Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> It's not the heat, it's the density. Do me a favor and try reading what
> I write and stop calling me names.
> I already told you that if the Airport Express works for you then great.
> The fact of the matter is that the Airport Express is NOT equivalent to
> the SB Touch in many, many ways. That said, in the way you are using the
> Airport Express and the way you were using the Touch, i.e. for streaming
> Spotify, the two units are basically equivalent. But you are taking that
> equivalence and trying to apply it to all features of the devices and
> this just isn't the case. I've done a little research trying to find out
> exactly what is the maximum bit rate that the Airport Express will pass
> along via the digital output but I could find this information. The best
> answer I could come with is that the Airport Express limits the PCM
> stream to 16bit/48kHz whereas the Touch handles up to 24bit/96kHZ and
> the Touch handles FLAC files, which you STILL haven't answered whether
> the Airport Express can handle FLAC files.
> So whenever you decide to be a little less dense please let me know and
> maybe we can have a more civil conversation.

>From someone who flamed me for being an apple fan boy? Lets call it
quits. I dont really have the inclination. Enjoy your set up, and I will

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I already told what you would lose so I'll just go back to my original
> reply to you:

I guess when the heat gets a lil hot, best out hey?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I know that for 99% of music it is very difficult to tell the difference
> between a 320K mp3 and a flac but that does not mean there aren't
> differences. If you are happy with 320k mp3 or whatever is the Apple
> equivalent then great. I prefer flac or lossless files. However that is
> not the reason I have chosen not to use Spotify or any other premium
> music stream service, I don't use them because they do not offer much of
> the music I listen to on a regular basis.
> Also I rip all my CDs to flac, which is a lossless format unlike 320k
> mp3, which is a lossy format. I really do not want to have a discussion
> on the merits of lossless over lossy since that is a topic which has
> been beaten to death. As I stated above, if you're happy with the sound
> of Spotify and like their selection then more power to you.
> Now please tell us about the Linn DS, what music you listen on it and
> how you control it. Thanks

Very defensive here isnt it Ralph? Hope you managed to upgrade from
feeding your SBs into shite Marantz and headphone amps, from 2009? 

That wouldnt be very audiophile would it? Please let us know what you
moved on to, it would help us to understand your audiophile standing, if
that means anything at all, whatsoever.

Have a nice day now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I know that for 99% of music it is very difficult to tell the difference
> between a 320K mp3 and a flac but that does not mean there aren't
> differences. If you are happy with 320k mp3 or whatever is the Apple
> equivalent then great. I prefer flac or lossless files. However that is
> not the reason I have chosen not to use Spotify or any other premium
> music stream service, I don't use them because they do not offer much of
> the music I listen to on a regular basis.
> Also I rip all my CDs to flac, which is a lossless format unlike 320k
> mp3, which is a lossy format. I really do not want to have a discussion
> on the merits of lossless over lossy since that is a topic which has
> been beaten to death. As I stated above, if you're happy with the sound
> of Spotify and like their selection then more power to you.
> Now please tell us about the Linn DS, what music you listen on it and
> how you control it. Thanks

The Linn Klimax DS set up I have with 4500+ CDs burnt to storage is
irrelevant, controlled with iPad and Kinsky.

Also please forward a sensible argument as to why if you sold your SB
gear and streamed into an external DAC via airport express or similar,
you would lose anything either via spotify for radio (as you put it) or
CD rip?

Looking forward to hearing if there is any logic or just bluster.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Now I understand, or think I understand, so please correct me if I'm
> mistaken. It appears that you are only using the Airport Express to
> stream content from Spotify, in other words, to stream Internet "radio",
> which is basically what Spotify is.
> Streaming Spotify is not really an "audiophile" application and I would
> say that you are correct in that there is no advantage to using the
> Touch versus the Airport Express when one is only listening to Spotifyl.

OK, so if you accept there is no difference streaming Spotify at 320k or
whatever their premium service streams at in extreme, 
can you elaborate on the difference between streaming any other media
please? Eg. Ripped CD's. 

In the space of one post, we've come back from your reply that you can
only stream to Airport Express via iTunes. Incorrect. 

I wonder what else is?

I'm only talking about the Touch here. The Linn stuff, I know the

Oh, by the way, where did you read that Spotify wasnt a real world
audiophile app? Have you tried it? Or just read about it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

Forget iTunes, I've never used it and never will. My external DAC
supports FLAC etc.

Now please, give me your best arguments for why I should not have sold
the SB Touch at a nice profit, replaced it with an airport express to
stream into my external DAC. (Which made my standard SB Touch sound
average without it)?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Three really, really BIG reasons:
> 1) In order to stream digital audio to the Airport Express one has to
> use iTunes which means no FLAC support.
> 2) iTunes is a horrible music library manager
> 3) No support for 24bit files.
> Sorry to disappoint you.

Very sorry to disappoint you, no iTunes this end, Spotify only. Now tell
me about the audiophile advantage of SB Touch in that scenario.

I'm all ears, and waiting with baited breath..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-02-02 Thread pandasharka

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Very true but the reason for my dismissal of pandasharka is that it
> appears that he/she is nothing more than an apple fanboy.

Nice try Ralph. You missed the bit about the Linn DS set up. 

Just for a laugh, I wonder whether you can articulate the 'audiophile'
advantage of standard SB Touch, over the Airport Express into external
DAC please? 

On second thoughts don't bother, it was only used in the garden, hardly
the best place for 'audiofool' listening. 

I was responding to the original post with a valid answer, having had
the use of the Touch for a couple of years and more recently with one of
the best value budget DACs on the market. 

Sorry to disappoint you about the apple fanboy bit. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2013-01-31 Thread pandasharka

I upgraded to a Linn DS set up in my main listening room a while ago,
but kept the SB Touch and a few old bits of Linn amp in my garden
studio. More recently bought a cheap second hand Beresford Bushmaster to
feed out of the Touch and it made a noticeable musical difference. If
you have been suckered into the DAC in the Touch is good enough
argument, and don't want the expense of a �500 DAC, the Bushmaster is
definitely worth an audition.

Sold the SB Touch last week, and now just go Airport Express into
Bushmaster and onto Linn, with iPad control streaming Spotify. I don't
get the customary SB Touch crash after playing a few tracks any longer,
which was a real annoyance, better interface, and it sounds the same. 

SB was a great experience, I had some real fun in the early days
sparring with a couple of propellor head posters on here, but ultimately
newer technology won out, and I think Logitech knew the writing was on
the wall. The SB Touch was never going to be the plug and play solution
that they are desparately hoping the new stuff will be. 

