Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz on Vortexbox Appliance

2011-10-11 Thread esbrewer

The thing that really kills me about Inguz DRC is the fact that the
command prompt based install for Mac OS "breaks" with each SBS update
and needs to be redone.

In addition, the threads describing edits several (dedicated and
generous) members of this forum have made to the Inguz DRC files to
keep them operational with the newer versions of SBS are often
difficult to follow and replicate.

Does any former Inguz DRC user have experience with the BruteFir plugin
- particularly with VortexBox?  Would the BruteFir install break with
updates as the Inguz Mac OS version did?


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-29 Thread esbrewer

sfraser;642488 Wrote: 
> Paradigm Model 20' (original ones) are a great speaker, well built great
> imaging etc. I bought a set way back for my sister. Only complaint, was
> the tweeter could be a little shrill. I currently have PSB's (stratus
> Goldi) and they are great too. I also use PMC TB1's which are
> astounding little box's if not a little expensive, but if space is an
> issue check out the TB1's You should be able to pick up a used pair for
> in and around $500-600.
> cheers, and have fun!

The Studio 20s definitely run a bit hot on the high end.  Not for
everyone, but definitely works for me.  The PMCs have always interested
me, I've read several reviews suggesting the transmission line design
might not be the best option when placing speakers so close to room

The active v. passive discussion is interesting - but frustrates me in
that are the active market is so limited to date.  I agree that the
companies have to do a better job of committing to and selling active
technology.  If Paradigm gave up on it after a year or two it doesn't
bode well for smaller firms.

Regarding my original question to the group - there seems to be little
support for the 1996 to 2011 entry level monitor upgrade.  Given that
I'm not willing to make the aesthetic changes to accommodate a larger
monitor or a floorstander or spend considerably more to put a higher
end speaker in a compromised location - I think I may hold off a bit

A new, dedicated listening room would be nice...


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-12 Thread esbrewer

Phil Leigh;640234 Wrote: 
> Given that speakers are BY FAR the biggest contributor to the overall
> sound of a system, it strikes me as unlikely that someone would upgrade
> from Brand X, Model Y to Brand X, Model Y.1... 
> Speakers are unlike "electronics" in that respect - lots of folks would
> move from a 3rd-gen iThing to a 4th Gen iThing to get the latest bells,
> whistles and kudos. An analoguous speaker upgrade would seem unlikely
> to tick the same boxes...
> Often it is possible to get a manufacturer upgrade (e.g. new tweeter or
> x-over) instead.
> For what it's worth, the ProAC Tablette is far and away the best small
> passive monitor I've heard...not sure it  fits your budget though.
> As with all micro/bookshelf monitors, a sub is required if you want any
> actual bass below 70 Hz...

So if I need my really need my "boxes ticked" I should look for a
change - interesting...

I suppose Phil is right in that it makes some sense to try something
different with a new speaker purchase - except that my experience with
my current speakers has been so positive.  I really haven't experienced
a profound desire to upgrade until now. This whole decision would be so
much easier if one of my current speakers were to show audible signs of
their age or fail outright.

I have looked into ProAc several times - but a few US east coast
dealers seem to have dropped the brand recently.  Same experience with
Tannoy (Revolution Signature DC4s look particularly interesting).

My SVS sub is amazing by the way - musical, adjustable, affordable,
built like a tank and relatively inconspicuous as subs go.  With that
sub in place and the Inguz corrections the mini-monitor path is
perfectly appropriate for me.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-11 Thread esbrewer

The Dalis and Meridians look promising but are probably a bit out of
what I want to spend on a bookshelf placement - thanks for the

To bring this back to my basic question however - has anyone here
upgraded from a well designed monitor to a newer version within the
same (or similar line) and seen huge improvements?  incremental
improvements?  no improvements - or worse?

The optimist in me wants to spend, the pessimist sees diminished


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-07 Thread esbrewer

Daverz;639693 Wrote: 
> Sonus Faber always seemed like poor value to me.  It might be different
> in the EU.  I'd suggest something like the PSB Synchrony One first.  
> If you want to see some innovative speaker designs, check out the
> Linkwitz Lab pages:

Agreed on the Sonus Faber - perhaps a bit overpriced but everything
I've heard personally has been of high quality.  I haven't auditioned
the Synchrony line yet - clearly a great value but even the smallest
offering is still larger than my existing monitors.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-04 Thread esbrewer

earwaxer9;639288 Wrote: 
> Barbed wire works well...smooth wire electric fence is a nice touch!

For those that haven't experienced this - some dogs from the bull
breeds respond very differently to pain stimuli.  You can step on my
dog's tail (accidentally) in a full dress heel and she won't even move
much less whine, yelp or jump back.  So that's out.  The child is
another matter.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-03 Thread esbrewer

Toy Maker;639194 Wrote: 
> You may seriously want to look into a set of Sunfire Cinema Ribbons,
> with a small subwoofer. Amazing small package with amazingly big sound.
> Not the cheapest speakers on the planet, but amazing reviews as well.
> They are cheap enough used, that you could try a set, and re-sell them
> if you choose.
> Do a little research on the web, and check some the reviews. I'm sure
> you would be pleased with them.

