Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Parametric Equalizer?

2007-09-27 Thread richidoo

The Rives analog EQ unit has only three filters and is effective in
improving room problems. 

I don't hear any phase problems using the Inguz plugin, nor with EQ
effects in Cakewalk Sonar. Perhaps digital effects are not subject to
phase distortion created with a capacitor based filter? 

Each band is a separate filter with its own processing demands. 3-4
would be enough to noticeably improve the bass in a normal room and
still leave one or two filters for rolling off a tweeter, etc.

Fully parametric implies "Q" or width adjustment for the filter. Inguz
does not have manually adjustable Q on EQ filters. Does it's room
correction feature vary width, or just apply multiple fixed width

Inguz also has useful features like balance, stereo image width, etc
which are very nice to have, again more processing appetite.

It would be nice to have these features built into slimserver.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stupid Newbie Questions

2006-12-24 Thread richidoo

If you upgrade the PS and cables the SB comes close to a mid level ($1K)
audiophile CD player, like Quad or Rega. Especially if you play wav
files ripped using EAC software which eliminates jitter and decoding
chores. There are more gains to be had by modifying the SB internally
if you find you need that. For me it is not necessary yet. Other audio
fish to fry first.

I use an upgrade power supply and it gives me a big improvement. I have
a similar rig as yours with tube (classAB1) integrated and relatively
high sensitivity speakers. The difference with the new power supply is
obvious and audible all across the bandwidth as well as in improved
dynamics and air. The more revealing your system, the more improvement
you will hear. 

The PowerOne linear open frame supplies are excellent and have better
regulation than the Elpac. They are easy to wire up and not too
expensive. The 5volt 3amp version is good for SB. About $45 plus wire,
connector and box. PM me if you need help wiring it. 

Invest in some decent cables too if you are looking to hear changes on
this level of subtlety. is a great bargain in high end
cables. They are extremely transparent, and not expensive (really
cheap!) Based on my own experiences comparing them to daddybigbucks
cables, I think the wild testimonials on their website are NOT all
hype. You won't be sorry!

Use the Sophia's volume control instead of the SB VC to max out the
SB's S/N. I read that TNT audio review of your Sophia, it is a very
nice piece! :) SB is up to it.
Merry Christmas


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Volume bug - can you really hear it?

2006-12-24 Thread richidoo

No this thread is not related to the hiss you're hearing. Good job
finding it, though, I looked for this thread a few weeks ago and
couldn't find it!!

The hiss is the "noise floor" of SB. 2 ideas to help: 
1. Use an external volume control like active or passive preamp or
Endler attenuating resistors. You can find a link for them by searching
this forum. If your amps have a high intput impedence you can use a
passive volume control like CIAudio or Placette which are very

2. Dim the display brightness, or set it to OFF except when using it.
The display puts out RF which come out the right channel analog output.

Turning down the SB digital volume control will not effect the gain in
the analog output stage where the noise is, it only affects the
"amplitude" of the digital stream before it goes to the DAC (as
discussed partially in this old 2005 thread.) You want the SB volume to
be maxed so that the S/N is always at its highest. Use a true analog
attenuator to adjust volume after the SB analog output.
Merry Chirstmas!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise Floor on SqueezeBox 3 - Normal?

2006-12-15 Thread richidoo

Hi artsrc,
Here's my 02, no guarantees though! 

The SB stock power supply is a switching PS. Supplies of this type can
put out RF and other noise which can be picked up and amplified by
other components. Others have commented on the noise the SB supply
emits, even when not connected to SB. Unplug the PS from the wall while
listening to the noise if possible to see if this is what you're
hearing. If so, try a linear power supply. You can find a thread about
it around here somewhere ;)

The analog output section of SB is not bad, but you might like to try
SB > DAC > headphone amp or even the built in headphone amp in a good
DAC if you're looking for perfection.

The SB analog line outs are affected by noise from the flourescent
display, especially the right channel, so the headphone out might be
affected by that too. Try dimming the display to "off" while listening
to eliminate it as the source of your noise. Playing SB with volume at
max like you're already doing makes it hard to hear the display noise
so that's probably not the problem. Maybe it's louder on headphone

Is your external volume control powered? Could it be a ground loop
somewhere? Good luck.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Question about Spouses?

2006-12-11 Thread richidoo

Walleyefisher;161660 Wrote: 
> You all needed a mindless post to de-tox

You got that right!

My wife likes to listen to music with me, but she is usually reading a
magazine or something, and does not concentrate on the as intently.
Maybe it's because she is so much smarter and I have to concentrate
harder than she to get it. We almost always watch TV after listening to
a CD. Beethoven is just a warm up to Iron Chef or Sex in the City.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Analog volume using Transporter

2006-12-11 Thread richidoo

In looking for the threads from the ancient past from which I learned
what I know about SB volume control processing, I see they are too old
and have fallen off. So I cannot refer you to the stuff I read to
explain why I think the way I do. I see some new topics about TP VC, I
will check those out to see if anything has changed.

SB will not play 24/96 files, and its supposed ability to play 24/44.1
though analog outs is not very valuable to me, so I never thought twice
about it. I would be surprised if SB could make analog output volume
changes on a 24 bit wav source file. 

When I bought my SB, there was no mention in the advertising about
anything to do with 24 bit playback. But this thread is about TP, so I
should not have mentioned SB at all. The reason I did was that Sean
answered a question when TP was announced about volume control
processing in which he said it was done same as SB. But TP will play
24/96 files and I bet it will change volume on them, so maybe they
aren't exactly the same?

This topic is about analog VC, so I was not referring to SPDIF. I have
no idea what SB passes to ext DAC with 16 bit input file. 

As for your third question, you're still talking about digital output,
and I am talking about SB analog out using internal DAC with 16 bit
source wav file. I don't care about quantization noise when playing


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Suggestions for a DAC ......

2006-12-09 Thread richidoo

highdudgeon;160839 Wrote: 
> Pro gear is the way to go -- highest quality and more reasonable prices.
> value.  Some audiophiles are too snobby for it.  Well, I know one with
> Dali Megalines who uses a Lavry Blue.  The point is output quality,
> yes?  If Benchmarks and Lavrys are good enough for mastering studios
> then they are absolutely good enough for home use.

I agree there is usually decent value in pro gear, expecially if you
are using it for a pro job, like recording, etc :) Mastering engineers
have very different objectives in listening to sound than audiophiles.
I would take audio listening advice from most mastering engineers with
a grain of salt. Pro sound and high end audio are two separate worlds
with little in common. Van Alstine UltraDAC and the new Bel Canto are
excellent, very musically enjoyable DACs in the $1000-2000 category.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter volume control

2006-12-06 Thread richidoo

Wombat;160244 Wrote: 
> Not going under -30db wouldn´t loose any bits.

No bits have been harmed in the making of this movie, er..ah, volume
control.  :))

No data is ever lost, still 16 bits sent to the DAC, just with the
word's amplitude multiplied by the reduction factor contained in the
extra 8 bits tacked on to the 16 bit word coming from file whenever
volume control is engaged. The processing required to reduce volume by
a large amount is the same as by a small amount, just a different
factor. With larger volume reductions, the resulting product is more
prone to inaccuracy, due to only 8 bits allowed for VC info. But the
result is dithered so any slight errors are not audible anyway. Unlike
SB, noise in transporter is very low, so using the software VC has no
negative effect.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Analog volume using Transporter

2006-12-06 Thread richidoo

You will not "lose" any information no matter what the volume setting on
SB is because an extra 8 bits are added to the incoming 16 bit word when
software volume control is set anywhere below 40 (max). 24 bit word
passes to DSP, then after volume processing is done and extra 8 bits
peeled off and a new 16 bit word emerges with lower volume and sent to
DAC. No information is lost and dither algorithm is excellent leaving
no audible processing artifacts. 

The transporter was designed to allow direct connection to a power amp
and can safely be used as its own preamp/VC with no loss of S/N ratio
as with SB. It has built in attenuator resistors for this purpose. So
it's really your choice which volume control you use. Does the kW have
a volume remote control?

What an awesome amp, you are a lucky dude!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wired or not? (Newbie)

2006-12-06 Thread richidoo

I had similar problems to Pat when playing wavs over 11b - dropouts. But
if my antennas were within line of sight, no problems. The buffer inside
SB can hold almost 2 minutes of wav, so hearing dropouts means a REALLY
bad connection/reception, or in my case it must be Linksys, or Linski
as my dad calls it. No problems with wired link, 10Mbps is plenty for
almost anything.