Goodbye forum.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-18 Thread pandasharka

garym wrote: 
> Triode does discuss sound quality issues here and based on my reading
> tries to learn from comments made by users in order to improve EDO. He
> doesn't want to hear only praise. You may be confusing him with
> Soundcheck, who could not handle any constructive feedback, often
> threatening to take his toys away and play elsewhere, which he
> eventually did evidently). 
> It is actually an entirely different issue with SBGK.  He has repeatedly
> demonstrated in numerous threads that he either doesn't understand the
> simple basics of how LMS, servers, TCP/IP, networks, and SB players work
> or he chooses to ignore this in order to tinker in his own fantasy
> world.  Nothing wrong with living in one's own fantasy world. And I'm
> sure the makers of duct tape and plastic sandwich boxes are happy to see
> folks like SBGK tinker as much as possible. But he wants to ignore any
> requests for even basic rigor in comparisons and instead decides that
> none of us in the "chorus" (as he refers to any naysayers) have
> equipment that is "revealing" enough.

Back from the land of Linn for a catch-up. 

Garym, as a LOT of people have realised already, SBGK lives in fantasy
land and could start an argument in an empty room. He tweaks, tweaks,
puts the SBT innards in a sandwich box, returns, tweaks, tweaks, gets
banned, returns, tweaks some more... 

Nothing there. 

Other than the Peoples Front of Judea who is converted - I cant remember
his id - an idiot who's name I cant recall but it had something to do
with carpet, from memory. Logitech mods should do the right thing and
ban them for good as a job lot.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Low Jitter mods

2012-05-06 Thread pandasharka

Just back from a couple of weeks with my new Linn set up, for a

SBGK, you asked back then, does Linn Klimax DS play Spotify. Nope. It
portrays it, perfectly, and for that matter all my other music sources
too, thanks for asking. 

I really couldn't have friends / family around for supper and get them
too close to open electrical sources housed in tin-foil and tupperware
for fear of health and safety...

As far as references for your "mods" - well, one of them would have been
from an american mate who rides carpets when not shooting the breeze,
the other, who knows? 

And frankly who cares?

Best investment you can make with the SB approach is a comfy pillow,
forget these "mods" and the idiots offering them and just enjoy the
music for what it is. (Or save your time chasing shadows and just invest
in a decent DAC / AMP / Speakers / Listening room).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK wrote: 
> another fantasy post, does the klimax play spotify ?

>From someone in perpetual fantasy land, that makes me smile. For the
person who thinks you may actually be able to turn green into gold, (a
la Blackadder) I cringe. Well, I don't actually, because if you are Lord
Percy, then your american buddy Baldrick deserves everything he gets. 

Does the new Linn set-up play Spotify? 


It has just transformed my entire listening experience - Spotify et al.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-20 Thread pandasharka

Boy I didn't realise there was quite so much pent up negativity around
here - chill pills chaps! I know there are trolls to be fed, but even

Anyway, time for a goodbye. Am having a Linn Klimax DS and amps
installed tomorrow - home trialled over Easter, and it was night and day
over the SB, as I expected. Those people who proffer that all streamers
dish out the same music are simply wrong.

Goodbye and best wishes to those trying to turn green into gold. And
also to those who enjoy the SBT for what it is and don't need to bother
with some of the navel gazing / pissing contests.

Best wishes


ps. Dear mods, please de-activate this username as it is no longer
needed / required.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-16 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride wrote: 
> I think you may have fallen a victim of the expectation bias. All the
> available measurements point to the fact that there could not possibly
> be any difference between the 'vanilla' SBT and an SBT tweaked with
> TT3.0.

You may have more success baiting your hook on another thread.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-16 Thread pandasharka

In the beginning I thought the TT mods made a difference - I tried TT2 &
TT3 over the last several months. Then reverted to vanilla SBT and
preferred it.

The conundrum, I think, is that every one of us has a different
environment downstream of the SBT. And that includes possibly an
external DAC, the listening environment etc. etc. I think of the TT mods
as an olden days "add a graphic equalizer" solution to make up for
specific shortfall in a specific listening environment. Not an across
the boards panacea solution. 

What "works" for one will not work for the next listener.

What is different with the SB approach compared to the other offerings -
eg. Linn, Sonos is that their customers don't have the opportunity to
TWEAK. The TT3.0 thread that rightly got canned was about 150 pages too

If the TT mods had been the silver bullet to move all SBT customers to a
super extended listening level at this price point, they surely would
have implemented them already and taken Soundcheck out of the equation. 

I wonder whether at corporate level Logitech would have preferred to
offer a solution that was closed and offered zero opportunity to get
under the hood, like the competition.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-04-05 Thread pandasharka

lake_eleven wrote: 
> Don't know about your setup, I could tell the difference between them,
> But which one sounds better is a different story!.

Enjoy the SBT for what it is  - a bargain n/w streamer, that plays your
music. Do TT mods make a difference? MAYBE. Depends on so many factors
that are unique to each listening environment, and the listeners hearing
ability etc. etc. etc. And not forgetting propensity to "placebo"

Try SBGK mods as well, cos he clearly believes he's got an edge over TT
X.x. Enjoy the flight thru propellor-head space.

I'm trialling a Linn set up this weekend at home against the SBT - will
report back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-03-27 Thread pandasharka

$100 to avoid your expertise? Yep, give me your paypal address & I'll
send an invoice....


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do ignore lists work on this forum?

2012-03-27 Thread pandasharka

Perhaps the Logitech mods might want to monitor those who have recently
been let out and what they are posting very closely. 

Further, start to charge for space on their expensive servers, per
post, that add zip to anything to do with the listening experience of
their customers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-03-27 Thread pandasharka

Hands up. I spent far too much life arguing with some of the
propellorheads on this thread, I wont mention names, but a couple of
them just got released from the cooler. 

I've switched off all the TT3.0 mods weeks ago and am enjoying vanilla
SBT - probably more because I was getting distortion from my tweeters
when listening to the radio with the mods applied. 

Despite people on here suggesting that a £150 SBT sounds exactly the
same as a Linn or equivalent, I've had my fun with this little bargain
piece of kit, time to try something else. 

Many thanks for the (magicarpet)ride.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If only all audiophiles were like this man, Peter Aczel

2012-02-08 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;689637 Wrote: 
> Mark, do you use propellorhead as a term of respect as in mcr is a very
> intelligent geek or do you mean something else ? 
> luv your posts, keep it real

Amazing how you seem to pop up so soon after a post to do with your

You certain you're not swapping personalities or sarnies out of your
newly updated plastic sandwich box?

Geek?  Without question. Intelligent? Probably more than most on here.
Relevence?  Sadly most of it belonging on a forum in a parallel
universe.. or Helicopter Spotters magazine..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If only all audiophiles were like this man, Peter Aczel

2012-02-08 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;689630 Wrote: 
> You guys are so easily outraged.

Be thankful that Logitech clearly have no time to monitor these forums
closely. If they did, they would discover that an increasing amount of
their storage is being wasted on posts by our resident idiot MCR that
while amusing:

a)are now months past their sell-by
b)contribute zip
c)have probably been regurgitated and plagiarized from some other

I enjoy reading this forum for ideas and information. I do not enjoy
seeing the moniker of this propellorhead on threads I'm interested in -
together with the resultant response from fellow members.

