Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter balanced outputs

2009-02-22 Thread jeffmeh

Andy8421;399481 Wrote: 
> Ligald,
> I have driven my Krell poweramp direct from a TP via balanced
> connections.  To be honest, it sounded the best I have ever heard the
> TP or my system sound.  Ditching the pre-amp between the TP and
> poweramp eliminates additional distortion and noise, no matter how good
> the preamp. I only went back to the preamp as I needed its switching
> capability.
> Using the TP volume control does work with balanced, but at low level,
> the maths behind the volume control will introduce noise.

Strictly speaking, it does not "introduce noise." However, since the
noise floor is constant, reducing the signal will reduce the signal to
noise ratio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Attention Audio Mythbusters!

2009-02-14 Thread jeffmeh


Many thanks for conducting these experiments.  I find this to be a
fascinating topic.  Reason is highly underrated, lol.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sony SS2300 DAC or SB Rcvr DAC

2009-02-05 Thread jeffmeh

The best advice is to listen to both and decide for yourself.  The same
DAC chip can sound very different depending upon the surrounding

Do bear in mind, though, that unless the Sony has a "direct" mode, it
will convert the analog signal from the SB to digital, then back to
analog, and you will be using the Sony's DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I use replaygain ?

2009-01-16 Thread jeffmeh

badbob;385408 Wrote: 
> What about if using digital outs? Both of my SB'3 are fed to external
> DAC's (stereo and multi channel processor)

Replaygain will work fine, using the 24-bit volume adjustment,
regardless of whether one uses the analog or digital outputs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audible vs inaudible

2008-12-20 Thread jeffmeh

pfarrell;373730 Wrote: 
> jeffmeh wrote:
> > Student:  Then I suppose that I really cannot tell the difference.
> > Master: Exactly.
> Which does not prove that no grasshopper can tell the difference, just
> this one. If you used 400 Kung Fu students, instead of one, you would
> conclude that as a group, they guessed. But that doesn't mean that one
> or two couldn't tell every time.
> -- 
> Pat Farrell

Absolutely correct.  It is impossible to prove the negative, that
nobody can discern the difference.

With a large enough sample size, when nobody has been able to discern
the difference, it becomes reasonable to conclude that the difference
is negligible.  Note that that does mean that there is no audible
difference, as the next test subject might prove that he can discern

However, those who claim that they can hear it, but cannot demonstrate
it, truly have no logical grounds upon which to make that claim.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audible vs inaudible

2008-12-20 Thread jeffmeh

darrenyeats;373511 Wrote: 
> The test was carried out over a period of weeks and the result was that
> the coffee lovers as a whole identified the origin correctly for 200
> cups out of 400.
> My question is, what conclusions would you draw from the test?
> Darren

Student:  I like Coffeemaker A better.
Master:  Ah, so then you can tell the difference between Coffeemakers A
and B, then?
Student:  Of course I can.  I just told you I like A better.
Master:  Well then, here is a cup.  Does it come from A or B?
[Student answers]
[Repeat 400 times over a period of weeks]
Master: Grasshopper, you correctly identified the coffeemaker 200 times
out of 400.  Had you guessed without even tasting the coffee,
probability dictates that you would likely have been correct 1/2 of the
Student:  Then I suppose that I really cannot tell the difference.
Master: Exactly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] jitter

2008-12-19 Thread jeffmeh

Themis;373210 Wrote: 
> I say that there ARE differences. When two amplifiers have a 0,01%
> diffrence of THD, it means that the sound is not the same. It's as
> simple as that.
> I don't pretend that you, me or anybody else can actually find this
> difference, or even hear it. But there IS one : that's for sure.
> It's the definition of the word "distortion". And this is what it
> measures : differences.
> So, what I say, is that when we do an ABX test, we actually measure the
> probability that some (any) auditors can find this difference. If they
> don't find any, the test means nothing.

I would suggest that "if they don't find any," then it shows that the
differences are not audible for that sample group.  "If they do find
some," then it shows that the differences are audible. "If no one has
ever found any," then it is very likely, though not certain, that the
differences are not audible.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Good sound from Squueezebox

2008-12-16 Thread jeffmeh

So there must be something very wrong with your original switch, if your
new router sounds significantly better.

Regarding WAV sounding better than FLAC, this has been discussed
before.  The only explanation that is plausible is that when the SB3
natively decodes the FLAC, the act itself causes some change in the
device's electrical properties that affects sound quality somewhere in
your audio chain.  Certainly possible, and some swear that it is true,
but others cannot distinguish any difference.  Personally, I'm
skeptical, unless someone can reliably distinguish the difference
blind.  But if you prefer to transcode to WAV, good for you.  No


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I'm really confused

2008-12-09 Thread jeffmeh

Thanks all for the great explanations.  Can anyone point to a good
layman's definition of impedance?  I am math-oriented, but I am not an
electrical engineer, and the definitions I can find on the web seem to
assume much pre-existing electrical engineering knowledge.  Many


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I'm really confused

2008-12-09 Thread jeffmeh

Thanks Dave and Clive.  Buffer to boost, attenuator to attenuate  I
missed the obvious notion that the impedance mismatch is not always a
case of a source with output that is too hot for the target input.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I'm really confused

2008-12-08 Thread jeffmeh

In the case of an impedance mismatch, what are the comparative
advantages of a buffer over a passive attenuator?  I assume that the
buffer will be much more expensive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Good sound from Squueezebox

2008-12-07 Thread jeffmeh

If the switch is causing noise on your power lines, you could try
direct-connect to the NAS, but leave the switch plugged in where you
normally keep it.  If you still think the direct-connect sounds better,
then you can probably rule out the hypothesis that the switch is
introducing noise on the power lines.

If the switch is introducing noise to the SB3 across the ethernet
cable, you could either try wireless or try a different cable.

In any case, the only hypothesis that does not violate the laws of
physics is that the switch is introducing noise somewhere.  If the
network packets are getting there in time to keep the SB3's buffer from
emptying, it is EXACTLY the same as direct-connect, and the timing does
not matter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Good sound from Squueezebox

2008-12-05 Thread jeffmeh

maxrob200;366685 Wrote: 
> Hi Robin
> I don't think that I am imagining it. I did read somewhere that the
> quality of the switch does effect overall audio performance due to
> inadequate transfer speeds or similar delays.

This is incorrect.  A (working) switch and a (working)
direct-connection will sound identical, as the timing of the packet
traffic in TCP/IP is independent of the timing in the audio chain.  A
broken network connection would cause the SB's buffer to empty, and the
music would stop or stutter, not become subtly different.

maxrob200;366685 Wrote: 
> I have listened to both combinations and there is definitely better
> audio playback when connected directly just to the NAS

It is possible that the switch is introducing some type of noise that
the SB is sensitive to, but that would be a broken switch.  It is more
likely that you are imagining the difference.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Direct to power amp?

2008-11-25 Thread jeffmeh

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results, please visit

Question: Direct to power amp?

- Yes
- No

sxr71;363737 Wrote: 
> Okay so you set the attenuator to the maximum listening level you would
> ever want and then you're stuck with digital volume control again. So
> what's the solution? Preamp? Stepped attenuator?

No, the solution is to use the digital volume control with the
attenuator providing the safety required to not blow your speakers.

If you are so concerned with losing quality with the digital volume
control, perhaps you should try it to see if you can detect a
difference.  Admittedly, it would be difficult to seamlessly switch
between, say, 80% digital volume with attenuation and 100% digital
volume without (assuming that these created the same volume, as I
haven't done the math).  I would be surprised if one could tell the
difference in a blind test, as Slim's implementation of digital volume
control in the 24-bit domain is a very good implementation indeed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] "non-audiophile audio enthusiast"?

2008-11-08 Thread jeffmeh

Themis;357776 Wrote: 
> Audiophiles don't hear : they just imagine things, based on the air
> displacement coming out of their speakers... ;)

So THAT is where all the air is coming from.... :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not all 24/96 flac's are created equal

2008-10-18 Thread jeffmeh

Themis;350875 Wrote: 
> I get your point and Pat's one. But I strongly disagree about your
> distortion level example : If a lot of people can hear differences
> between -say- different speaker cables or even between microphones,
> although CCIR/ITU-R ABX tests prove that no-one hears any differences
> of that level anyway, then, probably, the famous ABX tests methodology
> is broken and/or there's a factor that we forgot to consider.
> Also, I happen to know some high-end amplifier designers, and I can
> tell you that when they go as far as 100kHz and 0,001% and 0dB
> frequency responce deviation (although the... tests say that no-one
> hears differences of 0,1dB), it is not for marketing purposes. 
> It is because the sound of their product is better with than without.
> Go figure.

