Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-05-01 Thread 95bcwh

darrenyeats;284632 Wrote: 
> For those new to these forums...Tom's irony is beyond comparo.

ShockinglyI'm not new to these forums, I just left for a while, but
I'm shocked to come back and found that people here still wasting their
time arguing with Tom. you know that he has hearing deficiency?

Have a nice day!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What mods on SB3 REALLY make a difference in reducing jitter?

2007-04-27 Thread 95bcwh

Just for the record, I have stopped responding to your threads because I
feel extremely bad arguing with someone who obviously has hearing
problem. Please don't make me start again. Have a nice day.

tomjtx;197949 Wrote: 
> 95, Perhaps you should clarify your question because in it's present
> form it is nonsensical.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What mods on SB3 REALLY make a difference in reducing jitter?

2007-04-26 Thread 95bcwh

mswlogo;197289 Wrote: 
> And the fact that all that matters is jitter.

If all that matter is jitter..then why so many high end audio
manufacturers manage to co-exist?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bolder Cable Elpac Mods - First Impressions

2007-03-20 Thread 95bcwh

ErikM;188827 Wrote: 
> Markhh2, sorry but you posted to the wrong forum. This is the
> Anti-Audiophile forum where break in doesn't exist and eveything sounds
> the same FWIW the digital mod is a nice improvement for $200.00...

LOL!!! Poor Markhh2, your post will not be well-received by some of the
members of this forum. 

Nevertheless I do hear improvement with the Elpac, whether it's worth
the money it's not up to me to tell people.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Modding the Squeezebox

2007-02-17 Thread 95bcwh

P Floding;181325 Wrote: 
> There is no general concensus on what sounds good and what sounds like
> sh*t.

LOL...I wonder, what would it take for people to accept the fact that
there is NO consensus in this hobby??

When you look for a wife, do you have to find "consensus" among people
that your wife is the prettiest in the world? :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Modding the Squeezebox

2007-02-15 Thread 95bcwh

I'm NOT here to "convince" people to buy mod, I'm not paid enough to
be a salesman of mod, I'm enjoying what I have and I'm happy. Audio is
like cigars and wines, people tastes are not universal, "better" is a
highly subjective word. When you read people saying that "A" sounds
better than "B" (including my opinion), take it as a piece of worthless
rant. My ear is not your ear, and our tastes differs.

The deal is, you gotta be willing to go out and try things yourself.
Posting questions on the forums, reading reviews, may help a little in
narrowing down your choices from thousands to a more manageble number,
you still have to find a way to do your own listening - either by going
to shows, friend's home, buy used gears, etc. 

To say that:" I need to be convinced that a mod is better before I
even try" is like saying: "please convince me that a $15 wine is better
than the $5 wine before I want to taste it."

No, I can't convince people that a $15 wine is better than a $5 wine,
unless they come to my home and I let them taste the $15 wine, even
then, you may still prefers the $5 wine.

The bottomline is, there is no short-cut, it takes efforts and money
(wasted money!) to explore and find the sound that you are looking for.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Modding the Squeezebox

2007-02-15 Thread 95bcwh

Tomjtx had a beef with Bolder, so you can ignore his opinion about
Bolder's product.

If he say he cannot hear a difference between the digital out of a
stock squeezebox and the digital out of a Bolder Modified squeezebox +
PS, then there're only two possibilities:

1) He need to get his ear checked out.
2) He has a hidden agenda.

I brought the Bolder modified SB3 and SB3 to a large group of listeners
in Houston, and ALL of them heard a difference when compare to the stock
unit. And ALL of them said the mod improves the stock unit. I repeat -

Now, whether that "improvement" is worth the money, that's not up to me
to decide.

If you want to know what these people said about the stock vs modded
SB3, send me a pm, and I will send you a list of email feedback written
by some of the participants.

tomjtx;180676 Wrote: 
> The only way to know is to listen to a stock SB side by side with a
> modded one.
> Any modder should be wiling to send you a demo unit to listen to and
> you can decide for yourself.
> If you level match the  the 2 you can switch back and forth on your pre
> amp until you don't know which is which. If you still hear a dif, select
> the one you like and then look at your pre amp inputs to see which one.
> Do this a number of times. If your choices are consistent you will have
> your answer, if your choices are inconsistent, you will have your answer
> :-)
> With the digital out I heard no improvement from the Bolder modded SB >
> a LavryDAC10 or into a Transporter.
> IMO the digital mods are not money well spent. 
> I "thought" I heard a slight improvement with the analogue out but it
> still didn't compare to the Lavry or the TP.
> IMO save your money for a good DAC and get a stock surplus power
> supply.
> Have fun deciding :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2007-02-11 Thread 95bcwh

opaqueice;179562 Wrote: 
> but it's been proven to be the case with megabuck CD transports versus
> very cheap ones, so it wouldn't surprise me at all.  Maybe someday I'll
> buy a TP and try it myself.

"Proven" is a very strong statement? Can you show me the proof? I
haven't met anyone in my life that cannot tell a difference between a
$40 Sony DVD player against a $3000 Cary 303/300.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2007-02-10 Thread 95bcwh

If you're trying to justify to yourself NOT spending any extra money for
the TP, then good luck to you in finding those people who cannot hear
difference between the TP and the SB:) 

But not from me - who'd spent significant amount of time from stock SB
to stock TP to all kinds of mods; and not from the people who have
bought the TP and thought that the TP is comparable to a $6k CDP..:)

Not that any of these opinions are useful. In fact, I keep reminding
people that, opinons are fun to read, and that's where it stops.
There's no such thing as "reliable listening test" except your own
ears. If you're going to base any purchase decision based on reading
the opinions of the others, I'm afraid you're driving on the wrong

opaqueice;179419 Wrote: 
> I'd be catious here.  I certainly agree that SD is not a snake-oil
> company, and we know the TP digital out measures significantly better
> than the SB, so you're getting something for your money.  But that does
> not mean there is a significant audible improvement, particularly when
> another device (the external DAC) is involved.  In fact there is strong
> evidence that jitter-rejecting DACs will sound exactly the same given
> any digital input that isn't wildly distorted.  
> For the analogue outs I don't know of any reliable listening tests for
> TP versus SB, but the general trend is that the differences are very
> small, and if Jan didn't hear a difference between a tube analogue
> output stage and the TPs I'd be inclined to think he wouldn't hear one
> between the SB and the TP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2007-02-09 Thread 95bcwh

jmourik;179374 Wrote: 
> Which is exactly what I said, that's how we did the A/B comparison. TP
> analog out into pre input 1, TP digital into dac60 into pre input 2.
> Easy to switch back and forth. Not easy to hear a difference, well,
> impossible for me :-)
> jan

Perhaps I didn't emphasize one important point in my previous post,
bear in mind that even if "TP digital out + DAC60" is equal to "TP
Analog out". It doesn't means that "SB3 + DAC60" will be equal to "TP
Analog out". 

Therefore, you'd still be better off buying a TP, provided that its
presentation is exactly what you've been looking for. Don't expect any
short-cut or money-saving alternatives in the attempt to match or beat
the TP, Slim Devices is NOT a snake-oil company, the company won't
charge you $2k unless there's significant audible improvement over a
$300 squeezebox, buying a TP already get you more than what you pay


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2007-02-09 Thread 95bcwh

jmourik;179343 Wrote: 
> I wish we had compared this, I wanted to try it by hooking both up and
> synchronizing them, but we didn't have enough time to do that. So now I
> still have two questions:
> - how much difference does the TP make vs SB3 as a transport only
> - how much difference is there between the stock TP and the modded TP.
> jan

If you said "TP digital out + DAC60" is equal to "TP Analog out", then
the different is very significant..:))

The different between stock TP and the modded TP is that the modded TP
is smoother and juicier, without the relatively dry and hard analytical
sound of the stock TP.

I'll leave the rest to your imagination. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2007-02-09 Thread 95bcwh

By the way, the Bolder SB2, and Modified Transporter are from me. I
brought them to the meeting. And of course I have listened to all of
them in my system.

