Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Receiver vs SB3

2008-01-31 Thread mauidj

seanadams;264395 Wrote: 
> I've commented here many times on the role of listening tests in
> developing our products. It is a very important skill and there are
> many things easily detected by ear that are harder to see in
> measurements. Both are important.
> That said, I am not going to give you my own detailed subjective
> analysis of Receiver vs SB3, with respect to danceability, boogie, etc.
> They both sound excellent to me, but if you are looking for that kind of
> commentary to guide your buying decisions, just wait a couple more weeks
> for the reviews to start coming in.

Seanwhy not?
I'm not being a smart ass  ;)
I am more than interested in your opinion but I do understand how it
might not be politically or business correct to offer it.
The wonderful thing about the SB3 and all the SD products is that they
are very much audiophile grade so these things do matter a lot.
I am still, one year later, astonished by the sound from my unmodified
Which is why I am going to be purchasing a Transporter very soon.
I also need another unit for a 3rd room and wondered how the two
smaller units stack up against each other.
But hopefully you will still be offering your 30 day guarantee on the
Duet so I can do a comparison myself. 

Anyway...a very big mahalo for all the countless hours of music
pleasure you and all at SD have given us.


Oracle Delphi/SME IV/Dynavector, SB3, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202,
Krell EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Receiver vs SB3

2008-01-30 Thread mauidj

Does anyone have any info on the audible differences between the new
Receiver and the SB3?
I understand they use different DACs.
I will be using it in a stock configuration in a mid audiophile external DAC or upgraded PS.
Many mahalos.


Oracle Delphi/SME IV/Dynavector, SB3, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202,
Krell EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-31 Thread mauidj

opaqueice;176229 Wrote: 
> Why would they do otherwise?  Because it would actually make the
> magazine useful for something.  
> When you're in the market for a new product, it's obviously very useful
> to have objective comparisons between products.  Consumer reports, for
> example, is good for that, as are (in some cases) consumer websites
> like epinions.  Stereophile doesn't serve that purpose at all - since
> all the reviews are positive, you have no way of distinguishing between
> the products they've already reviewed (all good) or the ones they
> haven't (bad?  just not reviewed yet?  who knows?).
> It's ridiculous to think that they only review good products - how can
> they know that in advance?  They must have truly amazing judgement to
> only ever choose quality products.  If you want to learn something
> about their judgement and integrity, read up on the Carver-Stereophile
> lawsuit - it's pretty instructive (see for example

Where are all you guys coming up with this 100% positive review stat?
It just is not true.
You are all asking for factual statements from this magazine yet you
detractors cannot prove your own "facts".
Bit ironic don't you think!

Like I said, i am not in love with Stereophile...far from it.
But they do some good stuff and I do not have a problem reading
positive stuff!

And they are not Consumer Reports BTW...nor do they try to be.
Funny sice CR got so nailed recently for false reporting!


Oracle Delphi/SME IV/Dynavector, SB3, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202,
Krell EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-31 Thread mauidj

FatElvis2000;175079 Wrote: 
> I've searched their archives for equipment I'm interested in, and they
> love everything.  Maybe help point me to some of the negative
> reviews...

What's with your need for negativity?
Does this prove something?

Stereophile reviews about 6-10 products a month and obviously would
rather review good stuff than bad.
So when asking for review samples they obviously pick products that
they alreay believe will be good ones.
Why would they do otherwise.
The point is to recommend good stuff not to spend all day pointing out
bad stuff.
Occasionally a writer will give a bad review. Sometimes a good review
is put into question by John Atkinson who does the measurements. It can
be very revealing of both the product and the writer.  Sometimes
products are received with faults and these are discribed in full in
the review.
So what's the problem?
I would rather read about good products than bad and as long as I have
an overall trust in the reviewer countered with some good measurements
I'm happy with that.


Oracle Delphi/FR64/Dynavector, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202, Krell
EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Welbourne Labs Power Supply Upgrade

2006-12-22 Thread mauidj

Nick77;164257 Wrote: 
> I remember reading Wayne at Bolder even reccomending this unit. Said it
> appeared to be between the Elpac upgrade and the pricy mk11 power
> suppy.
> (

Thanks for the link.
What a cool guy Wayne is.
I think I'm gonna check out the ultimate but probably buy the Welbourne
because of the price. It is not much more than a modded Elpac and I like
the removable power cord.

Nick77;164257 Wrote: 
> Congrats! I am still hopeful for santa but might be a while longer :( (
I'l keep my fingers crossed for you....good luck:)


Oracle Delphi/FR64/Dynavector, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202, Krell
EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welbourne Labs Power Supply Upgrade

2006-12-22 Thread mauidj

Has anyone had a chance to try out the Welbourne Labs Squeezebox Power
It is available as a kit for $185 or $205 with removable power cord.
It looks very interesting.
I was about to purchase an Elpac and have it modified at Boulder.
Any thoughts?
My new Black Squeezebox is under the tree (I feel like a little


Oracle Delphi/FR64/Dynavector, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202, Krell
EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-24 Thread mauidj

Well I for one think it is a fine accolade.  Class C might have been
fairer but JA made the very up front caveat concerning the analog
output most seem to be aware is just average.  The point is that he
rated the product in positive terms throughout the review.  
BTW I have been a Stereophile reader for 20 years and have both loved
and hated the magazine.  Yes the gear normally reviewed is obscenely
priced but that is why I read Automobile as well.  I want to know about
the Ferraris and the Levinsons.  But I also want to read about the
Civics and SB's.  I am stoked that Stereophile and JA in particular is
taking the time to open up this whole new world to me.
I am so excited about ripping my sizable CD and vinyl collection to my
Mac server and hearing music equal to those high end players JA
mentioned. Mine included.
So don't be all upset about the "D" you guys.  Number one...all
publicity is good publicity.  And JA said enough good things to get
this audiophile off his listening chair for the past day reading the
posts on this great site before making my final purchase decision.
To SB or Transportthat is the question!


Oracle Delphi/FR64/Dynavector, Krell KPS-20i, Krell KRC-3, Krell
FPB-300, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!

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