Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Led Zeppelin Remasters

2009-04-08 Thread GreenMan

DCtoDaylight;413942 Wrote: 
> I've heard conflicting reports on Mothership, some that say it's great,
> others that say it initially sounds great because it's more heavily
> compressed...

Compression is what I think I'm hearing with the Zep Remasters. As I
think of it, it sounds like a low bitrate mp3. There's no soundstage.
Zero. It's like an improved version of AM radio. And I s wanted it
to sound good. But really I have to say it's just not good. I don't
know which version of the Remasters I have. It's a 3 disk box with one
disk dedicated to interviews.

So is there no strong opinion out there to say, "Hey, there are great
recordings and it's..." this or that vinyl, CD set, etc?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Led Zeppelin Remasters

2009-04-08 Thread GreenMan

If you aren't a Zep fan, there's probably nothing of note for you here,
but if you are:

After many, many listens, I cannot take it anymore. I conclude that all
of my Led Zeppelin "Remasters" tracks sound as though they weren't
properly recorded in the first place. They have an AM radio quality to
them, a kind of dimensionless, flat sound. By comparison, my Redbook
Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon sounds exquisite.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a better recording of the source
material out there?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-09-09 Thread GreenMan

Is there any diff between the DAC on the SB2 and the SB3? I've got an


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread GreenMan

opaqueice Wrote: 
> Hugh (Inguz) had some nice step-by-step instructions posted somewhere to
> get you started.  Basically, you record the sweep played through a
> speaker on one channel using the mic, and you record the analogue out
> of your SB or DAC on the other channel.  Then you do the same for the
> other speaker.  
> I think the key is to play long sweeps (I've been using 60 seconds, but
> might try longer) as loud as possible, and to do it at a time when there
> is as little background noise as possible (very early mornings here). 
> To determine the loudest volume your speakers can tolerate is a bit
> tricky.  You can use a voltmeter to measure the amount of power being
> dissipated in them, or search the web and you'll find various methods.
> Also, make sure you place the mic at ear-level in your typical
> listening position, and aim it towards the speaker you're recording.

Why would you try to play as loud as possible? Wouldn't that
artificially generate echo that wouldn't otherwise be there at ordinary
listening volume? Wouldn't that skew the results for equalization at
listening volume? (Alas, I'm no longer a teenager. Max volume is not
ordinary listening anymore :-) )


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-08-15 Thread GreenMan

Thanks. I think I picked it up from Head-fi.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-08-14 Thread GreenMan



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-14 Thread GreenMan

I haven't had a chance to try this out yet. Has anyone done anything
with the Inguz tools?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-07 Thread GreenMan



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-04 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
> Without venturing into a cable war, I can assure you that you don't need
> to buy Monster brand XLR cables for this task.  Any reasonably
> well-built cable will be fine.
> But...with respect to my recommendations on that site: per Hugh's
> comment a few posts back I looked to see if some of the cheaper units
> support a 44.1khz sample rate and many of them DON'T (including the
> Tascam us-122).  
> However, it appears this unit does, so maybe this is the best bet
> amongst the cheap units:
> I've never used it so I don't want to highly recommend it, but it has
> Mackie-designed preamps (Mackie's a decent name in mid-level pro-audio)
> and supports the required sample rate.  I haven't spent a ton of time
> researching this so there could be other, even better choices out there
> that I'm missing so I'd spend a little time looking before jumping in.

I believe it does. I'm looking at the product manual and it says:

"Setting the Sample Rate and Bit Depth
The US-122 supports sample rates of
44.1kHz and 48kHz. In the Audio
Control Panel, select the pull-down
menu for Sample Rate and select either
44.1 kHz or 48 kHz."

Link to manual is here:

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-04 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
> You can pretty much take your pick from this list (any of them that are
> stereo and have a mic preamp):
> I certainly haven't used all of them but to give you a starting point I
> should say that I've been happy with the TASCAM us-122, and am generally
> quite satisfied with M-Audio equipment.