Jan is talking about transporter feeding the Lite-DAC60 having the same
sound as the transporter analog out. I have never listened to this setup
so I can't, but I have listened to the stock SB3 feeding the Lite-DAC60
compared with the transporter analog out. In that instance, the
transporter is of course warmer, smoother, and goes deeper.

The digital section of the modified transporter is probably just as
good as a digitally modified squeezebox with Silver/Gold Bybee. It's
warm, smooth, no glare. I have listened to the stock transporter but
still prefers the digitally modified squeezebox, and now I heard the
modified transporter and I was very impressed with it.

I cannot comprehend what Jan was referring to as "weird" sound from the
Bolder SB2, it certainly didn't sounded "weird" to me in my sytem. But
there's a bit regrets with the setup Jan listened because all the
sources goes through a preamp, whereas my experience has always been
running the Bolder SB2 analog out and the transporter analog out
directly into the power amp. I didn't get to hear them in similar
manner at the meeting because when we set up the transporter directly
into the amp, it generated a loud pink noise and that got the host a
little nervous. So since then everything has to go through a preamp. 

Jan was also talking about hearing a difference between the transporter
and the ARCAM CDP, from my past memory of listening to the ARCAM, if I
am to describe each of them in terms of "warmness", the the ranking

ARACM > Transporter analog out > Bolder SB2 analog out > Stock SB3
analog out.

So the ARCAM is warmest, but warm doesn't means best sound or vice
versa. It all depends on what you're looking for, and how well it match
with the rest of your gears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2007-02-09 Thread 95bcwh

By the way, the Bolder SB2, and Modified Transporter are from me. I
brought them to the meeting. And of course I have listened to all of
them in my system.

Jan is talking about transporter feeding the Lite-DAC60 having the same
sound as the transporter analog out. I have never listened to this setup
so I can't, but I have listened to the stock SB3 feeding the Lite-DAC60
compared with the transporter analog out. In that instance, the
transporter is of course warmer, smoother, and goes deeper.

The digital section of the modified transporter is probably just as
good as a digitally modified squeezebox with Silver/Gold Bybee. It's
warm, smooth, no glare. I have listened to the stock transporter but
still prefers the digitally modified squeezebox, and now I heard the
modified transporter and I was very impressed with it.

I cannot comprehend what Jan was referring to as "weird" sound from the
Bolder SB2, it certainly didn't sounded "weird" to me in my sytem. But
there's a bit regrets with the setup Jan listened because all the
sources goes through a preamp, whereas my experience has always been
running the Bolder SB2 analog out and the transporter analog out
directly into the power amp. I didn't get to hear them in similar
manner at the meeting because when we set up the transporter directly
into the amp, it generated a loud pink noise and that got the host a
little nervous. So since then everything has to go through a preamp. 

Jan was also talking about hearing a difference between the transporter
and the ARCAM CDP, from my past memory of listening to the ARCAM, if I
am to describe each of them in terms of "warmness", the the ranking

ARACM > Transporter analog out > Bolder SB2 analog out > Stock SB3
analog out.

So the ARCAM is warmest, but warm doesn't means best sound or vice
versa. It all depends on what you're looking for, and how well it match
with the rest of your gears.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-31 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;176131 Wrote: 
> jan,
> you should amend American to Republican fashion. 
> We Democrats blame ourselves for everything :-)

What's your proof that Democrats blame themselves for everything?

Have you not read the news everyday? Democrats only blame others for


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modded SB2 & Ultimate PS MKII to UK reviewed and compared to the SB+

2007-01-22 Thread 95bcwh

Deaf Cat;173095 Wrote: 
> my attention.
> Where may we read more when this happens, gonna be interesting :)
> Cheers

Your best bet is contact Wayne directly at Bolder Cable Company.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-22 Thread 95bcwh

opaqueice;172933 Wrote: 
> With posts like these appearing, I second the suggestion to let this
> thread die.  
> It's quite apparent what's going on here (the emperor has no clothes),
> and nothing is gained by continuing this.  If anyone's aim was to
> defend the reputation of Bolder mods, congratulations - you've
> accomplished just the opposite.

Of course, you're in the same camp as Tom, it's easier for you to make
that judgement. And you don't know the full story.

My aim is not to defend the reputation of the Bolder Mods. My aim is to
expose why Tom is behaving like what he has been behavior. I could care
less if some people doesn't like Bolder's mod, or hated Bolder Mods.
I'm wise enough to know that you can't please everyone in audio.

But, for Tom to go to a forum, poked fun at a guy who's selling his
products because he has life-threatening illness, which upset many
people in that forum, and then come here and bash Bolder's products,
taking cheap shots after cheap shots. It is his rudeness that's
upseting people, not his disliking of the Bolder's mods.

He wouldn't get a free pass.. that's all.

I apologise the hijacking this thread. It is my sincere apology to all
the members here that you guys have to put up with all these. I also
apologise for using some stupid language. It's my mistake and I
admitted to it. This is the last post.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

No one is accusing you for being disrespectful for saying that TP is
better than Bolder SB3. 

When I said you're being disrespectful, I refers to the language you
use, the way you laugh at the guy trying to sell Bolder's product. The
tone of language that you use to dish Bolder's SB2.
And you continue to take cheap shot at Wayne. That's disrespectful. If
you cannot understand that, you need to go back to 1st grade and get
your mama teach you about respecting people.

tomjtx;172836 Wrote: 
> The bottom line here is that I have every right to express my opinion.
> There is nothing "disrespectful" about my saying I think the TP is
> better. I do think it is better. 
> I would not post this opinion on Wayne's own Bolder forum at AC because
> that would be a breach of etiquette.
> It is perfectly appropriate to post my opinion on any other forum here
> or at AC.
> I think I have said about all I can say on this ( although I'll reserve
> the right to say more just for the fun of it)  :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

If you don't know how to change your pm, that shows your lack of basic
IT can't be that stupid are you?? :))

tomjtx;172830 Wrote: 
> Wayne did not do me a favor loaning me his equipment.
> He contacted me and asked me to audition his product. I did not ask
> him.
> Why would I pay something upfront when he asked me to review his gear. 
> I did pay the return shipping which was not my obligation. He asked me
> to audition his equipment and post my impressions on the forum,
> period.
> Guitar makers send me guitars all the time to evaluate and they insist
> on paying shipping both ways.
> I agreed out of curiosity. I never said I prefered his gear. I always
> said I prefered the TP.
> No, I cant change a PM. I think you know this  and you are
> obfuscating.
> You simply don't know what you are talking about.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;172823 Wrote: 
> Isn't it? 
> I was really taken aback by the childishness of Wayne's response.
> I never intended to discuss his PM's until he tried to discredit my
> opinion of his mods with his misleading post on this thread. But I
> guess he asked for it.

Childishness? Wayne did you a favour by loaning you his product, he
didn't even ask you to pay anything upfront, and he pay for the cost of
shipping it to you. And in return, what did he get? First, when you saw
someone selling Bolder's product, you laughed at the guy and said his
reselling price was insane, and only stupid people will pay that amount
of money. 

Then you retract your statement, initially you said you could have
lived with either the TP or the Bolder SB2, you began to bash the SB2
in post after post.

Now, you're trying to destroy his credibility by revealing part of the
correspondance between two of you. God knows who's talking crap in that
correspondance, you have no way to prove it anyway. It's you said so. So
what if you're going to forward me the email thread, anyone can just
change the words in the thread. Nobody will know if it's still

Wayne has loaned his equipments to many people but never did one turn
out as disrespectful as you. Of course he is upset. I would be upset

Who is childish? I think I can make my own judgement.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;172821 Wrote: 
> 95,
> that is not the same Ayre. You refered to the cx7
> I was refering to the cx5 universal player which goes for about
> 6,000.00 and is the reference cdp for many hi-end reviewers and
> designers.
> The ayre you listened to is not of the same quality.

