Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transcode and upsample at once?

2012-05-06 Thread Kuro

Can we get back to the topic on how to upsample FLAC to 24/96 and
outputs it in WAV?

Whether someone can hear the sonic improvement is a very subjective
thing.  It depends on the gear, the plackback materials and your

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread aubuti

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Yes I fully understood that to be how you meant your post, however I
> rarely miss a chance to bash the high end audio press :)
Ok, glad I could help with teeing that one up for you  :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread ralphpnj

aubuti wrote: 
> Obviously. I was directing the question to the person who suddenly chose
> to single out as flawed one of the few test cases in which someone at
> least considered expectations bias and made a modest attempt to account
> for it.

Yes I fully understood that to be how you meant your post, however I
rarely miss a chance to bash the high end audio press :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread aubuti

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Simple: I believe that all those claims are completely worthless. Well
> not really completely worthless since when these claims are make by a
> reviewer in one of the high end audio magazines the claims then can be
> made into great quotes by equipment manufacturers.
Obviously. I was directing the question to the person who suddenly chose
to single out as flawed one of the few test cases in which someone at
least considered expectations bias and made a modest attempt to account
for it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread ralphpnj

aubuti wrote: 
> The OP has already stated that it was not terribly rigorous (see post
> #1943 in the thread
> But if you're going to blame the test procedure when someone at least
> actually bothered to try (single) blind testing, what on earth do you
> make of the endless claims of "staggering", "night and day", or "not
> subtle" that the proponents keep making based on non-blinded testing?

Simple: I believe that all those claims are completely worthless. Well
not really completely worthless since when these claims are make by a
reviewer in one of the high end audio magazines the claims then can be
made into great quotes by equipment manufacturers.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread aubuti

The OP has already stated that it was not terribly rigorous (see post
#1943 in the thread
But if you're going to blame the test procedure when someone at least
actually bothered to try (single) blind testing, what on earth do you
make of the endless claims of "staggering", "night and day", or "not
subtle" that the proponents keep making based on non-blinded testing?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Seeking the BEST S/PDIF or USB Squeezebox! Transport, Touch or receiver/duet? Mods?

2012-05-06 Thread diego

Could a moderator please close this thread? It does unfortunately not
lead anywhere.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-06 Thread Archimago

alfista wrote: 
> By what method have the jitter been measured and how much did it
> improve?

Even without bringing out the 'measure' word, I'd like to know how the
OP KNOWS the mods affect jitter at all? I've tried all these years and
have never been convinced I've actually 'heard' jitter...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-06 Thread alfista

By what method have the jitter been measured and how much did it

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-06 Thread pandasharka

Just back from a couple of weeks with my new Linn set up, for a

SBGK, you asked back then, does Linn Klimax DS play Spotify. Nope. It
portrays it, perfectly, and for that matter all my other music sources
too, thanks for asking. 

I really couldn't have friends / family around for supper and get them
too close to open electrical sources housed in tin-foil and tupperware
for fear of health and safety...

As far as references for your "mods" - well, one of them would have been
from an american mate who rides carpets when not shooting the breeze,
the other, who knows? 

And frankly who cares?

Best investment you can make with the SB approach is a comfy pillow,
forget these "mods" and the idiots offering them and just enjoy the
music for what it is. (Or save your time chasing shadows and just invest
in a decent DAC / AMP / Speakers / Listening room).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-06 Thread mlsstl

SBGK wrote: 
> It requires about 6 file changes and maybe a bit of experimentation and
> depends on peoples setup, if people got into trouble with them then
> there would be a lot of negative comments if they were publicly
> available. With people having to contact me first then there is a self
> selection element that means they are interested in improving the sound
> and are also confifent in making the changes 

Nothing quite like limiting trials to a self-selected group predisposed
to favor the results. Very efficient!

And, the feedback snippets quoted in your message (but not repeated
above) are great examples of the classic audiophile style of hypebolic
writing. But, it helps remind me that, as a human, I am far and away the
biggest variable in my system. I can experience similar changes in sound
quality just by getting up from my seat, walking around to do a few
things around the house or eating a meal, and them coming back to start
listening again. 

One gets all the benefit of dramatic changes with none of the hassle!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transcode and upsample at once?

2012-05-06 Thread Mnyb

If hearing obvius differences, check if replay gain/smart gain is
enabled ? disable it and try again .

There could a valid reason, some vierdo audiophile DAC's may themselves
work better with certain sample rates eg 24/96, I would consider such
product broken..
What comes to mind is some NOS DAC's without filter urgh.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transcode and upsample at once?

2012-05-06 Thread Soulkeeper

Willakan wrote: 
> I suppose if you don't hear it this merely proves your system is not
> high-end enough?

Of course. Kuro says xe can hear it, thus it's objective fact (unlike
blind testing which is only part of a conspiracy to make everybody
prefer cheap portable cassette players). Right? ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-05-06 Thread Willakan

The jitter thresholds being quoted here are a little too high. The 1998
study from Benjamin and Gannon established that when the program
material was specially chosen jitter as low as 30ns could be
distinguished under ideal conditions with specially chosen musical
content and jitter of a variety most likely to be audible.

That said, a more recent 2005 study which used random jitter found the
threshold to lie at several hundred ns...

Either way, this is vastly more jitter than produced by even
semi-competent products.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transcode and upsample at once?

2012-05-06 Thread Willakan

I suppose if you don't hear it this merely proves your system is not
high-end enough?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread Willakan

Did anyone ever verify that this blind test was conducted with any real
degree of vigour? Call me a cynic, but I'm inclined to blame differences
on things like failing to volume match within +/-0.1db and failures in
test protocol rather than, erm, magic...

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