Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Worst sounding album in your collection

2011-12-11 Thread wireless200

Mnyb;676066 Wrote: 
> there is an online petition for a remaster of vapor trails :) it's no
> more than circa 1000 people that have signed it so for unfathomable
> reason people can actually listen to vapor trails ? I never managed to
> listen to a complete song ? So millions of Rush fans are near
> completely deaf ?

Well, as a Rush fan, I listen to mostly 2112 and Caress of Steel.  :>

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Worst sounding album in your collection

2011-12-11 Thread wireless200

Kvaks;614851 Wrote: 
> Rush's comeback album "Vapor Trails" is unlistenable. The music probably
> isn't as good as old Rush albums, but this recording doesn't even give
> you a chance to find out. Sounds like the person responsible for mixing
> it turned everything to 11 all the time.
> And if I recall correctly, their next album "Snakes & Arrows" was
> pretty much the same. Why didn't they learn?

Funny you should mention those.  I posted a review on Snakes and Arrows
on Amazon that has the same sentiment.   Many Rush fans were not happy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why cannot you make Transporter support 176.4 and 192Khz/24?

2010-04-03 Thread wireless200

michael123;529507 Wrote: 
> Transporter is a killer product, i think it deserves more attention.

Michael, I appreciate you dogged pursuit of answers in this thread.  
That's really the only way good things ever get done.  You ran into a
bit of a "no can do" attitude but it resulted in one of the more
interesting threads here for some time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Attention Audio Mythbusters!

2009-02-16 Thread wireless200

Phil Leigh;397059 Wrote: 
> OK - I think I've got it! What would be helpful is a batch convertor to
> go from FLAC to MP3 ... I'll do some research...

Best software I've found for that is Mediacoder audio edition.  It's
free, easy to use, and works quite well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Attention Audio Mythbusters!

2009-02-16 Thread wireless200

Phil Leigh;397048 Wrote: 
> Erm... I don't have a TP (but of course I'd be delighted to be sent one
> to test:) )
> I'm going to do some work on Mp3 tonight. It's not a format I use if I
> can avoid it. How would I create a 200Kbs VBR? - happy to try it!
> regards
> Phil

I wish I had one to send you as that would be an relevent test of
interest to many.

I'm not big on mp3 either as I'm sure is the case with others here but
I  use it in a couple of situations - streaming radio and often if I
want to try out something from a friend or buy inexpensively online
just to try, the format is mp3.

I create VBR with EAC and LAME.  There's a target average rate that I
use that usually ends up being a little over 200 kbs.  I can send you
files to compare, say, a 128 kbs cbr, 200 kbs vbr, 320 cbr, and flac if
you'd like. Not that I think about it, you'd have to download the flac
because of the size.  I have an ftp site I could put all of them on or
if you know an easier way or if you have a site I could upload them.

Let me know the genre or any suggestions you have for a particular
track or track.  I have a pretty decent CD collection.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Attention Audio Mythbusters!

2009-02-16 Thread wireless200

Phil, will you be able to do any SB vs. TP testing?
Also I'd like to see a flac vs. mp3 VBR (with target around 200 kbs)
vs. mp3 320 kbs vs. mp3 120 kbs.

Facinating and great work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Yamaha CR-2020

2009-01-23 Thread wireless200

jdbaker;388309 Wrote: 
> Would have to disagree with the harsh statement. I still listen to
> vinyl, Music Hall mmf-5, Dynavector 10x5 cart. and that sounds really
> good and I do not notice much of a difference with the SB3 as the
> source. My main point w/op was how surprised I was that my 1977 vintage
> receiver sounded as good or better than a modern $1700 integrated amp.

I'd be interested in the differences in how SS was made then vs. now. 
I've had a lot of SS over the years - Krell, MF, Marantz and it was all
harsh sounding to one degree or another with the SB and TP (and all
digital sources for that matter).  Finally bought McIntosh for one
system and put a Cary 120s Tube amp on the other with each slim device.
Both systems sound very good now.