I have heard both the CX7 and the CX5 in a dealer store, the difference
was hardly audible. So I took the CX7 home.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;172805 Wrote: 
> Yes, I would have to agree.
> Doesn't it make more sense to start with a device that, according to
> Stereophile , comes close to the Ayre (the TP) and mod that with the
> possibility of surpasing the Ayre  rather than modifying the SB and
> still have it sound inferior to a stock TP at a higher price?

Actually, in my system, the Bolder SB2 beats the Ayre..see


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestion: New mid-market player

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

You pay peanuts, you get monkeys!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;172747 Wrote: 
> I halve always said it's just my opinion and I almost always suggest
> people listen for themselves.
> And if you think Wayne is such a great guy, when I did say I liked the
> TP better he pm'd me saying: (to paraphrase)
> why dont you go back to the flat earthers at the slim forums, youre not
> wanted at AC. 
> Then ,he said he wouldn't sell me anything in the future.
> That is professional behavior?

Now we are talking.. you did have some beef with wonder
you've been bashing his product lately... LOL... I cannot make any
judgement based on you said he said. I have auditioned Wayne products
and didn't care for the sound, I let him know about it and I have never
received such private message from him.

Even in the event that he did send you that message, it's just as
unprofessional and  classless of you to reveal only the part that makes
him look bad, who knows what else have been said in your correspondence
with him?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;172712 Wrote: 
> I have not bashed the mods you do. I simply stated that I think the TP
> is better
> and it is, IMO.

But the tone of your language imply that people who bought Bolder's
Ultimate PS are stupid. If you don't like the Bolder's stuff, so be it,
just say you don't like it. There's no need say things like 
tomjtx;172712 Wrote: 
> "it's a complete waste of money to buy that thing" 
who are you to judge how people spend their money?

tomjtx;172712 Wrote: 
> Why spend more money for a "homemade device that doesn't sound as good
> as the TP?  sorry, you've given yourself too much authority to make such a 
> call.
For the past one month I have been having the TP in my home, I have at
least 8 people coming to listen to it, comparing the TP analog&digital
out, to my digitally modded SB3 (done by Bolder), 100% of my guests
prefers the digital out of my modded SB3, because it synergize better
with the rest of my system. I then brought the TP and the modded SB3 to
friend's house doing the same A/B test, in a group of 10 people, the
decision are split, some prefers the TP analog out, some prefers the
Modded SB3 digital out, some prefers the TP digital out. 

So what does that tell you? System synergy, system synergy..

tomjtx;172712 Wrote: 
> The AC forum is very pro Bolder and  the "happy with either" comments
> were on the Bolder oficial would be bad form
> to dis your product on your own forum.

The AC forum is very pro Bolder for good reasons, Wayne is a class-act,
the service he offers to his customer is second to none.

He wrote this message to point out the contradictory statement you
made, he not being unprofessional, but you are. Because you first said
you're happy with both, and then wrote message after message trying to
make people think that it's stupid to buy Wayne's product.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-19 Thread 95bcwh

rajacat;172049 Wrote: 
> Not to split hairs but are you being polite to the TP because your are
> on the Slim Devices forum? Your 12/19/06 comments on AC seem to
> contradict much of what you have stated in your post that pretty much
> bashes the Bolder SB. I don't really know what your true opinion is!
> Raja

Why does it matter what his opinion is


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto "No Risk Purchase Plan"

2007-01-18 Thread 95bcwh

wshields;171752 Wrote: 
> It is misleading "Marketing". If you want to accept it as okay and allow
> it to become the norm, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

No..I detest such ads.. but it's all over the place, what can you do
about it?  Just turn on your TV:

"Cable phone, call anywhere for $29.99 only" yeah right, then you have
to pay another $15 tax.

"Came in for a brake service for $99!" Yeah right, you end up paying

"Buy a sleep number bed, starting $599" Yeah right, the moment you
enter the store, the price goes up to $2000!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto "No Risk Purchase Plan"

2007-01-18 Thread 95bcwh

wshields;169437 Wrote: 
> I got an RMA. Why would a company call something a "NO RISK Purchase
> plan" then charge a 5% restocking fee? What does no risk mean to you
> smart guy?

Come on.. you weren't born yesterday are you? This is called
"Marketing"!!! Such ads are all over the place.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Transporter vs decent(ish) CD Player setup

2007-01-07 Thread 95bcwh

ziggy;161551 Wrote: 
> "A little disappointed" compared to my regular CD player, in my 'music'
> setup. 

You're not the only one that's "disappointed" with the transporter. So
there's no need to feel any guilty about it. :)

Audio is a subjective matter. What sound best to someone has little to
do with you ears.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The origin of the urge to modify everything

2006-12-31 Thread 95bcwh

jmourik;166190 Wrote: 
> My latest "mod", Eight Nerve triangles and rectangles... gotta do one more "mod" - adding carpet to the floor..


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The origin of the urge to modify everything

2006-12-30 Thread 95bcwh

Recoveryone;166017 Wrote: 
> You can blame mankind or even God, the need to improve is born within us
> all. from hapless infants to crawling and walking to running its all
> about improving. We upgrade our meals (supersize me) our homes (buy
> bigger or add on) we go to gyms to improve our health.  In short this
> is what we do in life.

Is this another thread intending to redicule those who offers mods, and
those who buy mods?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why is "no preamp" best?

2006-12-22 Thread 95bcwh

Phil, with all due respect, 

"less is done to an audio signal" does not necessarily traslate to
"good sound".


PhilNYC;164322 Wrote: 
> The theory for "no preamp is the best" is based on the idea that the
> less that is done to an audio signal, the better.  And there's probably
> a lot of truth to that.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why is "no preamp" best?

2006-12-22 Thread 95bcwh

There is no universal truth in this hobby..there's no need to get
confused over what others are saying.

Have you ever been to a restaurant ordering the most popular manu and
found out that it taste absolutely crap to your tongue?

High end audio is not much different in this regards, trust your own
ear. You may like a preamp, you may not, so now you find out that the
transporter sound "harsher" without preamp, are you going to use a
preamp, or are you going to get used to the harsh sound just become
someone said that no preamp is the best? Who is that someone to tell
you what's right for you?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 5 star Transporter Review

2006-12-18 Thread 95bcwh

I recall they gave Squeezebox 5 stars too.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-13 Thread 95bcwh

Oh this is normal. Many people who'd never listened to a mod often felt
qualified to trash them. LOL..

jhm731;162214 Wrote: 
> You don't have a TP, and you haven't compared it's DAC to any other
> DACs, but you feel qualified to give people advise. LOL.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread 95bcwh

I forgot.. do you have a modded SB2??? I must admit that the stock
SB2 with stock Walwart sounded flat and liveless to me. 

PhilNYC;161739 Wrote: 
> FWIW, I use my Transporter with an external DAC (Dodson DA-218).  And it
> sounds far better than my SB2 + Dodson.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: BolderSB2/UltimatePS V TP

2006-11-29 Thread 95bcwh

Lucky you tomjtx! It's good that you don't find much difference between
the Transporter and the Bolder SB2.

For me, I like the "voodoo" sound of the Bolder SB2 more than the "Good
Engineering" sound of the TP. But that's just me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-11-17 Thread 95bcwh

What kind of modded SB2 are you getting from Wayne? Does it have gold
bybee in it?

As Greg mentioned, it's all about system synergy, price has nothing
to do with musicality, even though I owned close to $18k worth of
gears, on certain recordings, I find much more enjoyment when played
through a bose.


tomjtx;155388 Wrote: 
> Glad this thread is revived. 
> I will be getting a Bolder modded SB2 with Ultimate PS early next week
> to compare to the TP. 
> My recording engineer ( RE) friend will come over to listen as well as
> a high end dealer friend (HED) (audio, not drugs)
> Both have great ears and good taste(can't beat that).
> I'll post my impressions. The RE wants to ABX. OK, I'll let him do a
> little of that, but it's SO boring. The HED will only come if I buy
> really good wine( donations accepted:-)
> I'll post those results as well as my daily listening impressions.
> But give me a week.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wanted to Buy: Modded PS for SB3

2006-11-16 Thread 95bcwh

Having listened to the Elpac and the Anthony's Signature PS, I can
assure people that the Aberdeen Signature is better. Well, at a higher
price, it should.

mantis007;155241 Wrote: 
> I have an Aberdeen (Maui mods) PS that I'm selling - comes with a 1 foot
> ribbon cable.  This is Mauimods signature PS.  I'll sell it for $399
> shipped - Paypal is fine with 3%.
> Thanks
> Tony


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Just how good are modified squeezeboxes??