Wayne of Bolder wrote recently that the wireless transceiver does
indeed affect the sound quality when in use, spilling RF and other
noises into analog section, just as flourescent display does. Merely
plugging in a linked ethernet cable will shut down the wireless and fix
the problem.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Attenuation mute tweek and linear power supply question

2006-12-06 Thread richidoo

Best make it 5V output to SB. 5V power supplies are easy to find because
5V is the voltage of many processor chips and the standard voltage used
in logic circuits. You need a regulator or resistor to adjust the
voltage to 5V. 6V battery can get by with a resistor, but using a large
12V batt for longevity is too much for a resistor to drop, will waste a
lot of power as heat.

I have been thinking about this battery supply idea too, found some
ideas worth sharing (I hope!) Rechargeable batteries like NiCads when
under load will give about 1.0-1.1 V, so a 5 cell pack might be ok if
SB can handle 5.5 volts without damage. You would have to disconnect to
charge. Nicad voltage changes a lot through discharge so it is never a
steady voltage. not an ideal solution. Dry cells make 1.5 V. Supposedly
SB will run o low voltages, but I don't know if it will start or sound
good, still might not be good for it, and then the expense of throwaway

This is a very nice step down regulator for our needs, but I haven't
tried it yet. Use it with a big car or deep cycle marine 12V battery
like Optima:,C1,C1003,C1040,C1055,P10037,D2740

You might find this already made power supply to be an easier project
than building your own from scratch: I use one of these with my SB and
it is AWESOME, and is pretty cheap at about $40 plus the connector and
a box. It's far better regulation than the linear Elpacs.   See model # HB5-3/OVP-A

Good luck with your project!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slimdevices and NAS devices

2006-12-06 Thread richidoo

Olav Sunde;160274 Wrote: 
> Check here: for one good option.
> Rgds

The infrant readynas works great. Very reliable. SS GUI not as fast
responding as a PC, but still not too slow either. Noisy fan, needs
sperate room away from listening area, best on a LAN anyway to make use
of other built in server functions. Slimserver updates must be compiled
to run on it by infrant before can be used, so you have to wait a few
days when a new official release emerges, and there are NO nightly
updates. I am very happy with it after 9 months continuous use.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Room Correction/EQ available for mac users NOW

2006-12-02 Thread richidoo

Great post highd. Thanks! I read the Acourate website, never heard of
them before. If it can come close to the Tact preamp I tried, wow! Does
it do time domain adjustments to help with room resonance, or just
speaker driver alignment? I couldn't understand half the stuff the
website is talking about - I know RC sounds good, but I don't know the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Cable burn-in, does this work?

2006-12-02 Thread richidoo

Mike Anderson;159222 Wrote: 
> Cable burn-in is critical ... you get a nicely "defrosted" sound.

Yeah, but as cables defrost, the resistance rises, dulling the subtle,
yet inaudible harmonics above 100kHz. This causes listening fatigue
very late at night. 

I have Bluejeans 1505 interconnects and other wires from them. They are
very well made and an incredible value. But when it comes to sound
quality though, frozen or thawed, I prefer my anti-ICs. $100/meter, and
worth every penny!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Good entry level speakers

2006-12-02 Thread richidoo

Infinity makes some great speakers for very low price. They are always
very well reviewed. Before I got into hifi, I used them throughout my
house in different sizes. Now that I have some audiophile speakers, I
still find the Infinity designs to be solid and great sounding. They
all still get a lot of playtime.

Models with CMMD ceramic drivers are excellent. This used to mean the
Alpha or Entra series which are now discontinued. If you can find these
used, you will not be dissappointed. The larger the better. 

Newer (largest) models are the Beta 50 ($600/pr)with the great CMMD
drivers and the Primus 360 ($400/pr), both have received excellent
reviews by many different critics. The Beta is identical to Revel F12,
per article in AudioExpress, or was it Sensible SOund? Revel and
Infinity are owned by Harmon International  and they use the same
Infinity developed drivers, while cabinet and crossover maybe slightly
different. Anyway Sensible sound still mentions these as best choice
for a sub $1000 system. Read the reviews, and try a pair at home. Since
they are sold by mass merchandisers, the return policy is always
generous. Primus is at Crutchfield and elsewhere, Beta used to be on
display at Circuit City, who is still listed as authorized dealer, but
they don't have them on the website anymore. You could call a store to
see if there are some left. Infinity website lists local dealers and
online sellers.

For the money, I don't think there is a better option. Spending less on
mid fi speakers will allow you to buy truly hifi speakers sooner. There
you will want to skip over the hifi pretenders and go for a really
great speaker to build your system around. That will take an investment
in time and money, but the beta will serve you well until that time.

Even with the speakers you have now, you can improve your music
listening experience greatly buy learning about acoustics and taking
steps to improve the main listening room with acoustic treatment. Read
articles at and to get started. Acoustics
do more to color the sound your hear than anything in the actual system.
Getting the room right first will help you pick the best speakers for
the money because you will actually be able to hear what they really
sound like and get the most out of them.

Anyone who cares about the quality of sound of their music is an
audiophile, so you are very welcome here!!

Have fun, trust your heart over any critic, reviewer, salesperson or
internet forum expert! Pick up some discs that are audiophile quality
recordings and listen to them at your local stereo shop to get an idea
what is possible. There is a lot of free education available online. is a good website for beginner audiphiles and for
mid-fiers. They have a bias against high end big bucks products, which
is healthy. But you do have to pay to play in this hobby, so if your
taste goes to perfection, you will be spending money in the high end
eventually, it is most definitely worth it!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker terminal contact cleaner

2006-12-01 Thread richidoo

I couldn't resist:

Since it is designed to leave a film, of course it is not for hifi
use... or is it the next tweak du jour? 


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 -getting better with battery power

2006-11-24 Thread richidoo

genoaz;156764 Wrote: 
> What if you just use four NiMH rechargable batteries, straight in - no
> regulators.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] volts/2500 mAh.  I wonder how that would sound?

At 1A+ load, they would sag below 5V even with large cells. Figure 1
V/cell in operation, so 5V batt would be right, but then regulator
might be needed when batt is fresh charged. NiCad and NiMH would be
quieter than lead acid. They will self discharge much faster than lead
acid though. Cells that will provide high current peaks quickly will
self discharge more quickly.

Optima makes a spiral lead acid battery that has a higher density and
discharge than a plate batt. It might be less chemical noise for given
discharge rate. Plus it is totally sealed, safer for indoor use. They
make a 6V version. 

LiPO cells are 3.6V nominal, but they hold voltage flatter than the
other rechargeables, but safety is more of a concern because they will
blow up if overcharged. I wonder if SB will start/run at that low


More Prokofiev... please?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophilia as a religion?

2006-11-23 Thread richidoo

georgem;156946 Wrote: 
> Shouldn't the proponent of a particular tweak have a moral (or even
> legal) obligation to provide credible evidence that their product does
> makes a diferrence, especially when they charge $1000 per foot? 

Buyer beware is always preferable to regulation. Slimdevices,
modwright, hypex other small businesses making products we adore could
not begin if regulation was in place. Regulation does not assure that
the buyer is protected. Example: Doctors are regulated, yet malpractice
injures millioins of people every year and they get away with it.
Pharmaceutical companies suppress old, cheap and simple drugs which
work well in order to make room in the market for their new patent meds
which don't work as well as old drugs and are far more expensive. In
that case the regulators are the mechanism by which the consumers are

An educated consumer is the best regulator, because he will protect
himself. A loudmouthed educated consumer (there's always one...) will
warn others willing to listen. Those who are unwilling to listen or
just don't care will get screwed, unfortunately, just as nature
intended. Companies whose mission statement reads, "There's a sucker
born every minute." will not survive the internet.

I think the religious analogy is a good one! Like any hobby, people
find joy in learning about audio. How they learn and the results they
acheive determines whether it is a mundane religious or truly spiritual

Living by Sam Tellig or trying to make the "perfect system" with the
best brands is audio as religion. You are doing what you believe to be
generally accepted as true and you want to fit in and be accepted by
your audio friends more than you want to hear God in the music. You
won't even consider another way, because this is "the best." The more
it costs, the better.