At the risk of opening up the classic objectivist/subjectivist black
hole, I have never understood this argument.

With all due respect, if:
1) A specific individual claims he can hear the difference between A
and B when he knows which one he is hearing, and
2) That individual cannot differentiate A from B in an double-blind
test, and
3) This scenario is repeated every time, for many tests, with many
individuals, and
4) Countless studies across disciplines have demonstrated that the
placebo effect is real

Then why is it reasonable to conclude that there is something wrong
with the tests, rather than that none of these individuals can really
hear the difference?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This is something you dont get fromdigital

2008-10-07 Thread jeffmeh

pfarrell;347456 Wrote: 
> Themis wrote:
> > I was talking about the METHOD which is lossless. Is there
> > any theory saying that a non-transforming METHOD is lossy ? Can you
> > please enlighten me ?
> Can you enlighten me on what you mean by "METHOD" here?
> Do you mean method acting? or something else.
> I'm not following any of this recent section of the thread.
> Analogue microphones (1) transform the signal and (2) are lossy.
> They are the first thing in the recording chain. If you want no
> transformations and nothing lossy, go to a recital.

That still will not achieve the goal.  Human hearing is lossy.  Just
ask my dog.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This is something you dont get from digital

2008-10-05 Thread jeffmeh

It appears to me from reading the article that they did a blind
comparison among four digital sources, picked the group's best-scored
two, then went to analog as a non-blind comparison.

"After the listening session of the second pair of digital contenders
finished and I informed the audience that there was no need for a third
round between the 2 winners since we had made this test earlier on, we
went straight to vinyl and the Chabrier's classical piece recording by

It is not clear whether the comparison between digital and analog was
blind or not.  If not, then I do not think we can draw any conclusions
from the test.

Also, I agree with opaqueice's point:  the mastering lineages of the CD
and the LP can be completely different, so strictly speaking they were
not even comparing the same material.  One would never compare two
digital sources by playing a well-mastered, dynamic-range preserving CD
on source A, with a loudness-wars induced, poor mastering of the same
material on source B.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a better CD drive make better sound?

2008-08-05 Thread jeffmeh

smarco;326191 Wrote: 
> 1. Is the $3K or $30K CD transporter better than $20 CD drive in
> pulling out the digital data from a CD? Is there any $1K CD drive for
> Hi-Fi ripping? (I mean $1K for the CD drive itself not for the
> automated machine.) 
> 2. Is the loss of data in streaming or storing really significant?
> Yeah... I see some digital cables priced over $1K. If so, the shorter
> paths like the option 2 and 3 are supposed to be better than the option
> 1. Is it true?
> 3. What makes the $3K transpoter worth other than the minimized loss
> (if so) in its circutry?

1.  No.  If a CD drive gives you a bit-perfect rip, it cannot get any
better than that.  You do need to use ripping software that can do
bit-perfect rips if you want to ensure this (e.g., EAC, Dbpoweramp).

2.  If you store lossless files, then there is no loss in storing.  If
you stream using a network protocol like TCP/IP, as you do with
SqueezeCenter, then there is no loss in streaming to the transport.  In
general, any digital cable that is not broken will get all the bits from
the transport to the DAC.  However, spdif has an inherent weakness in
that the clock signal is embedded in the data, and this can result in
timing variations (jitter), depending upon the specific equipment
involved.  This may or may not be audible, depending upon your
equipment, your listening environment, and your ears.  There are
numerous threads here devoted to explanations of jitter.

3.  A very expensive transport may have better components, better power
supplies, better engineering, or it may just have a higher price.  It
may go to greater lengths to minimize jitter, by using a master/slave
clock, by avoiding spdif altogether, etc.  Whether it is worth the $3k
or $30k is very subjective.  I can think of better ways to spend my
money.  :)

If it is a CD player, and has to read the physical disc every time,
there is always a potential for read errors and data
interpolation/extrapolation, which does constitute data loss.  In this
respect, an accurate rip stored in a lossless format is a better read.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a dedicated music server make a difference

2008-06-05 Thread jeffmeh

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?

- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

With all due respect, you do not seem to understand that the placebo
effect is not something one can "rule out" because of perceived "major
differences."  Additionally, perception is not fact.

You heard a difference, and that difference may have truly existed, but
it has nothing to do with different sound quality based upon different
computers running SC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bi- and vertical-amping

2008-04-18 Thread jeffmeh

To throw another configuration into the mix, I used to use a separate,
passive crossover (high-pass filter) that filtered out frequencies
below 80Hz.  This filter had 1 set of stereo RCA inputs, and two sets
of stereo RCA outputs (1 filtered and the other unfiltered).

I ran it between the preamp output and the amp input (for the filtered
run), and a powered subwoofer with an 80Hz crossover/low-pass filter
(on the unfiltered run).  This effectively reduced the load on the amp
driving the main speakers, as it no longer received input signal below
80Hz.  It certainly made a difference to my ears in this system.

Given that there were two amps (one in the subwoofer), I suppose it is
bi-amping of a sort. :-p


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie question: what's the better DAC? SB2 or amp?

2008-02-05 Thread jeffmeh

If you try the SB analog outs, be sure to set your receiver into
"Direct" mode, or whatever is required to get it to bypass any digital
processing.  If you do not, the receiver is going to end up converting
the analog to digital and using its DAC anyway.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best sound possible

2008-01-29 Thread jeffmeh

There is really no need to belabor this.  The SB or Transporter receives
network packets from the SlimServer that make up the music file (FLAC,
MP3, WAV, or other natively suppported format).  The SB or Transporter
plays the file.  The server has to get the data there, but it has
nothing to do with the quality of the music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Music File Protection

2008-01-17 Thread jeffmeh

So if my math is correct, and you get 2Mb/s upload speeds, and
everything goes perfectly, it will take about 20 days (24/7) to upload

And if you periodically run a test to make sure you can recover the
data, and get 8Mb/s download speeds, it will only take about 5 days
(24/7) to run the test.

I still do not see this as practical, particularly if anything goes
wrong and it cannot run in unattended mode.  However, if you try it I
will be very interested to hear how it goes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Music File Protection

2008-01-17 Thread jeffmeh

Copied from an earlier post:

I looked into online backups, but unless one has tremendous upload and
download bandwidth it would just take too long to backup and recover.

Let's say that you have 768Kb/sec upload speed. To backup 500 GB:

500G bytes x 8 bits/byte x 1 sec/768K bits X 1 min/60 sec x 1 hr/60 min
x 1 day/24 hr =~ 60 days.

Some of the services also limit your download bandwidth, so check that
out also. But if you achieved 8Mb/sec, it would still take about 6 days
to get your data back.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD Player as DAC recommendation?

2008-01-11 Thread jeffmeh

While I love my Squeezeboxen and the Slim architecture, and would
heartily recommend that you buy one, I see no good reason to bother
doing so if you are going with the computer soundcard.  There are a
myriad of music players that will run on a PC and give you an interface
at least as good as what you get with SqueezeCenter.  Perhaps that will
change with the controller, but I have yet to use one so I am not
qualified to say.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 6moons preview ModWright Transporter

2008-01-08 Thread jeffmeh

seanadams;256048 Wrote: 
> Maybe. Or maybe based on what I know of the Transporter and of
> electrical engineering, I can be quite confident in my position with
> just the information at hand.
> Here's an analogy: Suppose I sell bits of string which are 3" in
> length. Perfect for tying up very small parcels, attaching notes to
> pigeons' legs, etc.
> Then someone claims that by simply tying one of my bits of string into
> a knot, he has increased its length to 4". Now, based on what I know of
> string and of knots, I can safely say "no way".
> Is the onus not on the tier of knots to demonstrate that he has in fact
> increased the length of the string by his method? He could at least show
> a picture of this magically knotted string so that we can see that at
> least _something_ of interest has been done to it...
> The length of a bit of string, like the amount of jitter in a clock
> signal or the number of bits per sample supported by a digital audio
> device, are observable things. But not only are they easily tested,
> they can also be predicted and understood without even having to lay
> hands on the thing, because we have theory to tell us how this stuff
> works. 
> However, nobody has seen, heard, or measured this claimed 4" bit of
> string. Nobody can explain how one might tie a knot in such a way as to
> make it 4" in length. Perhaps the first few people to buy such a string
> will never take the time to hold a ruler against it and see how long it
> really is. They will just be happy to have a longer bit of string
> because they were told it is longer. That is exactly how these scams
> work! People are gullible. The snake oil salesmen would be out of
> business if people took time to test this stuff or learn how it works.
> You don't think I have better things to do? the only reason I post in
> threads like this is because I don't want my customers to be misled.
> But after a certain point, if someone insists on believing despite all
> evidence to the contrary, I give up!