2006-11-08 Thread 95bcwh

stevo;153350 Wrote: 
> Barry
> It would be nice to know where you would rank the Transporter in your
> review.
> regards
> Steve

I haven't gotten the Transporter yet. But I have listened to the
Transporter analog out vs the Bolder Modded SB2 analog out at the RMAF,
and to my ears, the Bolder SB2 has sharper image, more refinement from
top to bottom.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-07 Thread 95bcwh

My statement refers to stock SB only. I have done quite an extensive
comparison between modified squeezebox vs traditional audiophile CD
player, see this thread:

rajacat;153190 Wrote: 
> A SB with mods and a good linear power supply is a superb transport. I
> have a stock unit with an inexpensive power supply (Bolder modded
> Power-One), external dac (Mhdt "Constantine") and it easily surpasses
> the SQ of my CDP. I have read review after review by people with high
> end systems that have fully modded units and PS that rave about the
> sound quality and these people have the $'s to buy any transport they
> want. Price is not necessarily indicative of performance/quality. The
> Squeezebox shifted the audio paradigm.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-07 Thread 95bcwh

ezkcdude;153157 Wrote: 
> O.k., so why not just use a SqueezeBox?

Because squeezebox is not good enough.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread 95bcwh

That's what I hope for too..

kbelinski;153079 Wrote: 
> I wish Slim Devices could make a digital-out only SB/Transporter with
> both AES/EBU XLR and SPDIF RCA inputs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread 95bcwh

Yes, there're too many variables why certain thing sound better than the
other thing. Even though the Bolder SB2 sounded better than the
Transporter at the RMAF, at the end of the day, all I can say is, it
sounded better than the Transporter at the RMAF.

On the audiocircle, Wayne is well-known, some times we wrote things
without writing the whole sentence and we're forgiven for that. I have
to make sure that I write full sentence in the other forums, so that it
didn't cause any confusion.

Peace, and enjoy your music. 

tomjtx;150579 Wrote: 
> I agree and I apologize if my post offended you. I am not sure if I was
> refering to your post. I was trying to comment on making conclusive
> judgements based on brief observation. I don't think your post was
> doing that. I think RAj was trying to do that and was using your post
> incorrectly.
> The TP changes quite a bit in the 1st weeks. It becomes more refined
> and musical . Perhaps wayne's TP was not well broken in,or perhaps it
> was and his mods are better. I have an open mind on that. My main point
> is that it should and does take a lot of time to sort through these
> issues. Even the Absolute Sound and Stereophile reviewers live with a
> piece of gear for months before writing a review.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;150576 Wrote: 
> AS HIS MODDED SB! He has hardly listened to the TP because he was busy
> getting ready for RMAF. He also runs his SB on earlier firmware which
> he claims sounds better. A true AB would have to be done on the same
> firmware if one believes his contention that 6.5 sounds "inferior" to
> earlier firmwares

Your statement might be correct, up to the 20th of October. At the
RMAF, the transporter and Bolder's SB2 were put on exactly the same

Your second point does not sound right to me either, the right
comparison should be, pick the firmware that sound best for Bolder SB2,
and then pick the firmware that sound best for the Transporter, and
compare the two. You want to compare two "optimized" setups. I didn't
ask Wayne which firmware he used when he switch to the Transporter, but
I know for sure he's using version 15 when he played his modified SB2.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread 95bcwh

Mr. Coffee,
My advice is, get the transporter, listen to it, if you like it, then
keep it, if you don't like it, return it. There's no need to seek
"endorsement" in forum. What people said in the forum does not
represent what your ears will hear. If the transporter sounds crap to
you, does it matter if 99% of the other users say it's good, or vice

Coffee;150564 Wrote: 
> The cost of the TP is not a real problem. I just want to make a decision
> that I won't regret later. I'm not a true audiophile (my ears just
> aren't that good) and I tend to keep my stuff for a long time. I'm
> still using my Denon CD player from over 10 years ago. It cost over
> $1000 at that time. So $1700 with today's dollar is a bargain if the TP
> indeed is as good as many (practically all) of you say. It is true that
> perhaps the remote volume control alone is worth the extra $400
> (surprising that no other DAC in this price range has this simple
> feature).
> I was, and still am, a little skeptical about the audiophile quality of
> a Slim Devices product. The SB is a proven and revolutionary device but
> that only proves that SD is a great high tech company. It seems
> unlikely, although definitely not impossible, that SD can create a DAC
> that is superior to companies that have been doing this kind of stuff
> for decades. But from the testimonials posted so far, apparently SD has
> indeed succeeded in doing so.
> So I guess I'll bite the bullet and contribute my $2000 to celebrate
> SD's success!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;150551 Wrote: 
> Yeh, i read audio circle all the time. The posts you are talking about
> are on the Bolder manufacturers site. Most of the posts saying the
> Bolder modded SB is better than the TP are by Wayne himself. the other
> is by a Wayne devotee who heard the 2 at the RMAF for a few hours.
> Hardly unbiased opinions formed from weeks of listening experience.

So you're talking about me, branded me as a "Bolder Devotee", just
because I heard both and said that Wayne's fully modified SB2 analog
out with his Ultimate PS is better than the Transporter analog out?

So you said because I haven't listened to it for more than 2 hrs, then
my observation is biased?

You can choose to believe that the transporter is the best in the
world, fine with me, and good for you, as long as you're happy. I have
no interest in convincing people by talking or writing in the forum, my
principle is, you have to listen to it yourself, if you haven't, you can
write anything on any forum but it's pure speculation.

The RMAF is opened to everyone, if Waynes doesn't feel that his stuff
is better than the Transporter, do you think he will be stupid enough
to let everyone doing the A/B and only ended up embarrassing himself?

If you haven't been to the RMAF, then you're being arrogant to
discredit my ears. The difference that I heard at the RMAF, between the
Bolder's SB2 and the Transporter, is not subtle, I don't need 2 hrs to
tell which is better in his setup. I repeat, in HIS SETUP!!

I have been holding out from making any purchase from Bolder, because I
have high hope on the Transporter, unfortunately I left the RMAF feeling
rather disappointed that the Transporter didn't sound as good as
Bolder's SB2. Maybe the Bolder's SB2 is only better that particular
setup? Maybe the Transporter may sound better in another setup with
different speakers, different amps? These are the questions that I
cannot answer. In fact, I am going to order a Transporter, taking
advantage of its 30-day money back guarantee so I can do an A/B in my
system. I have never believed in "absolute" superiority, it's all about
system synergy.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Amp for 803s

2006-10-18 Thread 95bcwh

PhilNYC;147283 Wrote: 
> The Arcam Av350 is actually a pretty great receiver...

Can't agree more! I used to have ARCAM AVR300, Denon 3806, Yamaha 2600,
and the ARCAM blew them away, the AVR350 can only get better :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter V Lavry10

2006-10-13 Thread 95bcwh

What about your thought on these setup as mentioned by Phil?

1: Using the Blue Circle BC3000mkII preamp, we listened to:
-Transporter -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-SB2 (w/Elpac) -> Dodson DA-218 DAC
-Oracle CD1000 -> Dodson DA-218 DAC



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bolder Modded Elpac PS

2006-10-10 Thread 95bcwh

joncourage;145077 Wrote: 
> Was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?

Just how good is the ELPAC mod? See my review here:;


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Does Transport emits EMI, noise?

2006-10-10 Thread 95bcwh

tomsi42;145139 Wrote: 
> But did he do a blind test where only one of the units were connected at
> a time. That is: connect the northstar, play a song, disconnect it,
> conect the transporter and play the same song again. (or got somebody
> to switch for him?)
> Did he try to swap inputs?

