Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread c-eling

I've enjoyed T3.0 for my setup,thanks! I have a onkyo 608 avr I use for
my Touch, for quite awhile I was using a monoprice digital coax
thinking this was the best route,was bored last week and decided to toy
around with an old Monster toslink,to my surprise it opened my music
up,so I took a forum members advice and got a glass toslink, Sonicwave
glass .5m my avr's coax must be crap if I'm getting a cleaner,smoother
more detailed sound from this,I've read many battles between the two
and coax always seems to be the winner,huh Just want to say thanks for
the time spent from all of you who have made this gadget a fantastic
music box!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread Gazjam

magiccarpetride;678916 Wrote: 
> Hahaha, good one! For what it's worth, that was a piece of free advice
> from me, and you're free to use it any way you like (or not to use it).
> Others, however, may find it more useful.
> It's kind of odd how many people on this forum are extremely dogmatic.
> You give them a piece of good old common sense advice, such as 'there
> is always room for improvement', and they get agitated and for some
> reason feel threatened and want to retaliate. But in all seriousness,
> people, no matter how much you may think that you have reached the
> pinnacle in your audio configuration, there will always be some other
> system that will take your system to school. To repeat: there is always
> room for improvement, no matter what the fundamentalists may say.
> As far as using this forum to work on a PhD thesis, you're right,
> Morpheus -- this is an ideal matrix for studying symptoms of unfounded
> paranoia and the blossoming of conspiracy theories. All you need to
> work on now is finding your Neo who will liberate you from being
> enslaved in this matrix.
> Just beware of Agent Smith, if you get my drift...

Alex, whats all this about Shakti stones... :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread Gazjam

SBGK;678910 Wrote: 
> apologies for that unpleasant episode or comedy gold depending on how
> you see it. must be more disciplined, but it was easy meat.

comedy gold in my book.
Some folks are needing to take themselves just a LITTLE bit less
seriously... :)

What is it about internet forums that brings out the worst in people?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread Recoveryone

Emotiva mini X100 amp 60 WPC
SB Touch
Axiom M22 V3 Speakers


Pioneer Elite 
Logictech/Slim Device Transporter wirelessly connected
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer BDP 320

2nd SqueezeBox 3 Wirelessly connected (Bedroom)
Pioneer VSX 520K
Pioneer BDP 120

3rd SqueezeBox 3 Wirelessly connected (MediaRoom)
Pioneer VSX 510

Server running on (In garage)
4th Squeezebox 3 Wirelessly
P4 3.0 GHz
2 gig ram
Windows XP (Sp3)
Linksys NIC wireless card w/HG anatana/speed boost
350 Xternal gigHD W/1.5 TB backup
Verizon 54g wireless router w/HG antana

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread garym

magiccarpetride;678916 Wrote: 
> It's kind of odd how many people on this forum are extremely dogmatic. 

I find most people these days are too dogmatic, forum members or not
(cf., current state of politics in the United States...) 



Location 1: VB Appliance 6TB (1.10) > LMS 7.7.1 > Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Location 2: VB Appliance 3TB (2.0) > LMS 7.7.1 > Touch > Benchmark DAC
I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Office: Win7(64) > LMS 7.7.1 > SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD & SqueezePad), CONTROLLER,
or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread magiccarpetride

garym;678833 Wrote: 
> OK, this confirms it. MCR is a very high quality troll. Either for his
> own amusement or possibly as part of a larger study related to his PhD
> dissertation, he throws out things here on the forums and then sits
> back and waits to capture and/or record the responses of those seeking
> truth, justice, and better audio.
> Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down MCR in any way. I'm in awe.
> It's brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Hahaha, good one! For what it's worth, that was a piece of free advice
from me, and you're free to use it any way you like (or not to use it).
Others, however, may find it more useful.

It's kind of odd how many people on this forum are extremely dogmatic.
You give them a piece of good old common sense advice, such as 'there
is always room for improvement', and they get agitated and for some
reason feel threatened and want to retaliate. But in all seriousness,
people, no matter how much you may think that you have reached the
pinnacle in your audio configuration, there will always be some other
system that will take your system to school. To repeat: there is always
room for improvement, no matter what the fundamentalists may say.

As far as using this forum to work on a PhD thesis, you're right,
Morpheus -- this is an ideal matrix for studying symptoms of unfounded
paranoia and the blossoming of conspiracy theories. All you need to
work on now is finding your Neo who will liberate you from being
enslaved in this matrix.

Just beware of Agent Smith, if you get my drift...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

apologies for that unpleasant episode or comedy gold depending on how
you see it. must be more disciplined, but it was easy meat.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread Gazjam

pandasharka;678869 Wrote: 
> You kill me.
> I would suggest that Soundcheck would have had an easier ride recently
> without your "mods" detracting from his work. 
> Where was your impact analysis? change management?
> ~No where.
> where did that leave most other TT3.0 users?

Sorry have to say this...
What the fuck have YOU done for the community, other than moan about
someone who HAS (on his own time)?

Whats the agenda here?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread Gazjam

SBGK;678865 Wrote: 
> can you put your mum on for a moment.

I burst out laughing when I read that...
Tongue in cheek but very funny


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread rgro

guidof;678893 Wrote: 
> SBGK: 
> Tried your page 48, 12/21 values last night. 
> In my system, the difference with TT3.0 are fairly subtle. The sound
> signature is pretty much the same; maybe a bit fuller in the bass. 
> The more noticeable difference is in the soundstage: greater depth and
> a bit easier to distinguish individual instrumental lines.
> On the whole, a worthwhile change.
> Thanks a lot for sharing!
> Guido F.

Phewthat was a breath of fresh air.



System information

Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305. 

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678889 Wrote: 
> And limitations willl often delay shite from one's mouth...

don't you mean keyboard, or are you into scat. 2 pandas 1 cup.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread guidof

SBGK;678587 Wrote: 
> Klaus,
> I have updated my TT priority settings on Page 48. have dialled back
> the settings for pdflush to 98 and irq14 and irq47 to 39. buffer set to
> 3200. probably very tailored to my system. 
> I don't plan to update it anymore as it is pretty good and people can
> tune it to their system.
> looking forward to TT4.0
> thanks again


Tried your page 48, 12/21 values last night. 

