[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] More victims in the loudness war .

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

This may be very old news to the mastering engineers at this forum .
More about intersample peaks .

The company TC electronics have some of their AES papers freely aviable
. I'm not affiliated with them similar research may be aviable elsewhere
. Please provide me with more reading in the tread if you have some god
reading to suggest .


You get four different papers describing some consequences of brick wall
audio at 0dFs especially with very artificial limits .
Yes this is about intersample peaks or intersample overs as they are
called .
The one where they run borked signals trough consumer CD players are
really interesting .
A perverse consequence can be that really old school DAC can behave more
benign when overloaded , such are the times we are living in .

Benchmark audio has taken it into their design of their latest DAC .
This has been discussed before on this forum


It's sales blurb ,but they actually added some headroom for this
phenomena -3.5 dB

Hydrogen audio forum have an ongoing discussion .

I've read treads in this forum where members have had good results by
actually lower the digital gain before the DAC or transporter with SoX

I was just surfing the web for good reading about this problem , hence
sharing with you . Appreciate even better reading about it if you help
out .

Reflections so far , my thoughts .

This is an understood and we'll known problem for at least a decade ( if
not more )yet it s consequences has not changed much in mastering or
consumer audio .

Master engineers still use outdated methods to evaluate peak levels (
not considering the true signal level after reconstruction ).

Equipment manufacturers and chipmakers does not seem to care much .
Happily making a bad problem worse .

Modern productions methods can easilly produce signals inside the
"system" that violates the nyquist requirements .

Perceptual coders are also suspectible in their filters mp3 and AAC OGG
and all are not at all happy with this .
(There is a reason for why Apples mastered for iTunes program suggest -1
dB and delivery as 24/96 before their conversion to 256kbs AAC .)

This would not be a problem if all where as carefull as some old school
sound engineers regarding levels .

And finally a Squeezebox thought , if you are using a DAC or in my case
a HT processor hence you untilise the digital output.
Would it be a good idea to just pull down the digital volume a little
bit prior to your DAC when listening to music with these "production
values" . I think this is sufficient ? Or is it not .

Or are more elaborate measures using SoX and custom-convert.conf really
needed ? Configuring SoX in this case can have some potential problems
done wrong you can run into the same problems as discussed in these
papers !
The simple undithered 24 bit volume in a squeezebox simply move the bits
down the "ladder" and they fall off at the end ( truncated ) harmless
with 16 bit , a theoretical issue with 24 bit sources where maybe you
should have used dither .

The Pro people usually always suggest dither when changing bit depth ,
but a small volume change in a squeezebox does not really reduce the
bits .

Any suggestions .

I will ofcourse I'll try at home in the weekend , the first thing a
16/44.1 input sees in my system is a sample rate converter to 24/96 then
probably conversion to float before entering the DSP processes .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread pablolie

ralphpnj wrote: 
> ...  FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) by industry insiders, which
> includes manufacturers and the high end audio press, to drum up new
> business. What private individuals care to believe is of no interest
> since, it has been stated over and over, everyone is entitled to their
> own opinion.

well we'd all be guessing about the future.

but i believe when companies don't open-mindedly acknowledge disruption,
they get obsolete and replaced by new companies that do. 

with that in mind, i think anyone that ignores the trend towards
affordable, high quality audio is a fool. i think what's remained
constant is the amount of $ most consumers pay to satisfy their audio
needs. i'd say that is a few hundred bucks a year. and, even us long
term audiophile aficionados must acknowledge that buys you great audio
these days. my computer, an Aduioquest Dragonfly and Shure SE530 provide
mindblowing sound. to beat that in my home audio shrine, and notice the
difference, i must cough up 10X the cost. for diminishing returns that
are, however, very rewarding.

i think there is a sweet spot there in the middle that remains
unexploited. the audio industry doesn't educate about the amazing
quality that can be had these days with systems costing between 5k to
10k. with honest education, great products -which high end brands as of
now refuse to produce in that price bracket- there could be a thriving
market in the making. how can anyone explain Beats success? there is a
need there. when teenagers are willing to spend $400 on crappy
headphones... why did the established players allow that market to go to
someone else? it amazes me. the unapproachable crap many high ends
sprout opens the door for newcomers. in fact, i'd say SlimDevices was a
classic example, even though the outcome was not it could have been.

clearly the people buying Beats (and sorry to bash them) don't read the
audiophile press, in fact they don't listen to a single review from
someone with a somewhat trained ear... but they are willing to plonk
down cash on the product, which ultimately means there is genuine
passion for music and sound there, misguided as we think it is. 

i am pretty happy with my system and shall watch developments with
amusement and without product religion. what i am sure about is someone
will get it right, and consumers will vote with what matters in market
economy - their money. 

if i was a hyper high end audio manufacturer that sniffs at the "luxury"
consumer sweet spot, look at the true high end car brands - *none* of
them survived independently. they are part of larger conglomerates - the
BMW 1 and 3 series bankrolls the existence and viability of Rolls. or
the watch industry. or watches... people buy Swatches and hence,
Blancpains and Breguets and Glashuettes still make commercial sense. not
by themselves, though.

it has started to happen of course in audio, too. but *far* more and
probably quite brutal consolidation is required. i wonder how many audio
brands literally live of recruiting one or two customers a year. many of
them -and i know this for a fact- barely recruit a few hundred new
customers a year. 

that was my 2c.

Server: Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 12.04 + LMS 7.7.3 on VMware
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- Creek Destiny Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->-
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> MusicalFidelity
M1PWR -> Totem DreamCatcher
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado PS500e

pablolie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3816
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Wow my head is spinning with all these detailed and well reasoned posts.
> However everyone fails to address the core issue and the one that really
> gets me upset with the world of high end audio. The issue being the use
> of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) by industry insiders, which
> includes manufacturers and the high end audio press, to drum up new
> business.
> [...]
> The latest audiophile craze of DSD is a fine example of the use of FUD
> since to date there is no clear evidence that a DSD offers any sonic
> advantage over high resolution PCM (which is also guilty of the same,
> since there is no clear evidence that high resolution PCM offers any
> sonic advantage over standard resolution (16bit/44.1khz) PCM). And as
> I've stated more than once - many DSD recordings currently available
> were at one time or another converted to PCM -> edited -> converted back
> DSD - which makes them basically PCM recordings. 

