[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-06 Thread Loftprojection

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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

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Here is my transportable around the house setup.  A modded battery
powered RedWineAudio SB2 feeding a RaySamuelsAudio XP7 amplifier to
AudioTechnica W1000 headphones.  Music nirvana in every room of the
house!  (exterior of the rack still need a finishing layer!)

|Filename: Squeezebox-Headphone-system2.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1649|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2006-08-21 Thread Loftprojection

bitmonkey, I was in the same "exact" (well almost) same boat as you 2
months ago.  I had the Arcam CD23T which is almost the same as your
CD23 and I wanted to get a Squeezebox but I was not willing to
compromise sound quality at all.

So I read stuff on multiple forums, people were all telling me no
problem the SB will beat your CD23T hands down, no jitter, bit perfect
and so on...  

Well I decided to jump in and got myself a modded RedWineAudio SB2. 
The SB2 is supposed to be a tiny bit better then SB3 for modding.  I
went with RWA because I liked the fact that it was battery powered so
no more expensive power cable and power conditionning.  There are a few
who say the Bolder mods are a bit better then the RWA but that is once
you add all sorts of features like again power cable, silver bybee and
so on.

Since I was not convinced at all a SB internal DAC could beat the
famous RingDAC we have in our Arcam CDP, I also decided to buy an
external DAC at the same time.

After several weeks of a/b testing with various configurations of
interconnect and digital cables, I sold my CDP.  However, its not with
the moded SB internal DAC that I was able beats my CDP, it's with the
moded SB digital out feeding my external DAC with a good digital

So I can't talk about the Bolder mods, but if I was you, I would
probably spend just on the digital mod and get the best DAC you can
afford that meets your taste.  

Hope this helps a bit, don't hesitate if you have specific questions on
my setup.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: redwine audio mods

2006-08-16 Thread Loftprojection

I love mine but it is a RWA SB2 not SB3.  I was tempted by the Bolder
mod as well as the RedWine but bottom line from all the comments I've
read there is not much difference between the two in terms of sound
quality.  However, RWA has one thing that was really big for me, it is
battery powered.  So this means I can carry it around the house as a
headphone sound system.  Also, it means I don't have to worry about
expensive power cable or power filtering to make sure I get the best
sound.  You can see my little setup in the thread below.  If you have
questions don't hesitate, as you can see I'm a satisfied customer!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter from a marketing perspective

2006-07-25 Thread Loftprojection

You might under estimate the power of sound quality to ones ears!

Look at how many have paid 2-3 times the original price of the SB2 or
SB3 to have it modded by RedWineAudio or Bolder Cables in order to
improve sound quality. 

The Transporter will probably provide even better sound quality then
those modded SB2-3 so many will want to sell theirs and get the new and
improved Transporter.  There is definitely a market for high end quality
sounding equipment.  It may not generate as much volume but there sure
is a market in my opinion.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: I need a DAC !

2006-07-22 Thread Loftprojection

I have a Arcam FMJ-CD23T and I have always loved the sound of Arcam (I
also have a Arcam amp and cinema processor).  In case you don't know
the CD23T, it was sold upwards of $2000 a few years ago and it has the
famous DCS RingDAC inside. 

A few months ago I bought a MHDT Paradisea DAC.  Those are made by a
guy in Asia on his spare time and he sells them on ebay.  A recent
magazine review made me discover this little DAC:


I also bought a modded RedWineAudio SqueezeBox2.  I've never heard the
stock SB.

Well the combination of the RWA SB2 feeding digital into my Paradisea
DAC is for sure very nice.  The sound signature is a bit different from
my Arcam but not much.  On some albums I still prefer my CDP by a tiny
margin but on many I can't really say which one I prefer while on some
I find the SB2/Paradisea combo nicer.  

Hope this helps.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: An audiophile forum without an Audiophile SB!!! Let's define our needs!

2006-06-15 Thread Loftprojection

opaqueice Wrote: 
> Yeah, I agree.  If I were SD, at this point I would concentrate on
> software, interface and advertising rather than hardware.  The hardware
> is already good enough to get positive reviews from hard-core
> audiophiles - so it's more than good enough for most people.  On the
> other hand the SS interface is pretty clunky, and set-up etc. are not
> very streamlined.  If they want to turn this into a mainstream consumer
> product, that's what they need to improve.

Hum, I don't agree either!  haha  On the contrary, SlimDevices
currently has only one version of it's hardware platform.  They already
have two modding companies that I know of (BolderCables and
RedWineAudio) making money by taking that hardware platform to another
level and there are certainly plenty of buyers of the SB that would
have paid more for a audiophile version but do not send the one they
bought to the modders for various reasons.

So, in my opinion, there is a market and in my opinion, it would not
cost much for SlimDevices to offer an audiophile version and they could
increase their profit margin significantly on that version versus the
regural version.

Hey, I might be wrong!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: An audiophile forum without an Audiophile SB!!! Let's define our needs!

2006-06-15 Thread Loftprojection

By the way, I'm not trying to reach an agreement on what "we" want for a
audiophile SB.  I'm just trying to generate a number of ideas that
SlimDevices management can use to better "position" a potential future
product.  Also trying to show SlimDevices that there is an interest for
a "high end" Squeezebox!  Anyway, sorry that it has been covered before
but I guess the more we talk about it the more SlimDevices is going to
realize there is a potential...

Thanks for contributing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] An audiophile forum without an Audiophile SB!!! Let's define our needs!