In my system, the difference with TT3.0 are fairly subtle. The sound
signature is pretty much the same; maybe a bit fuller in the bass. 

The more noticeable difference is in the soundstage: greater depth and
a bit easier to distinguish individual instrumental lines.

On the whole, a worthwhile change.

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge->Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP-83 Universal Player->Cambridge Azur 840C DAC
Vortexbox Appliance->WiFi Bridge->Squeezebox Touch->Toslink->Cambridge
Azur 840C DAC->Adcom GFP-750 preamp->Music Reference RM-200 Mk II amp
-> Martin Logan SL3s
DSpeaker Antimode 8033->REL T1 Sub
Squeezebox Touch (analog out)->Little Dot Mk III amp->AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch->Grado SR125 headphones

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;67 Wrote: 
> It would be good to get back from religion to reality - your minor
> tweaks - yes - have had marginal improvements..
> But man needs to know his limitations...

you've taught me a lot about man's limitations. thanks, I am humbled in
the presence of such greatness.

I am going back to TT2.0. I think I prefer the less processed sound. so
thanks for veering me away from TT4.0, that would have been a mistake.
have you tried putting vaseline under the feet of the SBT, better
transfer of sonic vibration, assuming you've got a SBT stand that is.
£50 from atacama.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

And limitations willl often delay shite from one's mouth...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678884 Wrote: 
> no don't go. your my pet. I need a tester. please.

It would be good to get back from religion to reality - your minor
tweaks - yes - have had marginal improvements..

But man needs to know his limitations...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678881 Wrote: 
> You are sadly deluded my son. Without Soundcheck you are
> nowhere...Amen.
> Merry Xmas.

no don't go. your my pet. I need a tester. please.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678879 Wrote: 
> I like to think I've played my part, thanks. I like to look on it as
> Klaus is the grand architect guided by god of course and I am the
> engineer who assembles the great lodge so that all may enter and be
> brothers together.

You are sadly deluded my son. Without Soundcheck you are

Merry Xmas.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678878 Wrote: 
> You had a brief ambulance chase..leave the real work to the master...

I like to think I've played my part, thanks. I like to look on it as
Klaus is the grand architect guided by god of course and I am the
engineer who assembles the great lodge so that all may enter and be
brothers together.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

You had a brief ambulance chase..leave the real work to the master...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678875 Wrote: 
> I haven't got a clue. Maybe if Klaus read the last few pages for a laugh
> he can decipher, cos I haven't got the foggiest...

then that's something we can both agree on.

Good night, sweet dreams.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678871 Wrote: 
> are you off your head ? meds not working ?
> where is the ignore button? ah, there it is.

I haven't got a clue. Maybe if Klaus read the last few pages for a
laugh he can decipher, cos I haven't got the foggiest...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

I guess answers to all of the above are ...nowhere/.

Thats's why you had users all over the place tracking obscure changes
and wondering what the foxtrot they had to do with TT3.0


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678869 Wrote: 
> You kill me.
> I would suggest that Soundcheck would have had an easier ride recently
> without your "mods" detracting from his work. 
> Where was your impact analysis? change management?
> ~No where.
> where did that leave most other TT3.0 users?

are you off your head ? meds not working ?

where is the ignore button? ah, there it is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

You kill me.

I would suggest that Soundcheck would have had an easier ride recently
without your "mods" detracting from his work. 

Where was your impact analysis? change management?

~No where.

where did that leave most other TT3.0 users?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread rgro

pandasharka;678854 Wrote: 
> Simply. TT3.0 was released and many people tried it, for good or bad.
> There was feedback from both camps. Suddenly, after a couple of months,
> another guy comes on the scene mentioning tweaks? How were these tweaks
> tested against the original? Change management? Version control? 
> What is stopping the average SBT user (eg me) making a few hokey
> changes on the fly and losing all original TT3.0 implementation?
> Surely this mini -me should be working with Klaus as a bare min?
> Or did I get it wrong?!

There have been more than a few folks who've been mucking about in
there with Klaus on similar issues.  In particular "dynaudiorules" was
the first that I remember who took the TT 2.0 mods as a basis and
started fiddling with the priority settings.  And, it sort went through
a similar set of iterations and was actually an eye-opener for many.  

So, SBKG is merely continuing a fine tradition.

As for the "average user" screwing up the TT settings, nothing's gonna'
stop that from happening but IMHO, that's no reason for the
dynaudiorules and SBGK's of the world to stop doing what they do.  And
honestly, I actually don't believe the "average" Touch user (either
from fear or ignorance) is going to go anywhere near doing their own
"hokey changes".   And, if they do that without backing up their
original settings, well.they kinda' deserve it.  Even then, how
hard would it then be to do a fresh TT install, anyway, and put
everything back to original TT 3.0 configuration?

I believe that most of us "amateurs" who get to feeling bold enough to
take a deep breath and try some of this stuff understand that we need
to be aware of what we're doing and are working outside the bounds of
the more formal world of change management and version control.  Not
that it would be a bad thing at all for SBGK and his ilk to be working
with Klaus..

But, againreally failing to see why this is causing you so much
consternation.  Chill...have some eggnog and raise a toast to SBGK,
dynaudiorules and Klaus for---at least in some cases---making our
Touch's sound like "a million bucks" (or at least a thousand bucks,



System information

Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305. 

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

can you put your mum on for a moment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678856 Wrote: 
> you own a piece of  Linn classic with integrated cd, tuner and amp,
> don't bleat to me that SBT doesn't sound good. That's not hi-fi, you've
> been mugged, quick call the cops.

You will quickly alienate yourself - not many people share your
thinking esp where you have spent - however, I return to my earlier
point why is TT4.0 better than TT3.0?

I'm perfectly happy with a Linn Classik & JM Labs 715 speaker set up.
With the Touch as front end. I don't think its being mugged, other than
I dont use the Linn for what I originally bought it for. 