Given the questionable sonic benefit of DSD audio and the fact that the
SACD (which still might be the most common transport medium for DSD)
seems to have quite an effective 'copy protection'
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Audio_CD#Copy_protection) the goal
of promoting DSD seems pretty obvious to me: The 'audio content
industry' wants to re-establish their former status quo that stood out
by ridiculously high margins (for only little 'added value'). If you can
sell expensive players (necessary for enforcing the copy protection)
it's also interesting for 'high end audio' device manufacturers (and
consequentially mandatory for the 'high end audio' press to rave about

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread ralphpnj

Wow my head is spinning with all these detailed and well reasoned posts.
However everyone fails to address the core issue and the one that really
gets me upset with the world of high end audio. The issue being the use
of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) by industry insiders, which
includes manufacturers and the high end audio press, to drum up new
business. What private individuals care to believe is of no interest
since, it has been stated over and over, everyone is entitled to their
own opinion.

The latest audiophile craze of DSD is a fine example of the use of FUD
since to date there is no clear evidence that a DSD offers any sonic
advantage over high resolution PCM (which is also guilty of the same,
since there is no clear evidence that high resolution PCM offers any
sonic advantage over standard resolution (16bit/44.1khz) PCM). And as
I've stated more than once - many DSD recordings currently available
were at one time or another converted to PCM -> edited -> converted back
DSD - which makes them basically PCM recordings.

Just sayin'.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
'Last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/jazzfann/)

ralphpnj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10827
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
> Let's agree to disagree on that one.
I am willing to disagree but I still would be happy about a reason to do
so ;)

darrenyeats wrote: 
> IIRC Fermat claimed he had a really simple proof, that would be a
> cracker if true.
Yes, he purportedly did have a proof and yes, it would be a cracker if
it was true. Based on the enormous mathematical 'treasure chest' of
methods (from various mathematical disciplines) - of which some have
been fully developed only lately - it is quite common understanding that
he was wrong (even though he might not have been aware of this fact).

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread darrenyeats

superbonham wrote: 
> IMO they were refinements based on revolutionary but somewhat inevitable
> concepts.
Let's agree to disagree on that one.

IIRC Fermat claimed he had a really simple proof, that would be a
cracker if true.

Check it, add to it! http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/


SB Touch

darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

Julf wrote: 
> But the "audiophile" segment is a tiny fragment of the "consumer"
> category.
You are of course right.

Julf wrote: 
> Yes, it is a very cash-loaded segment, but it is very irrational and
> fickle. Ask any luxury good company.
This is unfortunately also true. Still I think the 'cash-loaded' segment
could contribute to progress in audio engineering if ('Modus Irealus'?)
it was more fact-based.

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Gandhi

ralphpnj wrote: 
> What does a unicorn fart smell like and would one be able to tell it
> apart of a fairy fart in a double blind test?

I have no idea. But I know what they sound like, so a double blind test
is a breeze. The fairy has DR11 and the unicorn DR18. More oomph, so to

OK, I'll be quiet now.

Best Regards,

not often enough well recorded and mastered cds *|* dbpoweramp with
accuraterip *|* flac *|* fanless asrock z77e-itx intel i5-3570t *|*
ubuntu 12.04.1 lts 32-bit *|* lms 7.8.0 *|* brutefirdrc 3.0 (rewv5) *|*
transporter (balanced out) *|* thule ia252b *|* audio physic scorpio *|*
no fancy cables. *+* also some booms. *+* harmony 525s for them all,
including waking the server from s3.

Gandhi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58909
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
> Very good. Science being very mathematical, his argument is
> unsurprisingly maths-based and he quantifies how successive theories get
> less wrong. Also he picked really simple things like the shape of the
> earth, and indeed this has been refined over time. Sadly, Relativity and
> QM marked a complete and utter throwing out of prior classical
> -concepts-. But because mathematically their equations give similar
> (just slightly more accurate) answers than classical physics in most
> normal situations, would the author want us to think they were merely
> refinements? I can't see it.
IMO they were refinements based on revolutionary but somewhat inevitable

darrenyeats wrote: 
> But Relativity and QM are extremely rare events in science. I can't
> think of any revolutions that compare since.
I'm not quite sure. Of course it's very hard to decide what constitutes
a (scientific) revolution. Even though the entries of the following list
might not have the same momentousness as (general) relativity theory or
QM, they are amongst my 'personal favourites':
- Watson's an Crick's work on the structure of the DNA molecule (might
be practically even more important than QM)
- Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (even though the
conjecture is not very notable the proof is)
- The invention of Public Key Cryptography (Ellis, Cocks, Diffie &
Hellman and [potentially many] others)

darrenyeats wrote: 
> If there were no future revolutions I'd be disappointed!
Me too!

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

superbonham wrote: 
> If we only had a more fact-based discussion within the so-called
> 'audiophile' segment, progress would be even better than it is already
> today, because effort spent on developing improved designs need the
> consumer's acceptance (and money) in the end.

But the "audiophile" segment is a tiny fragment of the "consumer"
category. Yes, it is a very cash-loaded segment, but it is very
irrational and fickle. Ask any luxury good company.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

darrenyeats wrote: 
> If there were no future revolutions I'd be disappointed though!

But who will be the first ones up against the wall?

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread darrenyeats

alfista wrote: 
> It's been posted here before, but it's still enjoyable reading, 'The
> Relativity of Wrong'
> (http://chem.tufts.edu/AnswersInScience/RelativityofWrong.htm)
Very good. Science being very mathematical, his argument is
unsurprisingly maths-based and he quantifies how successive theories get
less wrong. Also he picked really simple things like the shape of the
earth, and indeed this has been refined over time. Sadly, Relativity and
QM marked a complete and utter throwing out of prior classical
-concepts-. But because mathematically their equations give similar
(just slightly more accurate) answers than classical physics in most
normal situations, would the author want us to think they were merely
refinements? I can't see it.

