Given how
different CD-transports sound regardless of how well or badly they
measure, my expectation is that someone is going to find other,
hopefully measurable and reproducible factors. In other words, I'm not
too obsessed with jitter measurements, especially given jitter isn't
all that easy to measure right in the first place.

I remember reading a report a few years ago, by the way, in which the
jitter of some CD-transport was identical (or then below their Hewlett
Packard, if not even Brüel & Kjaer equipment's measuring capacity)
measured from this same transport's four different digital outputs
(S/PDIF coaxial, Toslink, AES/EBU - the fourth an AT&T optical or a BNC
coaxial, I'm not sure anymore) - "inexplicably" the blind tests that
magazine showed that none sounded identical to the other three. I
cannot say I was surprised when I read it: we tend to hope for simple
answers to difficult questions, it's only human, but more often than
not, the answers aren't simple.

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread Timothy Stockman

Yes, I'd like to know why there might be an audible difference between
110 ohm balanced AES/EBU and 75 ohm unbalanced S/PDIF...

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cable Skeptic? You're going to want to read this...

2007-09-24 Thread Phil Leigh

All reasonable stuff. Speaker cables+passive x-overs+drivers = complex
Some well known amps are sensitive to speaker cables - older Naim
designs for instance don't care for "litz" type cables.

I think this is less supportive of exotic cables than it is of good
amplifier design and the benefits of "going active" ie shorter cables
and a much simpler load (only the drivers).

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/vinyl...it
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread Phil Leigh

IME the benefits of AES/EBU (100ohm balanced) over SPDIF or TOSLINK for
distances less than 5 meters are not audible. Even then, it's not a
audio quality degradation so much as the fact that the clock recovery
CAN get flaky. YMMV. I certainly wouldn't be swayed for/against a
product by its inclusion or exclusion, personally.

I have used all these interfaces extensively (and other non-domestic
ones such as TDIF) in a studio environment.

The claimed benefit of AES/EBU (better RF rejection) is moot against

Of course some people just think that Toslink is bad - period. Wonder
what they would make of the fact that a lot of album tracks are done
using ADAT Lightpipe which (essentially) is a super-dooper multitrack

Interestingly, AES3id (75ohm BNC+unbalanced coax) is arguably the best
connection from a technical standpoint but is rarely discussed on this
forum. However I suppose most of us don't have to run 50 meter digital

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/vinyl...it
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cable Skeptic? You're going to want to read this...

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

Let me make it clear that I am one of those folks who doesn't take
seriously claims that cables make such a huge difference in audio
systems. However, when I saw the following article in my news reader, I
knew I would have to pay attention:


I don't want to summarize the whole article, but it is definitely not
your typical audiophile surface-level argument about cables. These guys
are serious professionals, and the article is from Embedded.com (which
covers audio to some extent, but it's definitely not the main focus).
Let me give a brief teaser from the article:

> Given the obvious interdependence of all the parts of the circuit, the
> findings help to explain why such a lack of consistency exists between
> reports of the beneficial effects of using certain loudspeaker cables.
> It would appear to be the case that certain cable benefits can only be
> claimed for certain amplifier/loudspeaker combinations, and that any
> perceived audible improvement heard on any one combination may not
> necessarily be able to be expected when the cable is used on any other
> combination".

These claims are backed up by measurements. Also, this is one of a
several-part series on audio design, so it's sure to provide much good
reading. Enjoy!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread darrenyeats

acousticsguru;229516 Wrote: 
> S/PDIF versus AES/EBU?

Yes, I meant that. But using a modern DAC like a Benchmark and a decent
modern transport. I do think a lot of engineering problems are solved
now that weren't earlier. For example, reading data off a CD is now
effectively entirely error-free - certainly when ripping anyway. I am
not sure it was about a decade ago.

I wasn't questioning your experience, just wanted to know if you heard
it blind, with the above conditions met. If so, that is interesting.


SB3 / Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system (old, cheap, loved)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread ezkcdude

Sean has posted jitter tests results here before for the SB3. It has
very little jitter. I think some audiophiles  will always want
*something* more, but that desire alone does not justify building such
a product IMHO.


There are 10 kind of people in the world - those who understand binary
and those who don't.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread mortod

tonyptony;229515 Wrote: 
> mortod, you wouldn't happen to have a before and after sweep that you
> could post? Would love to see what happened.