This guy could start an argument in an empty room.

Now, where is the button to make a recommendation to Logitech
moderators to get this idiot barred?

Many thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-05 Thread pandasharka

May I suggest a new font for the OP & Microsoft to boot?

Propellor Head Massif?

Sure to make Windows 8 look brighter, more beautiful and hey even take
the sound of the SBT to stratospheric heights


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-30 Thread pandasharka

Two things I've never been into;
a) Subwoofers - great in a home cinema environment - but in listening
room? No thanks!

2) headphones. Not had the need since I was at home with folks.

I understand people may need both however.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-30 Thread pandasharka
> cheaply. 
> And it is painful that it is the tweakers, who invariably seem to claim
> that all convolution must be bad, who claim that other people have
> closed minds.

Many thanks for your detailed response - lots to take in there!
So right at the start you suggest something like a Linn Klimax or
similar could be reasonable value.
At a RRP of c.15k I'd suggest it's poor value.

If I understand the replies so far correctly, SBT will do what any
other streamer can ie. retrieve data from a source (eg PC HD or NAS). 

The key to it is where the data then goes either thru the DAC of the
SBT or via an external DAC out then to the amp?

So the Linn Klimax DS must have one hell of a DAC inside, alongside the
build quality, engineering & brand!

I've listened to the low end Linn DS players and was underwhelmed,
compared to the SBT.

Maybe I should start thinking of a DAC to try alongside the SBT to see
whether there are improvements that I like.

Many thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-30 Thread pandasharka

Ron Olsen;687265 Wrote: 
> If money is no object, buy the best-sounding, most expensive speakers
> you can afford. Include a subwoofer if your main speakers don't have
> deep bass response. Position speakers properly, do electronic and/or
> acoustic room correction. Make sure your system has a high-quality DAC.
> Make sure your amp can drive your speakers. Everything else is a
> second-order effect.

OK so we're saying that a high end streamer from the likes of Linn will
not give significant sound benefit compared to SBT+ decent DAC?

I'm relatively new into the digital space. I did spend a lot in the old
days on Linn with a high end Sondek front ended system (long gone).

In those days the thinking was spend on the front end to minimise

We're saying that in the digital era that thinking may almost be

Wow, in that case there must be a lot of people out there who have
spent thousands more on their eg. Linn Klimax DS streamers than was

Very interesting - thank you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-29 Thread pandasharka

Soulkeeper;687188 Wrote: 
> No. There's no reason why it should sound better, and a separate
> transport + a great DAC is more flexible than a one-in-all solution.
> If you want as few boxes as possible, sure, but then again, if that's
> your priority (as opposed to high fidelity), you can hardly get a
> system with fewer boxes then the Squeezebox Radio connected to

Well if that's the case, Logitech are giving their SB products away.. 

Have you heard the Linn streamers? Linn Klimax DS? Different planet to
SB + whatever DAC. 

Still you get what you pay for... or do you?!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-29 Thread pandasharka

Yep for those who have spent out on a DAC to go with the SB that makes

Just supposing money was no object, would an investment in a high end
streamer like a Linn Klimax DS not be a better proposition than SB+
(whatever) DAC? 

Or is the game here to try and get better than that on a shoestring?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is spending more on the front end the answer?

2012-01-29 Thread pandasharka


There's been a shed load of negative round here recently. 

Looks like two camps - 1) those who pioneer and try things outside the
box (including keeping SBT in a sandwich box) and 2) those who stand
back, watch, take observations and refuse to be swayed from the

Classic mexican stand-off stuff that won't get fixed anytime soon. 

Just makes me wonder? Why did we buy a cheap front end (caveat - I'm
talking about SB Touch)rather than spending more, and in cases where
some have clearly spent several thousands on downstream
(DAC,amp+speakers) components.. much more? 

Did I miss something? Wasn't the front end the key? 

And if you buy into that - why did we believe that a SB product married
to an often much more expensive DAC would give better real world
performance than a one box solution from the likes of Linn or Naim? 

Maybe people on here are using the SB as a stepping stone until the
opportunity presents itself to move upstream?

Or otherwise?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-24 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;686196 Wrote: 
> You're pathetic. But you already know that.

Fellow members, in my humble experience, do yourselves a very large
favour and just bypass anything posted by this "member" - the propellor
is clearly beginning to detach from the head - which will be delayed the
longer attention is given / people reply to his inane posts.

Unless you are into seeing colours in higher definition.. or wish to
pontificate on "improvements" that make zero difference to your
listening experience..Or wish to watch the car crash happen in real

Total waste of breath and energy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-21 Thread pandasharka

TheOctavist;685524 Wrote: 
> I can't , for the life of me, figure out why SBGK is still posting in
> this thread, rather than starting his own for his "tweaks". The thread
> originator, and Toolbox daddy, Klaus has asked him to. If it were me
> and Klaus asked me to, id take my self elsewhere. It is rude, IMO.

Surely that's obvious. If he starts a new thread it will be a) devoid
of content b) require followers to clad up in tupperware c) take him
further away from reality than already. 

SBGK clearly has the belief that he is helping Soundcheck develop
something that will be sold for $millions back to Logitech.

Get real. 

If Klaus had developed the "silver software bullet" do you think he
would be posting here still? And clearly from the feedback of some it's
not there yet. 

Maybe it never will be. 

Remember, you cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-20 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;685290 Wrote: 
> What part of the 'discussion forum' do you not understand? This is the
> forum for discussing audiophile-related stuff. Which is what we're
> doing here. You seem to have serious issues with this fact. Time to
> turn your back on all this and leave for greener pastures?

Well done - this is a discussion forum. Made up of hundreds of threads
where people swap information, experience, hints tips and advice etc. 

This thread like the rest discusses a specific topic - you've clearly
been having trouble for weeks understanding that concept. 

Your buddy SBGK suffered a fatal meltdown last night and clearly the
propellor separated from his head in one clean action. Yours appears to
be intact..for now, but it'll happen.. 

Can I refer you once again to a message that was posted by Klaus
yesterday morning. Read it and follow because you clearly will miss the
opportunity to blow smoke up SBGK's arse at every opportunity.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;685145 Wrote: 
> so that will be no then. shame on you.
> it's true, the empty pot makes the most noise.
> if you just listen to spotify on the SBT, why are you posting in this
> forum ?

in response to the above (in order) - irrelevent, irrelevent, incorrect
and irrelevent. 

That seems to be a trend..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;685132 Wrote: 
> well, he's happy to take my money, so I should expect to have some say
> in what I think of the product, the fact he won't defend the sound
> speaks loudly to me.
> Have you donated anything for all the free entertainment you are
> getting ?

I'd donate more if you promised to start your own thread and stay in
it. Permanently. 