Keeping an open mind, learning by trial and error, proving it before
you buy it, being willing to change if you really hear a difference,
reading about electronics, acoustics, music psyche, trying DIY,
scouring the forums for an answer is a spiritual quest that gives joy
every day instead of only on judgement day when your system is compared
to all others and points are awarded.

Happy TG!


More Prokofiev... please?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Moderator, where are you?

2006-11-23 Thread richidoo

I agree with P Floding. Banter unrelated to the thread topic, or
tongue-in-cheek teasing is a distraction at best and some people of
different generations (younger and older) may not get the joke and they
take it face value. That is their problem of course, but then they think
less of the forum and participation diminishes, it hurts those who DO
get the jokes. Such inspired talent is more appropriately expressed in
the nations foremost arena of comic pessimism: 

Happy Thanksgiving!


More Prokofiev... please?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: How to test linear power supply

2006-11-22 Thread richidoo

georgem;156696 Wrote: 
> ..people readily accept 2000+ year old legends as  facts that we will be
> celebrating in  few weeks.An opportunity to objectively evaluate a
> controversial topic under $200 makes a great xmas gift.

Hey, 2000 years from now, people will believe that a linear power
supply sounds better than wallwart switcher on a Squeezebox too. They
might be singing carols about it and giving iron PSUs for gifts. Til
then let 'em hear grunge. 

georgem;156696 Wrote: 
> Will my system do ?
Your hi end system will easily reveal the changes. Use good ICs.

George I sent you a PM.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: How to test linear power supply

2006-11-22 Thread richidoo

opaqueice;156601 Wrote: 
> Whoa there, hang on  if the difference is so subtle a few seconds
> can erase it from memory and prevent us from being able to distinguish
> it, why should we care about it?

I agree, which is why I said that if his system is really good he won't
need an experiment to hear the difference. It was not subtle in my
system, but many have tried it and said it does nothing, so there are
other variables to eliminate. Also I like to encourage passion in this

You'll have to ask John Atkinson why people go to extreme lengths to
test devices for comparison. Ask him why people spend extra thousands
for such minute differences, and why his very successful magazine is
based on that desire. Some people can hear it, some people wanna
believe their is better/best. If they did a switch test between their
SB and dCS they might be surprised at what they learn! But if you're
gonna test, you need a system that will show you the truth by
eliminating imagination.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter into poweramp?

2006-11-22 Thread richidoo

Mark Lanctot;156668 Wrote: 
> - had been going on for hours according to neighbours.

Yikes! I wonder if his SB was bone stock. Surely Slim got hold of the
failed unit for analysis? Should be easy to see what went wrong in

Well, sh** happens, maybe a surge got it, or his cat. Or maybe the
beast is still living in all SBs, lurking, waiting for someone to
connect 1000wpc amps to bose cubes. hehe


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-22 Thread richidoo

Break in time is the time that it takes for your brain to replace the
old sound with the new sound as its standard. If you switched back to
your old setup after breaking in the new, you would have to adjust to
that all over again, but you would not think of it as break in.
Switching back to the ("already broken in") new stuff again would be an
eye opener, because you already know its broken in, but the sound would
keep improving each day as your mind readjusts to the new environment,
just as it did the first time! 

The adjustment process is called homeostasis and it applies to every
function of body and mind, allowing us to adapt to any environment -

Warm up does effect the sound, a lot more with tube electronics which
rely on high heat to do their job. As a tube heats up, it has to fill
all heat sinks nearby before it reaches its stable condition, the state
in which the unit was tuned to sound best. Since tube electronics
usually have big step up transformers and steel boxes which suck up
lots of heat until they reach stable temp.
Happy Birdday in advance!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter into poweramp?

2006-11-21 Thread richidoo

Transporter is designed to run straight into an amp. The analog noise
issues are much improved over SB3. And the built in resistors ar there
specifically for this reason. 

I think I remember Sean saying Transporter has 12 separate power
supplies inside or something. Stability and noise should not be a
concern, so a preamp is not necessary for attenuation or protection,
anymore than you would need one for a DAC or CDP w/VC. 

The Transporter does use software volume control same as SB, but even
in the SB this doesn't make any noticeable change on the sound. The
digital outs on either work great with software VC. Only the SB analog
outs are a concern and need external attenuation.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into TacT - how good can it get?

2006-11-19 Thread richidoo

Glad you have found the holy grail in your system, sounds like it was in
their all along waiting to get out! When I tested a Tact it had no
analog inputs but made that kind of imporvement right off the bat,
using a borrowed super high end digital coax cable.

Two tongue in cheek comments:
1. Are you sure you didn't just have the Tact in bypass mode all along?

2. You may want to lay off "The Absolute Sound" for a month or two.
They might call to hire you with that kind of reviewers prose!

Thanks for the very interesting post! Enjoy!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: My experience with the SB3 wireless

2006-11-19 Thread richidoo

Hey JD, your equipment in your main room is certainly worthy of the
upgrade. I bet that room sounds awesome on HT. Quality of in wall
speaker wire and crossover linearity may diminish the effect of the
upgrade, but maybe you have already covered those bases with good wire
and well tweaked bass. Choosing Triad Gold and lossless rips indicates
you have good ears so it is likely you will get your money's worth from
the PS upgrade. There is no doubt that the linear, high current, high
regulation power supply improves the quality of analog signal from SB.
Whether your system can reveal it and your ears detect it while playing
your choice of music which may or may not reveal changes in sound
quality will determine the value of the upgrade for YOU, and everyone
is different in those regards, thus the controversy. Try some well
recorded symphonic music like beethoven played loudly as a wav file
when you compare. It is very revealling of tonality and dynamics. Good


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezeBox Through Receiver Or Not?

2006-11-19 Thread richidoo

The ATI amp is better than the smaller receiver amp, so will sound a
little better, especially at higher volumes ad/or larger more
complicated music or heavy low frequency music. The power supply and
output devices of the ATI are more robust than in the HK receiver.

But using the SB's built in volume attenuator instead of a preamp will
cause the sound quality to suffer. The reason is that the volume
control in the SB is digital, happens before the analog output stage,
and has no effect of the analog noise added to the signal after DAC,
and inside the SB analog noise is significant due to the plasma display
and computer and networking parts. 

When the SB volume control is at maximum (40), the signal to noise
ratio is very good, comparable to most great quality consumer CD
players, like stock denon, etc. When you lower the volume in software,
the unattenuated analog noise becomes higher in relation to the music
and S/N is greatly reduced. 

A preamp is better at attentuating the signal without reducing S/N than
the SB volume control, so a real preamp should be used to control volume
in a system which is striving for audiophile sound. You don't have to
spend a lot of money either. If your HK has preamp outputs (tape out is
close enough if you don't have a pure pre out,) you could use only the
preamp section of the receiver to control volume, and send the
attenuated signal to the ATI amps after attenuation. Even though the HK
preamp stage is not sexy enough for some audiophiles, I'm sure it is
good enough for a source like SB and good quality budget amps like the
ATIs and your only cost will be an additional set of interconnects. Try for great value on ICs.

If you want a better performance preamp, consider building one from
plans at ESP., or pickup a mid-fi
preamp on Ebay. Maybe an old McIntosh, etc.

Depends on the kind of music you listen to and your ears and quality
standards whether a higher performance preamp will really be worth it
to you. Some people think the preamp is the heart of the system. It can
make a big difference in the subtle aspects which become more important
as your ears and taste evolve in the hobby. The best way to learn is to
trial a good hifi amp from your dealer or by mail order and see if you
hear the difference. Some great ones to demo are van alstine, modwright
and placette. Or join a local audio club and bring your HK to a meet to
see what it does to the host system's sound. If you don't hear a
difference, you are a very lucky man and can just sit back and enjoy
the music in peace :)
Good luck!!!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter as external DAC - which cable?

2006-10-16 Thread richidoo

There is ample evidence that digital cables do have an impact on sound
quality. I have read several articles about it that you can easily
find. Sorry I did not save the links. Cheap plastic RCA audio cables do
not sound as good as a well shielded cable. 

Whatever cable best preserves a 75 ohm composite video signal will work
best for digital audio. Usually this means more shielding and good
metallurgy. BNC is a professional well-shielded connection, so it's not
surprising to me that it sounds better!

As for the CD player, it is very handy to have when you want to play a
new CD or a friend's CD without ripping to computer first.