What if the 3" string was moving at the speed of light? :-P


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Loss from Ethernet Cable?

2007-12-22 Thread jeffmeh

Did you rip to lossy AIFF or Apple lossless (ALAC)?  If you ripped
lossy, then you are comparing lossy on the SB3 to lossless on the CD
Transport.  Try ripping something to ALAC or FLAC and comparing.

Also, be sure to match the volume levels between the SB3 and the CD
Transport.  Otherwise, it is virtually impossible to compare them.

If you do all of this and make sure your SlimServer settings are as
stated above, and you still prefer the CD Transport when doing a blind
comparison, then you will have proven that you find the CD Transport to
be superior to the SB3 (through the current interface cables).

Good luck.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Annoying tick when fridge turns on/off

2007-10-31 Thread jeffmeh

Robin Bowes;239164 Wrote: 
> tyler_durden wrote:
> > If you replace a refrigerator you spend $800 or more to reduce your
> > electric bill by $5 per month...
> [snip]
> > It might pay for itself in the power savings in about 30 years.
> Erm, simple mathematics would dictate that if you're saving $5/month
> after an outlay of $800, it would take 800/5 months to recoup the
> initial investment, i.e. 13 years 4 months.
> Yours pedantically,
> R.

What's the discount rate? :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optical connection - inferior by default?

2007-10-27 Thread jeffmeh

Newtonian physics is also inferior to Einsteinian physics.  While that
is an important distinction when trying to precisely calculate the
paths of celestial bodies, it is not a consideration when playing

I have no doubt that in some audio applications Toslink's technical
deficiencies matter, while in others they do not.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Bolder Mods

2007-10-27 Thread jeffmeh

tyler_durden;238348 Wrote: 
> I think that says it all.  
> It is very much like the psychics who can't work their miracles under
> scientific test conditions because the effect is "shy".  If everyone
> involved just takes a few deep breaths, suspends their critical thought
> processes, and puts their attention elsewhere, the miracles will
> happen.
> How much did this lesson cost you?
> TD



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to provecables areworth money

2007-10-16 Thread jeffmeh

SumnerH;235432 Wrote: 
> You think?  I find relativity to have more "magic" formulas than
> quantum; the one "unaesthetic" thing about QM is accepting that the
> physics is not deterministic, but that strikes me as being perhaps a
> human bias rather than a real objection.

Well, I certainly realize that judging each based upon "aesthetics" is
subjective by its nature.  However, QM feels to me like, "wait, we
found another particle, let's append some new equations to the math." 
GR feels more like, "look at this simple, elegant explanation."  Of
course, the fact that each breaks down when trying to describe the
other's domain leads one to believe that there is more there to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to provecables areworth money

2007-10-15 Thread jeffmeh

Best of luck trying to explain quantum mechanics to a layperson, lol.  I
qualify as such, although I have a higher math background and have done
a fair amount of reading on the subject.

I realize that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" (Tower of
Power, anyone), but QM appears to me to be an ugly, awkward mish-mash
of data points, although it is uncannily correct according to
experimental outcomes.

The math for the gravitational force is much more aesthetically
pleasing, and you would have a better shot of explaining general
relativity to a lay-audience without having to lie.

Herein lies the quest for the theory of everything.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 digital output quality

2007-10-12 Thread jeffmeh


The timing does matter here.  The same bits with different timing can
yield different audio output.  Jitter does exist, although one can
argue about its significance.

If you read up on the SPDIF protocol and understand how the clock is
obtained from the data signal itself, you will see that it is indeed
different from moving a data file across a network.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to prove cables areworth money

2007-10-12 Thread jeffmeh

servies;234628 Wrote: 
> Geez... still living in the 1940's?
> @adamSlim,
> maybe, the microphones aren't perfect, but that's the case for both
> tests (cable A and B)
> and that also would be eliminated if you go for option B (comparing the
> signal at the entrance of the speakers), but ofcourse there will be some
> invisible elves who enhance your hearing when you use the superduper
> expensive cables... whatever, if it gives you a comfortable feeling...

You are still missing the point.  If I have two identical cardboard
boxes, one filled with gold and the other with lead, and the measuring
device available to me is a camera, the boxes measure equally. 
Obviously, they are not equal in a relevant way, but my measurement
system is not sophisticated enough to detect it.

It is certainly likely that there are limits to our current
measurements for audio, so some relevant difference could be
undetectable by those measurements.

In practical terms, you may be correct.  Perhaps there are no
limitations in our measurement technology that can account for
meaningful, audible differences.  However, the possibility clearly

Intellectually, I do favor double-blind testing.  If someone can tell
the difference in a well-constructed, double-blind test, then it exists
(statistically speaking).  If your instruments cannot measure a
difference, then it is a limitation of your instruments.  If they can,
then perhaps that difference explains the difference in human
perception, but perhaps it is something else that your instruments
cannot detect.

In no one can tell the difference in a well-constructed, double-blind
test, then for all practical purposes the difference does not exist. 
If your instruments can measure a difference, then it must be a
difference that is not audible.  If they cannot, fine, but they still
may be limited in detecting factors that are not audible.  

Finally, I am very skeptical regarding mega-expensive cables, and I can
think of virtually no circumstance under which I would value them given
their cost.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to prove cables areworth money

2007-10-11 Thread jeffmeh

servies;234469 Wrote: 
> Apparently you have such excellent hearing that you can hear the
> difference between a cable with a length of 90.001 cm and a cable
> with a length of 90.002 cm, you must be a true 'audiophile'
> then...
> Yawn...

I believe Robin's point is that there may be factors that we cannot yet
measure, and that these factors may turn out to have audible
consequences.  Reductio ad absurdum:  If the only measurement we had
available were length, the measurement could not distinguish between
two 90cm cables, even if one were severed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Devolo / Homeplug - noise on the mains

2007-10-10 Thread jeffmeh

m1abrams;234086 Wrote: 
> Question regarding Homeplug and like devices.  How do they fair on power
> networks in homes where their is no HF bridge across the phases?
> Many homes have half the house on one phase and the other half on the
> other phase.  I would think in order to make network over mains work in
> all parts of the house you would have to have some type of HF bridge
> across the phases.  How do they solve this issue?

I do not use a homeplug solution, but I ran into this with some X10
control modules that I used to use.  There are a number of ways to
solve it, but each involves some type of coupling.  I had an
electrician install a bridge across the phases of the panel.  You can
also buy a coupler that you plug into a wall socket.  Some of these
devices are passive, while others offer amplification.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to prove cables areworth money

2007-10-10 Thread jeffmeh

IMO, it is all really "in the ears of the beholder," i.e., if someone
feels that an expensive cable makes his system sound better, that is

For my money, I want to know that the difference is perceivable.  1)
Demonstrate that someone, somewhere, on some system can reliably tell
the difference, and then I am more than willing to discuss 2) whether
that difference constitutes an improvement, and 3) whether that
improvement is worth the cost.

Does that make me an objectivist/subjectivist/subjectivist? :)

I also note that beyond a certain price point, I am predisposed to
answer 3) negatively.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 digital output quality

2007-10-08 Thread jeffmeh

russelk;233525 Wrote: 
> Replay gain is disabled. MP3 and FLAC streamed in their native formats,
> AAC streamed as FLAC.

Is your comparison between a) MP3/AAC tracks and b) audio CDs playing
on your CD player?  If so, you are comparing lossy files to lossless
files.  Certainly, a fair comparison is your CD player vs. FLAC on the
SB3 with no replaygain or DSP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 16/44 vs. 24/96 Format Comparison

2007-10-02 Thread jeffmeh

amey01;232189 Wrote: 
> Absolutely! 
> But there is just so much that science and DBT tests (which have been
> proven inaccurate) can't explain. 
> If you enjoy it then go for it (placebo or not), but just remember that
> we are not at the pinnacle of reproduced sound quality yet - recordings
> sound nothing like the live event. 
> Science (or anything else) can't explain this as yet, but it doesn't
> mean we should stop trying to get better sound quality.

Out of curiosity, do you have a reference regarding a well-constructed,
statistically significant, double-blind test that has proven to be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Someone tell me I am crazy!

