Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter or External DAC - Advice Needed

2016-06-23 Thread John_Dumke

Fizbin wrote: 
> Let me know if you get the Transporter. I was thinking about getting one
> myself. I think you need to spend well over $1000 to make the Touch
> sound better.
Yes! Just pulled the trigger on a 2nd transporter for my setup.
Certainly the Rasberry Pi looks brilliant. I almost want to get one just
to play around with it. But for now. I have two transporters and two
duet receivers as backup should I ever have the need. Long live the
Squeezebox Platform

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter or External DAC - Advice Needed

2016-06-22 Thread John_Dumke

Steve Agnew wrote: 
> If I was in your situation, I would buy a Raspberry Pi 2 with a
> HifiBerry Dac+ Pro and the matching HifiBerry steel case, which is about
> the best and cheapest high quality replacement for your receiver. Just
> install PiCorePlayer and you are done. Check on the PiCorePlayer web
> site for supported wifi USB sticks if you are on wireless, otherwise you
> are good to go as you already know how to use iPeng and LMS. There's no
> real need to spend big bucks and you don't have to be a Unix expert. I
> hope my Transporters won't ever die on me but I have some Pi's ready to
> drop in if they do.
> Regards, Steve.

Perfect, nice to see this future proofing of the original Slimdevices
concept. Thanks for your reply. So in summary it looks like
A Rasberry Pi 2 is a little computer, The HifiBerry Dac+ pro bolts on to
the RPi2 to add quality Audio, put it in a little box and you have
basically a Squeezebox Receiver.
Then PiCorePlayer is loaded on the RPi2 (maybe on a separate micro flash
card?) and the LMS sees the PiCorePlayer as a Squeezebox. Or
PiCorePlayer can replace LMS even?

Sounds like there is no worry about the future of my system. Do I have
it right? Now I just have to decide if I wan't to pick up a Transporter
SE for the better sound quality and/or convenience. I will read up on
the sound quality of the HifiBerry Dac+ Pro. Thanks for the overview.
Lots of progress happens when you step away from the forums for 5 or so

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter or External DAC - Advice Needed

2016-06-21 Thread John_Dumke

Sorry if this has already been covered before (I am sure it has), but I
have been out of the loop for while. Recently I thought that my Duet
Receiver took a dump, which got me thinking about upgrading that portion
of my system. I have a need for two Players. One through a Niles whole
home stereo with about 40+ speakers through out the house. This was
where the Duet was placed. The Second player, a Transporter, was for the
separate high "Listening" Stereo. Old infiniity Kappa 9's, Parasound
AMP. I would like to stick with LMS and iPeng, as it is up and running
on my WHS 2011 and it works. My background, I am a reluctant techy. I do
build my own computers, and maintain them. Have a BSME degree from 30
years ago. But there are battles that I choose and battles that choose
not to fight. For this reason, the Transporter is the low effort move.

Thinking that the Duet Receiver had taken a dump got me looking. I
noticed that Transporter SE's are $585 on ebay. But in reading the
forums for a while it looks like there are other alternatives.

One alternative that looked interesting was to use the Duet Receiver and
optical out to an external DAC. This might be a way to buy a product
that can then be used later should I LMS no longer be an option. This is
doable, correct? If so, what DAC's in the $200-$1,000 range might you
all suggest. Are there other options for the transporting the data
portion (receiver portion)

Are there other options. The Rasberry line had me a little confused.
Do they interface with LMS?

If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anybody in L.A. area interested in sharing music?

2009-12-22 Thread John_Dumke

If so PM me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better DAC, Transporter, or High End Pre Amp, Help!