Planning to do one - just waiting for a suitable quiet (family out)
period to test.


mortod's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4651
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

darrenyeats;229467 Wrote: 
> So...have you tried it blind? (Don't shoot, it is a genuine question!)

Squeezebox versus Transporter? - Haven't tried/heard either.


S/PDIF versus AES/EBU? - Yes. In all sorts of constellations (gear and
cables), blind, double-blind, along with Toslink and AT&T. I've built
loudspeakers - mostly passive designs of my own, some with time- and
phase-optimised filters - for over twenty years, believe me, I know all
about self-deception. Why the question?

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread tonyptony

mortod, you wouldn't happen to have a before and after sweep that you
could post? Would love to see what happened.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 16/44 vs. 24/96 Format Comparison

2007-09-24 Thread seanadams

SlowBart;229146 Wrote: 
> Does the SB3 support 96kHz over Toslink?

No, only Transporter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 16/44 vs. 24/96 Format Comparison

2007-09-24 Thread earthbased

amcluesent;229073 Wrote: 
> So the Stereophile forum has been debating this and a recording engineer
> has created (http://www.soundkeeperrecordings.com/format.htm) samples of
> both formats; just the thing for a TP owner to use in a blind test to
> see if they can reliably tell which is which.

Do a ABX test; see http://www.pcabx.com/

Most humans can't hear a sound over 20Khz.  So 44 Khz sampling is
plenty from a physics standpoint.  Your dog might like 96Khz though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread bpa

There is some documentation:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread tyler_durden

donwalker;229475 Wrote: 
> I am VERY concerned that there might be health hazards.  I have been
> doing some searches, but have not found anything earth shaking.  Does
> anyone have any links to the health effects of using carbon fiber
> without a matrix?

The MSDS would lead you to believe that it's pretty harmless stuff, but
I have experienced the itch and the coughing associated with airborne
fibers when I was building my bicycle.  The itch is comparable to that
from handling glass fiber insulation, but the cough is unbelievable.  I
have never coughed so hard in my life.  It may not be carcinogenic, but
it is most definitely nasty stuff.

The most obvious and undeniable (read the MSDS) issue is the electrical
conductivity of the loose fibers.  Wrapping CF cloth around
electrical/electronic equipment is begging for problems.

Good luck!



tyler_durden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2701
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread mortod

I found in an older thread here a suggestion from Inguz which enables
some very crude 'notch' filters to be implemented.


I used REW to identify the peaks and amount of excessive gain, below
around 150Hz. I then set up 17 bands in the preset file, turned off RC,
and loaded the new preset. It certainly cures my boomy sub, though not
sure yet whether I prefer the weaker RC filters. In any case it does
give an alternative approach for those concerned about clipping, and
only wanting to tackle room modes in the lower frequencies.


mortod's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4651
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread krzys

Chinanico;229471 Wrote: 
> Hi Chris,
> As a matter of fact, I would appreciate if you could share some of your
> experience as a tester, not sure how to import the Inguzprep measurement
> files into Audiolense, or how to make measurements directly by sending
> the signal into the squeezebox.
> Thanks 
> Nicolas

You catch me, I forgot that it is not so simple. As a matter of fact
you indeed cannot use the squeezebox. The measurement has to be done in
the Audiolense using an audio soundcard from the PC for exemple. This of
course makes that the Squeezebox is not in the chain. 

Maybe this could be possible if the audiolense could be piped through
the slimserver but I don't know how to do it.

I'm using the digital out from my soundcard (optical) so the only piece
out of the chain is the SB. The external DAC is in the chain since it
receives the signal.
The measurments cannot be imported or exported , unless until now, from
and to the Audiolense.


krzys's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2256
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread donwalker

yes - RF thats the intended shielding.

The shield on the IC made a big difference.

I am VERY concerned that there might be health hazards.  I have been
doing some searches, but have not found anything earth shaking.  Does
anyone have any links to the health effects of using carbon fiber
without a matrix?


donwalker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10816
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread Chinanico

Hi Chris,

As a matter of fact, I would appreciate if you could share some of your
experience as a tester, not sure how to import the Inguzprep measurement
files into Audiolense, or how to make measurements directly by sending
the signal into the squeezebox.




CEC TL51X / SB3 > Audiomat Maestro > Jeff Rowland Concentra 2 > System
Audio SA2K

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread krzys

For tweeking the target curve and make notch filters in the curve you
don't need the XO version, even the basic version has it. 
I must confirm with Brent at juicehifi but I think that to presonalize
the filter creation process like frequency limitation or windowing you
do need the XO version which is much more expensive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] plug and play linear supply (part 2)

2007-09-24 Thread tyler_durden

The human mind is simply astounding!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread darrenyeats

acousticsguru;229451 Wrote: 
> But then my guess is you would have no use for synchronised symmetrical
> wiring with your Sony anyhow, correct?