Most of this thread has been far from pleasure. It is largely no
further forward after a 135 odd pages than it was 100 pages back.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;685129 Wrote: 
> from all the twatting about with TT3.0, win 7, MMCSS etc, I can draw
> this conclusion
> Any music device, software, network etc has a natural sound and it is
> nearly impossible to enhance that sound. The most that can be achieved
> is to cut out any noise from the signal as it travels from source to
> transducer. I think this is essentially what TT2.0/TT3.0, Win7, network
> tweaks, linear ps, meicord ethernet cable, toslink removal etc are
> successful at. They are subtracting noise from the system. Wherever an
> attempt was made to enhance the sound by altering priorities etc, it
> was ultimately proven to be a distortion of the sound. the only
> enhanced sound I have is via changes to the electronic circuits, the
> other sound changes have been due to subtraction of noise.

Many thanks. Conclusion you mention above, that infers the end. You've
threatened it before, any chance you might follow thru this time until
TT4.0 - should and until it ever it appears?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;685122 Wrote: 
> why don't you give me back the 3 weeks of my life spent tweaking your
> cock sucking priorities and buffer sizes. only to find they were a
> waste of time.
> and yet again your suggestions were wrong.
> you wanted feedback , there you go, stick to what you are good at and
> leave the sound tweaking alone.

As i suspected all along, Trolling, ambulance chasing, and shoot the
man down at any possible opportunity. 

And this from someone who was a few weeks back "riding on the shoulders
of God". 

A legend. In your own lunchbox. Judging by where you are keeping your
SBT these days that looks about right.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;685114 Wrote: 
> am sticking with MMCSS as it's giving me the best sound I have got so
> far
> have changed the settings to pro audio with background enabled and max
> priority, also clock rate of 1 gives the most balanced sound.
> tried switching the MMCSS and audio services off, different sound, but
> not an improvement in my view. Now running with windows audio and
> windows audio endpoint service off and MMCSS service running, again
> slight change in sound, don't know if it is an improvement as very
> subtle.
> for the record these are the settings, on mine the affinity is set to
> 1,2,3 cores.
> NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks\Audio]
> "Scheduling Category"="High"
> "SFIO Priority"="Normal"
> "Background Only"="True"
> "Priority"=dword:0008
> "Clock Rate"=dword:2710
> "GPU Priority"=dword:0001
> "Affinity"=dword:
> "BackgroundPriority"=dword:0008

Can you let us know PRECISELY what relevance this has to the original
thread please?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

soundcheck;684978 Wrote: 
> I said, just shutdown the entire audio stuff on the server. This way
> you don't have to tweak it. What's wrong with this?
> I think it's more then time for you to open your own thread. I'd
> appreciate it.
> That'll give you your own platform to announce "your" "great" "new" 
> findings. 
> Good luck.

Despite the fact this thread is at least 100 pages longer than it ought
to be, SBGK you clearly don't read clearly or have trouble

May I refer you to the request made earlier today by Soundcheck? 

Have another read. If you need any assistance with understanding what
Klaus requested come back and I'm sure we'll be able to help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-19 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;685088 Wrote: 
> Your life is indeed in a very sorry state if you feel the urge to take
> me seriously.
> Lighten up, dude!


Well said. Spot on and to the point.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-14 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;683874 Wrote: 
> there's only 3 or 4 people on this forum who know what they are talking
> about and you aren't on that list and your jokes are shit as well.
> fucking muppets.
> Gazjam is there any interest in these mods on the diyaudio forum ? the
> inbreds here are having a really hard time of accepting that there can
> be improvements.

SBGK - as I've said all along - man needs to know his limitations, and
accept when he's in the wrong or his findings are not as
ground-breaking as he initially thought. 

Sadly, your superiority complex has alienated a lot on here, and
despite your recent h/w mods, it's baffling why they are still not
enough and you are venturing into "propellor head" territory. (magnets
on ethernet cable - You are kidding right?)

Great leader of men, thanks for all the hype, smoke and mirrors - it
was fun while it lasted. 

Ultimately, for all the promise, I think you'll agree you ended up
following with the rest of the flock. 

The DIY Audio forum would, I'm sure welcome you with open arms and a
free lifetime membership... Can you perhaps take your alter ego Mennace
& that fruitcake MCR with you too?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-13 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;683738 Wrote: 
> I think I'll set some time aside this weekend to try this TT3.0 mod. In
> case I don't like it, how difficult/easy would it be to go back to
> square one?

You are joking of course. Otherwise your little UK mate SBGK will be
feeling a mite EXPOSED.. assuming he hasn't worked you out already.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-13 Thread pandasharka

NoRoDa;683753 Wrote: 
> Don't know what's more bizarr. The big improvement after big improvement
> for every tiny change to the system, or the guys who don't believe
> anything.
> For me it's a welcome improvement going from stock SBT to TT3.0.
> I also believe that the Teddy Pardo PSU made å small difference.
> Where you guys are with big improvements when changing prio on one
> process, or putting a shakti stone on top of one component, I'm not.
> During the years I'm less confident that I hear all the differences...
> When the measureable output from a fully modified SBT are identical to
> those from a stock SBT, It makes me wonder.

Ignore the troll - he doesn't know his ar*e from his elbow. Life must
be doubly difficult on a desert island with the folks..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread pandasharka

You either get in with your local linn dealer or wait patiently on ePay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;683559 Wrote: 
> don't forget to look for second hand bargains, Linn Klout power amp
> £1000 on ebay, one of Linn's best.

Take your time and find something like a Linn Klout (which is special)
at around £650 on eBay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-12 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;683550 Wrote: 
> You wrote: "Let's stop focusing on trying to improve things which can't
> be improved and focus instead on the areas where real improvements can
> be made." This means that, in your esteemed opinion, you are the final
> arbiter of all things that can't be improved as well as of all the
> areas where real improvements can be made. You insist that such
> ridiculously deluded attitude is based on facts, not on an opinion. 
> And after all that you even have the audacity to insist that you're not
> arrogant? Oh my...

MagicCarpetShite - is it possible to adjust your BS generator down or
is it at a fixed "ego permanently way ahead of any chance of sense"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread pandasharka

Deaf Cat;683542 Wrote: 
> Yes, good plan, 
> If I were going to spend 2-3k I think it would first go on speakers..
> But, will attempt to get a listen in at some point, just to be sure if
> any money is spent it goes in the right area :-)
> Cheers
> DC

Put the money on the front end - spending downstream will only
highlight weakness. Do you get me?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread pandasharka

My advice to you would be to go into your local Linn dealer and listen
to a Linn DS. 

Don't get your hopes up on the entry level gear that will cost you
about 7 times the cost of a Touch. (8 times including a UI/phone)

If distance is an issue, my advice would be don't bother unless you are
thinking about spending serious $$$ on at least Majik DS-i / Akurate DS.

