Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread JJZolx

There's almost no reason _not_ to downgrade to 7.5.1 if you like.  The
only difference between 7.5.2 and 7.5.1 is the newer firmware.  The
server is virtually the same.

But I thought you already figured out an easy workaround.  If your
network can handle it, have all Flac files transcoded to PCM at the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Celeritas

So, I used Foobar2000 to create the flac files with the standard flac
executable from Sourceforge and I'm not getting any pops or clicks with
the Keith Jarrett track that has been my test track. For a complete
test, I used Foobar2000 to create a compression level 8 version of the
track.  The Transporter did have trouble with this file (clicks and
pops returned).  Apparently, I'm riding a fine line with this track and
the CPU resources of the Transporter.

I'm still disappointed, as firmware version 80 worked just fine.  I
guess I'll just redo all of my high-res tracks with Foobar2000 and hope
that gives me the headroom the Transporter needs.  What happens when an
even more CPU intensive track comes along?


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Celeritas

I was able to reduce (but not eliminate) the popping and crackling by
disabling the Music Information Screen and turning scrolling off.  It
looks like every time the player "thinks", I get a pop with the Keith
Jarrett tracks.

Something interesting is that if I take the wav file and use sox to
create a flac with the same syntax that is in convert.conf (sox -q -t
wav $INFILE$ -t flac -c 0 -r 96000 $OUTFILE$), I get a file that is
ever so slightly larger at compression level 0 than the standard flac
executable.  This file does not crackle.  If I use the standard flac
executable that is part of dbPoweramp at compression level 0, it
crackles.  I don't know what sox is doing differently to create the
file, or why the compression is slightly lower.

If I disable flac transcoding and use native PCM in file types on the
server, the wav file plays just fine.  The combination of FLAC decoding
and the new CPU load in the firmware updates is just a bit more than the
unit can handle.

I have never opened a bug, but I do have a ticket open with the help
desk.  I will refer them to this post so that they can see what others
have written.  I never tried firmware 84, as the nightlies were at 85
by the time I started experimenting.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread ychng

Had the same issue with popping/clicking sounds on the transporter on
firmware 85. No problems at all with 84 before that, and the issue went
away when I reverted to 84 from 85.

Did not make a difference Ethernet or Wifi - as it shouldn't given that
CPU limitations are the cause.

Thanks again all!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Problem with 24Bit/96Khz

2010-12-25 Thread audiomuze

Seems to me this could be a more extreme case of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Wombat

Since Logitech took over Slimdevices i wondered how long it takes that
no one takes care about it anymore.
Logitech should produce mice, that´s what i belief they are good at.
If anyone told me to buy a 1599€ product of Logitech back then i´d
asked him what the hell he is smoking.

Hard words in such a peasefull time, sorry. Enjoy your holidays :)


Transporter -> RG142 -> Avantgarde based monoblocks -> Sommer SPK240 ->
self-made speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread audiomuze

I noticed the same issue a few nights back playing Diana Krall - Quiet
Nights 24/96, and was baffled as it'd never occurred prior.  Please
advise whether the bug's been filed so I can vote for it.


*'Linux finally gets a great audio tagger'
'puddletag' (*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread michael123

cliveb;597010 Wrote: 
> Why on Earth did they do that? Stealing CPU cycles from a non-upgradable
> player in order to perform a task that could be done by the server
> (which can be upgraded to cope with the task if necessary) just seems
> daft.
> Didn't Logitech understand the concept behind a "Slim Device" when they
> bought the company?

Yes! Smooth scrolling is very important for audiophiles :)
I need a telescope to see anything on my Transporter, not to say Touch

On the topic of firmware, I am running 3-month old beta with #84 and do
not have anything close to popping noises. Maybe I am lucky


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread cliveb

JJZolx;597013 Wrote: 
> > cliveb;597010 Wrote: 
> > Why on Earth did they do that?> > 
> >
Ah, right - to reduce load on MySB. Now I understand. (I don't use
MySB, so this never occured to me).


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Mnyb

callesoroe;597083 Wrote: 
> Thank you for the information. I was about to upgrade but I definately
> will not do it now. I will wait for this bug to be fixed.

Speaking of has anyone filed an actual bug yet in bugzilla ?
Otherwise it will never be fixed .

Easiest fix must be to reverse this change for transporter but keep it
for SB3/2 Boom .

The amount of logged on transporter users must be ridiculously low
compared to other players can't make a dent in the
system ?