Yes, the Sony only accepts coaxial S/PDIF in. FWIW my CDT has a
balanced AES/EBU out (unused) ;-)

acousticsguru;229451 Wrote: 
> Every CD-transport I've ever auditioned in my or my friends' systems
> sounded better tapping its AES/EBU output, sometimes only subtly,
> usually clearly so.

Although I like my DAC, it isn't the most modern and I don't think it's
resistant to jitter as modern designs are. This is a plausible
explanation for the differences I heard between the SB3 and CDT.

This is one important reason I believe that the SB3 is a good
transport: because it performs well even with an older DAC
*potentially* susceptible to audible jitter. (Other reasons it is a
good transport are the absence of read-errors with appropriate ripping
software, and lack of moving parts.)

However, with a modern DAC such as the Benchmark, things are different.
Here's the rub...there are no convincing technical explanations for
"clearly" heard differences between modern transports e.g. SB3 and

So...have you tried it blind? (Don't shoot, it is a genuine question!)


SB3 / Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system (old, cheap, loved)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread tonyptony

Chris, do you need to XO version to do things like creating target
curves or correcting small ranges of suckouts or bumps? Also, does it
do phase as well as gain?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] itunes v SB3

2007-09-24 Thread Eric 2

Ray, I’m hoping to borrow a Stello in a few wks time to try out so maybe
comparing it to a SB+ would be a good test although I do find the SB+
very ugly.

Pale Blue Ego;228671 Wrote: 
> One other thing you can do with the Squeezebox method is have multiple
> players around the house.  I can testify that having a SB3 in the
> bedroom beats the heck out of a clock radio.

This would be useful for the stereo in the living room. I did go to a
Hifi show on Sat to see the SB3 and transporter in action but
unfortunately Progressive Consumer (the UK distributor) didn’t turn

The new AVI ADM9 speaker also sounds a interesting option. Anyone heard
one of these?

Eric 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 into Meridian DSP5000's?

2007-09-24 Thread acanning


What I’m about to suggest probably isn’t ‘state of the art’ in this
digital world we live in but you could try buying a second hand 557 and

I have a system with the same components as you and made this upgrade a
few years back with absolutely stunning results. Depending on your
speakers this would probably present a far more cost-effective upgrade
than a pair of DSP speakers.

I've also thought about upgrading to DSP's in the past but wasn't
impressed with the sound of the 5000's compared to my analogue system.

The manual that came with the 557 explains how to do the bi-amping –
avoid bridging the amps as you get loads of power but little in the way
of openness.

Just a thought!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-24 Thread krzys

I was one of the beta testers and now own the basic 2.0 version . It
generates  wav filters which can be used with any convolver including
the one from Inguz. I use it with my SB2.
Very easy to use but the software is still a bit in developpment, some
small bugs present. Be aware it is not free as Inguz or DRC software


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

darrenyeats;229442 Wrote: 
> So IMO the SB3 is a very good transport already.

Good to hear! But then my guess is you would have no use for
synchronised symmetrical wiring with your Sony anyhow, correct? That's
what bugs me: no other choice than to pay 1700 USD more to get AES/EBU
and a word clock input - the audiophile way to go.

I should have mentioned the obvious, perhaps, which is that I have
ample listening experience with S/PDIF coaxial (even optical) versus
AES/EBU (unfortunately little with word clock synchronisation). Every
CD-transport I've ever auditioned in my or my friends' systems sounded
better tapping its AES/EBU output, sometimes only subtly, usually
clearly so.

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-09-24 Thread tonyptony

Well, I'm sending off my ECM8000 today to be calibrated. Between the
price of the mic and the cal it's still cheaper than a M30 (which I'd
still love to have, BTW).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread darrenyeats

When finally I managed to do a *blind* comparison of transports - the
SB3 against my older-but-MUCH-prized CD transport - I preferred the
sound of the SB3.

So IMO the SB3 is a very good transport already.