Any cheap CD player's digital output is likely more than adequate
source for transporter as DAC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Annoying problem: Slimserver Pausing/Stuttering

2006-10-16 Thread richidoo

Are you using wireless cnnection to SB? Dropouts can sound like that and
are unpredictable in frequency. Try using a cable connection temporarily
to eliminate the wireless variable. I have 15 foot line of sight
wireless connection and it still stutters with 802.1b router playing
wav files. cable fixed it of course.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter balance outputs; some questions

2006-10-01 Thread richidoo

Fifer;141488 Wrote: 
> I'd still like to know what the maximum practical cable length is?

Depending on the devices at each end, very long! 100foot plus is fine
with good quality cable, connectors and most important is the design of
the devices at each end. Sound reinforcement snake cables can be
hundreds of feet long connecting very high end mics and mixing boards
with high noise rejection. Proaudio sound reinforcement websites can
give you a more scientific answer. I would not worry about 50 feet
though. I have several 50 foot runs and total silence when recording in
the house and my recording equipment is not SOTA by far.

Consider using balanced headphones. I saw this ad in Stereophile this
They can modify certain popular headphones into balanced drive too,
with cable length listed up to 20 feet, (mod=$400) but you might be
able to get longer. Then you could use internal volume control from

You could also use a pro audio 2 channel mic preamp with headphone
output: but might be overkill and not
sure about the headphone amp which is not an important feature on this
box. Might be some other pro sound options if you look carefully, my
quick search didn't find any gold nuggets. You are paying for the
balanced amplifier stage which you will not use at all!

Or, why not build your own balanced headohone amp, good sound @much
less $! Great designs here, with PCBs:

I hope you're enjoying the new Transporter. I'm hoping Santa will bring
me one.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: B&K 307/507 vs. Arcam AVR300

2006-09-30 Thread richidoo

The new 350 is supposed to be incredible for audiophile music listening.
Try to find some of the forum discussions about it. The 300 got
incredible reviews, but the 350 is substantially improved in many ways.
In a direct comparison of the two, 350 is a noticeable improvement. It
is $2500 new where the 300 is only $2000. Plenty of 300s on audiogon
last I looked. Just make sure your speakers don't dip below 4 ohms and
you can't lose with the arcam stuff. Some of the best out there,
definitely the best receivers available, for sound quality that is :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter on Audioholics

2006-09-29 Thread richidoo

CEDIA review, not in depth.

I just noticed this was posted in July, maybe already seen here, butnot
by me!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The PerfectVision

2006-09-26 Thread richidoo

It is a nice lightweight writeup. Good press, targetted perfectly at
SB's main audience. 

That magazine is annoying! I guess they are swinging it towards "a
younger generation" now with mp3 players, cellphones, cheap universal
remotes, flat panel everything under the sun, digital cameras, etc.
There is nothing perfect about the vision of a cellphone.

Their customer service dept is no picnic to deal with either, I learned
from first hand experience as a subscriber trying to get my money's
worth out of them. Steer clear! Why pay anyway when you can read it
free here:



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Does an amp need a preamp?

2006-09-26 Thread richidoo

Receiver is a good way to go for convenience, price, features and in
some cases, believe it or not, sound quality. One of the best sounding
receivers in the world is the Arcam AVR-300 ($2000)and new AVR-350
($2500). The 300 has been out for a while, can be had used for lot
less. They have real power supplies and great high end design
engineering. Every review and forum comment I have ever read ranked
them very high in audio quality,even in direct comparison to high end
seperates. The internal DACs, preamp components, and power devices are
all excellent high end parts. It is worth a listen before you plunge
into the insane world $eperate$. I am trying to decide to go seperate
or go back to receiver. After having a nice integrated tube preamp and
finding the limits of its performance I am learning that the music
itself is so much more important to me, rather spend money on music
than audio gear.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-15 Thread richidoo

Stereophile has awarded the SB a class D performance in the Digital
Processors category, along with Apple Airport Express and Echo PC sound
card. There is no lower classification than D, but class D is higher
than no award at all!

In the rating's summary paragraph JA faulted the analog section's
performance for the class D rating. His review mentioned the stock
power supply as a potential liability in analog performance.

While never intended to be a high end source component, SB has made its
way into the audio mainstream and cracks the door open for the
Transporter to hit this year, with plenty of time for reviews and
consideration for next year's Recommended Components.

Congratulations to Slim Devices for receiving their first Stereophile
Recommended Components Award!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-09-15 Thread richidoo

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Glad to see another SLI-80 fan on the forum! I think it is a great match
for the SB. My pictures coming.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Anyone care to take a guess as to how much one may have to spend on a pre-amp to impr

2006-09-15 Thread richidoo

TiredLegs;136458 Wrote: 
> In my own testing, the SB3's analog output is significantly worse than
> digital out through two different DACs I've tried. So, based on your
> statement, it would seem to me that SB3 digital -> external DAC -> amp
> should produce the best sound quality.

The SB analog stage sounds very good at full volume. Reducing SB volume
reveals the noise that has been there all along, but does not reduce the
quality of the music. Regardless of noise level, the music is still not
being colored by an external preamp, just as it is not using an
external DAC with a VC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter questions

2006-09-15 Thread richidoo

Sorry I caught this cool thread a little late...

Way back when, like a year or more ago, we discussed the volume control
algorithm and decided it was up to par and had no bad effect on the 16
bit output. I assume similar or better software will be used in
Transporter volume control, so the digital volume control is not an

The real problem in using the SB direct to amp is the analog stage is
noisy, and the analog noise is not attentuated with the digital volume

I am assuming, maybe to my peril, that one of the reasons for making
the Transporter is to improve the analog output stage over that of SB,
and thus eliminate the need for external DAC for many high end users.
The Transporter's traditional rack form and sophisticated power supply
scheme should help it be quieter, along with balanced outs and talk of
better analog stage design in itself. Adding internal analog
attenuators will help S/N for direct to amp connection but quieting the
analog stage to that of a true high end component will be the real
benefit of the Transporter for me, as I am already very happy with SB
performance except for the noise which precludes direct to amp


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Expensive Digital Coax

2006-08-15 Thread richidoo

Yup, blue jeans is the place. Fast delivery, incredible performance,
especially for the price. They have a good article about digital
cables, if I remembner right...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 into Power Amp - Suggestions?

2006-08-13 Thread richidoo

I had the same dream, until I tried it... :(

I learned that I needed some kind of signal attenuation between my SB
and the power amps I was using. S/N of the SB goes to hell if you use
the digital volume control to reduce volume. I tried it, it was not
good with NuForce 9SE, not that they are very good either, but they did
amplify a lot of noise from SB to a very noticeable degree when I have
the digital volume turned down to listenable levels. 

The SB volume control controls DSP reduction of the amplitude of the
waveform before it hits the DAC. So the music gets reduced in volume,
but the analog noise from plasma display and whatever else is noisy in
there is not reduced with the volume control and is easy to hear
through a powerful amp when music is turned down and noise remains

Use the SB like a CD player, full volume straight into a preamp for
volume control for the best sound. The Transporter has some presets to
attenuate the analog output cleanly, so full volume on that wil not be
too loud for your amps. But you will have to disable those when you do
want full volume. Plus its analog output stage will be very quiet, so
S/N will stay higher with DSP volume reduction. 


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: RightMark Audio Analysis compares quality of all 3 SqueezeBox audio outputs

2006-08-06 Thread richidoo

In the 2nd to last paragraph you mention more noise in right channel
than left. That is due to interference from the built in plasma
display. Turning this to OFF, at least during play is helpful.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amplifier power article

2006-08-01 Thread richidoo

Another gem from Gene DellaSala, this time about power supplies and
audio amplifier power ratings.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter missing the boat.

2006-07-25 Thread richidoo

It would be nice to have a composite video output on the SB and TP that
displays data formatted exactly the same as the onboard plasma display.
SB4 maybe?

Also been wondering if a software plugin for slimserver could be
written to send some version of the SB display from slim server out to
PC video display. It may not respond as quickly as SB display, but
better than nothing if SB composite video out is not possible.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Attenuation

2006-07-25 Thread richidoo

If you have a power amp with a lot of gain, you need external
attentuation to preserve S/N ratio. Without it, you will definitely
hear noise when SB volume is turned down and SB analog stage noise (of
which their is a lot) is still blasting at full crank. SB should be
cranked to 40 whenever sound quality matters. It is still handy to be
able to turn it down over the web though!