That means keeping the scrolling code in SBS/ but only use it
for transporters.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread callesoroe

Celeritas;596731 Wrote: 
> After upgrading to 7.5.2 today I started noticing "static pops" in
> high-res tracks (FLAC compression level "0" files that played fine
> yesterday) and while the player changed tracks.  I used to hear a
> similar "pop" when the DAC would go from 44.1/16 to 96/24, but this was
> now while music was playing.  I began to wonder if it was the new
> firmware version 81.  I updated my "transporter.version" file and
> installed firmware version 85.  Same problem.
> I downgraded the firmware to 80 (still using 7.5.2 server) and the pops
> went away.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I'm sure I won't be able
> to use firmware 80 forever.
> Things I tried before downgrading:
> Reinstall firmware (hold brightness)
> Reprogrammed xilink (hold "1" while plugging in)
> Factory reset (hold "+" while plugging in)
> Only downgrading the firmware helped.

Thank you for the information. I was about to upgrade but I definately
will not do it now. I will wait for this bug to be fixed.


SB-duet, Transporter, Tact RCS 2.2X digital preamp, Martin Logan Vista
speakers, AMPS(Icepower): Acoustic Reality Ear Enigma PLUS(PANELS),
Acoustic Reality Ear TWO MKII(Bas)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-12-25 Thread hybride

Hi all,

Is Inguz eq still working with server 7.5.2? 

Tried to install the files on either a Windows and MAC system. 

In both systems i can't change the FLAC filetype to Inguzdsp. It's is
not there, greyed out.

Help appreciated!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DACs : unmodded Transporter vs Perfectwave DAC?

2010-12-25 Thread alekz

RadioClash;596969 Wrote: 
>  What is keeping me away from the Bridge is the "primitive" server
> software for it right now.  The Squeezebox Server cannot be equaled at
> the moment, and I fear that it will be quite a long time before PS
> Audio develops anything close to it.
Second that. Took me several days to make the Bridge emit a sound... If
you use Mac or Win devices you are probably safe, but with UNIX it's
tricky. I asked them to implement a simple HTTP based network player
built into the Bridge software. The answer was - in the future.

OTOH, the situation is pretty much the same as with the Linn devices.
Same upnp $%^&...


Equipment: Transporter/PS Audio PerfectWave DAC + Bridge - Pass Labs x1
- Pass Labs x250 - Martin Logan Summit (+ PS Audio PowerPlant Premier,
MIT Oracle cables, Finite Elemente Master Reference rack, Finite
Elemente Cerafeet, Acustica Aplicata DAAD traps).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DACs : unmodded Transporter vs Perfectwave DAC?

2010-12-25 Thread alekz

mlsstl;596962 Wrote: 
> Just curious, what makes you say that? I've followed the reviews and
> comments regarding the Touch from a number of sources since its
> introduction. The comments have been consistently glowing. Even those
> who think the internal DAC can bettered by an external unit still state
> the transport end of things is excellent. 
> I've had a unit since last April and find it very good, external DAC or
> not. 
> How is the unit "not very good" in your estimation?

A short answer: because there are better transports and better DAC's.
E.g. the Transporter. 

I would rephrase the question to avoid another discussion about the
quality of transports:

Will all transports sound the same with the PS Audio Lens? Considering
the transports are not  extremely buggy and noisy so that the digital
stream contains errors.


Equipment: Transporter/PS Audio PerfectWave DAC + Bridge - Pass Labs x1
- Pass Labs x250 - Martin Logan Summit (+ PS Audio PowerPlant Premier,
MIT Oracle cables, Finite Elemente Master Reference rack, Finite
Elemente Cerafeet, Acustica Aplicata DAAD traps).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DACs : unmodded Transporter vs Perfectwave DAC?

2010-12-25 Thread alekz

firedog;597019 Wrote: 
> Ah, I didn't understand you the first time. But for me, the Lens is
> basically a guality digital streamer. So if I bought one I'd just
> have:
Not quite. The lens is a reclocking buffer, the Bridge is a Linux box
what receives the stream from the net, saves it to its internal memory
and forwards to the DAC. Basically the Bridge has a "built-in Lens."

If you do not have or do not wish to use any other transports than a
network streamer, you do no need a reclocking buffer, aka Lens.


Equipment: Transporter/PS Audio PerfectWave DAC + Bridge - Pass Labs x1
- Pass Labs x250 - Martin Logan Summit (+ PS Audio PowerPlant Premier,
MIT Oracle cables, Finite Elemente Master Reference rack, Finite
Elemente Cerafeet, Acustica Aplicata DAAD traps).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DACs : unmodded Transporter vs Perfectwave DAC?

2010-12-25 Thread firedog

alekz;596917 Wrote: 
> Sorry, I should've been more clear:
> 1. Network -> Touch -> Lens -> PWD
> 2. Network -> Bridge+PWD
> The 2nd system *should* sound better. The Touch is not a very good
> transport (but probably with the Lens it will not matter anymore), plus
> you  need two more digital cables. Also, even without additional
> power/digital cables and equipment feet/spikes the 1st system costs
> more (the Bridge costs around $900, the Lens - $2400). 
> I see only one advantage - separate (or rather additional) power
> supplies for the DAC and for the "computer" part (system 1). Need to
> check the PS Audio website, I think PWD already has two separate power
> supplies.