SB3 / Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system (old, cheap, loved)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] plug and play linear supply (part 2)

2007-09-24 Thread jeffmeh

Well, when I first tried this PSU at the beginning of the year, I did
not hear any difference.  At some point in the last month or so, we
noticed a faint, scrolling, horizontal line on the TV.  Yesterday, I
heard some relatively loud background noise when no audio was playing. 
I unplugged the linear PSU and the noise disappeared, as did the TV
ghost line.  I am back to the SB3 stock PSU.  Apparently, in my system,
with this linear PSU I get more noise than with the stock switcher.  Go


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound & Vision and Audiofreaks Unplugged

2007-09-24 Thread Eric 2

adamslim;229310 Wrote: 
> Well I tried to get into the Progressive room, but it was closed. 
> Obviously high quality distributors you got here Sean ;)
> Adam

The same when I went on Saturday, thought he went out for lunch but
came back a few hrs latter still locked :(

Eric 2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

I'll admit it, I'm new around here, but have spent several days reading
through hundreds if not thousands of posts here and on other boards,
and come to the conclusion that many, if not most (!) audiophiles are
looking for exactly the same product as I am: an easy-to-use streaming
client to feed data into their high-end D/A-converter, in other words,
an already existing stereo in which it would replace the CD-transport.

I appear not to be alone in looking for something like the Squeezebox,
with all the necessary digital outputs (AES/EBU still seems the choice
of audiophiles), a word clock input (to complete the wish list, 24/96
or higher resolution capability appears on many people's wish list -
but I understand the latter could not be implemented in the current
Squeezbox), with *NO* unnecessary expenses for DAC, output stages,
extra power supply and regulators (nor even, necessarily, a costly
aluminum chassis - most users seem wholly satisfied with their

At this point in time, all there seems to be is the Transporter, at
(depending on the source) rougly seven times the cost. Looks like a
neat product to me, just not what any audiophile not born yesterday
needs (i.e. it aims at people who are in the market to buy their first
high-end stereo).

Maybe the product I'm alluding to, a streaming client to replace one's
high-end CD-Transport can be had from some Squeezebox modder and I just
haven't found it yet? Of course, the existence of modders merely proves
my point, that there are others looking for a streaming client to
replace their high-end CD-transport.

Makes me wonder, is Slim Devices/Logitech going to offer an audiophile
Squeezebox anytime soon? I mean, since it's so obvious from these (and
other forums') pages that if fairly priced, it would sell like

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


acousticsguru's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13298
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezbox with Word Clock in, AES/EBU etc.?

2007-09-24 Thread acousticsguru

I'll admit it, I'm new around here, but have spent several days reading
through hundreds if not thousands of posts here and on other boards,
and come to the conclusion that many, if not most (!) audiophiles are
looking for exactly the same product as I am: an easy-to-use streaming
client to feed data into their high-end D/A-converter, in other words,
an already existing stereo in which it would replace the CD-transport.

I appear not to be alone in looking for something like the Squeezebox,
with all the necessary digital outputs (AES/EBU still seems the choice
of audiophiles), a word clock input (to complete the wish list, 24/96
or higher resolution capability appears on many people's wish list -
but I understand the latter could not be implemented in the current
Squeezbox), with *NO* unnecessary expenses for DAC, output stages,
extra power supply and regulators (nor even, necessarily, a costly
aluminum chassis - most users seem wholly satisfied with their

At this point in time, all there seems to be is the Transporter, at
(depending on the source) rougly seven times the cost. Looks like a
neat product to me, just not what any audiophile not born yesterday
needs (i.e. it aims at people who are in the market to buy their first
high-end stereo).

Maybe the product I'm alluding to, a streaming client to replace one's
high-end CD-Transport and *nothing else, at no unnecessary extra cost,*
can be had from some Squeezebox modder and I just haven't found it yet?

The sheer existence of modders, of course, proves my point in the first
place, that there are others looking for a streaming client to replace
their high-end CD-transport. Makes me wonder, is Slim Devices/Logitech
going to offer an audiophile Squeezebox anytime soon? I mean, since
it's so obvious from these (and other forums') pages that if fairly
priced it would sell like hotcakes?

Greetings from Switzerland, David.


acousticsguru's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13298
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-09-24 Thread drewe181

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Moodlabs 'concept' DAC
Sonic Impact Super T-Amp
Home Brew Speakers (Foster ribbon tweeters + Pioneer Woofers)

|Filename: Speaker.JPG  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3388|



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound & Vision and Audiofreaks Unplugged

2007-09-24 Thread darrenyeats

I visited every room (edit: except Absolute Sounds - ran out of time)
but didn't see any Logitech stuff.

