Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread Phil Leigh

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

Nuuk;309509 Wrote: 
> Well, I'm looking to go to I2S soon anyway. I know you get rid of one
> connection but does soldering a flying lead offer that much of an
> improvement over a BNC socket/plug?

Probably not, no.

The really big improvement would be to clock the SB from the DAC.
Anything else is just tinkering with the quality of the SPDIF waveform.
Have you checked yours on a scope? The DAC is the determinant factor
here - or rather how well it can recover the clock from the SPDIF.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread SuperQ

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

tyler_durden;309515 Wrote: 
> PS- When is someone going to start selling modifications to the server
> software that "improve" the sound?

I should write a Bybee-style Cleansing FIFO software mod.. I could make
a mint.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDCD ripping

2008-06-06 Thread DCtoDaylight

Dusty Chalk;309512 Wrote: 
> Sony isn't the only company in the world.  There are plenty of companies
> (Pentatone, BIS, MoFi/MFSL, et al) that are doing just fine. 

True but all of those companies combined, couldn't hope to raise enough
capital to develop a format like SACD   And without a mainstream
push to make players that support the format, it will be very difficult
for them to sustain any sort marketplace.  

As an aside,  MoFi/MFSL has gone belly up once already, so even though
it's returned to the market place, it's not exactly a shining example! 

Don't get me wrong, I'd still like DVD-A and or SACD to continue, but
I'm the first to admit it's a tiny niche, and I'm not holding my

FWIW, Blue Ray has equally good audio potential, but there are even
fewer takers on that front, including Sony who invented it   I fear
things will get darker before the dawn..

Cheers, Dave


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread tyler_durden

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

leo:);309532 Wrote: 
> You got anything productive to add instead of just trolling?

There is nothing to add.  This thread is stoopid.  There are no facts. 
No information.  It's a bunch of people speculating over possible causes
of some effect that the OP may or may not have heard.  Meanwhile,
throughout all this, the OP neglects to mention that he listening to a
modified device- far more likely to result in changes in sound than
changing server hardware.  It reminds me of a bunch of 10 year olds
speculating over whether the red or blue light saber is more deadly. 
What could anyone add to such an discussion that would make any
difference in the outcome?

Checking out...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread Nuuk

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

Tyler, the best that I can do is offer you a little story. It could be
the most important thing you ever read!

The Mullah opened his lunch sack, took out his sandwich, opened it and
then sighed loudly. 

"What's the matter, Mullah?" Asked his friend.

"Every day I open my lunch, hoping to see something good waiting for
me, but everyday I get the same sandwich... Tuna fish.  I hate tuna
fish sandwiches."

"Well", said his friend, "That is easy to fix. Why don't you ask your
wife to make you another kind of sandwich?" 

"That's just the trouble" replied the unhappy Mullah, "I don't have a
wife. So I have to make these sandwiches for myself!"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Softsqueeze ASIO- is it possible?

2008-06-06 Thread radish

I think that an app has to be "ASIO aware" to be able to make use of
those drivers, and SoftSqueeze doesn't appear to be so. It doesn't show
the ASIO drivers on my system either.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Softsqueeze ASIO- is it possible?

2008-06-06 Thread simplefi

Bump.  Anyone have a clue?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread tyler_durden

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

This is getting so silly I can't believe it.  Now we find out you're not
even listening to a Slimdevices product.

Raising doubts about your own, modified unit is one thing.  Implying
that the problems it may or may not have are somehow related to the
off-the-shelf Slimdevices product is something else entirely.

ANYTHING could be wrong and could make bad sound if the modifications
were not engineered properly and implemented properly.  Is there any
black electrical tape wrapped around any of the wires?  Were all the
connections soldered?  Did the modifier use rosin core or acid core



PS- When is someone going to start selling modifications to the server
software that "improve" the sound?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Matching integrated amp for speaker

2008-06-06 Thread auronthas

I have shortlisted the following few integrated amplifiers (below USD
1.5K) to match Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speaker, 

a) Cambridge Audio 840A
b) Roksan Kandy MKIII
c) Creek Classic 5350SE
d) Naim Nait 5i
e) Primare I21

Appreciate if someone can advise, recommend good decent amplifier
within USD 1.5K? I listen mostly jazz, classical, new age music.




Tajima Power Conditioner  Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C
V2  Van den Hul The Source  Cambridge Audio 540A
 Chord Carnival Silver Plus (current) / Van den Hul Goldwater
 Sonus Faber Concertino Domus

Dell Inspiron 640m  Window Vista  SC 7.0.1 - 20455 (07
June 08) Firmware: 88  Aztech DSL600EW 

iPod Touch 16GB fw 1.1.4

Last.FM :
Last.FM group I lead :

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDCD ripping

2008-06-06 Thread Dusty Chalk

Phil Leigh;309277 Wrote: 
> Sony doesn't do niche markets! So for them it is a complete commercial
> disaster. Their intention was to re-sell us all the CD's we'd ever
> bought (yet again!). No-one knows how much money they have lost on
> this.
> I'm only talking from a commercial standpoint here.Sony isn't the only 
> company in the world.  There are plenty of companies
(Pentatone, BIS, MoFi/MFSL, et al) that are doing just fine.  Yes, MoFi
is a company targeting a niche market -- the audiophile music listener.