Don't forget your interconect impedence when adding passive attenuation
after the SB. It should be low as possible and cable short as possible
to avoid cutting off highs


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: ELAC ps with 240 V

2006-07-23 Thread richidoo

Power One HB5-3/OVP-A single output, 5V, 3A $36.50 from digikey.

It is easy to rewire it for 240V input. The wiring legend is printed
right on the metal frame. If you can solder you can easily set it up
for 240VAC. You might find the manual on power one website with the

It is open frame, so needs a box and connectors. Somebody on the forum
is selling them all wired and ready to go.
Good Luck


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: I need a DAC !

2006-07-23 Thread richidoo

The only reason I am suggesting this is because you said you are new to
SB, and it is a well-worn subject around here:) Consider upgrading your
power supply before you get a new DAC. It is cheaper than a new DAC and
"may" improve the SB analog and digital outputs. It made a world of
difference for me using only analog outs. I have compared it to Tact
preamp's DAC using coax with good digital cable in bypass mode, and it
was to my ears identical sound. Somebody on this forum is selling nice
homemade ones. 

Good Luck and welcome to the forum! Be sure to check out some of the
internet radio stations. The sound sucks, but the programming is great
on some of the "stations."


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What is the best NAS Solution?

2006-07-23 Thread richidoo

I have  a ReadyNAS NV and I am very happy with it. It is a good unit,
very robust and reliable. You have read all the good points on their

So the only bad points I have noticed are that it has loud fan noise
which never shuts off, so you cannot put it in your listening area,
gotta LAN it somewhere else.

If you like getting nightly upgrades from slim, you cannot do that with
ReadyNAS. You have to wait until slim makes an official upgrade release,
then infrant will compile that into a Raidiator Add-In upgrade. I waited
a long time to get all the bug fixes that came with slimserver 6.2.2.
But infrant had it available within a couple days. When 6.3 came out, I
asked for the upgrade twice before I saw it on their support page, took
more than a month. 

The speed of the NAS webserver is adequate, but not as fast as running
locally on a P4 PC. It might take you 3-4 seconds longer than a PC to
pick a song or adjust the volume using NAS instead of PC as slimserver

Also, after a power outage, NAS loses its DCHP license from external
(Linksys) DHCP server, so my link to slimserver changes. I guess it
doesn't know enough to ask DHCP for the same address like windows
client does. This is easily solved with a UPS, which is a good idea
anyway, or maybe using the internal DHCP server in the NAS, I haven't
used it yet.

Overall I think it is worth the money, I got it with one 250GB drive
for ~$1000. The applications that come with it are very useful and well
developed, backup, ftp, http, dhcp servers, etc.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The best setting for the SB3, and slim server for Audio Quality only!

2006-06-24 Thread richidoo

SOWK Wrote: 
> And if I play my music, its slows down the music to half pace while in
> play back, very strange.

I havce similar experience, some wavs playback at double speed. I
thought it was weird, but just ignored, it thinking it couldn't be SB.
Now I wonder!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Check your hearing

2006-06-16 Thread richidoo

Dear Abby,
High freq hearing can be helped a lot by keeping the ears clean. They
make more wax the older you get. After a few years of not cleaning, the
wax hardens and gets stuck in there. Wax reduces hearing sensitivity,
especially highs. 

The body makes wax to protect the ear canal from debris and infection,
the amount is based on the environment. Everyone's environment
(including food and job) differs greatly so people have different
amount of wax forming. 

Of course your doctor can clean them for $100 and a 2 week wait, or you
can do it yourself. Get a red baby syringe bulb from any drug store, or
online. Run a hot soapy tub, immerse your ears for 15-20 minutes. Sit
up and drain them occasionally to get new hot water and new soap in
there. Fill up the bulb with water and get all the air bubbles out by
squeezing it with tip pointed up underwater. Put the tip into your ear
the ear canal from 1/8 inch away, and squeeze the bulb squirting the
water in there. The stream remains in laminar flow and will enter the
canal and do the cleaning without direct contact or pressurizing the
canal. If it hurts, stop and go slower. If it doesn't do anything,
squeeze faster. After one or two tries, a big black chunk of wax will
pop out and you will have better hearing. $1.63 is the cheapest
high-end audio upgrade available!!

A doctor uses the same method, using a big metal water squirting
syringe and is much less gentle than you are to yourself. 

Ear cleaning drops that come in the little kit are just glycerin
(vegetable fat soap) which softens the wax so you don't have to take a
bath. The bath works better because gets it all out at once. The little
blue ear bulb is just for rinsing the soap and it cannot blast out the
wax like the big red one.

Try one ear at a time to hear the difference! If you think you don't
have ear wax, you will most likely be very surprised! Your brain adapts
to the slow changes over time so you think you can still hear just fine.
Sometimes the wax will make the ear canal itchy but not after it dries
out over the years.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: An audiophile forum without an Audiophile SB!!! Let's define our needs!

2006-06-16 Thread richidoo

ScottMayo Wrote: 
> And yes, a bigger display would be nifty. Imagine a wall-mounted
> SuperBox, with a display, say, 18"x18", capable of being read across a
> room, putting up titles, lyrics, and medium resolution album art. And,
> of course, the browse menus. (Yes, I know - expensive.)

A composite video output of the scroll or rendered video still from SS
would be fine to send to a TV, using cheap parts. 

Plugin that lets SS play CDs from a shared CD-ROM bay without ripping

Adding linear power supply and using good interconnects on analog outs
is enough to make my stock SB sound as good as any high end CDP or
external DAC I have tried so far. Speakers and amplification are still
the major influence on audio quality. If you think improving SB by 1%
(i2s, or better internal DAC) will give you a big effect, you are
wrong, it can only be very slight because the SB is already close to
any other high end digital source that is reasonably priced. Improving
amplification and speakers will give you a lot more benefit, as will
room external correction. But those aren't cheap.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: High freq noise from analog out?

2006-06-10 Thread richidoo

Sean I agree with your point about S/N, and for that, SB volume must be
maxed. I had read so many comments about using the SB direct to amp
before I bought it that it had become a belief, one that is now

I got spiced because I thought you were referring to the danger of
putting unattenuated SB output into the full gain amp. To me that is
not as much of an issue as the S/N.
Thanks for your insight.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-06-06 Thread richidoo

Skunk, right on about the remote.

Phil, I will try the GV software today. The Tact is digital input only.
I am using it as preamp with SB volume cranked. So far, I have not been
able to tweek the Tact to sound as transparent as SB connected analog
straight to the amp. If GV is easier to use, that will help
experimenting with target curves. Thanks


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: High freq noise from analog out?

2006-06-05 Thread richidoo

Banzai, Sean,
Interesting discussion! Thank you!

My experience is that I normally use SB as traditional source (vol=40)
into an integrated amp with volume control. Amp's volume control
further enhances apparent S/N by attenuating the noise with the signal
and I never noticed the noise before.

I am now sampling a set of full gain monoblocks, and like you, and like
many people on this audiophile forum, I run the analog outs directly
into the amps, because preamps that I can afford always screw with the
signal. My speakers can take 1812 Overture's cannon shots at full SB
volume with the NuForce amps, it is loud, yes, but I smile quite a bit,
though I do stand about 20 feet back. Anyway, with the more powerful
amps amplifying the noise component at full gain, and the software
volume control only attenuating the music, the S/N is low enough to
hear the noise playing in the quiet passages of music, or just steadily
whining in the background like an old TV when there is no music playing
at all. 

Squeezebox has been designed to be a high-end component, and when John
Atkinson proclaims it officially ordained into the high end in July
Stereophile, Sean and everyone at Slim will be glad it is used as a
combination source/preamp and such performance available for $300
garners them a class A gear designation. Adding a Preamp that is in the
same price class as the SB just ruins the sound. I have yet to hear a
complaint that the SB attenuation failed causing speaker damage like I
have recently read about T-amp and other high end low price wannabes.
Has SB ever returned under warrantee for such a repair to the volume
control circuitry, and does it even have a separate failure mode when
music would continue to play at runaway volume level? I though volume
is written into the digital word, is it possible to somehow skip that
step and still hear music or any signal that would put a dangerous
voltage to the analog outputs?

I am glad to hear that changing the display brightness will help, that
is an excellent tip! I think I would be pretty ticked if I sent SB in
and lost a week of listening time and the replacement came back with
the same flaw.

