Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

xand1x;284050 Wrote: 
> x2. Srajan's review would have been more credible if he compared it to a
> stock transporter in all fairness. I highly doubt financial constraint
> was a limiting factor either =\

I agree. Srajan should have had a stock TP on hand as a reference.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

Phil Leigh;284056 Wrote: 
> You clearly can't distinguish "improved" from "different"...
> What is the problem here? Sticking some valves across the o/p is going
> to make it sound different for sure...and some people will prefer that
> sound which is fine. But it is not "better" in any absolute sense -
> just different.

It's hard to speak in absolutes since we all react differently to sound
by virtue of our unique hearing tools i.e shape of ear canals etc., etc.
So really there is nothing to argue about! ha, ha   Maybe you could
argue if change can be affected through the addition of tubes,
different caps or whatever...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;284042 Wrote: 
> Hi Raj, long time no see :-)
> Exactly. I don't have an opinion on the MW TP as to whether or not it
> sounds as good as the TP.
> Modwright put out good product so I suspect it is possible they didn't
> make it worse spec wise.
> I suspect, since it has tubes, it sounds different.
> For me to establish a preference I would have to ab them sighted and
> blind .
> Most the MW TP owners have not made a direct comparo and I do take
> issue with their claims of sonic superiority.
> Preference is another matter and is subjective.

Yes, but  ted b had his TP modded and he has had listening time with a
stock unit. From his posts he seems to be a well seasoned audiophile
with a realistic attitude towards sound quality so I respect his
opinion more than yours because he has had time with a stock and modded
TP. To claim that the stock unit can't be improved in any way is a
little to idealistic IMO. I think that most stock audio gear can be
changed, for better or worse, just like a stock car can be modified for
better performance. Perhaps you should open your mind and don't be so




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-26 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;283628 Wrote: 
> Now now ,Adam, of course there was a point. I don't respect loony tune
> reviewers like srajean, Kaey and others of their ilk.
> I do respect your taste in music a great deal , however.
> So I'm not all bad :-)
> I do have to go away soon tonight. A swedish classical guitarist is in
> town and we are performing informally at my favorite cafe tonight.
> I need to go practice so we can have "truth in music" modwright style.
> Hey, if I hang some tubes on my classical guitar will it sound better?
> I need to ask Srajean.
> Disclaimer: I have a tube headphone amp and a classic Macitosh amp and
> I love them both.

Sand amps have their colorations too! Every amp that I've owned had
it's own flavor. Actually, you can just change a cap or two in most
good amps and there will probably be a slightly different sound
quality. If sand amps don't color the sound they should all sound the
same, eh?


BTW how can you judge the Modwright TP if you've never auditioned one
and performed a supervised blind A/B?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 6moons preview ModWright Transporter

2008-01-08 Thread rajacat

""You don't think I have better things to do? the only reason I post in
threads like this is because I don't want my customers to be misled.
But after a certain point, if someone insists on believing despite all
evidence to the contrary, I give up!

Do you think that you gaining customer confidence by demonstrating that
you don't have an open mind? Have you listened to the ModWright
Transporter? I doubt, it yet you seem to prejudge it without first hand
knowledge. It would be very interesting to conduct blind A/B tests of the
stock TP vs. the MWTP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 6moons preview ModWright Transporter

2008-01-07 Thread rajacat

If tubes are just a way of changing the tone and adding distortion ,
would rolling capacitors just be performing the same function? Now on
one hand tube detractors say that tubes just introduce some pleasant
form of distortion but present a sound which is not as close to reality
as pure solid state gear. On the other hand it is easy to change the
sound of solid state gear by just changing the caps. Do different caps
have a different "sound"? Is this difference in sound quality
introduced by a different kind or level of distortion or what? Why do
so many find tube gear to sound more like live music and many solid
state devices with superb measurements harsh and unreal?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter MODS - Part II

2007-09-05 Thread rajacat

Phil Leigh;225289 Wrote: 
> Not really correct. Most have said that adding tubes would change the
> sound - not IMPROVE it. Whether one prefers the sound is a matter of
> opinion.
> Same applies for capacitors and resistors (to a lesser extent).
> What's with all this "fanboy" nonsense. Are you a "modboy" ?

I very occassionly check into this forum to see what's happening on the
Slim Devices front. I noticed that there is a hardcore group of regular
posters who really jump on anyone who criticizes a Slim Device product
or has the nerve to suggest possible improvements. As a group they are
an intolerant cult so the moniker "fanboy" is actually a fairly
innocuous, albeit not entirely accurate word to describe this bunch.

Why can't tubes improve the sound? When you say IMPROVE the sound,
isn't this also subjective. Why do some devices that have great
measurements sound sterile, mechanical and not like live performances.
Not everything can be measured with present day equipment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter MODS - Part II

2007-09-05 Thread rajacat

Many on this Slim Devices fanboy forum have said that adding tubes to
the TP would simply cause more distortion and a decrease in sound
quality. If that is the case why do different capacitors sound
different and cause their own form of coloration. You can roll
capacitors just like you roll tubes. I imagine that you could change
some of the TP's caps to let's say v-caps and the sound might be
significantly improved.

BTW, how many of the regular fanboys are paid by Slim Devices and/or
get free gear?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bolder Cable Elpac Mods - First Impressions

2007-03-21 Thread rajacat

Poor Markhh2. I guess he has been driven off because he posted his
personal experience which happens to contradicts most of the Boy Scouts
in this tree house.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Which Upgrade?

2007-01-22 Thread rajacat

totoro;172992 Wrote: 
> Sadly, no. They have many more participants, yes. More objective? Well,
> you think so because more people there agree with you, as far as I can
> see. But objective? I wouldn't say so. 
> The size of the forum has nothing to do with the mean objectivity  of
> the posts. This is a clear logical fallacy on your part.
> As an example of the "objectivity"  on that forum, I'd point to the
> number of people there who talk about bybee filters with a straight
> face. A complete joke, and one of the most hilarious pieces of
> pseudo-science I've seen in a long time. YMMV, but only because of
> psychological factors.

Now reallythis is a manufacturers forum which is bound to be
populated by Slim Devices fanboys whereas AC is an open forum. BTW have
you ever auditioned Bybee filters or conducted a double blind test.  I
doubt it, so therefore your opinion really does not mean much and is
just pure speculation and confirms that you might have some deep seated
psychological bias against anything new or progressive. I'm not saying
that Bybee's are necessarily that effectiveI don't know because I
don't have any experience with them but I like to keep an open mind
which is a prerequisite to any progress or claims to scientific




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Which Upgrade?

2007-01-22 Thread rajacat


I would suggest that you go to and submit the
same post.  That forum has many more participants so the odds are that
you will find more useful and objective information.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-22 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;172836 Wrote: 
> Yes Raj, Wayne contacted me . You did make that sugestion , but I did
> not contact him. He must have been following the thread and contacted
> me re: an audition. In fact, he PM'd me twice before I was able to
> respond.
> This was not a case of me requesting to audition equipment in order to
> decide whether or not to buy it.
> The bottom line here is that I have every right to express my opinion.
> There is nothing "disrespectful" about my saying I think the TP is
> better. I do think it is better. 
> I would not post this opinion on Wayne's own Bolder forum at AC because
> that would be a breach of etiquette.
> It is perfectly appropriate to post my opinion on any other forum here
> or at AC.
> I think I have said about all I can say on this ( although I'll reserve
> the right to say more just for the fun of it)  :-)


Does this look familiar?

"Congrats Wayne,

As I said in my Slim forum review , you have done a great job with your
Anyone who already has you modded SB with Ultimate PS doesn't need to
buy a Transporter."