2009-11-20 Thread John_Dumke

iPhone;449352 Wrote: 
> Hello and welcome to the Forum.
> If I owned your setup and had the money, I would get a good used high
> current amp off of Audiogon first. From my experience with the Kappa 9s,
> they need a bunch of current to be happy and to produce good image and
> soundstage. I would spend the next money on a Transporter to drive the
> new amp especially if I could due without a pre-amp anymore (IE just
> play music off the server to the Transporter). This would be the
> simplest setup.

iPhone - Thank you for the advice a while back. I did pay heed. I have
updated my system with both a transporter and a Parasound A21 which I
did buy off Audiogon. Running the Transporter directly into the amp (no

As you had anticipated the Amp made a bigger improvement than the
transporter. The transporter was certainly a noticeable improvement. But
the Amp. Oh boy am I happy. That amp just makes the speakers sound like
I knew they should. 

I was considering leaving the Onkyo in on the top end (bi-amped), but
hearing the difference with the new Parasound, just by itself, I just
can do it (the Onkyo unfortunately is crap). So maybe I will get another
Parasound A21 to bi-amp, or some Parasound JC-1's for the bottom. Or
maybe a Bryston 2B to drive the top. Just thinking.

Either way, the amp completely transformed the system. The bass has
authority, mid bass is now present on instruments like bass cellos
(where there was none), and gone is the screechy, piercing highs that
grated on my nerves. Even the wife was very pleased, which REALLY means
it is noticeable.

How much more improvement will a 2nd Amp make bi-amping the speakers? I
do like listening at higher volumes.

Any suggestions, or thoughts from anyone?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better DAC, Transporter, or High End Pre Amp, Help!

2009-08-24 Thread John_Dumke

Just got the transporter and immediately set it up for a side by side
comparison with the a SB duet. 

After listening to about 20 songs here is a summary of the audible
difference: The Transporter sounds like music, while the SB duet sounds
like noise. 

Some specifics...
Bass - I now have some!, the SB was very weak down low. I think the
Infinity Kappa 9's (from what I remember) were crossed over at 80hz and
below?, for which there are a total of 4 x 12" woofers. The transporter
now generates nice clean bass that is very pleasing. The SB duet was
nowhere close to generating the bass that these speakers can reproduce.

Instruments.. There is much more realism with instruments, guitars
sound like guitars, and each instument just sounds more realistic. With
the SB Duet, instruments would blend together into a harsh soup of

Now don't get me wrong, the SB Duet isn't bad. I think it is perfectly
acceptable when paired with any of the Niles in ceiling speakers used
with the whole home stereo that are piped throughout my home. But when
used in an audiophile experience with good speakers there is a

Overall the music has more clarity, is more authentic and has a much
richer sound. I think it will provide a much more rewarding musical
experience with much less fatigue.

Now for some new amplification, so I can really FEEL the bass.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better DAC, Transporter, or High End Pre Amp, Help!

2009-08-22 Thread John_Dumke

Making progress... I have ordered a Transporter and will give an update
as soon as I get it. While there were a lot of choices for upgrading the
DAC of the SB, the decision for a new amp is maybe even harder. But this
does need to be upgraded. I may have a source for Bryston at a favorable
price, and I have a friend of a friend that makes tube amps. So maybe a
Bryston 4BSST2 for the bottom end (300wpc at 8ohms) and a smaller tube
amp for the upper end. Not really sure, still doing a lot of homework.

The integrated amp solution is not as appealing as I don't really need
a preamp, and the Kappa's really should be bi amped, and need a lot of
high current power from what I hear.

I will keep the Infinity Kappa 9's, as they are probably the strongest
part of the system. 

Thanks for all of the input.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better DAC, Transporter, or High End Pre Amp, Help!

2009-08-18 Thread John_Dumke

iPhone;449352 Wrote: 
> Try running the Receiver straight into the amp and see what you hear. 

I tried this today. At first the change wasn't quite so obvious. But
after comparing about 15 different songs that I know well. It became
clear that removing the Yamaha pre amp, drastically improved the sound
quality and pleasure.

