Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] lust object speakers

2008-01-20 Thread haunyack

tyler_durden;260931 Wrote: 
>  small speaker ...
> TD

Hi TD,
I'm getting ready to list my B&W Matrix 805's (along with high pass
alignment filter) on ebay.

Maybe a pair of quality bookshelf speakers will fill the gap.

If interested pm me.



Transporter -> Box-O-Wires (audiophile grade) -> Vandersteen 3A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] lust object speakers

2008-01-20 Thread tyler_durden

pfarrell;259967 Wrote: 
> I wish that quads, or maggie's, were compatible with my wife.

I used to have a big house in Texas when I built my 2'x4' ESLs, and
later got a pair of ESL-63s.  My wife didn't seem to mind them then,
though they were not much to look at.  Now I live in a smaller place
and the speakers don't really fit.  She's starting to bug me about
them.  I may have to store them for a couple years until I'm in a
bigger place again.  I would have put them into storage a long time
ago, but I don't have anything else to listen with but headphones and I
always feel silly dancing around a quiet room with headphones on.  I
guess I need to work on a quality, small speaker project.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] AccurateRip not working with EAC

2008-01-20 Thread Mark Scanlan

It was the connection to the internet needed for Accuraterip setup that
was the problem. I suspect the old PC has serious sofware problems so
think I will loom at inserting a card that enables me to connect my
Plexor 230 to a new SATA PC. Then I'll try with EAC first then if I
have trouble will look inti DBPoweramp.


Mark Scanlan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best method & codec to get the 1's and 0's off the CD to the hard drive?

2008-01-20 Thread Pat Farrell

> I'm doing more or less that same thing, my "quicker-ripper" being Easy
> CDDA Extractor, the older 9.1.3 version...

CDex, which I think is the same thing. I also use an old version, it 
ain't broke, no reasong to fix it.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best method & codec to get the 1's and 0's off the CD to the hard drive?

2008-01-20 Thread gharris999

Pat Farrell;260364 Wrote: 
> I rip my CDs (over 700 so far) using a faster process than EAC and
> listen to it. If I like it, I keep listening. If I don't like it, I
> fire up EAC. I find EAC 
> too slow and too grumpy. YMMV
Pat: are you willing to let us know what you use as your

I'm doing more or less that same thing, my "quicker-ripper" being Easy
CDDA Extractor, the older 9.1.3 version...not so much for it's ripping
qualities, but rather for it's ease-of-metadata entering qualities.  If
EZ-CDDA reports errors, or if I hear a glitch in the rip, then I too
fire up EAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker Trouble--Spica TC-50s

2008-01-20 Thread swhite58

A quick Google got me to here:

It discusses options for replacements etc



Clark Connect Linux file server->Various boxes with flashing
lights->SB3->Zhaolu D3 DAC->NAD C320BEE->Polk Monitor 4.5/Sennheiser

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker Trouble--Spica TC-50s

2008-01-20 Thread DMR NYC

I have a wonderful set of old speakers from a long-defunct manufacturer,
Spica. The speaker model is the TC-50. They are about 20 years old, and
are very neutral in their presence, delivering lovely reproduction in
my Manhattan apartment.

Unfortunately, one of the tweeters has blown, and now I am faced with
the choice of saying goodbye to my old friends and getting a new set of
primary speakers, or somehow finding a replacement tweeter and an audio
repair shop that can handle the fix for me.

Any suggestions are most welcome.

The rest of the setup: SB3 and a NAD amplifier.

Thanks, David


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread tomjtx

tobbe999;260756 Wrote: 
> More about capacitor nonlinearities:
> /T

Great  article, thanks for the link.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs. Denon AVR-4308?

2008-01-20 Thread S2K

I haven't test the 4308 yet, however I did have the 4306 at home for a
week or so. The 4306 didn't have Flac support unlike the 4308 but it
did play WAV's.

First of all. Denon's solution is based on DNLA. You basically just
share a folder containing audio files with the Denon. That's it! When
you have a large collection of music it becomes almost impossible to
find the track you want. There is no indexing, no search options, no
nothing. You can not ever live with it, especially when having a large
music collection.