Ah, I didn't understand you the first time. But for me, the Lens is
basically a guality digital streamer. So if I bought one I'd just

Server>Lens(includes bridge)>DAC and drop the Touch. Use iPad or iPhone
for interface. This seems to me a good solution for those who already
own a good DAC & server.

PS Audio indicated the price of Lens expected to be about $2000. Sort
of a lot for a streamer. There's a similar product, the Auraliti
(, that sells for $800. Reputed to have excellent sound.
(And yes, I know it is more limited in terms of connections,
netowrking, etc., but it is the same basic idea - a high quality
streamer, digital out, no moving computer parts inside.)


Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running SqueezeServer; SB Touch slaved to
Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF V DAC3, MF X-150 amp, Devore Gibbon Super 8
Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20 (occasional use); sometimes use PC with
M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom in second room. Arcam CD82 which
I don't use anymore, even though it's a very good player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Meridion

Also when scrollling or moving through the menu while playing 96kHz/24b
FLACs I heard crackling sounds with new firmware 51...


Songs: 16'169 - Albums: 1'337 - Artists: 916

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread JJZolx

cliveb;597010 Wrote: 
> Why on Earth did they do that?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread cliveb

JJZolx;596994 Wrote: 
> The big change to firmware 81 was moving the scrolling of text to the
> player, so it could account for greater CPU usage.
Why on Earth did they do that? Stealing CPU cycles from a
non-upgradable player in order to perform a task that could be done by
the server (which can be upgraded to cope with the task if necessary)
just seems daft.

Didn't Logitech understand the concept behind a "Slim Device" when they
bought the company?


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does audiophile equal quiet?

2010-12-25 Thread cliveb

Henry66;596880 Wrote: 
> Interesting. Would it not have made more sense, when increasing the
> number of bits, to stick to a dynamic range of 96dB and increase the
> resolution of each bit? That would be about 4dB of dynamic range for 24
> bits, 3dB for 32 bits, etc. 
> Why did they choose the current scheme? Backwards compatibility?
Linear PCM doesn't work like that. Each bit represents a doubling of
output voltage, which gives 6.02dB more level. Resolution and dynamic
range are basically the same thing.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-12-25 Thread firedog


Installed it as per the web instructions. Questions/Problems:

1. It doesn't appear in menu interface anywhere (tried with Touch and
with Squeezeplay);

2. In the SBS Web interface (using 7.52) the EQ link appears, but when
I open it the 

"EQ -> Settings… -> Test Signals… -> Left/Right Identifier"

item mentioned in the measurement instructions isn't there.

Other items mentioned in the instructions also seem to be missing form
the pages

Note: I'm using windows XP and have Net Framework 2 installed.


Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running SqueezeServer; SB Touch slaved to
Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF V DAC3, MF X-150 amp, Devore Gibbon Super 8
Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20 (occasional use); sometimes use PC with
M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom in second room. Arcam CD82 which
I don't use anymore, even though it's a very good player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread JJZolx

The big change to firmware 81 was moving the scrolling of text to the
player, so it could account for greater CPU usage.  Apparently the
Transporter is borderline when playing 96kHz Flac, so any small change
could push it over the top.  I'm not sure whether the scrolling changes
should affect it if you're using the Music Information Screensaver, but
maybe the plugin doesn't play nice with the new approach to scrolling.

Try disabling the plugin first.  If that doesn't help you might then go
to the Transporter's display settings (using the web interface) and
change the scrolling rate.  Increase the scroll pixels to 7 and
decrease the scroll rate (by increasing the value) to 0.15.  I think
those were the old defaults.  In any case, adjust the scroll rate until
the speed looks correct.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Phil Leigh

Celeritas;596981 Wrote: 
> This is only present on 96k 14bit tracks.  The one I see it most is when
> playing track 2 of Keith Jarrett's "Koln Concert" from  I
> recompressed the files at compression level "0" with dbPoweramp after
> purchasing them.
> Something odd:
> When I uncompress the file and play it on the Transporter as a wav, it
> plays fine.  The thing is, I have have not customized the file type
> playback on the server, so all wav files will automatically be
> transcoded to FLAC with sox at compression level 0.  I even see sox
> running on the server while I play the file.  It should create the same
> problem, but it doesn't.  I do wonder if there is any resampling going
> on there.
> I also tried disabling FLAC playback to force all FLAC files to be sent
> to the Transporter as PCM.  I am sure there is no resampling there, yet
> the songs play fine.
> I am using the Music Information Screensaver as well as the VU Meter. 
> I might try turning those off.  I'll report back...

There's no resampling going on in either of your scenarios for 24/96
(and lower) tracks.

I would try turning off the VU first...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters, Blue Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.

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