2007-09-30 Thread jeffmeh

tyler_durden;231494 Wrote: 
> You're making a common logic error.  Just because a large number of
> people say something is true does not actually make that thing true,
> especially when a lot of those people earn their living selling the
> thing they are talking-up.  For example, look at astrology.  There are
> many millions of people who believe their lives are controlled by such
> silliness as where the stars and planets are in relation to each other
> and the earth.  Are they right?  What about psychics?  Do you think any
> of them really can see the future?  A lot of women who live in trailers
> do.  How about Naziism?  A lot of people were convinced that there was
> an ultimate solution to all of mankind's problems.  Were they right? 
> Look how many people voted for W, not once, but twice!  That alone
> should tell you about the wisdom of crowds.
> All of this still ignores the dangers of handling CF and especially the
> danger of CF fiber fragments getting into your audio equipment and
> wrecking it.  You can make all the arguments you want about stealth
> technology and whatever crap you read on some internet forum populated
> by religious fanatics disguised as audiophiles, or in marketing
> literature from companies trying to sell expensive stuff to
> audiophiles.  In the end, if you wrap your equipment in CF cloth it is
> unlikely to keep working for very long.
> If you are lucky, no one including you, your children, spouse, guests,
> or pets will have the mind-bending experience of inhaling any of those
> flying fiber fragments.
> What makes more sense, listening to a salesman whose next boat payment
> depends on your believing what he says or believing what the MSDS says,
> and what people who have handled the material say?
> I think the public school system in this country needs to put a lot
> more effort into teaching critical thinking skills...
> TD

Hear! Hear!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] plug and play linear supply (part 2)

2007-09-25 Thread jeffmeh

Phil Leigh;229795 Wrote: 
> Sounds like your replacement supply developed a fault to me.

Indeed, that may be the case.  However, since I spent all of $25 on the
linear supply, and I am satisfied with the stock switching supply, I
guess that I will just stick with the stock one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] plug and play linear supply (part 2)

2007-09-25 Thread jeffmeh

tyler_durden;229468 Wrote: 
> The human mind is simply astounding!
> TD

I am not quite sure how to interpret this remark.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] plug and play linear supply (part 2)

2007-09-24 Thread jeffmeh

Well, when I first tried this PSU at the beginning of the year, I did
not hear any difference.  At some point in the last month or so, we
noticed a faint, scrolling, horizontal line on the TV.  Yesterday, I
heard some relatively loud background noise when no audio was playing. 
I unplugged the linear PSU and the noise disappeared, as did the TV
ghost line.  I am back to the SB3 stock PSU.  Apparently, in my system,
with this linear PSU I get more noise than with the stock switcher.  Go


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-22 Thread jeffmeh

Meatwad650;228970 Wrote: 
> Sorry, but I gotta call BS on that.  I think the only real signal loss
> for some of this stuff is between the auditory nerve and the auditory
> cortex. :)
> For those that would suggest the digital path sounds different then
> basically you're suggesting that something is causing signal errors
> when decoding flac?  
> And if the analog path sounds different then it sounds like your DAC is
> faulty.  Input of the same bitstream to a DAC (and the bitstream is
> provably the same) will cause the same output.  
> Maybe I need to get out of this audiophile forum - I can't turn off the
> engineer side of my brain enough to drink the kool-aid. :)

No, the hypothesis is not that there are decoding errors.  The
hypothesis is that since the CPU must perform different work when
processing FLAC than it does when processing WAV, that that difference
results in different physical properties (e.g., differences in radio
frequency emissions), which then results in audible differences.

FWIW, I am extremely skeptical.  However, there is nothing wrong with
the logic of the argument.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power Supply Upgrade for SB3?

2007-09-09 Thread jeffmeh

gdg;226118 Wrote: 
> I understand that a number of reviewers have criticized the SB3 power
> supply and suggest an upgrade to improve the sound quality from the
> analog outputs. 
> I intend to stick with the digital output to feed a Benchmark Dac1.
> Would a power supply upgrade be worthwhile in this case?

Maybe.  Some people have found it to make a difference, others have
not.  The most plausible hypothesis is that the RFI generated by the
stock switching supply presents no problem for the SB3, but it can
affect other components more sensitive to this RFI.

I bought an inexpensive, linear, regulated PSU and could not hear any
difference. YMMV.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amp shutdown when power cycling Transporter

2007-08-31 Thread jeffmeh

MikeFish;224199 Wrote: 
> I haven't really read that whole link just a couple of posts, but what I
> read said that the replaygain is not a lossless process and that file
> will be different after processing. That kinda rules it out for me. I
> spend a great deal of time and effort to make the path and files sound
> as good as possible. I don't want to add more processing just so I can
> listen to everything at the same level.


Replaygain just writes tags to the metadata, so the actual audio data
is unchanged.  MP3Gain has an option to write tags or change the audio
data.  I use replaygain with FLAC and find that it works pretty well. 
If you want to turn it off, you can do so with SlimServer and it will
simply ignore the tags and not apply the gain.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amp shutdown when power cycling Transporter

2007-08-31 Thread jeffmeh

MikeFish;224116 Wrote: 
> It does make a thud in the speakers as it cycles.
> Sean, perhaps you are right. Problem is that my normal listening level
> is around -20db, but with some tracks it can be as much as -4db. I'm
> not aware of any levelling for FLACs so if I attenuatted by 10db I'd
> find myself short of volume on some tracks.
> This is not really a problem now as I'm using Slimserver 7 and have not
> power cycled since installing it!
> Think I might try some sort of attenuattion anyway, & see how i get
> on.
> Thanks everyone for your input!

FLAC does support replaygain.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB digital out level ?

2007-08-31 Thread jeffmeh

michel;224145 Wrote: 
> I just don't get what difference in sound pre-gaps and offset could
> make! :-)

I believe Robin was responding to the suggestion that the burned CD
would be a "bit perfect" copy of the original.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread jeffmeh

egd;218345 Wrote: 
> interesting observation seeing as the flac is decoded to the bit perfect
> original pcm wav and then passed through the same dac as any wav file
> would.  it's like arguing that a document stored in a zip archive and
> then unzipped is not a bit perfect copy of the original.

Not exactly  The files can be bit perfect but the act of
decompressing on the SB could change the sound.  I do not think it
likely, but it is certainly possible.  As an extreme (and silly)
example, what if when the SB chip natively decoded the FLAC it
indavertently created an audible pink-noise tone on the analog out?  As
a more plausible example, what if it created some EMF that affected the
jitter on the digital path?  Again, I am skeptical, but I must concede
the possibility.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] This Is An Improvement

2007-08-01 Thread jeffmeh

mister pig;218154 Wrote: 
> Thaks everyone for their insights. Between reading posts, and a couple
> of directed questions to tech support at Slimservers, I think I have
> this properly configuired. 
> i-tunes is music is ripped into wav files. I disabled the wav to flac
> setting on the slimserver program, so it wav to wav. I have no skipping
> or lock up issues. 
> How does it sound? In my opinion its a significant improvement to wav
> to flac conversion. It is within spitting distance to the cd transport
> I am using. There still seems to be a bit of a loss of high frequency
> energy. The top end is just not quite as open sounding and detailed as
> the CD player. I will explore this more, but from what I can see the SB
> is now properly configuired. 
> Regards
> Mister Pig

It would be very interesting to find out if you really can hear a
difference between streaming WAV and FLAC.  This has been discussed
before.  While it is certainly possible that the act of the SB
decompressing the FLAC could change the sound, the bits are the same as
WAV once it is decompressed.  It seems unlikely that there would be
audible differences.  Of course, if someone were to consistently
identify the difference in a proper blind test, I would have to concede
the point. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Performance Upgrades

2007-07-29 Thread jeffmeh

mister pig;217726 Wrote: 
> Hello Everyone,
> I am ne to this forum. And am probably going to ask a question that has
> been answered many times. 
> I will put this up front. I write for an E-Zine...Affordable Audio. I
> have a SB 3 that I plan on doing a review on. 
> My digital front end consits of an Audio Magic Kukama DAC and JVC
> XL-Z1050 TN CDP used as transport. Its been my experience that the TOTL
> Japanese machines of this era make a darn fine transport. Digital cable
> is Audio Magic Illusions 4D. 
> The computer music server is set up on a pair of Western Digital 250G
> external hard drives. I-Tunes is the format. A Benchmark media tech
> worked with me to get it properly set up for what they call "bit
> transparent" playback. 
> So far I love the way ease of use the SB3 has. Wonderful product in
> this regards. But I have not got it to equal the sonic perfomrance of
> my traditional transport yet. So where can I go from here to get this
> unit optimized so i can write a review on it?
> Regards
> Mister Pig

First, if the music files are in ITunes, are they in Apple Lossless
format (ALAC)?  If not, then you would be comparing lossy files that
have thrown away music data to achieve better compression to the
uncompressed music from your CD player.