But Relativity and QM are extremely rare events in science. I can't
think of any revolutions that compare since. So the author's point is
well made in general. If there were no revolutions to come I'd be
disappointed though!

Check it, add to it! http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/


SB Touch

darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

pablolie wrote: 
> I like faithful reproduction, never quite got into the whole tube thing,
> and i was glad when i got rid of my turntable. :-)
> i also think one can indeed measure many things quite well and that they
> provide a reliable indication of the design intent of the engineers,
> which for me ideally is quite a linear response across frequencies and
> loads... but we also all know that the *ideal* response can not be
> achieved yet, even though several designs come quite close. 
> i thoroughly agree a bit is a bit, and jitter discussions over USB or
> Toslink focus on the wrong side of the issue.
> when it comes to the analogue side, even within the DAC, more so in
> amplification, and especially with loudspeakers, wow, there are quite a
> bit of elements at work. one of the reasons i think one day active
> loudspeakers will rule the world is because it eliminates a lot of
> guesswork with matching stuff up. sometimes components don't mix well
> even when they are all well designed and on paper look like they should
> sound awesome. analogue is treacherous, and manufacturing tolerances can
> add up to the point where something is audible even when it comes to 2
> amplifiers of the same kind (i did so with MusicalFidelity M1PWR, one
> clearly noisier than the other, but i would have never known if i'd only
> received the "bad" one, because it still sounded very good).

Many thanks for this post - I couldn't agree more. As a 'rudimentary
informed layman' I also expect active speaker designs (with crossovers
before amplification) to be the most promising speaker concept. If we
only had a more fact-based discussion within the so-called 'audiophile'
segment, progress would be even better than it is already today, because
effort spent on developing improved designs need the consumer's
acceptance (any money) in the end. (This - by the way - also holds true
for other areas of potential progress slowed-down by false beliefs like
in medical care [e.g. homeopathy], or an up-to-date continuation of
Darwin's evolution theory [e.g. creationism]).

pablolie wrote: 
> and speakers... wow. when someone said that models are flawed they were
> RIGHT. we engineers work with models, and they are quite awesome, but
> they never reflect a TRUTH. witness speakers. when we measure them, we
> ultimately measure them by modeling the human ear. does anyone think we
> have a perfectly accurate model for that? that's why it's important to
> involve some trained ears in the design of good analog audio equipment.
> i could download a circuit design for an amp on the internet, go buy the
> best batch of everything parts, put it together, and still come up with
> something underwhelming. i have actually done it, albeit many years ago
> in University. :-) it is not as simple. it is not just a formula. 
> and the reason for that is that there is stuff we don't know about how
> our hearing works. it is most certainly NOT linear at all. it is hard to
> model. hence, it is hard to cater to that "perfect sound production"
> model that is being advanced here, at least as far as the analog part of
> the design goes, that is, where the soundwave leaves the membrane. and
> btw try to model the latter perfectly... and you'll prolly win a Nobel.
> :-)

I still think engineering and the audio equipment industry should strive
for the most transaparent music reproduction öpossible. 'Shortcuts'
based on (assumed) imperfections of human audio perception should be the
'last resort'. Practically I think we all cannot live without them for
mere practical reasons, though.



superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

You have all the rigths to prefer anything that's not really the
audiophile "problem" .

There are confusion"good sound" is not alway equvavilent to " faithfull
reproduction " ok are we in agreement you have your preference , you
migth even want tube amps with less than ideal output impedance because
it makes an othervise lean speaker sound more full ( I would not do that
but anyway ) you can mix all kinds of coulorfull non transparent
equipment all day , enjoy :)

But most irritating the audiophile press and some audiophiles runs some
pretend game where they actually claim that obviusly coloured and
substandard equipment designed with no healty science involved "sounds
better" and is more faithfull to the input signal ,the music they want
to listen to ? That's not ok IMO .

If they where honest they would admitt that the output of thier little
SET amp for example does not have that much in common with the input
signal but they like it very much I would have nothing against that .

But instead they make completely bogus claims that such equipment
reproduce details that is "obscured" by more conventional equipment and
that there are hidden unmeasurable kinds of distortion etc . This is
very easy to disprove with a null test btw .
And many not so technical audiophiles fall for this kind of
argumentation everyone is not an engineer . That's basically fraud .

This lack of science has gone full circle several times in audiophiledom
so now it's quite possible to buy equipment just as bad as it was in the
sixties but at eye watering prices . Much of the top tier stuff produces
"nice" colourations that the reviewers then can describe with thier
usual wine taster vocabulary .
You migth also add the grooving arena for all kinds of DAC's with very
unorthodox design principles that are not so transparent but make thier
own sound , but are marketed as the new best thing ever .

Also equipment with faithfull reproduction ie transparency have no sound
if it's own . So "good sound" is a misnomer maybe that's a basic
confusion we have to get over the music and artist should sound good and
the recording of them likewise . But the things we use to hear them with
,not so much . unless you actually like something else like more bass or
more warmth .

I'm quite ok with a subset of audio equipment that's deliberately not
transparent , if it's honestly marketed as such .

Then the buyer can make informed decisions . Do I want to hear the
recording as it is or do I have a preference for something else .