2006-06-14 Thread Loftprojection

Hey, an audiophile Squeezebox forum without and audiophile version of
the SB, what's this!  Let's tell SlimDevices what we would like and how
much we'd be willing to pay for it.

I would be willing to pay $100 to $200 more then the current price for
an audiophile version of the SB if the digital path would be improved
as much as this money allows.  The analog section could stay the same
since as a "would be audiophile", I would connect the SB to an external
DAC.  Also the headphone out could be eliminated since an audiophile
will have his own headphone amp anyway.

So what are your wishes and how much are you willing to spend on it.  

Hopefully this thread will encourage SlimDevices management to consider
making a audiophile version of the SB...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Nice review of the SB3 in UHF magazine

2006-06-14 Thread Loftprojection

krzys Wrote: 
> In short (my English is average). They say what we already know: from
> audiophile point of view, the SB is on par to the mid and upper mid
> class players (let say up to 2k$ ) but not as good as the best ones
> (what else can they say?). 
> They give some credit for the audiophile in and outs, the sound, the
> internal Dac and rave about the user friendliness of the SB.
> Read their conclusions on page 48. 
> chris

Yes, your summary is about what I concluded also.  It's too bad Slim
doesn't make a "high end" SB for a hundred or two more, let's say
upgrading everything in the digital path of the SB to top parts or even
a fully digital SB with no analog so that the SB would become THE
digital transport on the market, no CDP transport being able to best
it.  This way audiophile could still buy a high end $$$ CDP if they
wanted but they would have also the option of buying a DAC they want
and benefit from computer audio knowing their DAC is fed by the best
digital transport there is on the marker, and all that at a very
affordable price!  haha  I'm talking for myself now!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 + high end DAC versus high end CD Player?

2006-06-14 Thread Loftprojection

I've been reading this thread with great interest because I don't own a
SB yet but I'm very interested by it.

Anyway, in my opinion, I think the most relevant piece of information
here is what Philodox posted.  He has a real life experience where his
Eastsound CDP used as a transport into a DAC actually sounds better
than his SB3 into the same DAC.  Did he do a blind test, I don't know,
but I guess we can trust that he did a "relatively objective" test
since he owns both piece of equipment.

To me, it would be really interesting if more people would post the
real tests they did to verify is the SB3 digital out produces or not
equal, higher or lower sound quality then high end CDP used as

The original poster was asking about a SB3 into a high end DAC versus a
high end CDP, that would be not an objective test because the DAC in the
CDP can be of lower or higher quality then the DAC used with the SB. 
However a high end CDP as transport into the same DAC used with the SB3
digital out produces a real "objective" test, like what Philodox did.  

Up to now, most of the "relatively objective" tests (magazine articles
and forum threads) that I've read were pointing to the same conclusion
as what Philodox said.  Using a high end CDP as transport into a high
end DAC and high end downstream system produces a "slightly" better
sound quality then using the SB3 as transport.  Is the SB3 an
incredible bargain transport, sure.  Is the SB3 an incredible high end
transport, not quite it seems.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-26 Thread Loftprojection

Well I think I'm getting closer to the SB now.  Thanks for your input
guys.  I just bought myself an external DAC (an MHDT Paradisea) and
I've done some testing against my CPD (an Arcam CD23T).  Using the
Arcam as a full unit transport/DAC it is significantly better then
using my Paradisea fed by an optical out of my Audigy soundcard. 
However, when I use the Arcam as transport, then the Paradisea DAC is
different but as nice if not nicer then the Arcam's internal DAC.  This
demonstrate that using my portable PC with Audigy soundcard as a
transport is no good against a reputable CDP transport.  So I have to
get a new transport that will be at least equivalent to my CDP and
hopefully the SB3 will do the job!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-17 Thread Loftprojection

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> On the contrary, I feel that the SB can exceed the capabilities of many
> exalted CDP's - or at least their transports. There are numerous good
> engineering reasons why this might theoretically be the case, but at
> the end of the day your ears (brain) have to decide.
> I know many will scoff at the SB beats Naim/dCS/Esoteric/(insert your
> fave transport here) hypothesis, but I've owned and been lucky enough
> to borrow many of the "top drawer" transports and I'm personally never
> going back...

Well when I'm talking about comparing the SB to CDP it's not as a
transport only.  I mean more like a stock of fully analog modified SB
versus a CDP (transport/DAC).  Like you I'm quite convinced that the SB
as a transport with or without mods is probably a great tool that can
match a lot of CDP as "transport" only if you have an external DAC. 
It's when you use the SB as a whole that I'm not sure it can compete
with good CDP.


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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23948

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-16 Thread Loftprojection

First off, I want to mention that I don't have a SB...yet!  However,
I've reading a lot about it, specially on audiocircle.

Browsing quickly through the audiophiles section here, I'm a bit
surprised to see that there doesn't seem to be a lot of you guys that
had your SB modded by the likes of RedWineAudio, BolderCable or others
(or I did not browse long enough!).  A lot of you seem to upgrade the
power supply but there seems to be plenty of stock units as well.  I've
also seen in the picture thread that many of you have good audio setup.

So I'm wondering if some of you could share feedback on how you "use"
your SB? If you already have a good CDP, did you think about having you
SB professionnaly modified in order to get "possibly" get as good or
better sound from the SB?  Or you just don't believe the SB can achieve
the sound quality of your CDP.

Anyway, any comments on your experience with the SB sound quality will
be appreciated.



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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23948

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