I suspect SS was better made in the 70s because circuits weren't so

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with sssssibilance

2009-01-22 Thread wireless200

Having been through some of what you've been through, I suggest trying
some Mcintosh equipment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Yamaha CR-2020

2009-01-22 Thread wireless200

I had a cr-1020 that I bought about the same time.  My first
"audiophile" system.  It was a good sounding receiver but all it ever
saw was vinyl.  I think that's difference.  It died on me in the late
80s.  I had Yamaha's C-60 and M-60 during the 80s and it sounded pretty
good - again on vinyl.  I wonder what it would sound like with the TP. 
Somewhat harsh I would imagine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2009-01-18 Thread wireless200

I've just noticed that the digital TOS sounds different from RCA digital
input.  The RCA digital is fuller and TOS is a little thinner.

BTW, does your TOS cable "snap" into the Transporter input or just kind
of mush in and hang there?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-18 Thread wireless200

It funny I ran across this thread today.  I just upgraded to 7.3 last
night and I thought my Tranporter sounded *better* than before.  I have
it for a while over several SC upgrades and never had that thought
before.  I briefly thought about starting a thread asking the question:
do the software/firmware upgrades ever inprove sound quality?  I'm not
talking about the glitchy stuff but the actual sound quality.  This
latest release seemed to make mine sound better - more air, tighter


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter V.43 with knob fix

2008-06-18 Thread wireless200

Why would some units do it and not others?  Is there a difference in the
hardware?  What triggers it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and upgrading firmware

2008-05-31 Thread wireless200

Teus de Jong;306924 Wrote: 
> The latest version is in the 7.1 nightly release; it is version 42. In
> that version the input switching problems are solved, but there are
> still some issues (e.g. unpredictable degaussing rattle).
> Teus

I think the sound my TP is making must be "degaussing rattle."  Can you
elaborate on it?  It won't damage the device will it?  If not I'll keep
my production version of 7.0.1.  I don't care to use beta versions
unless they fix something important and don't like the display to
scroll "beta."  When I use my TP, it reminds me that something could
screw up due to the software being beta.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Just purchased a used MSB DAC (DAC Link III)

2008-05-25 Thread wireless200

How about A-B'ing it against the SB or TP and let us know the results?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] please urgent answer - want to be shure

2008-05-18 Thread wireless200

cliveb;301788 Wrote: 
> This thread is in danger of leading the casual reader to completely the
> wrong conclusion. I perceive a number of people here now think that a
> preamp is always required.
> [elided]
> As for the danger of a software fault blasting your speakers with full
> scale white noise: again, if you've set up the gain staging correctly,
> you should be OK, although I will acknowledge that the tweeters could
> be in peril. But the danger of this full scale white noise appears to
> be exaggerated. I have been running an SB2 for 3 years and a
> Transporter for 18 months, and have never once experienced this
> problem.

I agree with Clive.  I recently bought a McIntosh MC402 power amp and
run the TP straight into it.  My system hasn't sounded this good since
I left analog in the early 90s.  I sit there and just *listen* to the
music.  I haven't sat through whole CDs like this for many years. 

My speakers are inefficient at 86 dB.  I didn't have to add
attenuation.  The sound at full volume (TP at 0 dB) is just about as
loud as I need to hear it.  The amp has more in it and this is part of
what I think Sean was touching on when said the voltage levels weren't
matched.  That is, a preamp would match the output of the TP voltage
levels better to the input of the power amp and my system would get
louder.  Right now full volume usually runs about 40 watts average
wattage (with much higher peaks) on the 402.

One interesting thing is I bought some Cardas Golden Reference XLR ICs
thinking I would get 3 more dB into the amp but it turned out the
volumes between the RCAs and the XLR connection was essentially the
same.  Maybe McIntosh attenuated to match.  Clearly a sound improvement
across the spectrum though.  Costly but a noticeable improvement over my
$140 cables.

I had planned to buy a pre-amp but my system is sounding so good I'm in
no hurry to touch anything.  With the size of the Mc402, I don't have
any room for a pre-amp either.  I'd still like to get one if I could
figure out a WAF way to arrange my components.  Two things I'm missing
are the tone controls for those rare occasions when I play some
overboosted-highs "remaster" and for the 12v trigger - the McIntosh amp
must be manually turned on and off without it.

I also wish the TP had more volume steps.  The lowest volume level is
still a little loud - it's low but not barely audible.  I noticed the
Mc preamps have 99 increments.

Also noticed the little ticking noise when the TP volume goes up and
down.  I assume this is some sort of digital volume control quirk.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Volume settings.

