Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter - Face Plate Issues....?

2007-10-21 Thread IvanSlade

This is silly just send it back. It is an alu frame and plastic front
nothing can go wrong unless it has not been manufactured correctly or


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What to upgrade next to improve sound quality ?

2007-10-20 Thread IvanSlade

Above all a decent pre amp is the most important. Tact 2.0S ACTIVE will
transform your hearing experience. It has dropped in price and has
changed my listening. Of course, good speakers are necessary but it is
the preamp stage that decides what is blown into your speakers. It is
not magic.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Electronically isolate TP from Computer

2007-09-18 Thread IvanSlade

Stab in the dark. Why not use an opto isolator from the pc? Put it in
between the in and output of the PC. That could get rid of junk noise.
Costs pennies but may work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-18 Thread IvanSlade

Mark Lanctot;226313 Wrote: 
> Ah but it doesn't go direct - from the laptop, it goes to your access
> point and then from your AP to your Squeezebox = 2 hops.
> Glad to see it's improved but it's still marginal and could drop out
> again based on new interference or new networks.  You should really
> wire at least one leg.

Yes Mark I agree with you, it does not go direct from the laptop to the
SB3 but via the router and hence 2 hops as you write. The best solution
would be to RJ45 the entire setup; but that defeats the point of using
WiFi and annoys Ladies and makes for clutter. 
I would not say that it was marginal at all after changing channels
(from 6 to 1 at whatever freqencies they are, could have a look; I
think a previous guy's idea of having a tunable solution is good) the
difference was as near to perfect at least as one could expect with the
SB3. I still find it curious that at the beginning of tracks for the
first 10 secs all was 'perfect' and then it dropped out or was very
stuttered etc afterwards = unlistenable. I presume the 'play' from the
slimserver issues the command to send from the laptop or remote to
laptop, picked up by the router, sent to the SB3, buffered for circa 5
- 12 secs then other 'things' interefere e.g., computer firewall or
virus update i.e., constant polling by the laptop / router. But that
would happen on any channel that is allocated. So it must be other
persons or machines using that particular frequency.
But it was most curious that I was in a building of 9 flats in Germany
and could not, as I wrote, detect any other WiFi around - using the
windows 'snifffer'.  
Also as I wrote and as Sean mentioned with the all was fine
on any channel. (Thinking out loud) which kind of reinforces your idea
of 2 hops which would imply that the best scenario is to hardwire the
computer to the router and let it drift over the ether. Can't say I
understand; the same when I always get a 44 Mhz ambient frequency in my
rooms doubling to 100 ish when a mobile phone, operating in the gig
range and I use a 5 gig meter, is turned on.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power Supply Upgrade for SB3?

2007-09-09 Thread IvanSlade

zanash;226121 Wrote: 
> YesI run to an external dac  and the bigger psu  adds finess and
> delicateness [resolution is improved?]  probabley the wrong term.
> If your UK based I can give you the detail of who to build one me
Hi, I am in the UK and would be interested.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

Did you ever sort it out enca?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

nicketynick;225870 Wrote: 
> My pleasure. Frankly, I just got lucky. :-)
I would not call it luck really. I started this thread with the snap,
crackle and pop problem that I had on my SB3s in the UK (modded and
unmodded). Sean walked me through various ideas and isolated a few
problems. I bought the trans.. and have had problems but as I have been
away from the UK for 4 weeks the mind is fading as to what they are
still. I scanned the neighbourhood for other WiFi(s) around here and
this is the only one that was detected, I just used windows detect and
not a scanner. The SB3  was set to the normal channel 6 and, as I
wrote, I changed it to channel 1. A few songs are dropping out totally
when I start a web page, for example (I set the slim server priority to
high thinking it may be a polling problem), maybe CPU charge, I do not
know. But there is another chap that recently was experiencing the same
problem - about 10 or so mails previous. 
I believe it is a problem as I have experienced the same type of thing
on 6 x SB3 and one transporter all of which have different amps etc.
Just do not really understand but I feel it is a good 'system';
especially the transporter.
Again, many thanks for your help even if you feel it was luck; it was
kind of you to help me and I can fly home to the UK tomorrow with
'piece' of mind.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

