Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] psycho acoustics: the nightmare of listening tests

2012-02-06 Thread Ron Olsen

If you want to know how the brain works to interpret auditory stimuli,
please listen to James Johnston's remarks from 1:00 to 5:20 in the
Audio Myths Workshop:

FYI, JJ is a recognized expert in the field; see his credentials here:

Bottom line: blind listening tests are necessary to determine if a
perceived auditory difference is real or imagined.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-05 Thread Ron Olsen

SBGK;688768 Wrote: 
> I think this must mean that Microsoft are working to different laws of
> physics/science than you guys, I think I'll trust Microsoft's view of
> the world over your homespun dogma, no offence meant. I look forward to
> the denials that Win 8 doesn't make a difference. Struth.

Unless you can distinguish Windows 8 from other OS platforms in a blind
listening test, your claims mean nothing. Struth.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Dumbest Thing Reviewers Say

2012-02-01 Thread Ron Olsen

What you hear depends on what your brain is focusing on. You can listen
to the same track several times and focus on a different instrument or
vocal, and hear something different each time. We hear with our brain,
nor just with our ears.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ethernet Connection

2012-01-31 Thread Ron Olsen

Phil Leigh;687509 Wrote: 
> I have ferrites at both ends of the ethernet between router and Touch. I
> also have ferrites at both ends of all of my mains cables. I don't put 
> them on analogue signal cables... and my Touch is currently connected
> to DAC via Toslink so no need for ferrites there.
> I use the ferrite clamps (available in different sizes for different
> cables) available from Maplin - see here:
> Because they act as inductors, I tend to avoid putting them on analogue
> cables to avoid chaning the frequency response (although their effect at
> audio frequencies is tiny).
> I started doing this years ago in the studio where over 50 items of
> audio and computer equipment were in close proximity and interference
> can become a nightmare to deal with in a restricted space.

Are these precautions necessary in a typical home theater environment
where there's only a small rat's nest of wiring? Everything looks and
sounds fine in my home theater system, and I don't use ferrites; just
generic cat 5e Ethernet cables and manufacturer-supplied power cords.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-30 Thread Ron Olsen

pandasharka;687421 Wrote: 
> Two things I've never been into;
> a) Subwoofers - great in a home cinema environment - but in listening
> room? 

Kodo's Lion (with a large bass drum hit with a huge club) sounds
fantastic on my listening system with a well-integrated subwoofer.
Unless your main speakers have good response down to 25 or 30 Hz, a
properly integrated subwoofer can add palpable realism and intensity to
recordings with deep bass in them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-29 Thread Ron Olsen

If money is no object, buy the best-sounding, most expensive speakers
you can afford. Position them properly, do electronic and/or acoustic
room correction. Buy a high-quality DAC to feed the speakers.
Everything else is a second-order effect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ethernet Connection

2012-01-29 Thread Ron Olsen

Try connecting the Transporter to your network using WiFi instead of

Do you hear any difference in sound quality? If not, then there's
little to gain by worrying about the Ethernet cables in your network.

The setup in my home network:

Transporter in home theater connected with short Ethernet cable to an
Ethernet switch. Ethernet switch connected with short Ethernet cable to
wall jack. 30' run of Ethernet cable in wall connected to patch panel in
the basement. Patch panel connected to router with short Ethernet

VortexBox Appliance running LMS in office connected with short Ethernet
cable to Ethernet switch. Ethernet switch connected with short Ethernet
cable to Ethernet wall jack.  30' run of Ethernet cable in the wall
connected to patch panel in basement. Patch panel in basement connected
with short Ethernet cable to router.

All of this cable is cat 5 or cat 5e. Generic stuff; nothing exotic.

Guess what: it sounds marvelous.  Good source material, good
electronics, excellent player, excellent speakers, positioned properly,
electronic room correction with Audyssey in my Denon AVR. Audio heaven.

Sounds as if you have already done a lot to optimize the performance of
your audio system. Time to stop worrying and enjoy the music. Don't
succumb to audiophilia nervosa, or if already afflicted, try this cure:
listen to some of your favorite music with your favorite beverage close
at hand.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-29 Thread Ron Olsen

Thanks to Phil and the others who are calling BS on the posts in this
thread by SBGK and Soundcheck.

Unfortunately, arguing with people who have entrenched but incorrect
beliefs is futile.  They will never change their position based on
logic; they have too much invested in their incorrect beliefs.

It's like arguing with Creationists, who think the world was created
6,000 years ago.  You ask them "What about dinosaurs?" and they come up
with an explanation that fits their beliefs.  They'll never say, "Oh,
you're right. I'm wrong. Thank you for helping me see the light".

SBGK and Soundcheck will never admit they're wrong, either, despite all
the logical arguments that are presented to them.

Maybe they'll just go away and pollute some other forum with their

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-25 Thread Ron Olsen

guidof;686396 Wrote: 
> I am considering ripping my LPs and would appreciate knowing which
> method/equipment you used to do your ripping.
> Thanks in advance for any info.
> Guido F.