I was not aware any of the Sunfire gear was that compact.  I think the
conventional driver on the side might cause some issues with my
bookshelf setup - but you definitely got me thinking about some
alternative approaches.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-03 Thread esbrewer

pippin;638883 Wrote: 
> Generally speaking, it's mainly size and volume/power. And quality at
> low volume/dynamic range.
> There are two main advancements:
> 1. You've got stronger magnets which means you can get the same Power
> out of smaller speakers, they can especially be flatter.
> 2. With active speakers and class D amps you don't need passive filters
> but you can have a separate amp per channel with an actively controlled
> frequency response. This means you can use much smaller boxes. Also,
> you've got much less losses, both of this means you need much les power
> because you don't have to overbuild all your components.
> Generally speaking you were able to tune a speaker to any sound you
> wanted already 15 years ago. But because passive filters are so much
> more limited than active ones you had to make sure you don't have big
> inequalities in frequency response of your chassis. Which means you had
> to over-size them.
> Same for amps. Since you want to stay away from extremes you need to
> over-build an amp, this of course gets worse due to the higher losses
> in the speaker and the filters.
> But, because you want to stay away from extremes this hurts your low
> volumes.
> As if my experience you can get similar results at a quarter of the
> volume, these days.

The active speakers clearly bring some advantages but many of them (at
least on the affordable end) are not my taste - LEDs, knobs, and no
grilles.  I wish more manufacturers (particularly those based in North
America) would simply offer active and passive versions of speakers
with similar aesthetics - or take the modular approach to crossovers
like Linn.  I almost purchased a active Linn Tukan based system when I
bought the Paradigm Studio 20s I'm looking to replace.  They were tiny
speakers and sounded brilliant - just no real bass to speak of.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-03 Thread esbrewer

Kevin Haskins;639140 Wrote: 
> As a speaker designer my $0.02
> #1. We have a better idea of what measurements correlate to a speaker
> that sounds "better".
> #2. We have much better software tools for simulation. 
> #3. We have better transducers due to #2 and we have better tools for
> measuring them (Klippel).  
> #4. High quality low cost DSPs really allow much more ability to tailer
> the electrical transfer function.   You have companies that are making
> DSP room correction and that still seems to be problematic.  There is
> still some ambiguity about what should be changed about the in-room
> response and what should be left alone so there are situations where
> room correction can sound worse than the uncorrected version.  
> I'd note that not all of these "improvements" have necessarily
> translated into universally better loudspeaker designs.   I routinely
> see poorly designed loudspeakers in the review pages of big-name
> magazines and they get great reviews even though we know, beyond any
> shadow of a doubt, that they would perform poorly in non-sited
> evaluations.  If you know what to look for... there are many more
> examples of good design too.

I guess the last paragraph here gets to the core of my question - how
do all of these advancements manifest in the quality of the sound
produced by a modern monitor? Let's assume companies like PSB, Paradigm
and Dynaudio do significant R&D and use new technologies to improve and
refine their designs.  Does this effort result in subtle improvements -
or something more significant?  Care to elaborate on a modern design
that you might expect to perform poorly on site?


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-03 Thread esbrewer

earwaxer9;638936 Wrote: 
> Great fun. 
> My 2 pesos on speakers...I think the mini maggies would do well with
> the 10" sub. Not sure how low you want you main speakers to go. The
> MMG's go to about 60hz. The 10" sub should have some good punch in the
> mid bass to help the planars out. Thats the one area lacking in the
> pans. The mids and highs are to die for. Not new technology by any
> stretch. Magneplanar has been making these for about 40yrs or so. They
> are thin and relatively small with a very good WAF. Easy to move
> around. I move them out for listening (bipolar). They look great! Also
> inexpensive at $600/pair - thats why the crossovers are cheap. If you
> are not real happy with the sound, and you dont send them back, I would
> encourage experimenting with the crossovers. Easy to access. Snip, snip,
> solder, solder. One cap and one inductor per speaker. Enjoy!

The MMGs would be high on my list if not for 3.5 year old child and
bullmastiff.  The bookshelf location offers protection and is easier on
the eyes.  I agree that they are reasonably attractive, but are
certainly not going to disappear to some degree in the room.  Really
looking to stay with a monitor 12" high max.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] speaker advancements over 15 years?

2011-07-01 Thread esbrewer

I am considering replacing my Paradigm Studio 20s (v1 - from around 1996
or so).  Primary motivation is to move to something smaller as speakers
are mounted on bookshelves by necessity - trying to free up more space
and reduce "presence" of electronics in the room.  Secondary (but
strong) motivation is simply to purchase something shiny and new to
replace aging equipment.

My dilemma - I am (and always have been) very satisfied with these
speakers.  Inguz DRC and a competent subwoofer are able to compensate
to a significant degree for the less than ideal speaker placement.

My question - what improvements am I likely to see from a well
designed, constructed reviewed monitor from 2011 as compared to the
same from 1996?  I know the easy answer is go listen for myself, but
given the importance of location and Inguz in my setup that is easier
said than done.

Considering the Paradigm Studio 10, PSB Imagine Mini, KEF Q100 and
Dynaudio X12.  The Studio 10s have the additional advantage of being
front ported.



Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] VU meters?

2011-04-28 Thread esbrewer

Mine seem to max around -3 or so.  I've never really payed much
attention to the absolute peak values - clearly off in many cases. 
Look much better than they are accurate apparently.  Quick photo

|Filename: IMG_7495.jpg |


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] very useful Foobar plugin....