For the benefit of a lot of SBT followers, including me, how do we
avoid being mugged?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678851 Wrote: 
> Stick your diatribes... 
> Report back once you have reported out of a Linn dealership as
> mentioned before.
> I'll do the same, as it has been a few months since SBT acquisition /
> TT mods.

you own a piece of  Linn classic with integrated cd, tuner and amp,
don't bleat to me that SBT doesn't sound good. That's not hi-fi, you've
been mugged, quick call the cops.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

rgro;678850 Wrote: 
> ReallyI'm failing to see what the issue is here.  SBGK is indulging
> in the time-honored tradition of "fiddling"---taking the basis of what
> someone else has done and attempting to make it better.  Without folks
> like him and Klaus we wouldn't have this thread, nor would there be
> many other advancements in science and technology, to name a few.  If
> SBGK likes how his TT and self-modded Touch front end sounds in his
> system, I can't and won't argue with that, regardless of how much or
> little it cost him.
> SBGK is very kindly passing along his results, and opinions thereof,
> for us to try.  I believe, if he's not technically "working" with
> Klaus, he's certainly passing along the results of his experimentations
> for Klaus to incorporate---or not as he chooses---into his next TT
> release. 
> Whether SBGK's tweaks sounds better to him or to you or to me is, of
> course, a matter of our personal ears and the unique interactions of
> each of our equipment.  I don't see that there is any sort of
> "detraction" to what he's doing or posting here.  We're all free to
> try, not try, keep, discard, modify, etc. what these folks are
> doing---all they're bestowing on us is the opportunity to do so.  I
> find it, at the very least, endearing.
> If your point is that TT 3.0 is, or should be, the endpoint of trying
> to make the Touch a better front end, that seems to run contrary to
> much of the SB community ethos.  People like Klaus/SBGK, Erland,
> Pippin, et al are all working to push the product beyond its orginal
> designer's limits.  It's what keeps many of us interested and
> (especially in mcr's case ;>)) entertained.
> I guess if TT 4.0 doesn't push the Touch's sonic performance beyond
> what TT 3.0 does, folks can and will weigh in on that.  I suppose
> someone could've made the same point about TT 1.0 and TT 2.0---in that
> they seemingly had reached the limits of what could have a truly
> noticeable audible effect.  But, for me, I'll definitely want to try
> 4.0.  
> I understand nothing of how this stuff works and how Klaus and others
> get in there and figure it out, but I hope that we can continue to
> encourage the Klaus' and SBGK's to, as long as they're enjoying it,
> keep contributing and not settle for "good enough".

Simply. TT3.0 was released and many people tried it, for good or bad.
There was feedback from both camps. Suddenly, after a couple of months,
another guy comes on the scene mentioning tweaks? How were these tweaks
tested against the original? Change management? Version control? 

What is stopping the average SBT user (eg me) making a few hokey
changes on the fly and losing all original TT3.0 implementation?

Surely this mini -me should be working with Klaus as a bare min?

Or did I get it wrong?!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

Stick your diatribes... 

Report back once you have reported out of a Linn dealership as
mentioned before.

I'll do the same, as it has been a few months since SBT acquisition /
TT mods.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread rgro

pandasharka;678806 Wrote: 
> SBGK, Understand I'm not knocking you - you have done some great stuff
> to possibly compliment Sounchecks work. I'm slightly concerned that it
> might detract from this thread and confuse followers here. What about
> opening up a mini-me thread? Or work with Klaus behind the scene?

ReallyI'm failing to see what the issue is here.  SBGK is indulging
in the time-honored tradition of "fiddling"---taking the basis of what
someone else has done and attempting to make it better.  Without folks
like him and Klaus we wouldn't have this thread, nor would there be
many other advancements in science and technology, to name a few.  If
SBGK likes how his TT and self-modded Touch front end sounds in his
system, I can't and won't argue with that, regardless of how much or
little it cost him.

SBGK is very kindly passing along his results, and opinions thereof,
for us to try.  I believe, if he's not technically "working" with
Klaus, he's certainly passing along the results of his experimentations
for Klaus to incorporate---or not as he chooses---into his next TT

Whether SBGK's tweaks sounds better to him or to you or to me is, of
course, a matter of our personal ears and the unique interactions of
each of our equipment.  I don't see that there is any sort of
"detraction" to what he's doing or posting here.  We're all free to
try, not try, keep, discard, modify, etc. what these folks are
doing---all they're bestowing on us is the opportunity to do so.  I
find it, at the very least, endearing.

If your point is that TT 3.0 is, or should be, the endpoint of trying
to make the Touch a better front end, that seems to run contrary to
much of the SB community ethos.  People like Klaus/SBGK, Erland,
Pippin, et al are all working to push the product beyond its orginal
designer's limits.  It's what keeps many of us interested and
(especially in mcr's case ;>)) entertained.

I guess if TT 4.0 doesn't push the Touch's sonic performance beyond
what TT 3.0 does, folks can and will weigh in on that.  I suppose
someone could've made the same point about TT 1.0 and TT 2.0---in that
they seemingly had reached the limits of what could have a truly
noticeable audible effect.  But, for me, I'll definitely want to try

I understand nothing of how this stuff works and how Klaus and others
get in there and figure it out, but I hope that we can continue to
encourage the Klaus' and SBGK's to, as long as they're enjoying it,
keep contributing and not settle for "good enough".



System information

Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305. 

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

garym;669663 Wrote: 
> Hmm, I see you weren't kidding when you said you weren't worried about
> embarrassing yourself.

to quote someone else commenting about your diatribes


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678842 Wrote: 
> how far past a Linn DS, can it be improved fuerther ? I would like to
> know. 
> Hoist by your own petard I believe.