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-21 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;172830 Wrote: 
> Wayne did not do me a favor loaning me his equipment.
> He contacted me and asked me to audition his product. I did not ask
> him.
> Why would I pay something upfront when he asked me to review his gear. 
> I did pay the return shipping which was not my obligation. He asked me
> to audition his equipment and post my impressions on the forum,
> period.
> Guitar makers send me guitars all the time to evaluate and they insist
> on paying shipping both ways.
> I agreed out of curiosity. I never said I prefered his gear. I always
> said I preferred the TP.
> No, I cant change a PM. I think you know this  and you are
> obfuscating.
> You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Are you sure that he contacted you? I'm not sure that I can find the
post but I believe it was I that suggested that you contact Wayne to
audition the BSB. Was Wayne following the thread and initiated the
offer or was it you? I do think that it was going the extra mile and
showing faith in his product to ship his personnel unit to you and
maybe being exposed to a review by just one person and without having
any control over the conditions for the audition. I know that Wayne
regularly sends his products off to various shootouts but there are
usually a number of people at the event to assure at least some degree
of objectivity.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;172404 Wrote: 
> I'd wouldn't be surprised if the power one sounds just as good as the
> ultimatePSU.
> The Ultimate just didn't sound better than my elpac > my stock SB3.
> BTW I have an old Macintosh tube tuner that sounds great. Vintage tube
> gear is a lot of fun, enjoy.

I think the  the old Scott will be excellent with my system. It has
some serious iron and is, I think, a good match for my high efficiency
speakers. I'm listening Alison Krauss "Lonely Runs Both Ways" and she
sounds as if she is in the room singing to just me. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;172350 Wrote: 
> Raj,
> How do you like your BSB?
> I asume you did the digital+analog mods?
> If I remember correctly you didn't do the 750.00 PSU but the elpac or
> something similar in price.
> To my ears the Ultimate PSU is the least bang for buck of all his mods.

I can't give you an opinion yet on the BSB because the 400+ hours of
break-in is at about the 300 hour point. I did do the digital+analog
mod because the dig mod wasn't that expensive and maybe a hot new dac
might appear such as the Altman which will cause the dig mod option the
be the best.I opted for the Platinum upgrade but gave the Bybees a pass.
The platinum Sonicap is suppose to be  not at its' optimum until 1000
hours pass. I didn't go for the 750  buck power supply but I did
acquire a Power One psu ($4.00) and had Wayne mod it for about $100. If
I get the urge I might attempt to built a ps using top end components. I
feel that $750 would be better spent elsewhere in my modest system.

I'm now testing/break-in a refurbished Scott LK -48 tube integrated amp
which is confusing the evaluation of the BSB.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread rajacat

95bcwh;172095 Wrote: 
> Why does it matter what his opinion is

I thought that a forum is a place for an exchange of views. If opinions
don't matter, why bother to join a forum? IMO tomjtx didn't just refine
his opinion but almost totally flip flopped so I was just curious about
the reversal.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-19 Thread rajacat

Not to split hairs but are you being polite to the TP because your are
on the Slim Devices forum? Your 12/19/06 comments on AC seem to
contradict much of what you have stated in your post that pretty much
bashes the Bolder SB. I don't really know what your true opinion is!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-19 Thread rajacat

OK, I guess that I just didn't interpret you review accurately. If I
could make a suggestion, on future "reviews" perhaps your should state
your real opinion and not sugar coat your views because readers of this
forum might be partially basing prospective purchases on your opinion. I
do, however, believe that one should consult a wide variety sources
before making any audio purchase.

I found your comparison interesting because it conflicts drastically
with most of what I've read on some other forums especially Audio



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-19 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;171591 Wrote: 
> I did a review of a full modded Bolder SB with the 750.00 PSU V the
> Transporter.
> The TP was clearly better in every respect and I think it would be a
> waste of money to go the mod route. The full Bolder mods cost more than
> the TP and doesn't sound as good IMHO.
> I also tried a stock elpac into the bolder mods and it sounded the same
> as the 750.00 psu. 
> The ultimate psu is the largest unecessary outlay IMO.
> I also have a bolder modded elpac and compared it to the stock elpac ,
> no difference.
> Your best bang for buck is a stock elpac SB into a good dac. 
> Modding the SB just didn't give good results in my system:
> Watt/Puppies>Rowland amps.
> The TP IS worth the money and gives far superior results IMO.
> Of course , all this is subjective opinion, only you can decide. But I
> would never buy something(especially pricey mods) without a lenghty
> in-home audition

Have you changed your opinion? Correct me if I'm mistaken but I believe
that you did audition a Bolder Squeezebox and compared it  to your
Transporter and didn't really come to a definitive conclusion. You said
that, in your opinion, it was a toss up and it came down to just a
matter of taste. I think that the results of your shootout are no
longer available on the forum server but I didn't do an extensive
search. Please state the reason(s) for your new point of view.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-17 Thread rajacat

Do you still rip to mp3's and at what bps? I suppose another reason  to
rip to mp3 would be if the songs were downloaded from various internet


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: 320kbps -- too much?

2006-12-17 Thread rajacat

Storage is very cheap so why even listen to mp3's when lossless is there
for the taking?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Anyone found an inexpensive linear PS yet?

2006-12-14 Thread rajacat;topicseen#new


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;162016 Wrote: 
> These things are subjective, as you see, despite underlying technical
> issues that are objective indeed.
> Here's my take on it: a SB3 is good.  From what I understand, modded
> SB3s are equal or somewhat better.  According to Tom, some mods
> approach the Transporter.  Anyway, the Transporter is a lot better than
> the SB3.  The SB with a high performance, studio-grade,
> jitter-eliminating DAC like the Lavry is a lot better than a SB3.  In
> fact, I would say it is more or less comparable to the Transporter, the
> difference being one of nuance.  The SB3 and Transporter through a Lavry
> sound the same -- like a Lavry.
> So, from a purely economic perspective, you could go with a SB3 and,
> say, a Lavry.  However, the Transporter gives you far more
> functionality (extra inputs, etc.) and far greater aesthetics.  These
> are important to some people.  I like having four analog outputs (good
> for subs and mains), extra inputs, and the real good looks of the
> things.  That, of course, and knowing that I'm getting performance just
> as good as from any DAC under $ which, if there were a
> difference, it is not one that I could detect in my room.  If these are
> NOT priorities...

Actually, from an economic perspective the best option would be an
analog modded SB with the Sonicap Platinum upgrade but without  the
Bybees ($) and with an upgraded linear power supply but not the top
of the line ($$750). I believe that this combination will provide SQ
approaching a stock TS or possibly, depending upon system synergy and
taste, equal or superior SQ. All this for about $600. Some even prefer
the small form factor of the SB to the relatively large size of the
rack mounted TP. 

>From what I have been able to deduce, most prefer the modded SB analog
SQ to the digitally modded SB sound quality with the dac of their



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread rajacat

NewBuyer;161931 Wrote: 
> I'm with rajacat on this one also, the Constantine is in a class of its
> own. Rajacat, how did you connect the two - with coax or optical?