Several users on the VortexBox forum like Vinyl Studio:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-23 Thread Ron Olsen

darrell;685922 Wrote: 
> OK, to be more serious, I think a poster 10 pages back hit the nail on
> the head:
> > > > All this tweaking is making me neurotic and preventing me from enjoying
> > the music in a relaxed state of mind.> > 
Audiophilia nervosa knows no bounds:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My third Shunyata power cable

2012-01-23 Thread Ron Olsen


How's about what Chris Russell of Bryston has to say when I emailed him
some time back?

Thanks for your interesting inquiry re power cords. I can answer fully
with normal engineering considerations and simple information: There
are likely to be 50 miles of cable and half a dozen or more
transformers between you and the power plant generating the power that
your sound system uses. It is unlikely, to say the least, that a power
cord occupying the final six feet of that 50 miles can do anything
positive to change the conditions of that power.

It is possible to do damage to power delivery of course, by restricting
current flow for instance. That would be the case if you had a cord
which was too thin for the power needs, for example. If the power cord
was much larger than necessary, however, it would unfortunately be
limited by outside factors, such as the size of the wiring in your
walls, or outside your house.

It is also possible for a power cord to incorporate bandwidth-limiting
components, to restrict the influx of RF or other contaminants to the
60Hz waveform. It is not possible, unfortunately, to do this without
restricting the flow of 60Hz current to some degree as well. Most audio
products, especially including Bryston audio components, contain
internal circuitry designed to eliminate these contaminants within the
power supply. They are designed to operate from an unrestricted source
of 60Hz current, and will actually work less well if the current is
restricted from the outside.

In sum, it is certainly possible for a six-foot power cord to have an
effect on the sound, and to change the sonic quality, for the worse. It
is not possible, unfortunately, for this change to be an improvement, at
least in connection with Bryston products. Bryston recommends that the
customer do careful listening prior to spending what is usually a very
substantial amount of money on exotic power cords. Remember that it is
in the cord vendor's direct financial interest to proclaim an
improvement in sound quality for their products, and that any change is
not necessarily a desirable one.

I hope the above is helpful, but please do not hesitate to get in touch
if you have other questions.

Chris Russell
Bryston Ltd.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Point of increasing returns

2012-01-20 Thread Ron Olsen

ralphpnj;685375 Wrote: 
> WTF does banghead mean?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-20 Thread Ron Olsen

ralphpnj;685297 Wrote: 
> I know that, you know that and many other members of this forum know
> that but what I'm really asking is can it shown that "the flashy,
> nicely packaged, super-expensive stuff in that CES article" is just a
> blatant attempt by these manufacturers to rip off their customers?

No. They are giving their customers what they want: expensive eye
candy, pride of ownership, bragging rights. Their customers are not
interested in low-cost equipment that works well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-20 Thread Ron Olsen

SqueezeBox player for music. WD TV, Boxee Box, or Apple TV 2 for video.

No need to buy the flashy, nicely-packaged, super-expensive stuff in
that CES article.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-19 Thread Ron Olsen

Archimago;685191 Wrote: 
> About the original topic of 'audio truths' or things that could make a
> positive impact, I would recommend considering a good EQ unit! Recently
> got a DEQ2496 to play with through the Transporter's digital loop.  Wow!
> Made a world of difference in my audio room taming those bass peaks,
> some of which were +15dB. The sonic difference at my listening sweet
> spot has improved beyond any cables I've ever tried.

Excellent point. Some AV Receivers such as those made by Denon have
Audyssyey room correction built in. You calibrate by taking
measurements with a supplied microphone at various points in the
listening area. Seems to work very well. If you are in the market for
an AVR, you should consider one with this feature.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-19 Thread Ron Olsen

Interesting commentary from a moderator at

"Does anyone ever wonder why cable manufacturers and merchants don't
ever test their own products? Or maybe they have, but don't tell the

Think about it. If you had a multimillion dollar company and a vocal
group was calling your product snakeoil, wouldn't you want to do
something about it? The manufacturers absolutely know they have
critics, yet they do nothing. Why is this? Wouldn't any reasonable
person want to put an end to the controversy?

If you were a cable manufacturer, wouldn't you also want conclusive
tests to show your product to be superior to the competition? Look at
what Intel and AMD do to each other. Why don't Nordost and Cardas, for
example, do the same? If they could, it would be a huge sales advantage
over the other, right?

And speaking of sales, conclusive testing would mean that the skeptics
would probably end up buying their products. Meaning, of course, higher
sales. They want increased sales, right?

But they don't do this. All you get are testimonials. Just like quack
medicine. Also, notice how carefully worded their advertising is. It is
always just shy of being on the hook for false and deceptive
advertising. Why is this? Again, if you ran the company, wouldn't you
want to be absolutely certain that your product was best and decisively
address that in advertising?"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-19 Thread Ron Olsen

An article on blind listening tests of amplifiers:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-19 Thread Ron Olsen

An audiophile power cable blind listening test:

And the results:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Truths

2012-01-19 Thread Ron Olsen

Here's a great article on "audio truths" about speaker wire:

You can get excellent, high-performance speaker wire for about $1/ft.
No need to pay more.  Good quality 12-gauge wire is all that you need.
Don't make the length any longer than necessary.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio advice

2012-01-18 Thread Ron Olsen

A SB Touch will not give any significant improvement in sound over a
Duet + DacMagic.

