Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 1900 euros + tax for digital upgrade and power supply for Duet

2011-10-01 Thread Celeritas

I've heard this thing. It sounds really amazing. I don't know why. I was
comparing the s/pdif output of the Transporter to the Lampizator
transport, using an external DAC. I didn't buy one, but if it were
free, you can bet I'd happily hook it up. I wish the designer used as
touch instead of a duet as the base. Right now it can't pass 24/96
because the server thinks it is a duet receiver.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Popping Sounds

2011-08-16 Thread Celeritas

I have had a Transporter for a couple of years and hear a quiet pop when
resolution changes.  I wouldn't worry about it too much. You are not the
only one.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2011-01-04 Thread Celeritas

I've tried every file that was giving me trouble before and I cannot
reproduce the popping noises.  I can't say I've ever received service
like this from any company, anywhere.  To identify an issue and have it
addressed so quickly speaks volumes about the way this team was put
together.  I realize that much has changed since the days of Slim
Devices, but I have to say it's been a great 2011.  To have both the
Transporter resurrected as the Transporter SE (even if it's temporary,
it's nice that they are available) and have a code issue addressed so
quickly and efficiently is more than I could have hoped for.

Thanks very much Andy for finding a resolution.  I appreciate the


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2011-01-03 Thread Celeritas

I was able to successfully upload the Keith Jarret and Keith Greeninger
tracks to  The Keith Jarrett is the worst offender. 
Even with scrolling turned off, I get pops and clicks.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2011-01-03 Thread Celeritas

I've been working with support on ticket 101225-001163 and have provided
some files to test with.  I've tried to upload them to the site Andy
recommended, but have not been successful.  I've attached links to the
files on the Logitech Support Site.  One is an excerpt from the Koln
Concert and the other is a portion of "Looking for a Home" from Blue
Coast Records.  Both exhibit the popping and are at the lowest
compression level (0).  These were created with dBpoweramp Music

Andy, hopefully you have access to these.  If not, I will try the
anonymous FTP from a different internet connection this evening.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-27 Thread Celeritas

Turning off scrolling and all screensavers does minimize the noises. 
Unfortunately, it does not eliminate them entirely.  I don't know the
firmware code, but I am a programmer by trade.  The code may still be
computing the values necessary to scroll, even when scrolling on the
display is turned off.  I also found no effect when turning off the VU
meter on the secondary display.  Again, the values needed may be
getting computed, but not displayed in any way.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Celeritas

So, I used Foobar2000 to create the flac files with the standard flac
executable from Sourceforge and I'm not getting any pops or clicks with
the Keith Jarrett track that has been my test track. For a complete
test, I used Foobar2000 to create a compression level 8 version of the
track.  The Transporter did have trouble with this file (clicks and
pops returned).  Apparently, I'm riding a fine line with this track and
the CPU resources of the Transporter.

I'm still disappointed, as firmware version 80 worked just fine.  I
guess I'll just redo all of my high-res tracks with Foobar2000 and hope
that gives me the headroom the Transporter needs.  What happens when an
even more CPU intensive track comes along?


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-25 Thread Celeritas

I was able to reduce (but not eliminate) the popping and crackling by
disabling the Music Information Screen and turning scrolling off.  It
looks like every time the player "thinks", I get a pop with the Keith
Jarrett tracks.

Something interesting is that if I take the wav file and use sox to
create a flac with the same syntax that is in convert.conf (sox -q -t
wav $INFILE$ -t flac -c 0 -r 96000 $OUTFILE$), I get a file that is
ever so slightly larger at compression level 0 than the standard flac
executable.  This file does not crackle.  If I use the standard flac
executable that is part of dbPoweramp at compression level 0, it
crackles.  I don't know what sox is doing differently to create the
file, or why the compression is slightly lower.

If I disable flac transcoding and use native PCM in file types on the
server, the wav file plays just fine.  The combination of FLAC decoding
and the new CPU load in the firmware updates is just a bit more than the
unit can handle.

I have never opened a bug, but I do have a ticket open with the help
desk.  I will refer them to this post so that they can see what others
have written.  I never tried firmware 84, as the nightlies were at 85
by the time I started experimenting.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-24 Thread Celeritas

This is only present on 96k 14bit tracks.  The one I see it most is when
playing track 2 of Keith Jarrett's "Koln Concert" from  I
recompressed the files at compression level "0" with dbPoweramp after
purchasing them.

Something odd:
When I uncompress the file and play it on the Transporter as a wav, it
plays fine.  The thing is, I have have not customized the file type
playback on the server, so all wav files will automatically be
transcoded to FLAC with sox at compression level 0.  I even see sox
running on the server while I play the file.  It should create the same
problem, but it doesn't.  I do wonder if there is any resampling going
on there.

I also tried disabling FLAC playback to force all FLAC files to be sent
to the Transporter as PCM.  I am sure there is no resampling there, yet
the songs play fine.

