Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ground Loop and Transporter

2008-05-21 Thread Ron Olsen

Club1820;242103 Wrote: 
> I also had a NASTY ground loop hum in my system caused by the cable
> connection.  I purchased and installed the jensen transformer and it
> completely went away.  Paid $49.99 for it.  Parts Express also sells
> one for way less but I figured I would go with the one that received
> the best reviews and it has a money back guarantee.
I too had a hum problem with my Transporter due to the cable TV
connection.  I bought a Calrad RF isolation transformer for $12.00 from
Blue Jeans Cable, inserted it in the CATV cable path, and the hum went
away.  Recommended as a viable alternative to the $49.99 Jensen

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD red book de-emphasis?

2008-05-21 Thread DCtoDaylight

alekz;303927 Wrote: 
> Actually, you can deemphasize using external programs/filters like "sox"

No one said you couldn't deemphasize with external software, they just
questioned how good a job it would do.  The whole point of adding
emphasis was to move the low level, high frequency parts of the audio
spectrum up in level, to reduce the quantization noise.  Filtering was
intended to be done in the analog domain, and the best DAC's implement
it this way.  

Doing it digitally is certainly possible, but it defeats the purpose. 
If you were to do it digitally, the best way would be to convert the
file to a 24 bit fomat, apply the filter, and then apply an appropriate
dithering (and keep the data at 24 bit).  Most implementations apply the
filter to a 16 bit word, and truncate rather than dithering the result. 

Cheers,   Dave


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker upgrade

2008-05-21 Thread ccoff



' ' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread kphinney

GuyDebord;304021 Wrote: 
> If youre tags were correctly done you wouldnt have any problems, I guess
> that keeping FLAC also helps avoid some organization... Good luck with
> your virtual drive.

Thanks.  I'm not adverse to keeping things organized, but I prefer to
do without it if I can.  I do wish I had the time to fix all of my
tags, but we're talking about 500GB of music with encoding dates
ranging from 2003 to last week, encoding platforms include Windows,
Mac, RedHat (& Fedora), and GNU LAMP.  

I'm constantly amazed that the tags still provide my player and
SlimServer with a semblance of working goodness.

"I need a miracle every day."


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread GuyDebord

kphinney;303996 Wrote: 
> 2)  "Max" will convert all of your FLACs in one go - no question there,
> but it DOES NOT retain all tag information.  The last time I tried Max I
> found myself retyping and hunting cover art for many, many, hours.  

If youre tags were correctly done you wouldnt have any problems, I
guess that keeping FLAC also helps avoid some organization... Good luck
with your virtual drive.


Verity Audio Tamino X2 wired with v/d Hul Inspiration, REL Strata5.
AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE: Clearaudio
Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon & Lyra Helikon SL, ASR Basis Exclusive
phono preamp, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. DIGITAL:
SlimDevices Transporter, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2.  POWER:
Isotek MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30
MKII (ASR), v/d Hul Mainstream (Pathos) & v/d Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread kphinney

Nikhil;303643 Wrote: 
> well .. I just tried TwistedFLAC on my G4 PPC mini  and all I get is
> a spinning beach-ball ... had to restart twice :(  . I know the MacFUSE
> part is fine, because NTFS-3G works perfectly. I will wait until
> someone gets this running on the platform. Firefly will suffice until
> then.

What OS version are you on?  I had it running on my old G3 iBook, on
v10.4.2.  I did make sure to install the 10.4 version of MacFUSE.


Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's

Zhaolu D2.5 with headphone amp mod.
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread kphinney

GuyDebord;303762 Wrote: 

1)  I don't want to convert my files.  FLAC is what I use and will
continue to use, even if I have to eschew iTunes like I have for years.

2)  "Max" will convert all of your FLACs in one go - no question there,
but it DOES NOT retain all tag information.  The last time I tried Max I
found myself retyping and hunting cover art for many, many, hours.  

I guess my original post may have been misconstrued.  I do not want to
convert from FLAC.  All I wanted was to see my FLACs in iTunes and not
use any additional drive space.

