Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Shilling for Dollars

2013-09-03 Thread Jeff52

I can't speak for you guys, but I suspect I would be hard-pressed to
identify in a blind test any difference between a standard interconnect,
such as those sold by Blue Jeans, and any of the so-called premium

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Shilling for Dollars

2013-09-03 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> There's a big difference between letting "people live out their
> idiosyncrasies" and a reviewer stating an outright lie (saying that two
> properly functioning USB cables sound different is a lie). I don't care
> that people are willing to spend lots of money trying to improve the
> sound of their audio system but I do care when that desire or
> idiosyncrasy is exploited for profit.

But, but, the great Steve Hoffman says cables do make a difference:

-Of course they make a difference. It's up to YOU to carefully (and I do
mean CAREFULLY) determine if the difference is good for your system or
not. Don't be fooled or swayed by a sudden top end burst of "detail".
Make sure the midrange doesn't suffer and the bass doesn't get too
leaned out or whatever.

First set of expensive cables I ever borrowed I was so excited to try
them but they made my system sound like instant dead dog shi*.-

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Shilling for Dollars

2013-08-15 Thread Jeff52

You have to love this comment appearing after the article of the P.W.B.
Cream Electret. 

Chemical 'C'
Submitted by sudont on December 8, 2012 - 9:56am.

I have no difficulty believing that chemical compounds can enhance the
listening experience. My own tweak - let's call it chemical "c" -
greatly enhances the emotional impact, sweetness, liquidity, and
three-dimensionality of my system. Instead of rubbing it on components,
or placing it near cables and power supplies, one simply smokes a small
amount at the beginning of the session.

The improvement is immediate and undeniable. One becomes deeply engaged
with the music, and the equipment "disappears." In other words, it's
just you and the music. Thoughts of newer, more expensive equipment are
replaced by a contented feeling of, "I can't believe how freaking
awesome this sounds!" And, relatively speaking, it's an inexpensive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does this sound somehow familiar?

2013-05-09 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> In any case, I prefer Styrofoam cups.

Styrofoam cups only when quaffing the cheap crap sold in boxes or large
bottles, e.g. Carlo Rossi. A nice wine glass when drinking a fine Pinot
Noir or an Australian Chardonnay. I'm definitely not a wine snob, but do
enjoy a good wine, with or without a spider.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does this sound somehow familiar?

2013-05-09 Thread Jeff52

garym wrote: 
> damn Ralph. I've always loved drinking NYC tapwater on my frequent
> visits to the city. And now that I think about it, it is often in places
> that likely use roof tanks (old apts downtown or older hotels downtown).
> Now I'll be thinking about dead creatures with every gulp.  ;-)

Actually dead spiders can be beneficial and impart a unique medicinal
quality to water.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Humor in latest TAS

2013-05-04 Thread Jeff52

darrell wrote: 
> I suppose that humidity would likely have a greater effect than the type
> of (lossless) compression. Light levels I'm not so sure about, although
> if it got so dark that I couldn't find my armchair or remote control,
> there would be consequences...

You need to develop your tactile senses with the remote control so you
can use it in total darkness, or invest in equipment which features a
remote which has a feature to enable it to light up by pressing the
appropriate button. I do notice a difference when using a lighted remote
which tends to impart a veil on the music so I generally disable that
feature and rely upon my memory of the button positions in order to
avoid any semblance of sound coloration.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Humor in latest TAS

2013-05-04 Thread Jeff52

Archimago wrote: 
> I would still argue (ultra-kamikaze-like) that if one could tell a
> difference between FLAC vs. WAV vs. AIFF vs. APE vs. WV vs. ALAC, then
> there's *something wrong with their hardware*!  To actually hear a
> difference (not just bias of some sort) should not be like some badge of
> honor to the audiophile IMO. It's actually a bad thing suggesting
> corruption of the sound due to some form of processing/decoding and the
> piece of hardware should be examined for fault - not capable of
> distortion-free bit-perfection!