2011-04-18 Thread esbrewer

So this plugin will tell me to what degree many recordings I love have
been more or less ruined by mastering?  Interesting project if it had
the potential to better inform the public, but I'm afraid that average
person knowledgeable (and patient?) enough to seek out foobar and its
associated plugins is already painfully familiar with the problem at

Too much information perhaps?

I do remember reading a great article by Bob Katz about a DR scale (or
something similar) that identified a select list of properly mastered
pop and rock recordings.  He even pointed out that some relatively
"loud" recordings can still offer decent dynamics.  I think he cited
Rage Against the Machine's self-titled recording and John Mellencamp's
"Whenever we Wanted" as popular examples of works that can make both
sides of this argument happy.  In my experience they both sound great.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac w/ MacOS 10.6.5, SBS 7.5.2
Sources: SB Touch, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz eq installation issues (mac) PLZ HELP

2011-01-07 Thread esbrewer

I think Muski posted the document on these forums (search for it) but it
could have been over at the Inguz forums while they were still active. 
Keep searching and you'll find the threads.  I don't have a good handle
on where they are any more because I gave up on Inguz a few months back.
It works great, but I just got tired of tweaking everything in response
to software updates - and then trying to figure out (as you'll have to)
which thread contains the correct modification to the plugin files is
required to keep things working.  It just required more effort than I'm
willing to put in at this point.

Currently considering giving a hardware based solution like the KRK
Ergo a try to free up my mind and still get some benefit of DRC.

Good luck.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.4, SBS 7.5.1, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz eq installation issues (mac) PLZ HELP

2011-01-02 Thread esbrewer

I'll assume you have followed the instructions Muski posted on these
forums to get things working on Mac OS - and found the tweaks required
to the plugin files with the recent changes to SBS.

I had a problem similar to what you are experiencing, and the issue
came down to permission restrictions on the folders inside the
preference pane for SBS.  Check the permissions in those folders to see
that they are not too restrictive.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.4, SBS 7.5.1, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Confused between options - any advice welcome

2010-07-11 Thread esbrewer

The Quads look pleasant enough and seem to have gotten some decent
reviews.  This thread has gotten me thinking active again.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.4, SBS 7.5.1, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Confused between options - any advice welcome

2010-07-09 Thread esbrewer

One thing to consider is that many of the more affordable active options
on the market are just not pleasant to look at.  I'll assume given the
price range of the equipment in your system (very similar to my own)
that the higher end active gear (ex. ATC) is not a consideration here.

I have considered going the active route for a while to make my system
less conspicuous - but always find that the homely active monitors with
their visible lights and controls, and/or stylized drivers defeat the
purpose.  Why don't they offer grilles for these things - even as an


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.4, SBS 7.5.1, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Confused between options - any advice welcome

2010-07-08 Thread esbrewer

Using one of the room correction options out there can bring significant
improvements for very little cost - particularly for LF issues.  Give
Inguz or Brutefir a try.  The KRK Ergo is an affordable option as well.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.4, SBS 7.5.1, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-06-27 Thread esbrewer

Working fine here using the modded plugin - didn't even think to try the
stock version.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5.0, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 2.0 vs 2.1

2010-05-22 Thread esbrewer

The biggest advantage I have found to using a sub is you have greater
flexibility in placing discrete LF drivers in a location where they
will best interact with the room.  The trade off is increased
complexity - and the subsequent experimentation with (and obsession
with?) measurement and adjustments to phase, gain, placement, xover
points, etc.  Inguz DRC has done a great job in taming the additional
energy a sub has brought to my modest system - but DRC has an
significant learning curve of its own.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5.0, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz results

2010-05-21 Thread esbrewer

I actually did identify the curves in the text of my post - you must
have missed it.

I considered trying to restrict the function of Inguz to the LFs as
well, but haven't really noticed bothersome artifacts going full

I'm hoping to take another set of measurements soon to see how closely
the real corrected response corresponds to the test convolutions
generated by Inguz.  I recall reading in some earlier threads that the
test convolutions can be misleading.

Another interesting question - is such a flat response actually
desirable?  It gives great resolution of details - but sometimes sounds
a bit too controlled or flat particularly with very compressed
recordings.  Is the uneven response you might have in a particular
venue part of what makes the sound compelling - or is it solely the
dynamics of the live performance?

Considering the issues with the speaker placement, furniture position,
and opening to the adjacent room I thought it was pretty impressive
result and worth sharing.  I'm hoping more people will give it a try -
definitely beats spending lots of cash on equipment upgrades.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5.0, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to fight clipping due to high (recorded) volume?

2010-05-19 Thread esbrewer

Spend your money elsewhere.  I actually returned a few CDs in the mid
90s when this loudness garbage first started - thinking they were
defective.  I finally learned 5-6 years back that these products are
actually defective by design.  Its sad - but they really have ruined
some very good music for those of us that care about the sound quality.
Every informed article I have read on this topic says there is
absolutely nothing you can do do repair the damage done during

One would think they would see an additional marketing opportunity in
selling "audiophile" versions of their recordings thru select vendors
at a premium price - but no luck no far.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5.0, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz results

2010-05-18 Thread esbrewer

For anyone that is considering using Inguz or other methods of DRC -
here are some recent results.

Green curve - measured impulse response.  Blue curve - test convolution
for minimal correction.  Red curve - test convolution for normal
correction.  Target curve was a flat response.  Measured using MAudio
MobilePre and Behringer ECM8000.  Note less than ideal speaker
placement due to strong dog and young child.

