Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power cables don't just seem like a scam - they actually are.

2016-05-02 Thread banned for life

arnyk wrote: 
> Do those features have anything to do with sound quality?

F3 here is in the vicinity of 30hz. These widdle speakers shake.

The boxes weigh a lot and the drivers are very secure.

Two phrases can guide your life:

"Don't fart around"

"Sign me up"

Your question is not valid

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power cables don't just seem like a scam - they actually are.

2016-04-28 Thread banned for life

Julf wrote: 
> Occasionally some exotic, small-volume speaker manufacturer uses
> audiophile-brand cabling, but if they do, they make sure it gets
> mentioned in every review - and that is the only reason to do it.

My shop-builts have higher-quality wire and everything is

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] After vinyl, it's cassettes

2016-03-01 Thread banned for life

I have a Sony ES deck that could make a cassette that was just about as
good as the source CD.

It served great purpose while Avis caught up with technology..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is your personal philosophy as an "audiophile"?

2013-12-19 Thread banned for life

1. Massive wattage with unbridled amperage. (My LR speakers can dip
below 1 Ohm on the woofer side of the biamp.)
2. You cannot pay too much for a good tweeter.
3. Never underestimate a paper woofer. (SS 18W/8531G springs to mind.)
As a corollary: bass response is no longer pinned to driver size-- see
#5, though.
4. There are those who refuse to see (hear) reason when the speakers
really do need to be at least 3 feet from the rear wall. (For some
reason these people are often soft and curvy.)
5. There is no free lunch: There is a definite requirement for cabinet
6. Sub-woofers are for cars and apartments and may be OK in some
7. Tube amps are great for making toast.
8. People who like/love Bose tend to be delusional in other aspects of
their lives.
9. Above a certain quality point (note I did not say price,) a LARGE
proportion of sound quality is room and placement. That said, the rest
of sound quality is between your ears.
10. Face it: a lot of source material is REALLY crappy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Magico S1

2013-05-03 Thread banned for life

The first full digitally produced album

Never mind there was no digital playback then

I have to think  that this is the
first truly recoverable album.

life, banned, look it up

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Magico S1

2013-04-21 Thread banned for life

Mnyb wrote: 
> Loudspeakers are always riddled with compromises even the most expensive
> ones the art is actually tuning 1000's of compromises against each other
> and as always I dont think the most expensive audiphile exotica is the
> answer ;) in this world the price is an intergral part of the product
> and as long as audiophiles(fools) are awe struck (dumb struck ) by this
> it will remain like this.

There are those of us considering audiophile a badge who understand that
source material, speaker position, and available wattage make some

On the other hand, I heard some Focals pointed to the short side of the
room and they were unreasonable.

I have a variety of speakers and I am proud that some were made by me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Magico S1

2013-03-05 Thread banned for life

Only USD 12,500 or so... I hope they do not have a purchase limit...

I remain worth every cent


Did I mention that it is a two way speaker?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2012-11-07 Thread banned for life

AndrewFG wrote: 
> My favourite example is Dire Straits Love Over Gold, where the Japanese
> CD was notably better than the USA or European releases, and where the
> Japanese SACD is perhaps even better.


The typical Japanese listening area is much different from elsewhere. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter playing 88KHz/24bit tracks?

2012-11-06 Thread banned for life

ralphpnj wrote: 
> All versions of the Transporter absolutely support, i.e. play,
> 24bit/88.2kHz flac and wav files. The problem could be with the support
> for m4a/alac files.

Ahh !

Relax to playback of an arcane format. Welcome to the Bene Gesserit !


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is the best top end player now ?

2012-10-21 Thread banned for life

SBGK wrote: 
> agree 100 %, I hope they carried out double blind tests before coming up
> with these lists.

for sure

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Logitech Android App Squeezebox

2012-09-06 Thread banned for life

pkfox wrote: 
> Hi All, just downloaded Android app for Squeezebox and can't get it to
> connect to my local server - is it limited to ? if so
> how do I access my local music using this app ? my sb server is on my
> wired LAN and Android device is connected by WiFi ( to the same router
> though )

I think you will also need to run a "player" app such as SqueezePlayer
to listen on your Android dev.

The app "Squeezebox Remote" plainly states it only works with

I use Orange Squeeze and SqueezePlayer on my nexus 7.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Surge protector question

2012-08-08 Thread banned for life

Ikabob wrote: 
> Thank you for the information.
> Is there a simple SP strip that is made out of very high quality
> materials?

I would endorse (as below) Panamax.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-08-05 Thread banned for life

Daverz wrote: 
> I do pay attention to things like measurements, but ultimately long-term
> listening enjoyment is all that matters (within my budget).

Great attitude. Let's not forget ease of use. Having all your music
available wherever you are is a modern marvel that is not a free option
in the fruit universe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-08-05 Thread banned for life

jh901 wrote: 
> What does this mean?

"Digital source is inherently accurate" means that the source file will
(in the SB environment,) be delivered exactly. 

Arguments can be made about the various codecs used to convert one
format to another but "natively supported" formats are presented to the
player without error.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Surge protector question

2012-08-05 Thread banned for life

mlsstl wrote: 
> Just a quick comment -- your uncertain worry may be affecting the
> perceived sound quality far more than any actual physical change. Our
> subconscious dramatically affects our perception no matter whether the
> subject is audio or something else. 
> You didn't say what equipment was powered by the surge protector, but as
> a practical matter, there's only 2 or 3 broad areas where it could
> affect the sound. The first is the surge protector is unable to deliver
> enough power to supply what's needed by your gear. The second issue
> would be if it is screwing with the AC waveform or otherwise adding
> noise to the system. The third is rather a variation of the second, in
> the sense that having multiple components on the same surge protector is
> affecting the ground or transmitting interference from one component to
> another. 
> Keep in mind that sometimes less noise in a system can be perceived as
> duller sounding (i.e., reduced highs). In the old days of tone controls
> (when I sold stereos for a living), probably 99% of customers would
> always notch up the treble and bass to 1 or 2 o'clock and prefer that to
> a flat setting. Very few components have tone controls these days, so
> people often gravitate toward gear with a built-in brighter sound. 
> I just threw the last item out there as a possible explanation as to why
> your new surge protector could actually be working better (i.e., greater
> fidelity, not less) than the old one even though your perception is a
> reduction in highs.