Yes he did.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Does Transport emits EMI, noise?

2006-10-10 Thread 95bcwh

tomsi42;145100 Wrote: 
> Something to do with the Tact unit perhaps ?
> Have you tried comparing the northstar (with transporter disconnected)
> to the transporter (with the northstar disconnected).
> It could be that the tact aren't happy with two units connected at trhe
> same time...

Read his post, he had the transporter earlier than the Northstar, so he
has been running the transporter to the Tact alone before the Northstar


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does Transport emits EMI, noise?

2006-10-10 Thread 95bcwh

Read the following, I wonder what causes such weird observation..

Re: [TheRealTacTHackers] Re: Northstar verses Transporter. 

Is that my cue? So anyway, my Transporter arrived a few weeks ago
(ordered about 15 minutes after the link first appeared on the
slimdevices page...) and I've been enjoying the hell out of it. Tried
it briefly in a non-TacT system so I could hear its analog output,
is sweet. Body, detail, but not hard on the ears.

Then I dragged it where it belongs and strapped it to the TacT-based

Very very nice. Worlds better as a transport than an SB3, even one
a linear PS and the set of Bolder digital mods. Just a... sense of
detail-with-delicacy, a lightness of foot, a lack of fatigue compared
the modded SB3 or a modded Sony DVD player used as a transport.
really nice using an Audience AU24 S/PDIF cable on the coax output
the Ant'ny-modded 2.2X; didn't really have enough comparable cables
different terminations to do a full-on listen fest among them, but I

Recently (and I'm not telling who I had to mug to get my hands on it)
I've been able to listen to a North Star in the same system.

It sounded very very good -- about the same as the Transporter, which
ranks among the very best transports I've heard. I kept reporting this
to Anthony, who always seemed a little disappointed that I wasn't more
dramatically blown away by its sound. Finally, Anthony asked if I'd
tried disconnecting the Transporter while listening to the North Star.
I said, no, it'd never occurred to me -- the Transporter sounded so
clean after the SB3 that it seemed pretty unlikely it could be hashing
things up. But I tried pulling the coax from the Transporter just the
same, mostly to humor Anthony.

Holy crap. Now I hear what the fuss is about. I know it sounds crazy
for things to keep getting better than what days ago was such an
improvement over the previous incarnation, but... with the North Star
as the sole source connected to the RCS, with upsampling on and using
Anthony's trick AES/EBU cables, it's something. There's even less
that the musicians' presence in the room is at all connected with the
speakers. The air seems more like that of the performance space. The
subtlest sounds of fingers on steel acoustic guitar strings sort of
bloom and hang in the air.

I dunno. Got to do more listening and fiddling and cable-swapping,
I have time. I'm not sure whether what the Transporter's presence at
RCS input does to the North Star's potential is entirely due to
something intrinsic to the Transporter, or has something to do with
other aspects of the topology of my hookups. Got to figure out why the
North Star sounds as apparently-good as it does particularly when
upsampling. Got to get over being slightly suspicious of anything
sounds that good (the dire influence of those Puritans?). But... right
now, I can report that (today, in my system, with this phase of the

- The Transporter sounds very good. If you like the SB3, run don't
walk to the Transporter store.

- The North Star, if unmolested by the Transporter, sounds even
better. Scary-good.

- The Transporter over Toslink is still better than I recall an SB
ever being (although I didn't and don't intend to drag an SB back
again to confirm). In this configuration, the North Star still does
the dance.

- I want it all. I want to know what Anthony can figure out about the
Transporter, if he can make it play better with others.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-10-08 Thread 95bcwh

jampot;143249 Wrote: 
> Could the 'vacant' analogue inputs on the Tact be picking up RF?
> plugging in the SB analogue cable connection would stop it.
> I don't presume to properly understand why, and hesitate to propose
> anything that may smell of snake oil, but RF shortners for unused RCA
> inputs are widely available for very little money.
> XLR connections (I think) shouldn't suffer the same.
> Be intersted to hear how this works out.
> Jim

Jampot, can you point me to a website where I buy these RF shorteners?
Thanks. Rgds


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Question (regarding digital outs)

2006-10-08 Thread 95bcwh

PhilNYC;144297 Wrote: 
> I haven't spent a lot of time comparing the two yet.  I'd like to do
> more extensive listening to both with this comparison in mind, but when
> doing a couple of quick A/B comparisons, the Oracle and Transporter
> sound nearly indistinguishable from each other to my ears.

Wow..that could possibly means..even though for people who's only going
to use the digital out of the transporter, it's well-worth the $2000

I have listened to the Oracle before, it's very very good. I wasn't
expecting the transporter to beat it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Question (regarding digital outs)

2006-10-07 Thread 95bcwh

PhilNYC;144218 Wrote: 
> What are you using as a transport right now?  The Transporter is a
> significant upgrade over the stock SB3 as a transport.  I'm using mine
> primarily as a transport with my Dodson DAC...

How does this transporter compare to your Oracle transport, when use
only as digital out feeding your Dodson DAC?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Question (regarding digital outs)

2006-10-07 Thread 95bcwh

PhilNYC;144218 Wrote: 
> What are you using as a transport right now?  The Transporter is a
> significant upgrade over the stock SB3 as a transport.  I'm using mine
> primarily as a transport with my Dodson DAC...

Allow me to re-phrase the question slightly:
Is the Transporter as digital out better than a digitally modified
squeezebox with upgraded power supply..:)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Science and audiophilia

2006-10-07 Thread 95bcwh
o matter how hard he tried, he could do nothing -- nothing --
> below that range?  In which case, why was he bothering?  And, while
> you're at do realize that the vast majority of EQ units do not
> go down to 15hz?  Right?  Because we can't hear that stuff and it isn't
> really present in our music?  
> Something to think about.  My post was serious.  Actual, real-life
> facts, that sort of thing.  Your posts, on a routine basis, are based
> on the premise that you are right and that everyone else is wrong. 
> Funny, that, because your posts on physics gave quite a few of us
> actual science types a good laugh.  It would be good to see you reply
> with things like data and verifiable information.
> Then again, you are right, as you say, so maybe you shouldn't bother
> thinking.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Science and audiophilia

2006-10-06 Thread 95bcwh

highdudgeon;143941 Wrote: 
> I think you missed the point of my post in an obtuse kind of way

What you are saying is, everyone has the same ear and hear exactly the
same thing, the only difference is their "taste".

What I'm saying is, everyone has a different ear AND a different taste,
they do NOT hear exactly the same thing, and they do not like exactly
the same thing. I have listened enough, and listened to the same thing
with different people on countless occasions, I know that I am right. I
do not need any so-called scientists to teach me about theories.

Anyway, thanks for your detailed lecture, but read my post again, I
wrote "15kHz" and up..


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Science and audiophilia

2006-10-06 Thread 95bcwh

highdudgeon;143922 Wrote: 
> Actually, our ears work pretty much the same.  So says my wife, the
> doctor

How do you explain, when someone tells you that he's sensitive to
upsampling DAC, he develops headache after listening to it for more
than an hour; whereas, some people (me included) absolutely love it?

How do you explain, when someone tells you, he tweaked his system so
there's some 20dB increase in frequency response starting from 15kHz
upward and he absolutely love that sound, whereas others found it too
aggressive, ear splitting?

Yes, our ear work the same way, but the genetic code that create our
cells are not entirely the same.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Science and audiophilia

2006-10-06 Thread 95bcwh

adamslim;143686 Wrote: 
> - The subjectivists reckon that listening is the only real test. 
> Implicit in this position is the view that dedicated tester can hear
> all differences, and that their preferences are duplicated though
> others (their readers, if they are reviewers).  They normally recognise
> the non-linear factors in hearing, but maintain that they can hear
> differences that can't be measured.