Second, if they are already lossless ALAC files, the SlimServer has to
transcode them for the SB3 to play them.  The SB3 does not play native
ALAC files.  You need to make sure that the SlimServer is transcoding
them to a lossless, compressed format (FLAC) or an uncompressed format
(WAV).  If they are being transcodeded to MP3, then you are again
comparing lossy to uncompressed.

So, to do an "apples to apples" comparison (pun intended), you need to
make sure that the SB3 is receiving either FLAC or WAV, so that the
bits coming out of it are the same as those coming out of your CD


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-07-29 Thread jeffmeh

adyc;217717 Wrote: 
> Forgive me if this has been asked before. Is Inguz's linux plugin can be
> used in ReadyNAS?

Infrant controls what you can install on their NAS devices, and the
Inguz plugin is not available, as far as I know.  Even if it were, I do
not believe that the NAS would have sufficient processing power to run
Inguz successfully.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-10 Thread jeffmeh

I cannot resist


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-26 Thread jeffmeh

I have not used Inguz DRC, though one of these days I hope to try it
out.  In the past, I have used equalization to flatten the frequency
response in the room, and I did find that it took some listening over
time to get used to the flatter response.  In my initial A-B tests I
liked the uncorrected sound better.  After listening to the flatter
sound for a few weeks and doing an A-B, I liked the flatter sound

Your mileage may vary, but you may wish to listen for a few weeks and
then see what you think.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] is ASIO still advantageous through squeezebox?

2007-05-25 Thread jeffmeh

needanamp;204069 Wrote: 
> so in a word, there is 'absoloutely NO POINT' in getting digital mods if
> using external DAC via coaxial?

I believe that "digital mods" normally refer to modifications to the
digital output stage, so the intent of digital mods is to improve the
SB when using an external DAC.  The intent of analog mods is to improve
the SB when using its internal (perhaps modified or swapped out) DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Different servers sound different

2007-05-22 Thread jeffmeh

Georgie;203712 Wrote: 
> ceejay, mswlogo,
> Thank you for your answers. I assume that the reason of the different
> sound is caused by different parameters, but I don't know which
> parameter and which value. I'll tried to have the same configurations,
> but there are a lot of parameters, from disk access to CPU cache and so
> on, and I really don't know enough to have the same parameter values on
> different pcs and different operating systems. That is the reason why I
> ask for soemone with the same experiences here in this forum.
> cliveb,
> You mentionned a good point. I have no air fans in the listening room,
> and the hard disk access is not audible. The environment noise during
> night is near zero. Therefore no influence.
> Pale Blue Ego,
> Three of the four cases have the same serial ATA interface, two of them
> even physically the same interface (same PC with 2 operating systems). I
> could imagine that another interface causes other sound, but I would
> restrict to my 4 cases.

With all due respect, just make sure the slimserver settings are
identical and try the test blind.  If server configuration
variations(OS, CPU, memory, hard disks, etc.) were really changing the
bits going over TCP/IP, then we would have much larger problems than
audible variations with the Transporter, as TCP/IP networking would be

Make sure none of the Slimservers are doing any type of transcoding or
bitrate limiting.  If the slimserver settings are the same, and you are
streaming identical files, then it is extremely unlikely that there is
any audible difference.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DRM lessons from the Squeezebox

2007-05-02 Thread jeffmeh

The other ridiculous notion posted here is that the "force of law" will
prohibit people from circumventing DRM.

Just like gun laws prevent people from obtaining guns, alcohol
prohibition prevented people from drinking, and drug laws prevent
people from using drugs, right?

Never in human history has prohibition worked where there is both a
desire and an opportunity to circumvent it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Tried the Mac Mini directly to the DAC

2007-04-19 Thread jeffmeh

creativepart;196243 Wrote: 
> I have all the equalization and volume controls turned off in iTunes on
> the Mac (and set to fixed on the SB3 as well). There was no difference
> in the files or the volume between the Mac directly and the SB3.

I do not mean to be snippy, but how did you confirm that there were no
volume differences?  If you used a sound pressure level meter then you
can be certain, if you used your ears then you cannot.  It is certainly
possible that some sneaky digital processing is taking place somewhere
on the Mac, but I do not know enough about it to know whether it is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-16 Thread jeffmeh

darrenyeats;195312 Wrote: 
> Jeffmeh,
> Yes I use flac. As for sound pressure levels, I don't have a scientific
> way of measuring it. I didn't change volume levels between comparisons
> (they sounded pretty much equal although I perceive the Monarchy's tone
> as "darker" in the mids and highs). I did my best on that score but in
> the end this isn't a scientific test, it's one person's opinion...I
> don't claim it is more.
> If it helps the differences I've heard were apparent at middle and loud
> volumes.
> Anne,
> You read it right, in that I did change my mind over time. My point is
> that, at first, I wanted the SB to sound as good. But in the end, after
> a more lengthy comparison, I've changed my opinion and now I feel the
> Monarchy sounds better.
> Let me explain what I am NOT saying. I am not saying the SBv3 as a
> transport sounds bad. It doesn't! It's just that I hear the Monarchy
> sounds better overall - but I should say the Monarchy has sounded
> better than several other CD transports I tried at the time of purchase
> and since. So, also, I am not saying anything about SBv3 versus CD
> transports in general. I can only talk about my transport.
> I don't know the reasons and I would be more than happy for advice on
> tweaks or possible solutions to make the SBv3 sound better as a
> transport.
> Also, if anyone else has a different experience to me I would like to
> hear it. I want to get the SBv3 sounding the best I can in my set up,
> and I am open to all ideas no matter how "crazy" since I gave up long
> ago trying to figure out why digital audio is such a black art.
> More opinions are important since as you've pointed out there might be
> a flaw in my test or some weirdness in my system which changes the
> result. However, I have been quite honest about what I hear in my set
> up.
> Thanks, Darren

One thing you could do is buy an inexpensive sound pressure level meter
from Radio Shack, or someplace comparable, match the levels with a test
tone, and see if you still hear a difference.  In general, people
perceive louder as better, so volume matching is a good idea.

The other thing you may wish to try is a linear, regulated power supply
with the SB3.  Some claim to gain dramatic improvement with this, others
claim no difference.  Personally, I think both camps are correct, as it
likely depends upon how the radio frequency interference of the stock
switching power supply affects your system as a whole (all components
in the chain).  If you do test this, be sure to unplug the switching
supply when you are not testing with it.

Best of luck.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-15 Thread jeffmeh


You did not mention it, but is it safe to assume that you are streaming
from a WAV or lossless file, and that you matched sound pressure levels
for the comparison?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread jeffmeh

CatBus;194734 Wrote: 
> No need to be respectful, I was wrong.  Just say it ;)  Perhaps it would
> be more accurate to that that if CDs were mastered like DVD-Audio or
> SACDs, they may sound just as good (or at least we'd finally be able to
> prove one way or the other!)
> I think that regarding the general theme, however, we're in agreement. 
> Someone who prefers vinyl may actually be preferring quality mastering. 
> Nothing about vinyl is inherently better.

Well, I would think that one could argue that vinyl is inherently
better in that analog reproduction is not limited to 44,100 samples per
second.  At a high enough sampling rate though, the argument falls
apart, since there must be some sampling rate that is beyond human
auditory perception (even through golden ears).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Modifying the Squeezebox 3

2007-04-11 Thread jeffmeh

Club1820;194182 Wrote: 
> Bob, thanks for the quick reply.
> So is the item I posted a link to what I need and what the original
> poster of this thread stated as Mod #1?.  Replace the wallwart.
> I have my squeezebox connected to my Rotel 1068 Pre/Pro which then 
> feeds to a Rotel 1095 amp.   Its connected via coaxial.  So, correct me
> if I am wrong - but through this connection, isnt the DAC in the Rotel
> Pre/Pro being utilized instead of the Squeezebox's?  Thus no need for
> an external DAC?  ???
> Thanks for your help and responses.

Yes, if you are using the digital coax output then you are using the
DAC in the Rotel.

For an inexpensive linear power supply, check out this thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-04 Thread jeffmeh

BigTony;192530 Wrote: 
> Jeff,
> Maybe I'm missing something.. How do I get accurate rip to work in
> EAC?
> BT

>From your earlier post, it seems like AccurateRip is telling you that
the tracks are not accurate.  If that is true, you may be set up fine
but have not yet ripped a CD that AccurateRip has in its database.