I may have been away from planet earth for a while but obviously IQ's
dropped a tad in my absence:

Take your SBT + laptop into a Linn Dealer and hook it up against:

Linn DS
Linn Majik DS
Linn Akurate DS
Linn Klimax DS

and report back. Then we can compare results, after Xmas and when we
have enjoyed the seasons festivities...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;669667 Wrote: 
> We're talking about a $300 piece of kit here so I guess we can all
> embarrass ourselves a little. 
> Now if we were Linn DS Klimax owners...
> Lighten up peeps - Touch + TT3.0 is way past entry Linn DS and then
> some..

how far past a Linn DS, can it be improved fuerther ? I would like to

Hoist by your own petard I believe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;678826 Wrote: 
> There is always room for improvement. I'm sure there will be new, never
> before thought of ways to squeeze even more music out of the Touch. The
> age of endless tweaking had just begun, and you want to close the
> chapter on it already?
> I've been doing a lot of critical listening myself, especially with the
> recent mods that ensued when TT3.0 got released. I've concluded that, on
> my system, all the improvements are first and foremost detectable in
> terms of resolution, separation, lowering the noise floor, eliminating
> the digital artifacts such as glare and grit. However, no matter how
> polished these tweaks may be, the fact still remains that the resulting
> sound is unmistakably digital. I wanted to see if I could cheat mother
> nature and approximate the illusion of playing a high end analog source
> while streaming to the Touch. Here is what I did:
> There is an ultra high-end audio store a few blocks away from my house.
> I've spent a few days in there, doing my pre-Christmas shopping
> (basically, doing a LOT of auditioning and chatting with the owner as
> well as with the unavoidable onlookers. The end result -- I've brought
> home three Shakti stones and a Shunyata power cable.
> OK, so this sounds like I've gone mental and succumbed to the worst
> case of audiophilia nervosa and all that voodoo. But hear me out. I
> place Shakti stones on my DAC, and on the preamp and power amp (it's
> important to place them above the transformers in each component). Then
> I replace my Nordost power cable with the Shunyata power cable and, lo
> and behold, the CHARACTER of the sound, as if by magic, radically
> changed.
> The best way to describe the change is to say that the sound became
> much 'wetter'. Wet as in luscious wet oil paint. So yes, wet, greasy,
> oily, juicy, in short -- organic and very much analog-like. Removing
> the Shakti stones and the Shunyata power cable brought back the old
> familiar dry, analytical, clinical sound. Put the Shakti stones on
> again and connect the power amp with Shunyata, and voila! the wet,
> greasy sound is back again. It feels as if the sound has been
> amplified, even though the volume level hasn't changed. But the
> subjective impression is that now I'm listening to a louder, more
> present sound. The effect is similar to loading a photo into the
> Photoshop and then cranking up the color saturation.
> I highly recommend this tweak. It'll revitalize your system, especially
> if you have it all modded to its gills with Soundcheck's TT3.0. Shakti
> stones are marvelous in reducing the EMI and the RFI glare, and
> Shunyata power cables are world renowned for their exquisite 'liquid'
> sound. Believe me, it's worth a try, because it will get your system
> sounding like a high-end vinyl rig.

Don't know if its troll behaviour or just a few too many Moets...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread garym

magiccarpetride;678826 Wrote: 
> There is always room for improvement. I'm sure there will be new, never
> before thought of ways to squeeze even more music out of the Touch. The
> age of endless tweaking had just begun, and you want to close the
> chapter on it already?
> I've been doing a lot of critical listening myself, especially with the
> recent mods that ensued when TT3.0 got released. I've concluded that, on
> my system, all the improvements are first and foremost detectable in
> terms of resolution, separation, lowering the noise floor, eliminating
> the digital artifacts such as glare and grit. However, no matter how
> polished these tweaks may be, the fact still remains that the resulting
> sound is unmistakably digital. I wanted to see if I could cheat mother
> nature and approximate the illusion of playing a high end analog source
> while streaming to the Touch. Here is what I did:
> There is an ultra high-end audio store a few blocks away from my house.
> I've spent a few days in there, doing my pre-Christmas shopping
> (basically, doing a LOT of auditioning and chatting with the owner as
> well as with the unavoidable onlookers. The end result -- I've brought
> home three Shakti stones and a Shunyata power cable.
> OK, so this sounds like I've gone mental and succumbed to the worst
> case of audiophilia nervosa and all that voodoo. But hear me out. I
> place Shakti stones on my DAC, and on the preamp and power amp (it's
> important to place them above the transformers in each component). Then
> I replace my Nordost power cable with the Shunyata power cable and, lo
> and behold, the CHARACTER of the sound, as if by magic, radically
> changed.
> The best way to describe the change is to say that the sound became
> much 'wetter'. Wet as in luscious wet oil paint. So yes, wet, greasy,
> oily, juicy, in short -- organic and very much analog-like. Removing
> the Shakti stones and the Shunyata power cable brought back the old
> familiar dry, analytical, clinical sound. Put the Shakti stones on
> again and connect the power amp with Shunyata, and voila! the wet,
> greasy sound is back again. It feels as if the sound has been
> amplified, even though the volume level hasn't changed. But the
> subjective impression is that now I'm listening to a louder, more
> present sound. The effect is similar to loading a photo into the
> Photoshop and then cranking up the color saturation.
> I highly recommend this tweak. It'll revitalize your system, especially
> if you have it all modded to its gills with Soundcheck's TT3.0. Shakti
> stones are marvelous in reducing the EMI and the RFI glare, and
> Shunyata power cables are world renowned for their exquisite 'liquid'
> sound. Believe me, it's worth a try, because it will get your system
> sounding like a high-end vinyl rig.

OK, this confirms it. MCR is a very high quality troll. Either for his
own amusement or possibly as part of a larger study related to his PhD
dissertation, he throws out things here on the forums and then sits
back and waits to capture and/or record the responses of those seeking
truth, justice, and better audio.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down MCR in any way. I'm in awe.
It's brilliant. Simply brilliant.