I prefer a flatter response, but I have had good results with putting a
gradual cut on the HF as well using a different target.  Definitely not
a flattering setup for overly bright recordings - but works great
overall.  Taming of the LF response is a huge benefit.

Sorry if the pics are too much - but I thought this was a good look at
what can be done with a modest system and a small investment in
measuring equipment.

|Filename: IMG_6109.jpg |


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5.0, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-05-02 Thread esbrewer

A few threads started immediately after the release of 7.5 about
problems with playing apple lossless files.  Apparently a shift to (or
away from - my head was starting to hurt following these threads) a
utility named faad has changed the way apple lossless is processed by

I tried to install Inguz again under SBS 7.5.  Everything went as
expected, but then I found no Inguz options for apple lossless or AAC
in the File Types menu.  All of the other Inguz options were present. 
Most of my library is in apple lossless to make the use of iPods more
convenient via iTunes.  Does this mean my run with Inguz is coming to
an end?  Reverting back to older SBS versions is not really an option
as I plan on purchasing a Touch sometime soon.  I also don't want to
mess with SBS too much as I use a Boom as my alarm clock and need
stability there.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-04-15 Thread esbrewer

I should also add that I have tried darrenyeats' approach and found it
preferable with certain types of music.  But overall the full range
correction seems to work best for me.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-04-15 Thread esbrewer

michael123;535401 Wrote: 
> Sure, I do not want to EQ above 100Hz either!
> This effects tonality and overall representation.
> I just want to correct few very specific points on the frequency scale,
> since I cannot have a perfect rooms and introduce (massive & horrible)
> bass traps

Keep in mind that the "effects" may actually be positive.  There seem
to be valid arguments in both the full range DRC and LF only DRC
approaches.  Dismissing one approach without hearing it work in your
particular situation seems limiting.  Give both methods a try and see
which one actually sounds best - intellectual concerns aside.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RC (Inguz etc.)

2010-04-09 Thread esbrewer

If you search around here you'll find many experienced users of Inguz
DRC that consider it a crucial component in their systems.  That being
said, there is a steep learning curve and frustration at the beginning
is part of the process.  I have been using it for several years and
seem to get better outcomes each time I use it.  If you have to place
speakers in a less than ideal location for practical reasons as I do it
can be a tremendous benefit.

It will effectively correct bass issues - but in my experience this can
sometimes reduce the impact of some recordings.  It took me some time to
realize this, but sometimes that uneven measured LF response we hate to
see is simply part of what we expect from certain types of music and
venues.  I've heard more than a few DRC users complain that the process
"takes their bass away."  For example, the gentle LF rolloff Inguz often
gives me makes bass guitar lines much more definition, but sometimes
reduces the kick of a bass drum.  I generally am willing to accept the
modest compromise, but sometimes turn off Inguz when I feel things are
sounding too "controlled".  The other option Inguz offers is a flatness
control that allows you add back in some of the defects you've worked so
hard to correct.  Its funny how you reach for it after all the effort.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Classical Radio Uk

2010-04-03 Thread esbrewer

Thanks for the post.  These streams are an excellent example of how
satisfying 256-320kbs content can be when recorded properly.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aperion Speakers & Peachtree

2010-03-29 Thread esbrewer

Although I have no personal experience with Aperion, they appear to have
earned excellent press and likely represent an excellent value.  That
being said, the established manufacturers I mentioned above have long
histories of success at all levels of the hifi market. The techniques
they refine in their higher end products ultimately are applied to more
affordable ones at the level the poster is talking about.  The speakers
these companies make are all excellent considering the limits imposed
by their pricing.  The Peachtree is the unique product here - with an
interesting combo of features, performance,  and aesthetics.  The
monitor and sub combinations from any of these manufacturers will make
you very happy.  Just audition a few, select ones that suit your
tastes, and educate yourself about how to best integrate them into your
room.  The towers at that end of the market will not offer the same lows
a good sub can.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aperion Speakers & Peachtree

2010-03-29 Thread esbrewer

Although I have no personal experience with Aperion, they appear to have
earned excellent press and likely represent an excellent value.  That
being said, the established manufacturers I mentioned above have long
histories of success at all levels of the hifi market. The techniques
they refine in their higher end products ultimately are applied to more
affordable ones at the level the poster is talking about.  The speakers
these companies make are all excellent considering the limits imposed
by their pricing.  The Peachtree is the unique product here - with an
interesting combo of features, performance,  and aesthetics.  The
monitor and sub combinations from any of these manufacturers will make
you very happy.  Just audition a few, select ones that suit your
tastes, and educate yourself about how to best integrate them into your
room.  The towers at that end of the market will not offer the same lows
a good sub can.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aperion Speakers & Peachtree

2010-03-28 Thread esbrewer

I would imagine very few people in this forum are going to recommend a
tower to someone looking in the $1000 range for loudspeakers.  The best
values on that end of the market (and the market in general) are 2 way
monitors.  If you're going with the towers because the aesthetics of
stands don't work for you, your options are more limited.  If you're
going with the towers to get greater LF extension, then a 2 way
mini-monitor with a modest subwoofer gives you more flexibility. 
Brands like PSB, Paradigm, Dynaudio, NHT, B&W all offer great values in
the $1000 range.  All of these brands are relatively easy to find and
would represent a significant step up for you.