I can't tell any difference between FLAC, WAV or other lossless formats,
but I do notice a difference in all formats if the temperature in my
listening room deviates two degrees above or below 68 degrees F. or the
relative humidity levels are above or below 50%. The lower the humidity
and temperature results in more tuneful bass. Higher humidity and
temperature results in less tuneful bass but at the same time there is
less congestion in the midrange and the highs become less etched and
more extended. I now adjust temperature and humidity levels based on the
recording for optimum playback results. 

I have also noted some differences based on the level of light in the
room, but that will require more listening to my reference recordings in
order to fully flush out the differences.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-05-01 Thread Jeff52

Archimago wrote: 
> Just posted my measurements of TosLink digital cables on the blog...
> No real surprises. Bits are bits!

Where in the heck are your listening notes? A review without listening
notes from your golden ears is not complete. Dammit Archimago, I was
really looking forward to your comparison based upon selected recordings
and how it relates to your reference system. :) Back to audio reviewer
school for you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-04-16 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I was joking you know. Anyway don't sweat it since most of the
> discussions around here don't get all that technical. I am also not an
> expert but I can and do understand basic science and when people claim
> something scientifically impossible I should not have to present an
> advanced degree in order to question their assertion. The burden of
> proof falls in their lap, not mine. Luckily many of my fellow members on
> this forum feel the same.

Like you I am no expert but do understand basic science and have some
ability to detect BS. :) For some reason audio, as opposed to most other
similar things, remains firmly "grounded" in subjectivity even when the
subjective opinions are obviously without any scientific basis. I got a
kick out of Archimago's comment on his blog "...feel free to drop me a
note -if there's good data or controlled tests- to suggest USB cables
make a significant difference contrary to these findings." Apparently he
is unwilling to consider that the majority of audiophiles can hear a
difference between the cables.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-04-16 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> And when, exactly, do you intend to show us your qualifications :)

Hi Ralph, I do have some basic electronics background, but I would never
claim to have qualifications in the audio arena. :) My comments were
just observations and not meant to imply I am qualified or an expert.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-04-16 Thread Jeff52

One of the problems with audio is that one cannot simultaneously listen
to two versions of the same music played on a system or two different
pieces of equipment playing the same music at the same time. Most of us
lack the background in electronics in order to understand and evaluate
electronic equipment specifications and measurements. Many of us also
don't take the time to educate ourselves about these issues. Many are
content to parrot the audio media and “widely-held” audio beliefs such
as cable break-in, different lossless codecs sound different and other
similar things. However, all music lovers have the ability to provide an
opinion about what they are hearing, whether that opinion is based upon
knowledge or electrical theory or not. In most audio forums all opinions
are equal simply because everyone believes they are “capable” and
“qualified” to expound on the subject based on their personal opinion
with their own ears. No particular knowledge or understanding of
electronics is needed; just the ability to listen to the material and
then give an opinion; the same as many of the “expert audio reviewers”.
Most of these opinions are then couched in the terms and vocabulary of
the audio writers which impresses readers and makes it sound as if the
person providing the opinion is qualified and knowledgeable about the
subject matter. 

Purely subjective opinions with no basis other than the assertion “I
hear a difference” and using particular phrases and the audio writer
vocabulary to articulate the difference is not sufficient to prove
anything in science or in any of the professions, but somehow it is
acceptable (and perhaps revered e.g. "Golden Ears") in audio circles.
Thus everyone is an expert, no matter their background, education level
or understanding of the subject matter. With so many experts it's no
wonder there are so many audio forums and opinions...and misconceptions
I might add.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-04-16 Thread Jeff52

Archimago wrote: 
> BTW: Since I'm in the Witness Protection Plan, I'm actually not going to
> bother posting some of these results on the usual audiophile forums...
> Rather just let the data percolate with visitors to the blog.
> Nonetheless, feel free to share the link and good luck... ;-)