People listening to club or DJ music has no problems with these concepts
,they are fully aware of that their sound system is a part of the act .
Not a conduit for faithfully hear what's on the records .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread pablolie

I like faithful reproduction, never quite got into the whole tube thing,
and i was glad when i got rid of my turntable. :-)

i also think one can indeed measure many things quite well and that they
provide a reliable indication of the design intent of the engineers,
which for me ideally is quite a linear response across frequencies and
loads... but we also all know that the *ideal* response can not be
achieved yet, even though several designs come quite close. 

i thoroughly agree a bit is a bit, and jitter discussions over USB or
Toslink focus on the wrong side of the issue.

when it comes to the analogue side, even within the DAC, more so in
amplification, and especially with loudspeakers, wow, there are quite a
bit of elements at work. one of the reasons i think one day active
loudspeakers will rule the world is because it eliminates a lot of
guesswork with matching stuff up. sometimes components don't mix well
even when they are all well designed and on paper look like they should
sound awesome. analogue is treacherous, and manufacturing tolerances can
add up to the point where something is audible even when it comes to 2
amplifiers of the same kind (i did so with MusicalFidelity M1PWR, one
clearly noisier than the other, but i would have never known if i'd only
received the "bad" one, because it still sounded very good).

and speakers... wow. when someone said that models are flawed they were
RIGHT. we engineers work with models, and they are quite awesome, but
they never reflect a TRUTH. witness speakers. when we measure them, we
ultimately measure them by modeling the human ear. does anyone think we
have a perfectly accurate model for that? that's why it's important to
involve some trained ears in the design of good analog audio equipment.
i could download a circuit design for an amp on the internet, go buy the
best batch of everything parts, put it together, and still come up with
something underwhelming. i have actually done it, albeit many years ago
in University. :-) it is not as simple. it is not just a formula. 

and the reason for that is that there is stuff we don't know about how
our hearing works. it is most certainly NOT linear at all. it is hard to
model. hence, it is hard to cater to that "perfect sound production"
model that is being advanced here, at least as far as the analog part of
the design goes, that is, where the soundwave leaves the membrane. and
btw try to model the latter perfectly... and you'll prolly win a Nobel.

Server: Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 12.04 + LMS 7.7.3 on VMware
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- Creek Destiny Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->-
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> MusicalFidelity
M1PWR -> Totem DreamCatcher
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado PS500e

pablolie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3816
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
> It might be the "wrong question" if we're writing a scientific paper.
> But it's the right question for many people in practice.

Yes, agreed; but then the question rather refers to
a) (side) constrains like available budget, practicability of the
solution and the like
b) personal preference/taste again

darrenyeats wrote: 
> This brings us back here.
> > superbonham wrote: 
> > 'High fidelity' music reproduction ... is purely an engineering
> > discipline where science and measurements apply - there is simply no
> > room for opinions ...> > 
> There is plenty of room for opinions in hi-fi music reproduction. Many
> would say there's room for opinion in most things audio - but even the
> most hardened skeptics would acknowledge there is room for opinion
> when it comes to things like loudspeakers. So your statement
> over-steps the mark.

This time *you* didn't take my intended meaning and not even the literal
meaning of my posts; from the way you are citing them it even looks a
bit like on purpose ;)

darrenyeats wrote: 
> If there is no room for opinion, then please tell me which loudspeaker
> science says is the best.

The question of the 'best' loudspeaker for a given set-up/environment is
a difficult 'optimization problem' that has to take various (scientific
and non-scientific) constrains into account. As such there might not be
a simple 'scientific' answer to it. Again this still does *not* mean
that there wasn't (in principle) a proven scientific methodology to
assess a component's (say loudspeaker's) ability *to reproduce sound
faithfully*. This is because *faithful reproduction* (i.e. reproduction
without distortion, colorization and the like) can be very well measured
and compared (unlike reproduction that someone personally prefers).
Still the result might not be simple to rate, since one would expect
that given two components (say again loudspeakers) of a similar quality,
each one might outperform the other with respect to a certain aspect
(e.g. overall linearity, faithful and powerful reproduction of very low
frequencies, ...) - so one would again have to choose based on personal

But there is a difference between 'I chose this pair of speakers because
they (measurably) provide more faithful reproduction of frequencies
between 40 and 100 Hz than the other pair [in the same price segment]'
or 'I prefer this pair of speakers because they (subjectvely) sound
better to me and they also look nicer'


'these cable lifters improve the sound of every sound system, believe my
- I tried it and it worked for me' ...

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread darrenyeats

superbonham wrote: 
> They do exclude one another in the sense that they address different
> questions. There is no scientific way to address 'human opinion'
> [preference, taste, mood], because it's just not a scientific category.
> There is simply no scientific way to tell whether some audio equipment
> or tweak sounds better [right, more intense, ...] to someone - it's just
> not the right question asked.*
It might be the "wrong question" if we're writing a scientific paper.
But it's the right question for many people in practice.

This brings us back here.superbonham wrote: 
> 'High fidelity' music reproduction ... is purely an engineering
> discipline where science and measurements apply - there is simply no
> room for opinions ...
There is plenty of room for opinions in hi-fi music reproduction. Many
would say there's room for opinion in most things audio - but even the
most hardened skeptics would acknowledge there is room for opinion when
it comes to things like loudspeakers. So your statement over-steps the

If is correct, and there is no room for opinion, then please tell me
which loudspeaker science says is the best.

Check it, add to it! http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/


SB Touch

darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread darrenyeats

probedb wrote: 
> Really? Do you want to tell that to every manufacturer of audio
> equipment? Every developer who has created or involved in development of
> audio codecs? Experts, professors etc around the world that study this
> that they're all wrong?
> People don't seem to be able to differentiate between the psychology of
> what we're discussing and building audio equipment and what happens to
> the sound. The latter is very well understood. However since you think
> you know better I guess you'd best get onto the entire audio community
> and tell them they're wrong.
I think you didn't take my intended meaning - I was referring to what
George E. P. Box famously wrote "Essentially, all models are wrong, but
some are useful". Mynb and alfista explain it in their posts.

Check it, add to it! http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/


SB Touch

darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread alfista

Mnyb wrote: 
> All models are aproximations "wrong" in some sense but they are darn
> close, close enogh for all practical engineering if you adopt the rigth
> modell .
Exactly. They're not "wrong", just degrees of imperfect and through
scientific advances they will forever approach perfection.

It's been posted here before, but it's still enjoyable reading, 'The
Relativity of Wrong'

alfista's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32396
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

SBGK wrote: 
> and yet the hifi world goes on and people outside of this forum continue
> to improve the sound of their systems.

And yet the industry goes on and continues to produce better sound for
lower price, completely outside internet forums or "hi-end" hifi...

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

Julf wrote: 
> I still think it would be fair for us to try to see if there is a
> rational explanation for why there might be an actual difference in this
> particular case. Fizbin, could you post your convert.conf file
> (preferably both versions)?

Aha missed that fizzbin has an edited version ?