Besides, there are dozens of post here on converting between file
formats and enough FLAC to ALAC to WAV, etc threads to choke the life
out of even the most insomniac reader.  If you want to talk FLAC
conversion, please re-open another post.  This was new news for the


Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's

Zhaolu D2.5 with headphone amp mod.
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audiophiles and oenophiles

2008-05-21 Thread Themis

Nonreality;303832 Wrote: 
> So being an A/V receiver automatically makes everything sound the same? 
> Are you saying no dynamic range. Maybe the reason they do to you is that
> you haven't listened to any of the nicer ones from Denon or Yamaha
> without bose speakers.  There has been a huge improvement in receivers
> and for a lot of people, expense, house size make it impossible to have
> more than one system for them and the family.  I have my Yamaha paired
> up with some older B&W speakers and have had some pretty knowledgeable
> musicians give it rave reviews. They were people that I'd truly
> consider to be audiophiles and they were very surprised that it was a
> receiver instead of pre amp amp setup. Maybe if they would have seen
> the system before hearing it would not have gotten such good reviews.
> :0I agree with this. A/V receivers are getting VERY close to equi-priced
Audio products. Me too i had two separate systems (an audio with
amp/cdplayer and an A/V with receiver/dvd/sb3) but i gave up the audio
part when i purchased a modern receiver : the difference in quality is
really not worth it anymore : I observe more differencies by getting
better speakers (my previous ones, i mean ;)) or dacs than spending the
same money in amps and cd players. Let apart the complexity of all these
separate boxes.


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] naim volume control with squeezebox controller

2008-05-21 Thread Phil Leigh

This is the audiophile forum - we don't do "threads" :o)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply A/B

2008-05-21 Thread bigfool1956

Whilst taking on board your point about the hyperbole, to be honest I
was simply trying to describe what I heard. I remember being stunned by
the improvement, which is why that review cost me loads of money,
because I ended up buying the entire set of cables and the Hydra. I had
to send it off for photography, and as I recall to another reviewer, and
going back to more standard cabling was a complete letdown. It was agony
waiting for them to return to stay.

I still use it today, even though Roy Gregory reckons I would be better
off using Nordost mains cabling to create a system wide consistency.

One thing we never got round to doing, was to directly compare the
Nordost and the Shunyata cabling.

What is interesting about the Shunyata cables, is that they are one of
the few esoteric cables to be used in professional studios, including
Dave Gilmour's.


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply A/B

2008-05-21 Thread Robin Bowes
bigfool1956 wrote:
> Robin Bowes;303885 Wrote: 
>> bigfool1956 wrote:
>>> Interesting you should say that. I use Shunyata powersnakes in my
>>> system, and I found that the TP sounded noticably better when
>> powered
>>> with the Python chord, which has the outer layer filled with the
>>> FeSi-1000 noise-reduction compound.
>> You'd probably find they work even better if you lubricate with a
>> little 
>> more snake oil. ;)
>> R.
> I was thinking of having a sweepstake on who would make this comment
> first.
> I could completely sacrifice myself to the great god of flame and post
> this link:


I'm actually agnostic/ambivalent about this issue.

I don't believe the nay sayers who dismiss anything that hasn't been DBT 
tested, but I also raise an eyebrow at such expense for such a minor 
part of the overall system and find it hard to believe that changing a 
mains cable can make such a dramatic difference.

For example, from your review:

"First of all the noise floor, both generally from the electronics, and 
specifically from the stylus on vinyl, dropped significantly, allowing 
the decay of individual notes to be heard far longer than previously. 
Secondly, the grain that I talked about before was banished. Not reduced 
but removed - totally. Finally the dynamic range became seemingly 

I just really struggle with that sort of hyperbole.

If it *is* possible, I'm really glad I'm happy with a much lesser (i.e. 
cheaper) system!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD red book de-emphasis?

2008-05-21 Thread alekz

Actually, you can deemphasize using external programs/filters like "sox"

An excerpt from soxeffect manual page:

Apply a treble attenuation shelving filter to audio  in
audio-CD   format.   The  frequency  response  of  pre-
emphasized recordings  is  rectified.   The  filter  is
defined in the standard document ISO 908.

This effect supports the --plot global option.

See also the  bass  and  treble  shelving  equalisation


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] naim volume control with squeezebox controller

2008-05-21 Thread FaberOptim�

pichonCalavera;295843 Wrote: 
> A lot of fun seeing how simple questions evolve in the Audiophile forum.
> :D

LOL Gotta laugh since 75%+ of this thread was diverted to irrelevant
discussion of matters of little or no interest/pertinence to the OP's
question - which was my sole reason for reading though it all in the
first place!