Well that was the answer. I set it to channel 1 and all is well. I must
get home and check my system. (Small problem, when I minimize
slimserver the music goes quiet, drops the signal.)
Very many thanks for your swift and analytical response from over the
otherside of the pond.
Very best Wishes,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

nicketynick;225854 Wrote: 
> Well that's it then - wireless is the problem. Maybe try changing
> channels - maybe too many neighbours. What sort of access point?
> Current firmware? b or g?
> Good luck.
I am on g band but it sounds correct I will change it to something like
channel 1n a tick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

nicketynick;225838 Wrote: 
> Of course I don't have slimserver handy to look at, so I'm going to be a
> little vague here:
> You know how when you press Now Playing on the remote it cycles through
> different displays?  One of the options there is to have a 'buffer
> fullness' bar where the 'time elapsed' bar is, but its not there by
> default. Somewhere there is a box you tick to include it - maybe under
> Player Settings-Display (in slimserver)?
> The 965 kbps bitrate is how much it has to stream for that flac file,
> which is why you may be having trouble - internet radio is usually only
> around 128 kbps, which is far easier over a bad connection (plus
> squeezenetwork doesn't have to hop to the server and back over
> wireless, it streams directly from the access point to the SB3)

Hi, The nearest I seem to be able to get is the addition of Network
Test under player settings/ menues. In that you can change the bit
rate. Where the buffer info is, I cannot locate.I change the bit rate
to 1,000 kps and it breaks up with an average reception of 23% periods
of silence are around 4%. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

Also set UDP to 1200, correct?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

Ah see what you mean. Bitrate 965 kps (CBR). I assume this is the buffer
info the rest is FlAC, sample rate etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

It is wireless on a laptop about 1 meter away. Sean said last time that
I did not need to hard wire the system and I do not think I have an
RJ45 to hand. Where is the buffer status bar - sorry to be thick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-09-07 Thread IvanSlade

Here I am again trying to install an SB3 in Germany based on my snap,
crackle and pop experience in the UK with the SB3 and the trans.. All
works well over s/network but problems again with the slimserver;
latest version. When playing (only FLAC)a song starts off perfectly and
then between 5 - 7 seconds it breaks up throughout the rest of the track
and sometimes looses the signal totally, periods of silence. Signal
strength 85%. Updated firmware and that other thing press 1 when
turning the power back on. 
I am again at a loss and am leaving my friend in Germany tomorrow.
She is using an old Grundig integrated amp which works fine with a new
CD player etc


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-15 Thread IvanSlade

Mark Lanctot;220907 Wrote: 
> But if you play it on a software player on a PC, are there any problems
> with the rips?  More than just a "flat" sound, are there any
> pops/cracks?

I have the odd pop or crakle, nothing like before, interference I
suppose. I am using an (new) HP laptop which sounds great over
S...Net.. I do not understand. It has to be the source I assume.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-15 Thread IvanSlade

Mark Lanctot;220887 Wrote: 
> Are you sure your rips are good?

Thanks Sean. As I wrote before I use Easy CD to flac. Now on a
dedicated notebook and it sounds flat - non musical. Do you think that
it is the software? It is all 1s and 0s with aheader in the FAT. I use
about a 4db roll off at the higher end and I can change this with the
Tact system. The best 'music' is the S..Network; sounds superb. Pandora
I have to turn up the volume but not quite as good, although good. It is
a question of source, for my CD player is the Lyngdorf CD1 which just
does make it in comparison to the streaming network. My cables etc are
the 'best' so I do not understand why the music is only perfect when it
is streamed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-14 Thread IvanSlade

Now this I do not understand.
I play jazz over sqeeNetwork and it sounds great. Radio Iowa(?)
I play pandora sounds OK.
I play my CDs ripped and raw.
The net sounds better even though I have high quality gear. Same preamp
Tact XP (room corrected), 2 x 400 Watt Alner Hamblin amps.
Mains filters everywhere, filter cables, interconnects etc.
Why does non internet sound, sound (sic) inferior?
Again Help.
Best to Sean


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

No, it does make sense as the new laptop mains was not charging the
battery - loose lead - hence it tripped out because the battery was
Hopefully this is the end.
What a superb piece of equipment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