The sound was oke, but what is to be expected? The Transporter sounds
better however. After one year of listening i'm still amazed by it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread alekz

tobbe999;260756 Wrote: 
> More about capacitor nonlinearities:
Yeah, seen this. I would call it "The other point of view on the
capacitor nonlinearities" ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread tobbe999

More about capacitor nonlinearities:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread alekz

zanash;260680 Wrote: 
> but as I've already said you can all do it yourselves.
My point exactly.
zanash;260680 Wrote: 
> An aside a local chap who lives less than 40miles away  and a veherment
> cable sceptic has refused to come over and listen to my system and the
> cable experiment ...saying its a waste of time and he already knows the
> result .now why would he say that ? for me its because hes scared of
> the outcome and affraid that his little cosy closed world is under
> threat ...
Yes, it's very convenient and easy to fool yourself thinking, that
everything and everywhere is the same, and everybody hears, sees,
feels, thinks (or at least should) the same.

Speaking of experiments... I remember the expression on the face of a
friend of mine when I demonstrated him a difference between $150 Linn
and $400 Transparent IC's. He was literally shocked ("But these are
just two pieces of metal It's impossible!") It was s funny ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best method & codec to get the 1's and 0's off the CD to the hard drive?

2008-01-20 Thread Apparition

GuyDebord;260583 Wrote: 
> Could you please detail more on how you get EAC to work? under mac os?
> VMWare? the options I know are under parallels or bootcamp, but I dont
> do microsoft and never will, so EAC hasnt been an option for
> me.thank you very much in advance.

VMWare Fusion is very similar to parallels in that it allows you to run
Windows in a window on your Mac Desktop. There are still a couple
Windows apps I need, including EAC. Basically, you will install
bootcamp with a small partition (I used 32 GB but it could be done in
10). You then install VMWare Fusion and it will take your Bootcamp
partition and allow you to access Windows and the apps from your Mac
desktop. Very similar to Parallels, but VMWare has some long term
advantages to my mind--the availability of virtual machine appliances
(VMWare Fusion is the little brother of some very sophisticated
virtualization tools for x86 servers), as well as the ability to do
"unity" mode so that your windows app appears in just another Mac
window--you dont have the whole Windows desktop showing. Sorry for the
run on sentance there. Anyways, it was $60, and you need the windows
license too, but it was worth it to me, even if I only turn on Windows
every few days to rip and such. If you refuse to do windows, you could
use Fusion to run a Linux image and use Wine, perhaps. I don't know if
EAC works with Wine, but it would be worth investigating.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread crooner

I'm sure the SB3 with some minimal mods on the digital output and true
BNC connections would trounce that transport!

solo_400;260713 Wrote: 
> I agree with you as I have the same issue . 
> Anyway I think Squeezebox is a great product considering the price but
> has nothing to do with "audiophile/hi-fi/hi-end quality" .
> With my external DAC ( Threshold DAC 1/e ) sound dramaticaly improves
> but cannot compete with a CD-TRANSPORT + DAC .
> I hope that the Transporter sounds at least twice better .
> Squeezebox
> Threshold DAC 1/e
> Accuphase E-211
> Magneplanar MG12/QE
> Neutral Cable Avatar (interconnect) , Acoustic ZEN Epoch (power cable
> )
> solo


Customized dual chassis "Super Squeezebox"
EAD DSP-7000 Series III DAC with HDCD and mods.
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Marantz 10B tube FM tuner
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread crooner

adamslim;260645 Wrote: 
> Patrick Dixon does something similar with his SB+, which I bought. 
> Rehouse, improved PSU in a separate box, although I think he played
> more with the output stage than you did, IIRC.  But the advice must be,
> never to turn a labour of love into a product, surely! :)

You are right. My unit had more work done on the digital side. Analog
has minimal mods.

Patrick did a terrific job on his unit. I agree!


Customized dual chassis "Super Squeezebox"
EAD DSP-7000 Series III DAC with HDCD and mods.
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Marantz 10B tube FM tuner
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Music File Protection

2008-01-20 Thread Mark Lanctot

norderney;260634 Wrote: 
> To upgrade to the latest version of FLAC ver 1.2.1 do I just download
> from and then run the install process?


> Will I need to change any of my EAC settings?  Anything else I wiould
> need to do?

FLAC will install to the same directory so no, you don't need to change
any settings.

