Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Pop/click in transporter playback with recent firmware

2012-03-30 Thread Lefatshe

I had pops and clicks too from my Transporter (wired with 7.6.1).  They
were very random. I discovered it was the Transporter when I realized
that in Polarity Inversion I had chosen "inverted polarity".  When I
switched back to "normal polarity" the pops and clicks disappeared.

Today I also experienced some soft crackling.  They were happening
right at the end of tracks, just before going to the next.  In my
explorations today of going from the Transporter to an external DAC
(Levinson 360s) -- and whether to use AES/EBU cable or S/PDIF for the
digital signal (audiophile game), whether to have the Digital Output
Encoding in AES/EBU or S/PDIF, and what choices there are for the word
clock -- I created the sound of a small rodent running in my speaker
wires. ;-) 

The crackling is gone now because I've reverted to having the
Transporter as the master for the clock choices (although I don't have
anything connected to the BNC word clock output).  Both the Transporter
and the Levinson DAC reclock, but I don't think I can create a
master/slave relationship between them.  But I will continue to try to
understand "word clock" options with the Transporter and whether there
is a possibility to use synchronous or asychronous clocking.


fanless Zalman TNN300 PC (16000+ FLAC) going to:

Study:  ethernet->TRANSPORTER->Klyne preamp->AVA Ultimate 70->WLM
Living Room:  wireless->SB3->Audio/Visual system
Bedroom:  wireless->TOUCH->Sony bookshelf system
Boom: anywhere else nearby (in/out)
Man-Cave:  ethernet->SB3->EmpiricalAudio modded Benchmark DAC1->The
Magic amp->Audiokinesis Rhythm Prisms

Still trying to fake-out my brain so I believe I'm at the live concert!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Agggghh Transporter gone

2010-10-06 Thread Lefatshe

This whole thread and no one mentioned looking on for a
used Transporter?  That's how I bought mine in 2007.

On this Audiophiles discussion group someone might point the guy to the
7 Transporters listed today on -- some superbly modified by
Dan Wright (Modwright).  But if interested, act fast.  The non-modified
ones (without the Modwright tubes) go very fast.  The Modwright mods
are likely to be the next sonic improvement in my system.  If so, I'll
be selling my non-modded Transporter.  Keep your eyes open.


Transporter: study
SB3: living room 
SB3: bedroom
Boom: anywhere else nearby (in/out)

fanless Zalman TNN300 PC (12000+ songs) -> ethernet -> Transporter ->
Jeff Rowland Concentra -> Gallo Nucleus Reference 2

Still trying to fake-out my brain so I believe I'm at the live concert!

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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Smart Gain

2009-03-27 Thread Lefatshe

As usual, Moonbase, you've provided excellent advise and I will start on
the project.  

Yes, Smart Gain worked just as it should, and now I know I have some
"off the chart" volume adjustment values that need to be corrected.


Fanless Zalman TNN 300 PC->Transporter->Rowland Concentra->Gallo
Nucleus Reference 2

audiophile goal: faking-out your brain so you believe you're at the
live concert

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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Smart Gain

2009-03-26 Thread Lefatshe

Wow. Smart Gain just really freaked out my speakers.  If I'd been
listening louder it would have done damage.  Luckily I was near the
volume control.  I couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from.
I was listening to track 1 of Essential Tallis Scholars (CD1).  Not
rafter-raising music.

Over the past weekend I was doing critical listening to see if there
was a difference with Track Gain, No Volume Adjustment, Album Gain, and
Smart Gain.(the short answer is, yes.)  I left SC in Smart Gain. 
Previously it was set on Track Gain and there hadn't been a problem
with this album or track, even when random mixes. Tonight I was
listening to just the album (not shuffled with others).

I now see why there was a noise.  The album volume adjustment is 64.82
db.  Yikes!!!  It was  ripped with Grip, which uses cdparanoia, and the
replay gain is set in the FLAC command line.  I've never seen any dB
adjustment near that much up or down, for any track or album -- but who
checks all the data of all their music (~12,000 songs).  I better go
re-rip that CD.


Fanless Zalman TNN 300 PC->Transporter->Rowland Concentra->Gallo
Nucleus Reference 2

audiophile goal: faking-out your brain so you believe you're at the
live concert

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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-11 Thread Lefatshe

Thanks Frank for describing your equipment with the ModWright
Transporter.  In my short experience with audiophile equipment the
associated equipment, the room and the wires all matter.  I'm glad your
ears love it.  The audiophile who sold me my Transporter (thanks Karl)
highly recommended Dan's work, especially if it becomes the center of
my system.

HalleysComet;267932 Wrote: 
> My music room has electrostats (some early Roger Sanders Eros), with
> his Innersound amplifiers.  Probably not too different than your ML's,
> I would guess.  I use a passive transformer-based preamp there.  This
> system is brutally revealing, but whole-cloth honest.  Mostly I listen
> to vinyl in this system.  I have a nice Teres-based record deck, which
> is my primary source, via a K&K phono preamp.  
> In my living room I have Magneplanar 1.6qr speakers which are actively
> bi-amped via a pair of heavily modified Harmon Kardon Citation
> amplifiers, basically 130 watts per channel (one amp channel per
> speaker driver).  The Maggies are inherently sweeter sounding than the
> Eros, but lower resolution than the electrostats, although MUCH more
> capable of detail retreival than they were stock.  
> This is the system for which I purchased the Transporter, but I like it
> so well, I think it will end up living in my music room, where I do my
> serious listening.  For the living room, it's shared space.  I'll
> probably spring for a Duet, and run it through my (ModWright-modified!)
> DAC.

I've done a lot of A/B listening through the un-modded Transporter. 
I've tried feeding the DAC with a Rotel and a Pioneer Elite CD player. 
Switched the interconnects and powercords to the Transporter, and from
it.  (Yes, DarrenYeats, this thread could be all be about wires!)  And
I've compared the Transporter's DAC to the DAC's in each CDP mentioned
above and a Polyfusion Audio DAC.  I've even fed the Transporter into a
Mapleshade Magic amp (hybrid tubes/ss stages) and noted the introduction
of the tubes into the signal path!  All great.  It depends on what your
ears like.

Frank, your writing describes beautifully the audiophile goal: 
faking-out your brain so you believe you're at the live concert. 


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Fanless Zalman TNN 300 PC->Transporter->Kimber silver->Rotel
Rx-1052->Mapleshade wires->Gallo Reference 2

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