This is wrong, subjectivists do not claim that their preferences are
duplicated. Human ears are not built equal, what sound good to one's
can sound crap to another's.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-06 Thread 95bcwh

tyler_durden;143868 Wrote: 
> our society is clearly structured to promote the low scoring people to
> the highest offices- just look who's in the white house, congress, and
> senate...
> TD

what do you mean by "our society is clearly structured to..."? Who has
the power to "structure" our society?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-06 Thread 95bcwh

CardinalFang;143743 Wrote: 
> Anyone can sell products that claim to improve the audio chain, but if
> you start asserting superior sound over other products by misleading
> claims, then people will object.

I have no problem with objection. No one is forcing you to buy it. But
when you don't buy something, and somebody else buy it, there's no
point using "measurement" argument to make that guy look stupid.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-06 Thread 95bcwh

I read the extract and it says the test is intend to "help people
realizing their limitation", sounds like this is just trying to make
people feel bad about themselves!! 

Sounds like the "objective" camp, who tried all their best to bash
products that they have never listened to, but still wanted to make the
people who bought these products feel bad, because "ACCORDING to
measurement", the product is "degraded"...LOL

Back to this article, so what's your suggestion for these people who
has lower scores? Should they completely lose faith in themselves,
admit that they're genetically inferior to others, and hence denying
themselves of any opportunities, any challenges, because based on their
low score, they no longer believe that they can achieve anything? So
when it come to job search, these low-score people should not even try
to get a job in the area where they had "low" scores, they should leave
it to people with higher scores?

tyler_durden;143668 Wrote: 
> If you read this paper,
>, you find out the
> the group that ranked themselves highest among their peers continued to
> do so even after they were shown their own low scores AND the higher
> scores of their peers.  
> It is a shame so many suffer the handicap of poor metacognition...
> TD


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

opaqueice;143033 Wrote: 
> Bringing up Stereophile's methodology is not a good way to convince a
> skeptic.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, a modder whom I know, was not shown
enough respect, I'm here to put up a defence. 

At the end of the day, the market will decide, good products will stay,
bad products will go, it's as simple as that.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

CardinalFang;143031 Wrote: 
> Noise has a use in rounding off digital artifacts, but a higher noise
> floor from an op-amp only masks detail if it is audible.

Have I said that adding noise increase details? I said, adding noise
SACRIFICE transparency, that means masking the details. I don't see any
disagreement here.

My point is, "masking the details" does not means that it's bad
sound!!! Technically, it's "degraded" sound, but when the "degraded"
sound go through people's ears, it's entirely a different story. To
some people, they don't like too much details, they rather sacrifice
the details for warmer sound.

So, think again, is it fair to condemn the modders or the people who
bought from the modders, with words like:" Oh, why do they use that
crappy noisy capacitors", "oh, it's surely bad sounding", "Oh, they'd
better put up some measurements to prove that their mod sound better".


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

Wombat;142999 Wrote: 
> Funny. These mods over there exchange the OPs for pretty noisy AD825. I
> can´t comment the sound but the excellent measurements Sean reached are
> surely gone after this :)

You will be surprised, what noise can do to your mid range. Depending
on the degree of "noisiness" it introduce to your system, it can make
your mid range fuller, while sacrificing a little bit of top end
transparency, sacrificing a little bit of bottom end tightness, if you
got it right, it can be a more pleasant sound to some people. 

If measurement is the only "truth" that's worth pursuing, I wonder why
manufacturers still need to send their gears for review. Why
Stereophile still bothered with listening, might as well just get all
the measurements, and use them to rank every piece of equipments. Life
can be so simple. We as a consumer can benefit so much, just look up
the database, pick the best measured gear that falls within our budget.
There's no need to audition anything in dealerships, because two amps
that measured the same must sound the same, manufacturers can just
publish their data, get an independent consultant to verify them, and
sell everything direct. There should be no argument about which gears
is better than which, because it's all in the numbers. Life can really
be so simple, I long for that day to come.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why does it sound better?

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

ErikM;142890 Wrote: 
> I can garentee it will sound amazing...

I am pretty much convinced that eventually we will see a series of
wireless transporter from CARY, Ayre, Merridian, Esotericwith price
ranging from $2000 to $5!!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

jhm731;142923 Wrote: 
> Transporter mods:

Unless you know him, or unless he offers money back guarantee, you will
be insane to fall for it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;142891 Wrote: 
> Is it really necessary to be insulting?
> BTW I am somewhere between the 2 camps. I have a Bolder modded  Elpac
> and I heard a big difference, but I also think there is a lot of
> chicanery out there and blind tests can be a good guide.

He's just returning the favor, the previous post seemed to suggest that
all of the people who bought products from modders are "irrational".

People should know what to expect when they piss against the wind.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why does it sound better?

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

ErikM;142873 Wrote: 
> I'm new here but have been doing audio for a LONG time both as a hobby
> and as a living. I my opinion and I'm not humble about this :-)  the
> sound quality of these units is the same as it's always been.. it all
> about the power supply and the analog stage, period. If one thinks
> there are significant differences in the sound of a DAC well I can't
> change your mind. But remember that after the dac and filter it's all
> analog baby. Class A analog section, tightly regulated power supplies,
> good caps, resistors,jacks, boards, that what makes the sound better. I
> recently got ,my first SB3.. used it for about 200 hours out its analog
> output, good cables, line conditioner, speakers etc. Sound was about
> like a cheap cd player. Just added a 6 year old, not SOTA Bel Canto
> DAC1.. wildly better sound, not even close. Is it the DAC's in the BEl
> Canto that make it sound much better, no way they are not as current as
> the SB3, it's the power supply, and analog stage..There is much room for
> improvement in the Transporter.. but it's not in the digital side it's
> all in the analog stage.. Imagine what a Transporter with an analog
> section built by Audio Research, Or Mark Levinson, Or Plinius would
> sound like oooh baby :-) And FWIW as good as the SB3 and Bel Canto
> sound my Meridian G08 Crushes it.. Why??  it's the analog stage... How
> about a Transporter built by Meridian.. Now that would be state of the
> art sound!

So you're saying that if I compare the digital out of the transporter,
vs the digital out of SB3, there should be no difference whatsoever?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread 95bcwh

adamslim;142759 Wrote: 
> neither is really willing to listen to what the other really has to say,
> and life is kinda like that.

I don't listen to what people say, I don't fall for the claims of any
modders, I don't "listen" to measurement either. I "LISTEN" to the
product with my own ear, every piece of equipment that I buy, I make
sure that it has a return policy, so I know what I'm buying.

The other side, so-called "objective folks", they based their opinion
on measurement. They think that there's 100% correlation between
measurement and "good sound". They believe that they have a moral high
ground because measurement said so. So they pick on people that they
don't know, and start bashing their product. 

I have no problem with people disagreeing, but I have problem with
people bashing others, disrespectfully, especially when the person
being condemned, is someone that I know, and is a very kind and honest


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread 95bcwh

tomjtx;142696 Wrote: 
> what a fascinating thread. The only problem is the time it it takes away
> from listening to music.or
> practicing. :-)

A pointless thread, all begins with people thrashing things that they
have never listened to, imposing their own egoistic viewpoint, their 
self-perceived sense of superiority and expect the rest of the world to

If lower noise, good measurement, are the ONLY "truth" to good sound,
why are we still using tubes today? Why there're still people buying
vinyls? Ok, granted, I know the answer, we're all stupid people with
bad ears !! :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Is slimdevices planning a scale-down version of the transporter?

2006-10-03 Thread 95bcwh

There will be a market, for people like me, who already owns an external
DAC and therefore have no need for the DAC in the current version of the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is slimdevices planning a scale-down version of the transporter?

2006-10-03 Thread 95bcwh

Does anyone has any idea whether a scale-down version (WITHOUT the DAC)
of the transporter will be released one-day ?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread 95bcwh

rajacat;141892 Wrote: 
> Why don't you read dudgeon's statement above as he made the first
> reference to bad ears. He is a cheap shot specialist who disrespects
> builders and modders without hearing their equipment first. Moral high
> ground, ha, that's good one, I'm not claiming any high ground but just
> nuetral ground.

I was not quoting you.. look at my message again, I was quoting him.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread 95bcwh

highdudgeon;141880 Wrote: 
> Some people do have bad ears, though, and prefer equipment that is
> euphonic, not neutral, or whatever.