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

probedb wrote: 
> Really? Do you want to tell that to every manufacturer of audio
> equipment? Every developer who has created or involved in development of
> audio codecs? Experts, professors etc around the world that study this
> that they're all wrong?
> People don't seem to be able to differentiate between the psychology of
> what we're discussing and building audio equipment and what happens to
> the sound. The latter is very well understood. However since you think
> you know better I guess you'd best get onto the entire audio community
> and tell them they're wrong.

All models are aproximations "wrong" in some sense but they are darn
close, close enogh for all practical engineering if you adopt the rigth
modell .

I dont think "all models are wrong" is a usefull argument ofcourse they
are , its not much beter than "we dont know verything" ofcourse we dont

The designer of your car are happy with newtonian mechanics and maxwells
laws of electromagnetism . They are in some sense "wrong" as no
adjustments for relativity and quantum mechanics or higgs bosons are
applied ,but the errors are all somewhere in the noise far below the
error margins .

There are course rough models and more fine grained ones . Engineer
knows which one to apply . You dont need to adjust oHms law for gravity
for example... unless you plan to use your DAC very close to a neutron
star (in which case the atom and molecule deforming magnetic fields
would cause some trouble to )

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

You seem to have edited your post while I was typing ...

darrenyeats wrote: 
> What about loudspeakers, venue acoustics. In terms of recording
> technology, analogue tape? People's opinions about what sounds better or
> worse are very important, but this doesn't diminish the science and
> engineering aspect at all.
Yes; I think I appreciated this context in my orginal post by saying
superbonham wrote: 
> It does make sense to argue that an audio component is better suited to
> reproduce sound more faithfully than another one if it measures better
> or if this improvement can be backed up by double blind testing, though.
> Whether this component 'sounds better' to someone or not again is a
> different story [...]
It's just a matter superbonham wrote: 
> [...](of personal preference, opinion and taste).
darrenyeats wrote: 
> Why should proper engineering and human opinion automatically exclude
> one another? They don't.
They do exclude one another in the sense that they address different
questions. There is no scientific way to address 'human opinion'
[preference, taste, mood], because it's just not a scientific category.
There is simply no scientific way to tell whether some audio equipment
or tweak sounds better [right, more intensive, ...] to someone - it's
just not he right question asked.*

At the same time it's inadequate and useless to tackle the 'ability to
reproduce audio faithfully' by opinion or (sighted) personal listening
tests. Of course one can express his personal preference and suggest an
(unproven) tweak to others, but what exactly is the point? On what basis
should I trust him (especially if he sells this tweak for hundreds or
thousands of dollars)?

* Of course there are various methods (e.g. statistics or analysis of
historic evidences) to address scientific aspects of personal opinion
(e.g. distribution of a certain opinion in a group of people,
development of opinions throughout human history) - but that's not meant

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread probedb

darrenyeats wrote: 
> I'm saying all models are wrong

Really? Do you want to tell that to every manufacturer of audio
equipment? Every developer who has created or involved in development of
audio codecs? Experts, professors etc around the world that study this
that they're all wrong?

People don't seem to be able to differentiate between the psychology of
what we're discussing and building audio equipment and what happens to
the sound. The latter is very well understood. However since you think
you know better I guess you'd best get onto the entire audio community
and tell them they're wrong.

'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread probedb

Mnyb wrote: 
> Thats actually not contested , people in this tread claim that the
> diffrences are for "other reasons" the streams are bit perfect

Fair enough then. We're going into the realms of psychology so I'll duck

'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread SBGK

Mnyb wrote: 
> Thats OK with me thats a fairly resonable idea, except as i have come to
> understand it the models we have acomodate for any possible pattern or
> wave form ,but in princible .
> And it would be quite a leap  a modern dac can surpase our own abilities
> with say 30dB or something similar ,actually orders of magnitude .
> We can disguss these things it have merits OK.
> But very much of what audiophiles seriusly suggest is agiainst
> "fundamental physical theories" ,there is simply no reasoanable
> mechanism to explain the effect of many things .
> The are on the other hand  a lot off pshychological effects that can
> account for the perception they experience . So here occams razor rules
> .
> These things should be debunked there is no merit of further debate ,
> you can find such fruitless debate going on for decades...
> *As others said . Listening test is a good way to account for the
> unknown ! * but they have to be reasonably controlled to be of any use .
> Sighted test as done by most hifi rags provides no real data just noise
> .
> properly done listening test have most likely unearthed a lots off
> issues previusly unknown .
> The transparancy of modern digital electronics is really only constested
> by audiophiles much in a similar way as for example climate change or
> evolution is only constended by a special subset of rigth wing american
> cristians .
> Its a special culture where all are of similar opinion , ideas from
> outside these special subcultures can seem strange to the one living
> rigth in the middle of it .

and yet the hifi world goes on and people outside of this forum continue
to improve the sound of their systems.

Touch optimisations http://touchsgotrythm.blogspot.co.uk/

SBGK's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=52003
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

Mnyb wrote: 
> But very much of what audiophiles seriusly suggest is agiainst
> "fundamental physical theories" ,there is simply no reasoanable
> mechanism to explain the effect of many things.

Indeed. And here I draw an analogy to, of all things, UFO's. Yes, there
are serious UFO researchers out there. But they are very quick to help
discredit ludicrous claims, as they realize that the nut cases and
frauds undermine the credibility of their chosen field. Do we see the
same among audiophiles? Do we see a lot of "serious but rational"
audiophiles, who argue for effects that could be possible, but who
strongly help discredit the ones that are clearly foo? Not really. The
"open minded" audiophiles are open to pretty much anything, independent
of if it makes scientific sense or not.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

Mnyb wrote: 
> I do believe that you percieve a difference . I dont beleive that there
> -is- a diffrence . This is diffrent if you understand me ?

I still think it would be fair for us to try to see if there is a
rational explanation for why there might be an actual difference in this
particular case. Fizbin, could you post your convert.conf file
(preferably both versions)?