2008-05-06 Thread wireless200

cliveb;295398 Wrote: 
> The Transporter output attenuators only operate on the unbalanced
> outputs. The MC402 has the option of balanced inputs, and from my
> experience (and a number of others around here), you really owe it to
> yourself to use balanced. That means if you need attenuation, it'll
> have to be external. Start without any attenuation and turn the TP
> volume right down, then gradually increase it until you get as loud as
> you'll ever want. That tells you how much attenuation (if any) you
> need.
> That said, I see the MC402 input sensitivity is 4V on the balanced
> inputs, which is actually fairly low. Many balanced power amps have a
> sensitivity around 2V, some even as high as 1V. So you may well find
> that you're OK without any attenuation at all.

Clive, you're right on the money.  I didn't need attenuation.  The 0 dB
setting is actually just about right for maximum loudness I'd listen to.
That said I'm going to go balanced to get that extra 3 dB out. 
Sometimes I need the amp to go to "11" ya know.   I've got a request in
for a pair of Cardas Golden Cross ICs.  I was planning to buy those all
along but the MC402 is sounding so good that I'm a little conflicted
between the Golden Cross and Golden Reference.  Not much price
difference but the Golden Cross is always said to be warm, fluid,
smooth while the Golden reference is more detailed. 

I always had a problem with my Krell and other amps being too bright. 
The MC402 is the first amp I've been able to sit down and listen to for
a good long while without wanting to leave the room after three songs. 
IOW, it's already nice.  I wondered if the Golden Cross' will take the
smoothness to far.  In any case I've read so many good things about the
Cross' that I've decided to go with them.  

Finally! the TP DAC sounds very good through an amp I own.

Still debating whether to buy a pre-amp or not.  I was thinking about
the c2300.  I was very close to buying a c46 then noticed the 4k treble
tone control doesn't roll off the top the normal way.  It only rolls off
a big hump around 4k but barely anything off the top few KHz.

regards, David


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Volume settings.

2008-04-25 Thread wireless200

cliveb;295398 Wrote: 
> The Transporter output attenuators only operate on the unbalanced
> outputs. The MC402 has the option of balanced inputs, and from my
> experience (and a number of others around here), you really owe it to
> yourself to use balanced. That means if you need attenuation, it'll
> have to be external. Start without any attenuation and turn the TP
> volume right down, then gradually increase it until you get as loud as
> you'll ever want. That tells you how much attenuation (if any) you
> need.
> That said, I see the MC402 input sensitivity is 4V on the balanced
> inputs, which is actually fairly low. Many balanced power amps have a
> sensitivity around 2V, some even as high as 1V. So you may well find
> that you're OK without any attenuation at all.

I'll give that a try on the Mc. I tried balanced out of the TP to the
Krell I just sold and couldn't hear much of a diff.  Maybe just the
littlest bit.  It was easy to A-B with both hooked up and I adjusted
the volume to match them.  I have also read where several people said
they liked RCA better when they A-B'ed.  Still, gotta love that *click*
though when connecting the balanced connections.  I plan to buy a pair
of Golden Cross cables as I've heard they are very smooth.  

RCA and XLR are equal in price for those cables.  I kind of like not
having an external attenuator but no big deal really.  As long as it's
not one of the stepping or external boxes that I've seen.  A small,
fixed bullet-sized one would be ok.  Thanks for the advice.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Volume settings.

2008-04-24 Thread wireless200

pfarrell;295319 Wrote: 
> wireless200 wrote:
> >   One thing I was
> > wondering, under what conditions could or would the volume reset to
> 0.0
> > dB?  Power cycle?  Anything else?
> [...]
> The transporter is a computer. While its more reliable than most 
> computers, I would not try to enumerate all possible ways for a
> computer 
> to mess up.
> The speakers you save may be your own.

Ok I see how to adjust the attenuaters in the manual.  I'll try it that
way.  thanks.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Volume settings.