Coax. If you read this forum regularly, it would seem that the Lavry,
Benchmark and the Dodson are the only dacs on the market.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread rajacat

To my ears, I greatly preferred the SQ of the stock SB3/Mhdt
"Constantine" dac to the SQ of the stock SB3 analog outs. The stock SB3
SQ is fairly pedestrian.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread rajacat

My fully modded (analog/digital)platinum Sonicap upgrade SB3 will be
delivered any day now. I did not go for the Bybees. Total cost = $475 +
shipping. I have a Bolder modded Power One power supply ($2.50 + $100
for mods). I built my own power cord for the SB3 using silver wire. My
total expenses will be ~$600. While the SQ might not be quite as good
as a stock TP it will be close enough for me and this difference might
not be audible to most people in an average system. OTOH sound quality
is somewhat a matter of taste and some might actually prefer the SQ of
the modded SB. Tom did not say the the SQ of the TP was a slam dunk but
the differences were subtle and others might come to a different



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 plus DAC vs Transporter with or without DAC

2006-12-12 Thread rajacat

Unless you get your TP modded, perhaps the best sound quality would be
an analog modded SB direct to amplifier. Eliminate the external DAC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for a DAC ......

2006-12-09 Thread rajacat

The Mhdt labs nos dacs have been getting a lot of attention recently and
they are relatively inexpensive.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-04 Thread rajacat

For those of you haven't had your fill of this topic, here is a 13 page
thread on Audio Circles.;topicseen#new


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-02 Thread rajacat;topicseen#new


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Powerstrip

2006-11-30 Thread rajacat

Does anybody have some experience and/or recommendations for moderately
priced power conditioners?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: BolderSB2/UltimatePS V TP

2006-11-29 Thread rajacat

Since I already own the SB3, I'm going for the full Bolder mods but
without the various options and the Ultimate power supply. With the
full mods I can experiment with various dacs or go without. Over the
next year I will see what other possible competitors to Slim Devices
develop to compete with the Transporter and also see how the buyout of
Slim Devices affects prospective product offerings and pricing. Also I
might attempt to build my own "Ultimate Power Supply".



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: BolderSB2/UltimatePS V TP

2006-11-29 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;158400 Wrote: 
> Tom,
> The one thing you left out: what is the price of each item?

Go to the Bolder website for pricing on the various mods.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: BolderSB2/UltimatePS V TP

2006-11-29 Thread rajacat


Thanks for the review.

Did you do any sound quality comparisons using the SB digital out into
a quality dac?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-27 Thread rajacat

opaqueice;157798 Wrote: 
> Having quite a few of both single malt scotches and skeptical friends, I
> was once the subject of a blind taste test.  My friend picked four
> scotches from my collection and then tested me to see if I could
> identify them blind.  I was 4/4, which considering she had randomly
> picked four out of about twenty isn't too bad.
> In my mind I can't help comparing that to John Atkinson failing to
> differentiate between - let alone identify - two supposedly very
> different amplifiers.  But I'm afraid I'm going to start another minor
> war if I go that way :-).

I suspect that many people couldn't identify the various scotches in
your test. Indeed, the same could be said for the tasting of fine
wines, if fact, many prefer a cheap sweet wine to the best dry

It follows that the appreciation of high end audio gear might be futile
for those whose ears might not be sensitive to the subtle nuances that
the best gear reveals. For example, not everyone can distinguish the
fine differences that are evident with tube rolling or changing
interconnects or etc.,etc. For many a boom box is all that is needed.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-11-26 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;155526 Wrote: 
> > 95bcwh;155500 Wrote: 
> > Tomjtx,
> > What kind of modded SB2 are you getting from Wayne? Does it have gold
> > bybee in it?
> > 
> > I believe it's Wayne's own SB2. I don't know if it's got bybee but I
> > will check on all of that.
> > I am looking forward to hearing it.
> > 
> > Tom> > 
> Tom, do you have the modded SB3 yet? If so, do you have some initial
> impressions?
> Raja


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-09 Thread rajacat


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Am I the only person who still wants a digital only Transporter

2006-11-08 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;153547 Wrote: 
> I think my TP sounds great. It's got 3 weeks constant play now I think
> it's as good or better than the Lavry. Everyday I like it more.
> I'm auditioning a Bolder SB/UltimatePS etc. in about a week and will
> post impressions then.

That's great that you arranged an audition of the Bolder mod SB plus
the power supply. I will be interested in your impression.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Am I the only person who still wants a digital only Transporter

2006-11-08 Thread rajacat

ezkcdude;153480 Wrote: 
> I thought he was being sarcastic. If not, I agree it's a mistake to
> claim there are any "properly designed" DAC's.
Yeah, he must speaking sarcastically. Sometimes the praise of the
almighty Lavry gets a little thick here.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Am I the only person who still wants a digital only Transporter

2006-11-08 Thread rajacat

krochat;153240 Wrote: 
> To answer this question - as far as I can tell there are a grand total
> of three manufacturers of "properly designed DACs" - Lavry, Benchmark,
> and the higher-end Dodsons. I'm pretty sure that there are lots of
> folks who own DACs that aren't "properly designed" - I'm one of them.
> To add another reason to my previous post - I have lots of 96x24
> recording that would be downsampled to 48kHz on the SB3 that would play
> at 96kHz on the Transporter.
> Regards,
> Kim

So are you saying there only 3 properly designed dacs? If all you read
is this forum I can understand how you have come to that, IMO, mistaken



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-07 Thread rajacat

95bcwh;153309 Wrote: 
> My statement refers to stock SB only. I have done quite an extensive
> comparison between modified squeezebox vs traditional audiophile CD
> player, see this thread:

Ah, that was you.My complements on a very good study. Your comparison
helped me to decide to go for the Bolder digital mod.  I'm still on the
waiting list. The Ultimate Power Supply is out of my price bracket
otherwise I would have purchased it too. I think I will be happy with
Wayne's only Power-One mod. 
I think that I caught your statement out of context. My apologies.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-07 Thread rajacat

95bcwh;153165 Wrote: 
> Because squeezebox is not good enough.

A SB with mods and a good linear power supply is a superb transport. I
have a stock unit with an inexpensive power supply and it easily
surpasses the SQ of my CDP. I have read review after review by people
with high end systems that have fully modded units and PS that rave
about the sound quality and these people have the $'s to buy any
transport they want. Price is not necessarily indicative of
performance/quality. The Squeezebox shifted the audio paradigm.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

Manelus;153058 Wrote: 
> Don't give much credit to that Review.
> Transporter outperforms my CD player (Consonance Opera Droplet), way
> more expensive.
> I think Transporter is a great value for money.

Did you actually read the review?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

topa;153009 Wrote: 
> Yepp, whole lotta different DACs out there, and yepp, NOS DACs aren't
> all the same. But the tendency is there, as they don't oversample,
> which has characteristic advantages and then again not. 
> ezkcdude: 
> DIY? Which DAC Chip? Output stage or not? What does it do better than
> the ShekDac?
> I wish I could find something (some DAC) to rival my Ikemi! I find my
> ShekDac to be quite good on most recordings but really bad on "noisy"
> or compressed tracks which the Linn made enjoyable. It just didn't
> matter what disc you threw at the Linn, it was ALWAYS enjoyable. Oh,
> and of course the dynamic range is far reduced with the Nos DAC, but I
> have a feeling that's more down to the SB3.
> Cheers,
> Topa.

Check out this review, esp. the Altman dac


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

topa;153000 Wrote: 
> Adam,
> Densen Dm10 it is, and it's been a dream come true with the Kans. I've
> had all types of systems in many price regions (upto B&W N804 and
> System Audio Sa2k) with Linn/Naim/Exposure and now Densen but this
> system now is where I said: "that's it!!!".
> Other front ends: Linn Ikemi and Rega P25 TT with Ortofon Kontrapunkt.
> Both certainly don't sound thin & lifeless !!!
> PS: To other contributers: I already run a NOS DAC (!) and am looking
> for something better. Something that buffers, reclocks, and finally
> does oversample again. So it's Benchmark or Lavry, or even more
> expensive stuff.