Dusty Chalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread Nuuk

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

Phil Leigh;309360 Wrote: 
> Thanks - what's the transformer? 
> If it were me, it get rid of the BNC's and solder a flying lead
> instead...

Well, I'm looking to go to I2S soon anyway. I know you get rid of one
connection but does soldering a flying lead offer that much of an
improvement over a BNC socket/plug?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDCD ripping

2008-06-06 Thread Pat Farrell
Phil Leigh wrote:
> Sony doesn't do niche markets! So for them it is a complete commercial
> disaster. Their intention was to re-sell us all the CD's we'd ever
> bought (yet again!). No-one knows how much money they have lost on
> this.
> I'm only talking from a commercial standpoint here.

They also wanted to sell DSD recording gear to every studio on the 
planet. Didn't happen. Some Studios did DSD, most moved to high/wide 
PCM. The change would have required a lot of new hardware (ADC/DAC) and 
all new software.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread Phil Leigh

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

Nuuk;309292 Wrote: 
> Here is the circuit diagram Phil. In my opinion (although it could be a
> placebo effect!!!), this still doesn't match the digital output of the
> Transporter (perhaps not surprisingly given the power supply of the
> latter). The next step would be to supply a separate power supply for
> the circuit, something that I hope to try a bit later.

Thanks - what's the transformer? 
If it were me, it get rid of the BNC's and solder a flying lead

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Volume setting

2008-06-06 Thread Skunk

BigTony;309307 Wrote: 
> Sorry, maybe i didn't  make myself clear . My SB3 is connected to an
> eexternal DAC, and including settings i have 'digital output fixed',
> but if i use the remote  control the volume changes. I noticed this
> because one day there was no sound, and it turned out to have been
> turned down via the remote.

That's odd. Are you sure you clicked 'apply' at the bottom of the
interface after changing the setting to fixed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and ATC SCM150 Anniversary

2008-06-06 Thread cliveb

Tim-Ann;309301 Wrote: 
> Re leaving the ATC's on when I spoke to Ben at ATC he said they only use
> about a light bulb’s worth of electricity per day if left on, is that
> not so?
According to my power meter, the amps in the SCM100s consume about
0.55A when idle, which is about 130W. (So I guess you could argue that
it's similar to leaving a 100W light bulb on all the time, but that's
not something I would want to do). 130W is 3.12kWh per day. If you pay
10p per kWh, that's over £100 per year(!).

Tim-Ann;309301 Wrote: 
> My only thought was that having them on constantly was preferable to
> having to switch them on and wait for them to ‘warm up’?
IME they don't really have a warm-up period. They sound great right

Tim-Ann;309301 Wrote: 
> As you run your Transporter direct to your ATC’s are there any settings
> I need to change in SC7.01?
I run SC 7.0 (to stay away from TP firmwares 40 & 42, which I've read
have some problems), so I couldn't say for sure. My guess is that the
settings will be the same in 7.0 and 7.0.1, so there are no special
things to check. (ie. FLAC playback works correctly "out of the box",
and bitrate limiting is not set by default). It won't hurt to check
that bitrate limiting is set to "no limit" - if it's set to some
specific rate, then all your FLACs will get transcoded to MP3 (which
would kind of defeat the purpose of having a Transporter and ATCs!).

Tim-Ann;309301 Wrote: 
> I’ve been reading about ‘replay gain’ and not sure if that should be on
> or off and if I need to use Footbar2000 to remove any gain (hope that’s
> the correct terminology).
Replaygain is just a set of metadata tags. It doesn't affect the audio
data in the file at all. What it does do is instruct the playback
device to adjust the volume up or down. I recommend that you do add the
Replaygain tags (both album and track values) to all your FLACs. Just
because they are present doesn't mean you have to use them. I set my
main system (TP & ATCs) to use Album Gain tags, and the two others (SB2
in the kitchen; Duet in the bedroom) to use Smart Gain.

If you do use Replaygain, then you should be aware of a bug that can
cause clipping. See here for details:

Tim-Ann;309301 Wrote: 
> I transferred all my CD’s to FLAC with a 768 kBit/s was this correct?
The bit rate of FLAC files isn't that important. All it tells you is
the average compression factor you got. (768kbs is a compression factor
of about 45% - ie. the FLAC file is about 55% the size of the
uncompressed WAV file). You will find that different FLACs will have
different apparent bit rates, even though you compressed them all at
the same level.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2008-06-06 Thread Robin Bowes
sikahr wrote:
> So, there are two class of users:
> Audiophiles, real men who don't listen to mp3.
> They are not affected by Mp3 bug because they don't listen to mp3.
> Ordinary user, poor men who listen to mp3.
> They are not affected by Mp3 bug because:
> - they don't have equipment for hi-fi listening
> - they listen music where hi-fi is not important
> - they don't have ears for hi-fi listening
> - they simply don't have need for hi-fi listening
> If Ordinary user wants to become Audiophile, he must go through
> initiation,
> he must burn all your discs with mp3 and buy cables for minimum 5.000
> $.