2008-04-24 Thread wireless200

Well, I bought an MC402 amp today.  I'm going to try running the TP
straight into the amp.  I'm concerned about the volume.  I don't want
any issues with the digital volume on the TP.  One thing I was
wondering, under what conditions could or would the volume reset to 0.0
dB?  Power cycle?  Anything else?

regards, David

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox 3 and Mark Levinson DAC

2008-04-20 Thread wireless200

duke43j;293585 Wrote: 
> Hi Dave. Have you compared the Krell to the MC402 yet? When I bought my
> amp the KAV-2250 was on my short list. I chose the Classe’ CA-2100
> because I thought it had a smoother sound with my Thiel speakers. I
> never got to listen to a McIntosh. 
> It’s interesting that you like the Apollo better than the TP. I was
> hoping that there was a reasonably priced DAC out there that would be
> at least as good as the Apollo. I, too, love the convenience of the
> Squeezebox, but I don’t enjoy the sound as much as I do from the
> Apollo. My goal is to get the same (or better) sound from a
> Squeezebox/DAC and then sell the Apollo. From what I've experienced
> (see above), almost any DVD/CD player paired with a good DAC will
> produce a very good sound.
> Regards, Bob

Bob, I haven't compared yet.  I heard a high-end Mc system in the store
on Focals and it sounded great.  The Krell has a different "house"
sound.  I originally bought the Krell due to space considerations and
didn't think the sound of the Mc integrateds was all that good.  The
Krell made about 20% of my music sound out of this world - I mean just
delightful.  The other 80% I had varying degrees of success.  Anything
with compression or boosted highs - wow - the Krell let you know it and
not in a good way.  I concluded one needs $5k or greater in the source
before the Krell going to sound good over a large range of recordings. 
Basically  you need a source that's true to good recordings and fixes or
at least smooths over the bad ones.  The TP doesn't fit the bill for
that purpose.  

After I bought the MF, it made most of my recordings sound good but I
lost that steller 20% and missed it.  I don't care about coloration as
long as it sounds sweet and musical hence my choice to move to the Mc. 
Further I'm going to try to TP straight into the amp bi-passing a pre. 
I think you're going to be feeling the pain with Theil's just as I
do/did with my Aerials.  Both are what I would call detailed speakers. 
I've heard Theils sound good with tubes and smooth sources but suffered
in the same way as the Krell caused when they've been connected
staright to an accurate source.  I think you made the right choice with
Classe' for your current setup.  

But, yeah, any digital input to a good DAC would be ok IMO.  The DAC is
where the rubber meets the road.  It's going to come down to the DAC. 
I'm trying to avoid an outboard DAC but the next one I would try would
be a MF Tri-vista dac.  Got to have something to massage the highs!

regards, David


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

Shredder;292146 Wrote: 
> [...]Perhaps relevant to your original question, I run my TP directly
> into my power. Without attenuators, my amps had way way too much gain.
> Added Endler stepped attenuators and am now happy as a clam.
> Good luck.

Shred, why didn't you adjust the jumpers inside the TP?  Do you not
want to open it up?
regards, David

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

opaqueice;292064 Wrote: 
> Actually the wikipedia article is fine - he just needed to read (and
> understand) past the first two sentences.  Maybe that was too much to
> expect.

Actually understanding the article - standard fare in any circuits 101
class - isn't the issue.  The article doesn't say anything about what
is best for audio quality does it.

Obviously there's more to it than power transfer and efficiency.  I
think that's where you're getting confused.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

Thanks Phil and others I think I've got a better understanding of what's
going on there.

Actually I understand the Wiki article just fine.  I derived the
theorem in 2nd year EE and have an MSEE.  It's covered in every
Circuits 101 class.  Actually I think opaq is a little confused about
what it says because the reason the theorem doesn't apply for my
question wasn't due to the parts about power transfer or efficiency. 
Of course thankfully others stepped up with very good clear-headed
explanations as to what was going on.

Thanks to Phil and others for that.  There were some very good replies.
As far as needing 400 watts.  I have inefficient speakers.  Aerial 7Bs
(rated 86 dB but measured less in Stereophile).  They drop to 4 ohms in
the bass region.  I thought about getting an MC252 but the MC402 was
reommended for my speakers.  But probably either one would work. 
Follow the old adage for cars - get the biggest engine you can in the
model you want to buy.  :)

I've owned a 400 watt Krell and a 300 watt Musical Fidelity with these
speakers and, yeah, they could get loud but I don't think they were
overkill by any means.  Also of course it has to do with delivering
peak power when it's needed.  Certainly the Aerials swallow the 100
watt Marantz I have hooked up to them now.  It'll get loud too but you
can tell they need something with more power or ability to deliver
power when needed.