See? Another cheap shot.. "some people do have bad ears".
WHO ARE YOU to make such a statement? Do you think you're GOD, that you
can tell if other people has bad ears, and you have the perfect ears?

You have no moral high ground, next time, try harder.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread 95bcwh

highdudgeon;141868 Wrote: 
> PS, I am really tired of the rudeness on this thread.  Enough already.

Don't forget, you are the one that started this thread and thrashing
Wayne's product without even listening to it first.

Measurement doesn't tell the whole picture, I have done a test with two
different power supply for the squeezebox, one that's measured
perfectly, and one that's measured to have a lot of noise. And guess
what, I prefers the one that's supposed to be noisier, because the
mid-range has more fluidity,  lacking just a little bit of
transparency, but that's the sound I like. 

About version 15 vs others, just because you cannot hear the difference
doesn't means that it doesn't exist. I have tested the old version 15 vs
the newer version every time the newer version become available, alas, I
still prefers version 15, the image is sharper and more focused. Anyone
who came to audition my system said the same thing. 

Everyone has different ears, learn to respect what they hear, there's
no need to condemn people just because you disagree with them. Using
measurement to prove people wrong is futile, I am ready acknowledge
that you have a more accurate system than mine, and that my sound is
slightly "degraded" compared to yours, but still I would pick my
"degraded" sound because it suits my taste better. 

Hi-end audio is like cigar and wine, who's there to say that a $1000
wine is "ALWAYS" better than a $300 wine?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modded SB3 vs Benchmark DAC1

2006-09-30 Thread 95bcwh

khewa;140847 Wrote: 
> I'm thinking of the Wayne Bolder mods.

Tell us, what's the history of your gears, what kind of sound that you
like, what kind of sound you're hearing from your current system, and
what kind of "improvement" do you want?

Bolder's mod adds mid-range fluidity, more airy, 3-D effect over the
stock SB. Many people (including me) who'd listened to Benchmark thinks
that it's a little "harsh" and grainy to our taste, yes, it's perhaps a
little more transparent than the modded SB, but you can't get the best
of both world. You have to pick what's the most important factor to


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modded SB3 vs Benchmark DAC1

2006-09-27 Thread 95bcwh

khewa;140094 Wrote: 
> anyone did a comparison between a modded SB3 (analog out) and an
> unmodded SB3 (digital out) to a DAC1 ? 
> are they similar in performance ?

It depends which modification of the SB3 you're talking about.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Just how good are modified squeezeboxes??

2006-07-31 Thread 95bcwh

TiredLegs Wrote: 
> Was that through the digital output, or analog, or both?

The was referring to the digital out. The analog is of course worse
than the digital out, because when I use digital out, I feel it to the
Tact 2.0S, which gives much better sound than the stock SB2 analog
Hope that clarify


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Just how good are modified squeezeboxes??

2006-07-31 Thread 95bcwh

TiredLegs Wrote: 
> Barry, thanks for the great comparison. Personally, I would have been
> most interesting in testing the modded Squeezeboxes against the digital
> output of a standard SB3, to understand how big a difference the mods
> make. And of course, we'll all be interested in hearing how the modded
> versions compare to the Transporter...

Tirelegs, I have just received an unmodded SB2 (bought from, it doesn't sound anywhere near the 12 combinations I
mentioned in the review, the unmodded SB2 sounded too lean, less clean,
less extended bass, less dynamic.

I am planning to send this SB2 for a modification.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Just how good are modified squeezeboxes??

2006-07-31 Thread 95bcwh
 SB3 analog out
10th place: Rega Jupiter digital out
11th place: Rega Juipter analog out

Because there're so much to write, but so little time to write it, I'm
afraid I have to be brief. Basically, the difference between 1st place
and 2nd place is pretty "noticeable". Setup#1 sounded so fluid and
smooth, the midrange is fuller (abeit slightly forward), bass is
dynamic, instruments hang in the air a little longer. Setup#2 is
slightly more transparent, but leaner sound.

Setup#3 is actually pretty close to #2, maybe it's because they're
using the same DAC in the Tact 2.0S. The difference is Setup#3 has
slightly less air than Setup #2.

The 4th place is even closer to 3rd place, in many of the songs, I can
hardly hear the difference, luckily with Toni Braxton's "Let it flow",
I managed to notice that with Bolder's Elpac and SB2, the intruments
and vocal seemed to blend better together, the mid/low was a little
recessed when using RWA SB3.

Without the Ultimate PS, setup#5 (5th place) loses quite a bit of the
magic of setup#1, it sound slightly analytical, less air, slightly
recessed mid range compare to 4th place.

The difference between Cary analog out and Ayre analog out was very
noticable, however, each has its own strengthes and weaknesses, Cary
reaches down lower, has richer midrange, Ayre has more refine high.
Certain songs sounded better with Cary, other sounded better with Ayre.
Each has it's own signature (color) sound, the 5 setups that ranked
above these two are more neutral sounding (which is my preference). 

The difference between 7th place (Cary digital out) and 8th place (Ayre
digital out) was less noticeable, I prefers Cary because it sounds
smoother than Ayre.

The 9th place RWA SB3 analog out was very ok from mid to high although
the high can be slightly edgy, the bass was slightly on the loose side
compared to the 8 setups ranked above it. 

Finally, regarding setup#11 and #12: Rega Jupiter had ok bass
extension, lots of details but not so outstanding soundstaging, high
frequency was a little etched and jagged

To tell you the truth, I could have lived with any of these 12 setups,
because I'm talking about very subtle differences and it took me quite
a while to train my ear to notice the differences, and the differences
are song-dependent.

Over the past week, I have had 7 people coming in to listen to my
setup, and they were all surprised by the sound from the squeezebox
because in their mind, the squeezebox is a cheapo $300 gadget meant for
general public. I had to explain to them that it takes some serious
modification to bring the squeezebox up to the level of some of the
best CD player/transport.

This is getting too long... I am not a professional reviewer so you
have to forgive my bad grammar and dull writing. Nevertheless, I hope
this reviews gives people some interest in testing out the potential of
squeezebox, especially those that're modified by Bolders and RWA. After
listening to their mods, I simply cannot see myself spending $3000 for
a CDP. 

Houston, TX


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Raise Your Hand If You've Ordered a Transporter

2006-07-26 Thread 95bcwh

If the transport has 30-day in-home trial policy (as many other high end
gears sold through the internet), then I will buy one.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Any stocked SB3 owners in Houston, TX?

2006-07-10 Thread 95bcwh

Liam Obrien Wrote: 
> I live in houston.  I don't think anyone would confuse my setup with an
> audiophile system, but I do have a completely stock SB3.  Let me know
> if you want to set something up.

Liam.. thanks for offering...I live in 77084, close to I-10 and
Highway-6 intersection. How far do you live from me? I will let you
know when the date is near, it should be in about two weeks time.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any stocked SB3 owners in Houston, TX?

2006-07-10 Thread 95bcwh

I'm trying to find someone who owns a stock SB3. I bought one myself
but I already had it modified by Red Wine Audio. I am going to get hold
of some additional units of SB2 modified by Bolder's Cable Company,
these are going to be their top of the line products and have received
very positive feedback from owners.

However, I will like to have a stock SB3 to better assess how good
the modificaions are.

If you live in Houston, and are interested in a short get together so
we can compare all these different modifications all at one time. Do
send me a pm so we can arrange a time/place.

Thank you


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-06-05 Thread 95bcwh

richidoo Wrote: 
> BTW. The Tact dealer,, Shane Sangster was
> knowledgeable and met each question with confidence while he ran the
> calibration.

Shane is a good guy, very willing to help. I'm going to get a Tact from
him soon :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-22 Thread 95bcwh

squeezeme Wrote: 
> I went for the full analogue mod with platinum caps etc.
> I am using a DIY power supply measuring excactly 5v out. This does
> improve the sound slightly, it tightens the bass and smooths the highs,
> but in comparison to the mods it is minimal. With the modded unit every
> aspect is improved, it really is beyond what you would think the SB is
> capable of.
> Bite the bullet and get the mods and power supply.