Save your money and put it into a speaker upgrade fund. Better speakers
will give you the biggest improvement to the sound of your system.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

rgro;684692 Wrote: 
> "True. Do what floats your boat. But don't foist off voodoo science on
> unsuspecting newbies looking to use a SB Touch in their music system as
> "required mods to get the best out of your Touch." 
> First of all, I agree with both of these.  But, and I ask this in all
> seriousness:  
> Can one or both of you tell me what exactly is considered "voodoo
> science"?  Is "I tried  in my Touch and my music sounds better now"
> defined as voodoo science?  
> Since I see a lot of this sort of thing and, due to my vast lack of
> knowledge in this field, I'm often totally confused by the responses. 
> It seems that some folks consider this type of statetment as just one
> individual's opinion (the "try it, YMMV idea) and others see it and
> react as if it were heresy/voodoo science (the "without DBT and/or
> published, peer-reveiwed research, etc. to back it up then it should
> not be stated at all" idea). 
> Is it more in HOW it's stated (as in "this'll change your life/you MUST
> do this!!"), or is it just the notion that anything at all that is
> stated without objective substantiation is, by definition, categorized
> as voodoo?
> I get that there are some things that just fly completely in the face
> of current physics and acoustical science.  But it'd sure be nice for
> us numpties to have some objective measure of what's generally
> considered merely opinion (and left at that), what's generally
> considered total b.s., and what is considered "good" science!  Thanks.

Good audio science = validated by blind listening test.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to improve the sound of your Squeezebox Touch

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

magiccarpetride;684689 Wrote: 
> If I place a water filter at the end of my faucet, according to your
> logic, that would be useless, because there are miles of miles of water
> pipes leading to my house, and these pipes are supplying unclean water.
> According to your reasoning, I should place water filters every step of
> the way in order to get clean water?
> Were you home schooled by any chance?

No; I have a Master's degree in electrical engineering and computer
science from M.I.T.

Claiming that changing a 3 ft. section of wire gives "an order of
magnitude better sound" is pure BS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to improve the sound of your Squeezebox Touch

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

What about all the wire in the walls? You just replaced a 3 ft. section?
You also need to rip out all that substandard wire inside the walls, all
the way back to the power meter, and replace it with Venom as well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

steveinaz;684656 Wrote: 
> The bigger question is: Why are people so pre-occupied with the
> decisions of other people? Is hi-fi not a hobby? What fun is it to have
> a hobby---and then "sit in the box" never trying anything new? Where's
> the passion in that?
> Experiment gents. Let the lab rats be lab rats, let the nut jobs be nut
> jobs. If hi-fi was all about: "buy this, this, and this; you're done."
> Where the hell is the fun in -that-?
> Lighten up, and enjoy the music baby. If that exotic cable blows up
> your skirt---I say go for it. If tweaking that Touch to perfection
> gives you a woodie, woodie it up man. Hobbies are suppose to be fun,
> no?

True. Do what floats your boat. But don't foist off voodoo science on
unsuspecting newbies looking to use a SB Touch in their music system as
"required mods to get the best out of your Touch."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

guidof;684632 Wrote: 
> Yes, I have, and I'm fully aware of the fallibility of our senses. 
> Just the same, I don't see any of us driving around with our eyes
> closed. ;-)
> Guido F.

I was not proposing a listening test with your fingers in your ears!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

guidof;684620 Wrote: 
> Yes, it makes me happy. ;-)
> I'm not a technical person, but I thought Phil had provided some
> technical facts that seemed plausible to me.
> I was just as skeptical as you, as my OP makes clear. That skepticism
> does not, however, render me incapable of noticing audio differences.
> Having lived for half a century with audio-related choices made without
> the benefits of double blind tests, I don't think I'm going to start
> now. ;-)
> Guido F.

I was only proposing a single-blind test requiring two people. One
randomly selects the cable by coin flip,  installs selected cable,
writes down cable choice, then leaves the room. Second person enters
room and listens without seeing cable choice. Listener writes down if
it's cable A or cable B. Repeat 20 times. Compare the two lists at end
of test. See if listener gets significantly more than 50% correct. Not
hard; should only require an hour or two.

Have you watched this video from Ethan Winer's Audio Myths Workshop?

Then you will learn that hearing can be steered, and what you think you
hear can be affected by non-auditory cues.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

guidof;684598 Wrote: 
> Spending lots of money on ANY "audiophile" cable IS foolish. That was
> NOT my suggestion.
> While data transmission is not affected by choice of Ethernet cables,
> that may not necessarily mean there is no difference in the audio one
> hears. (See my previous post and Phil Leigh's response on post #316) at
> Would I rewire the house in search of improvements in the sound? No. 
> But if I could test the difference with a short run of cat6, as I did,
> why not? It was only $15 and worth every dime to me. 
> Of course, no guarantee it would work for someone else. But it might.
> Guido F.