IvanSlade;218323 Wrote: 
> Sean, 
> Thank you for your comments, they are kind. I am not sure how to answer
> with the forum system hence I will cut and paste.
> 1) Does it happen at the same point in the track every time? The reason
> when need to know this is to determine whether the problem is due to the
> Squeezebox being unable to decode a specific portion of the file (as
> opposed to an intermittent failure). At first you said it was at the
> same point in the file every time, but then you said you suspected some
> RF or noise phenomenon, which would be inconsistent with that.
> ANSWER: This goes back to our earlier discussion. Last night, for
> example, it (transporter and SB3) I played one CD and it was fine then
> I started to play another CD (from the 'server')and the problems
> started again. It seems that when the problems start then it can
> 'stick' on the same track or carry on at random. It is most curious.
> 2) Does this happen with all file formats, or just one? This would help
> identify whether it is a software or hardware issue, and may also help
> us understand if it's a problem specific to some of the files you are
> playing. 
> ANSWER:I only use flac.
> 3) Does it happen on Squeezenetwork as well as Slimserver? This helps
> identify whether there is something funny going on at your server.
> ANSWER~: I will check this soon, that is before you get out of bed in
> the US. 
> 4) Does it happen on both wired and wireless? I didn't ask this earlier
> because your description was not consistent with buffer underrun
> behavior. However, in light of all the confusion it would be a very
> good thing to test. 
> ANSWER: This was, as wrote before, the first thing that I did. I used a
> crossover RJ45 same problem.
> 5) Does it happen with all the outputs? If the problem happens on a
> digital output but not the RCAs then that rules out software issue and
> point to a problem with player, the cabling, or the receiver.
> 6) does it happen with different amp/speakers. At first it stopped
> happening when you changed amplifiers, but now it is persistent across
> several players. This really needs to be tested more carefully.
> ANSWER: Two amps same speaker, no tell a lie I had the same with other
> speakers. I think that the stopping was intermitent. How do you want me
> to test? As I wrote last night I will use another laptop as a server and
> see if it goes away for it could be the RF from the notebook. I have a
> frequencey counter next to the dipole and that drifts around the band
> albeit not very much and when I get the interference then nothing
> changes with the frequency of the wireless output.
> I can email you cds that would be easier. But 1 Cd is OK then a few
> days or listening time later it is not OK.
> As I wrote I will change laptops later and see. Are my answers 'firm'
> enough or is there anything I have missed.
> Best wishes
> Ivan
I think and this not yet set in stone that it is the laptop. What the
darn thing is radiating I do not know - Fujitsu Siemens. I changed to
an HP laptop this afternoon and all was fine. At the same time whilst
typing this reply I turned the Siemens back on, and more or less
immediately the signaL dropped when I pressed the enter (return) key.
That does not really make sense because info should have been stored to
buffer in the trans...
I will turn this off (the siemens) and see if it works again, which
hopefully it will.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade

snarlydwarf;218158 Wrote: 
> What, you didn't understand that?  See, you tune into 802.11g networks
> just like a UHF channel... doesn't your router have a fine-tuning
> adjustment dial?
> And it is MUCH easier to have random crappola sounds in the normal
> radio spectrum that confuses amps.  Gads, remember the days when CB
> radio was cool, and there was a pretty good chance that once a month or
> so some PA system in some venue would interrupt their quiet muzak with
> "breaker, good buddy" at full blast...
> Agreed.
> Or adjust the fine tuning dial on your router.
> (It is right next to the Bandwidth Throttle on most.  I put a brick on
> my throttle so I get max speed.)

I use a Cisco router and there is no fine tuning I put a portable
frequency counter next to the transport and it oscillates (sic) around
210 to the 240 ish. cannot clamp it but a brick is an idea. Afeter
trying all channels I have the router set on channel 1 which is around
the 212 mark, I assume resonant frequency but it will pick up either
side of the spectrum so it seems.
Thank you 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-08-01 Thread IvanSlade
 player, the cabling, or the receiver.
6) does it happen with different amp/speakers. At first it stopped
happening when you changed amplifiers, but now it is persistent across
several players. This really needs to be tested more carefully.
ANSWER: Two amps same speaker, no tell a lie I had the same with other
speakers. I think that the stopping was intermitent. How do you want me
to test? As I wrote last night I will use another laptop as a server and
see if it goes away for it could be the RF from the notebook. I have a
frequencey counter next to the dipole and that drifts around the band
albeit not very much and when I get the interference then nothing
changes with the frequency of the wireless output.
I can email you cds that would be easier. But 1 Cd is OK then a few
days or listening time later it is not OK.
As I wrote I will change laptops later and see. Are my answers 'firm'
enough or is there anything I have missed.
Best wishes