Location 1: VB Appliance 6TB (1.10) > LMS 7.7.1 > Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Location 2: VB Appliance 3TB (2.0) > LMS 7.7.1 > Touch > Benchmark DAC
I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Office: Win7(64) > LMS 7.7.1 > SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD & SqueezePad), CONTROLLER,
or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;678826 Wrote: 
> There is always room for improvement. I'm sure there will be new, never
> before thought of ways to squeeze even more music out of the Touch. The
> age of endless tweaking had just begun, and you want to close the
> chapter on it already?
> I've been doing a lot of critical listening myself, especially with the
> recent mods that ensued when TT3.0 got released. I've concluded that, on
> my system, all the improvements are first and foremost detectable in
> terms of resolution, separation, lowering the noise floor, eliminating
> the digital artifacts such as glare and grit. However, no matter how
> polished these tweaks may be, the fact still remains that the resulting
> sound is unmistakably digital. I wanted to see if I could cheat mother
> nature and approximate the illusion of playing a high end analog source
> while streaming to the Touch. Here is what I did:
> There is an ultra high-end audio store a few blocks away from my house.
> I've spent a few days in there, doing my pre-Christmas shopping
> (basically, doing a LOT of auditioning and chatting with the owner as
> well as with the unavoidable onlookers. The end result -- I've brought
> home three Shakti stones and a Shunyata power cable.
> OK, so this sounds like I've gone mental and succumbed to the worst
> case of audiophilia nervosa and all that voodoo. But hear me out. I
> place Shakti stones on my DAC, and on the preamp and power amp (it's
> important to place them above the transformers in each component). Then
> I replace my Nordost power cable with the Shunyata power cable and, lo
> and behold, the CHARACTER of the sound, as if by magic, radically
> changed.
> The best way to describe the change is to say that the sound became
> much 'wetter'. Wet as in luscious wet oil paint. So yes, wet, greasy,
> oily, juicy, in short -- organic and very much analog-like. Removing
> the Shakti stones and the Shunyata power cable brought back the old
> familiar dry, analytical, clinical sound. Put the Shakti stones on
> again and connect the power amp with Shunyata, and voila! the wet,
> greasy sound is back again. It feels as if the sound has been
> amplified, even though the volume level hasn't changed. But the
> subjective impression is that now I'm listening to a louder, more
> present sound. The effect is similar to loading a photo into the
> Photoshop and then cranking up the color saturation.
> I highly recommend this tweak. It'll revitalize your system, especially
> if you have it all modded to its gills with Soundcheck's TT3.0. Shakti
> stones are marvelous in reducing the EMI and the RFI glare, and
> Shunyata power cables are world renowned for their exquisite 'liquid'
> sound. Believe me, it's worth a try, because it will get your system
> sounding like a high-end vinyl rig.

Everyone is at a different point of implementation / installation and
therefore its dangerous to call. And then the amount of earwax building
in each ear versus the moon phase...yah de yah yah de yah..

Merry Xmas Everyone.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread magiccarpetride

pandasharka;678718 Wrote: 
> I think you may have hit the nail on the head with your line:
> "What more do I want? It's all there."
> Exactly. Maybe Everest has been climbed. Maybe you have managed to
> squeeze out (excuse the pun) everything available from SB Touch with
> TT3.0 & all other environment mods. 
> Remember, it is a budget piece of kit that with your mods has bought it
> into a league way over its price point. 
> Be satisfied with what you have achieved and what you have shared with
> this community. 

There is always room for improvement. I'm sure there will be new, never
before thought of ways to squeeze even more music out of the Touch. The
age of endless tweaking had just begun, and you want to close the
chapter on it already?

I've been doing a lot of critical listening myself, especially with the
recent mods that ensued when TT3.0 got released. I've concluded that, on
my system, all the improvements are first and foremost detectable in
terms of resolution, separation, lowering the noise floor, eliminating
the digital artifacts such as glare and grit. However, no matter how
polished these tweaks may be, the fact still remains that the resulting
sound is unmistakably digital. I wanted to see if I could cheat mother
nature and approximate the illusion of playing a high end analog source
while streaming to the Touch. Here is what I did:

There is an ultra high-end audio store a few blocks away from my house.
I've spent a few days in there, doing my pre-Christmas shopping
(basically, doing a LOT of auditioning and chatting with the owner as
well as with the unavoidable onlookers. The end result -- I've brought
home three Shakti stones and a Shunyata power cable.

OK, so this sounds like I've gone mental and succumbed to the worst
case of audiophilia nervosa and all that voodoo. But hear me out. I
place Shakti stones on my DAC, and on the preamp and power amp (it's
important to place them above the transformers in each component). Then
I replace my Nordost power cable with the Shunyata power cable and, lo
and behold, the CHARACTER of the sound, as if by magic, radically

The best way to describe the change is to say that the sound became
much 'wetter'. Wet as in luscious wet oil paint. So yes, wet, greasy,
oily, juicy, in short -- organic and very much analog-like. Removing
the Shakti stones and the Shunyata power cable brought back the old
familiar dry, analytical, clinical sound. Put the Shakti stones on
again and connect the power amp with Shunyata, and voila! the wet,
greasy sound is back again. It feels as if the sound has been
amplified, even though the volume level hasn't changed. But the
subjective impression is that now I'm listening to a louder, more
present sound. The effect is similar to loading a photo into the
Photoshop and then cranking up the color saturation.

I highly recommend this tweak. It'll revitalize your system, especially
if you have it all modded to its gills with Soundcheck's TT3.0. Shakti
stones are marvelous in reducing the EMI and the RFI glare, and
Shunyata power cables are world renowned for their exquisite 'liquid'
sound. Believe me, it's worth a try, because it will get your system
sounding like a high-end vinyl rig.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

That was a converstation stopper...?!!

But I think it made the point. 

Happy Xmas to all (existing SBT users, but non trolls..if that makes



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread garym

theanvah;678821 Wrote: 
> My apologies - $1,000 - $2,000 CAD.

I have a small secondary system with the following that is quite nice
(and very compact). It has the amp/preamp/tuner, then connect a CD
player as an input and the SBTouch as an input and you're all set for I
think under your $2k.  

zamp v3
ztuner v2
(and you can add the zCD if desired).

I feed a (predecessor) pair of these:,113,90,261.aspx


Location 1: VB Appliance 6TB (1.10) > LMS 7.7.1 > Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Location 2: VB Appliance 3TB (2.0) > LMS 7.7.1 > Touch > Benchmark DAC
I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Office: Win7(64) > LMS 7.7.1 > SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD & SqueezePad), CONTROLLER,
or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread theanvah

aubuti;678802 Wrote: 
> All our partners are different, so when the OP emphasizes -"A
> requirement from my SO. Need a CD player."- I take that as
> non-negotiable, at least until the SO gets won over by the SB.
> In my family we did away with the tuner and kept the CD player on the
> main system. My wife has grown to like the SB ecosystem, but I do hear
> "Why can't I just play FM radio?" when our local public radio station's
> stream has problems. The CD player only gets used if a friend comes over
> with a CD, or for one of my wife's exercise CDs (I've offered to put
> them on the server, but she'd rather not for some reason).