The Peachtree looks very like a great option.  I've been thinking about
picking one up to to pair with some Paradigm Studio 10s or Dynaudio X12s
to reduce the bulk of my present system a bit.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.4.2, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Subwoofer for Active Speakers?

2010-03-01 Thread esbrewer

Since you mention REL, they actually recommend the use of speaker level
connections with a very low xover point.  The argument is that timing
cues and the character of your amp will be picked up by the sub. Not
sure how that helps you though, as I assume the active speakers have
digital inputs direct from source.

My SVS sub is compact, well suited to music, adjustable via parametric
eq, and built in the US.  Very happy with it.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Widows7 & Inguz.

2010-02-14 Thread esbrewer

Please post your results with the Atom system.  I've been thinking of
buying a dedicated Windows machine to run Inguz and it would be great to
hear how taxing it is on some of these super efficient processors.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] mini monitor dilemma

2009-09-02 Thread esbrewer

iPhone;453788 Wrote: 
> What about active monitors? Have a look at AVI ADM 9.1 speakers. They
> are front ported so the shelf might not be such a draw back. Almost all
> speakers need to be away from the rear wall to get proper soundstage and
> imaging, but at least the rear port issue is solved. And when paired
> with a subwoofer, they compare favorably to 3 way floor standing
> speakers. I wouldn't consider them cheap at three times the price
> compared to Paradigm Studio 10s, but then one can also sell some
> equipment because they are active only needing a digital input (read
> high WAF).

I've read about the AVIs several times in this forum - but how do they
handle multiple digital inputs?  Do they just switch over upon detecting
an active signal?  Right now an NAD receiver allows me to switch between
DVD, HDTV and SB3 source material.


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.7 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] mini monitor dilemma

2009-09-01 Thread esbrewer

I am familiar with the PSBs, but not crazy about the grille design for
use in an older home.  The Silverlines look like a great option though -
although it doesn't appear they're available in black.  Thanks much.


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.7 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] mini monitor dilemma

2009-08-31 Thread esbrewer

I have used Paradigm Studio 20s (v.1) for about 14 years.  I am still
very happy with their performance.  However, as a practical matter they
must be mounted in bookcases (ports plugged) on either side of a
fireplace.  I understand this placement is less than ideal, but I am
able to use Inguz DRC to correct to some degree.

I would like to find a smaller speaker to replace the aging Studio 20s
so that I can rearrange the shelves make additional room for books to
stand upright.  It is the height of the Studio 20s causing the problem.


1.  Does anyone have experience with a front ported or sealed mini
monitor (12" high or smaller) that would roughly match or exceed the
Studio 20s performance? Right now it seems the new Paradigm Studio 10s
would be a great place to start - but I'd like to investigate other
manufacturers as well.

2.  Or, am I wasting the potential of a quality mid-level monitor with
the bookcase placement, and therefore should I save cash and step down
into more of a budget level monitor (ex. Paradigm Atom Monitor?) letting
my subwoofer handle a slighter greater load? Has anyone here stepped
down in a similar way and felt comfortable with the decision?


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.7 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Subwoofers from a high-end perspective?

2009-08-28 Thread esbrewer

I agree that many audiophiles dismiss subwoofers without actually trying
them for several reasons:

1.  Buyer's remorse regarding the use of a high pass filter that
actually cuts signal from speakers they've made a significant financial
and intellectual investment in.

2.  Many subwoofer installations (particularly in theater setups) have
the gain and crossover set way too high.

3.  Room issues rarely get the attention they deserve, and become even
more obvious with integration of a sub into a system.

4.  Sometimes the extreme LF in a recording is absent, of poor quality
and/or simply distracting - and perhaps best ignored.

I have learned the following in using several different subs in my
modest system 2 channel system over the years:

1.  Smaller sealed boxes with parametric EQ are much easier to
integrate into a system than larger ported boxes - as they are easier to
place in best location.

2.  The benefits of the high-pass filter on midrange clarity and
dynamics are very real, and well worth some of the artifacts the
crossover might impose.

3.  DRC tools (like Inguz) can be particularly beneficial to subwoofer
integration, as it can tame some of the nasty nodes and resonances that
plague our rooms and are excited by LF energy.

4.  Keep the crossover point set comfortably below the +/- 2db rolloff
point for the monitors.  A gap in response is preferable to an overlap.

5.  Phase adjustments rarely seem to have a significant impact - you
can measure them with a meter, but their effect is subtle at best.


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.7 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz dsp plugin - what are the results?

2009-03-02 Thread esbrewer

Inguz will run on newer Macs but there is no installer package for Mac
last I checked.  I was able to follow some instructions posted by muski
on the Inguz forum that use the console to run the install.  Certainly
not the easiest way to do things - but you get used to it.  Search the
Inguz forum for muski's document and give it a try.


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.6 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz dsp plugin - what are the results?

2009-02-16 Thread esbrewer

I don't recall seeing too many people complaining on any of these boards
about Inguz causing significant stability issues, other than taxing the
processor a bit.  Most people here are more qualified than me to answer
your workaround question, but I would think the only way to really see
whether Inguz is right for you is to actually live with it for a few
weeks.  Uninstalling has never caused any headaches for me.


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.6 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz dsp plugin - what are the results?