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-31 Thread IvanSlade

JimC;218233 Wrote: 
> Sure... but I'm not the right guy to help you.  Please try
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  They can help.
> -=> Jim
Thank you Jim. Can you please relay my details to Sean, please. For if
we cannot work this out over the forum then I doubt whether support
will be of help. Don't get me wrong the unit is superb but as I write
it is 'cracking' again, dropping out etc. There is little else I can
change except for the notebooK which I will change tomorow.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-31 Thread IvanSlade

JimC;218185 Wrote: 
> The single most qualified person we have -- Sean Adams, the designer of
> the SB3 and transporter hardware -- was helping you.  He gave you a
> wide variety of suggestions and concluded that, from your replies, it
> was probably a h/w problem.  You then replied that "It was the Lyngdorf
> power amp 2175 that was causing the problems. I have changed the amp and
> no problems anymore."
> With your descriptions of the problem as happening in exactly the
> sample place in a track, and occuring with both FLAC and MP3 files, as
> well as SqueezeNetwork, it sounds like a hardware problem (as Sean
> said).  Since you've tried several SB3s and a transporter, I'm
> wondering if the problem isn't somewhere else in the hardware chain. 
> Isolating each piece independently is the best way to accomplish
> tracking a h/w problem.
Can we please carry on with this under private mail. Either


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-31 Thread IvanSlade

slimpy;218084 Wrote: 
> Probably because you said the problem was solved by replacing the amp.
> By the way, Slimdevices (the makers of SB3 and Transporter, a rather
> small company) have only recently been acquired by Logitech. There is a
> backlog because the demand for the Transporter exceeds the expectations.
> Not much Logitech can do instantly to change this situation.
> You complain about over trading and lack of UK distribution at the same
> time? My guess is that most Transporters are sold directly over their
> web site. Maybe they should make the web site less easily accessible.
> -s.

Thank you for your reply. I have tried a number of things and I thought
all was solved after replacing the power amp and hence I shelled out the
2500 buck for the transporter for there is no doubt in my mind that this
is the future (and not only for music). Or rather it worked fine for
some days and the same problems started again. I have asigned a static
IP to the unit(s)and, as I wrote inter alia. made sure the wifi
channels and the antenae are looking at each other properly, turned
down the UDP(to 1200 ? forget) and I still get problems. All I know I
have learnt much with this experience for their products are darn good.
(I had my first SB3 well over a year ago and that was branded Logitech.)
I am sorry but I do not think that with Logitech branding there is an
excuse for over trading. I do not complain, it is a fact. Just get some
more staff and fulfill orders. As for cutting back the web site, fine.
But they are there to make money, nothing wrong with that. Sales
projections were wrong I suppose but that kind of begs the question as
to why they launched the transporter. I really do not know.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-31 Thread IvanSlade

JimC;218016 Wrote: 
> The only plastic on the transporter is the polycarbonate lens.  The rest
> is built from cast and/or milled aluminum (the bezel, knob, and buttons)
> or from sheet metal (the case).
> Further, the transporter is not built in China.  It is built in Mt.
> View, CA.  There is a backlog, as each unit is hand-assembled, and
> thoroughly tested before shipping.  It's a pretty labor-intensive
> process.
> -=> Jim

Also Jim why don't the technical guys try to help my problem with the
snap crackle and pop? You, understandably, are trying to protect your
brand name and, I assume, trawl this forum. But even at the moment my
problems are back on the tranporter. I have 5 SB3s, 2 modded and one
transporter. I keep thinking that I have found the root of the problem
but then it reappears. Random stop and start interspered with crackle
and pops. I have adjusted the arial to 2.12Gig at the wireless
broadcast frequency etc. It is a problem. It cannot be the ram (eac
etc)on six units. There is interference from somewhere and I cannot
track it down. The DAC is wonderful.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-31 Thread IvanSlade

JimC;218016 Wrote: 
> The only plastic on the transporter is the polycarbonate lens.  The rest
> is built from cast and/or milled aluminum (the bezel, knob, and buttons)
> or from sheet metal (the case).
> Further, the transporter is not built in China.  It is built in Mt.
> View, CA.  There is a backlog, as each unit is hand-assembled, and
> thoroughly tested before shipping.  It's a pretty labor-intensive
> process.
> -=> Jim