I am not at the computer that has EAC and AccurateRip, but my
recollection is that to install it you just put the AccurateRip DLL in
the EAC directory.  You also have to have the correct offset for your
CD drive.  AccurateRip should be able to configure that if you put in
one of its "key discs."

If you haven't already, check out


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-04 Thread jeffmeh

BigTony;192517 Wrote: 
> Ok,
> So I guess that its back to EAC for good, ran a few more disks in
> accuraterip and found they either wern't in the database or were
> inaccurate!
> BT

FWIW, I use EAC in secure mode, test and copy, and accurate rip.  Many
of my disks do not show up as the same pressing in accurate rip, but,
given the identical checksums in test and copy and EAC reporting no
errors, I have confidence that the rips are good.  In my view, doing it
once and doing it right is worth the modest time and effort.  YMMV.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-04 Thread jeffmeh

chill;192458 Wrote: 
> If you are ripping to individal tracks using EAC, and the FLAC
> compression is proving to be the bottleneck, you might want to look at
> the 'EAC options' -> 'Tools' tab.  There is an option to allow the
> external compressor to start in the background, with a further option
> to specify the number of simultaneous compressor threads.  Correct me
> if I'm wrong, but I think this would allow the ripping to continue
> without waiting for the compressor, and you could allow, say, 4
> compressor threads to run in parallel.  Each one would be a quarter of
> the speed of a single thread (because of the CPU dependence, and
> ignoring any advantage you might get from multiple cores), but I think
> the point is that EAC would not pause the ripping process unless all of
> those threads were busy.  I'm not certain about this - please chip in if
> anyone knows better.
> I've been ripping CDs to FLAC images (not individual tracks) using EAC.
> With this approach, FLAC starts up after the entire CD has been ripped.
> I find the FLAC compression is usually finished in less time than it
> takes me to create the EAC log file, eject the CD and put the next one
> in - it is definitely quicker than the ripping process - at a guess I'd
> say about 30 seconds to compress an entire image.  I'm using the latest
> FLAC (1.1.4?) with the default compression option, and running on an
> AM2 Athlon 64 4200+ dual core processor with Windows XP 32-bit - not a
> particularly 'high end' setup.
> Even in C2 secure mode, EAC rips most CDs in 2 to 3 minutes - the
> ripping speed increases with the later tracks on a disc, and the last
> few tracks are often ripped at close to 40x.  This is with a fairly
> cheap LG DVD-RAM drive.

I already run FLAC compression in the background, 1 instance.  EAC
keeps ripping as the FLAC tasks queue up, so it does not slow down the
ripping itself.

The computer is a P-4, 2GHz, 768M RAM, running XP.  The drive is a

I compress FLAC 1.1.4 to -8, the highest compression setting.  On my
system an individual track certainly takes 30 seconds or more to
compress, so if you can compress an entire CD in that time consider
yourself fortunate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-03 Thread jeffmeh

ron thigpen;192313 Wrote: 
> jeffmeh wrote:
> > I always find that the FLAC compression takes longer than the EAC
> rip,
> > so I do not worry about the ripping time.  
> This will vary depending on the speed of the host machine.
> Before upgrading my box with new mobo, cpu and ram, FLAC took longer to
> run and EAC+FLAC took about 7 or 8 minutes per CD.  After the upgrade,
> the FLAC encoding almost always finishes before the following track is
> ripped - it's no longer the bottleneck.  It now takes about 4 to 5 
> minutes to rip and average CD.  Same CD drive and interface, EAC error
> correction enabled.
> --rt

Yes, it is dependent upon CPU constraints.  It also depends upon the
speed of the CD drive, and the level of FLAC compression specified. 
Actual mileage may vary, lol.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-03 Thread jeffmeh

haunyack;192265 Wrote: 
> Has released a "minor" upgrade (1.1.4) FLAC and boy-howdy - it's very
> quick now.
> .

I run FLAC 1.1.4, and with my computer, while it is faster than
previous versions, it is still slower than the rip in all cases where
the CD is not damaged.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-03 Thread jeffmeh

I always find that the FLAC compression takes longer than the EAC rip,
so I do not worry about the ripping time.  If you are concerned about
bit accuracy, I suggest that you stick with EAC.  After all, you should
only have to rip once.

There are certainly other ways to approach it, so if you are more
concerned with speed than accuracy then go for it.  You could try EAC
burst mode and accurate rip.  Anything verified by accurate rip is
accurate anyway.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Apple Lossless a compromise?

2007-04-02 Thread jeffmeh

No, as you will have to setup the SlimServer to transcode the ALAC files
"on the fly."  If you transcode to WAV, the SB will be receiving data
packets identical to your original WAV files.  If you transcode to
FLAC, you will save some bandwidth, but since you are already streaming
WAV there is probably no need.  Obviously, if you transcode to MP3, you
will be using lossy compression, so the audio properties will be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs SB3/Elpac vs SB3/Lavry

2007-03-30 Thread jeffmeh

Pat Farrell;191397 Wrote: 
> jeffmeh wrote:
> > Is that not the gist of what I said?  All a negative test indicates
> is
> > that the subject could not discern an audible difference in that
> test. 
> > To make a broader general conclusion would be incorrect, but to
> dismiss
> > this outcome as meaningless would also be incorrect.
> Yes, of course, I was agreeing with you and expanding it.
> -- 
> Pat Farrell

Ah, I must have misinterpreted your tone.  My apologies.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs SB3/Elpac vs SB3/Lavry

2007-03-30 Thread jeffmeh

Pat Farrell;191340 Wrote: 
> jeffmeh wrote:
> > P Floding;191291 Wrote: 
> >> Let's just stress that a negative AB or ABX means very little.
> >> Certainly proves nothing in the general sense.
> > 
> > Agreed, but let's also stipulate that it does prove that the
> > subject of the test CURRENTLY cannot discern an audible difference. 
> > Note the emphasis, as it says nothing about other subjects or even
> that
> > subject in the future.
> Well, we could say 
> that at the time of the test, that specific person found X. But it says
> nothing about whether they would fix X again if tested again, or if
> they 
> would find Y.
> -- 
> Pat

Is that not the gist of what I said?  All a negative test indicates is
that the subject could not discern an audible difference in that test. 
To make a broader general conclusion would be incorrect, but to dismiss
this outcome as meaningless would also be incorrect.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs SB3/Elpac vs SB3/Lavry

2007-03-30 Thread jeffmeh

P Floding;191291 Wrote: 
> This is most likely the case. Seems, for exmple, that TacT RCS equipment
> is generally sensitive to EMF noise issues. Potentially any type of
> equipment can be sensitive however.
> Let's just stress that a negative AB or ABX means very little.
> Certainly proves nothing in the general sense.

Agreed, but let's also stipulate that it does prove that the SPECIFIC
subject of the test CURRENTLY cannot discern an audible difference. 
Note the emphasis, as it says nothing about other subjects or even that
subject in the future.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread jeffmeh

ron thigpen;191210 Wrote: 
> jeffmeh wrote:
> > Would my audio sound better if I had a cat that was neither alive
> nor
> > dead? 
> The hifi always sounds better with the house cat in a box.  No 
> bothersome mewling at the door, or using the speaker cloth as a 
> scratching post.
> --rt

I cannot tell whether the cat is mewing or scratching in the box, as I
have to isolate it from the external environment to prevent quantum
decoherence affects.  Hey, I wonder if this isolation could be
beneficial to the switching PSU?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread jeffmeh

PhilNYC;191120 Wrote: 
> Is proper speaker setup/placement really something to be considered a
> "tweak"?

Considering that, for me, proper speaker placement would require moving
the system to another room, that I do not have such a room, and that I
would be required to buy another house, it is certainly not a "cheap"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread jeffmeh

CardinalFang;191091 Wrote: 
> The double slit experiment is fundamental to quantum physics, but the
> wave/particle duality could only apply to electrons, not sound waves,
> which are obviously sound pressure waves and never particles.
> The really weird part for me is that the Copenhagan Interpretation,
> which is probably the most widely accepted explanation for the
> experiment, is that electrons and other quantum objects exist as
> probability waves until they are detected, when they become particles.
> In other words, nothing really exists as a particle unless someone is
> looking at it. If you try to watch the individual electrons passing
> through the slits, they appear as particles, if don't, you see an
> interference pattern. It's called "collapsing the wave function".
> Taken to its extreme, that also implies that if there wasn't someone or
> something observing the universe, then it would still exist as
> probability waves, and therefore it proves the existence of God,
> because something has to be observing the universe to collapse the wave
> function. Either God, or the flying spaghetti monster.
> Or in Peter Belts' world, if you avoid measuring or looking at the
> electrons in your HiFi system, they won't exist as particles any more,
> and your HiFi won't work properly. Or is it the other way round. In any
> case, you should ask for a refund if your HiFi becomes a probability
> wave. 
> It also means that your TV has no picture on it unless you are looking
> at it, and you really can't be sure if the light really does come on in
> your fridge if you are not watching.
> Hello nurse, time for my shot already?