2009-02-14 Thread esbrewer

Excellent results here overall - I've been using it for a couple years. 
Inguz has saved me a ton of cash in avoiding equipment upgrades with
significant diminishing returns.  I have to keep my speakers mounted in
bookcases for protection from my daughter and large dog, and Inguz
allows be to make the best of the less than ideal placement.

I should also say I have gotten away with using Inguz on a relatively
low powered PC (1.1 Athlon 768MB RAM or so) streaming lossless to 2
SB3s simultaneously with no stuttering whatsoever.  I currently run
Inguz on an Intel iMac w 2MB RAM - and rarely quit the 4-5 other apps I
regularly use with no apparent lags whatsoever.

The few frustrating experiences I've had have come with upgrades, as
the installs on the Mac have to be done manually using the console, and
part of the setup breaks with each change.  It's tedious - but really
doesn't take more than a few minutes - I shouldn't complain.

It would be really cool if the silverlight web interface in
squeezecenter was more useful - but that hasn't ever really worked for
me.  Could be a Mac thing.

Bottom line is I can't think of a more cost effective way to improve a


Server:  2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.6 and SC 7.3
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Powered Speakers Recommendations

2008-11-10 Thread esbrewer

I think the fact that Paradigm bailed on this market niche says a lot.
They have clearly figured out a way to manufacture quality equipment in
North America at a variety of price points.

Perhaps they made the push toward active speakers prematurely, but it
still really hurts not to have a market leader putting product on the
shelves to see, hear and touch.

I'm glad someone mentioned ATC here.  It would be nice to see them
offer some more affordable products (and something a bit smaller in
scale) - but as with AVI they're not the easiest things to find for an
audition in many parts of North America.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.5
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler,
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Powered Speakers Recommendations

2008-11-09 Thread esbrewer

It appears AVI will sell direct from the UK worldwide, but I would be
reluctant to spend that amount of cash an active system that I can't
audition or get serviced easily from here in New England.  A very
tempting option though.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.5
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler,
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Powered Speakers Recommendations

2008-11-08 Thread esbrewer

Just looked up those AVI ADM9.1s - they seem to be exactly what I'm
looking for.  Any others that anyone can recommend?


Server:  2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.5
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler,
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Powered Speakers Recommendations

2008-11-08 Thread esbrewer

Many people seem to happy with the performance of these products - but
why do so many of them have to be eyesores?  I understand that many of
them are designed for near-field studio use - but one would think that
having attractive products would make the studio a more pleasant place
to work.

The Audioengine A2s in my daughter's room have beautifully designed and
constructed cabinets - but they would be much less conspicuous with
grilles - which aren't even offered as an option to the best of by
knowledge.  I would love to see more loudspeaker manufacturers bring
traditional looking, affordable active monitors to the market.  I know
Paradigm produced an active line years ago that critics seemed to love,
but they dropped the line shortly thereafter - presumably due to
lackluster sales.

Can anyone recommend a line of traditional looking small active
monitors - with quality cabinetry and no gaudy lights, switches, etc on
the front panel? Couldn't they expand their market a bit by simply
offering optional grilles?


Server:  2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.5
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler,
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] room correction / EQ is awesome!

2008-08-26 Thread esbrewer

I agree completely with the positive impacts DRC can have on a system -
especially if the speaker locations are less than optimal.

I have a pair of rear ported Paradigm Studio 20s (from 1996 or so)
mounted inside bookcases on either side of a brick fireplace to protect
them from my daughter and bullmastiff.  Despite the less than ideal
location for any speaker, particularly rear ported monitors, the
quality of the sound I get using DRC is amazing.  I was looking for an
excuse for years to upgrade/replace the Studio 20s (which I still love,
but they've been with me for long time), but DRC has made me reconsider.
Now that we can correct for some of the rooms interactions so easily
using DRC, are upgrades from "entry-level" well designed and
constructed loudspeakers really going to deliver significant returns?

The only significant limitation I've found with DRC is the reduction in
volume.  My amplifier is already a little underpowered - and the need to
take Inguz prefs back to -18dB or -19dB has taken a small amount of the
fun out of higher volume listening.  But with an infant in the house,
how often will I really be able to crank things up anyway.

Quality entry level audiophile speakers are so easy to find these days
- mathcing them with DRC is a no brainer.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.4
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler,
Sources: SB3, NAD C542 CD Player, NAD T515 DVD Player
Amplification: NAD C720BEE Stereo Receiver
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Χ Ο Δ Ε (CODE) format

2008-07-29 Thread esbrewer

I personally think Mellencamp is a great choice for something like this.
He sells a lot of records, and has a history of releasing
well-engineered recordings - despite the loudness race etc.  In
addition, a small but significant portion of his audience (at this
stage in his career) might actually be concerned about sound quality.

If Burnett were to have debuted this stuff with an emerging pop or rock
artist - no one would have cared.  And I think asking people to buy yet
another remastering of a classic recording is getting long in the

When artists that other artists respect become early adopters of new
technology, such technologies have a better chance of taking hold.

I just wish I could play the hi-res version of this recording with my
SB3.  I really enjoy it, and based on the generally positive reviews
its getting I'm apparently not alone.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread esbrewer

I'm not sure I follow the reasoning here.  

If iTunes and other less secure rippers popular with the general public
do not get hung up on such purposeful errors - where is the deterrent
value in their inclusion?  Or are the record companies trying to deter
the admittedly small percentage of people in the marketplace who are
concerned about their rips not being bit-perfect?  Shouldn't their
efforts be focused on deterring the common user?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Apple Lossless a compromise?