At least I got your attention. If there is such a back log then you are
over trading. For such a large comapany that surprises me. You know
about all of these things not I. The UK distribution is not very good I
find. I tried to procure one in the UK but to no avail. I am sorry if
Logitech is offended by my comments. Personally I do not like the
design especially the knobs which I find far too small and tacky. They,
inter alia, feel like plastic. There is one thing that I will stand by
though; in common with other manuals yours is not easy to understand.
Obviously my own stupidity, of course. Someday somebody will write and
produce a good manual for a good product.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-31 Thread IvanSlade

Pat Farrell;218017 Wrote: 
> IvanSlade wrote:
> > I received a transporter from the States cost me roughly
> > 25000 $ US 
> Huh? They list for two thousand, that's $2,000.
> Why in the world did you pay 12 times more?
> For $25,000 US, I'll buy one, and fly to the UK and install it for
> you.
> And I'll even buy you a pint at your local.
> -- 
> Pat
Sorry, I meant 2,000$ + import duty, tax and carriage it cost me nearly


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Performance Upgrades

2007-07-30 Thread IvanSlade

Come on guys. easy Cd for 10 bucks, good psu and all is easy


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-30 Thread IvanSlade

A follow up to snap crackle and pop which may be of interest to UK guys
and girls.
I was getting dreadful interference with the SB3 with the unmodded and
modded SB3 I received a transporter from the States cost me roughly
25000 $ US and I had the same problems with the snap crackle and pop.
All else exhausted I put a portable (90$) frequency counter next to the
transporter to tune in into the ‘wireless’ frequency. Houses these days
bathe in wireless. I think mine is about 2,24 gig. Oh boy does it make
a difference when you tune in properly! 
I think the transporter is great but a waste of hard earnt money. Stay
with the SB3. The DAC of the transporter is good but the build is
appalling; plastic, too small buttons……….. I have the black version
because the silver is on 3 – 4 week backlog (import from China) colour
does not matter. I could not wait but tuned in with the proper PSU –
Amidst all of this if anybody is interested I have some, about 20, 5
volt 3 amp linear power supplies which go well with the SB3, cost £60.
My address is to email me, being the importer for tact
audio UK.
Frequency counters you can find on ebay. You have to tune in; Watson
hunter I am using.
I have always felt that get the worst and improve, not in terms of
money but get the worst sounding right and then carry on. I am
impressed so far.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-24 Thread IvanSlade

Thank you all guys.
It was the Lyngdorf power amp 2175 that was causing the problems. I
have changed the amp and no problems anymore.
Last thing that I would have thought, but who knows what that thing is
radiating and at what frequency (resonance or rather damping somewhere,
PWM output). Live and learn. The SB3 is better than many CDs.
Deepest thanks for your help and concern.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-13 Thread IvanSlade

IvanSlade;214323 Wrote: 
> As in the stream writes to the memory buffer which then is not being
> flushed when I restream. So I press play again but the error is still
> there in ram so it will not accept the rewrite because the old
> information is still there. Would make sense as it happens at exactly
> the same point every time. But if I fast forward then it will accept
> and play for a while with a few clicks and then stop. When I do this
> (next track) is the ram reset or flushed so to speak? (I assume the RAM
> is a stuck on postage stamp and I cannot do it myself?)
> Best
> Ivan

Final try with a toslink to get around 'all' - oops click click albeit
not as bad but a good few millseconds worth.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-13 Thread IvanSlade

seanadams;214304 Wrote: 
> Hmm... if it clicks at the exact same point in the track when you
> restart it, that could be a failed RAM chip. In any case it does sound
> like a hardware issue.

As in the stream writes to the memory buffer which then is not being
flushed when I restream. So I press play again but the error is still
there in ram so it will not accept the rewrite because the old
information is still there. Would make sense as it happens at exactly
the same point every time. But if I fast forward then it will accept
and play for a while with a few clicks and then stop. When I do this
(next track) is the ram reset or flushed so to speak? (I assume the RAM
is a stuck on postage stamp and I cannot do it myself?)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-13 Thread IvanSlade

seanadams;214287 Wrote: 
> If you hear the same things with mp3 then you will need to send it back
> to wayne. My guess is the digital output or clock circuitry has been
> broken.