In that same post, Phil says

'Generic advice such as "Use Cat 5 not Cat 6 to avoid ground plane RF
transmission/coupling issues" still stands.'

So it appears that cat 5 is preferable to cat 6 to avoid RF effects
that could influence downstream audio components.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-17 Thread Ron Olsen

Any cat 5e or cat 6 Ethernet cable will work and produce identical
results. Spending lots of money on "audiophile" Ethernet cable is

I'm copying my music and video library from one server to another on my
network over generic cat 5e Ethernet cable. 1.8 TB of data. All of it
will be exactly correct at the receiving end due to many layers of
error detection and correction in the data transmission protocols.

Look elsewhere to improve audio quality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ode to room acoustics

2012-01-12 Thread Ron Olsen

magiccarpetride;683442 Wrote: 
> I think room acoustics is largely placebo. Here is why: if you take a
> good instrument, such as Martin D28 acoustic guitar, it will sound
> gorgeous no matter in what room it is played. On the other hand, a
> shitty instrument will sound shitty regardless of the room treatments.
> Ergo, the room hardly matters, if at all.

Sorry, but you're wrong:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice please - upgrade priority

2012-01-10 Thread Ron Olsen

A matching subwoofer to extend audio response down to 30 Hz will give
more listening pleasure than any of those other changes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-10 Thread Ron Olsen

This is an important video to understand how human hearing works. We
hear with our brain, not with our ears. 

Important takeaways: Hearing can be steered. Expectation bias
influences perception.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch/DAC redundancy?

2012-01-05 Thread Ron Olsen

Soulkeeper;681882 Wrote: 
> After seeing a picture of the new Pioneer unit earlier today, the one
> that doesn't handle gapless playback y'know, it struck me: Logitech
> should release a version of the Touch in a standard HiFi component
> aluminium housing with 90 degree corners. No other (expensive)
> modifications. 
> If this thing cost $200 more than the current price of the Touch, it
> would still appear to most people as better value for the money,
> because it would look and feel like a piece of modern HiFi hardware.
> With a bit of marketing, I believe it could turn the world of consumer
> audio upside down, overnight. 8)
> I had almost forgotten that thought, but your comment about the
> cognitive dissonance reminded me.

Exactly. For audiophiles, it's the "pride of ownership" thing. How a
component looks is as important as how it sounds. And if something is
more expensive, it has to be better, right? Put the Touch hardware in a
Transporter-like case, double or triple the price, and audiophiles would
be a lot happier with it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread Ron Olsen

SBGK;681320 Wrote: 
> Some would say the ATC SCM20s are the best 2 way speaker out there. No
> issues with 3 way crossovers etc, but what do I know.
> if you don't understand crap in equals crap out then you have wasted a
> lot of money.
> here is a link for when you upgrade, they also do subwoofers

Agree on GIGO; that's why I have a Transporter. A matching subwoofer
for your system to get bass response down to 30 Hz will give you more
listening pleasure than endless tweaking of the Touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread Ron Olsen

SBGK;681312 Wrote: 
> this from someone who spent $3000 on a subwoofer
> Physician heal thyself
> that is funny

It works great out of the box. Matches well with my high-end speakers.
No endless, complusive tweaking required.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread Ron Olsen–compulsive_disorder

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] $30, 000 audio power cable introduced

2011-11-27 Thread Ron Olsen

firedog;673116 Wrote: 
> I still don't get the logic.
> Why would you spend 30K on the cable when you could put in a totally
> proprietary isolated electric system for your sound/AV system or room
> for the same money. Then you wouldn't have a last yard, b/c you would
> be the last yard. 
> Wouldn't that work better?

Take the $30K, buy fantastic speakers, and forget nonsense tweaks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-11-08 Thread Ron Olsen

soundcheck;668446 Wrote: 
> The task is now to beat the W7 server. I was thinking to run vortexbox
> first. I skipped that idea. I don't like Fedora, I don't like old
> kernels 
> and stiff systems. Ubuntu support and community just plays in a
> different league. 
> Ubuntu server will be the base.

FYI, VortexBox 2.0 is built on Fedora 16 with the 3.1 Linux kernel
— hardly an "old kernel".

And what is a "stiff system"?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 1900 euros + tax for digital upgrade and power supply for Duet

2011-10-02 Thread Ron Olsen

darrenyeats;660848 Wrote: 
> What does it sound like? To me, it sounds fine.
> Online I've read all sorts of comments about the Benchmark. Some say it
> is etched and some say it is dull. Some say the treble doesn't sparkle
> and some say the treble sparkles too much. Some say it is mid-forward
> and some say mid-recessed. Some say it is lean and cold. The most
> recent review I read in a German pro magazine said it was a bit on the
> warm and bassy side.
> These people can't get their story straight. Are you getting the
> picture - have you figured it out yet? This isn't really about the
> Benchmark. ANY transparent and neutral device doesn't have a sound. You
> will hear what the recording sounds like through the rest of your system
> in your room. If that sounds cold/warm/musical/unmusical, that means the
> rest of your system or your room, or both, are
> cold/warm/musical/unmusical sounding. Don't go blaming the one thing in
> the chain which is certifiably and measurably doing a top job! Madness.
> Now, if someone is using a non-transparent, coloured source to correct
> problems elsewhere in their system then I don't mind. Really, I don't!
> What I DO mind is them inserting a transparent, neutral device into
> their problematic system/room and then criticising said device.
> Darren