Not all nos dacs are equal. Of course, this is a whole other debate,
nos vs os, which boils down to a matter of taste not which is



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

SoftwireEngineer;152988 Wrote: 
> I have used Mapleshade Silclear silver paste. Even though inital effect
> is very good, the sound seems to deteriorate over time. So I have now
> just cleaned my contacts with Caig DeOxit and lightly treated with
> ProGold. The Extreme Gold silver paste looks like will not go bad
> easily. BTW, these kind of conducting pastes are in use in other fields
> for a long time (especially in moving parts). I dont think Walker Audio
> can  patent them.
> Re: cryogenic treatment, long-crystal wire, soft-annealing etc which
> change the crystal structure of the conductor - there needs to be a
> more thorough study (Even though I have some cryo treated cables/wall
> outlets).
> rajacat, you can just leave the silver jumpers for a while (say 3 or 4
> weeks) and then compare and check if you like the sound. Usually, we
> are used to one kind of sound, after a while we learn to appreciate the
> new 'kind' of sound. Also, you could connect the cables to the
> high/treble post and jumper to the bass/low.

I just ordered the Mapleshade SST because their price was the lowest.
It probably all comes from the same source- just relabeled. How often
do you have to reapply? Why would the Extreme Gold last longer?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

P Floding;152978 Wrote: 
> That customer must have applied a massive amount of enhancer!\
> Being an EE I'm aware of the risks.

What brand of SST do you use? Walker?
Do you have a link handy?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

topa;152977 Wrote: 
> Hi!
> Well of course the situation is different with an external DAC! I was
> talking about the sole SB3 with analogue out!
> I have a Densen Amp here, with Linn KanII speakers. Presently, I am
> also using a DAC (NOS by Derek Shek) to make the SB3 listenable, and am
> gathering information wether to buy a Benchmark or Lavry DAC or go for
> the Transporter. 
> Cheers,
> Topa.

Why limit your choice to the Lavry or the Benchmark? There are other
dacs which are getting very good reviews. Check out this thread
discussing the Altman dac.
The Mhdt dac is also getting very good reviews.

I own the Mhdt "Constantine" and it made a huge improvement in the SQ
over the stock SB.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-06 Thread rajacat

P Floding;152893 Wrote: 
> Sure, I use SST, and the difference is staggering.
> I'm not sure what is the original -Walker SST? (Why didn't he patent
> it?)
> Anyway, I didn't like the woodoo type stuff on the page you linked to.
> Crygenically treated? Give me a break.. A shame when you get put off a
> potentially good product by mumbo-jumbo. Let's put it this way: If cryo
> treatment of the silver powder really made a difference they would keep
> it a trade secret -not boast about it.

I agree that cryro treatment is a bit unbelievable. Of course I do
think that it is good to keep an open but skeptical mind. Some tweaks
are not worth the money even if they do improve SQ, you might not be
able to discern it. There was a post on AC today which mentioned that
you should be very careful when applying silver contact treatments
because the potential is there for a dead short.;topicseen#new

Who is really going to bother with ABX tests among various tweak
products anyway?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-11-05 Thread rajacat

Have you listened to a fully modded SB?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread rajacat

The contacts were very clean. Contacts do make a difference but
following the same logic, if contacts can make a difference so should
cables especially if they are of different metals. It's easy to turn
that logic around. BTW have you tried any of the contact enhancers such



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread rajacat

In my opinion cables can make a difference especially in a system
capable of hight resolution. Last night I substituted some pure silver
speaker jumpers in my Omega Super 3 Bipoles for the stock copper wire
jumpers in my continual quest for even better sound quality. Much to my
surprise I preferred the stock copper wire jumpers to the silver ones.
The difference in SQ was not subtle. The silver jumpers were detailed
in the extreme and the high frequencies were very harsh and unnatural
to my ears. I did not conduct a blind test but I'm sure that anyone
would perceive the difference because it was like listening to two
different speakers.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-04 Thread rajacat

I studied Classical guitar for 10 years and definitely agree that there
is a clear difference between a rosewood sound box, such as my Ramirez
had, and the spruce used in most flamenco guitars. I doubt that any
luthiers use measurements and numbers to predetermine what SQ would
emanate from the end product. They use their ears for the final
judgment. Various woods are also used in speaker construction and will
very subtly influence SQ. Ultimately most speaker builders also use
their ears because numbers don't tell all. Stradivarius violins are
still the best despite being built before there were any accurate
measuring instruments. Harbeth speakers use tuned cabinets and I
imagine the builders use trial and error to determine the final
product. It would be hard to come up with measurements subtle enough to
predict exactly how the end product will sound. ABX testing puts an
unnatural stress on the participants thereby influencing their mood and
I think that you have to live with almost any "upgrade" before you can
accurately judge it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;150585 Wrote: 
> OK, I am in complete agreement with this post. I am sure your combo will
> sound great. I just sold some guitars so I could indulge and go for the
> TP. I wish I did have an unlimited budget ( and so does my dealer
> friend:-) ) It was no risk for me with the 30 day trial. Once I sell my
> other 2 dacs and my SB/elpac(I have several buyers in line) I will break
> even or maybe come out ahead(1st time for that!)
> So peace, Bro

I didn't know about the 30 day offer so maybe I'll demo the TS too
although I'd have to sell my pre, SB, dac and extra amp  to stay within
my budget. I could use the analog outs and connect directly to my
restored Scott LK-48 which will be returned from the amp guru in about
3 weeks.
Sounds good but I think I will give the digital mod a try since it is
the easiest path for now because I already have a good DAC. The digital
mods are only $175. Actually my system is sounding pretty good right

Peace to you too!

Best regards 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;150583 Wrote: 
> one other thing:
> You say the modded SB sounded better than the TP on wayne's system.
> Isn't it in Wayne's best interest to make his SB sound better than the
> TP? He has a financial interest in this after all.
> It was his room, couldn't he engineer it to make his mods sound better.
> I am not questioning his integrity, but he could have an unconcious bias
> toward his own product.
> i am a skeptomaniac when it it comes to audio, remember "buyer beware"
> That's why I think it's good you will give the TP a 30 day trial. I
> wouldn't have tried mine otherwise.
> If Wayne will  offer me a 30 day trial of his modded SB and Ultimate PS
> I will jump on the offer. I would also like a trial of his modded TP. I
> promise I will buy what sounds best to me. You can run my credit card
> and charge what I don't return.
> How about it Wayne, will you do that?
> I truly have no vested interest in the TP, I'll dump it yesterday if I
> find something better near it's pric (and, yes Wayne's 2400.00 setup is
> close enough)
> So sell me Wayne, I am eager to be convinced!