You would be better concerned with the capacity of the circuit your
stereo is attached-to. While surge protectors vary with price and
efficacy (avoid any "Monster" product,) changes in fidelity are likely
more changed when your amplifier(s) cannot obtain current.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-07-27 Thread banned for life

aubuti wrote: 
> I don't think anyone has made that hyperbolic conclusion except you.  I
> think any of us would agree that some components or systems sound better
> than others, and that some have a sound that we prefer even if one
> doesn't claim it is "better."  The conclusion from the first link in the
> OP and much of the subsequent comments is that some reported differences
> are based not at all on the actual sound, but on other information, such
> as the brand, model, or price tag of the components in question.  This
> is not breaking news, but it still astounds me how many people will not
> consider that these non-auditory factors may play a role in their
> auditory perceptions.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-07-27 Thread banned for life

TheLastMan wrote: 
> My take on this is:
> 1. Hi-fi from different brands usually sounds different in all sorts of
> ways from other brands - but as the gear gets more expensive / more
> accurate the differences become smaller.
> 2. True "high fidelity", as the name suggests, reproduces music warts
> and all and should sound fantastic with a great recording and appalling
> with a bad one.  Good hi-fi can only be tested for its fidelity if it is
> played at realistic levels (i.e. loud), in a reasonably large room that
> is acoustically well damped.  It should be full spectrum - reproducing
> both the highest and lowest notes we can perceive without undue emphasis
> in one area of the frequency spectrum.
> 3. Hi-fi can only really be tested objectively when reproducing acoustic
> music and compared with *real instruments*.  An acoustic folk band or
> string quartet is bloody loud if you are standing within 10 feet of it -
> which is where the microphones used for the recording will have been
> placed.  If the hi-fi passes that test with a high score then it will
> also reproduce electric / synthetic music in the way that the composer
> intended too. You cannot tell what the composer intended with
> "synthetic" music knocked up on an Apple Mac, so it is impossible to
> objectively test using it.
> So in order to get objectively "high fidelity" reproduction you will
> need a very good source, very powerful and accurate amplification and
> large (for the bass) and un-coloured loudspeakers.  Get those factors
> right and you are halfway there, but to get even that far you will need
> a LOT of money.  Oh, and you will also need a house with a listening
> room large enough!  The room is usually the most expensive part of any
> hi-fi.

1. Expensive is not always more accurate. "Band" equipment is often as
good as high-priced components, especially when it comes to amps and
2. You describe flat and accurate response. Again price is not a factor.
More important are speaker response and room dynamics.
3. This is an argument for accurate dynamic response. "Acoustic music"
just does not fit here. It's the mix. Also "large (for the bass)" is
inaccurate if you refer to driver size. Speakers with small drivers can
produce superior bass. This is a balancing act with driver properties,
cabinet design, and porting.

For the rest, a digital source is inherently accurate, powerful
amplification is better whether or not it is accurate, and even
"un-coloured" loudspeakers are entirely dependent on their environment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Another Nail in the Golden Eared Audiophile Coffin..

2012-07-23 Thread banned for life

JJZolx wrote: 
> They wouldn't sell their Rolexes when they discover that a Timex works
> just as well. Most high end audio gear is electronic jewelry. Especially
> for a certain age-group.
> I'd be willing to bet that at least a few of the testers now question
> the value of their gear. It often takes a slap in the face like that to
> wake someone up.

Rolex are expensive mechanical watches. They require expensive
maintenance that often cost thousands of dollars.

I have a vastly superior time piece from Seiko that only requires a new
battery and a careful setting.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Dan Lavry, design guru new white paper on the Optimal Sampling Rate for Audio!

2012-07-11 Thread banned for life

SlimChances wrote: 
> Yet My Golden Ears require at least 24/196 to listen to “Muskrat Love”
> The Captain and Tennille (1976)

Love your pic. Now I know how some here hear so well. I wasn't away of a
"Beats" version.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Dan Lavry, design guru new white paper on the Optimal Sampling Rate for Audio!

2012-07-11 Thread banned for life

magiccarpetride wrote: 
> I would much rather listen to a well recorded, well mixed and mastered
> mp3 than to a shoddily recorded/mixed/mastered 24/192 FLAC.


Try the recently remastered "Blue In Green" from Kind Of Blue - Miles

(Of course, I'm not listening to an MP3 version)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Open Letter to Music Pirates from NPR

2012-06-28 Thread banned for life

Mnyb wrote: 
> +1
> Same same and add that I have to mail order everything , the town I live
> in does not have decent record store.


So far as I know, decent music stores do not exist here either. Even
back when stock was deep, employees were shallow.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Master List of HD and Lossless Download Sites..

2012-06-12 Thread banned for life

SBGK wrote: 
> another one wiv wordz and stuff
> a download thread
> a download quality thread

I guess nobody here has any experience with usenet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why do need a Logitech Device?

2012-06-02 Thread banned for life

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I know that you may find this incredibly hard to believe but there
> people who don't have and don't want an iPad, iPhone or any kind of
> smart phone. Plus Airplay isn't all that great, especially when one
> takes into account all the file formats it does not support, which is
> just about all the non-Apple ones.

and I still don't need a data plan.

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