People only hear what they are focusing on. Ethan Winer's "Audio Myths
Workshop" has a good explanation for this phenomenon:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Pop/click in transporter playback with recent firmware

2011-09-28 Thread Ron Olsen

I have two Transporters: one with XLR input to a Parasound Halo A23 amp,
and another with analog input to a Denon AVR 3808CI receiver.

Both are served by SBS 7.6.1 on a VortexBox Appliance.

I hear no clicks or pops on either setup, playing music from my local
library or from the Internet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter - distortion problem

2011-07-17 Thread Ron Olsen

See page 26.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-04 Thread Ron Olsen

esbrewer;639190 Wrote: 
> The MMGs would be high on my list if not for 3.5 year old child and
> bullmastiff.  The bookshelf location offers protection and is easier on
> the eyes.  I agree that they are reasonably attractive, but are
> certainly not going to disappear to some degree in the room.  Really
> looking to stay with a monitor 12" high max.

The Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M are the best-sounding small speakers
I have ever heard. They work best on stands and not on a bookshelf,
however. Also, they are fairly expensive and may be out of your price

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker Cable - Upgrade ?

2011-06-21 Thread Ron Olsen

Anyone thinking of buying expensive speaker wire should take the time to
get educated on the subject:

And then buy high-quality wire for less than $2/ft. from a source like
Blue Jeans:

Spending lots of money on speaker wire may give you pride of ownership
but it isn't going to give you better sound quality. 

Owning a Rolex watch may make you feel good and impress your friends,
but it won't tell time any better than a $20 Timex.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another trollicious question

2011-03-30 Thread Ron Olsen

Curt962;621899 Wrote: 
> I've injected tens of thousands of my own dollars into this human
> experiment over the years.   I have a dog in this fight.
> Not to discredit in any way some of the truly great audio components
> encountered along the way, the truth remains that many simply do not
> live up to the hype and promise.   Same holds true (IMO) for many of
> the audiophile truisms that I, and many others cling, or have clung so
> tightly to in the past.
> No REAL audiophile would dare confess to not hearing a HUGE
> difference.
> Expectations = bias.  "So and So makes this (whatever) it is
> definitely better/or decidedly mid-fi"
> When expectations aren't met...Rationalizations begin.  "It needs a
> burn in/It's OK for the money"
> (Why will we give a $5,000 pre-amp a 400hr burn inbut dismiss a
> good little receiver on the spot?)
> Lengthy break ins = Acclimatization.   "There we gothis is WAY
> better"
> It'd be fun to put a Krell in a Sansui chassisa piece of cheap zip
> cord inside a 6" O.D. Techflex...swapping a "burned in" component with
> one fresh off the shelf...
> How would this affect our perceptions?   Would we still hear these
> things the same way?
> Would we have really sought out and purchased the SAME audio components
> without the support of an audio press?  Glowing reviews?What if all
> the reviews said that your favorite speaker sounded like crap...would
> you have still bought them?
> Our critical ears can hear through all that.right?
> I doubt it.
> We listen with our eyes, our expectations, and our beliefs.  Little
> Audiophile Sheep...doing as the Audiophile Shepherds command.

Spot on.  If you haven't already seen it, check out the video "Audio
Myths Workshop" which explains the expectation bias that's built into
our brains, and which we cannot turn off:

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Raise your hand if you're convinced that speaker cables make no difference to sound q

2011-03-27 Thread Ron Olsen

artee;621361 Wrote: 
> I was an expensive-cable cynic of long standing, but for various reasons
> did get around to trying different speaker cables.  I'm now convinced
> that there can be differences between different speaker cables, and I'm
> a happy user of the QED Genesis mentioned in that report - not terribly
> expensive, but works well in my system (Transporter/Musical Fidelity
> A300/B&W Concept 90)
> For those doubters out there, go out and have a listen - you have
> nothing to lose apart from your sanity (and some money...).
> Rick A report from the cable manufacturer
that shows the advantages of their cables. At £35.00/metre, the QED
Genesis cables are not cheap.

My vote still goes to the low-cost ($1/ft) cables from Blue Jeans:

I'd be  be very surprised if you could hear any differences between the
QED Genesis and the Blue Jeans Belden 5T00UP in a blind test.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] squeezebox setup for audiophiles

2011-03-27 Thread Ron Olsen

satkinsn;621280 Wrote: 
> Apologies. I was writing quickly and managed to misstate name. It is a
> Shin-ola power cable, which I assume is Americanized.
> s.

For those unfamiliar with American idioms and movies:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What are you feeding your Transporter?