I am eternally hopeful that a wholly NAS / Stream based solution will
win out for my SO.  But I can't take the risk - too many practical
negative consequences I'd rather not face :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread theanvah

aubuti;678744 Wrote: 
> Welcome, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of good recommendations, but
> first let's start with a clarification about the budget: 1000 - 2000
> what?

My apologies - $1,000 - $2,000 CAD.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

I don't understand why TT4.0 is a solution? Is TT3.0 not good enough?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678810 Wrote: 
> I don't know if troll means a SB customer and active contributor here,
> but I refer you to my earlier post. 
> Maybe better success would be achieved working behind the scenes with
> Klaus rather than after any possible future TT release?

me polluting the thread !!!

I am sure Klaus can speak for himself.

I ask again what is your point ? Oh, you don't have one.

Assume this thread will end when TT4.0 comes along.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678807 Wrote: 
> since you ask.
> I set my system up in the age of cd and had a high end Linn CD player.
> I am loathe to spend thousands on a front end when all it is doing is
> converting pcm to bits.
> may i remind you that you know nothing about how my system sounds with
> the SBT and so far have shown no inclination in finding out.
> Must stop feeding the trolls.

I don't know if troll means a SB customer and active contributor here,
but I refer you to my earlier post. 

Maybe better success would be achieved working behind the scenes with
Klaus rather than after any possible future TT release?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678800 Wrote: 
> I lost the plot - your system sounds way out of sync - why anyone would
> spend 6k on an amplification/ speaker solution to back a $200 front end
> beats me. OK, the mod'd SBT might punch at a £1000 front end, but that's
> still way out of kilter.
> If I had had the means to implement a £6k back end it would have been
> complimented by a well researched four figure front end.

since you ask.

I set my system up in the age of cd and had a high end Linn CD player.
I am loathe to spend thousands on a front end when all it is doing is
converting bits to pcm.

may i remind you that you know nothing about how my system sounds with
the SBT and so far have shown no inclination in finding out.

Must stop feeding the trolls.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK, Understand I'm not knocking you - you have done some great stuff
to possibly compliment Sounchecks work. I'm slightly concerned that it
might detract from this thread and confuse followers here. What about
opening up a mini-me thread? Or work with Klaus behind the scene?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

jean2;678797 Wrote: 
> My wife also wanted to keep the radio and the CD player. I went cold
> turkey, and I connected the SB-Touch only, the old radio and CD are no
> longer active. The trick was to make sure all CDs are available on the
> Touch and easy to find. The SB-Touch will most likely provide all local
> radio stations. After getting familiar with the SB-Touch, my wife never
> asked back for the radio or CD player, and welcomed the addition of a
> SB-Radio.
All our partners are different, so when the OP emphasizes -"A
requirement from my SO. Need a CD player."- I take that as
non-negotiable, at least until the SO gets won over by the SB.

In my family we did away with the tuner and kept the CD player on the
main system. My wife has grown to like the SB ecosystem, but I do hear
"Why can't I just play FM radio?" when our local public radio station's
stream has problems. The CD player only gets used if a friend comes over
with a CD, or for one of my wife's exercise CDs (I've offered to put
them on the server, but she'd rather not for some reason).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678799 Wrote: 
> > pandasharka;678792 Wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > still think you are feeling threatened by SBT mods for some reason> > 
> Klaus has quoted me on his website in one of his early adopter
> testominals (check it out). 
> I'm absolutely not a Linn Dealer! I'm in the SBT club.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678794 Wrote: 
> and this has what to do with TT3.0 or modifications of ? 
> I prefer to judge by listening, to me the SBT works, otherwise my
> system would highlight the deficiencies.

I lost the plot - your system sounds way out of sync - why anyone would
spend 6k on an amplification/ speaker solution to back a $200 front end
beats me. OK, the mod'd SBT might punch at a £1000 front end, but
that's still way out of kilter.

If I had had the means to implement a £6k back end it would have been
complimented by a well researched four figure front end.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread jean2

aubuti;678788 Wrote: 
> ...or a tuner. And if the OP goes for self-powered speakers, then he/she
> would need a preamp between the multiple sources (SB, CD, tuner) and
> speakers, not an amp.

My wife also wanted to keep the radio and the CD player. I went cold
turkey, and I connected the SB-Touch only, the old radio and CD are no
longer active. The trick was to make sure all CDs are available on the
Touch and easy to find. The SB-Touch will most likely provide all local
radio stations. After getting familiar with the SB-Touch, my wife never
asked back for the radio or CD player, and welcomed the addition of a



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678792 Wrote: 
> > SBGK;678785 Wrote: 
> > well, I believe Klaus has said TT4.0 has significant improvements, this
> > is what he was talking about when he said it is all there. People are
> > waiting until a better method of transferring data than usb is
> > available or the issues are sorted.
> > 
> > 
> > What?? Assume TT4 doesn't exist. Assume you will never hear it. Lucky
> > you have had the opportunity to hear TT3 / TT2 (unlike a lot of SBT
> > customers out there). What is Klaus' motivation to release another TT?
> > It's not for $$$ development dollars because I'm sure there is no
> > return. 
> > 
> > Logitech Corporate own the problem of usb transfer, and safe to assume
> > that won't be fixed in a hurry.> > 
> still think you are feeling threatened by SBT mods for some reason


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678786 Wrote: 
> But it does beg the question SBGK - with 6K of back end investment why
> so low on the source? 
> Surely that is begging for a weighty front end?

and this has what to do with TT3.0 or modifications of ? 

I prefer to judge by listening, to me the SBT works, otherwise my
system would highlight the deficiencies.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678785 Wrote: 
> well, I believe Klaus has said TT4.0 has significant improvements, this
> is what he was talking about when he said it is all there. People are
> waiting until a better method of transferring data than usb is
> available or the issues are sorted.
> What?? Assume TT4 doesn't exist. Assume you will never hear it. Lucky
> you have had the opportunity to hear TT3 / TT2 (unlike a lot of SBT
> customers out there). What is Klaus' motivation to release another TT?
> It's not for $$$ development dollars because I'm sure there is no
> return. 
> Logitech Corporate own the problem of usb transfer, and safe to assume
> that won't be fixed in a hurry.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread jean2

sc53;678767 Wrote: 
> Yeah but that doesn't allow for a CD player (unless you unplug the Touch
> and plug in the CD player). If you need two inputs, you need some kind
> of amp with at least that many. AudioEngine speakers are cool but only
> one set of inputs!