I have just been / am listening to squeezenetwork for 20 minutes and I
have heard 2 very small 'cracks'. It would sound more like a clock
problem to me for if it 'gets stuck' whilst playing a track and I press
play (oops 2 more little pops in succession) then I press play it will
then restart the track and play exactly up until that point where it
stopped and will then stop again although this is not happening with
squeezenetwork. I do not think that would be the digital output given
that I am now hearing, albeit few, pops with the Squeezetwork, i.e.,
not using a digital cable, for example. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-13 Thread IvanSlade

seanadams;214213 Wrote: 
> It's not possible for the stream to get corrupted that way - so don't
> worry about cabling or the LAN. It could be that a bug has been
> introduced in the decoder you're using, but that would have been
> unlikely to slip through. Another possibility is that it's a hardware
> problem that surfaced at about the same time, but is completely
> unrelated to the update.
> What file format are you playing? 
> Do you get the same behavior with MP3 as with FLAC/WAV?
> What happens with Squeezenetwork / internet radio?
> If you get the same behavior regardless of the format or the source,
> then the issue is definitely in the Squeezebox itself.
> Another thing to try is to reprogram the CPLD which is done by pressing
> and holding power until the unit starts to reset, and then pressing
> "1".
> Also what mods have been done to it?

Thank you for your reply.
I am using flac, ripped using Easy CD.
I will try some MP3 files. But it seems normally mornings and late
evenings but that is not a hard and fast rule.
I have done the '1' trick to reset the sound chip. (Pop just went
I had the 'full mods' from Wayne at Bolder. I have only had the unit
for less than a month. (Pop again.)
I think squeezenetwork is OK, I do not listen to it that often nor
radio, but I will try again.
I use Tact equipment and it occurs on the 2.2x and on the XP and on the
XDM etc, 2175 power amp. So I figure that it cannot be the DAC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Snap, Crackle and Pop

2007-07-13 Thread IvanSlade

All was working well on my SB3 and then after installing ver3.5.2 - or
so it seemed - I began to get some crackle, some loud pops and then at
time it would stop whilst playing a track, pressing enter would play a
track again sometimes it would carry on OK other times not. I reduced
the UDP to 1200, updated the sound firmware, turned the volume to max
and about everything I can think of and read. Signal strength 70%+.
Just installed 5.3 hoping it would be resolved, but it has not.
Is the only way to test if it the packet streaming is to use a cross
over RJ45 directly into the ethernet port? Any ideas, I suspect this
has been covered elsewhere.
SB3 modded, Tact system.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bit Rates and Sample Rates

2007-07-04 Thread IvanSlade

Thank you all for my sampling question.
New 'Problem'!
I rip my Cds with 'Easy CD-DA' to flac.
I also use pandora (=P).
I play P and it is so so good nice 3 db roll off etc.
(Just listing now with the modded Wayne at Bolder it is fantastic)
I play my ripped original Cds and they sound xyz.
What the hell is it?
P sounds more than great and my original ripped CDs sound XYZ. Why?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bit Rates and Sample Rates

2007-06-23 Thread IvanSlade

Many thanks for the comments. I agree that upsampling may degrade CD
quality. I was experimenting with changing formats to see if it can be
done, how the SB3 would handle it that is, its effects on output. But I
am totally baffled as to why I cannot convert a simple wav file (ripped
or otherwise) either to a 24 bit or to a 48KHz and play the result
through the sb3 using Sound Forge. It could not have been much simpler
to me. Do you know of any other program(s) that might work and could at
least let me hear the difference in output?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bit Rates and Sample Rates

2007-06-22 Thread IvanSlade

Maybe be an existing answer somewhere which I cannot find.
Following problem.
CDs are 16bit 44.1KHz. The SB3 can handle 48KHz and a 16 or 24 bit
sample rate. Hence, I thought it would be easy to use Easy CD-DA
extractor to rip to flac. Then put it through Sound Forge 8 studio (as
a wav file) to increase depth to 24 bit, then resample to 48KHz and
play. Does not work. So I converted a track to 24 bit wav. Did not
work. So I tried a simple (unnormalized etc) resample to 48KHz does not
work. Burn these to a CD and they work with the player which will read
192KHz. My original idea was to upsample to 96KHz with the knowledge
that SB would down sample to 48KHz (also, obviously, did not work.
Any ideas?
System: Tact XP, 2175 power amp.


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