I am using the Music Information Screensaver as well as the VU Meter. 
I might try turning those off.  I'll report back...


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-24 Thread Celeritas

I did some more experimentation with Transporter firmware 85 and have
identified that the "popping" and "clicking" issue is definitely
related to compression and possibly caused by the Transporter running
out of computing resources.  I noticed that the tracks most impacted by
the popping noises were ones that I had to "re-flac" at compression
level "0" in the past to have them play correctly.  With firmware 80,
this was enough.  With firmware 81 or 85, I have to convert the files
to wav format to play them without artifacts. Something in the new
firmware is using resources that were already scarce, pushing the
decoder over the top.  I suppose I can store all high resolution files
in wav format, but I've opened a ticket with the help desk to make sure
this is known by the development team.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Popping noises with Transporter firmware 81 and 85

2010-12-23 Thread Celeritas

After upgrading to 7.5.2 today I started noticing "static pops" in
high-res tracks and while the player changed tracks.  I used to hear a
similar "pop" when the DAC would go from 44.1/16 to 96/24, but this was
now while music was playing.  I began to wonder if it was the new
firmware version 81.  I updated my "transporter.version" file and
installed firmware version 85.  Same problem.

I downgraded the firmware to 80 (still using 7.5.2 server) and the pops
went away.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I'm sure I won't be able
to use firmware 80 forever.


Transporter -> Classe' CP-47.5 -> Classe' CA-201 -> Martin Logan SL3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporters Future?

2010-04-26 Thread Celeritas

I have a Transporter and love it.  I recommend buying a Transporter. 
Then buy a Duet or a Touch or an iPod Touch to control it.  You'll love
it.  Use the DAC in it for other sources with your MIT cable.  Win-Win.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Very very strange Transporter problem

2010-01-28 Thread Celeritas

I have experienced the same issue.  If you re-encode the file at the
default "5" compression level, the tracks from will play
fine.  I run them all through a FLAC->FLAC recompression when I get them
and it has fixed all problems I have encountered.  I have the same songs
that were refrenced in this thread.  I had to do the same thing with
files I purchased from Blue Coast Records.  You don't have to disable
native FLAC decoding.  If you compress above "5" (6,7,8) with FLAC on
96/24 material, this can happen.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter or wait for Touch?

2010-01-26 Thread Celeritas

Borrow a Transporter from a dealer and try it.  I was very impressed and
am very happy I purchased one.  You might be as well.  You can always
purchase a duet controller if you want a fancy interface on your remote
(or use an iPod Touch).  I thought about using a Duet Receiver and an
outboard DAC and chose the Transporter.  I realize that part of that
decision was around the fact that the Receiver cannot pass 96/24, but
still, the DAC in the Transporter is excellent and you don't have to
worry about running the signal to another box.  The analogue outs are
excellent (I use the balanced).  Unless you really want the interface on
the Touch, I recommend the Transporter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/94 doesn't work on transporter

2009-05-06 Thread Celeritas

Sure enough, dropping the compression level on the FLAC compression
fixed my problem.  I'm using FLAC at the command line right now with the
binary off the FLAC sourceforge site (1.2.1).  I dropped it to 0 and the
file plays fine.  I then ran it again at 5 and that plays fine as well. 
I'm a little surprised that using best compression was the problem. This
is the only song I have that didn't work, but I suppose the CPU is near
its limits with 24/96 material, so every little bit helps.  I use 8 for
all of my 16/44.1 material, but will remember to use 5 for all high def
material to be safe.  Thanks for the help!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 24/94 doesn't work on transporter

2009-05-06 Thread Celeritas

I have a similar problem.  I purchased a 24/96 file from Blue Coast
Records.  They sell their songs as wav files.  I can listen to the wav
file with no issues on my Transporter.  If I put the wav file into a
FLAC container (at -8), I get stuttering audio.  No rebuffering problem,
as the buffer display shows 100%.  It's just an odd stutter.  I have
done a factory reset, but not the xilinx update.  I will try that
tonight.  I will also try a lower compression option.  I can't tell if
the wav is being downsampled when I listen to it natively.  It shouldn't
be, but the controller does say "converted to 706 kbps)".  Is there a
log entry when sox conversion is done?  There is no entry in my
SqueezeCenter log when I play the file.  Is there a way I can disable
that feature to be sure?  I even ran the file through a transcoder to
make sure it's really a 24/96 wav and it only plays uncompressed.

Other files I have purchased from the same site at 24/96 play fine in
FLAC containers (at -8) and other 24/96 FLAC files I own play fine.  Any
ideas how I can check to see what is different about this particular


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter "pops" when switching to24/96?

2009-02-18 Thread Celeritas

I get a "click" when my transporter switches from 44.1/16 to 96/24 as
well.  I never thought anything of it, as it isn't very loud.  I use
the analog outputs.


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