Here's something I never thought I'd ask, but given that many of us who
go down this new road of unspent money are going to get an inexpensive
TASCAM or similar, does it make much of a difference what quality
microphone cable I use for my freakin' high fidelity digital room
correction misadventure? ;-)

I notice 2 on the website you supplied that cost about the same, and
one that costs double.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

Here's a question: I only have one SB to be concerned with, but for
those who have multiple SBs around the house, isn't getting the mic to
the audio interface near a computer something of a problem? Many
(including myself) don't own a laptop, so that won't help.

I wonder, are there any inexpensive audio interfaces that can use the
SB's ethernet bridge? That would solve the problem of finding lng
mic cords to get the mic talking to the interface.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
> Yeah, I hear what you're saying.  There are plenty of perfectly fine
> interfaces for <$200, but even so, I know what you mean.  For me, I
> have an interface already and can probably find a place to borrow the
> mic.  The advantage is that you only need the equipment for a one-time
> setup.  So even if you can't borrow it and are forced to buy you could
> ebay the stuff immediately and take a nominal loss.

Would you kindly name a few of those interfaces here?

I also failed to include the cost of 30ft of mic cable that I need to
get my mic to reach my computer in the next room, which adds about
another $30 onto the price tag


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What bitrate satisfies the 44.1Hz sample rate?

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
> Ah, well, our responses about bit-rate apply to any format, really.
> If you're up for it, you may want to consider trying FLAC.  It's better
> supported by the SB3 (natively decoded in hardware) and is a more open
> format which may make it easier to do bulk re-encoding in the future
> with different media software.  
> But Apple Lossless should work just fine, too.  Best of luck!

Yes, thanks very much! I appreciate all the feedback. I recall trying
to work with flac about a year ago but was finding it difficult to
figure out what tool to encode music with using a flac codec.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
> I know this was for Hugh, but I couldn't help piping up ;).  The idea is
> the same as the Room EQ wizard.  But once you get the FIR filter using
> the Room EQ wizard you have to do something with it to actually get the
> correction.  This must be done via specialized hardware (like a TacT or
> the Behringer unit or a more generic parametric eq) or (in the case of
> systems that source their audio from a computer) software.  Hardware
> has the advantage of being able to affect any audio source.  But
> software has the advantage of being cheap.  
> In software you have two options:  you could run the processing on all
> of your audio files so that the actual data is changed to reflect the
> correct correction for your room.  But that's lousy if you want to do
> anything with those files except play them on that exact system, in
> that exact room.  The other option is to use a convolver to process the
> room correction in real-time based on the FIR filter.  This is great as
> it allows you to set up different filters for different rooms and use
> the same files.  Not to mention it doesn't "ruin" your perfect,
> lossless files.  Inguz's plugin sets up a convolver for windows which
> works with Slimserver--something that was missing to this point.  There
> are existing solutions for Linux.  What's not clear to me is if a filter
> that's generated with the Room EQ wizard could be plugged into InguzDSP
> or if you have to use the tools Hugh provides...

I wonder though. Starting from scratch, I'll need an audio interface,
which look like they run about $250 on the low side. An adequate
Berhinger mic looks to be about another $60 - $80. We've passed the
$300 threshold for this free solution already. Granted, the Behringer
deq2496 doesn't include a mic, but throw one on and you've got the same
expense threshold, roughly speaking.

I'm not knocking this software solution. Quite the contrary, I think
I'll try it. But there is some comparable associated expense that
places it in the same expense domain as buying a seperate piece of
hardware with embedded (and optionally, outboard) equalization


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What bitrate satisfies the 44.1Hz sample rate?

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

...what lossless format I was using. I actually haven't done any in
awhile, but I'm pretty certain it was the Apple lossless codec embedded
in iTunes I was using to rip with. I don't know that that makes any
difference to what others had to say, but again, several people had
asked and I was a bit late to reply.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What bitrate satisfies the 44.1Hz sample rate?