2008-06-28 Thread esbrewer

I debated going with flac as well, and tried EAC, foobar, etc - but
ultimately decided to use iTunes and ALAC to simplify the workflow in
adding music to my system.  I just have more time to simply listen to
music and think about things other than how many programs I need to use
(and preferences I need to configure) to manage my files.

I wish Apple would offer FLAC as an option, but until they do the
simplicity of iTunes and ALAC is fine with me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-04 Thread esbrewer

Just noticed (after finally doing some listening after all this grunt
work) that the HF response in the right channel only is way down - to
the point where I thought I had possibly blown a tweeter running the

When set DRC to "None" - the HF comes right back to the right speaker. 
Perhaps the graphs I posted are showing the left channel only, and the
right truly is way down?

The question is, why would the one channel be lacking HF?  The sweeps
sounded normal as I ran them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-03 Thread esbrewer

I ran new measurements without the sub in my system, and the large dip
around 130hz went away.  The crossover must have been doing something
odd - thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys.

But DRC is still not acting on the upward trend in the HF.  Attached
are my new measurements (measured response, minimal, normal, insane). 
Any suggestions as to why?

A couple of you appear to be suggesting (and correct me if I'm wrong)
that the ecm8000 file is NOT being considered in the generation of the
test convolutions.  Does that mean that DRC may be actually correcting
for the HF upkick in what I hear, but the test convolution responses
may not show it?

If so, are the test convolutions really useful in assessing how DRC is
working?  I assume then that the only way to TRULY measure the DRC
impact on our systems is to take new measurements with the filter on?

|Filename: measured-min-norm-insaneconv-nosub.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-02 Thread esbrewer

tonyptony;232034 Wrote: 
> Hmm, possible. I assume you're using an ecm8000 mic correction file?
> I wonder if you take a new Sweep w/EQ capture, using one of the
> corrections that you've shown us here, whether you'd get a similar
> actual response.

I believe all of my .drc files refer to the ecm8000 correction file.  I
suppose that could have changed with a reinstall, I will check.

I'm still surprised by the conformity of my min/norm/insane
convolutions though.

Time to take new measurements I guess. Something isn't right.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-10-01 Thread esbrewer

tonyptony;231155 Wrote: 
> Hmm, that's the "Normal" test convolution? In the Inguzaudio\Tools
> directory find the normal.drc file and open it in Notepad or similar
> editor. Look for PSPointsFile; see what's after the equals sign. If
> it's bk-3-spline.txt then I'm not quite sure why it isn't correcting
> the slope of the high end more than it is. I guess the other thing I
> wasn't expecting is how little variation there is in the convolution
> (except for that dip at 150Hz). The smoothness of that line looks more
> like an extreme or insane correction in my system.

I checked the pspoints file, and it is indeed set to the bk-3-spline
target.  I have no explanation as to why DRC is allowing the HF
increase to remain. It is my understanding that the HFs are rolled off
to varying degrees in the bk target files. I've been reading posts
suggesting the ecm8000 (which I used) can be inaccurate in the HF
ranges - could this be contributing to that uncorrected upturn?

I also noticed the normal test convolution looked too "severe", so I
have attached a new graph of my measured response (red), minimal
(green), normal (blue), and insane (purple) test convolutions.  Why
would the differences be so subtle? Inguz looked at one of my earlier
(different) sets of measurements and commented that I was getting an
extremely linear response (especially through the mid range) and
guessed that I was using a relatively high quality small monitor in a
relatively "active" room.

|Filename: measured-min-norm-insaneconv.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-29 Thread esbrewer

Thanks for the input.

My Paradigm Studio 20s run off the high pass out of a B&W ASW600 sub. 
It sounds reasonable that the crossover may be causing that nasty dip
at 130, and contributing to the clipping problem.  I guess I'm asking
DRC to make too large a correction in that area.

The Studio 20s cannot be moved from bookshelves flanking a fireplace
location - as the shelving protects them from a sweet but solidly built
Bullmastiff - although the bookshelves themselves could stand to be
raised a few inches.

I'm looking forward to trying measurements without the sub, as it
appears it may be doing more harm than good.

I will look into the overly flat normal convolution curve as well.  It
does seem to be a bit aggressive for what was indeed the normal
correction file.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-28 Thread esbrewer

I played with REQW and think I have my impulse response measured and
normal test convolution file in a form you can all get a good look at. 
These measurements were generated using a flat target file.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, Inguz DRC has improved my system
dramatically, but I'm forced to move up to -23db to avoid clipping on
louder cds.  It also seems (to my ears) that DRC exaggerates the
already compressed sound of some of these cds.  Any thoughts on what I
might be hearing?