I have already had my SB3 fully modded (analog + digital + battery
power supply) by RedWineAudio, too late to change for now. But I plan
to buy another unit when SB4 comes out...I will then ask Wayne to mod
it for me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-21 Thread 95bcwh

squeezeme Wrote: 
> I have been using my Bolder modded SB2 for 2-3 weeks now and i am
> astounded in the improvment in every aspect, I no longer use my Marantz
> CDP that is better sounding than the stock SB. I use a Naim Nait 5i amp
> and Dynaudio audience 62's and the quality is something i didn't think
> possble.
> I am not using the digital out as I don't think it can improve the
> sound enough to warrant bying a DAC.
> I also use a linear supply which is a very minor upgrade compared to
> the modded SB

Which bolder mod did you go for? You sounded like you're not using
Bolder's power supply, but I thought the vast improvement in SQ is due
to the power supply?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile Version

2006-05-20 Thread 95bcwh

Wombat Wrote: 
> Audiophile? In a big Audiophile forum it was already said by some guys
> it isn´t possible cause wireless and even ethernet near a HiFi is
> killing sound and so on! I can´t imagine the squeezebox developers want
> to fool with a dowser in the projection room :)

Which "audiophile" forum said this? I know quite a number audiophiles
who're using wireless SB3 with no complain whatsoever.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-20 Thread 95bcwh

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> I have actually done comparative demos for people with SB2/3s and
> external DACs against our 'modded' SB+.  In all cases the SB+ wins
> hands down.  External DACs included examples from Benchmark, Meridian
> and various NOS types.  YMMV.

Patrick, just curious what mod have you done to your SB3 to make it
sound so good?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-24 Thread 95bcwh

PhilNYC Wrote: 
> FWIW, the Acoustic Zen MC2 is a 110ohm cable that was designed to be
> used with an AES/EBU interface, not a 75ohm SPDIF interface; so right
> there your going to be introducing some reflection and jitter problems.
> (fwiw, I am an AZ dealer and have experimented with the MC2 vs. Silver
> Byte pretty extensively).  But yes, I have heard that the modified
> SB2/3 by Boulder or Red Wine really bring the performance up.
> Also, while the stock Pioneer PDS-95 is a decent transport, it is on
> par with a stock Sony S7700...I suspect if you had gotten the mods from
> Empirical Audio (like the ones on my S7700), you'd have also seen a big
> improvement.
> I said, I have a number of audio club friends who sold their
> modified Sony S7700 transports and have happily replaced them with
> their modified SB2/3...

Just curious..Out of so many different SB2/3 mods out there, which
one have you listened to? 

Do you think the modified Sony S7770 can match the sound of a $6000
CD player (Ayre)?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Analog output volume and audio quality issues

2006-03-20 Thread 95bcwh

andrei_c Wrote: 
> My next step is to try the liner power supply and see if it helps. I'd
> appreciate any other advises on where to look for solution. Also, if
> anyone used SqueezeBox with NAD amplifier, please share your
> experience.

Changing the power supply is only part of the equation, you will get
some parts of SB3 modified too, for details see:

I think if you call up the two company owners (Wayne and Vinnie) they
may be able to offer money-back guarantee.

I don't work for the two companies, I just want to collect more
evidence (particularly from skeptics) that the two modification above
are either a solid improvement that will rival CD players of many
thousands, or a complete waste of time and money.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-19 Thread 95bcwh

tyler_durden Wrote: 
> I didn't hear any difference, but then, I didn't pay $1k for the power
> supply.  That's a bit steep for a 5V 2A power supply...
> TD

I'm not surprised, my "upgraded power supply" refers specificly to
those built by Bolder Cables company and Red wine audio. :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-19 Thread 95bcwh

Heuer Wrote: 
> I have a $10k CD player and the SB3 (albeit with a linear PSU costing
> $80) sounds just as good when both are fed through the same external
> DAC. Result is the CD player is no longer used. 
> Vinyl still sounds way better than either, obviously!

Have you compared the analog out from the SB3 versus the analog out
of the $10k CD player?

A bit of correction on my previous posts, the $1000 "Ultimate Power
Supply" is only one part of the equation. Bolder cable company will
also modified the analog (and Digital) output depending on which output
you're using. So the total cost of modification can be as high as

I picked the cheaper route. I had my SB3 modified by Red wine audio,
costed me about $480 (incl. shipping) to modify the DAC, analog output
as well as battery power supply. I have not had the opportunities to
compare my modded SB3 to any $10k CD player so I cannot give any
feedback yet. 

Here's a link to another forum where they compare the SB3 sound due to
different power supply:

I must emphasize that I have no affiliation with either companies and
I'm not trying to sell their products. With so much raves generated on
modifications, I thought spending $480 to find out the truth myself is
not too ridiculous..



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread 95bcwh

snarlydwarf Wrote: 
> $1000 for an "upgraded" power supply?
> That thing better do something more special than put out 5v.

Yep, I'm not one of them, but those who spent these kind of money
typically have spent over $3k to $10k buying a CD player. What they now
claimed is that with the modification (including power supply), which
will cost a total of $1500 (including the squeezebox), the SB now sound
as good as the $3k-$10k CD players. Hence to them it's money well


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread 95bcwh

P Floding Wrote: 
> How could they possibly "prove" such a thing?
> Good enough in what sense?
> I'm afraid I don't quite follow your reasoning!

So far, people who has listen to the Squeezebox with BOTH the upgraded
power supply and the stock power supply all concluded that the upgraded
power supply is "way better". Now, whether the extend of improvement
justifies the extra $1000 it's entirely up to individuals.

On the other side of the fence, I have read that Slimdevices (and some
Squeezebox dealers) claimed that the power supply upgrade is not
necessary. But I have not read that they have actually do an A/B
comparison between the stock power supply and the upgraded one. So, all
I'm asking is, when you make a claim that the upgrade is unnecessary,
you have to be very specific in what you mean, is it:

(1) The upgrade is unnecessary because there's no improvement in sound

(2) The upgrade is unnecessary because the price is too much to justify
the improvement.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade results (by ear)

2006-03-18 Thread 95bcwh

For all the buzz generated by the latest "Ultimate Power Supply" built
by Bolder Cables company. I cannot believe anyone to be stupid enough
to pay $1000 for a power supply upgrade if they cannot hear the
improvement. I think it warrant at least a critical listening by
slimdevices staff to prove their point that the stock power supply is
good enough.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will SB3 output impedence change?

2006-03-16 Thread 95bcwh

Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere. I have read in a thread
on this forum that the SB3 output impedence is 230 Ohm. I wonder will
this impedence change when we attenuate the analog volume from the
maximum 2.1Vrms to 0V?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 uncontrolled full scale output bug - still a concern?

2006-03-05 Thread 95bcwh

Can you help me to understand just one last thing, which still
doesn't make sense to me. I keep reading that the volume control on SB3
is "digital". If it's "strictly digital", doesn't it mean when we lower
the volume, the analog output voltage should remain unchanged, because
all we do is changing the amplitude of the digital signal?

After reading so many posts, it now seems to me that SB3 has three
different volume control:

(1) The volume control done via the remote is actually an analog volume
control, which will change the analog output voltage from 0 to 2.1Vrms

(2) We can adjust the digital volume on the web interface which does
not change the output voltage?

(3) We can further adjust the analog volume via the preamp volume
control function on the web interface, which will change the analog
output voltage from 0 to 2.1Vrms?

I put question marks on all the above.. because I am not sure of the
answer at all.

Thank you for your patience.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 uncontrolled full scale output bug - still a concern?

2006-03-05 Thread 95bcwh

Thanks Dan & dmsmit1 for pointing me to the right direction. 

As I read those threads, it does seems to me that although this "white
noise" thing rarely occured, but the consequence can be extremely
severe. However, I also noted that it seems like Slimdevices had then
introduce a Preamp volume control function that will help to lower the
risk, please correct me if I'm wrong.


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