With the pre amp the music sounded only about 1 foot thick and
uninvolving. With the squeezebox going directly to the amp, the sound
became more 3 dimensional, more like a 3D movie, where the sound came
out and touched me. I guess this would be what is referred to as

Either way the end result is the music is much more fun to listen to
and much more involving. The bass also seemed to have a little more
authority and clarity. The highs were not as schrill.

Overall a much more enjoyable listening experience.

Now what to do for the amp  and or DAC or Transporter


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better DAC, Transporter, or High End Pre Amp, Help!

2009-08-17 Thread John_Dumke

Thanks for the suggestions.

I will bypass the Yamaha Pre-amp and see what that sounds like with the
squeezebox going directly to the power amp.

Regarding amps. Yes the Infinity Kappa 9's need lots of power (high
current). I previously had them bi-amped with a Yamaha MX-800U (170wpc
@8ohms) driving the upper end and the Onkyo M-508 driving the lower end.
But I damaged the Yamaha amp (Bonehead move on my part) and am trying to
get it fixed. 

If I can't get it fixed (or even if I can), I was thinking of getting a
used Adcom GFA-5802 (or two) to drive the speakers. These are 300wpc
amps. It seams like there are a lot less choices these days for 2
channel amps.

Any suggestions on 2 channel amps with good power?

I am interested to hear what it sounds like with the Pre Amp out of the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better DAC, Transporter, or High End Pre Amp, Help!

2009-08-17 Thread John_Dumke

So I spent about 4 hours yesterday reading about DACs and the choices
are too numerous. Background: I am playing flac files ripped in
dbPoweramp, then Squeezebox duet, Yamaha CX-800U preamp, Onkyo Grand
Integra M-508 (200wpc @8ohms), and then through Infinity Kappa 9's (very
capable and revealing speakers). My assessments is that the sound is a
little harsh, edgy, and 2 dimensional. Don't get me wrong the Sqeezebox
is not bad, but the Infinity Kappa 9's make poor source material

My options look like the following
1) Buy an external DAC
2) Buy a Transporter
3) Buy a high end Pre amp with an internal DAC, like a Bryston SP2

The External DAC options and numerous. Here are some of the ones I have
read about, both new and used.

Adcom GDA-600 - used $225
Music Fidelity V-DAC
Gigalab NOS USB DAC TDA1543 1ppm TCXO Dual clock ver $200
Valab NOS USB Re-Clock DAC Low Jitter Dual 1ppm TCXO $200
Behringer ULTRAMATCH PRO SRC2496 - $300 - has a ton of different DACS
Music Hall - DAC 25.2 - $600
PS Audio - Digital Link III - $700
Lavry DA10 - about $800?
Apogee Mini DAC - ?
Benchmark DAC1 - $900 - $1900
Beresford TC-7520
Bryston - BDA-1 - $2,000
CIAUDIO - VDA-2 - $600
Stello DA100 - $700
Zhaolu D3.5 DAC - $350
Cambridge Audio DacMagic - $450
Musical Fidelity X Dac V3 - used $525

If I were to buy one of these DACs it would probably be the Cambridge
Audio DacMagic or one in the $600 - $1,000 range, like the Music Hall
DAC 25.2, PS Audio Digital Link III, or Lavry DA10, or a Benchmark

The slippery slope
But once I am spending $800 bucks, why don't I just get a used
transporter (around $1,200), and if am spending $1,200 on a Transporter,
why don't I just get a High End pre-amp with a quality DAC inside and
just use the optical out on the Squeezebox.

When I started this search, I was leaning towards an external DAC, but
now I am leaning towards a Transporter. The speakers are bright and
capable of producing lots of Highs, and my home has lots of concrete,
glass and steel, so the environment is bright.

Does a Transporter allow me to bypass the preamp?

It wasn't until I got the Infinity Kappa 9's (about 20 years ago), that
I  realized how critical source material, I could clearly discern good
cd's and bad cd's. Now that I have set up the Kappa's again, I am trying
to get back that good rich sound and I think the SB is my limiting

There are just too many choices, I am confused.


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