Also nothing meant against Sean by quoting that link. No need for me to
go and re-explain the theorem when a link would do.  I was looking for a
little more explanation and others nicely stepped up.

regards, David

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

opaqueice;292032 Wrote: 
> Eh?  What kind of SS amp has an ouput impedance of 4 ohms?  Mostly
> they're well under .1 ohms (usually expressed in terms of the damping
> factor).
> An amplifier with an output impedance close to the impedance of the
> speaker it's connected to will audibly distort.
> It's -not- another matter - it's one of the main reasons you need the
> output impedance much less than the input impedance.

The Mcintosh mc402 gives 2, 4, and 8 terminals as "output load
impedance."   Musical Fidelity Kw550 specs a 50 ohm "output load loop

Of course LC effects will distort the waveform (or even eliminate it at
certain frequencies due to filtering effects).  I guessing if there were
no LC effects, then there would still be valid reasons for the
relatively different impedance values between source and target.  

Again as stated earlier I think it's to generate maximum voltage across
the input.  But if that were absolutely the case then speakers
impedances should be as high as possible.  The physical machinations
required of a woofer or tweeter must account for this difference.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

opaqueice;291976 Wrote: 
> I think Sean was probably referring to the "doesn't bode well" part of
> your post when he said it was wrong.  Read the second paragraph of the
> wiki article you linked to.
Well I think NewBuyer had it right: you want maximum voltage across the
target but I wanted to hear Sean's explanation.

> Reconcile what?  In both cases the source impedance is much lower than
> the load's, as it should be.
TP (100 ohms) into Amp (10k ohms) vs Amp output (~4 ohms) into speakers
(~4 ohms).  In one case the impedance is not matched in the other it is.
I assume this is because the speaker is a physical transducer and you'd
need maximum power transfer but again I'd like to hear a designer's

> If in addition the input impedance isn't purely resistive and varies
> with frequency (which is certainly the case for speakers), the effects
> of the voltage divider will be frequency dependent and would seriously
> distort the sound... unless the output impedance is much less than the
> load resistance.

Yes, this is a whole 'nother matter - LC effects.  Not really wanting
to get into that at this time for my purposes.

Another thing I was curious about.  I've heard that pre-amps are needed
because often preamp DACs and volume controlled CD players, etc., don't
have the output power suitable for a power amp input and that a preamp
is needed.  

I want to use the TP as a pre-amp and avoid buying a separate pre-amp. 
That's why I'm asking these questions.  Although it's good information I
don't really want to hear "other's are doing it"... I like to know what
the pros and cons are from a technical perspective.  An MC402 by itself
is pricey and if I've got to buy a pre-amp too then I've got to take
that into account for my budget.

regards, David


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

seanadams;291893 Wrote: 
> That's wrong - below radio frequencies, you want a low source impedance
> and a high load impedance. 100R into 10K is a good (and typical)
> arrangement for audio.

Obviously, the theorem is not wrong 
but I'll take your word on the desired relative impedances being the
best.  Why is this and from there how do you reconcile a speaker's
typical impdendance with a typical SS amp's output impedance (high back
to low)?

regards, David

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What happened to the links?

2008-04-16 Thread wireless200

funkstar;291940 Wrote: 
> Someone probably deleted them while cleaning up the server.
> [...]

Well, considering one of Sean's best arguments is, to paraphrase, yes
DACs and other components have subjective and unmeasurable factors to
their sound but of the things that are measurable, the TP DAC beats
Benchmark's, and others, then these gifs were very important screen
shots illustrating his proposition.  One (noise floor) basically swayed
me over from the Benchmark to buy the TP.

regards, David

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What happened to the links?

2008-04-15 Thread wireless200

Anybody know what happened to these links:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-15 Thread wireless200

Hmmm, that's interesting... the TP has a 100 ohm output impedance and
the McIntosh has a 10k ohm input impedance (20k ohm balanced).  What
does this mean as far as sound quality.  Matching impedances result in
maximum power transfer so this doesn't bode so well, does it? I don't
know exactly.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] output inpedance of the TP

2008-04-15 Thread wireless200

What is the output inpedance of the TP?  Just trying to figure out how
well it would mate with a Mcintosh MC402.

regards, David


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter straight into an amp

2008-04-13 Thread wireless200

I'm thinking about buying a nice amp and running the transporter
straight into it.