2011-03-25 Thread Ron Olsen


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another trollicious question

2011-03-15 Thread Ron Olsen

maggior;618379 Wrote: 
> What about burn-in of speakers and headphones?  I never bought into the
> whole equipment burn in idea as it regards sound quality.  However, in
> the past year I bought a pair of headphones (Grado SR-225i) and
> speakers (Polk Monitor 70) that to my ears sounded better over time.
> The Grado headphones sounded as though they developed more bass to me
> over time.  The Polk speakers sounded as though the harshness of the
> highs smoothed out and the mids became smoother.
> In the past I have owned equipment (portable cd player, various
> portable headphones, stereo receiver as examples) that to me sounded
> "bad" which did not change over time.  So I don't think I'm overly
> susecptable to adapting to poorly sounding equipment because of an
> investiment I made in it.
> Even still, I'm skeptical about "burn in", even for speakers and
> headphones.  What do you guys think?
A Sonus Faber rep came to my place to adjust speaker placement on my
new Stradivaris; he said the sound would get better with use.  I have
no reason to doubt him.  Can't really say myself; they've always
sounded fabulous to me!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Raise your hand if you're convinced that speaker cables make no difference to sound q

2011-03-13 Thread Ron Olsen

Henry66;617819 Wrote: 
> I am convinced that spending more than US$2 per foot (30cm) of speaker
> cable is a complete waste of money. (And I am giving plenty of pricing
> leeway -- my 12 AWG oxygen-free wire cost me less than $1/ft.)

Agree.  The local high-end audio store uses $1/ft speaker wire for
their custom installations.
Anyone tempted to buy high-cost speaker wire should read this article:

See for info on the author's credentials.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If you can hear it, can you measure it?

2011-02-14 Thread Ron Olsen

Robin Bowes;611152 Wrote: 
> Therefore, there are obviously going to be situations where you really
> do *hear* something different, but there has been no *physical*
> change.
> ie. the difference is all in your mind. That doesn't make it any less
> real than a physical change but goes some way to explaining the
> difference between the two camps in the audiophile vs. objectivist
> debate.
Exactly.  Ingesting a mind-altering substance (alcohol, drugs) can
change the perception, with no physical change in the stimulus, be it
sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Hum ...

2010-12-19 Thread Ron Olsen

I had the same problem with my Transporter, and the cause was the Cable
TV cable. If you have a Cable TV cable near your Transporter, try
unscrewing it from the wall outlet and see if the hum goes away. If
that gets rid of the hum, you'll need to install an isolation
transformer on your Cable TV cable to fix the problem.

The Jensen VRD-1FF Cable TV Ground Loop Isolator is a good choice.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter balanced output?

2010-03-30 Thread Ron Olsen

I use a Parasound Halo A23 amp (
with balanced inputs, auto on/off, with my Transporter to drive Sonus
Faber Cremona Auditor speakers.  Fabulous sound to my ears. 

For more power, check out the Halo 21 amp:

Great bang for the buck.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] transporter balanced output?

2010-03-30 Thread Ron Olsen

I use a Parasound Halo A23 amp (
with balanced inputs, auto on/off, with my Transporter to drive Sonus
Faber Cremona Auditor speakers.  Fabulous sound to my ears. 

For more power, check out the Halo 21 amp:

Great bang for the buck.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Thoughts on Parasound Halo amp/preamp potential purchase

2010-03-27 Thread Ron Olsen

I'm using a Parasound Halo A23 with a Transporter, using the balanced
inputs, to drive Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor speakers.  Love the sound!
Very sharp-looking amp.

Ron Olsen

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter hangs when trying to play 5.1 surround sound FLAC files

2010-03-15 Thread Ron Olsen

I checked out the test FLAC files available on the Gimell website:
to see which ones would play on my Transporter. These tests include the
following FLAC files:


CD Quality  16 bit - 44.1 KHz
  Studio Master 24 bit - 44.1 KHz
  Studio Master 24 bit - 48.0 KHz
  Studio Master Pro 24 bit - 88.2 KHz
  Studio Master Pro 24 bit - 96.0 KHz
  Studio Master 5.1 24 bit - 48.0 KHz
  Studio Master Pro 5.1 24 bit - 96.0 KHz

The first five test files played fine on the Transporter.
When I tried the Studio Master 5.1 and Studio Master Pro 5.1 files,
they did not play on the Transporter, and they also hung the
Transporter.  I had to pull the power plug on the Transporter to fix the

I realize that the Transporter is not capable of playing these files,
but it shouldn't hang when trying to do so.  Perhaps an enhancement to
the Transporter firmware would allow it to recognize files that it can't
play, and prevent it from getting into a hung state.

Running SBS 7.4.2 on a VortexBox Appliance.

The test files that cause the Transporter to hang:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Small form factor Amp/receiver

2010-02-28 Thread Ron Olsen

I use a Parasound Halo A-23 amp, fed by a Transporter, to power my Sonus
Faber Cremona Auditor speakers.  The sound quality is superb, but the
amp isn't cheap ($949 USD).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter over ethernet

2010-02-03 Thread Ron Olsen

Kuro;513490 Wrote: 
> I doubt AudioDiffMaker is going to be able to measure certain attributes
> of sound, such as airiness or ambient.
Are you saying that "airiness" and "ambient" are attributes of sound
that are not present in the audio signals compared by Audio DiffMaker? 
If not, then where are they?  