Anything less you can do without.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread pandasharka

I didn't hear it that way - I compared SB Touch extensively against a
Linn DS. 

Linn DS was typically "clinical" and sometimes "harsh". 

For me the cost of acquring the Linn DS/ clunky software/ need for a
"smart" user control / phone did not equate to a sound roughly 9 times
better than the cost of acquiring SBT. 

(I actually preferred the sound of the SBT / overall user experience

I'm a big Linn fan, and use some Linn to amplify my SBT. Linn DS is
entry level equipment - their more expensive streamers are required
before you start to get into "night and day" against the SBT, as you
might expect. 

Don't shoot - just my experience & feedback.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-11 Thread pandasharka

Mennace;683306 Wrote: 
> ok... but ya gotta start somewhere, do you suggest people do nothin' ?

SBGK - you chose a great new username.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-11 Thread pandasharka

If only we had the technical knowledge on this product we clearly all
hold in high esteem...

By now we would have worked out how to fly it to the stars and back. 

Rather than pretending, pontificating and ponsing around. (And I'm sure
that's alliteration..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-11 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;683280 Wrote: 
> The thread police never sleeps.

Difference between you and me boy? 

I know I have nothing to offer other than meaningful feedback to
*serious *developments. 

Let's keep it simple here and in perspective..

Imagine Logitech invented the Model T Ford (you still with me boy? -
thats the SBT)

Now supposing Soundcheck came along and offered a modified (software)
engine - You probably don't get Cosworth over there, but look it up. 

Now along comes SBGK who works on the Cosworth engine, well when I say
works on, tightens a couple of bolts.

And along you come to polish the bodywork. 

You still with me boy? 

Now, take your UK mate - SBGK, go and do what you want us to believe
you can do, (improve on Soundchecks mods) and report back when you get

Clue: that means trying to emulate what the inventor of the Cosworth
engine (above) does rather than sniffing the polish.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-01-11 Thread pandasharka

At last - I knew it would happen, but sadly I don't think it will last.

SBGK & MagicCrapitRight off the TT3.0 thread and pi@*ing in someone
else's thread. 

Now if they would just start their own thread to pursue their flight of
delight and perfect enhancement, preferably with a closed membership of

Now that is something that would improve my listening experience


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

Klaus has worked his ass off to provide TT2.0 & TT3.0, which have been
received positively by the community.

SBGK sounds off, dodges, ducks and then returns..

Frankly TT4.0 who knows? Why would he bother? There are plenty of
"experts" on here providing alternative views to the TT methodology.
And then "follower experts" giving the bluster and not a lot else. 

Just supposing Klaus said no more (and I believe he has played a master
card staying out of all this), then the likes of SBGK and his US
mouthpiece would be gone from this thread rapidly. 

They do not on their own, have a lot to offer, other than what has been
proffered to the thread already.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

NoRoDa;682005 Wrote: 
> I believe, and hope, that everyone knows who is behind the TT3.0.
> I have also read in many posts from SBGK a thanks to soundcheck for the
> toolbox, so I don't think there's a case of SBGK wanting cred.
> I'm a black and white kind of guy. Klaus has worked his ass off to
> provide TT2.0 & TT3.0, which have been received positively by the
> community.
> SBGK sounds off, dodges, ducks and then returns..
> Frankly TT4.0 who knows? Why would he bother? There are plenty of
> "experts" on here providing alternative views to the TT methodology.
> And then "follower experts" giving the bluster and not a lot else. 
> Just supposing Klaus said no more (and I believe he has played a master
> card staying out of all this), then the likes of SBGK and his US
> mouthpiece would be gone from this thread rapidly. 
> They do not on their own, have a lot to offer, other than what has been
> proffered to the thread already.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;681992 Wrote: 
> You guys should get a job. Life in the real world outside your parents
> homes is not really as scary as you seem to think.

Hows life in the car lot these days?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;681992 Wrote: 
> You guys should get a job. Life in the real world outside your parents
> homes is not really as scary as you seem to think.

Yes and your job is to rip yourself away from your creamy symbals (or
whatever the f@CK it was) and with your UK development arm (SBGK)move
the forum forward. 

Soundcheck can clearly take the next 12 months off as we are clearly in
safe hands.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

Why this guy gets so much kudos is amazing. He's running TT3.0 with
standard Logitech settings. It took him a lot of thread pages here
because settings changed on a day by day basis for several days. 

Ok, so he went away from a few priority/buffer settings and that made a
difference in his and some other people's listening environment. 

Frankly the priority settings seem to be a bit like a glorified EQ set

Sooner people see that and realise that the real work was done by our
friend Klaus, the better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

chill;681987 Wrote: 
> Now you're taking the piss, surely.  Has that been your game all along? 
> Is it all one big experiment to see how far you can get with these
> claims?

Maybe, just maybe, someone else is with me here. The guy is a chancer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681977 Wrote: 
> ok, browsers - do they make a difference.
> firefox - my default, ok sound
> chrome  - slightly brighter than firefox
> safari  - bright sounding
> ie9 - sweet sounding, quite nice, (due to better Win 7 integration
> ?)
> maxthon - quite nice sounding as well
> so on the face of it IE9 sounds better, why ? is it real ? don't know.

Sooner people see you as a fellow "follower" rather than a "leader of
men" on the shoulders of God, the better. 


Come back Klaus all is forgiven. (Frankly I wouldn't bother - there's
too much expertise in here right now)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

I didnt realise Bulgarian was another "speciality", but I'll desist and
leave you to find satisfaction among the flock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681963 Wrote: 
> please, for the love of god, contribute something remotely related to
> TT3.0. it seems you need me to post otherwise you have nothing to say.

Your "mods" are nothing more than a contrary view on a few priority
settings in a field of development by Soundcheck. (Forget the fact that
it took half the forum days of "pied piper" type listings to get there)

Truth hurts and I guess you realise that after the myriad of people
chasing your "mods" who struck out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681958 Wrote: 
> yes, and every dog has fleas who contribute fa. don't ambulance chasers
> do it for money ? 
> пръстен

I would imagine you are relieved you hadn't charged for your earth
shattering "mods" - I mean there would have been so many refunds and
recharges it would have been more unprofessional than it is already. 

What makes me laugh is that everytime a point is made you go into
"propellor head mode" and ask something "roger irrelevant."


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681953 Wrote: 
> may I call you a useless eater

As long as I can call you a careless wrister


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681955 Wrote: 
> I do believe you have confused me with someone who cares, foadiaf

Every dog has its day and yours is long overdue. Go and chase another


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

You can call me what you like boy. I can't wait to hear the next
outpouring from your US tester on your latest "mods". 

As I said before you're "expertise" in this field presently knows no

Long may it remain..enjoy it while you can.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

Great! Let's forget any concept of TT4.0 or otherwise and concentrate on
your developments for us all moving forward on a team "carpetride" - it
should be awesome and one for us all to look forward to. 

