Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2009-12-27 Thread JohnSwenson

deadushka;499481 Wrote: 
> How can I make SqueezeCenter version 7.3.3 (which I'm running now) or
> any other Slim Server convert flac to wav (sorry, PCM) on the server
> side before it is sent to the receiver (if at all pssible).

All versions have this capability, its in the file formats page in
SqueezeCenter (Squeezebox Server). You have to use a browser on a
computer to connect to the server (http://:900) That is in
the broweser address bar type http:// followed by the server URL
followed by :9000. For my system that is If you
are doing this on the computer where the server is running this is

Once there you need to go to server settings and find the section for
filetypes. I don't remember exactly where that is on 7.3. Poke around
until you find it. 

This will bring up a window which lists a bunch of file types on the
left. For each file type you are given  a list of stream options. Each
stream option will have a box that you can check or uncheck. Find the
FLAC file type and make sure the only stream option selected is wav. If
you have more than one stream option chosen you have no idea which the
server is going to choose so make sure you only have one stream option
selected for each file type. If you don't have any stream options
checked the server will not send that type of file at all. 

Then click on the apply button and that should be it. The next song you
go to should now be streaming PCM rather than flac. 

The more recent Squeezebox Server uses a slightly different format, For
each filetype you are given several boxes which have pull down menus.
You have a choice of: disable, or a stream type. One of the boxes has a
stream type of native. This sends the file with no change, one has a
stream type of PCM. Make sure all the boxes say disabled except for the
one with PCM. That is the same as having WAV selected in the earlier

I hope you can figure it out from this. Its not really all that hard
once you find the filetype page. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2009-12-27 Thread Pete Fowler

deadushka;499481 Wrote: 
> I took a wav-file (ripped from some audiphile CD) and a flac version of
> the same file and played these through my system (Duet -> Audio Alchemy
> DAC -> Parasound A21 power amp -> NHT 2.5i). To my surprise there was a
> diffirence. Wav played audibly better.

I can't help with your question of how to force WAV output of FLAC
files, but I can offer one (potential) reason why you're hearing a
difference between the file least with the Duet receiver.

It all depends on what the Xilinx receiver chip in the Duet has to do
to process FLAC vs. WAV files. Does decompression of FLAC happen in the
Duet receiver or on SqueezeServer? Is a WAV file playable as-is (or with
minimal processing by the receiver chip)?

Because - anything that causes the Xilinx receiver chip to work harder
in the Duet receiver will degrade the sound. The Xilinx puts out a lot
of self-noise onto the power rails, master clock, etc. If sending it WAV
files vs. FLAC files reduces the internal activity on the Xilinx you'll
get lower jitter and noise sent to the I2S, SPDIF and onboard DAC chip.

I wish I knew more about the architecture of the Xilinx firmware in
order to answer this definitively. I'm willing to bet that's the source
of any difference between the two formats.


Pete Fowler

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2009-12-27 Thread deadushka

I've read through all of the posts in this thread just because I've had
a similar experience a few months earlier and was hoping to find a
solution/answer to the problem which I brushed aside at the time as
insignificant but very intriguing one.

A few months after I purchased a Duet in addition to my SqueezeBox I
read an article in Stereophile where an expert by way of offhand remark
mentioned something like "I was shocked at the difference in sound of
lossless compressed files and uncompressed wavs".

Being an IT professional and knowing that theoretecally there should be
NO difference between a flac and a wav files (other than one file is
actually zipped) I tried to prove this claim wrong in practice.

I took a wav-file (ripped from some audiphile CD) and a flac version of
the same file and played these through my system (Duet -> Audio Alchemy
DAC -> Parasound A21 power amp -> NHT 2.5i). To my surprise there was a
diffirence. Wav played audibly better.

To confirm these results I invited my two friends-audiophiles and after
a couple of glasses of wine asked them to tell if there was a difference
between two versions of the song. This was what you call a blind test,
they didn't know if there actually was a differnce, beause I wasn't 100%
sure either, and they didn't know what file was actually playing flac or

The funny thing was that they preferred and correctly identified 100%
of wavs not knowing what I actually was trying to find out. They
actually didn't know what flac is (they were CD-audiophiles) and why
there should be no difference between the files until I explained to
them the meaning of the test.

The version of the server was 7.2.