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

GreenMan Wrote: 
> Thanks for the feedback everyone. I've been using Apple lossless.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

... from, say, using a powered mic and Room Eq Wizard?

I know you seem to have developed a SB-specific solution. What are the
advantages over other methods at this point, in your view?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

inguz Wrote: 
> Multiple squeezeoxes each get their own settings (because presumably
> they're in different rooms or driving different systems).
> Tonite I'm setting this up on a friend's reference system, and ...
> hmmm, something's very wrong (muddy, no top end at all, everything is
> off).  So there's something amiss, and I'm not sure with what until I
> get a chance to diagnose some more.  Oh well, such is life.  [LATER:
> it's not the software, it's the measurements.  Oooo-kay.  There's still
> a bit too much "black art" in measuring properly.]

Inguz, a quick question: for your method to work, does the audio
interface have to sample at the uppermost capability of the dac you are
using? I think the Benchmark DAC1 has a playback capability of 52kHz. Or
do you not pipe through the outboard DAC (if existing) for the sweep?
I'm looking at the USB Audio Interfaces you mention in your setup
documentation, but most of those only record at 48kHz on the high side.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Is jitter an issue with the SB? Would a Benchmark DAC1 fix it?

2006-08-01 Thread GreenMan

GreenMan Wrote: 
> I'm contemplating picking up a Benchmark DAC1 for use in my system, with
> one input coming from my SB2, and another coming from my low-end CD
> player. That my CD playing experience will benefit from the anti-jitter
> capability of the Benchmark DAC1 I have no doubt.
> HOWEVER, I just read in an archived discussion in this forum where is
> was stated that there was NO jitter associated with playing music
> straight from the SB because "the computer takes care of it". Is this
> accurate? It may make the Benchmark overkill for what I need, at least
> on the SB side of the house.

Lot's of views on this topic, but no comments! Anyone know about the SB
and jitter?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What bitrate satisfies the 44.1Hz sample rate?

2006-08-01 Thread GreenMan

jbm0 Wrote: 
> Of course, we're still in the dark about GreenMan's actual environment
> and software-setup comfort zone, so I'm doing a lot of theorizing.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I've been using Apple lossless.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What bitrate satisfies the 44.1Hz sample rate?

2006-08-01 Thread GreenMan

Jeff Moore Wrote: 
> 2006-08-01-13:57:35 GreenMan:
> > So, my question is: What bitrate do I need to rip at to get the full
> > benefit of lossless ripping of a standard 44.1Hz redbook cd?
> Really, you shouldn't have to specify a bitrate -- one usually
> specifies
> a bitrate when lossy encoding is being done, to give the encoding
> software a target data rate to aim for when squeezing and partially
> throwing away musical information.  If something in the ripping
> software
> you're using is requiring that you specify a bitrate, something may be
> set up incorrectly such that the software isn't operating with the
> assumptions you desire.
> Having said that, uncompressed CD data's bitrate can be referred to
> (and
> is, by SlimServer) as "1411kbps CBR".

Ok, this makes sense. However, I've noticed that nothing I've ripped to
lossless actually ever says 1411kbps CBR. It's usually 600 to 800 or so.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What bitrate satisfies the 44.1Hz sample rate?

2006-08-01 Thread GreenMan

My understanding of this part of digital music is very shallow, so bear
with me if I'm off base with the question in part or completely.

I know that redbook CDs are sampled at 44.1Hz. When I rip these to a
lossless format, I presume I'm getting the full information from the
original sampling. But I assume that an inadequate bitrate will degrade
the listening experience. 

So, my question is: What bitrate do I need to rip at to get the full
benefit of lossless ripping of a standard 44.1Hz redbook cd?

Thanks in advance.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is jitter an issue with the SB? Would a Benchmark DAC1 fix it?