Why don't you email him with your offer?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

Total investment in my SB3 will be less than $500 after the Bolder mods.
My DAC cost me $250. If I can come extremely close to the TS in terms of
SQ I will be satisfied. There is always something better and I do not
want to spend the $'s for the absolute best. Now the way you talk you
must have an unlimited budget so more power to you. Part of the art of
being an audiophile is learning how to intelligently allocate your
funds to obtain the best sound you can within certain parameters. I
figure that I would be better off taking that extra $1250 and investing
it in acoustical treatments or a better amp so that the end result would
be better SQ than if I bought the high-priced spread i.e. The


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;150560 Wrote: 
> Actually, I think ETM is a pretty funny site.  Their takes on cables are
> a gas, to say nothing of endorsements of all manner of silly items. 
> This is good for a few chuckles:

Okay, if it is so funny, what makes you such a great authority? At
least they listen and compare what they criticize. I'm sure if they
praised your precious Lavry you would then think that they are legit.
Most of what you talk about is just opinion based on very little
experience. Hot air and pumping your items that you deal.  What about
the power supply issue. Why did SD change its design for the TS if it
wasn't deficient on some way? They published the scope photos, so now
those photos don't count. Very inconsistent, I must say!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;150551 Wrote: 
> Yeh, i read audio circle all the time. The posts you are talking about
> are on the Bolder manufacturers site. Most of the posts saying the
> Bolder modded SB is better than the TP are by Wayne himself. the other
> is by a Wayne devotee who heard the 2 at the RMAF for a few hours.
> Hardly unbiased opinions formed from weeks of listening experience.
> I like Wayne, he seems like a sincere guy, but some of his recent posts
> re the TP
> seem a bit self serving , to say the least.  think it is far to earl to
> be talking about modding the TP. Let it break in and do some serious
> listening before making judgments. Having said that. if I heard a
> Bolder modded TP and thought it was better I would do it. But it is WAY
> too soon to be on that bandwagon.
> Get real RAj, you have just discredited yourself with this post. Why
> didn't you just come out and say the posts were on the Bolder site?
> Can you not afford a TP? Is that why you are so invested in a modded
> SB?

You didn't answer my question about the power supply. I agree that it
is too early to judge definitively if a modded SB is better than a
stock TP. Isn't this the Slim Devices forum? Can't we expect that there
are SD pumpers on this sight. I agree that it is in Wayne's interest to
pump his services but in the past he has offered and held shootouts
between various versions of his mods vs. all comers. I held out for a
long time before signing up for a Bolder mod. Didn't his modded SB get
one of the Enjoy the Music's annual awards? Naturally, you could say
that that is bogus and ETM is not legit but if they gave the award to
the TP than I imagine you would be very


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

Perhaps one should check out some of the other forums such as The Audio
Circle for opinions on the SB/Transporter topic. Exposure to a wider
range of opinions is often enlightening. Of course the stock
Transporter should be better than the stock SB.  Awhile ago some on
this forum were stating the opinion that the stock SB power supply was
all you needed and Slim Devices had the so-called scientific data to
back it up. So if the stock switching supply was great why did they
upgrade it in the Transporter. Did the "scientific" data change?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;150502 Wrote: 
> So, you're a Squeeze Box and Bolder "fanboy."  Neat.
> Seriously, I just gotta know -- where in the English-speaking world did
> you come up with that term?  Or is it a nasty, pejorative coinage of
> your own?
> I'm quite fine with criticisms.  I've had criticisms galore, mostly
> having to do with software, and I perfectly well realize that the SB3
> is not the best thing on the planet.  My two CDPs sound better. 
> Easily.  They also cost quite a bit more.  The SB3 has, of course, all
> the virtues of size and flexibility.  Many, or most, reasonable people
> would agree that the single best improvemet to the SB3 is an excellent
> DAC.  That's the course I took and I was (and am) very happy.  Do you
> really think spending almost $1,000 on a DAC isn't a "mod" to the
> system driven by a desire for higher performance?!  I think Wayne is a
> nice guy.  He is not, however, Lavry Engineering, Benchmark or Slim
> Devices.  If that were the case, mastering studios would be gushing
> about various mods.  They aren't. 
> The Transporter is on another level.  I have a gripe or two (I wish the
> letters, and not just the numbers, were backlit on the remote), but it
> is, overall, a very high performance device.  Slim Devices hit a home
> run.  They are easily on the level of Benchmark, Lavry, and Mytek, and
> that is a high level indeed.

My NOS DAC only cost $250 and the consensus seems to be that it
competes well with DAC's and state-of-the-art CDP's that cost multiples

I think that, for the most part, that you can, with intelligent
choices, at least equal the SQ of the stock Transporter with a modded
SB (either analog or digital) and a linear powersupply. If you choose
the digital mod the choice of a good DAC is critical. The Transporter
is a nice luxury but if you already own a SB, there are other more cost
effective routes to sonic bliss.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: RWA Modded SB3 with Paradisea DAC questions.

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

TCM;150506 Wrote: 
> That sounds great. It seems like there aren't a lot of dacs from mhdt on
> the market, are there any other places then eBay that I can buy a
> Constantine? Another question: on the pictures it seems like the sides
> on the Constantine are open - is that correct? If so - is there a
> problem with dust inside?

I opened up my Constantine awhile ago just to check out the fine
craftsmanship that the photos indicated and didn't notice any undue
accumulation of dust. The sides are only partially open for

Why not buy on eBay? I visit the MHDT auction page periodically and
haven't noticed any negative criticism pertaining to the delivery or
quality control of the product.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

I have owned a SB3 for at least 6 months and have recently signed up for
Bolder's digital mod. I think that the stock SB is a great product but
with some room for improvement thus my interest in modifications.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;150485 Wrote: 
> What is he thinking of doing with the SB?
> I, too, don't have anything intrinsically against modding.  I've owned
> plenty of modded stuff, including a wonderful CDP from Modwright (local
> guy, at that).  That's not the issue.  The issue for me has always been
> that some people can be a bit gullible and spend lots of money without
> really understanding what is going on.  The nicer PSU is a good idea. 
> The $700 version is, well, for someone who has $700 burning a hole in
> their pocket.  Everything within reason, eh?
> As for the Transporter, I was so impressed by the SB3 from the
> beginning, and then further impressed by the SB3 with some cutting edge
> DACs, that I decided to pursue a relationship with the company.  I
> believe in the smart, open-source develop SD uses and the fine products
> they produce.  If these things were not facts, Logitech would not have
> spent a considerable amount of money in buying a small company.
> Again, don't take my word for it -- listen to what others, like Ben and
> Tom, have to say about the Transporter.  I think it is a great sounding
> and cool looking product.  However, if a person is not a "fanboy"
> (whatever that is...I'm assuming a poor translation of some kind, as it
> is not something I have ever heard in English), than why even haunt this
> forum?  But that's another question.  Do whatever you like; be happy;
> relax, it's about the music.

If you check out various forums in the audiophile community, especially
ones dealing with a particular manufacturer, there usually is a small
group of regular posters that will brook no criticism of their precious
speaker, amp. or whatever. Sometimes it makes you doubt their
objectivity or perhaps they are just in a state of infatuation. Thus
such terms as fanboy or groupie seem warranted. It is just a
shorthanded way of describing this phenomena.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: RWA Modded SB3 with Paradisea DAC questions.

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

TCM;150368 Wrote: 
> Me too. But I'm really more interested in the Constantine

I have the MHDT Constantine and it made a substantial and immediately
audible improvement in the SQ when inserted between my stock SB3 and my



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

If Mr. highdungeon is so honest why doesn't he disclose his connection
to Slim Devices?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3+DAC vs Transporter

2006-10-28 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;150430 Wrote: 
> Yes, I am, but I am also an honest Audiophile.  So is PhilNYC.  I can
> also sell Lavry products.  You'll notice that I am somewhat blatantly
> saying that I prefer the TP to the Lavry.  Don't bother with my posts,
> then, as I said -- read others.  The TP is extremely well received.
> The other poster has a point: with a SB3/DAC combo, you're also into it
> for a nicer PSU and a cable.
> But, it all depends on what you can afford, right?  If you can afford a
> Transporter, then great; if not, you can get awfully close with an SB3
> and a Lavry or Benchmark.  I am not a Benchmark dealer.  I would not,
> however, begin to compare something from Musical Fidelity to the
> Benchmark or Lavry, both of which are at the cutting edge.