Would my audio sound better if I had a cat that was neither alive nor
dead?  Maybe if I drew a picture of the cat with a pen treated by the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread jeffmeh

ceejay;191069 Wrote: 
> Thanks for posting those links.  Following my nose, as one does when
> surfing, I came upon
> which has to be the funniest thing I've come across in a long time...
> Edit: well, it was the funniest thing until I got to the explanation of
> how it works, at
> Ceejay

Well, from a quantum mechanics standpoint it is possible that this
could work.  Of course, it is also possible that an elephant will
quantum tunnel to a position above my head and strike me dead before I
finish typing thi


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: Inexpensive Linear power supply

2007-03-28 Thread jeffmeh

I also seem to remember reading something about more than one type of
switching PSU being shipped as the "stock" PSU.  If that is the case,
clearly there could be differences between them.  It is conceivable
that one could generate much more problematic EMI than the other.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Nearly got SB3 but...

2007-03-23 Thread jeffmeh

valeite;189757 Wrote: 
> at the last minute changed my mind and purchased a Transporter instead.
> I am really pleased that I did. I have now hooked up the digital
> outputs from my satellite receiver and my ancient DAT Recorder and have
> immediate benefits. (do not have a DAC).
> The Transporter was very easy to set up, just the time it takes to plug
> in and push buttons. It connecting to my network immediately. I have no
> stutter or drop outs and the sound is very good to my ears, I cannot
> discern any real difference to the original CDs even internet radio is
> very good on the better bit rate stations.
> Very pleased with my purchase even with the big difference in price.
> (my retirement present to myself)
> I could see me wanting to buy a DAC if I had gone with the SB3 this way
> I am happy and do not have to justify a further purchase with She That
> Must Be Obeyed.

I would imagine that "She" might object to being referred to as a
"That" rather than a "Who." :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bolder Cable Elpac Mods - First Impressions

2007-03-22 Thread jeffmeh

325xi;189521 Wrote: 
> I don't know why do you guys still care about the power supply,
> considering all the regulators in the box, as Sean pointed out long
> ago, pretty much isolate it from the outside. I also don't understand
> why so far no one suggested the best performing isolation platform for
> SB - it desperately needs that - mine vibrates like crazy when I put it
> on top of the freezer! I also would like to know where to apply some
> snake oil to make electrons inside SB to move easier and faster...

The most plausible hypothesis as to why a linear, regulated power
supply could improve the audio is that the electromagnetic interference
(of the stock switching supply) can negatively affect other components
that are not as well isolated as the SB itself.  If you have components
sensitive to this EMI, a different PS might create a significant
improvement.  If you do not, it probably would not.  I'm generally
pretty skeptical, but this reasoning seems sound to me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] my ripping tool of choice

2007-03-20 Thread jeffmeh

Robin Bowes;189038 Wrote: 
> jeffmeh wrote:
> > 
> > Ah, flac2x.  Perhaps you could extend it further as x2y.  Then if
> > x=lead and y=gold we can anoint you head alchemist. :)
> I do indeed plan to make x2y possible, but I think lead2gold may be a
> step too far. Perl is good, but not *that* good!
> R.

Come on.  I was going to ask for water2wine, but that would have put
you in a different class than an alchemist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] my ripping tool of choice

2007-03-20 Thread jeffmeh

Robin Bowes;189010 Wrote: 
> P Floding wrote:
> > mikeruss;177456 Wrote: 
> >> Hi all
> >>
> >> Just thought I'd let you know I have started using the new release
> of
> >> dbpoweramp to rip my cd's to FLAC. It's grat. Easy to use, gets
> all
> >> your album covers etc etc.
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > Thanks for the tip!
> > Configuring EAC to rip to FLAC and AAC at the same time is a b*tch.
> Any
> > idea if that can be done easily with dbpoweramp?
> I'm in the process of re-writing flac2mp3 in a more modular fashion so
> it should be relatively trivial to add a module to convert to AAC.
> Watch this space...
> but don't hold your breath!
> R.

Ah, flac2x.  Perhaps you could extend it further as x2y.  Then if
x=lead and y=gold we can anoint you head alchemist. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC -> WAV or ALAC on iTunes. (With some AIFF thrown in.)

2007-03-16 Thread jeffmeh

Any truly audible difference among WAV and the lossless formats would
have to be an anomaly specific to the audio playback chain.  From an
audio quality perspective, it should not matter, as you can always
transcode if you really think it makes a difference, or even if you
just change your mind around which lossless format you want.

I suggest that you choose your format based upon other factors, e.g.,
comfort level with tools, concerns around open vs. proprietary formats,
etc.  Personally, I would go with FLAC, but I am not an Apple/Itunes/DRM
fan and I value the non-proprietary format.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audioengine 5 thread

2007-03-16 Thread jeffmeh

325xi;188198 Wrote: 
> I thought you might want to make a closer comparison by connecting SB3
> and DAC to AE5 and listen to the same flacs...

I was thinking along the same lines.  Given that you (Moshulu) think
that you "understand the limitations of the MP3 player and format," it
should be clear that you cannot consider your comparison to be a fair
one.  If the Audioengines were so good that they revealed the MP3
limitations, then they would be punished for being so revealing.

If you use the SB3 and FLAC as the source for both, then you may or may
not arrive at the same conclusion.  If you have the time, I would be
curious to know what you experience.  Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox on Steroids?

2007-03-13 Thread jeffmeh

Skunk;187561 Wrote: 
> What I want to know is does the cord shrink when squeezebox is on
> steroids?

I don't know about that, but if you have put the SB on isolation feet I
suspect they could grow by 3 sizes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optical connection - inferior by default?

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh

P Floding;186832 Wrote: 
> Two different connection methods are comparable to two different
> sources. If one of the cases can sound different, so can the other.

Of course they can, but I will stand by my point.  It is negligible
without a highly revealing combination of system, room, speakers, and
ears.  It is probably negligible in most cases even where such a
combination exists.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can you tell the difference between mp3 and wav?

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh

joatca;186844 Wrote: 
> More testing and I still can't tell which I prefer. However, I just
> played with Audacity to subtract an encoded/decoded MP3 waveform from
> the original WAV, so what's left should be the differences. I have two
> 30-second FLAC examples of the same piece, one the difference between
> 320Kbps CBR and WAV and one of VBR and WAV:
> http://.ca/files/difference-320-short.flac
> http://.ca/files/difference-vbr-short.flac
> Just to be sure, I did the same experiment with decoded FLAC, and there
> is no difference... so FLAC really is lossless. :-)

Pretty neat.  May I ask the artist and track you used to peform the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optical connection - inferior by default?

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh

AndyC_772;186765 Wrote: 
> Funnily enough, that's exactly what I thought about a year ago, when I
> confidently ditched my (early, and rather expensive) DVD player in
> favour of a cheap DVD recorder. I figured that all digitally connected
> sources should sound the same, and therefore, that I could play CDs
> using the DAC in my A/V receiver and they'd sound just as good as
> before. My old DVD player used a coax connection, the new one used
> Toslink.
> It took me about a week to realise that something was wrong. Music was
> boring, the soundstage rather flat and instruments hard to pick out
> individually - I just wasn't enjoying it any more. Sadly by this point
> my old DVD player had vanished at the hands of Ebay.
> So, I bought another one - a newer model well reviewed for its audio
> quality - and plugged it in with a coax connection. It sounds great,
> normal service is resumed. 
> This isn't a controlled experiment, of course, but it does prove (to
> me, at least) that all digital sources are not equal. The same DAC and
> amp combination really can sound different when fed with a different
> source. Ironically it's the cheap recorder that's most tolerant of
> discs in poor condition, so I don't believe for a minute that bit
> errors are creeping in to cloud the issue.

Actually, I was not referring to the differences between different
sources, but between the same source connected via coax vs. toslink.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optical connection - inferior by default?

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh

325xi;186755 Wrote: 
> The original question was purely technical, as stated in one of the much
> earlier posts, I'm interested to know jitter difference regardless of
> it's audible or not.

No problem.  I'm curious myself, but in my situation (mainly WAF
constraints) it is merely intellectual curiosity, with little practical


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optical connection - inferior by default?