So far I've tried the TP with a Krell integrated 400xi.  The
well-recorded CDs I have sounded the best I've ever heard but the other
70% were a mixed bag.  I think the Krell was just too good - no
forgivness there!  Any compression or boosted highs just shredded my

I'm running a Musical Fidelity A308 dual-mono which sounds pretty good
too but I'm considering running the TP either straight into a Ayre V5Xe
or a Mcintosh C252 and trying that.  The MF makes about 80% of my CDs
sound good but the good ones aren't as good as they were on the Krell. 
The MF has a nice warmth to it.

Any of y'all doing that? I don't really need a pre-amp as the TP would
be the only input.

I'm also thinking about going to an all-tube setup but that's another

regards, David

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help in understanding the loudness issue.

2008-03-21 Thread wireless200

bhaagensen;282186 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> [...]
> Next question. Is compression not preferable to overly aggressive
> filtering as in above? Sure one gets a distorted waveform compared to
> the original source, on the other hand one can potentially avoid
> throwing too much stuff in the bin. If so what is an acceptable amount
> of compression? Or when is it unacceptable?   
> [...]

For an interesting explanation of compression see

If you have VU meters a la the SB or TP, you'll very clearly see what
is compressed and the effect compression has on sound.

regards, David

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Balanced vs. unbalanced

2008-03-17 Thread wireless200

The way I understand it, in the TP after the D/A is peformed the signal
is in a combined state (unseparated) and to get it to balanced, it has
to go through another set of circuitry to separate the signals into
balanced componenets for the XLR output.  Whereas the RCA output does
not go through the additional circuitry.  And at the other end (e.g.,
my Krell) it has to go through the reverse process to recombine the

In other words keeping the signal on the unblanced RCA path results in
a circuit path with fewer components.  Thoughts?

regards, David


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is connected to your Transporter?

2008-03-15 Thread wireless200

bigfool1956;248462 Wrote: 
> [...]
> Power from Shunyata - a Hydra and a mix of their powersnakes (I put my
> money where my mouth was and bought the review set).

How much did the Hydra improve the sound, if any?  I'm thinking about
buying a Hydra 4.

regards, David

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: Balanced XLR vs Unbalanced RCA

2008-03-15 Thread wireless200

haraldo;280015 Wrote: 
> [...]
> I don't know what it is, but this amplifier must be run balanced in
> order to get the full benefit of the product. [...]
> I don't know what this is and why it is like this, but this is very
> audible and certainly not about a placebo effect.
> -H :-D

I'm running a TP so I'll be going from that directly to the 400Xi. Did
you A-B between the balanced and unbalanced?  I guess you couldn't
exactly do that since the SB doesn't have a balanced output.  Can you
do that on the DAC 1?  Or are you comparing the analog out from the SB
to the balanced out of the DAC 1?

I came very close to getting a DAC 1 Pre to go with my SB but
ultimately decided on the TP.

regards, David

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Balanced and RCA at the same time

2008-03-14 Thread wireless200

Does it make any difference if the balanced and RCA outputs are hooked
up at the same time (to A-B them)?  That is, does it cause the
impedence or anything to change to simultaneously place two loads on
the outputs?  The TP doesn't have a selection for the output does it?

regards, David


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: Balanced XLR vs Unbalanced RCA

2008-03-14 Thread wireless200

haraldo;261906 Wrote: 
> [...]
> Changing from those very expensive cables to ordinary (very cheap)
> balanced canare cables from Blue Jeans cables was such an improvement
> that it just beats me what's going on It was just impossible not to
> hear the improvement
> Probably, the KAV400xi hates to be run single-ended, which means:
> I guess there's no definite answer to this, this all depends on the
> rest of the rig and what works best in your situation == Use your ears,
> I reckon
> Cheers
> -H

Haraldo have you stuck with Blue Jeans cables or upgraded to something
better?  I'm going to try my TP with Zu cables (Gede XLRs) which I like
a lot with their RCA connectors.  I have a 400Xi as well and I get the
impression Krell do like balanced with them pushing their CAST system
and all.

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