[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Active speakers for a large room to replace Quads

2006-04-25 Thread hifisteve

pfarrell Wrote: 
> Sonus Faber makes some more expensive speakers that I totally
> lust for, but the budget will not allow.
> -- 
> Pat
> http://www.pfarrell.com/music/slimserver/slimsoftware.html

I once owned an immaculate pair of Extremas but a house move forced
their sale.  I may never hear their like again... :-(


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Active speakers for a large room to replace Quads

2006-04-21 Thread hifisteve

I'd second the recommendation of both the Meridian and ATC speakers. 

>From a sound quality perspective, although my personal preference would
be ATCs (probably the SCM20 SL Towers, the SCM50s carry a hefty price
tag and are pretty huge), if you're planning to connect straight to the
SB then the all digital Meridian route might have the edge.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-24 Thread hifisteve

I've got to say that I've found reading through this thread

I caught the 'audiophile' bug when I was about 13, when the best I
could do was purchase repaired bits of very non-high end hi-fi from a
shop near my home, purchased with paper-round money.

Over the years my 'upgrade syndrome' (a phrase coined by a non hi-fi
friend) ended up with me having MF Nu-vista 3D cd player, M3 amp, Sonus
Faber Extrema speakers and Kimber Select interconnects and speaker
cable.  Oh and a wife that thinks I'm mental.

I'd got to the point where I was genuinely satisfied with my system and
stopped having any desire to change it apart from adding my SB3 to the

I could get into the debate over whether the SB3 outperforms my CD
player etc. but as far as I'm concerned, the SB is the bit of kit that
has enhanced my enjoyment of music more than any other, by freeing my
music from dusty shelves.

At the end of the day, while I do care deeply about sound quality,
being able to enjoy my music is what counts most to me.

Perhaps I was never really an audiophile in the first place.

P.S. For what it's worth, I think that comparing any equipment without
blind testing is ridiculous.  I recall A/B testing a Sony CD player
against a 'flavour of the month' player which was getting lots of good
press at the time, and which also 'looked the business'.  I'll let you
guess which one I and a fellow hi-fi nut thought was the best, until we
redid the tests wearing a pair of Virgin Atlantic eyeshades that is.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Calling all audiophiles - Uncompressed or lossless?

2006-03-03 Thread hifisteve

That's exactly the kind of debate I was kind to kick off!

Probably worth pointing out that I don't really believe one way or the
other, I've only just got my SB3 and I'm currently sitting
uncomfortably on the fence trying to decide which format to encode all
my CDs with.

Incidentally, having an engineering background I am inherently
sceptical of 'tweakery' in general, which means that I'd essentially
think that lossless compression with digital data would work perfectly
well, especially as the 'shorthand' replacement of extra zeros was how
I'd assumed it would work.

I just wondered if anyone had experienced differences (perceved or
measured) between uncompressed and lossless.

Other than the obvious compatability issues, any views on whether
there's any other advantages/disadvantages of using Apple
lossless rather than FLAC?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Calling all audiophiles - Uncompressed or lossless?

2006-03-03 Thread hifisteve

I just wanted to put the point up for discussion.

All I wanted to know is whether all 'audiophiles' are convinced that
lossless compression truely has no impact on sound quality.

I appreciate that the theory is sound but theory and reality are two
different things.  I mean Eienstein's theory shows that time is not
constant and I'm sure that even the most scientificly minded people
find that slight weird to get their heads around.

p.s. I've never gone in for any of the 'tweaking' I mentioned but there
are plenty who have


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Calling all audiophiles - Uncompressed or lossless?

2006-03-03 Thread hifisteve

Now I know that this might sound like a silly question, and for non-hifi
nuts and computer experts it probably is, but this is addressed to
people like me - very fussy about my music and not totally convinced
that computers don't involve witchcraft...

If storage space were not an issue, would people actually sooner store
their music totally uncompressed rather than use a 'lossless' codec?

I know people are going to say that lossless preserves all the data
etc. but let me ask you this:

If someone invented a 'lossless' way of making food 'smaller' for
storage by removing the water, would you rather eat an apparantly
perfectly reconstituted or untouched version? I mean water is just
water right?  If you put it back where it came from is as good as
before isn't it?...

I'm sure this is more of a psychological question but then we live in
the world of 'vibration cones', 'green pen on CD edges' and 'deep
freeze your CDs for better sound'


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-02 Thread hifisteve

Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3 integrated
Sonus Faber Extrema speakers
Kimber Bi-Focal XL speaker cable and KS-1021 interconnect


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AB Testing Support

2006-02-28 Thread hifisteve

Funny you should say that because I had the same thought.

All the WAV files I ripped using iTunes are fully accessible via my SB
using the normal browse and search functions and as far as I can see
they carry all the usual track info.

I'm not particularly knowledgeable but I'm presuming that tagging adds
data to the music file itself.  If WAV files don't support this then
I'm guessing that either iTunes or SB is able to allow the same level
of search features just by using the file/path structure, as I've not
used the browser music folder option.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AB Testing Support

2006-02-28 Thread hifisteve

I was actually interested in peoples experiences of AB blind testing of
PC & SB3 vs reasonably serious CD players, rather than kicking off a
discussion over my choice of format.

As it happens, the time difference between creating WAV and FLAC files
is quite significant in my experience. Multiplied by 2000 CD, that's a
good chunk of my time I'd prefer not to spend sat at my PC when the
extra storage cost so little.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AB Testing Support

2006-02-27 Thread hifisteve

Hi Folks.

Well I've just joined the exciting world of SB3 after a friend lent me
a spare one which he'd bought for his bedroom. As I told him through
gritted teeth "The only way you're getting this back is by prising it
from my cold dead hand"

Anyway, I'd read all that people have said about format, quality, easy
of use, not shackling yourself to an 'Apple only' file format (have an
MP3 player in my car) and had opted for using Easy CD-DA to rip
everything to FLAC.

Out of curiosity, I decided to try comparing an untouched WAV file
ripped using iTunes (ripped very fast, about x30) with the same track
as a FLAC file produced by Easy CD-DA.

I have to say that despite being a hardened hifi nut of many years , I
couldn't reliably separate the WAV, FLAC and original CD through a £3k
CD player.

As a result I've decided to save my sanity and do the lot as
uncompressed WAV files and invest a bit of money in some HD space.

Has anyone else done this comparison?


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