Well, I always thought that you were a Squeezebox fanboy so now I see
that you have had hidden motives. You really need to include a
disclosure statement in all your posts. No wonder you constantly diss
the modding community. You must be a Lavry dealer too!  Sorta like
insider posting on stock forums without disclosing your financial


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-06 Thread rajacat

CardinalFang;143564 Wrote: 
> Listening tests are the most important part after you have the main
> design right. If it measures great and sounds rubbish, then you haven't
> got the design right and aren't measuring the right things.  
> Please go back and read my original comments - they don't say listening
> tests aren't important, but they do say that designs and measurement are
> vital as a basis. You seem insistant that I don't value listening tests
> and only want to see numbers, that is not the case. I value both types
> of measurement.
> And the A class is a very successful car, so it has plenty of use to
> Mercedes. A design flaw was corrected and now they have a popular car
> to sell. Why do you keep using a highly successful vehicle as a sign of
> failure?

I think it is clear that measuring methods or devices have not yet been
developed that can measure all possible variables which affect the final
audio quality. These perfect methods would not only have to take into
account the device itself but all possible permutations of individual
ear structures and other variables of audio perception. So perhaps we
are back to the influences of quarks, leptons and other subatomic
particles, he,he,he.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread rajacat

tyler_durden;142877 Wrote: 
> I think it more likely he saw that there was a market for a $2K player
> and decided to get into that market.  Now he has to deal with all the
> usual problems of people who don't know about computers trying to make
> the thing work, plus he has to deal with looney issues like "which
> brand of cat-5 cable sounds best" because the high-end nutz have gotten
> their education from people who make/sell things like "Bybee filters"
> and "brilliant pebbles".
> I only hope there's enough money in it for him to compensate for having
> to deal with all the irrationality.
> TD

Have you compared a Bolder modded SB and power supply to an unmodded
one? If you haven't your opinion really doesn't mean much and is not a
point of view of a rational person. Just one more mindless Slimdevice


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread rajacat

If Bolder, RW Audio and others had not experimented with different
modifications and improved power supplies we might still be stuck with
just the original unmodified SB. I believe because of their efforts
Sean was spurred to create the Transporter because he realized that
their mods worked and there was a market for an audiophile version of
the SB. He might not want to talk about it but I think that is the
truth and being a good businessman he saw a market that the modders
were securing and now he wants that market share.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-04 Thread rajacat

opaqueice;142685 Wrote: 
> "Honest buck"?  I don't think so.  And if you think that's OK, I suggest
> you read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - would you like to go back to the
> days when there was no regulation of food or drugs, and snake-oil
> salesmen went around selling cure-alls to suckers?  That's where the
> high-end audio industry is today, and that's capitalism - and
> thankfully we *don't* live in a truly capitalist society - no sane
> person wants that.
> IANAL, but I suspect most of what goes on with these mods is illegal -
> false advertising and fraud - but the laws are not enforced because the
> industry is too small.

Yeah, I guess I need someone like you to protect me from my own folly.
I think you are taking the modding cottage industry a little too
seriously. 99.999% of the low through high fidelity public don't even
know there is a small cottage industry devoted to modifying relatively
esoteric audio equipment. Thanks for the advice but I read The Jungle
many years ago in high school and it is much more relevant to public
health than if you choose to have your Squeezebox tweaked. Yes, I
wouldn't want to live in a completely Darwinian winner-take-all
capitalistic society because it would rapidly evolve into an
inefficient and brutal economic dictatorship and freedom would

BTW have you had any of your gear modded or are you just speculating
and don't have any real world experience to back your claims?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread rajacat

Why complain, you are not required to buy the mod? This is a
capitalistic country and there will always be someone looking to make a
honest buck or find a sucker.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread rajacat

CardinalFang;142489 Wrote: 
> Nope, still don't agree. It's part science and part economics. It's a
> cost compromise and therefore you design a speaker or other component
> based on your own personal set of distortion preferences. You audition
> it at home to see if those compromises will work in you system and you
> may for example choose a speaker with a rolled-off high end to balance
> out an cartridge that has a peak in the same region. The speaker may
> suit the acoustic imbalances in the listening room more than other
> speakers. You can meaure that, it's not art. There might be experience
> people that know what might work and how to balance a system out in
> this way, but if you had the right gear you could measure it.
> Components like the TACT systems do exactly this and we're told they
> have a big impact on reproduction.
> The "art" if there is any, is in choosing a set of compromises that
> appeals to the largest audience - or reviewers if you want a good
> write-up. That isn't because it's immeasurable, it's because you choose
> not to bankrupt the company spending years developing a $5 billion
> dollar speaker and instead come up with a design that is inaccurate in
> a pleasing way.
> Even then it's not "art", it's market research and understanding your
> target audience, which is why Bose and B&O do so well. The balance of
> the reproduction of their gear sounds impressive and "HiFi" to the mass
> market.
> I suppose you say that the modders know their audience and so are
> applying an art of sorts, but I'd rather get a mod based on solid
> engineering principles.

Spoken like a true engineer!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread rajacat

Do you consider yourself an engineer or a scientist?
If it can't be measured with state of the art equipment, does it exist?
We shouldn't ignore history and how most breakthroughs were by people
that were pushing the limits and ignoring contemporary biases. Who
knows, there might be a new theory or application which could
revolutionize acoustical design at any time. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread rajacat

Who tests the tester? Have all possible accoustical tests and electronic
testing machines  been invented? I doubt it. Science keeps evolving so
"state of the art" is exactly that and the art is still evolving. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread rajacat

CardinalFang;142449 Wrote: 
> I love music, that's where the emotion is, not in the boxes that sit at
> the other end of the room. I don't want to measure the music, but I do
> want to know that my stereo is an accurate reproducer of that music and
> does not add to or subtract from it in any way. 
> Deviation from accurate reproduction can be measured. Listening tests
> are really just confirmation of a design or a substitute for more
> careful measurements. If a resistor sounds better in a audioo chain for
> some reason, then there will be a measurable reason why. Audio is a
> highly complex set of interactions, but design the test rig correctly
> and you will be able to measure it. We wouldn't get much science done
> if we followed the same lines of thought as sometimes gets voiced by
> professional reviewers. I remember when reviews were accompanied by
> actual measurements and they backed up what was heard.
> We wouldn't apply this to any other field of engineering to do with our
> senses, why audio? I don't read about cameras having immeasurable or
> mystical properties and they convey just as much information and
> emotion.
> Paul

I think that there is some subjectivity in how we see and hear the
world. In other words, some speakers or cameras might appeal to one
person but sound or look different to someone else. Eye tests will
confirm that people see colors in different shades and intensities or
not at all. Hearing test confirm that most of us modulate sound
differently or can't hear certain frequency of sound. It follow that, 
a given speaker will not appeal to all
even if it has theoretically perfect lab measurements. If speaker
design was so cut and dry that all variables could be laid out on a
spreadsheet there would be no need to conduct listening tests and they
could be just put on the assembly line and produced like hotcakes.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread rajacat

Electronics mods are analogous to automobile mods. Even very high end
car manufactures make compromises on what they offer as standard
equipment. To take a stock SB and upgrade some of the parts certainly
will improve its's common sense.

To dis modders for performing an useful service without listening to
their product is unwarranted. Now if their mods don't improve the SQ or
hurt it then negative criticism is to be expected.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread rajacat

"The kitty growled when he spied the sourpusses."

October 2006


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread rajacat

“To attempt to measure bliss is to dip a rose in resin.”