The AudioEngine A5 has two mini-jack inputs (one on top, one at the
back), and the A5+ has a also two inputs, a mini-jack and a RCA. That's
actually one of the main reason I picked the A5 over many other
speakers, the other is the auto-shutdown (speaker power off when there
is no sound).

ob_kook;678749 Wrote: 
> SB Touch plus powered speakers. Maybe Audioengine A5.

That's exactly my setup, a Touch ($250), a portable USB drive ($100)
and the AudioEngine A5 ($350). I would never claim it's audiophile, but
it sounds really good to my ear. I like that it does the job, it's low
power and minimalistic. I personally use the built-in server of the
Touch, For your budget, you could add a dedicated server like a




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

sc53;678767 Wrote: 
> Yeah but that doesn't allow for a CD player 
...or a tuner. And if the OP goes for self-powered speakers, then
he/she would need a preamp between the sources and speakers, not an


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

But it does beg the question SBGK - with 6K of back end investment why
so low on the source? 

Surely that is begging for a weighty front end?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678779 Wrote: 
> Absolutely Not! I've got a friendly Linn Dealer closeby who tried to
> clobber me with an entry Linn DS months ago. Even without any TT mods I
> preferred the SBT. 
> Entry Linn stuff vs mod'd SBT is even money. Linn Akurate / Klimax
> different league.

well, I believe Klaus has said TT4.0 has significant improvements, this
is what he was talking about when he said it is all there. People are
waiting until a better method of transferring data than usb is
available or the issues are sorted.

it was you who said it won't be better than a £13000 Linn Klimax and I

don't know what point you are trying to make, we should all give up
trying to improve things because it will never be better than something
costing 65 times as much. I like the sound, it suits my system, why pay
more ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678777 Wrote: 
> are you a hi-fi dealer feeling threatened by squeezebox touch mods ?

Absolutely Not! I've got a friendly Linn Dealer closeby who tried to
clobber me with an entry Linn DS months ago. Even without any TT mods I
preferred the SBT. 

Entry Linn stuff vs mod'd SBT is even money. Linn Akurate / Klimax
different league.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678775 Wrote: 
> But an audiophile should know his limitations? Unless working green into
> gold is a forte?! 
> Merry Xmas!

are you a hi-fi dealer feeling threatened by squeezebox touch mods ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678773 Wrote: 
> this is an audiophile forum, nothing is ever good enough

But an audiophile should know his limitations? Unless working green
into gold is a forte?! 

Merry Xmas!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678760 Wrote: 
> I get the feeling soundchecks kit isn't too shabby either along with
> others in the forum who have fairly high end stuff. Of course these
> users will want the best sound possible, for many SBT is a stopgap
> until better options appear.

Klaus' work has had a massive impact on many a SBT user's listening

What I don't see is how SBT is a stopgap - until what? - high end £20k
stuff becomes $200, or low end SBT tech suddenly finds the missing
(software) link?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678770 Wrote: 
> I'm confused, Linn £2.5K CD player? Are you talking about a depreciated
> CD12? Nothing else I can think of? 
> Having listened to a fair amount of Linn DS stuff, SBT is on a par with
> a lot of the entry stuff (with TT mods etc), but certainly not the high
> end. 
> I don't see anything SBT getting into high end league Linn, unless
> Klaus goes for a Nobel peace prize. 
> But as I have already said - what do you expect from a budget piece of
> kit even with all the mods - not a £20k streamer - do they exist?

this is an audiophile forum, nothing is ever good enough


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678760 Wrote: 
> I have it sitting in front of £6000 of reference quality dac, amp and
> speakers and it is  about the same level as my £2500 Linn cd player,
> with the convenience of streaming. So yes, not as good as a £20,000
> player.
> The reason I didn't buy a Linn is because you are buying into the Linn
> sound or Naim sound, or whatever sound. With the SBT you can get very
> good performance and with TT3/4 taylor it to your own needs.
> I get the feeling soundchecks kit isn't too shabby either along with
> others in the forum who have fairly high end stuff. Of course these
> users will want the best sound possible, for many SBT is a stopgap
> until better options appear.

I'm confused, Linn £2.5K CD player? Are you talking about a depreciated
CD12? Nothing else I can think of? 

Having listened to a fair amount of Linn DS stuff, SBT is on a par with
a lot of the entry stuff (with TT mods etc), but certainly not the high

I don't see anything SBT getting into high end league Linn, unless
Klaus goes for a Nobel peace prize. 

But as I have already said - what do you expect from a budget piece of
kit even with all the mods - not a £20k streamer - do they exist?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread sc53

Yeah but that doesn't allow for a CD player (unless you unplug the Touch
and plug in the CD player). If you need two inputs, you need some kind
of amp with at least that many. AudioEngine speakers are cool but only
one set of inputs!


Living Room ~ Touch > Benchmark DAC > Audio Research CA-2 > ProAc D15
Bedroom ~ Boom 
Kitchen ~ SB3 > NAD 747 > ATC SCM 12
Listening Room ~ SB3 > Electrocompaniet ECD 1 DAC > Electrocompaniet
ECI 3 > Genesis 500

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread SBGK

pandasharka;678718 Wrote: 
> I get the feeling that some owners out there are looking for you to
> shoot the silver bullet that will make SB Touch suddenly sound like a
> Linn Klimax DS. Realistically that won't happen - or should I say if it
> ever does...?! 
> Mark

I have it sitting in front of £6000 of reference quality dac, amp and
speakers and it is  about the same level as my £2500 Linn cd player,
with the convenience of streaming. So yes, not as good as a £20,000

The reason I didn't buy a Linn is because you are buying into the Linn
sound or Naim sound, or whatever sound. With the SBT you can get very
good performance and with TT3/4 taylor it to your own needs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread ob_kook

For my money with those requirements?