2006-08-01 Thread GreenMan

I'm contemplating picking up a Benchmark DAC1 for use in my system, with
one input coming from my SB2, and another coming from my low-end CD
player. That my CD playing experience will benefit from the anti-jitter
capability of the Benchmark DAC1 I have no doubt, but I just read in an
archived discussion in this forum where is was stated that there was NO
jitter consideration for playing music archived from on my computer
distrubuted to my SB. Is this accurate? It may make the Benchmark
overkill for what I need, at least on the SB side of the house.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-10-04 Thread GreenMan

Mike Hanson Wrote: 
> I actually like Blue Circle quite a bit, and I would strongly consider
> it, if I was in the market again.  I've not heard the Bel Canto, so
> I'll keep an eye out for it.
> -=> Mike Hanson <=-

I took home a Sonic Frontiers SFD-1 MKII over the weekend and I swear I
couldn't hear any difference between it and the SB2's native dac. This
disappoints me. Either my ears aren't golden enough, there's a severe
weakness in my system, or a 1997 $2500 tube dac sounds the same as a
2005 solid state one. Aaaargh!

I'm leaning toward the Scott Nixon. My room is fairly 'live' already
with wood floors, glass and wood coffee tables, leather furniture, and
some large ceiling-to-floor windows. So I think a tube dac makes sense
IF it can be counted on to warm up the sound a little. Again, I'm the
Krell guy and the Krell and Thiels don't bother me in this environment,
but a Benchmark Dac1 may be overdoing it a bit.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-29 Thread GreenMan

Mike Hanson Wrote: 
> Ultimately, you'll never know for sure until you try it in your own
> system.  Everyone has different expectations, and system + stand + room
> variations will cause everyone's setup to sound different.  For example,
> the coldness of your Krell may make the Benchmark unlistenable (to you).
> Do your best to try each of the options, or you'll be second-guessing
> yourself forever.
> -=> Mike Hanson <=-

Well, Scott Nixon apparently doesn't demo his models. He told me so in
a reply email. I understand his situation. He's a small shop, and
borrowed models tend to just go missing. It's an unfortunate reality
for a small business owner I suppose.

I ran into the same issue with the local Benchmark vendor, though I've
heard that Benchmark might allow a demo on a company-direct purchase.
That may be my only hope.

The Dac-ah intruiges me. I've shelled out for audio this year and I'd
like to economize on the next purchase. There's a big diff between $170
and $970. Eight-hundred dollars worth, to be precise ;-)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-24 Thread GreenMan

GreenMan Wrote: 
> I'm considering the Benchmark DAC-1. Why do you prefer the Audio Mirror
> D1? As an owner of the D1, have you ever heard about the DAC-Ah
> available from Poth Audio? It's supposedly essentially the same dac,
> but at a much smaller price. I'd like to know if anyone has done an A/B
> on the Audio Mirror and the DAC-Ah.

I've narrowed my selection to the following in no particular order:

1. Dac-ah from Poth Audio.
2. Scott Nixon TubeDAC+ (I like the look of the mod w/blue backlighting
on the tube.
3. Benchmark DAC1.

These are different technologies in different price groups, though all
are under $1000. I like the reviews of the Benchmark, but I also wonder
if that's the right choice for my system which is already pretty
revealing. My system is:

Krell KAV-300i
Thiel CS2.0
Apherion 8" sub
Squeezebox2 (of course)

The dac-ah looks attractive in price, but I don't know how well the
stock capacitors hold up in the system. The Benchmark may be too
glaring in my system, but then again, with the Krell and the Thiels and
the SB2 feeding the Benchmark, that would be real transparency all the
way back to the music source.

