Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SeeDeClip/TxtDeClip

2009-09-28 Thread ntom

Interesting thread

Have you reached any further conclusion Phil?

I'd be interested in knowing whether you are now putting everything
through DeClip?


SB3,Perpetual Technologies P1-A/P3-A,Naim82 + 4xNaim135, Martin Logan

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SeeDeClip/TxtDeClip

2009-04-28 Thread ntom

Anyone got any further trying this software out?

Having read the blurb on their site, I think reference to compression
in discussions so far are not pertinent.the software is intended to
deal with clipping which is a different issue and not compression which
we are stuck with.

As stated there is no way to reverse compression such that you get back
to the original signal.

Similarly there is no way to reverse clipping such that you get back to
the original waveform.  However the claims for this software suggest
that using 'heuristics' you rebuild the waveform so that it approaches
the original, and should at least sound better than a badly clipped
signal, which seems feasible though whether they have any scientific
foundation for the heuristics I don't know (just extrapolate based on
the rate of change of the waveform on either side on the clipor am
I being too simplistic here)?

At least thats the way I understand it?

Isn't this in some ways similar to what some of the upsampling devices
do e.g. the perpetual technologies upsampler (which I have) which
purports to do more than simply interpolate between samples (talking
here how it comes up with the new values rather than the actual


SB3,Perpetual Technologies P1-A/P3-A,Naim82 + 4xNaim135, Martin Logan

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] M-audio Audiophile 2496 sound card problem

2008-06-01 Thread ntom


I have a Linn / Ittok / Karma front end & have just started recording
some of my albums also using an audiphile 2496 (usb offboard model) via
my laptop.

I had the same issue with recording levels.  I had already done a bit
of DIY on my kit and installed my Naim cards inside my turnatable
(powered remotely via HiCap) in the same way as Naim do with their
prefix.  Having done this much DIY I also decided to try & raise the
output level a bit (it had always been a bit of a source of annoyance
that switching from CD (SB3?) to phono resulted in such a large volume
It is in fact a single resistor change on the phono boards.  There are
a few websites out there with these sort of mods detailed.  This way
the volume is a bit more friendly when playing via my 82.  As a side
benefit, I can plug my turtable directly into the M-audio i.e. minimum
signal path (...well thats the theory anyway, althoug I am using BNC to
phono adapters...!!).

Out of interest, what bit rate / depth are you recording at?


SB3,Perpetual Technologies P1-A/P3-A,Naim82 + 4xNaim135, Martin Logan

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Duet Sound

2008-04-19 Thread ntom

I don't usually bother to add comments in these types of thread.but
just couldn't resist on this occasion.

Is it just me or do people like to be deliberately divisive?

It's seems to me that both sides are saying the same thing here.  I'm
inclined to agree that generally if someone has spent £££'s on a system
a logitech device is unlikely to find it's way into it.

But, we all know & agree that a 'cheaper' system isn't necessarily
going to sound worse.

Mega £££ systems are not just about the quality of sound but also to do
with making a statement.  Your gold plated Nakamichi tape deck didn'nt
sound much differnt to the non-gold plated model ...but did cost more
...& looks cool in a jewellers shop.

In practice we all end up buying what we think is the best for what we
want at the price we can afford.  I'll be honest -if I had the money
i'd probably buy an Aston but at the moment I'll continue with my
Citroen -both get me there OK, but the Astom would get me more looks.

Given limited resources I am keen to get as big a percentage of the
audio quality part of 'Audiophile' as possible, for the minimum cost
-looks & build quality are important but secondary.  Those of us in the
'know' are fortunately aware of Slim Devices.

So I have a complete second hand set of Naim kit (with DIY mods), a
second hand pair of Martin Logans .and a SB3 playing through a
Perpetual Technologies DAC&Upsampler (also second hand).  oh the
SB3 was bought new...!  I concur that some parts of my system are as
they are for convenience rather than absolute sound quality.  My
Maggies are sadly up for sale as SWMBO finally decided they were just
too large ...hence downgrade to (smaller) MLs...!  A Transporter might
be a more elegant solution than SB3+PTs, might have costed less as
well.  But I had them before the SB3 & I still think they sound better
than the SB3.

I consider myself an Audiophile  relative to most people I know at
any rate.  But another Audiophile who can actually hear the difference
between the copper mains cables that I use, as opposed to the solid
silver ones they can 'afford' may not!  