Calm down.

There is a bug - I believe that has been confirmed (I've not 
investigated myself).

However, as many people keep pointing out, it really doesn't affect many 
people - you seem to be the only one who has reported it. And, for those 
that it does affect, there is a perfectly satisfactory work-around.

There are other bugs that are more severe and that affect many more 
people (wireless connection issues, etc). You can get an idea of the 
priority a bug is likely to receive by multiplying the number of people 
affected (impact) by the severity, and possibly add a factor taking into 
account how much effort a fix is likely to take (resource), i.e.:

priority = impact * severity / resource

In your case:

Impact: low
Severity: low
Resource: high

So, priority = low * low / high = v. low

This isn't going to get priority over the many other things that SD are 
working on at the moment, some of which you are not aware of.

You can bleat on here and anywhere you choose, but it ain't gonna change 
a thing.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2008-06-06 Thread CardinalFang

sikahr;309281 Wrote: 
> Because, ALMOST ALL users (use tapes)/(listens mp3).
> What is Your opinion, how many users of slimdevices use mp3 (in %)?

If we're talking about people on this audiophile forum, and so people
using transporters and SB3 in good hifi systems, I would guess that the
vast majority will be using lossless most of the time. My guess is that
people are only using MP3 because they have some downloads or for some
reason don't want to buy more disk space or also use the same files on
portable players. 

Those who do have large MP3 collections do not in the main appear to
have noticed any problem - I didn't on any of my MP3 downloads. I have
never seen it discussed in any other thread. Clearly it's not audible
to most MP3 users or there would be a huge outcry.

I really do suggest you get this into perspective. The bug is
acknowledged but it only affects a small group of people in edge
conditions. You are one of those people, but you do have alternatives.
It wouldn't have priority in any software company I know of.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread Nuuk

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

Phil Leigh;309278 Wrote: 
> Remind us what was modified about the digital out...

Here is the circuit diagram Phil. In my opinion (although it could be a
placebo effect!!!), this still doesn't match the digital output of the
Transporter (perhaps not surprisingly given the power supply of the
latter). The next step would be to supply a separate power supply for
the circuit, something that I hope to try a bit later.

|Filename: spdif_mod8.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-06 Thread MuckleEck

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

I have voted No primarily because my SC PC is also the homeserver and
acts as the backup for all the other PCs in the house as well as a
central storage for music/data/photos etc etcIt sits in the garage
and can make as much noise as it likes, probably not the greenest of
PCs but I decided that I didn't need a NAS as well as a PC being on at
the same time.



SB3 -> Linn Majik - Acoustic Energy Extreme 5 (garden) | SB3 ->
Cambridge Audio 640R - Morduant Short (TV room) | SB3 -> AudioEngine 2
(bedroom) | SB3 -> AudioEngine 2 (kitchen) | SBR -> Music Fidelity X-A1
- Mission 701 (office)| Chumby (bedroom)

Last Fm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and ATC SCM150 Anniversary

2008-06-06 Thread cliveb

Tim-Ann;309157 Wrote: 
> So I've ordered some Rothwell attenuators 10dB do they need to go in the
> speaker end or can I use them out of the Transporter?  I'm just thinking
> if they are in the speaker end I will need to rig up some support as
> they look quite long and I would worry about them being caught and
> dislodged?
In principle they should go at the speaker end.

Consider what they do: they are a voltage divider. The signal level
before the attenuator is higher (in this case 10dB higher) than the
signal after the attenuator. Therefore by putting the attenuator at the
speaker end, you're running the higher level through the (relatively
long) interconnect, and it should as a result be less vulnerable to

That said, since you're running a balanced signal which is relatively
immune to interference, in practice there may be no audible difference.
So why not try the attenuators at both ends? If you don't hear a
difference, leave them plugged into the Transporter. (And beware of the
expectation principle: if you expect to hear a difference, you may very
well do so even if there isn't one).

Tim-Ann;309157 Wrote: 
> I have plugged in the ATC SCA2 and there is a lot more volume from it
> but thus far I prefer the direct sound but I'm just worried given the
> other thread on this subject about the damage that could be caused to
> the ATC's as they are constantly powered on if the Transporter
> developed a fault or problem.
I wouldn't advise leaving the ATCs constantly powered on, if for no
other reason than the sake of your electricity bill. They have large
transformers whose primary windings will be consuming a fair amount
even when idle.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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