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

darrenyeats wrote: 
> I'm saying all models are wrong, some models are useful. And models
> develop over time as evidence is gathered.
> Here's a thought experiment. If it was shown that people could
> distinguish distortion of certain types at X db lower than the currently
> accepted levels, when that distortion modulates a newly invented sound
> pattern, then the world of science would certainly *not* be in uproar.
> That's because the result *would break no fundamental physical
> theories*. It might break the stubbornness of some people on this forum,
> though I doubt it, but there would be otherwise "nothing to see here".

Thats OK with me thats a fairly resonable idea, except as i have come to
understand it the models we have acomodate for any possible pattern or
wave form ,but in princible .
And it would be quite a leap  a modern dac can surpase our own abilities
with say 30dB or something similar ,actually orders of magnitude .

We can disguss these things it have merits OK.

But very much of what audiophiles seriusly suggest is agiainst
"fundamental physical theories" ,there is simply no reasoanable
mechanism to explain the effect of many things .
The are on the other hand  a lot off pshychological effects that can
account for the perception they experience . So here occams razor rules

These things should be debunked there is no merit of further debate ,
you can find such fruitless debate going on for decades...

*As others said . Listening test is a good way to account for the
unknown ! * but they have to be reasonably controlled to be of any use .
Sighted test as done by most hifi rags provides no real data just noise
properly done listening test have most likely unearthed a lots off
issues previusly unknown .

The transparancy of modern digital electronics is really only constested
by audiophiles much in a similar way as for example climate change or
evolution is only constended by a special subset of rigth wing american
cristians .
Its a special culture where all are of similar opinion , ideas from
outside these special subcultures can seem strange to the one living
rigth in the middle of it .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread alfista

darrenyeats wrote: 
> If it was shown that people could distinguish distortion of certain
> types at X db lower than the currently accepted levels, when that
> distortion modulates a newly invented sound pattern, then the world of
> science would certainly *not* be in uproar.
To show anything about the capabilities of human hearing would require
scientific methodology. Provided the findings are published and made
available for others to verify it will of course be a welcome addition
to the body of knowledge. Of course the science world would not object
to a piece of adequately performed piece of scientific work.

alfista's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32396
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

pablolie wrote: 
> this topic made me go check my own settings in LMS, and has me wondering
> about them.
> if a SB3 or Duet or Touch support FLACs natively (which it does), then
> why the settings for "stream format" and "decoder"? why would i want to
> "decode" at all? it seems -for example- the FLAC file format can be
> streamed as AIFF/FLAC/MP3/PCM. MP3 i guess i get if someone has some
> tragic bandwidth issues in their network, but i am not sure why i'd do
> any other conversion...? i have it all set to "native" with the other
> streaming formats disabled. i only have FLACs and MP3 with a very few
> M4a thrown in...

there are many corner cases , for most users this wast arrya of
possibilities does not really make sense . So leave them at default dont
disable to much stuff one of these days you tune in to a radio station
and it wont transcode properly.

AIFF streamed as FLAC makes more sense btw ,but as the transcoders are
there (faad ,flac,SoX) the oposite is also very possible and its
probably by default exposed in the UI even if makes little sense in your
user case .

Btw the old slimp3 or SB1 could not play flac ! Then there is all the
possible softplayers both current and historical .

Another example Touch can play Alac and AIFF but not always  Hirez Alac
or Aiff it bugs out , so if you only have native here and not allow the
others it wont transcode . SB3 can not play AAC etc

The whole thing is set up to use the best format in almost any case if
native is enabled you dont have to disable the other choices.

People disable tons of stuff here out off fear that the server by some
mistake should send "inferior" formats to the players for example
disable the dreaded mp3 format for flac files just in case !
It will use native as first choice only if that does not work LMS tries
the other enabled choices .
This does not make sense to fiddle to much with this you can create more
problems than you solve. You now if its transcoded it says so in in the
UI if not then you are listening to native formats .
Only mess with this if you get unexpeted results . No Sound or
transcodning when you dont expect it to happen .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
> Wait. Everyone accepts current loudspeakers have various audible
> compromises.


darrenyeats wrote: 
> Of course, designing and building speakers is a scientific and
> engineering discipline [...]


darrenyeats wrote: 
> [...] but human perception and opinion is at its very heart.

No. I'd rather say that (assumed) imperfections of human audio
perception might be played on to adjust compromises one has to make
while designing audio equipment in a way that minimizes their audible
consequences. This does not imply by any means that one could'nt tell
(at least in principle) by well understood scientific criteria if some
component is better at faithfully reproducing (recording, storing,
transmitting) audio than another.

darrenyeats wrote: 
> Everyone would say the same about audio tape engineering before digital
> came along. These spheres do NOT automatically exclude one another. If
> people can hear a difference, then the kind of difference they do/don't
> like is very relevant to audio gear, given that its purpose is human
> enjoyment, and it will inform and direct the science and engineering.
> What you mean to say is, that audibility limits have been achieved with
> certain types of audio equipment, or that you believe this to be the
> case, or that current scientific evidence indicates this. That's a very
> different matter IMO.

Thanks for trying to interpret my post, but I was perfectly meaning what
I was writing (quite literally). To extend my original post I'd like to
point out that whenever someone claims that a component or tweak (e.g.
'magical cable lifters') provides an objective audible improvement (i.e.
comprehensible and meaningful to others) he has 'the burden of proof '
by equally comprehensible and meaningful (i.e. scientific) means. If he
can't or does not want to provide such proof he is of course free to
state this claim as a belief or personal opinion, but it then just does
not qualify as an objective, provable fact.

You can exchange opinions and personal impressions (about whatever
topic) endlessly with only little to no progress. We do have high
quality (affordable) audio reproduction equipment today (that is better
than years or decades ago) thanks to factual, i.e. comprehensible and
measurable progress based on science and engineering. 

I do admit that there is a very interesting scientific discipline of
human audio perception. While current science seems to have a quite good
understanding on how humans (and other animals) hear, the different
processes involved are complex. Also scientific analysis mostly relies -
by very definition - on empirical research and as such isn't as
'seizable' as for example the sampling theorem. So I (as well as most of
the other 'audophile sceptics' I assume) would be happy to discuss the
_relevance_ of construction compromises (e.g. jitter) or deliberate
(mostly well thought-trough) design decisions (e.g. red book sampling
frequency of 44.1 kHz) for human audio perception. But even with these
topics rational argumentation is necessary; if you cannot (yet and/or
fully) explain an audible effect systematically, blind testing is an
approved method to scrutinize/validate such a claimed effect.