There were more exhibitors than I expected - but the usual low quality
end result.

Best bits for me (although YMMV - show conditions - tracks chosen etc):
- Marten Coltrane speakers. Muscular, airy and present with a track
I've never heard before from The Clash. Nice with Rodrigo y Gabriela
(acoustic guitar) but that sounds pretty nice at home too ;-)

- All-EAR system using their more compact planar speakers. Set up
better than the bigger EAR system in the main hotel...stonking with Nat
King Cole, but couldn't rock so well.

- Meridian DSP5200. Very "dry" sounding - bit too dry. Otherwise, in
every other area impressive. Not sure what was causing the dry sound,
so the jury is out.

- JM Lab / Focal. Nothing special this year, but they never sound bad!

- There was a new Cambridge start-up with an omni-tweeter, transmission
line bass. Can't remember the name but the sound had very few boxy
colorations, good on transients, quite realistic on the tracks we

A general gripe. I don't like it when exhibitors play unfamiliar music.
I can't gauge the sound. If it sounds great, then I can bear it...but if
the unfamiliar music doesn't sound good then that leaves zilch to
recommend it.


SB3 / Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
Dell laptop -> JVC UX-C30 mini system (old, cheap, loved)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRC/Inguz and Microphone Calibration

2007-09-24 Thread nuhi

I have just corrected the 10khz mic bump. Look at the first post of his
mic response, 10khz is way off and my recordings have the same issue,
meaning it's the mic for sure. 

Look how left and right speaker are the same in that area and how it
gradually progresses, while in the other frequencies there is a
difference between them.

Anyway when I compare with and without 10khz correction by ear it is
obvious what is more realistic. And above all it is almost flat now in
hf, meaning no harm can be done, I just wanted to correct the bass
Behringer provided curve is something similar but they were too
You don't have to have this issue, it may be equipment specific.

muski, that is great! Yeah mine is 9db and more as well, it's spooky
how similar it is, I would say the same.

Please do this when you get the equipment:
use the new preamp with the ecm8000 in the same spot as the m30 and
post a flat correction graphs of both of them for us to see and then I
can check for the differences.
Of course if you get the m30 correction graph which you can trust use
it before showing. And don't use any (put zeros) for the ecm8000


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter MODS - Part II

2007-09-24 Thread harmonic

tomjtx;229278 Wrote: 
> Well, you are right about the dead part at least :-)

You know tom (the forums owen littel evolution and progress killer ) 
ice power is a danish  product that have been around for many many
years a and i have heard and tested just about every modul and
incarnation of amplifire  the make ,infact i have a amp sitting here
with 1000 asp moduls and oversized powersupplyes  if this is what  you
use as a reference sorry then you dont have a clue what hifi is .

You also use Wilson speakers  right ?  most overpriced overrated
speakers in the universe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] TacT vs. Transporter

2007-09-24 Thread harmonic

I have   a tact millennium mk3 fully modded  from aberdeen components
and  both a sb3 stock  and a fully modded transporter from aberdeen.
I also have a stock transporter at hand

I have had the full 2.2 lyngdorf roomperfect system but with 2 lyngdorf
tda2200 fully digital amps driving the w210 subs.

You can get great sound out of  the amps no matter what you connect to
them , even a cheap dvd payer will sounds pretty good.

But when that is said  , when you add the transporter even in stock
form the sound becomes more real more detajled and musical.
I have blind tested it.

The transporter after digital modded , the sound becomes even more real
and dynamic  and ironicly its now you realize that the stock sources
sounds glarish.

So the bottom line if its digital you want get it moddified even if its
a dvd player or a sb3 it will sound very good   , the transporter just
sounds better pure and simple and is well worfe the money.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] itunes v SB3

2007-09-24 Thread KeithL

KeithL;228943 Wrote: 
> Sorry to seem naive which program do you use to do the above? All my
> music is on aiffs on a mac.
> Keith

ok. I figured it out myself.
Go back to itunes preferences.
Go to advanced and change the importing setting from aiff to mp3.
Adjust bitrate to suite ipod.
Select music tracks.
Right click for contextual menu.
Select convert to mp3.

This makes a mp3 copy, leaving the aiff files untouched.

Remember to reset import to aiff after I finish.

There are probably better ways and other programs to use.
I am waiting for advice.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-24 Thread Deaf Cat

If you have not earthed it, try earthing it, things may well improve. 
Your just using it as shielding from rf etc. are you not :)

Deaf Cat

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