By the way I hear no difference on the last one...


SB3,Perpetual Technologies P1-A/P3-A,Naim82 + 4xNaim135, Martin Logan

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Question about Spouses?

2006-12-12 Thread ntom

Always hankered after a pair of panel speakers ever since hearing
Maggies years back.  Finally bought a pair of Audiostats & plugged in
in place of SBLs.  Got v cool reception from wife on looks & size
alone.& I didn't greatly appreciate the sound. 
Then came across some old Maggies & bought them. Hooked em up & played
them & wife loved em before the realisation of what she was
sayingeven bigger speakers!!  First time ever she appreciated a
change of hifi!  She still hates the fact we have 5' speakers but
hey....still living with them


SB3, Perpetual Technologies P1-A / P3-A, Naim 82, 4 x Naim 135,
Magneplanar MG3a

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread ntom

I am pretty interested in Bluesdoc's question

I have SB3 + Perpetual Technology P1/P3 & it sounds very good.

Now purely on aesthetics, the transporter appeals -looks great to me &
love idea of dual display. but £1300 is hard for me to justify.

...but if it sounded better I could persuade the mrs -esp if selling
exising dac combo

People hear differences in CD transportsso how many have directly
substituted the Transporter for the SB3 in a system with external DAC
to see if they can hear a difference?

Please note that I accept the internal DAC may be wonderful, but if I
thought the Transporter was a better transporter I might take the
plunge & decide after auditioning whether to stick with external DAC or



SB3, Perpetual Technologies P1-A / P3-A, Naim 82, 4 x Naim 135,
Magneplanar MG3a

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speakers for SB1

2006-11-30 Thread ntom

Have an SB3/Naim/Maggie set up in the lounge which is great.  Persuaded
the missus to allow me to add a second-hand wireless SB1 in the newly
done up kitchen which is OK (drops out rather too often...) but the
speakers I have are miniature Bose look-alikes & sound awful (well they
did only cost 99p).

Problem: on a blind test the wife went for the Maggies over the old
SBL's (easy win actually) but when the blindfold came off & she saw the
size of the Maggies she was a bit taken aback.!!!

So chances of getting any decent sized speaker in the kitchen is erm...
well no chance.

Anyone suggest a remotely listenable speaker (largely internet radio
but also music) that can be powered by the tiny T-amp that I have to
use.  I do have a small pair of old Minimax speakers in the attic
somewhere which were great, but supect even these are too large for
domestic harmony (in the kitchen at least!).
Just a chance also that I could use ceiling mounted speakers.anyone
experience of using similar?  What are decent sounding models?



SB3, Perpetual Technologies P1-A / P3-A, Naim 82, 4 x Naim 135,
Magneplanar MG3a

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2006-10-19 Thread ntom

Was just giving some thought to recording my album collection for SB3. 
Anyone have a view as to whether it would be worth attempting 24/96
recording?  If so any suggestions for suitable sensibly priced A/D
for PC?  
If not I have a digital recorder that offers 44.1 but still need a
spdif i/p for PCany cards recomended or any to avoid?

Thanks, Neale


SB3, Perpetual Technologies P1-A / P3-A, Naim 82, 4 x Naim 135,
Magneplanar MG3a

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 I2S direct out modding etc

2006-06-20 Thread ntom

Interesting post!!  I have a Perpetual Technologies P1-A which has an
I2S input.  Is this mod likely to work with this

Can you provide any more info John?

thnaks, Neale


SB3, Perpetual Technologies P1-A / P3-A, Naim 82, 4 x Naim 135,
Magneplanar MG3a

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Headphones......

2006-05-06 Thread ntom

I have one of those nifty little Stax headphone sets which have always
been great with a portable music player.

However, on my SB3 there is always a horrible hum!

Now I dont use my SB3 analogue output from day to day, as it is linked
by coax to my DAC in my main system.

However now and again I wold like to move it & listen in bedroon via
'phones, but to be honest the hum makes it unlistenable.  It cant be a
hum loop problem (no earth connections!).  The headphone amp / supply
is battery powered.  However I happened to connect using a cable with a
metal plug & noticed that touching the plug eliminates the hum.

Anyone able to suggest a permanent solution...?

Thanks, Neale


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Remote 12V Power Trigger Amp Switching

2006-05-06 Thread ntom

Search the plugins page -I seem to remember seeing somewhere where
someone had come up with a diy solution for this via the headphone


Found it:


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