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102330

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread bpa

Fizbin wrote: 
> My guess is there is a problem with the software/hardware somewhere.

I suggest re-read the thread as there have been lots of testing and
analysis work already done on this topic  for example see

bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread pablolie

this topic made me go check my own settings in LMS, and has me wondering
about them.

if a SB3 or Duet or Touch support FLACs natively (which it does), then
why the settings for "stream format" and "decoder"? why would i want to
"decode" at all? it seems -for example- the FLAC file format can be
streamed as AIFF/FLAC/MP3/PCM. MP3 i guess i get if someone has some
tragic bandwidth issues in their network, but i am not sure why i'd do
any other conversion...? i have it all set to "native" with the other
streaming formats disabled. i only have FLACs and MP3 with a very few
M4a thrown in...

Server: Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 12.04 + LMS 7.7.3 on VMware
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- Creek Destiny Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->-
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> MusicalFidelity
M1PWR -> Totem DreamCatcher
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado PS500e

pablolie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3816
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread darrenyeats

superbonham wrote: 
> 'High fidelity' music reproduction, i.e. faithful recording, storage,
> transmission and play back of audio is purely an egnineering discipline
> where science and measurements apply - there is simply no room for
> opinions and irrationality here.
This is patently not the case. For example, everyone accepts current
loudspeakers have various audible compromises. Of course, designing and
building speakers is a scientific and engineering discipline but human
perception and opinion is at its very heart.

What you mean to say is, that audibility limits have been achieved with
certain types of audio equipment, or that you believe this to be the
case, or that current scientific evidence indicates this. That's a very
different assertion IMO.

Check it, add to it! http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/


SB Touch

darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread darrenyeats

probedb wrote: 
> So you're saying we'll be going backwards by deciding that science is
> wrong?
I'm saying all models are wrong, some models are useful. And models
develop over time as evidence is gathered.

Here's a thought experiment. If it was shown that people could
distinguish distortion of certain types at X db lower than the currently
accepted levels, when that distortion modulates a certain sound pattern
yet to be discovered, then the world of science would certainly *not* be
in uproar. That's because the result *would break no fundamental
physical theories*. It might break the stubbornness of some people on
this forum, though I doubt it, but very little else.

Check it, add to it! http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/


SB Touch

darrenyeats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10799
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread alfista

ralphpnj wrote: 
> What does a unicorn fart smell like and would one be able to tell it
> apart of a fairy fart in a double blind test? Smell notwithstanding, by it's 
> mere force a unicorn fart will
completely lift the veils.

alfista's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32396
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

pablolie wrote: 
> i do believe these days one can put together a very, very nice sounding
> system with a few basic and quite cost efficient devices.

I fully agree; we are living in good times ...

pablolie wrote: 
> but i also immensely enjoy the exercise of being a tad irrational here
> and there. passion is always an irrational choice, but how tragic is a
> life that only and exclusively sticks to rationality alone... :-)

Of course there are siutations in life where irrationality, opinions,
chance, mood etc. play an important role and listening to music clearly
belongs here. As an example I cannot tell why I sometimes prefer say
Tingvall Trio over Esbjörn Svensson Trio or Trombone Shorty over Nils
Landgren; this is clearly a question of opinion, 'emotional state' and

To me it seems important to realize when to apply rationality and when
to allow yourself to be a bit more irrational. 'High fidelity' music
reproduction, i.e. faithful recording, storage, transmission and play
back of audio is purely an egnineering discipline where science and
measurements apply - there is simply no room for opinions and
irrationality here.

Of course everyone is free to decide that he likes the design or sound
of a specific piece of equipment (and to pay whatever amount of money to
get it); this is clearly the domain of personal preference, taste and
opinion, though. And of course one can post his personal preference or
expierence with this equipment and the personal sonic impression - but
this will be no more than a personal 'testimonial'. This especially
means that it is not 'transferable', i.e. does not translate to others.
The beauty of the scientific approach (and actually one of its
constituting features) is that results hold true anywhere, anytime and
for anyone (to the same extent as they did initially).

So just as it makes no sense to argue that Tingvall Trio is 'better'
than Esbjörn Svensson Trio it is pointless to argue that a piece of
equipment is better than another one based on one's personal sonic
impression alone. It does make sense to argue that an audio component is
better suited to reproduce sound more faithfully than another one if it
measures better or if this improvement can be backed up by double blind
testing, though. Whether this component 'sounds better' to someone or
not again is a different story (of personal preference, opinion and

If I were to summarize the criticism of the 'audiophile sceptics' here
(and on other fora) I'd say that they (rightly) question the habit of
'audiophile apologists' to argue in the vein outlined above. So instead
of expressing their personal impression or preference they try to
'prove' that some component is objectively better (in a scientific or
engineering sense) without applying the necessary scientific means to do

Just my two cents.

superbonham's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22540
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

Fizbin wrote: 
> My guess is there is a problem with the software/hardware somewhere. The
> fact that FLAC's suddenly sounded "normal" to me when I switched Native
> to Disabled is odd. Particularly when my mind wasn't expecting to be any
> different. The funny thing is I've had WAV's set up all wrong the entire
> time. I noticed today that they were converting to FLAC's. I thought to
> myself, geezs when I disable the conversion, my wav files will sound WAY
> better. But, nope. I could not hear a difference. 
> As for why I can hear a difference between FLAC and WAV when FLAC is set
> to default (Native), who knows. When I first noticed it last year it
> took all but a few seconds to realize something wasn't right. That's
> when I got my friend to test me a few times, which essentially confirmed
> it's not in my head.
> My description of the difference is the same as a couple others here, in
> earlier posts. Less air, VERY SLIGHTLY narrower sound-stage. Also to me
> it's VERY SLIGHTLY MORE fatiguing.
> Anyway, I'm not complaining, I don't care if some or all of you don't
> believe me. I'm just glad I have found a way to play FLAC's, because
> filling up my HD with WAV's was silly.