Well I took this result as a fact, but I had to live with this
knowledge as the size of my collection was at the time 1.5Tb in flac
files and I had to have this tag feature which allowed for convenient
management of the collection.

Now that you've read all of the above the question is (I couldn't find
an answer in this thread):

How can I make SqueezeCenter version 7.3.3 (which I'm running now) or
any other Slim Server convert flac to wav (sorry, PCM) on the server
side before it is sent to the receiver (if at all pssible).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is my logic correct here? Arcam DAC vs. CI AUDIO

2009-12-27 Thread darthkringle

Guys-  Been going through some pretty extensive blind testing, and am
coming to the conclusion that I cannot hear much if any difference
between running my Duet spdif through a CI Audio VDA 2 external DAC vs.
going directly to my Arcam AVR 300's spdif input.  After not being able
to decide, I tried something that "DID" yield a difference, but I'm not
sure if it means anything.  

I was running my Duet receiver optical out and SPDIF out at the same
time.  One through the CI AUDIO DAC, and one directly to the arcam. 
Instead of listening to music, I paused the music and maxed the volume
on the ARCAM with no music.  The level of "noise/static" associated with
the arcam input taking the direct digital signal was SUBSTANTIALLY lower
than the noise on the alternate input using the analog outs from the CI

My assumption therefore is that the internal DAC in my arcam is indeed
quieter and therefore "better?" than the CI Audio Dac using analog.

Am I off here?

Thanks as always guys.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles 24 vs 16 bits...

2009-12-27 Thread paulisded

I'm still debating on whether to purchase this or not. I have the Stereo
and Mono CD boxes, and I still have no idea if I'm going to hear a

But I can plug this directly into my Duet?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beatles 24 vs 16 bits...

2009-12-27 Thread MrSinatra


first, thx for your posts on this, very interesting.  i'm also a beatle
nut, and i want your thoughts on the following:

do you believe that the equipment of the time, was in fact capable of
recording in those extremely high and low ranges you're discussing?

we are talking about 4 track tape, with all its inherent transport
noise and so on, and other limitations one expects with it.

even if you do, the next Q is what methods did the remastering team
use?  my guess is they took the original analog tapes and digitized them
fresh.  not sure if they remixed anything or not.  once newly digitized,
they went to work on them, doing god knows what to strip noise and boost
signal.  one wonders how far they went, and if that impacts what you
hear in those extremes.

anyway, cool thread.

sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbr (parent's home) - sbs 7.5b - win xp pro sp3
ie8 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link dir-655 -
35k mp3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Coax vs. BNC connector for Transporter to Processor?

2009-12-27 Thread seanadams

See this thread about analog vs digital inputs on an A/V receiver:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Coax vs. BNC connector for Transporter to Processor?

2009-12-27 Thread SamS

Great to know, Sean.

I think I will try BNC, the info about the transformer vs. capacitor is
very interesting.  I use the analog outputs now, and am very satisfied
with the sound from 16/44.1.  Supposedly, the Denon AVP has some
remarkable DACs/analog stages, so if anything has the chance to beat the
analog sound of the TP, I'm told this would be it.

Thanks for your comments, it is invaluable to have the product designer
giving us insights into something that gets (very) regular use in my
audio system.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Coax vs. BNC connector for Transporter to Processor?

2009-12-27 Thread seanadams

Actually, both RCA and BNC are coax connectors so you shouldn't say coax
in reference to a particular one. 

As to which is better, BNC is a better connector in all regards - it is
designed for high frequencies whereas RCA isn't. It has a locking fit
which won't come loose. It's just a better, more modern (and more
expensive) connector.

But just to make things exciting for you, TP uses two different
transmission circuits on each of the respective interfaces. The BNC has
a transformer whereas the RCA has a capacitor. Capacitor coupled outputs
are most common these days, but the transformer has the advantage that
it isolates the grounds between the two devices.

In terms of signal quality the differences are not going to be huge -
try them both.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Coax vs. BNC connector for Transporter to Processor?

2009-12-27 Thread SamS


I have a new Denon AVP processor coming soon, and I was considering
using the Transporter's BNC connector vs. analog or the coax SPDIF.