I really appreciate your postings here and on your blog. I have gotten
to the point where I don't bother commenting on most of the audio
related sites anymore. I have a difficult time trying to figure out why
so many people would ignore the scientific method, specifications and
measurements. In any event, it is obvious there are a lot of people who
blindly follow "audiophile rules" and spend a lot of money on quackery
and even more time posting about their ability to distinguish among all
sorts of power cables, interconnects and a number of other things.
Unfortunately most audio forums and blogs cater to this subjectivity. It
doesn't take any qualifications or knowledge in the field if one can
simply post subjective opinions and musings. Therefore there is no
shortage of opinions and posters when it comes to telling everyone what
"I hear or heard". The audio writers have done nothing to advance the
field by developing a vocabulary to describe all these "sounds". I was
just reading some posts the other day concerning a company whose
equipment supposedly has a reputation for a "dark house sound" according
to the masses. I own a preamp from that company and in all of the
specifications and measurements of the preamp I have seen nothing to
justify this, but I guess I'm not sophisticated enough to hear that

It is interesting to note that one does not see as much subjectivity
when it comes to video related gear. Yes there is some, but not to the
extent of audio stuff. At least with video one may look at a "picture"
and compare that to another "picture" which sort of takes care of those
issues but audio equipment is an entirely different situation and boils
down to "I can hear a difference with this power cable, why can't you?"
Measurements, specifications and the scientific method are irrelevant
and subjectivity is the linchpin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-03-17 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I am not lawyer nor am I familiar with all the details of copyright laws
> but I do know that copyright laws differ greatly from country to
> country. The Berne Convention, to which Mr. Zombie refers, is used for
> international issues and is not the same as the copyright law of an
> individual country, which as you implied, can be quite different from
> those outlined by Zombie. Best to check one' country's own laws when in
> doubt.

The Berne Convention is an international agreement which is binding on
those countries which are signatories to it. The US by treaty is bound
by the Convention. Basically the Convention requires a country to
acknowledge and provide copyright protection to foreign nationals in the
same fashion as its own citizens. There are other international treaties
relating to copyright protection in addition to the Convention and the
US Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a direct result of one such
treaty, the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty.

The treaties allow Fair Use in accordance with the laws of each of the
respective signatory states, but no country has ever enacted legislation
or determined by judicial decision that it is Fair Use to copy and
thereafter distribute such copies of copyrighted works to friends,
family or third parties. The Berne Convention makes no such allowance
either. The same goes for legislation or judicial decisions related to
the unauthorized downloading of copyrighted works via the internet. Most
countries do allow the sale of a lawfully purchased copyrighted work.
The US by virtue of the first sale doctrine allows one to lend, sell or
otherwise dispose of a copyrighted work provided that person legally
owns the physical item. Ownership of the item itself (basically the
right to use it such as read a book, play a CD, etc.) is not the same as
ownership of the copyrighted material and thus one may not duplicate and
distribute the item, use it for a public performance or do anything else
with the item because such rights are reserved to the holder of the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-03-17 Thread Jeff52

Zombie wrote: 
> If you have bought the cd and keep it, according to the Bern Convention
> you have the right to make a backup copy of it and also give away a few
> copies to a closed group of people. If you download a copy of a rip from
> the net, you aren't infringing of the copyright. If you sell the cd you
> do. If you loose the cd, you don't.

I don't know where you went to law school and obtained your degree, but
I sure hope you have paid your professional liability insurance premiums
if your clients rely on your completely erroneous advice as a defense to
a copyright infringement action.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-03-06 Thread Jeff52

Thanks for taking the time to perform these measurements.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-28 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Don't worry I wasn't upset however it was and is worthwhile to point out
> the differences between a real test and an informal comparison. By the
> way, what color and length extension chord are you using because
> different colors and lengths can both make a night and day difference to
> the sound. A short (3 foot) red chord sounds completely different from
> long (18 foot) black chord. You know you really should make an effort to
> control these variables before you make an definite statements :)
> Aside: Jeff are you really located in Bratislava? Because if you are and
> my Czech wife finds out that I've been exchanging forum posts with a
> Slovakian there will be hell to pay :)