Yes tag support in WAV is not as robust and well suported as in FLAC
either so you library experience migth bennefit too .

The possible gotchas are you get sligtky more server load with
transcoding and the network load almost doubles ,player load seems about
the same . If the players are wired it wont matter much a Wifi conected
Touch can struggle with 24/96 wav btw .

Fyi , the basic setting for WAV is to transcode WAV files to Flac to
conserve bandwith . If you still have wav files you migth have a look at
that too.

I do believe that you percieve a difference . I dont beleive that there
-is- a diffrence . This is diffrent if you understand me ?

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Fizbin

My guess is there is a problem with the software/hardware somewhere. The
fact that FLAC's suddenly sounded "normal" to me when I switched Native
to Disabled is odd. Particularly when my mind wasn't expecting to be any
different. The funny thing is I've had WAV's set up all wrong the entire
time. I noticed today that they were converting to FLAC's. I thought to
myself, geezs when I disable the conversion, my wav files will sound WAY
better. But, nope. I could not hear a difference. 

As for why I can hear a difference between FLAC and WAV when FLAC is set
to default (Native), who knows. When I first noticed it last year it
took all but a few seconds to realize something wasn't right. That's
when I got my friend to test me a few times, which essentially confirmed
it's not in my head.

My description of the difference is the same as a couple others here, in
earlier posts. Less air, VERY slightly narrower sound-stage. Also to me
it's VERY SLIGHTLY MORE fatiguing.

Anyway, I'm not complaining, I don't care if some or all of you don't
believe me. I'm just glad I have found a way to play FLAC's, because
filling up my HD with WAV's was silly.

Fizbin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58734
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

probedb wrote: 
> Indeed and easy enough to check by recording the output on PC, making
> sure they're aligned and then doing a bit compare. If they're not
> identical then something is wrong.

Thats actually not contested , people in this tread claim that the
diffrences are for "other reasons" the streams are bit perfect

Yes PCM is fallbacl unless you configure that away too :P you disable
flac and leave the wav entry enabled in the settings fir file type flac
The enabled possibilities is used in quality order unless a player is
bitrate limited then that has override

Fyi these settings are not really thier for soundqulity but for
compatibility with the bewildering range of possible servers and players
out there and also folks who opt for alternative transcoder apps .
If you have relitively normal server and habits you never need to Touch

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread probedb

darrenyeats wrote: 
> Evidence-based reasoning isn't the same as turning out to be right in
> the end.

So you're saying we'll be going backwards by deciding that science is

'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

Mnyb wrote: 
> Either it s a high res file then you get the bogus presentation of
> "bitrate" or hi is simply disabling native flac so that he gets pcm(wav)
> to the player .

Is PCM/WAV the fallback fromat?

> Or some really wierd convert.conf fiddling or soem strange combinationof
> file types settings hopefully no mystery fw on the player .
> I would log the behaviur then you now what its doing .

Indeed. Finding out exactly what the effect of the convert.conf change
is is definitely the first step. And yes, good to verify the version of
the firmware.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread probedb

pablolie wrote: 
> as a rule, either format ought to result in bit-perfect PCM out of the
> Touch. so just curious about what components and setup are around it.

Indeed and easy enough to check by recording the output on PC, making
sure they're aligned and then doing a bit compare. If they're not
identical then something is wrong.

'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Mnyb

Julf wrote: 
> That is indeed an interesting result. What I would do is to try to
> reproduce the results under even stricter conditions - have your friend
> put together a playlist with a random combination of the FLAC and WAV
> versions, and preferably try with a file that has been compressed with
> different FLAC compression settings. Then do the test, writing down your
> guesses (without your friend seeing what you write down), and make sure
> neither of you can see any displays or other things that might give you
> hints - or even better, make sure you can't see your friend until after
> the test, when he/she can verify the results.
> However, I have found something interesting and confusing at the same
> time, which is why I'm posting. I changed one setting in the File Format
> Conversion Setup and now FLAC's sound identical (to me) to WAVs. And I'm
> not sure why that would be.

I hope somebody who is better acquainted with the LMS/SBT transcoding
process jumps in, but normally the FLAC file would be sent unprocessed,
as a FLAC stream, to the SBT. Your change makes LMS transcode the file -
but I am not sure what format LMS decides to use as the target format.

Either it s a high res file then you get the bogus presentation of
"bitrate" or hi is simply disabling native flac so that he gets pcm(wav)
to the player .

Or some really wierd convert.conf fiddling or soem strange combinationof
file types settings hopefully no mystery fw on the player .

I would log the behaviur then you now what its doing .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux


Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2014-10-28 Thread Julf

Fizbin wrote: 
> I'm one of those 'weirdo's that can hear the difference between WAV and
> FLAC on the SBT. I have two units and I have confirmed it on both. I've
> had a friend come over a few times and randomly play a WAV file and the
> FLAC counterpart. For the first half hour I could tell him which was
> which...After that it got harder to tell, from fatigue. Sometimes he
> would play the same file format twice, to try and trick me, to no avail.

That is indeed an interesting result. What I would do is to try to
reproduce the results under even stricter conditions - have your friend
put together a playlist with a random combination of the FLAC and WAV
versions, and preferably try with a file that has been compressed with
different FLAC compression settings. Then do the test, writing down your
guesses (without your friend seeing what you write down), and make sure
neither of you can see any displays or other things that might give you
hints - or even better, make sure you can't see your friend until after
the test, when he/she can verify the results.

However, I have found something interesting and confusing at the same
time, which is why I'm posting. I changed one setting in the File Format
Conversion Setup and now FLAC's sound identical (to me) to WAVs. And I'm
not sure why that would be.

I hope somebody who is better acquainted with the LMS/SBT transcoding
process jumps in, but normally the FLAC file would be sent unprocessed, as
a FLAC stream, to the SBT. Your change makes LMS transcode the file - but
I am not sure what format LMS decides to use as the target format.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

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