...Shaking my head, looking for that glass of cabernet...I'm beginning
to suspect that audiophilia is a religion or a mental disorder...

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter over ethernet

2010-02-03 Thread Ron Olsen

Where is ABX testing when you need it???  Personally, I think the music
on my system sounds better when I'm drinking a nice glass of Cabernet...

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile ripping software

2009-12-24 Thread Ron Olsen

AlAz;498461 Wrote: 
> OK, I can confirm I give up. XCFA (cdparanoïa) and RubyRipper
> (cdparanoïa plus specific algorith, extraction is made twice and results
> are compared) gave me differents results (in the sense : FLAC audio MD5
> checksum), between them and between EAC/dbPowerAmp or RipStation Micro.
> I still think there are things unclear under all of this. So many
> various results is not satisfying for mind...
...but likely none of this results in any audible differences, so why
worry about it? It's about the music, after all.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ground Loop and Transporter

2008-05-21 Thread Ron Olsen

Club1820;242103 Wrote: 
> I also had a NASTY ground loop hum in my system caused by the cable
> connection.  I purchased and installed the jensen transformer and it
> completely went away.  Paid $49.99 for it.  Parts Express also sells
> one for way less but I figured I would go with the one that received
> the best reviews and it has a money back guarantee.
I too had a hum problem with my Transporter due to the cable TV
connection.  I bought a Calrad RF isolation transformer for $12.00 from
Blue Jeans Cable, inserted it in the CATV cable path, and the hum went
away.  Recommended as a viable alternative to the $49.99 Jensen

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best magazine about audiphile equipment and quality music

2007-03-07 Thread Ron Olsen

The Audio Critic:

Reviews of gear and music, and insightful commentary with no BS.  See
the back issues for a great discussion about the fraud of expensive
speaker wire:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Ron Olsen

I was especially amused by this part of the Hi-Fi News review:

"In Stand Alone DAC mode the Transporter sounded crisper and musically
more insightful and involving, where as via the network connection
leading edges were fudged, tempos dragged and the sound became
altogether less gripping."

Fudged leading edges sound delicious, Are these different from
chocolate-covered leading edges? :-)

Could someone tell me what "tempos dragged" means? Maybe the
Transporter clock was running a little slow? :-)

Ahhh... subjective reviews; love 'em!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD Treatments?

2007-02-23 Thread Ron Olsen

andyg Wrote: 
> One word: md5sum (or sha1sum). You don't even need to listen to the
> file. Case closed. :)

325xi;183016 Wrote: 
> Oh, no. The goal of this test is to prove that two totally identical
> rips can sound different. I think in this case MD5 can't prove
> anything. The only truly objective criteria here is whether you can
> hear it or not.

The only true objective criterion is if the two files are the same or

On Linux, the cmp command
( will do a
byte-by-byte comparison of two files and tell you if (and where) they

If cmp says the files are identical, there's no need for a listening

Case REALLY closed.

And anyone who thinks two identical audio files can sound different is
operating in an alternate reality where the laws of logic and physics
don't apply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC for SB

2007-02-16 Thread Ron Olsen

Ben Diss;181175 Wrote: 
> The single biggest improvement I made to my system was running a
> dedicated, clean, new power line from the breaker box to the wall
> behind my rig.  Knocked my socks off.  Night vs. Day.  That single
> stroke started my audiophilia mania because I finally believed that I
> could sound inside my home that was nearly as good as a live concert.
> -Ben
Dunno, Ben; I bet the single biggest improvement was getting those
exceptional B&W 803d's!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC for SB

2007-02-16 Thread Ron Olsen

sfraser;181151 Wrote: 
> Well, after a few hours in my "audio only" system (SB3, Bryston BP25
> preamp, Bryston 3B Amp, and 20 yr old Energy 22 "Connie's", I can't
> hear to much of a difference between the Benchmark DAC1 and the SB3 DAC
Here's a quote from the Audio Critic that I think is pertinent:

"The loudspeaker will determine how your music system sounds. Not the
amplifier, not the preamplifier, not the CD or DVD player, nothing but
the loudspeaker. Speakers, even the finest, are far less accurate in
terms of output compared to input than any of those other components.
The speaker will be invariably the weakest link in the chain, the link
that limits the quality of sound reproduction.

I am always cynically amused when an audiophile brings home a shiny new
amplifier in his hot little hands, breathlessly connects it to the dinky
little box speakers anything larger than which his spouse won’t allow,
and turns on the music. The sound is exactly the same as it was before
with his older, cheaper, less fancy amplifier, but of course he will
not admit it. If he had spent his money on better loudspeakers instead,
the improvement in sound would have been inarguable."

for the full article.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC for SB

2007-02-14 Thread Ron Olsen

mmg_fan;180479 Wrote: 
> Thanks..yes there are several threads dealing with this. 
> My first question is given my system (Magnepan MMG's, Jolida 100w/ch
> hybrid) If I upgraded to either a Transporter or an external DAC, would
> I be able to hear an audible impprovement?
> Secondly, the general consensus is that there is little or no audible
> difference bewteen a good external DAC (I was thinking of the Lavery
> Black at around $1200 Canadian) and the Transporter...I'm leaning
> towards the former as an external DAC would allow me the flexibility of
> running my DVD/Blueray player thru it as well at a savings of a few
> hundred dollars over the Transporter.
> Am I missing something?