Any thoughts/opinions?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-14 Thread GreenMan

WK446 Wrote: 
> GreenMan:
> I am guessing that you are known as "Im_all_ears" on Audiogon.
> Yes I have heard of the DAC-Ah. It is sold by a company in Hong Kong
> called DIYclub. It is the same version as that being sold by Poth
> Audio. The Audio Mirror DAC has a few internal and cosmetic changes.
> There is an entire thread on this mystery on Audiogon - the thread was
> removed from Audiogon after complaints by the creator of the Audio
> Mirror DAC.
> Audio is entirely based on subjective and internal preferences. I
> suppose once you get a chance to listen to a number of DACs, you start
> to identify pleasing sonic characteristics. It's like the tubes vs.
> solid-state debate.
> Cheers,
> Dennis

Yeah, I could understand the Audio Mirror guys being unhappy if what
I've read elsewhere is true, namely that the technology was copied
after a DAC was shipped to China. 

Since you've heard both, how do they compare sonically? Do they sound
comparable, or even the same, to one another? I've heard neither.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-14 Thread GreenMan

WK446 Wrote: 
> I run the SB2 to a Monarchy Audio DIP Classic to an Audio Mirror D1 NOS
> DAC, all via digital coax.  I also own a Benchmark DAC-1, but I prefer
> the sound of the  non-oversampling DAC.
> I have also used (and owned) the following DACs with my setup as well:
> - Museatex Melior Bitstream
> - Channel Islands VDA-1 combo

I'm considering the Benchmark DAC-1. Why do you prefer the Audio Mirror
D1? As an owner of the D1, have you ever heard about the DAC-Ah
available from Poth Audio? It's supposedly essentially the same dac,
but at a much smaller price. I'd like to know if anyone has done an A/B
on the Audio Mirror and the DAC-Ah.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread GreenMan

is that it was built with audiophiles in mind. The Burr-Brown is 'good
enough' to get by on. The folks at SlimD gave us something workable
with the ability to port output to whatever DAC we want if the internal
DAC falls short in our system. I suppose that is an argument against
doing much more with the DAC if it keeps the price of the mechanism's
function to give an intuitive and sturdy presentation of internet radio
and hard drive music. I strongly sense that this device and ones like it
are the future of hi fidelity stereo. The SB is on a compatible track
for the MP3 masses who don't do hi fi. It is nice that it works as well
for them as it does for audiophiles.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-13 Thread GreenMan

seanadams Wrote: 
> There isn't a simple answer to this. SB2 uses the PCM1748, but the DAC
> chip alone does not dictate the performance of the whole system - it
> can be somewhat better or much worse than the data-sheet specs
> depending on the design. Since the DAC chip is only one component of
> the whole clocking + power + DAC + amplification process, the only way
> to really do a head-to-head is to listen blind, or measure the complete
> systems under identical test environments. However, even then, there is
> no such thing as an exhaustive test.
> As a rule of thumb though, I would estimate that most standalone DACs
> more than 5 yrs old, regardless of price, will have lower performance
> than SB2. The price/performance of these chips, like CPUs, memory etc,
> improves with each iteration: performance levels that are relatively
> inexpensive to reach today were completely unavailable a few years ago.

The SB2 is a worthy technology to be sure. I really enjoy the sound of
a Toshiba SD-9200 in my system, but I find that the Toshiba sounds only
marginally better than the SB2 when I use superior interconnects with
the SB2. The Toshiba uses a Advanced Multi-Bit Delta Sigma DAC (from
Analog Devices). I don't know anything about this DAC, nor much else
about the internals of the Toshiba, but I love the way it sounds in my
system. However, it's a CD player with more than a few undesirable
quirks, and it hasn't the cool factor the SB2 brings to my system. I've
been auditioning the Toshiba and have decided to not get it and continue
to use the SB2 with my own hard drives instead. 

Nonetheless, I find myself in audiophile hell. Now I want a superior
external DAC for my sb2. You know how it goes. (sigh).

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-13 Thread GreenMan

I know the SB2 has a Burr-Brown in it, but I don't know what calliber.
I'm interested in maybe putting a Channel Islands VDA-1 external DAC on
my SB2, but the Channel Islands unit itself has a Burr-Brown in it. Some
in this forum claim an improvement in sound. Is that because of a
'better' Burr-Brown?

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