Good, bad, pros or cons?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread seanadams

adamslim;499385 Wrote: 
> It does seem a shame that so much hand-wringing goes on about jitter,
> yet it is a problem almost completely solved by a clock from the DAC. 
> If indeed it is an audible problem at all.  Still, fills the hifi mags,
> eh?  :)

Agreed, plus it sure confuses the heck out of everyone which makes it
easy to sell any kind of "cure".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread adamslim

seanadams;499259 Wrote: 
> Not that I know of... and in fairness, Transporter has a word clock
> output mode which only does 44.1, but as far as I know nobody has EVER
> used it for anything except my own performance testing.

It does seem a shame that so much hand-wringing goes on about jitter,
yet it is a problem almost completely solved by a clock from the DAC. 
If indeed it is an audible problem at all.  Still, fills the hifi mags,
eh?  :)


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps,
Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2009-12-27 Thread marcoc1712

To Ilbravo: in my system (7.4.1) is working properly.

To Themis: As You can read in the early posts, I've tried out this at
the really beginning, but no real benefits in SQ to me, in "blind" tests
I was able to recognize the WAV file, not alwais the FLAC versus FLAC >

This moved me to start the discussion, just becouse some behavoir of SB
seems to be depending on the 'source' file type and not on the stream
format (i.e. FF/REW) and the same is for my SQ perception, so maybe a
relashionship exist, but never ask to me wich one, based on what or
else, let tech people investigate it, if they want.


Critical listening is now suspended, due to the massive wine quantity

Have a good time!



SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2009-12-27 Thread marcoc1712

To Ilbravo: in my system (7.4.1) is working properly.

To Themis: As You can read in the early posts, I've tried out this at
the really beginning, but no real benefits in SQ to me, in "blind" tests
I was able to recognize the WAV file, not alwais the FLAC versus FLAC >

This moved me to start the discussion, just becouse some behavoir of SB
seems to be depending on the 'source' file type and not on the stream
format (i.e. FF/REW) and the same is for my SQ perception, so maybe a
relashionship exist, but never ask to me wich one, based on what or
else, let tech people investigate it, if they want.


Critical listening is now suspended, due to the massive wine quantity

Have a good time!



SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2009-12-27 Thread ilbravo

Themis;498194 Wrote: 
> You don't need to convert the library to WAV. Just ask SqueezeServer
> software to transmit them to your Squeezebox as WAV. ;)

Unfortunately, SqueezeCenter 7.3. seems to have lost its capability to
transcode flac to wav which was working in 7.2. flawlessly . When I set
flac < flac to 'disabled'  and flac < wav to 'flac' there is no more
playback of flac files at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super T-amp replacement?

2009-12-27 Thread alanj

Many thanks for all the suggestions. 

I've now ordered a Bantam direct from  , mainly as available from UK (
and I could pay without using paypal ).



Koolu (Ubuntu 9.04)  + SC 7.3.2 feeding ==>
SB3 -> Cyrus 6vs   -> KEF iQ7
SB2 -> Super T amp -> Mission 771

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread seanadams

adamslim;499256 Wrote: 
> Are there actually any DACs that do respond by changing the clock out
> according to the SPDIF metadata?  That would be cool, although since
> they could only be used properly with a single transport system (the
> Transporter), I guess the market would be a tad limited!

Not that I know of... and in fairness, Transporter has a word clock
output mode which only does 44.1, but as far as I know nobody has EVER
used it for anything except my own performance testing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread seanadams

Also, you did not answer my (serious, non-rhetorical) question:

> How exactly is your "high quality" clock going to survive being
> transmitted to the DAC, not to mention divided down to word clock speeds
> and then multiplied back up to master clock speed?

If you just begin to think about this for one minute, instead of
blindly accepting the dogma of an overpriced audiophile snake oil
vendor, you might begin understand where I'm coming from.

Sometimes I wonder why I still visit this forum.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread adamslim

Are there actually any DACs that do respond by changing the clock out
according to the SPDIF metadata?  That would be cool, although since
they could only be used properly with a single transport system (the
Transporter), I guess the market would be a tad limited!


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps,
Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread seanadams

Elberoth;499226 Wrote: 
> Your seem to have a very strong opinion against the external clocks,
> which I might add, is in strong contrast to what appears to be an
> industry accepted standard.
> If so, then what is the purpose of the Word Clock input on the
> Transporter ?

It's an optional mode where an external DAC may serve as the master


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