I just have a Squeezebox Duet (no SB3 - what a philestine huh!!) and am
also eagerly awaiting it's IR capabilities being made available (so I
can at least use it to control the volume of my amp). 
As I understand it, IRBlaster won't do the trick for me at present?
Correct or no? Or should I be posting this to some other, more relevant


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply A/B

2008-05-21 Thread bigfool1956

Robin Bowes;303885 Wrote: 
> bigfool1956 wrote:
> > Interesting you should say that. I use Shunyata powersnakes in my
> > system, and I found that the TP sounded noticably better when
> powered
> > with the Python chord, which has the outer layer filled with the
> > FeSi-1000 noise-reduction compound.
> You'd probably find they work even better if you lubricate with a
> little 
> more snake oil. ;)
> R.

I was thinking of having a sweepstake on who would make this comment

I could completely sacrifice myself to the great god of flame and post
this link:


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD red book de-emphasis?

2008-05-21 Thread lauret

Because of these difficulties with recoding, I was wondering if it was
possible to implement sending the pre-emphasis flag (with the flag set
in the cue-sheet). A lot of SB users are using an external DAC, who can
benefit from this feature.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply A/B

2008-05-21 Thread Robin Bowes
bigfool1956 wrote:

> Interesting you should say that. I use Shunyata powersnakes in my
> system, and I found that the TP sounded noticably better when powered
> with the Python chord, which has the outer layer filled with the
> FeSi-1000 noise-reduction compound.

You'd probably find they work even better if you lubricate with a little 
more snake oil. ;)


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply A/B

2008-05-21 Thread bigfool1956

DCtoDaylight;303799 Wrote: 
> Actually you do have personal experience, you just didn't know!
> If you open up your Transporter, you'll find it's got three power
> supplies, two analog, that get all the press, and one switch mode that
> no one talks about!  The switch mode is reserved for powering the
> display's, and isn't on the main pcb, but it's in the same chassis, and
> attached to the same line cord.
> And while some people are nervous of switch mode supplies, others have
> openly embraced them. Linn for example, use switchers in a lot of their
> highly regarded gear.  It's a typical case of, if it's done right,
> there's no problem, if it's cheap hack job, well, you get what you pay
> for
> Cheers,  Dave

Interesting you should say that. I use Shunyata powersnakes in my
system, and I found that the TP sounded noticably better when powered
with the Python chord, which has the outer layer filled with the
FeSi-1000 noise-reduction compound. Supposedly it helps digital
sources, but maybe it is related to the switcher. Dunno - but it works


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] M-audio Audiophile 2496 sound card problem

2008-05-21 Thread fakarava2

My 24/96 has no problems.
As far as I can remember, there might have been one.
My suggestions, if you don't have already done :
- Unplug the card
- Uninstall the software
- Make a clean reinstall, by the manual (maybe in another slot).


"To nobody, except those who will take pleasure here"
(Franz Schubert, 01/31/1797 - 11/19/1828)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audiophiles and oenophiles

2008-05-21 Thread Nonreality

Skunk;300423 Wrote: 
> If they're talking about two buck chuck (grocery wine), versus $55 Napa
> Cab, then shouldn't we be talking about an A/V receiver that makes
> everything sound the same, versus an accurate system.
> I actually *like* my system because it's ruthlessly revealing, but I'm
> sure some would prefer their A/V receiver and Bose speakers because it
> makes ALL their albums sound 'good'.
> But when the differences end it does seem silly to wax eloquent on the
> benefit of speaker cable A vs B, or this particular vintage decanted
> and drank from Reidel, vs paper cups.

So being an A/V receiver automatically makes everything sound the same?
Are you saying no dynamic range. Maybe the reason they do to you is
that you haven't listened to any of the nicer ones from Denon or Yamaha
without bose speakers.  There has been a huge improvement in receivers
and for a lot of people, expense, house size make it impossible to have
more than one system for them and the family.  I have my Yamaha paired
up with some older B&W speakers and have had some pretty knowledgeable
musicians give it rave reviews. They were people that I'd truly
consider to be audiophiles and they were very surprised that it was a
receiver instead of pre amp amp setup. Maybe if they would have seen
the system before hearing it would not have gotten such good reviews.


*-If the rule you followed brought you to this, what good is the rule.-*

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