I have always thought it would really be cool if the SQB had a RCA
composite video output for viewing the display on a TV just for the
weak vision crowd like me, and now maybe adding defeatable plasma
display to composite video would solve this whine too. 
Great responses, guys Thanks so much!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-06-05 Thread richidoo

Phil, I hope your wife is back by now, and I hope the cats are still
pissed :) 

I have the Tact still here in the house, been playing with it to get
used to it, see if it is really for me. No doubt it improves the
clarity, and I smile big when I hit the preset. But it seems to add
some kind of psycho mind tricks which make me feel a little weird when
I am listening to it. I feel like I have to concentrate on the music
just a little bit more in order to get into it, it is not as easy-going
pure soulconnection as straight to the amp. In bypass mode I can hear
the preamp "being there" in line, it definitely has a sound. Highs are
not as crystalline in bypass or running a preset as straight into my
tube amp, or even straight into the NuForce9SEs. 

The dealer originally setup one of those target curves included with
the software, which rolls the highs down by -10 at 20k, and I knew that
didn't sound right, so I ran some new cals today, with same kind of
target, but I bumped up the highs to be co-linear with the mids, just
ran it straight out to 20k, slight slant down to the right. The bass
has a 2-3dB bump. I found this to be pleasant to listen to, but nowhere
near as impactful and exciting as the pure FLAT curve! That program
really sounded good. It still has the weird psych feel though, like I
am listening through someone elses ears or something. Maybe I should be
buzzed when I use this thing? Maybe it is like new glases, It takes a
little while for the brain to adjust to the new (artificial)

I am more excited about it now that I have found a target that I think
actually sounds good. Have any of you Tact guys ever tried flat? I
guess to each his own, given equipment, room differences..


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Looking to buy an intergrated amp and I need help

2006-06-04 Thread richidoo

I got a Cary SLI-80 on AUdiogon for 1600. I upgraded the tubes for $300.
I have had a lot of visiting amps come show their stuff in my room with
a wide price range. Nothing touches the SLI-80. It is liquid love. I
play it in ultra linear mode, which gives a measured 70watts per
channel. Bass is almost as tight as NuForce Reference 9SE, but the rest
of the freq range kills the Nuforce. Nothing can touch the mids and
highs with ribbon tweeters. Not even other tube amps. I don't think
there is a better musical amp for less than 2000. I listen to large
symphonic stuff with big bass drums and big brass, as well as big band,
jazz combo, and R&B. I do not listen to hard rock, but that is usually
easier to reproduce than classical symphonic dynamics. I play it into
efficient full range speakers, Legacy Focus


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] High freq noise from analog out?

2006-06-03 Thread richidoo

I have a 8-10kHz whine coming from SB right channel analog output,
confirmed by swapping and experimenting with other components. I have
entered a bug fix for it, maybe it is just something broken and not a
bug. But for curiosity..

Does anyone have similar high pitched whining noise coming from one or
both channels of their SB 2/3? It is most easy to hear with SB
connected directly to a high powered separate amplifier while SB is
muted. The noise level does not change with software volume control,
but music level does.

I noticed it while trying the NuForce amps. I never noticed it before
with the integrated amp where I use the amp volume control and keep SB
S/N maxed with its volume control set to 40.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-06-03 Thread richidoo

rbl Wrote: 
> If the frequency response deviates by 10db (an absolute minimum in most
> setups), then a 100W amp would have to have an output of 1000W at that
> -10db point, and I'd hate to think how the speakers would react. So can
> it really flatten the frequency response and still give a sensible
> listening volume?

No frequencies get boosted, all frequencies are cut to match a target
curve. We placed the target curve (drag and drop) onto the
freq/amplitude chart of the measured room response so that all freq
plots are above the target curve. Then Tact adjusts all volumes
downward by some amount to result in the target curve. 

The weird thing is that it seemed like the corrected sound was much
louder (2dB?)than the bypass mode with no correction. The dealer
explained that when all the freqs are clearly audible after correction,
it seems louder, and indeed at the point of correction (microphone
location) it is louder because SPL reducing negative nodes are removed,
but total energy in the room is not changed and same power is coming out
of the amp, just optimized in EQ to match room thus much more efficient
use of power and higher level. It seemed louder no matter where we
stood in the large room because the long wavelength bass tones were
corrected too.

Comparing the sonic character of corrected and bypass requires boosting
gain of bypass mode to match the corrected.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-05-31 Thread richidoo
t all
this music is actually coming off the CD but I had never heard it
despite a very good but still low end "high end" stereo system.

Now I figure out how to keep this demo gear! I recommend you try to
hear a Tact preamp or some other brand of room correction. You will be
forever spoiled for plain stereo. Even most of Denon's cheap receivers
have Auddessey room correction now, and Kalman Rubinson and even my
Tact dealer said the Denon stuff does work very well, and their
internal DACs are especially good on the higher priced units like 4806.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-31 Thread richidoo

I feel that SB3 with a linear power supply, played through a full range
(30-30k or better) very dynamic speaker/amp combo is hard to beat. You
won't hear the benefits of the PS upgrade unless your system is
transparent and dynamic enough to allow the greater dynamic range of
the upgrade to show through. But this is the audiophile forum, and so
some of us do actually have systems sensitive enough to reveal a large
improvement by canning the stock wart for a 5V/3A linear PS. If you
have a mid-fi rig like a good receiver, the improvement you will hear
will be in the smoothness and more natural sound on acoustic
instruments. The dynamics and ultra lows will not be evident and so
that diminishes the value of the upgrade for some people. It doesn't
mean that the upgrade is not improving the quality of the input signal

SB is vastly better than my $250 Samsung universal player on CDs, but
the Samsung does sound pretty darn good on SACDs. I can only imagine
what a decent SACD player is like.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-04-23 Thread richidoo

Patrick is charging a very fair price. I considered assembling these and
priced out the cost per unit. HB3 is the way to go, no doubt, it works
great! I am way too lazy for that kinda thing nowadays, but I came up
with about $110 cost with a box less attractive than Patrick's choice.
Add in labor and profit, and $175 looks like a great deal. Good Luck


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Active speakers for a large room to replace Quads

2006-04-22 Thread richidoo

Nuforce Reference9SE power amps are very small and sound incredible.
Martin Logan Voyage in-wall speakers are the best sounding in walls in
the world, impressive to every high end reviewer that has ever written
about them. You will see 2 attractive, curvy paint colored rectangles
on the wall, and the SQB on the table. The amps are so small and need
no special ventilation they can go in a small drawer. I would like to
hear that system! SQB will tune in radio stations, although the sound
quality of internet radio sucks. Another speaker choice is BG inwalls.
They have large ribbon transducers and will compete favorably with the
accuracy of your 63s.

There is a significant world of high end speakers out there which are
as enjoyable as your quads, believe it or not. The 989s sound pretty
darn good, but still choke on big music, like stan kenton big band,
organ or orchestral bass drum, even with 400 watts of tubes on each
side as I heard them. Midrange and bass will never have the balls of a
high end dynamic speaker. The 63s will not even play low notes on Tuba,
they are just silent! With a good ribbon tweeter and/or midrange driver
like Legacy or BG you will not miss the mid/high accuracy or your
quads. Imaging is the quads strongest suit, nothing with driver mass
will image that well.
Sounds like a fun project, good luck!!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Welborne Labs linear power supply

2006-04-22 Thread richidoo

Observed with what? You need a MHz (ms) fast scope to clearly see
current during low frequency transients. Compare directly to the stock
wallwart on the same scope. A handheld digital multimeter will not
reveal the differences.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Is a 1.5 amp linear PS really too wimpy for a SB2

2006-04-22 Thread richidoo

I have Power One 3A supply and it instantly made a very noticeable
improvement in every aspect of the sound of my system, lows to highs,
dynamics and tonal quality. I got the PS for free, so I have no bias
about the improvement. Without a case, the PS is very ugly lying on the
table next to the beautiful and talented SB3, so I would have ditched it
immediately if there was not a very noticeable improvement. 

Standard electronic engineering practice is to size a power supply as
important as that in a line level hifi audio preamp with 3 times the
expected current capacity. 

Any current measuring instrument with less resolution than human ears
or at least able to accurately record 1ms peaks is not suitable for
characterizing a low level audiophile grade preamp power supply.