Mark Lanctot

Sean Adams: "So you mean, aside from the fact that Squeezebox does not
do 96KHz, why doesn't it do 96KHz?"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread solo_400

sweetsound;259892 Wrote: 
> Hello,
> just got a Squeezebox 3 (black finish with Logitech logo) and set up a
> FreeNAS / SlimNAS server on an Intel BLKD201GLY2 AeroCool with 2GB
> memory.
> The Squeezebox is connected to a Pass Aleph / Classé 400 / Magnepan
> 3.6R chain. 
> 1. Biggest issue is, that the output volume level (even at 100% volume
> level of the SB3) of the Squeeze Box is much lower than my Sony SCD1 CD
> player (connected via XLR). Have you observed this as well?
> 2. While FLAC sound quality is OK it can't compete with the Sony. I am
> surprised, that the Burr Brown DAC does not do a better job. What is a
> reasonable upgrade? An external DAC (pricerange $800), a linear power
> supply for the SB3 or the Transporter?
> Thanks for your help
> Sweet Sound

I agree with you as I have the same issue . 
Anyway I think Squeezebox is a great product considering the price but
has nothing to do with "audiophile/hi-fi/hi-end quality" .
With my external DAC ( Threshold DAC 1/e ) sound dramaticaly improves
but cannot compete with a CD-TRANSPORT + DAC .
I hope that the Transporter sounds at least twice better .

Threshold DAC 1/e
Accuphase E-211
Magneplanar MG12/QE
Neutral Cable Avatar (interconnect) , Acoustic ZEN Epoch (power cable



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs. Denon AVR-4308?

2008-01-20 Thread Ajeighh

Has anyone had a chance to compare the audio performance of the DAC in
the new Denon DLNA receiver against having the Transporter connected to
it? I realise the Denon requires a server other than slimserver, so it's
not quite a direct comparison.

My Denon AV amp (an old AVC-A1D) does a fine job with its internal DAC,
but I'm wondering whether it would be better spending £1300 on a
Transporter or just upgrading the amp (about £2000).




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread zanash

just a few words on this meandering thread and off topic too

if you can't personally hear breakin or burn in count your self lucky 
its something that you don't need to worry about. similarly cables if
your happy with the crappy freebies then why do you need to worry about
the more exotic types ?

secondly  just because you can hear something does not mean it doesn't
exist just means you can hear it.  Therefore any statements along
the lines of just because I can't hear it means it must be snake oil is
frankly not very well thought through and I suggest you need to think
about it in rather more detail before you make such pronouncments.

IME I agree with patrick dixon and feel most of the changes are
capacitance based ...but life's too short to worry about it.

As to cables I can demonstrate two dissimilar cables sound
different...anyone with two outputs on a source can do the same, feed
both into an amp and switch between them. I've demonstrated this to
many sceptics and not one now claims that all cable sound the same!

I can also demonstrate that two outwardly disimilar cables will sound
the same. ie any two copper coaxial cables from different makers will
give reasonably similar results. This is in my opinion where the idea
that all cables sound the same originates...  as most cables on the
market are, guess what ! stranded copper coaxial types. 

I'm either blessed or cursed that I can hear what differences different
plug can make on the same cable ...

If anyones local to me I quite happy to demonstrate these
effects.but as I've already said you can all do it yourselves.

An aside a local chap who lives less than 40miles away  and a veherment
cable sceptic has refused to come over and listen to my system and the
cable experiment ...saying its a waste of time and he already knows the
result .now why would he say that ? for me its because hes scared of
the outcome and affraid that his little cosy closed world is under
threat ...


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread adamslim

crooner;260599 Wrote: 
> Would have loved to produce this thing commercially, but it wouldn't be
> cheap. I'd probably end up losing money. Call it the "Marantz 10B" of
> streaming network players!!

Patrick Dixon does something similar with his SB+, which I bought. 
Rehouse, improved PSU in a separate box, although I think he played
more with the output stage than you did, IIRC.  But the advice must be,
never to turn a labour of love into a product, surely! :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter won't power on?

2008-01-20 Thread schiegl

If you unplug/plug the transporter and no logo (or anything else) is
displayed at least for a few seconds this is not good at all.
The buttons and remote control do not really power off/on the
transporter. Is the optical output active/lit?

you can still try to reset the transporter:

you have my sympathy,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Music File Protection

2008-01-20 Thread norderney

Timothy Stockman;260614 Wrote: 
> There's a Windows GUI program packaged with the latest FLAC installer
> program for Windows; just look in the FLAC program groups it makes. 
> Run the FLAC tester, then browse to a tree which contains FLAC files or
> a hierarcy of subdirectories with FLAC files.

I currently use FLAC version 1.1.3b - Dec 1 2006.

To upgrade to the latest version of FLAC ver 1.2.1 do I just download
from and then run the install process?

Will I need to change any of my EAC settings?  Anything else I wiould
need to do?


Transporter (Black) - Arcam A85 Amp - B&W CDM1NT Speakers - Yamaha
CDRHD1500 Recorder

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