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh

Whichever is subject to more jitter, unless you have an extremely
revealing system, very good speakers, a room with good acoustics, and
some very keen ears, it is likely to be negligible.

If you possess all of the above, I'm envious, lol.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Power Supply

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sonos with Transporter

2007-03-09 Thread jeffmeh

sting;186669 Wrote: 
> Stereophile review on Transporter said that Transporter alone was better
> than SB3/DAC combination so I'm interested in the DAC inside the
> Transporter.  I wonder if adding a Sonos ZP80 frond-end (hence one
> additional digital connection between the ZP80 and the Transporter)
> would compromise the sound quality somewhat?  Are there flaws for such
> combination (Sonos ZP80 plus Transporter)?  I really like the
> multi-room feature of the Sonos.
> Thanks.

The SB3/DAC combination has to send the digital signal from the SB3 to
the DAC over S/PDIF, and therefore is subject to jitter potential
inherent in S/PDIF.  The Transporter alone does not use S/PDIF and its
architecture should have less potential for jitter.

If you go with the ZP80/Transporter, you would be be subject to the
same S/PDIF jitter potential.  You would not be getting the benefit of
the Transporter's "closely-coupled" architecture, and you would pay
more than you need to to get a comparable DAC.

Now, whether you personally can hear the difference among any of these
alternatives we do not know.

Personally, if I were to spend $2k on a Transporter I would use it for
transport and DAC.  If I already had decided on a transport and I
wanted a better DAC, I would find a DAC that I like for much less than


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] $1000 DAC: Lavry DA10 vs used MF Trivista 21

2007-03-08 Thread jeffmeh

mlsstl;186331 Wrote: 
> > I would not want to do business with an entity with such low
> integrity.
> I think you are rushing to judgment. I own a DA-10 and think it sounds
> marvelous. I've also followed the discussion over at and at
> Several points to consider.
> 1. The fellow who started the debate (JohnW) basically admits he does
> not fully understand the design. Much of his criticisms is based on his
> projection of what he thinks may be happening.
> 2. The "measurements" taken from the DA-10 were mid-circuit. This is
> kind of like commenting on sausage making being a messy process without
> regard to whether the final product is any good. No review or
> measurement I've seen published anywhere states anything other than the
> final output of the DA-10 is outstanding in all respects, whether jitter
> or another parameter.
> 3. JohnW also refers to a 1997 white paper (On Jitter) than Dan Lavry
> wrote in which he introduces his "Crystal Lock" design theory. This is
> the specific design used in the Lavry DA924, which is a $8,500
> professional studio model. JohnW implies that since the identical
> circuity used in the $8,500 model isn't used in the under-$1,000 DA-10
> that there has been misrepresentation. That is a silly allegation.
> There are many manufacturers who release very expensive, first
> generation products. Then over the years, they find ways to implement
> those ideas into less expensive products. The reduced cost generally
> requires compromises. Lavry cut the cost of the DA-10 by 88% compared
> to the DA924. Can you argue with a straight face that the circuits
> should be identical?
> Dan Lavry has an outstanding reputation in the high end audio and
> professional recording studio industry. He has written a number of
> serious and highly praised white papers and makes himself available to
> his customers in as open a manner as I've seen. The criticism was
> started by one JohnW who seems to be somewhere in Czech republic,
> France or Hong Kong (take your pick) and lists his qualifications as
> "consultant." 
> Given the above, it is interesting to see how quickly one is awarded
> more credibility than the other.

I don't know how I could have been any clearer that my statement only
applied in the case that the allegations of misrepresentation are

I wrote:

"Additionally, it may cause one to wonder whether they have made any
other misrepresentations. I would not want to do business with an
entity with such low integrity. Assuming these allegations are true, of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] $1000 DAC: Lavry DA10 vs used MF Trivista 21

2007-03-07 Thread jeffmeh

P Floding;186311 Wrote: 
> I would care a great deal, as in one case I can forget about
> interconnect problems, noise entering the SPDIF link, etc, etc, and in
> the other case all things that should not matter suddenly do matter.
> What a bummer.

Additionally, it may cause one to wonder whether they have made any
other misrepresentations.  I would not want to do business with an
entity with such low integrity.  Assuming these allegations are true,
of course


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] AVS transporter review.

2007-03-07 Thread jeffmeh

davidcotton;186243 Wrote: 
> Hi
> Not read it yet, but have a review of the transporter.

I believe that that is just a post linking to the audioholics review
mentioned in another thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] An end to A/B/X (DBT) debates? (No, but...)

2007-03-06 Thread jeffmeh

At, it states that the software
can "record sounds at various sample rates and bit resolutions up to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do you use WAV or FLAC ? Pros vs Cons.....Please :-)

2007-03-06 Thread jeffmeh

Actually, it is within the realm of the possible that there could be
audible differences between WAV and FLAC just because the CPU
processing patterns are different; it need not be because of different
CPU loads.  Of course, Opaqueice's hypothetical "phases of the moon"
effect is also possible.

Personally, I do not think either of these is likely, but let's not
confuse possibility and probability.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Please recommend best quality solution

2007-03-02 Thread jeffmeh

regalma1;184943 Wrote: 
> You wrote that you had an RCA connection between your computer and your
> receiver. I am assuming that this is an analog connection, not SPDIF.
> Most computer sound cards are pretty poor quality. Why not make a
> connection to your receiver from your USB port. You can either buy an
> external DAC or you could get a USB to SPDIF convertor (coax or
> Toslink, either is dirt cheap compared to a good DAC). 
> I would buy the convertor first and see how you like it. And create
> some lossless files to do an A/B comparison with your MP3 files. I
> don't know what, if any, losseless files Winamp supports, though I have
> read that there is a FLAC plug in for it. For the time being try
> downloading It is free. I just started using it
> and am pretty much impressed so far. Much easier than the other
> favorite here, Foobar2000. Be sure to rerip your CD for the lossless
> files. Converting MP3 to lossless is pointless, though I am sure you
> already know that. 
> I am using USB connection to a MP-Audio Transit ($80 on EBay), which
> converts it to Toslink, feeding that into my pure digital equalizer
> then into my receiver where it it converted to analog. I am pretty darn
> happy with this.
> If you are still not happy with this setup buy a DAC with a USB input.
> There are lots of audiophile versions available from about $500 on up.
> Just do a search in this forum on the subject. Though there are people
> who participate in this forum who feel USB is awful there are high end
> DAC designers who think USB from a computer with lossless files is the
> best possible way of playing digital music, better than any CD player.
> There are also people who think Toslink is horrible, yet I can't find a
> single test to confirm this. These people may very well be happy
> listening to their SB or Transporter through WiFi. If they were
> familiar with the circuitry involved with electrical to RF and RF to
> electrical conversion, and the compromises needed I think they would be
> amazed. Electrical to optical and O to E is such much simpler and less
> compromised. 
> Anyway, my feeling is don't let all our opinions color your listening
> experience. Decide for yourself.
> One other thing. I would recommend against the Transporter. I am sure
> is very good electronics. But, ater living with the Squeezebox for over
> a year I have abondoned it and Slimserver because of the overhead. When
> they work they work very well. But I have found Slimserver to not be a
> robust program. It seemed everytime I tinkered with my computer I would
> lose Slimserver and have to play around till I got it back up. Some
> people like doing this, some of us are tired of always working on their
> computers just so we can use them. I read a definition of technology
> recently that went something like: technology is an idea that doesn't
> work well yet.

I recognize the inherent issues with Toslink, but I agree that these
certainly can be worked through and that it is not "horrible." 
However, the comparison between Toslink and wireless networking is

The former has stringent synchronization requirements that make a
difference in the audio output, where even small disruptions in the
timing can cause the dreaded jitter.

The latter is asynchronous and can easily recover even when it drops
entire network packets.  In the case of wireless streaming to a SB or
Transporter, as long as the next sequential packet arrives in good
order before the buffer runs out, the audio output should be
unaffected.  If it does not arrive in time, you get an obvious drop-out
or stutter.

>From an underlying protocol standpoint, they are apples and oranges.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Please recommend best quality solution

2007-03-02 Thread jeffmeh

I believe Phil Leigh meant to quote regelma 1


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do you use WAV or FLAC ? Pros vs Cons.....Please :-)

2007-03-02 Thread jeffmeh

Hey, I'm pretty much of an audio objectivist, so I share your
skepticism.  However, I cannot categorically rule out that someone
might be able to hear a difference on some system.  An ABX test would
be pretty enlightening. :-P


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