Your playback system should be moderately to extremely transparent
(sensitive to slightest component changes) before you start worrying
about SB power supply. The stock PS is good enough for the typical
80wpc receiver with Bose/Infinity/Polk speakers, which I imagine is the
target audience for the $300 SB. If you send a hot 30Hz signal to such a
receiver, you will get very little back on the speaker terminals, and
the speakers will reduce that by many times again. Same with a typical
circuit city silk dome tweeter. It won't make a violin sound sweet with
the best tube amp in the world behind it. This is an expensive hobby,
but worth every penny if you really love fine music! Still cheaper than

The flame war about power supply upgrades exists because not everyone
is listening through systems with the same high degree of transparency.
High sensitivity, natural sounding full frequency speakers and
audiophile quality pre/power amplification along with good audio
cabling will easily reveal the improvements in signal with upgraded
power supply. It is night and day, and very exciting to hear how such a
cheap upgrade makes such a big difference.

Anybody who wants to sell a good audiophile product to a large and
growing market of SQB owners should consider packaging a Power One
linear PS in a simple attractive box. 
Happy listening!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Linear Power Supply DIY Weekend Project

2006-02-26 Thread richidoo

Nice project, crooner. I have a linear frame PS too, one given to me by
a friend years ago. The biggest difference in sound that I noticed was
in the bass, that it was more powerful, more dynamic, not as compressed
as the stock wart. 

I can imagine a couple scenarios of how it could affect bass, but I am
just guessing. Could the stock switching PS have trouble delivering
current fast enough to accurately amplify large cycles which demand
longer sustained current than higher freqs? It has very low power
reserves and no magnetics to draw on through transients. I don't think
the switching noise, if any, would have much effect on dynamics, maybe
just on tone smoothness. 

I also noticed better dynamics and smoother tone in mids, and just
smoother and clearer highs. To me the differnce was night and day.
Switching the PS in and out was a definite improvement with the

Like you I need a box. I have mine sitting on a piece of cardboard on
the threaded studs of the PS. You did a nice job on the assembly. Metal
working is not as easy as it seems! I have read that wood boxes are
suitable for audio projects, I may try that, with plenty of
ventilation, and leaving the three aluminum sides of the frame exposed
to air.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Denon AVR-4806 with modified Squeeze Box???

2006-02-26 Thread richidoo

Pale Blue Ego Wrote: 
> Don't you realize that by using the higher-bandwidth WAV files, you are
> putting added stress on the ethernet, dulling the highs and veiling the
> critical midrange?
Hi Pale Blue,
Wired 10Mbps ethernet (slowest type, and what I use) doesn't even
breath hard streaming stereo wav. 

The SQB buffers the incoming data from the slimserver so that even when
you shut down your slimserver, the SQB keeps playing normally for 20-30

When the ethernet network is low on speed, as with wireless with low
signal strength, the buffer does often run dry, and you get dropouts of
silence, not any kind of altered sound quality as subtle as you


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Denon AVR-4806 with modified Squeeze Box???

2006-02-26 Thread richidoo

mwphoto Wrote: 
> If you are in a position to repeat a blind AB test and succeed in
> telling the difference between FLAC and WAV it would be interesting to
> hear the results. Especially as such a situation is almost guaranteed
> to get SlimDevices staff interested enough to want to fix up the SQB so
> it doesn't happen.
> Malcolm

Malcolm, Thanks for the very informative explanation of flac. I believe
that I can hear the difference between the formats. My system is very
transparent and my ears are pretty well trained being a musician for 30
years. I will attempt to create a test using a few different well
recorded sources, and ask my wife to run the remote to select the files
at random. I will name them with random names so she will not know

I do not want to give the impression that I care whether I can hear the
difference, as I said prior, I listen to flac myself because it sounds
excellent. My only point was that flac is discernable from wav and that
it is plausible that this should be true. The degree to which a
difference is audible is naturally very small, since only slight
variance of hardware is the only variable.

When I first started to try flac, I was curious whether it was really
as good as people claimed. I did AB by myself, on a recent digital
recording comparing a soft passage of music containing instruments with
very distinct harmonic signatures, like accordion, percussion bells,
etc. I sensed that I enjoyed the wav sound better, that I could hear
more warmth, or hear deeper into the sound than with the flac.

I am very interested and open minded to see whether I imagined the
differences or not since it has been about 6 weeks since then, and I
have upgraded my amplifier with better tubes since then. I tend to
think that comparing recordings that are less than excellent would not
reveal any difference. 

I will not have an opportunity to do a blind test until this coming
Thursday or Friday when my wife can assist. I will post as new topic.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Denon AVR-4806 with modified Squeeze Box???

2006-02-25 Thread richidoo

mamsterla Wrote: 
> FLACs are not lossy compressed.  They ARE WAV files with a lossless
> algorithm.

Flac is not wav, it is flac. 

My comments in this thread were referring to flac's sound quality as it
comes out of the SQB, not the theoretical performance on paper or the
good intentions of the flac inventor which I'm sure are without fault.
But don't forget the layer of hardware and software added between the
flac file and your ears which is not present with wav. Flac is far more
dependent on the quality of these resources than wav is, and so is more
sensitive to the playback equipment than wav. SQB can play both, so a
comparison is easy to perform and is valid since all other system
components remain equal. 

The difference in audio quality between wav and flac formats as played
by SQB3 is definitely audible if both the listening equipment and the
listener's expectations are sufficiently transparent.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply

2006-02-24 Thread richidoo

With the SQB priced at 300, you are in lower mid fi range for an audio
only source. The strongest selling point to non-audiophiles being easy
access to music collection, other software features and network related
benefits. Buyers in that category are the ones keeping Slim afloat and
thriving. Typically, their price range will not afford amplification
and speakers/cables which allows the listener to hear the difference
between the stock wart and a nice tranny PS.

The biggest gains I heard in upgrading PS were clarity and purity of
highs and increased cleaner dynamics in bass. Small or cheap or both
speakers will not reveal these differences. 

Thats why there is a separate Audiophile section in this forum, and for
those that can hear the difference, it is very noticeable, and it is a
cheap upgrade relative to the performance gain, IMO.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Denon AVR-4806 with modified Squeeze Box???

2006-02-24 Thread richidoo

DUDE~! I am so jealous of you! What a great receiver. Im sure you have
read the reviews in Stereophile last couple of months, column is "In
the Round." He is very favorable as are all the honest reviews of
Denon's big guns. I would hope you would take a minute to report how
you like the sound from an audiophile perspective. Might have to let
'er break in a bit huh?

Anyway, I play my SQB through an extremely revealing preamp/amp and
speakers, so I hear every minute tweek. Upgrading the power supply from
the stock unit was the biggest improvement in sound I have heard in my
system for a long time. That includes swapping input tubes to NOS
goodies. It is obvious and very worthwhile. It is cheap for the amount
of improvement. I had a cheapo CDP before, so I was happy the SQB could
sound so great with tweeked PS. If you can build your own, look at my
post from few weeks ago. If you want plug and play, there are a lot of
posts here about upgrade wall warts. You will not be disappointed.

After PS upgrade, be sure you have good connector to Rx, even if you
are using optical Toslink, get a good one. All digital cables are NOT
the same. Reviews consistently report that upgrade digital cables,
optical or coax sound better than The Shack's.

I would spend some serious time with new PS and otherwise stock SQB
before you send it off for surgery. You will probably find that it
sounds pretty damn good as is. I have compared mine to $1000 CDPs and
found it in the same ballpark. Adcom 850 DVD player was a little nicer,
but it costs $1000, Quad CDP nice, not as smooth or dynamic as SQB, when
ripped with EAC. Make sure you analyze it with recordings that demand
incredible fidelity and always listen critically to WAV files, not mp3,
flac or any other compressed format. My imagination CAN hear the
difference. I like to use Chicago SYmphony's recording of Holst The
Planets, it has a little of everything. Another good one is Maria
Schneider Concert in the Garden. Very subtle delicate textures
simultaneous to rich power big band chords. Nice music. Great stereo

Enjoy your new toy! I might be just behind you in that 4806 line.
Waiting to see how they mod the 5805 to handle new HDMI 1080p stuff. My
speakers can take bi-amped 5805 into 4 ohms. 


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: audible snaps

2006-02-24 Thread richidoo

Sorry, I fell off the edge of the world again.