(Can I just confirm exactly what your developments are presently? It
looks like TT3.0 with Logitech standard settings - was that it???)

Awesome! I'm missing SBGK V2.0 already....


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-05 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681917 Wrote: 
> Remember without Soundchecks hardwork and perseverence over many years
> we would not be having these discussions, so glad to have found some
> settings that worked, but don't forget Klaus.

SBGK if you could apply your skill towards SBGK V2 moving us all
forward with your US buddy mouthpiececarpetright that would be awesome.
You've achieved a shed load in the space of 4 weeks compared to the
"years" of development from Soundcheck. You are clearly in tune with
the environment - let's all look forward to your next release.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681369 Wrote: 
> so you're not looking forward to anything new in TT4.0 and you cannot
> find any merits in the TT3.0 changes.
> anyway, what were you're impressions of TT2.0 ? I know this is a bit
> off topic, as this is a TT3.0 thread, but while I have your attention.

You've been wrong all the way thru. Accusing me to be some kind of Linn
dealer / troll I know was your kind of humour. Your tweaks belong
elsewhere, (along with your mouthpiececarpetride across the water) and
my impressions of TT3.0 are on Soundchecks site - link above, posted
about a month before we had the pleasure of your company on this forum.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

NoRoDa;681402 Wrote: 
> That wasn't what I was asking. I'm asking if someone with Linux know
> how (You or SBGK) can tell me if my quotes from the tt-file says that
> it kills the watchdog process.
> Simple question, but hard to answer?

It will be a difficult question to answer because neither of them know
LINUX from the end of their elbows.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

Munroe;681399 Wrote: 
> Hi, I have applied the soundcheck Toolkit 3.0 tweaks to my Touch, but I
> am interested in trying SBGK's version, but I am unsure of how to do it
> on a Mac.  Putty is a windows app, and nothing I do in Finder or
> Transmit application seems to work to let me connect.  I am sure is
> something simple, but I would like to hear from any other users in this
> situation how they are able to access the Touch to edit the TT file on a
> Mac.
> A search of "apply SBGK settings Mac" brought up no hits in this thread
> search.
> Any help I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Save yourself a ton of time and wind by sending the author of those
settings a private message.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;681390 Wrote: 
> Most importantly, this collective experiment has provided ample proof
> that digital sound processing is an extremely complex, extremely
> sophisticated field (contrary to what many deluded skeptics have been
> claiming). We've barely scratched the surface here, and there will be
> many new breakthroughs in the years to come. I for one am extremely
> excited about that, because not only is this revelation giving me the
> hope that we will be able to reach new heights in the high fidelity of
> the music reproduction, but also we can do it all for pretty much zero
> dollars:)

I've heard enough of this bullshit sabre rattling. I'm glad we've only
scratched the surface here - I'm sure we all look forward to your
forthcoming developments that will save our soulson another thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;681385 Wrote: 
> Some people seem to confuse this forum with the vendor-type help desk.
> Please try to realize that this forum is a 'grass roots' type of a
> forum, where all the bets are off and where various members are trying
> their best to contribute in order to see if improvements to the base
> product could be made. Or, in the spirit of the open source paradigm,
> 'given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow'.
> What that means is that this forum is mostly based on various 'trial
> and error' attempts. Often times these trial-and-errors turn out to be
> the blind alley, but that's par for the course. Every now and then,
> someone strikes gold, and then we all benefit.
> Some members seem to not be able to withstand the intensity of this
> trial-and-error modus operandi, and so they complain bitterly and spoil
> the mood for everyone. Why are these people trying to discourage brave
> explorers from venturing out into the uncharted territory? I have only
> one explanation -- because they are fucking losers, that's why.
> So stop your fucking whining and crawl back into your parents'
> basements and continue jerking off on the free porn sites (and do us
> all a favor and try and get a meaningful relationship with someone out
> there in the real world). Leave adults alone to continue working on
> bettering their listening experiences.

Thanks for the education from another one on the far side. Missing you


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681360 Wrote: 
> hypothetically, if you were to sell the SBT and amp what would you
> replace it with ?
> earlier you seemed quite keen on Linn, do you know if they do home
> auditions ? I would like to compare the SBT with someting else to get a
> measure of how good the SBT is. Do you have a feel for where it is
> against the Linn streaming products ?

Seriously, for the investment - SBT and certain mods takes some beating
as a mid range front end. Ever listened to a SONOS? Me neither. Listened
to a £700 Linn DS? I have - the SBT kicked it off the park and has a
better UI. 

Will I be keeping the SBT - of course - it's the best value for money
out there bar none. (despite these annoying forums..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

Another great body swerve - wahay! - if you are not already, might I
suggest a career in politics?

Your ability to bamboozle the masses with minimal knowledge and avoid
the question in hand is first rate. 

Way to go!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681350 Wrote: 
> anyway, what did you find were the best bits about TT3.0 ?

As we are all mere followers here and you are de man of greatness on
the shoulders of God, I will answer that after you answer my original


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681347 Wrote: 
> anyway, what are looking forward to in TT4.0 ?

TT4.0? Pray tell me more? You mentioned earlier that TT3.0 was nearing
it's end - as you dodged my earlier request, again perhaps you might
furnish us with your knowledge on this one?

Many thanks in advance


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681340 Wrote: 
> I think you were asking too much for the SBT as Amazon had it on new at
> £135 and I guess you really didn't want to sell the Linn, not at that
> price. Think how much free time you will have when they are gone, no
> SBT forums to police.

Ha Ha Ha - you'll keep..

Just a shame that your promise of disappearing off of here a couple of
days ago until TT4.0 wasn't fulfilled. 

I don't remember so much kudos being earnt by someone who left so many
in the lurch.

Well done.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681330 Wrote: 
>  I think the tweaking is just about done, if the default settings had
> been an option in TT3.0 then this thread would have been 30 pages
> shorter.
> cheers

If subsequent tweaks (often posted as the *next big thing*) had been
tested before publishing, this thread would probably be at least half
as long.  

I feel sorry mainly for Klaus - his TT3.0 thread has largely
disappeared - a lot of content being posted presently seems to be from
users who have veered off of vanilla TT3.0 and are lost and who are
posting SBGK support calls.

Also, pity any new SBT / TT3.0 user having to wade thru a lot of
largely irrelevant material. 

If there is a TT4.0, then this TT3.0 thread ought to have taught us
what to avoid next time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-03 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;681239 Wrote: 
> yeh, but then you wouldn't have anything to post about. the new thread
> would be just as confusing.
> this thread was for TT3.0 feedback and discussions, can't see a problem
> - especially as TT3.0 is nearing it's end.

Exactly. TT3.0 feedback and discussions. 

The last 30 odd pages of this thread have been feedback and discussions
on a series of dead-end / cul-de sac type "improvements" to TT3.0, which
have been superseded on an almost daily basis. 