No I'm not in Bratislava...that's a long story but I'm in the US. I'm
currently using a generic brown six feet extension cord but I have a
white one I might try too. I had not considered that the color might
also influence the sound but that stands to reason as I have read a lot
about coloration of sound. I guess I need to be more open-minded about
tweaking. I don't know whether it was a Freudian slip, but I did notice
your reference to an extension chord rather than cord. :)

I think I'll remove all of my acoustical treatments and start
experimenting with different color interconnects, speaker cables and
extension cords in order to tune things in that fashion. Perhaps I will
find something and then will be in a position to comment about it; of
course using audiophile approved phraseology and terminology.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-28 Thread Jeff52

Lighten up Ralph, I was just having a little fun with you and knew you
weren't conducting a test. I just connected a Wal-Mart two-prong 16
gauge extension cord to my amp and I could tell a difference. The sound
seemed to open up, but it wasn't a test, just an informal comparison. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-28 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I once did a very informal A/B test of the Transporter with balanced
> cables versus the Touch with RCA cables. I found the sound of the analog
> outputs of the Touch to be very good although not quite as good as that
> of the Transporter. Since, as I said, the test was very informal
> (sighted, no exact volume matching) I decided the biggest difference was
> due to the balanced versus single ended cables.

Gee Ralph with that kind of a "test", how could you form any conclusion?
I thought you were the resident keeper of the Holy Grail of objectivity,
but maybe you have changed. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-27 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> So sure measure has much you can but listen as well and understand that
> some measurements really don't mean all that much.

This is precisely why I would like to see a comparison of the 103 vs.
105. There are a lot of people singing the praises of the "great" ESS
Sabre32 DAC. I would guess the measured differences between the DAC
stages are such that there should be little, if any, audible difference.
That's not to say there is no difference but the differences would be
subtle and minimal, at best. If that is the case then the hyperbole
about the Sabre32 should be tempered a bit, at least by people who are
not caught up in the hype and placebo effect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-27 Thread Jeff52

The USB input for the DAC, power supply, headphone out and DAC are the
differences. I would guess both DACs measure pretty well which is why I
would like to see the comparison. Perhaps there is a big difference in
sound, but I would speculate it would be hard to tell in an objective

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-27 Thread Jeff52

Well Ralph that is precisely why I would like to see the measurements as
I believe there is a correlation as to how sources measure and their
sound. The Sabre has a "reputation" as a good DAC but I have no idea how
the two DAC circuits compare to each other and to something like a Touch
and Transporter. The price difference between the units is around
$500.00 and all relates to the audio sections as the video circuit is
the same. The 105 does have a toroidal lineal power supply and USB input
which reflects some of the price difference, but I really don't have a
problem with a well-designed low-noise switching power supply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-27 Thread Jeff52

It would interesting to see a comparison between the OPPO BDP-105 and
BDP-103. The 103 uses a Cirrus Logic CS4382A DAC and supposedly has a
different analog buffer and filter stage following the DAC output than
the BDP-93. It would be interesting to see how much better, if any, the
ESS Sabre32 DAC measures than the Cirrus Logic with new buffer and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-02 Thread Jeff52

Mnyb wrote: 
> Any Dylan in particular ( I find stones overrated but a good live show )
> I sometime listen to Dylan but not often .
> If I charge my phone via the Shunyata research would my mp3's sound
> better ? I don't find the background black I'm rather surrounded  by
> busses and bicycles and people .
> ( this idea is not more crazy than thinking filling a squeezebox buffer
> with a server with a tweaked OS or some such  sounds better than data
> otherwise gathered , I get " better " electrons in my iPhone ).

The "Bob Dylan" album was not part of the SACD remasters but was
remastered in 16/44.1 in 2005. This version beats anything previously
released IMHO. I like all of the hybrid SACD remasters. There is an
excellent discussion here: I'm a big fan of the
early Stones material and was very glad ABKCO decided to finally do
something about the lousy original recordings when they remastered the
albums. Considering the sources available, they did a great job I think.

The Shunyata needs to be connected to something actively playing music.
You will be unable to discern a difference if used merely to recharge
your iPhone. It will make mp3's sound like 24/192, with increased air
around the instruments and a major improvement in PRaT.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MEASUREMENTS: Some Squeezebox numbers to consider...