If I did this right, the measured impulse response is in red, and
normal test convolution is in green.

|Filename: graph.jpg|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-27 Thread esbrewer

tonyptony;228920 Wrote: 
> Hmm, okay, this may be a bit complicated, but if you look through this
> thread (which I started, BTW! :-) ) you'll see some of us have posted
> the frequency reponse curves of our own measurements and resulting
> correction curves.
> All of the WAV files created by Inguz and DRC can be viewed in an
> appropriate program. I use Room EQ Wizard (REQW) which is free and
> available from If you look in your \Program
> Files\Inguzaudio\Tools directory (or if not this one, whichever one you
> used to create the filters) you'll find the files that were created. The
> Impulse_ResponseMeasured file is pretty self explanatory, but it is the
> only one that needs to be converted before it can be viewed in REQW.
> That's becuase it's a 32 bit float format, and REQW is limited to 16
> bit files or less. I use Goldwave to save this file off as a 16 bit
> stereo PCM file (under a new name, of course).
> Now, even if you want to ignore this one, the other important files,
> the ones with the TestConvolution in their filenames, are already 16
> bit files and can be opened directly in REQW. These will give you an
> idea of what the associated correction curve will make your system
> sound like. When I asked what filter you are using, that is which one
> did you select from the SB display under EQ > Room Correction? Let's
> say it was "normal". If so then normal_TestConvolution.wav will
> represent what your system will sound like when you're using the
> normal.wav filter.
> The reason why I asked to see the curve for your selected filter is
> that - even though Chinanico and I have some concerns about the
> accuracy of the TestConvolution files - it still may be good enough to
> give us a picture of what might be coming out of your system (look at
> post #36 in this thread). If you're using a filter that looks like it
> produces a dead flat output, or maybe a bit of rolloff at either
> extreme or a suckout in the middle - it may explain why you think some
> songs sound dull. Of course there are other factors that can come into
> the mix, but I find I'm learning a lot by trying to understand what I'm
> seeing and connecting it to what I'm hearing.
> If you want to take the plunge into "curve-trace-itis" say the word and
> I can walk you through using REQW, although there's a ton of info on
> hometheatershack that will do a great job also.
> -edited for spelling corrections

Sorry for the delay.  I got REQW and converted the one file using
Goldwave as suggested.  I would love to post the files to get some
input, but still have no clue how to get from the .wav impulses to a
viewable image as all of you have done.  I'm sure I could figure it out
with some time playing around with REQW, but it looks as if there is lot
to learn.  Is there a quick procedure that will allow a novice like me
to get my impulses into a postable visual format?  I really don't want
anyone to waste their time tutoring me on the ins and outs of REQW, but
at the same time I'm curious to get some feedback from you all.

If the only practical way for me to post is just buckle down and learn
REQW myself say so, and I'll try to find some time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread esbrewer

I'd be happy to post the files, but I'm not quite sure exactly which
files you're referring to, and what form (if any) they need to be
converted to to be viewable.  I really just followed Inguz's
instructions to the letter to set things up - but don't truly
understand what each component of the Inguz system actually is.

Is the measured impulse response the file that ImpulsePrep created for
me from my recordings?  If so, isn't that a sound file?  Do I have to
capture an "image" of it to post?

And the filter file - are those the files that give me the option of
"normal, strong, minimal" room correction?  If so, I've been using the
normal one almost exclusively.

I believe the last target file I used to generate impulses was the
bk-3.txt file.

The few (and they are few) flaws in the implementation of Inguz DRC for
me may come down to the integration of a sub in my system.  Perhaps
there is a dip in my LF response that is causing DRC to try to boost
more than is healthy - hence the need to drop down to -20db and still
clip on loud recordings.  One of these days I'm going to try DRC
without the sub - but I just don't have the patience right now to
reroute all the cables and remeasure.  When I do, I'll probably find I
don't need the sub at all.  For now, a large bullmastiff dog requires
me to keep my speakers mounted on bookshelves.  Using the hi-pass out
on the sub to run the speakers seems to cut down on some rattles and
shakes with stuff on the shelves, and clears up the mids a bit.

My modest system includes (pic posted in photo thread):

Paradigm Studio 20s (running off sub hi-pass filter)
B&W ASW600 subwoofer (running off speaker level)
NAD C542

Sorry for my lack of technical expertise here.  This is all probably
more than you wanted to know, but if we all didn't find this stuff
interesting we wouldn't be posting here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-09-21 Thread esbrewer

I'm with mortod on focusing on notch filters rather than boost (maybe as
an option?).  Inguz DRC has dramatically improved my system, but
clipping does become a problem.  I am at -20db right now, and still
have significant clipping due to many newer recordings being mastered
too loud.  My amplifier doesn't have much power to spare, and every db
I lose to avoid DRC clipping is one I'd rather not throw away.

Everyone contributing to this thread has a greater command of technical
aspects of DRC than I do (I've probably failing to understand something
as I write this), but it does seem to me as if DRC further dulls the
already flat, compressed sound of newer recordings.  For recordings
that are mastered and compressed properly, Inguz DRC is amazing.  For
those that are not (the most recent U2 recordings come to mind), I
sometimes avoid DRC and power up my CD player.  But perhaps all of this
simply comes back to the "garbage in, garbage out" type argument - if
they would only stop ruining recordings to make them sound good in our

Do my perceptions here make any sense?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-09-08 Thread esbrewer

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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Its funny - but I hadn't even noticed what was playing at the time I
finally got around to taking some photos of my setup.

I was fortunate enough to hear him perform live 6 or 7 times.  In the
time since his death, I'm sorry to say that I don't listen to his work
as much as I used to.  His recordings are all so different, and I'm
realizing listening to them always left me eager to hear more work yet
to come.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-09-07 Thread esbrewer

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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

SB3 w/ Inguz DSP
NAD C542
Paradigm Studio 20
B&W ASW600

|Filename: IMG_1486.jpg |


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