Don't get my wrong, I have total respect for anyone out there trying to
improve the listening experience for everyone. Klaus' work has clearly
made significant strides towards that goal. 

SBGK, great leader of men, early on your tweaks appeared to be
complimenting that work, but now where are we? Like most on here I've
tried so many of your daily updates I wouldn't have the foggiest. Did I
read it right that with the exception of a couple of priority/buffer
mods you are back to vanilla TT3.0?  

And as you are clearly in on the development curve of TT3.0 as it
"nears its end" (says who?) perhaps you might enlighten us poor
followers further?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-02 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;681193 Wrote: 
> If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Yep, best place for a lot of people. This thread stopped being about
TT3.0 and more about complimentary "expert" enhancements pages ago. 

(And which enhancement was it exactly we should be trying today that
was so much better than *the*"best ever sound" of the enhancement the
previous day?) 

No wonder people have lost where they are and reverting back to vanilla

If there is to be a TT4.0, perhaps a lot of lessons can be learnt from
this thread to avoid it being hijacked by ambulance chasers looking for
5 minutes in the spotlight in the future.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

And limitations willl often delay shite from one's mouth...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678884 Wrote: 
> no don't go. your my pet. I need a tester. please.

It would be good to get back from religion to reality - your minor
tweaks - yes - have had marginal improvements..

But man needs to know his limitations...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678879 Wrote: 
> I like to think I've played my part, thanks. I like to look on it as
> Klaus is the grand architect guided by god of course and I am the
> engineer who assembles the great lodge so that all may enter and be
> brothers together.

You are sadly deluded my son. Without Soundcheck you are

Merry Xmas.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

You had a brief ambulance chase..leave the real work to the master...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678871 Wrote: 
> are you off your head ? meds not working ?
> where is the ignore button? ah, there it is.

I haven't got a clue. Maybe if Klaus read the last few pages for a
laugh he can decipher, cos I haven't got the foggiest...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

I guess answers to all of the above are ...nowhere/.

Thats's why you had users all over the place tracking obscure changes
and wondering what the foxtrot they had to do with TT3.0


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

You kill me.

I would suggest that Soundcheck would have had an easier ride recently
without your "mods" detracting from his work. 

Where was your impact analysis? change management?

~No where.

where did that leave most other TT3.0 users?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678856 Wrote: 
> you own a piece of  Linn classic with integrated cd, tuner and amp,
> don't bleat to me that SBT doesn't sound good. That's not hi-fi, you've
> been mugged, quick call the cops.

You will quickly alienate yourself - not many people share your
thinking esp where you have spent - however, I return to my earlier
point why is TT4.0 better than TT3.0?

I'm perfectly happy with a Linn Classik & JM Labs 715 speaker set up.
With the Touch as front end. I don't think its being mugged, other than
I dont use the Linn for what I originally bought it for. 

For the benefit of a lot of SBT followers, including me, how do we
avoid being mugged?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

rgro;678850 Wrote: 
> ReallyI'm failing to see what the issue is here.  SBGK is indulging
> in the time-honored tradition of "fiddling"---taking the basis of what
> someone else has done and attempting to make it better.  Without folks
> like him and Klaus we wouldn't have this thread, nor would there be
> many other advancements in science and technology, to name a few.  If
> SBGK likes how his TT and self-modded Touch front end sounds in his
> system, I can't and won't argue with that, regardless of how much or
> little it cost him.
> SBGK is very kindly passing along his results, and opinions thereof,
> for us to try.  I believe, if he's not technically "working" with
> Klaus, he's certainly passing along the results of his experimentations
> for Klaus to incorporate---or not as he chooses---into his next TT
> release. 
> Whether SBGK's tweaks sounds better to him or to you or to me is, of
> course, a matter of our personal ears and the unique interactions of
> each of our equipment.  I don't see that there is any sort of
> "detraction" to what he's doing or posting here.  We're all free to
> try, not try, keep, discard, modify, etc. what these folks are
> doing---all they're bestowing on us is the opportunity to do so.  I
> find it, at the very least, endearing.
> If your point is that TT 3.0 is, or should be, the endpoint of trying
> to make the Touch a better front end, that seems to run contrary to
> much of the SB community ethos.  People like Klaus/SBGK, Erland,
> Pippin, et al are all working to push the product beyond its orginal
> designer's limits.  It's what keeps many of us interested and
> (especially in mcr's case ;>)) entertained.
> I guess if TT 4.0 doesn't push the Touch's sonic performance beyond
> what TT 3.0 does, folks can and will weigh in on that.  I suppose
> someone could've made the same point about TT 1.0 and TT 2.0---in that
> they seemingly had reached the limits of what could have a truly
> noticeable audible effect.  But, for me, I'll definitely want to try
> 4.0.  
> I understand nothing of how this stuff works and how Klaus and others
> get in there and figure it out, but I hope that we can continue to
> encourage the Klaus' and SBGK's to, as long as they're enjoying it,
> keep contributing and not settle for "good enough".

Simply. TT3.0 was released and many people tried it, for good or bad.
There was feedback from both camps. Suddenly, after a couple of months,
another guy comes on the scene mentioning tweaks? How were these tweaks
tested against the original? Change management? Version control? 

What is stopping the average SBT user (eg me) making a few hokey
changes on the fly and losing all original TT3.0 implementation?

Surely this mini -me should be working with Klaus as a bare min?

Or did I get it wrong?!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

Stick your diatribes... 

Report back once you have reported out of a Linn dealership as
mentioned before.

I'll do the same, as it has been a few months since SBT acquisition /
TT mods.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678842 Wrote: 
> how far past a Linn DS, can it be improved fuerther ? I would like to
> know. 
> Hoist by your own petard I believe.

I may have been away from planet earth for a while but obviously IQ's
dropped a tad in my absence:

Take your SBT + laptop into a Linn Dealer and hook it up against:

Linn DS
Linn Majik DS
Linn Akurate DS
Linn Klimax DS

and report back. Then we can compare results, after Xmas and when we
have enjoyed the seasons festivities...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;678826 Wrote: 
> There is always room for improvement. I'm sure there will be new, never
> before thought of ways to squeeze even more music out of the Touch. The
> age of endless tweaking had just begun, and you want to close the
> chapter on it already?
> I've been doing a lot of critical listening myself, especially with the
> recent mods that ensued when TT3.0 got released. I've concluded that, on
> my system, all the improvements are first and foremost detectable in
> terms of resolution, separation, lowering the noise floor, eliminating
> the digital artifacts such as glare and grit. However, no matter how
> polished these tweaks may be, the fact still remains that the resulting
> sound is unmistakably digital. I wanted to see if I could cheat mother
> nature and approximate the illusion of playing a high end analog source
> while streaming to the Touch. Here is what I did:
> There is an ultra high-end audio store a few blocks away from my house.
> I've spent a few days in there, doing my pre-Christmas shopping
> (basically, doing a LOT of auditioning and chatting with the owner as
> well as with the unavoidable onlookers. The end result -- I've brought
> home three Shakti stones and a Shunyata power cable.
> OK, so this sounds like I've gone mental and succumbed to the worst
> case of audiophilia nervosa and all that voodoo. But hear me out. I
> place Shakti stones on my DAC, and on the preamp and power amp (it's
> important to place them above the transformers in each component). Then
> I replace my Nordost power cable with the Shunyata power cable and, lo
> and behold, the CHARACTER of the sound, as if by magic, radically
> changed.
> The best way to describe the change is to say that the sound became
> much 'wetter'. Wet as in luscious wet oil paint. So yes, wet, greasy,
> oily, juicy, in short -- organic and very much analog-like. Removing
> the Shakti stones and the Shunyata power cable brought back the old
> familiar dry, analytical, clinical sound. Put the Shakti stones on
> again and connect the power amp with Shunyata, and voila! the wet,
> greasy sound is back again. It feels as if the sound has been
> amplified, even though the volume level hasn't changed. But the
> subjective impression is that now I'm listening to a louder, more
> present sound. The effect is similar to loading a photo into the
> Photoshop and then cranking up the color saturation.
> I highly recommend this tweak. It'll revitalize your system, especially
> if you have it all modded to its gills with Soundcheck's TT3.0. Shakti
> stones are marvelous in reducing the EMI and the RFI glare, and
> Shunyata power cables are world renowned for their exquisite 'liquid'
> sound. Believe me, it's worth a try, because it will get your system
> sounding like a high-end vinyl rig.

Don't know if its troll behaviour or just a few too many Moets...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

magiccarpetride;678826 Wrote: 
> There is always room for improvement. I'm sure there will be new, never
> before thought of ways to squeeze even more music out of the Touch. The
> age of endless tweaking had just begun, and you want to close the
> chapter on it already?
> I've been doing a lot of critical listening myself, especially with the
> recent mods that ensued when TT3.0 got released. I've concluded that, on
> my system, all the improvements are first and foremost detectable in
> terms of resolution, separation, lowering the noise floor, eliminating
> the digital artifacts such as glare and grit. However, no matter how
> polished these tweaks may be, the fact still remains that the resulting
> sound is unmistakably digital. I wanted to see if I could cheat mother
> nature and approximate the illusion of playing a high end analog source
> while streaming to the Touch. Here is what I did:
> There is an ultra high-end audio store a few blocks away from my house.
> I've spent a few days in there, doing my pre-Christmas shopping
> (basically, doing a LOT of auditioning and chatting with the owner as
> well as with the unavoidable onlookers. The end result -- I've brought
> home three Shakti stones and a Shunyata power cable.
> OK, so this sounds like I've gone mental and succumbed to the worst
> case of audiophilia nervosa and all that voodoo. But hear me out. I
> place Shakti stones on my DAC, and on the preamp and power amp (it's
> important to place them above the transformers in each component). Then
> I replace my Nordost power cable with the Shunyata power cable and, lo
> and behold, the CHARACTER of the sound, as if by magic, radically
> changed.
> The best way to describe the change is to say that the sound became
> much 'wetter'. Wet as in luscious wet oil paint. So yes, wet, greasy,
> oily, juicy, in short -- organic and very much analog-like. Removing
> the Shakti stones and the Shunyata power cable brought back the old
> familiar dry, analytical, clinical sound. Put the Shakti stones on
> again and connect the power amp with Shunyata, and voila! the wet,
> greasy sound is back again. It feels as if the sound has been
> amplified, even though the volume level hasn't changed. But the
> subjective impression is that now I'm listening to a louder, more
> present sound. The effect is similar to loading a photo into the
> Photoshop and then cranking up the color saturation.
> I highly recommend this tweak. It'll revitalize your system, especially
> if you have it all modded to its gills with Soundcheck's TT3.0. Shakti
> stones are marvelous in reducing the EMI and the RFI glare, and
> Shunyata power cables are world renowned for their exquisite 'liquid'
> sound. Believe me, it's worth a try, because it will get your system
> sounding like a high-end vinyl rig.

Everyone is at a different point of implementation / installation and
therefore its dangerous to call. And then the amount of earwax building
in each ear versus the moon phase...yah de yah yah de yah..

Merry Xmas Everyone.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

That was a converstation stopper...?!!

But I think it made the point. 

Happy Xmas to all (existing SBT users, but non trolls..if that makes



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

I don't understand why TT4.0 is a solution? Is TT3.0 not good enough?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678807 Wrote: 
> since you ask.
> I set my system up in the age of cd and had a high end Linn CD player.
> I am loathe to spend thousands on a front end when all it is doing is
> converting pcm to bits.
> may i remind you that you know nothing about how my system sounds with
> the SBT and so far have shown no inclination in finding out.
> Must stop feeding the trolls.

I don't know if troll means a SB customer and active contributor here,
but I refer you to my earlier post. 

Maybe better success would be achieved working behind the scenes with
Klaus rather than after any possible future TT release?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK, Understand I'm not knocking you - you have done some great stuff
to possibly compliment Sounchecks work. I'm slightly concerned that it
might detract from this thread and confuse followers here. What about
opening up a mini-me thread? Or work with Klaus behind the scene?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678799 Wrote: 
> > pandasharka;678792 Wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > still think you are feeling threatened by SBT mods for some reason> > 
> Klaus has quoted me on his website in one of his early adopter
> testominals (check it out). 
> I'm absolutely not a Linn Dealer! I'm in the SBT club.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678794 Wrote: 
> and this has what to do with TT3.0 or modifications of ? 
> I prefer to judge by listening, to me the SBT works, otherwise my
> system would highlight the deficiencies.

I lost the plot - your system sounds way out of sync - why anyone would
spend 6k on an amplification/ speaker solution to back a $200 front end
beats me. OK, the mod'd SBT might punch at a £1000 front end, but
that's still way out of kilter.

If I had had the means to implement a £6k back end it would have been
complimented by a well researched four figure front end.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

SBGK;678785 Wrote: 
> well, I believe Klaus has said TT4.0 has significant improvements, this
> is what he was talking about when he said it is all there. People are
> waiting until a better method of transferring data than usb is
> available or the issues are sorted.
> What?? Assume TT4 doesn't exist. Assume you will never hear it. Lucky
> you have had the opportunity to hear TT3 / TT2 (unlike a lot of SBT
> customers out there). What is Klaus' motivation to release another TT?
> It's not for $$$ development dollars because I'm sure there is no
> return. 
> Logitech Corporate own the problem of usb transfer, and safe to assume
> that won't be fixed in a hurry.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2011-12-22 Thread pandasharka

But it does beg the question SBGK - with 6K of back end investment why
so low on the source? 

Surely that is begging for a weighty front end?


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