October 2006


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread rajacat

joncourage;142217 Wrote: 
> "Everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know
> that we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be
> learned only to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected."
> --from Six Easy Pieces
> Richard P. Feynman

Your quote of Mr. Feynman describes what I'm trying to say but with
considerably more elegance and insight.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread rajacat

tyler_durden;142063 Wrote: 
> That should drive the final nail in this coffin!
> Any time someone posts something about quantum mechanics or sub atomic
> particles and relates it to audio you know the thread has come to an
> end.  What else can anyone say when the irrationality has climbed to
> such an extraordinary level?
> Thank you, rajacat
> TD

I'm sure that you would quote numbers when they support your point but
ignore cutting edge science when it might challenge the way you
perceive the natural world. Flat world thinking, eh?

Irrationality? Whoa! So are you saying that particle physics is just
irrationality gone amok? Can't you understand that we are mostly space
and these and other small particles along with gravitational force is
what holds us and the whole universe together. Your freq. response
chart is a very crude measurement.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread rajacat

In the field of particle physics there are many indeterminates.
Quarks, leptons, mesons and other subatomic particles influence our
lives but measuring them or even determining where they are at a given
moment is very difficult if not impossible. Most likely these minute
pieces of matter have an influence on the way a loudspeaker produces
sound as well as the way we hear. Therefore the relatively crude
measurements we use in measuring speaker performance do not come close
to predicting what a given person will actually hear.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread rajacat

95bcwh;141895 Wrote: 
> rajacat,
> I was not quoting you.. look at my message again, I was quoting him.
> peace.

My mistake,



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread rajacat

95bcwh;141888 Wrote: 
> See? Another cheap shot.. "some people do have bad ears".
> WHO ARE YOU to make such a statement? Do you think you're GOD, that you
> can tell if other people has bad ears, and you have the perfect ears?
> You have no moral high ground, next time, try harder.

Why don't you read dudgeon's statement above as he made the first
reference to bad ears. He is a cheap shot specialist who disrespects
builders and modders without hearing their equipment first. Moral high
ground, ha, that's good one, I'm not claiming any high ground but just
nuetral ground.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread rajacat

You probably have bad ears too and need to have numbers to tell you if
it sounds good.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;141880 Wrote: 
> I find this amazing.  First of all, audio shows are NOT the place to do
> comparisons.  Hardly ideal situations.  This is to the poster above.
> Second, yes, I'm afraid, the burden IS on the modder to prove WHY
> something is superior.  Sorry, but anyone selling $700 power cords and
> Bybee filters might be a nice person, might mean well, might be a great
> guys, etc, but remains suspect.
> Third, the burden IS -- really IS -- on the modder to provide technical
> and scientific evidence.  Sorry, but numbers don't lie.  Some people do
> have bad ears, though, and prefer equipment that is euphonic, not
> neutral, or whatever.
> I'm sure Wayne and others will have a modded Transporter soon.  That
> is, after all, how they make their living...and this thread shows just
> how many people are willing to throw reason to the wind and bite.

Well...I guess you've become the master of the cheap shot!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;141868 Wrote: 
> Correction: physics and engineering can explain the whole lot. If you
> don't understand that, the the problem is with you.  Moreover, is
> someone is making claims about his equipment, he should 1) provide
> scientific test data or 2) send the gear to a serious reviewer who WILL
> subject it to, and publish, scientific data.  Most manufacturers don't
> have a problem with this.  However, with this crowd, you have to take
> everything on faith.
> Whatever.
> PS, I am really tired of the rudeness on this thread.  Enough 
> already.

Why don't you make an effort to audition a modded SB before issuing
your so-called authoritative remarks which I can't respect because they
don't come from experience. You make a big deal about numbers but you
don't even listen to items before critiquing them. That's not very
scientific is it? Go to one of the audio shows at which Wayne has his
mods and introduce yourself and ask for a AB demo. Bring your SB and
DAC for comparison.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread rajacat

PhilNYC;141844 Wrote: 
> I'll say this...I've got great respect for Wayne and his work, and he
> seems like a terrific guy.  However, I think his comparison of his SB3
> mods vs. the Transporter would have had a little more credibility if he
> had given his Transporter some time to break-in rather than do the
> comparison right out of the box.

That is a good point but dudgeon issued his disparaging remarks without
even listening to Wayne's SB mod. He seems to be an undecerning SB


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-01 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon;141235 Wrote: 
> Oh, I'm just not going to bother.  I came across a hilarious post by a
> "modder" -- one who sells these things -- informing the public about
> the superiority of his SB2 with Bybee this and that to the Transport. 
> Heck, he even uses server v. 6.2.1 and firmware 13, because, you know,
> it is way more advanced than the current version.
> If someone would like the post, email me privately.
> Be assured, though, that it won't be long before thousand-dollar
> upgrades are out there for Transporters and that those suffering from
> audiophilia nervosa...and lacking experience in electronics...will
> bite.
> 'nuf said

A Bolder modded SB3 was chosen to be one of the best source components
of 2006 by ENJOY THE MUSIC.

Maybe you should actually listen to Wayne's mods before you dis him!

'nuf said


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Labs linear power supply

2006-04-21 Thread rajacat

Has anybody used this power supply?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: DIY Forum?

2006-04-14 Thread rajacat

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Should there be a DIY Forum?

- Yes
- No
- Need to think about it some more

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Point taken, but the forum doesn't have to be restricted to SqueezeBox
> mods, although I'm sure that would be the most common topic. I envision
> threads about everything from power supplies (no, seriously), to
> external DAC's (something I'm trying to get into). The only restriction
> will be no threads about power cords ;)

Since you mentioned that you are interested in building your own DAC,
here is a link I found on the Decware forum which you might find


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread rajacat

I thought that I would cross post this for your amusment.

I've had some time to evaluate the Black Sand Silver Reference Power
Cord. I'm in awe! Folks this is a great power cord. My Signal Cable
Magic Power Cord can't compete with this cord. The Signal Cable Power
Cord definately offers increased performance over standard power cords,
however, the Black Sand Silver Reference is a significant upgrade like
modifiying a worthy component. The most significant attribute of the
Silver Reference is PRAT. I mean seriously intoxicating PRAT!!! The
background is so black its totally absent. The cable flows naturally
with increased clarity and offers up alot of details in tracks I've
never noticed before. Its PRATTY nature is tonally correct, especially
Unbelievably real! The soundstage is more coherent with excellent
spacial seperation. Depth of stage is more extended as well as mids and
highs. Male and female voices give me goose bumps. Listening to various
tracks on "KEM ALBUM II", I hear KEM taking breaths between notes as he
harmonizing his Al Jarreau like romantic lyrics. I never heard those
details prior to the Silver Ref. power cords. And when listening to
Lizz Wright's "Dreaming Wide Awake", I was never as caputured by the
seductiveness of her buttery voice. The Silver Reference MKIII Power
cord gets my highest recommendation because it brings you much closer
to the real thing. I can't imagine a better power cord. If they are
still available on audiogon, I would run and try get them at reduced
prices before its too late.>


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> In fact, I have - several times.  I've never purchased them because, by
> and and large, I don't buy into these things any more than I buy into
> kilo-buck powercords.
> However, friends of mine who are into all sorts of tweaking have quite
> a few of these things for various devices.  I've convinced more than
> one that it is an exercise in futility and spending money.  I've not
> convinced others, who, despite being dear friends, and with whom I can
> say these things, tend to be a bit irrational about audio.
> But, hey, thanks for the personal attack on someone you don't know. 
> Always speaks oodles about character.