2013-02-02 Thread Jeff52

Mnyb wrote: 
> Like a coincidence , if DVDA or SACD has a cd quality layer ,this layer
> always sounds worse than the hirez ;)

Check out the CD layers of the remastered Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan
hybrid SACDs, in particular, Let It Bleed by the Stones. The CD layers
benefit from the DSD remastering of the SACD layer and really sound

ralphpnj wrote: 
> For anything recorded since the beginning of the stereo era (about the
> mid 1950s) it's not the age of the recording but rather the quality of
> the recording that matters. There are plenty of recordings from the
> 1950s and 1960s which sound as good as anything recorded today. For
> example Miles Davis' "kind of Blue" is very well recorded and compares
> favorably with most "modern" recordings.

I quite agree about Kind Of Blue. Some other good ones: Getz/Gilberto
SACD (2011 Analogue Productions remaster), Getz & Byrd Jazz Samba (1994
DCC remaster). Of course they would sound better with a Shunyata
Research ZTRON Anaconda power cable, but unfortunately I'm stuck with
the stock power cord for my Bryston amp.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] One for Mnyb

2013-01-29 Thread Jeff52

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Unfortunately an SACD made from a PS3 derived iso file will sound vastly
> inferior to the original SACD...

I am confused about this statement. Isn't the iso rip an exact copy of
the original disc?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2013-01-19 Thread Jeff52

Here is a link
to an interesting debate about audibility of jitter and jitter in
general which may be of interest to readers of this thread.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2012-12-04 Thread Jeff52

One of the problems in evaluating equipment is in determining whether
the difference between two devices is audible. We believe we hear a
difference, but is there in fact a difference? How do we determine we
are hearing a difference? Are we really being objective when we conclude
there is a difference? Have we put our judgment to test using the
scientific method or is the scientific method applicable to everything
except audio?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wired or not? (Newbie)

2006-12-08 Thread Jeff52

Yes I also think my issues are noise or RFI related especially since it
occurs much more often with longer CAT5 cables (the cables are ok BTW).
I don't have any fluorescent lights but there may be some other items in
the household I need to investigate. If I can nail it down, I'll post it
or add it to the wiki to assist someone else having a problem. Thanks
Bob for taking the time to respond.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wired or not? (Newbie)

2006-12-08 Thread Jeff52

Bob Bressler;160617 Wrote: 
> I guess that if the delays were really long, the TCP connections would
> time out and have to be reconnected, but this almost sounds like
> periods of data loss - how often does it happen?  Have you tried
> plugging in your computer when the SB is now to see how web traffic
> behaves?

The problems are intermittent. Music may stream fine for several
listening sesssions and then all of a sudden there is a problem. It
seems to be worse when using longer CAT5 cables between the homeplug
and SB3. Under the theory that it could be a noise issue, I have
swapped the noisy stock power supply with a relatively quiet one to see
what happens. The Netgear utility generally shows 29 to 45+ Mbps, with a
lowest ever reported of 22.73 Mbps, however I don't know how that
relates to UDP streaming.  

Unfortunately the logistics of moving the desktop to the audio room
makes that not a feasible option.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wired or not? (Newbie)

2006-12-07 Thread Jeff52

Bob Bressler;160335 Wrote: 
> Depending on how your home is wired, HomePlug can introduce quite a bit
> of latency.  (HomePlug uses Forward Error Correcting to reduce the
> error level - which adds latency on both ends.) If it high enough, the
> SB buffer will play out before being refilled.
> That happened to me in certain locations.  Displaying the buffer level
> was very revealing.

Bob, I've had some problems with a pair of Netgear XE103 powerline
adapters. On occasion my SB3 will lose its connection with the server.
Typically I get a blank screen while the music continues to play
through the buffer until it reconnects. Is this indicative of latency
issues similar to what you noticed, or is this something else entirely

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile 2006 Editors Choice Product of the Year!

2006-11-25 Thread Jeff52

It was the SB3 in all three categories. The transporter has not yet been
reviewed by Stereophile.


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