I think your money would be better spent by upgrading your speakers. 
Putting a $1000+ DAC into a system with $550 (US) speakers doesn't make
sense to me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q:'quality' speaker cable

2007-02-09 Thread Ron Olsen

Michael Amster;179339 Wrote: 
> FYI:
Yes. 12-gauge wire is cheap and probably as good as the mega-buck
cables.  I suggest reading Roger Russell's article: and Peter Aczel's article: (p. 37)
before spending big bucks on speaker cable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q:'quality' speaker cable

2007-02-05 Thread Ron Olsen

USAudio;178039 Wrote: 
> Here's some information on speaker cable from Roger Russell, a longtime
> McIntosh engineer:
Excellent article! Bottom line: keep wire runs as short as possible,
and use a heavy-enough gauge wire to keep resistance low.  Expensive
speaker wire is like a Rolex watch: there is pride and prestige of
ownership, but it doesn't function any better than alternatives that
are far cheaper.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q:'quality' speaker cable

2007-02-05 Thread Ron Olsen

I'm skeptical that speaker cables can make an audible difference, too. 
But if you're going to try something, check out; it could save you a lot of money.

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] time for a DBT-free zone??

2007-02-04 Thread Ron Olsen

totoro;177735 Wrote: 
> Hmm-- I'm guessing that the following might indicate the Ron Olsen is
> not a native English speaker.
> -
> Some people consider that internal resampling (transparent in my
> opinion) is treating unfairly musepack and would biased any listening
> test. To cut the controversial short, I installed my (better) Terratec
> DMX6Fire 24/96 which doesn't resample 44100 KHz files (I'm not using it
> anymore for daily listening because of interference with my VIA
> chipset).
> -
> If this is the case, it wouldn't be surprising to me if he mistook this
> for a thread about blind testing. After all, whining metathreads about
> the contents of other threads are a bit unusual.
> Mr Olsen, if you don't mind answering, is English your first language?
The codec-comparision listening tests were conducted by guruboolez
( from
Strasbourg, France.  The writeup on test methodology and equipment in
my post are his words.  Obviously, he is not a native English speaker.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] time for a DBT-free zone??

2007-02-04 Thread Ron Olsen

P Floding;177728 Wrote: 
> I actually had some problems interpreting some of that stuff, so skipped
> most of it. ("My notation was very severe" and "Full dynamic range of
> notation"?)
> Never mind, I don't intend to dwell on this.
> What you get here is one guys personal opinions about sound quality
> with some confidence that it is consistent (i.e he is not dreaming). It
> is still just one persons opinions, and based on the use of one or a
> limited number of systems. Nice, but won't really affect me. may be one person's observations, but the results were arrived at
in a scientific, statistically significant manner.

Far better than having one person comment on the sound of a particular
setup when they know what they are listening to, and they haven't
scientifically compared it to anything else.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] time for a DBT-free zone??

2007-02-04 Thread Ron Olsen

P Floding;177721 Wrote: 
> Was each result repeated, blind, enough times to guarantee that the
> subjective results were not arbitrary? (I had a quick look and didn't
> find the methology writeup.)
>From an earlier thread by the tester:

"How much ABX sessions do you perform ? What were the results ?

Generally, I've stopped when pval was low enough. FOr some files, I've
ruined the results by doing some mistake. Angry, I've damaged even more
the results. Therefore, for some files, I've went up to 50 trials in
order to reach again satisfying pval."

Note: pval, in ABX testing, is the probability that the results of the
experiment are due to random guesses.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] time for a DBT-free zone??

2007-02-04 Thread Ron Olsen

P Floding;177719 Wrote: 
> Eh, what was that link anyway?
> After a quick peek it looks like a massive subjective evaluation..
...done in an ABX blind fashion...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] time for a DBT-free zone??

2007-02-04 Thread Ron Olsen

P Floding;177693 Wrote: 
> Oh, I didn't realize it is "causing a problem"!
> I simply am not interested in discussing ABX. I know about it. I know
> about the benefits with it, and I do it when I can and must. I really
> don't need any help remembering all this. Hence my "signature".
I really don't understand your opposition to ABX testing; some of the
most useful (and valid) audio results have been obtained by using this

For example, check out this codec comparision:

I trust the accuracy of these findings, but wouldn't if they were just
subjective opinions not arrived at in a blind fashion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-30 Thread Ron Olsen

Thanks for the link, Eric.  Lots of interesting stuff in these back
issues that resonates with my own sense of what's important and what's

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-30 Thread Ron Olsen

And some more words of wisdom about what's important in sound quality:

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