It was not a personal attack but just a statement that unless a
person's opinion is based on actual experience it must be regarded
accordingly. You seem to regard many in the audiophile cottage industry
as just hucksters but offer no proof just unsubstantiated opinions.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread rajacat

opaqueice Wrote: 
> I haven't tried it - you don't need to speculate! - because I'm
> skeptical it makes a difference.  I'm skeptical for several reasons,
> but primarily because the only difference it can possibly make (as far
> as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong) to the digital outputs
> (which I'm using) is changing the jitter spectrum, but the measured
> jitter with the stock walwart is extraordinarily low already - almost
> certainly below the level of audibility.  However, I'd happily change
> my mind in view of some contrary evidence. 
> Please do report back on the difference.   I think it's important to
> remember that humans are really very good at noticing differences when
> they expect to, even if none exist.  So if you don't mind, when you do
> this please have someone swap out the power supplies and see if you can
> consistently tell the difference blind (ideally, do an ABX test, and do
> it at least 10-12 times).

I am not able to take the time to set up an experiment that will
satisfy all the skeptics, that would be impossible. Why don't you go
over to the Audio Circles and do a search
on SB power supplies. There have been some A/B tests done on various PS
that you might find interesting. I have found that the Audio Circles is
the most erudite and helpful of any of the audio forums.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread rajacat

I have no opinion on that issue because I have not tried anything other
than EAC>FLAC. I would respect the opinions of the skeptics more if
they actually have had some experience with linear vs switching power
supplies and not just use the forum for their bile.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread rajacat

I would speculate that most of the posters here have not tried any
"improvements" to the power supply so they are just venting their
cynicism and do not speak from any useful experience. That said, I have
bought a cheap ($2.50) linear power supply that requires a bit of
soldering to work with the SB3. I will report back on its effect on the
sound quality of my system. Others using the same power supply have
reported obvious audible improvements in SQ. It must be clear to even
the most fashionably cynical that they have no financial interest in
lying to this forum.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-09 Thread rajacat

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> I would love -- really love -- to see all these exorbitantly-priced
> power supply builders to submit their products, along with the
> standard-issue or Elpac variety supplies, for a regulated double-blind
> test involving enough listeners with such qualities as to establish
> statistical significance.  
> I mean, this just wouldn't be too hard to do and it would be an
> opportunity to establish the product -- assuming it merits
> establishment.  You just need a host, a curtained set up, attendants
> (off the street student types) who don't know what supply is what,
> scoring sheets for the listeners, and, say, a pick of self-described
> audiophiles, dealers, whatever reviewer one could find, musicians
> perhaps, and "laypersons."
> Brings to mind the well-known Bay Area Audiophile Society blind test of
> power cords: the ability of listeners to distinguish between stock IEC
> cords and $1k+ cords was statistically insignificant.  It is a real
> shame -- and there is money behind this, of course -- that none of the
> prominent audio magazines conduct such tests.
> Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One often hears what
> one sees and pays for.  Anyway, thought for the day.  This was not
> directed at anyone and was certainly not meant to be denigrating of any
> particular product.  That's what I find so cool about the Squeezebox: it
> is a good product, it is well thought-out, it is designed and
> manufactured with performance and budget in mind, and it outsmarts so
> many far more expensive products.  If Slim Devices comes out with a
> gleaming stainless steel version with a five pound power supply, 24
> carat gold connectors, etc.,  and charges a grand or two for the thing,
> hey, I wouldn't begrudge them.  That's what people do in this industry.

Have you tried any of these audiophile grade power supplies? Probably
not, therefore it seems that you are not talking with the benefit of
experience, so your opinion is just a guess and really not worth much.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: why do we need a DAC ?

2006-03-29 Thread rajacat

khewa Wrote: 
> with the setup you have, it will be worse than if you plug in the
> digital output of SB3 to the Panny. By giving the Panny analog signals,
> you're using the ADC of the Panny, which is pretty bad. If you need to
> use the Constantine, get a Class A/B amp. Try hooking the SB3 digital
> out to the Panny and hear the difference.

Yes, I did try SB3>digital out>Panny this afternoon and the sound
quality was better with more separation and depth among other
qualities. The difference was immediately noticeable. I might not even
break open the box that contains my new DAC. In the market for a nice


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: why do we need a DAC ?

2006-03-29 Thread rajacat

dwc Wrote: 
> Yes Raja, I think the Constantine is unneeded with the XR55.  The signal
> will get re-converted back to digital again inside the XR to go into the
> amplification stage because the amp itself operates on a digital signal
> like a high-output DAC.  So the high-quality analog output of the
> Constantine is in a sense going to waste. Going straight from the SB's
> digital ouput into the XR55 should sound excellent.
> I wouldn't regret buying the Constantine though, maybe it's time to
> start a great headphone rig?  (I have the Renaissance and the Dialog II
> and I really like both DAC's.)  You'll want the Constantine for pretty
> much any non-equibit amp.
> -Dan

This afternoon I tried the SB> digital optical>Panny connection and the
result was a definite increase in sound quality. I shouldn't have gotten
antsy and bought the DAC. Yeah, I bet that headphones would sound great
using the SB3>Constantine>headphones
I suppose you can use the digital volume from the SB3. The SB would be
the preamp. What next a headphone amp and some quality headphones? It's
tempting but I'm just assembling a modest system and I could that money
for a musical subwoofer. Any trades? Perhaps you want another MHDT Dac
for your collection. I would be fun to analyze the nuances of the
different models.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: why do we need a DAC ?

2006-03-29 Thread rajacat

dwc Wrote: 
> Yes Raja, I think the Constantine is unneeded with the XR55.  The signal
> will get re-converted back to digital again inside the XR to go into the
> amplification stage because the amp itself operates on a digital signal
> like a high-output DAC.  So the high-quality analog output of the
> Constantine is in a sense going to waste. Going straight from the SB's
> digital ouput into the XR55 should sound excellent.
> I wouldn't regret buying the Constantine though, maybe it's time to
> start a great headphone rig?  (I have the Renaissance and the Dialogue
> II and I really like both DAC's.)  You'll want the Constantine for
> pretty much any non-equibit amp.
> -Dan
Oh well, I'll give the Constantine a listen anyway and see what
happens. What are the audible differences between the Dialogue II and
the Renaissance? I was going to spring for one of the tube models but
the Constantine, which is the core of the Paradiso, uses the newer chip
and there was not a tube model available at the time. The price was very
reasonable. BTW how many days did it take for you to get delivery?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: why do we need a DAC ?

2006-03-29 Thread rajacat

cliveb Wrote: 
> Mea Culpa. Panasonic's web page about the XR55 didn't make this obvious.
> Now that you've explained what sort of device the XR55 is, I agree that
> using an external DAC with it makes no sense.
> Of course, a PWM power amp is essentially a DAC that delivers a high
> current output sufficient to drive speakers, so in a strict sense there
> is still a DAC involved, as there ultimately must be if you want to get
> music out of the system, unless you can build a speaker that uses
> pistons driven directly by digital impulses. (As far as I am aware,
> nobody has yet successfully built such a speaker, although I did read
> about an experimental design of that type a few years ago: I don't
> *think* it was an April Fool's joke :-).

I own a XR55 and a SB3. I recently purchased an external DAC(mhdt lab-
Constantine) which will arrive in a few days. I thought that I could
upgrade the output of the SB3 without going the mod route by bypassing
the SB3 DAC with the digital out> DAC> audio out> XR55. So are you
saying that this is a waste of time and money? I thought that if you
input a digital signal via SB3 optical/coaxial to the XR55, it would
make use of the receivers internal DAC. On the other hand, if you input
an analogue signal via external DAC, the RCA audio inputs, the XR55's
DAC would be bypassed. I guess that I'm a bit confused but is there
another DAC right at the amplifier stage that causes another
digital/analogue conversion therefore more complexity and less SQ?


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