SBM Touch plus powered speakers. Maybe Audioengine A5.

This would be minamalmist and great sounding. No separate amp required.

Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk


Duet --> Axiom passive pre --> Portal Paladin monoblocks --> Dynaudio
Contour 1.3 MKII
SB2 --> Denon AVR4800 --> Klipsch KG4
Squeezebox Boom
Squeezeserver running on a virtual Win7 machine within 2008 R2 Server

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread aubuti

Welcome, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of good recommendations, but
first let's start with a clarification about the budget: 1000 - 2000


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB 3 Touch + Everything Else. Budget : 1000 - 2000.

2011-12-22 Thread theanvah

Hi Folks:

I've spent the past week reading and doing a little listening.  Suffice
to say I'm a little overwhelmed with the amount of information

I would like some advice on a basic setup.


- Small apartment.  
- The music area is one side of the living room measuring about 14' x


- Only for listening to music.  I don't have TV, theater, etc.
- Need to be able to listen to:
- Digital Music (from a NAS - already have Synology NAS)
- CD Player (A requirement from my SO. Need a CD player.)
- Radio (Need a tuner)
- Stereo setup is fine (don't need surround sounds)
- Don't have a lot of space and SO is very picky about appearance, so
speakers, amp, etc. should be minimalistic looking. Ex: Nait 5i

I can purchase a DAC separately at a future date.

What are your recommendations for the remaining components?  Speakers,

Thank you very much.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread NoRoDa

Feeling that something was missing with the SBGK-mods, I tried to
convert back to my original TT 3.0 LAN / PRIOIRQ47=41 / tt -v setting.

In direct comparison the SBGK-variant sounds rather grey and less
I believe what I liked about the SBGK-mod was the ability to play loud,
and the somewhat more 'polite' presentation of the upper midband.
(I understand that in bright or forward systems this may work good)

But going back to the TT 3.0 I hear what first amazed me with the mod,
more powerful yet tighter bass, more presence in the more dynamic
midband and the music beeing pumped full of life!
I'll keep it this way and run the tt -k. 

Hats off to Santa Klaus!! :)
Merry Christmas and thank you again for letting me hear my music all
over again!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

soundcheck;678634 Wrote: 
> Yep that's correct. Though "current" tweaks are no tweaks, how I'd
> define them. 
> It's just a different parametrization of one out of many other
> modifications. Similar to buffer value changes, though a bit more
> complex.
> You're invited to contribute that ""far better"" 'chord'.  ;)
> I'm currently at a stage asking myself: 
> "What more do I want? It's all there." 


Your work has made a night and day difference to the listening pleasure
of many people's SB Touch experience, mine included.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head with your line:

"What more do I want? It's all there."

Exactly. Maybe Everest has been climbed. Maybe you have managed to
squeeze out (excuse the pun) everything available from SB Touch with
TT3.0 & all other environment mods. 

Remember, it is a budget piece of kit that with your mods has bought it
into a league way over its price point. 

Be satisfied with what you have achieved and what you have shared with
this community. 

TT4.0? Sure, but on your terms and only when you believe it makes a
difference over 3.0. Set an expectation of Xmas 2012 and if it appears
before hand then you are (even more of)a superstar. 

I get the feeling that some owners out there are looking for you to
shoot the silver bullet that will make SB Touch suddenly sound like a
Linn Klimax DS. Realistically that won't happen - or should I say if it
ever does...?! 

Have a great Xmas - you deserve it.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread soundcheck

HumanMedia;678603 Wrote: 
> All of these current tweaks are also based around the TT3 default core
> process priorities.

Yep that's correct. Though "current" tweaks are no tweaks, how I'd
define them. 
It's just a different parametrization of one out of many other
modifications. Similar to buffer value changes, though a bit more

HumanMedia;678603 Wrote: 
> Im wondering if there could be a far better 'chord' of base process
> priorities to tweak around?

You're invited to contribute that ""far better"" 'chord'.  ;)

I'm currently at a stage asking myself: 

"What more do I want? It's all there." 

When it comes to the process of how to identify certain settings: The
logic that's been applied is putting potentially rather important
processes/interrupts high and rather less important processes low. This
is the starting point. (pretty much in line with the overal TT
modification principle)
What many of those processes and interrupts do is roughly
indicated/described in the TT-code or you can look it up in the Linux
environment or via Google. That'll give you at least some idea where to
put this or that parameter.
If  a particular change of a single parameter has an impact or not
doesn't really matter in the beginning. To speed things up you just put
all potentially unimportant settings to lower values and rather
important ones you line up in the upper range. If you don't do the
rough grouping first it would take forever to get to results. And
getting to results in a quite efficient way is the only thing what

Logitech had applied a similar logic when chosen their prio profile.
Logitech though were facing the challenge to find the best compromise
to avoid lockups or slowdowns of this or that process/function. 
To them it's more important to have the display and touchpad working
smoothly. That's what the customer will see.
On standard Linux kernels you'll find a CFS scheduler (Complete Fair
Scheduler)in place. That one makes sure that a normal PC works smooth
(fair) under all conditions. A realtime kernel is intentially all but
"fair". There's no other OS which has a realtime kernel functionality
built in like a rt-linux kernel. rt-kernels are ususally used for
industrial realtime purposes. 
For a "fad" PClike system like the Touch, a modern 3.x CFS kernel might
have been the better choice for Logitech. 
Though, I'm more than happy that there is an rt-kernel inside.

Back to the tuning.

The final finetuning of the prio mod - the cream on the cake -  what's
been discussed over here recently is more or less a trial and error
excercise (prio Bingo).
Nobody is able to look that deep into the code and kernel to figure out
exactly how things exactly work together. It's really more about
approximation and luck to find the best settings. 
SBGK's been the only one seriously supporting this excercise. Thx a lot
for contributing your findings.

Though as you can see from the continous changes that are currently
being applied, the Bingo game is full in progress . It's all but stable
yet. Nothing I would release to the public at this stage. 

That's why I've decided not to launch TT4.0 before Christmas. 

Enjoy your holidays. Merry Christmas.



::: ' Touch Toolbox 3.0 and more' (
:::  by soundcheck

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