The snaps ceased when the weather got a little warmer and some rain
came through. I have not upgraded in some time. Same power supply, same
files, no snaps. It seems to have just been during that very dry period.
Incidently, I stated humidity was ~30%, actually it was ~20% during that
time. Humidity is now ~30% and no snaps. This reading is very accurate
because it is taken directly from the LCD readout of my $60 thermostat
from Home Depot, with +/- 10% resolution.

If static really was the cause, perhaps next cold snap we could look
for which component is building/holding a charge. Not sure how to go
about that search. Seems it would have to be after DAC to sound like a
real "static discharge snap?" If it were static affecting digital
stream it would not sound so realistically "static."


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audible snaps

2006-02-19 Thread richidoo

Eminent Audiophiles,
I have been having perfect performance from SQB for two months since
new, but tonight I noticed some very short ticks coming out of the
speakers, different pan location each time. They are like vinyl noise,
but happen only once every 5 minutes or so, random intervals, full
frequency sound, it is like a 1ms snap. Happens on both wav and flac
files, I've listened to them before, there are no ticks on the files.
Rewinding to replay same passage gives no tick. 2 different CDs, same
thing. Seems like playback equipment static electricity issue.

It is cold dry (<30% humidity) weather hear in NC, and I get a good
static shock when I touch the amp chassis, but that doesn't cause an
amplified snap sound in the speakers like I am hearing randomly even
when I am sitting 10 feet from the system. 

I use a Cary integrated tube amp plugged straight into the wall on
dedicated 20A circuit, which has confirmed good ground and is dead
quiet other than the snap.

SQB is using external upgrade linear PS with 3 prong plug into good
grounded 15 amp outlet on surge strip. No problems with the new PS for
the 2 weeks previous since I installed it.

Any advice, comments, guesses, wise cracks, etc. are appreciated.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-02-09 Thread richidoo

Kurt Wrote: 
> Plus it looks really cool!  ;-)

Make no mistake, I did not infer that it looks good.. It looks like
crap unless you hide it in a case, or if you (or your wife) is a
electronic geek and can appreciate the beauty of exposed circuitry. See
attached pic of my setup with the PS. 

It is open frame, so it is a PC board with a 3 sided alum box acting as
heat sink. The other 3 sides of the box are open to the wind and any
stray conductors like fingers that may get to close and make sparks
fly! WAHOO!! I did it twice yesterday measuring it to fit a box before
I realized my tape measure was shorting something on the PC board at
the edge of the heat sink. It carried on with no problem. Yikes!

Variable inputs are not auto sensing, you have to wire mains to the
appropriate transformer inputs for the input voltage. Default wiring is
for US 120V input.

The problem with tweeking your system to a level where power supplies
make an obvious difference is that many well-loved older recordings
just don't live up to the potential of the system. You can suddenly
hear deficiencies in the microphones and recorders as well as recording
technique on the older stuff. I find I am buying a lot of new music to
get a modern digital recording of stuff I listened to on LP, cassette
and CD for years. Of course the older performances are often better
than the new, but thankfully there is still lots of good music being
made in all styles. I do wish Leonard Bernstein was just now at the
peak of his career and was being recorded with modern equipment.
Charlie Parker too for that matter!! Food for another thread maybe...

|Filename: DSC_4106.jpg |


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-02-08 Thread richidoo

The Power One HB5-3 accepts input voltage from 85 to 280V. Voltage
regulation is +/-0.05%, or 2.5mv for 5V output. Ripple is listed as
<5mv, or 0.1%. 

Looks like with PS, unpretty alum box, connectors, assorted parts
should cost about 75-80 bucks. 

Do non-US electronic products have power inlets with removeable power
cord connectors? Is that an international standard? Is that called EIC
connector or something like that?? You know like on the back of


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-02-07 Thread richidoo

Skunk Wrote: 
> Is it's construction documented more in detail anywhere you could link
> to? 

Thanks, Skunk!

The PS I am using is Power One model HTAA-16W-A. It is an open frame
unit that is designed for benchtop electronics work as it has 3
different voltage taps. They make one with a single 5V tap and 3A
current that I think would be perfect for SQB, and sonics should be as
good or better than the one I am using. It costs about $40, DigiKey
#179-2035-ND. It is just raw PS, no case, input or output cables. 

I am thinking about putting together a kit around this unit that would
allow solder-free audiophiles to enjoy the benefits of a great sounding
upgrade without the hassle of gathering parts and working them into a
usable lump.

I have not heard the Elpac wall wart upgrade recommended often, but I
would have to imagine that as a wallwart it is not a precision power
supply with ripple less than 1% and continuous current of 3A. 


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply upgrade

2006-02-07 Thread richidoo

Audiophile forum,
Thanks for the tip to upgrade power supply from stock. I knew something
wasn't quite right with SQB since it didn't really pop as everyone here
said it should. So I swapped in a 16 watt linear PS that I had lying
around. I can't believe the difference. I am playing wavs, ripped from
CD using EAC. The dynamics, clarity, timing, everything is literally
doubled in improvement with the bigger PS. It is simultaneously more
delicate and refined while having much bigger and ballsier power in mid
and bass. It is not subtle at all. You don't need golden ears to hear
the difference and it is so cheap to upgrade. The SQB3 plus a good PS
upgrade has superior performance to $1000+ dedicated CD players. I have
not listened to players that cost more than that, but it is better than
any at dealers that I have tested at home with my system before buying
SQB. I am so happy with my decision to buy SQB instead of stand alone

Anyone interested in getting the best sound from their system should
upgrade the SQB power supply before you make any other tweeks to your
system. Mine is a full blown stand alone powersupply with a large
tranny, and large caps and regulation circuitry that hold it at 5V no
matter the load, up to a full 2amps continuous. This is what accurate
dynamics require - CURRENT. It even has remote sense to monitor voltage
at the device, but I have not used that. 
Thanks again!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Hosfelt Power Supply

2006-02-07 Thread richidoo

I just soldered a connector to my new power supply (see separate
thread) this morning. I used Switchcraft part #760.

Available from Mouser, part #502-760 for 2.38.

It is very high quality part and fits perfectly. I manufactured an item
using this part. It was a very difficult application, dust, moisture,
high current, physical abuse. I sold over 2000 of them with never one
problem. I gave a lifetime guarantee. Yes, I know it is just a plug,
but the metallurgy prevents corrosion and the solder tabs are large, it
is designed for high current, up to 5A. The handle is screw on, with
plenty of room inside for amateur soldering style. Avoid junk Chinese
made parts from Radio shack. They are not designed to pass current
above 100ma. 

Hot (red) goes to the center pin, on the 760 plug that is the short
solder tab. Use your voltmeter, set to DC to check the polarity after
you are done soldering. Stick the red probe into the hole in the end of
the plug and then touch the black probe to the sleeve of the plug. You
should get 5 volts POSITIVE. If there is a negative sign in front of
the 5, you are wired backwards.

Do this test on the stock power supply to learn what it should look
like if you don't understand my story.

Enjoy your new power supply. If is anything like mine, ohmygod what a
difference. All the trouble is worth it. You will double the
performance easily.

Good Luck,


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SPDIF - 16 or 24 bit?

2006-01-05 Thread richidoo
digital stream coming from slimserver with an 8 bit
coefficient containing volume control setting, to make data going into
the SB DAC a 24 bit sample with volume information embedded which DAC
understands. It is pure digital, and the analog of the original 16 bit
music word is produced by DAC without losing anything to the signal
purity. At very low volume settings there is some slight degradation,
but at SB volume control levels above -35dB (#12 or #16?), the loss is

Connecting direct to your power amp would only apply if you were going
to use the SB digital volume control. Then your external pre-amp or
ext. passive volume control would not be necessary because the analog
output signal voltage would be "attenuated" digitally by the SB DAC
itself. This is the optimum way to use SB, because then you eliminate
the cables and distortion inherent with passive VC or preamp and
interconnect cables. 

I hope you are not offended if I reiterated something you already know.
It can be hard to learn some of these concepts, so sometimes simple is
better. The subtleties make it a fun hobby, always more to learn!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SPDIF - 16 or 24 bit?

2006-01-05 Thread richidoo

DitherMan Wrote: 
> I'm now using that mode on 2 SB3s to feed one 16 and one 24 bit DAC. The
> 16 bit DAC feeds an analogue preamp for volume, the 24 bit DAC upsamples
> to 192 kHz, has its own volume control and its output goes straight to
> active speakers.

What is your 24bit DAC with volume control?


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